itcular study to modulate tlieir voice in toft and melodious tones and to display grace and ele gance in every motion their habitations are intermingled with garden and form small villa ges very near io each oilier consisting of about twenty houses each and in the middle of cadi of these villages is a stroncly fortified lower in which in case of invasion ihey shut the women and riches of the country these tower as well as all lie house arc built of wood decora ted with great art and finished with tale the dress of the circassian men is a mixture of l he greek and turkisu habits it consists of a pair of wide pantaloons buskin a close bod- dice fastened with a girdle a kind of domino with open sleeves and a cap or litibiiii not very high broad at the top and narrow at the bottom they shave their beards leaving very lung mus- tachios the dress of the women is more simple and pleasing it consists of pantalonn a imddice and a long robe in armenian laslc or a large furred pelisse- from the cap or bonnet of the shape of a sugar loaf hangs a veil this bonnet is richly ornamented with pearls the dress is never sold with the women unless agreed for separately the circassian women however like the european wear under all a linen garment which ihey change every day and this garment the seller is obliged lo give with he woman to the purchaser iu thisstutc he delivers his merchandise toms which leave no doubt of its being the cholera morbus the most beneficial remedies have beco happily resorted to id good time and the progress of the disease ims thereby been sir- rested frnui the state which the presi dent of the council now is there is every reason to hope that he will shortly become convalescent from the mtssagtr ties chambres yesterday evening at halfpast 4 tho president wsls ttiken with vomiting he hud during the day suffered iroin a divi- uess of the head crump in tho stomach foreign news from the jv y commercial 1lvtrliser latest from england thoshipthomas dickerscn anthony ar rived this morning from liverpool whence she sailed on tho 12th of april wo are indebted to captaia anthony for the lon don morning chronicle of the 11 ill of april the reform bill was brought up lor its second readiog in the lords on the th it was supposed that the question would have been taken before iho close of the sit ting of the 10th as earl grey had issued a circular requesting a full attendance of the frieods of the bill that eveuiug after a long aud spirited debate however he questioo wasagaio adjourned the duke of wellington made a strong speech against the bill on the 10th- tho earl of had dington has given notice of his intention should the present bill be lost to introduce a bill by way of a compromise of this agita ting question lord wharncliffe made an able speech io favor of allowing the hill to be read a second lime and scut to a committee of the whole it could there he amended or perhaps got rid of altogether io the course of the remarks of the duke of wellington in disputing the benefits to the french of their late revolution he tin ted the important facr that at no poriod during the reign of louts xv ii charlcs x did it require more than from 500 to 1000 men to keep the peace of paris but since the revolution there has not beou a month in the course of which 6000 men in arms have not been necessary for the samo purpose lord elleohorough made a very able speech again3t the bill on the 9th the debates were very animated and al times much more personal thao have been usual in the house of lords the morniug chronicle speaks doubting- ly as to the result hut is rather inclined to believe that the bill will be ordered to a se cond readiug by a very small majority the liverpool courier of tho ii lb a inodcrato tory paper says it appears to he anticipated that the reform bill will he carrfed aceortlfttx fco wim w m tiflbv 1 lo i wise on these points by six or according to others by twelvo or fourteen votes car ried it probably will be but on all hands it is agreed by a small majority london april 11 the debato on cccond reading of tho reform bill ml pains in the bowels the other mem bers of the administration wero forbidden to approach his apartment the official duties of the bureaux wore deputed to a pri vate cabinet great anxiety is manifested iu the hotel dr icmcry the usual medi cal attendant of m casimir perier and dr broussais were called and had recourse to the best remedies and leeches were twire applied his majesty sent frequently io toquiro after the slate of tho ministers health m casimir perier is not yet out of dan- gcr although the vomiting has ceased aud perspiration has been brought on the hopes of the medical men are hourly strengthened and a speedy return to a state of eouvalcsceucc will in all probability en sue france and italy if there is any re liance to be placed upon the italian corre- canad ho opened some time ago an office tl london for disposing of these iftudsafjtl published a prospectus and his majesty government thought it necessary so far take notice of his pretensions as to send instructions to tho governors of these clonics io prevent the settlement of any fcrsous who might attempt to oc cupy hirnls under colour of titles derived from lord stirling his claim however is not i holly without colour though we do not iniflftifio tw proceedings he is stated to have instituted will prevent he sale of government nodsin any of the north ame rican provinces to the british north ame rican litod company which is what the court journal intends by the new canada company- qmuc mercury control over tilt band which had pcrpctra- board of the vessel last u ted tho outrage lie could no surrender the boat having becu drowned kail in phis is the not with respect to that vessel at least rumour is probably not without some inunlerers lite general did not urge the true point the tho prnphot winnebago is represent- foundation hut no certain information has ed a iho chief instigator of the present dif- l yet been obtained on the subject fiotillies and h j seconded iu his scheme miscellany or woin on the chojkra mr ittofri surgeon musselburgh known in the world of the belles letters his coott ibutious to blackwoods magazine and to the world of physic by his recent history of ancient medicine has found time amidst the multitude of his late du ties to throw together a few practical observations ou malignant cholera as that diase u now exhibiting itself iu scotland having ourselves neither mo- dical knowledge nor cxperienco of tho by black ii awl thrse two indians with their followers ire now on or near the spot whence black hawk was removed last summer the inst inurmaiion from the two hos tile bands was of a character to exclude the idea of uunctfiftte hostilities on the part of tho irwin us their old moo women and children ure still with them aud it is well known tha all ineffective and helpless persons arosonmway after they have made up their mind iht it is gen atkinsons intention to tako i measures tohunhlo black hawk and the i prophet aud teeh them that we are to be i trilled with oo nnger in a word lo settle well j ibe difficulties sg that there will be no more y alarm from tlitse indians he has sent lespatches lo gov reynolds to have the se i u total ii nsitii in tcland 13002 nmlicr of emigrants iho present dale ltii 1241 ireland 7u5 arrived this of may scotland happy soi to wo are onion i of some spirited is now a probability of ind that individu a house by the ex- als there of cur- quired until it country prudent to prep lb er iu tin bill liny wit s detenniued services be re bo called upon militia ready vmuld ihcir i not to scour the indian mean lime it is deemed ingers mi the frontier to buv thing that may hap- iceiion being established for this district mercury the stralhisla from london was board ed off perce a few days since by a boat who informed them that the election for gaspo had taken place and that mr christie had been unanimously reelected the name of ihe other member js not re collected by our informant 6 i- i k i i disease tve can say nothing tor the aceur dance to be placed upon the italiau corre- 7y i m t i i i cv of mr- moire observations but as fi snondenceofihe omstttutionntl tho austn- m i n i r exnerleuee has been very great aud as w ansare aiding the papal troops to force the p m r know htm to bo a man of clear umlcrs auc french troops to evacuate ancona r tj l m put ed fm pen and ceu stkinson has advised gov reynolds to tlat effect it is reported the high runs iin en bout six miles north of this and where in a direct line nine miles from the the sea crossed it carrying with it ps dreaoful hurricane in india ex tract from a private letter daied novem ber 10 from the neighbourhood ofhalnsoie i eao think of nothing but the hurricane which occurred here on the last day of oc tober such a calamity 1 never heard or read of at least 10000 persons io ray juris- diction wero drowned and i fear tho ac counts will show double that number in road from ma dras to calcufta mas through bnlasorc n- t is coast every living thing to thatspace in that direction at least 150 square miles were inundated from 10 to 15 feet deep the sea came up to balasore and to the northward also tho inundation was little less the deck aud part of a vessel are on the road where the sea crossed it on the west side aud where its progress was check ed by the road on the east side are lying all dead and heaped together men tigers buffaloes cows c 1 have sent out hun dreds of people to burn and bury hut if it doe not breed a pestilenco we shall be lucky ii is not easy to dispose of bodies covering miles the beogal hurknru after describing the total destruction of the crops iu the above district states that on the night of tho 8th of nov 7000 mminds of grain had beeu despatched for tho use of the famish ing survivors of the dreadful flood tii2 we the is a ram adjourned the army- a detachment from the 79th depot is or dered to join the service companies iu caoada with lieutcol macdougal lieutenant weir and thirty men of the 32d itegimeor are ordered from tralee to embark for canada to join the service companies lieutenant colonel warre assistant quarter master gcuoral from thoports- mouth district will be stationed at cork the 43d light infantry and 60th rifles in dublin have broken up their full bauds rotaining however the trumpets and bu gles and adding them to their brass bands which now consist of from twentyseven to thirty instruments this regulation is mhi n rpoci light infantry aud rifle regimeui as tho ilrigade majors of v eomaury in ireland arc lo bo struck nt their duties will be performed by the field oflicers nf regiments stationed in the respective di- tricti limerick ctnonicle ire inclined to think bis i highly dtrterviug of ftiteouon the follow ing apprar to us as the most striking aud important of mr moirs observations the proximate cause of the disease ho believes lo be a paralysis of the sympa thetic system of nerves whatever l disease has been io other countries it hasdeeidedly proved itself coo- tauious in ibis 4i indeed snys mr m m the whole histo ry of tho disease among us from first to last is nothing more than a consecutive series of examples strikingly illustrative of ihe personal communicahihy of the disease he also thinks that it will never leave a place while a vicim susceptible of its in fluence remains stimuli and exhaustion should alike bo avoided in uo siuglo instance within mr moirs experience has the disease attacked a ro bust person 1 io thinks it as unlikely for a person in ordinary rood health to ho at tacked as for one to have ibe small pox for die second time wherever a person appairmly healthy was attacked it was afterwards discovered that there had been a defieieney of nervous tone and a couso- queuitdimioutioo of the powers of life in- lemjpcrate habits scanty nutrition and na- turajl delicacy nf the constitution are he thiotks the three grand predisposing causes of ciliolera im treatment in tho early stage mr moiir is of opinion that opium must bo nil mioiistered for the purpose of traoquilizing the stomach but not continued after the vomiiting abates iu the second stage alome does ho think bloodletting of any avaiil from twelvo to eighteen ounces may then be drawn witji benefir in the last stage it rsuecdiessto open a vciu as the blood will not flow imterments should bo speedy and carts shouild be employed to carry tho coffins e aceura- hat the siousand mcoornineesare raising as his 0 d- tatnphlct a war pnrty to go against the sacs and foxes but it ucoubtful whether the report is well grounded a council will beheld with the menominee and they will he i told that tho t states will avenge their wrongs to do this was the object of the expedition but circumstances have altered its complexion i some measure tho si auugtine herald men oos it receipt of the report of lieut pickuoll who during the last year was employed on au experimental survey to test the practicabi lity of constructiuk a canal across tho pe ninsula and the tenor lis liiktily wtttslaetor the quantity nf water wanted for iho sop- ply of the gaunt is ggqs7450 cubic yards the sources from whence this water is i proposed to he drawn are sampsons yesterday we witnessed one of iho most delightful seeucs that the eye of a christian could behold viz tho union of all deno minations assembled iu the same house to worship the samo god naving one com moo interest to serve and ooo common danger to fear the notice of a general aud solemn fast we gave to our last num ber by publishing the governors procla mation at ihe hour appointed for pub lic worship at the episcopal church crowds of every denomination as if impelled by otio common spirit of zeal attended ihe call and the church was so filled that fears were entertained by some that the gallery would break down many went off for want of room several of the leading me- e thodists were present the rev mr bu- el presbyterian minister and his lady for med a part of this interesting assembly the hev mr- clarke preached from these words of jonah but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth aud cry mightily unto god yea let them turn every ooo from his way and from tho violence that is in their hands 11 who can tell igod will turn and re m pond kinpsloys pond little ami uig pent and turn away from his fierce anger santa fepond pond pond summit pond prong of uiack crock i tbco sources lieut p of the woods trout and iho head of s f tho supply from cunell estimates at ii i708hri cubic yards making an excess ef45 aufican paper hotoif the british tptaio fifcuaraftiyf at barque lkitnlnt captain gallilec 50 days from liverpool weh arrived at bos ton on sunday last ha been placed under quarantino at that po ft particular cause is assigned i morning post of monday states that tht pilot wished to an chor her at the quarani ground but the captain insisted and in fact ordered him to bring her up to the city she i been ordered hack to mercury as since road quebec inay statement go- there is an extra on iog the rounds of tho p ges tho captain had succeeded in capti a slave vesse on the coast of africa a carrying her io- that wo perish not mr buel had given notice of preaching in the evening when a number of the episcopal church attended mr b preach ed from st matthew chap 5 agree with thine adversary quickly whilst thou art in the way with him c c- his discourse was well adapted for the occasion aod delivered with all the earnestness of one that seemed deeply interested the shops of the village were all shut during the day and less appearance of either business or idleness exhibited than we have witness ed on any sunday since we came to this place st catharines mirror he rronteoiplates sectiiou uo advautage to fernatult po with selling the unfortu nate negroes and ngaj making slaves of them it seems quite unnecessary to offer any contradiction to su a statement as every person knows tb impossible from dis- to commit such au ouu j any british colony slave dealio j piracy by the etv law tjik comkt the following extract is the tliest account wc have yet seen in a con nu denied farm of the particulars of a visit by ground again witho bc tri- all sorts of reports arc iu circulation on j tho subject of the division some think j that the motion of the duke of bucking ham will have the effect of depriving min isters of several votes tho general per suasion however is tbatmioistcrs will car ry the secoud reading by a small majority provided only there bo a majority the smaller the bettor as it will render it the more necessary to secure the bill against any mutilation in its subsequent stages the duke of buckingham by strengthen ing the minority may thus unintentionally be the means of promoting real reform tho motion of the duke of buckingham was to be made ouy in ease the secoud reading should be negatived in that ease it was his intention he said on the igth of april lo bring in a hill for giving two re presentatives in parliament to those large towns which by their opuleuce and com mercial importance were entitled to here- presented although at present they were not represented this would he the first object of tho bill a secoud object of the bill would be to conjoin and consolidate each of which now re- wkstindiks extract of a letter from his hip north star dated jamaica igyo tho piou hyacinth majestys j7th jau blnuehe blossom cham- rose and sparrowhawk are at montegu bay the crews of the first three are on shore anil arc expected to march into the interior with 150 militia in search of runaway negroes the rebel slaves have retired in a body of j 0000 men into tho mouutaius a missionary has been shot by the teamen of ihe hose by seuiencc of court lartiil and ouothcr is in irons uu board tho blanche for having aided aud advised the slaves in the insur rection tho fmperor of haytis troops are in a miserable condition tho oflicers and soldiers are without shoes and their clothes aru ragged at a hall given by the frnperor on christmas lve iho black la dies appeared highly dressed and covered with jewels aod tho company consisted of many hundreds several english oflicers were present the emperor was very at tentive and spoke very hampshire telegraph whiich this year will probably be honoured the repot t ofprofessor david will relieve all itto fears that havo been felt on ihe sub ject a comet can hardly do much dam age an so respectable a distance as 20000- 000 off miles eicikes comft 1s32 by professor da vid inoperial astronomer at the university ofprartguc a variety of surmises on the suhjecct of this comet having prevailed for fiorno limo past and these surmises being of a rtrutinq tto littnuutw h tfhwiivrt tfrfivi on inur owu globe even to tho extcut of en gendering prophetical denunciations of the mistebief which it will occasion it appears higlu time to allay tho apprehensions which havfu been excited atid to state the results at uvhich an accurate calculation of its course has e nab led us to arrive this comet has frequently appeared in former years and was observed from tho observatory at prague in 1825 or 1828 on the present occuisioo it will be discovered though ooly by tthe aid of tho best and clearest scojpes io iho sign armjamcnt aod will fore 9 oclock in the evening between the mididlc and tatter end of tho present fclhruary it will traverse il the imouth of march enter aries fatal accident we have just been informed by a gentleman who left fort erie yesterday morning that a lamentable accident happened ou sunday afternoon last to ayouog gentleman named telfour ipers which char- i w has recently arrived from england in of a ijritish frigate who w a mr james and family with a view of settling with them in ih township of caradoc in the london dis trict mr telfour aod ason of mr james were walking out together the latter with a loaded rifle when tho former struck his caue against the rifle which instantly want off the contents of it passiog through mr t the unfortunate young gentleman was yet alive when our informant left at 1 o clock ou monday morniog hut ibe surgeon pronounced tho wound mortal aod no hopes were entertained of his recovery york courier ana a c t plain v f a frigate would not only lose bis by such act iut could never et k fo0 ol ed and punished as a monand a pirate albiok- i ata j accident it with feelings of board or health tin the quarantino laws wilt hi complaint they must how ccd with tho necessary rigou tualothcrwuo they will be t ifcd with aud their aid defeated wo understand that cnpldn neil has execution ol urally excite er bo eufor- tii bo clice- grosseisle for a cessary of the h longer best and clearest tele- pisces in the western set about a quarter be- prcferred complaints to the ltird of health viwi p vjyqfflfv jfe lajift officer at lctc- than ne- p itohcrtso from gteo- nock evidence has been taen before the board on iho matter and i- onfliu it is staled has been called upou answer the complaint the cases of the caoada intrepid and william from arichat havo also beco be fore tho board that complaints will arise there can be no doubt the medical officer utgrosso isle has a very difficult task to perform aud masters of vessels their crew aud passen gers at ihe em of a voyage especially if it has been of lonj duration are not the most nnduct of the irttstt trs rptvtrd xhe death of mr thomas russell late ol tins twu who was killed suddenly by the fall of a tree in the gore of torooto on saturday last mr russell was an honest active and indus trious settler whose loss will he severly felt in that neighbourhood and he has left a wife and a numerous family to lament his uotimcly end canadian freeman a veterinary surgeoo has lately disco vered that exhausted aud worn out horses are very speedily restored to their strength and condition by giving them daily one or two bundles of couch grass of ten or twelve pounds weight mixed with a quantity of carrots thus this weed which wherever it has appeared has been the pest of far mers will become a useful medicament french paper month unprejudiced judges of the c f detaining officer at the same time as he us sign m io the goo vei french ii certain boroughs turned two members to parliament so as to return two members for the consolidated boroughs ihe purpose of this being to pro- veul the inconvenience nf au addition lo the present numbers of the house of commons by the introduction of members for places not before represented and a third pro vision of the bill would be to extend tho e- lective franchise to persons not now enti tled to vote so as to preveut the abuse of the elective franchise iu boroughs cholera in knolako the report made to the board of health on tho 10th announces 3d new cases aud 28 deaths iu the country from southwark the report was 12 new cases and 10 deaths ely 12 cases and 7 deaths oo the ih gl on iho 7ih 1 1 new cases aud d deaths court journal has tho following jasgow cholera lkram paris papers were to the 8th of april inclusive the cholo- land ra was advancing with fearful progression also denied and has become a formidable pestilence iu teresting ooo the capital m casimir perier the prei- tried dent of the council aud some others of j the territory granted by the distinction had been attacked on ihcder which lord stirling clnimt the paragraph new baron etci i s lord stirling whoso claim to the peerage is now uu- tier consideration has instructed his law agent to commence proceedings in chan cery fur the purpose of preventing the appropriation of lauds iu canada to the new canada company which has just been formed uoderihe sanction of govern ment lord stirling claims by virtue of a charter io one of his ancestors the sole right to iho possession of tho lands which lord goderich has agreed to grant to the company and also to other territory cx- 1 tending several hundred miles lie auo under the same charier assumes the power i of creating 150 haroneteie and he has c- erctsed it in two or three instances the colonial department resists the claim to the and his richt to create ilarouetcics is the question will beau in to the public if it should be cannot but bo aware of the temper of those subjected to hi visitation his own discern- etid of that latter mouth and meut must poiut out ihe necessity of pre- io tfhe course of its progress through tau- serving the suaviter iu inodo whilst strictly rus which it will enter at that period it i performing a most unpleasant duly the hegtmuiug of april aod set at half past 9 towards th will continue gradually to draw oca tho un with which its muhraueous after the middle of may willi appmacl cr io setting will be si lt nearest to tho earth after tho midullo ofjune but will then cease to ap- nity of the gentle hope of giving satisfaction to tho dtttmtes we admit is almost desperate but it is io his power to prevent any just cause of com- plaiot and this the experience anil nine- men tin ployed will wi buuu l mm tui cjrcuimstunce it will bo no longer visible to us as at this stage of its course the co met will attain to more thao 50 degrees southern latitude it will be far removed from tho iplane of the earths orbit and even in its uioare proximity to our globe it will be au a distance much exceeding 20 millions of unites- from the preceding data as well as from the bodyless nature of the matlier which appears to constitute planets eveiry individual may infer for himself that no prejudicial cflects whatever ou our own preheuded from tho op present comet nues with in respec- og iftor peajrahovu our horizon in consequence of j doubt not enable him to effect q mercury its hying too much to the south from thi the rage for emigration com increased cuergy many familes table circumstances are caving eulnud j both for these provinces aod the united states but very many of the poorer class i will also come out- the morniug herald j5ili april says the karl of egremnui seut off loou paupers at hi- own expense j last week and paid 1500 into ihe hands of ibe secretary of the canada company 1 for their uso ou their arrival this is as it should be t ho act is worthy a british nobleman the objects of bits bounty will we dare predict soon ccasmc be paupers similar plans have been admpted by cou- tributioo in other pans of 1 on friday evening a man of the name of curreo was shot at from the wiudow of a house occupied by robert cooke in the recollet suburbs this has arisen from the animosities exited by the present west ward election various rumours are in circulation in connection with this affair the windows of cooke were destroyed before he fired aod he bad on several oc casions been threatened with tho lost of lifo curren is not considered iu a dan gerous slate but as he has fallen into ihe hands of a medical friend of mr tracey tho bulletins of his health wilt make the most of this unfortunate affair ao infa mous rill from the vindicator office cal ling cooke a murderer has been posted rouud toivu with no other tendency than to excite the people lo riot glotno are i be apt peairance of tho prague january charier covers no- noi 7th of april the deaths were 27 new ca ses 717 from the monitiur the malady of the president of tho coun cil of the nature of which there was a con siderable uucertaiuiy bus presented symp only the whole of the province oinova hco- tia aud new brunswick lugethttr wmi the territory claimed by the stare of maine and lately the subject of arbitraiiou with wo believe a portion of the state ol now york aud u very considerable part ol tho tue military expedition tho ft loujjs papers contain information from the iniliiiary expedition which recently left jef- fersiou barracks up io the ijth ulr the irooips arrived at rock island ou the ith and uu the htu geu atkinson held a couu- eil iivith iho head men of the sac anil fox ladi tans iu which ihe murderers of the meominiuees were demanded the chief in endin thu murui ngland 1 im i rumour was in ivuukuck replied that bis baud having hul ing that the master peucy in the murder it did itul belong twelvo poavugers herald of ihe 4th contains copious extracts of all iho most material points ivom the uiuarautine uu- gululions established here and published in this paper on the2lst of february ii by a notice that tthe foil particu- ncl may be socio at the office owners sociotl coruhill roue uu os tars nf tho tff tile shin malt the total quaotityof malt made scotland for each of the last 4 years was berc or bigg qrs 83000 05000 103000 109000 is 20s sd on on malt from 183s 1839 1 830 1881 10th october from barley 383000 371000 1 10000 404000 25 per cent aud yet in england no hero is used a plain proof that the difference in the real value of their respective products is still more than the difference of duty as otherwise it would be matter of indifference to a brewer which of the wo grains he used in scotland the average consump tion of hero as to barley is one quarter aud in ireland none had been used till last year when he consumption was about one eighth of the whole whcu as a brewer wc frequently complained to the farmers of the poverty of their grain they would why what does bade ask weigh to eng land on being told from 52 to 50 lb per bushel they would remark that theirs could not be so very much luferior since it would weigh from 48 to 53lbs aod the slight de ficiency they invariably attributed to dif ference in soil and climate we could never make them comprehend that the nature of the two grains was entirely dis similar- yet such is the fact the one is enveloped in a thick husky coat while the other is covered with a more film as by comparison the gnest persian silk to the roughest ship canvass the here or bigg is half husk and mucilage is hard steely and obdurate io every process evolves to the maltster with difficulty what little saccharine it can boast and to the brewer parts with that little with exceeding re luctance the barley on the cootrary is all farina free to the maltster and gene rous to the brewer yielding to moderate skill a liquor of most luscious sweetness of a dense gravity and incomparable flavor between the qualities of each there ran be no comparison whatever it is a mat ter of infinite consequence to this couotry both in a moral and commercial point of view that it should cultivate with assiduity the best species of english barley the moral energies of england have been im putable as much if not more to the uni versal use of malt liquor than to any other circumstance and the universality of its use is attributable to its general excellency here malt liquor cauuui be made me uni versal beverage what is generally pro duced beiag thin washy and often shock ingly disgusting to the palate what may justly be called good beer is sometimes produced here but it is when a brewer by chance has lit upou a prime lot of grain weighing 52 or 53ibs the bushel this though even here or bigg if managed with tolerable skill will produce a good potable liquor which will court the drinking but ordinarily what the brewers have to put up with is a kind of stuff weighing from 45 to 491bs mixed with oats peas rye buckwheat chaff mud often exceedingly foul io addition lo which they will perhaps receive the amount of a single steep from several farmers cultivating differeut kinds of soil aud whose several grains are in different stages of ripeness and ofteo a farmer is so kind as to favor the brewer with grain half malted to his hand tho consequence is that generally a floor of canadian barley will make a laughing srock of the best maltster in the world and an unhappy fool of the best brewer the farmer irritated at the fault fouud with his barley swears he will raise no more aod the brew produces such a liquor as insures him the dibcouieui aod revjliogs of the public an inapioess to ready pay highly prejudicial to his interests aod a prooeoess to resort to ardent spirits des tructive lo geoerat morals aud to life- preach up temperance for everlasting and form as many temperance societies as you will it will avail but little intemperance will proceed men will not he content to drink water beer is not wine is too dear and whiskey is abundantand cheap the latter then will be the general beverage in spite of all that cau be said or dune short of introducing geocrally into the country a sound aod excellent malt liquor what to compare with a ha 1 5 and steadfast nation of beer drinkers is a population of hag gard and uproarious dram drinkers where is the health the longevity the soundness of wind and limb the clearness of head tho adhesiveness to morality tho rational submissiveoess to tho laws and respect aod obedience to tho authorities i who will say any of these are to he found where ardent spirits are the prevalent drink no ihe contrary is obvious as this conti nent too well bears witness for io what other part of the world do the public prints so teem with announcements of one particu lar and horrible crime we mean the gra tification of private reveoge to the perpe- tratioo of which the drinking of ardent spi rits is especially impulsive how many on this continent are annually stabbed shot dead ormaimed upon the slightest offence let those answer who are in ihe constant habit of readiog the papers were a list of such crimes to be made up at the end of each year it would form a catalogue cal culated to terrify the most hardened and stultified spirit bibber kingston patriot the duty paid ijarlev and i is total qrs 466000 3g6000 513000 514000 malt from bere or no a to hiiin to in ivu fcostltjfcs and as he had no tho swailipiu rircuhutjon this morn- vi iho etu pi j rosy no and had lost their fives by of their boaw iu going ou uigg- the amount fur 1831 was 505- 800 the malt made iu ireland in tho samo period averaged about 250000 quar ters per aunuin all from barley except last year which exhibits 36000 from berc or bigg the malt made auoually in eug- laud averaged 3500000 all from barley it is universally demanded by old country men why we have not as good beer in this country as iu england the answer is we rnalt and brew a species of graio from forty lo fifty per cent inferior io value there is uo barley in canada it is all here or bigg ii is seen that the difference in the duty ou malt from barley and bcro is west ward election monday evening 5 oclock awful effects resulting from the riotous conduct of the mob four merr shot several wounded with ihe most painful feelings we have to state that from the riotous conduct manifested by the lower order of the canadians and irish partizaos oo saturday the poll was adjourned to this day when the magistracy aud a large body of the constables very properly attended we have been inform ed that throughout the day the most c- videut symptoms of increasing insubordi nation aud desire for riot manifested itself more especially when any of ihost persons favorable to mr jlagg presented them selves towards evening the constables were beaten from their pot and many of them irost scandalously ill-treated- it was at length found necessary to order out tho military who promptly attended under the command of colooel macintosh the uiot act was then read ou our arrival at the french square wc found a largo number of persons collected aod eery now and then some person or other assault ed and knocked douu by the bullies in attendance ou the poll closiug for the day auother indiscriminate attack was made on the constables and also as we have been informed upon mr bagg him self who if we are correct was shame fully illused as well as several others whom we observed cut and mangled very much al length the military wero called ou to disperse the mob who were seen approacb- iog towards the place where they wre held io readiness shoaling aod bellowing