in tho mosi cnfuriated manner on the approach of he military iba mob fled dowd st james street the military taking the same direction headed by their command ing officer col m about tfall time the stones again began to fly from the mob in the most dangerous manner and a thai part of tho town has been recently macad amized the mob had a plentiful supply of stones ready at hand which rc lament to bay they used with dreadful dexterity col m and several of the other officers and men tvere struck ihe former very se verely still the utmost oxertions the most persuading eptreaties were used by both col mackintosh the magistrates and those io authority to prevail on the misguided au infatuated mob to disperse but to do effect the stones and othor missiles continued to be thrown and seve ral persons were knocked down before nur eyes at length tho fatal word was given fire apd in another momeot four per sons were lying dead in the streets and se veral wounded one of them a young mao not more than 15 or 16 years of age the mob then fled- tho military taking up a position at the head of st james street adjoining the hay market under a mn9t drenching raio oo our return through st james street we observed the flag ways literally strewed with stones which had been thrown at the military at no row had previously taken place in that quarter what shall we or what can we add to the above were we to give an opinion of our own we would be charged perhaps as par tizans god knows that we have but little of it in our composition we dare not give way to our feelings at this moment but shall probably refer to tho subject again tho towo at present as far as we can learn is quiet but tho greatest alarm is prevalent and we believe that the entire of the military including a portion of the royal artillery are under arms ready to act at a moments warniog no blame can possibly attach to the mili tary never did men act more calmly with outstretched arms we observed col m and the magistrates entreatiog of the mob to disperse we would only add our prayer that this maybe the last bloodshed we may have to witoess for many years to come on aoy similar occasion but really when men or any persuasion will be blind led and allow their passions to take pos session of their reason awful as may be thj example such examples are sometimes mercies io disguise the peace must be preserved and will be even at such la mentable cost we regret to add that a poor old man seemingly a canadian in no wise concern ed fell a ronrtyr to the improprieties of others oo the beads of such be the blood one owocr friday morning the troops still under arms and the officers ri ding along the various streets observing aoy movement that takes place we can- ant bat rejoice aud be thankful for these precautionary steps fur had thoy not been attended to we greatly fear our account this morning would be far more lamentable the military have suffered very severely from the quantity of rain which has fallen the most pftri of yesterday oufl uuhugtltv night seven oclock we have not heard of any further outrages committed during the night one of tho persoos shot we are inform ed was an apprentice to the printing busi- ncts in the employ of mr tracey state or the polt- the state of the poll at the close nn fri day was for bagg 676 tracey 6751 saturday tracey 680 bagg 680 0 on saturday in consequence of the in clemency of the weather and from the vio lence manifested an adjournment of the poll was demanded by mr baggs friends nccordiog to law and granted by the return ing officer this produced from mr tra cey such a tirade of abuse and ill temper as has seldom been equalled in the annals of billingsgate the mild and peaceable can didate attacked the character of the re- lurniog officer reproached bim as partial and unjust and aspersed the partisans of mr bagg stigmatizing them as a band of murderers he concluded this passionate r0cri1 w hi audience by threatening violence to every opponent nod encourag ed them to obtain by force that which he said was denied by the returning officer and thefrionds of mr bagg gazette we are informed that at the close of the poll on monday evening mr tracey was three in majority of 56 the numbers being for mr lelievrf 126 and for mr mccuaifr 70 without undervalue the merits of mr mccuaig wc think theckh the stockholder have made is a good one as from our personal knowledge of mr lelievre we believe him to be well qualified for the trust reposed in him not onlv in regard to the safety and good manacement of the boat but a1 as it concerns the comfort of the passengers jft uidfau canal in a late number of the herald we announced that his magnificent work would be completed in a few weeks but we were not prepared at so early a period for the interesting scene which took place yesterday at 8 oclock in tho morning it was understood that a steamboat and several smallercraft would pass through the locks at kingston mills and of course a large concourse of our inhabitants hastened to the spot in order to witness so plea sing an event at thirteen minutes before one oclock the dock yard cutter snake command ed by lieutenant hoi brook and accompanied by mr glovers barge and a barge belonging to the officers of the 66th regiment entered the first lock whero they remained eleven minutes number two was passed in five minutes number three in w minutes they were in the basin three or tour minutes and entered the broad ex panse of wftter above number four at thirteen minute before two oclock the delay in the last lock was occasioned by a small piece of drift wood getting between one of the gates and its sill hod this not occurred the time occu pied in passing through all the locks would not have exceeded thirty minute afterthree hearty cheers the cutter with the british ensign flying at the main mast head spread her sails ti the breeze and was soon hid from our sight by the trees that stud the margin of the serpentine channel leading to brewers mills precisely at 4 oclock the steamboat ridetu having on board colonel by and his family end never ladies and gentlemen of kingston arri vedatthe first lock and passed through the whole number in fifty minutes tncily three cheersforthe canal and the same for colonel bv captain briscoe and mr drum- mond respectively being given the steamboat proceeded on herpwsage and the spectators re turned to kingston highly delighted with their rxcuraion it s unnecessary to odd that the kincn mill locks are constructed in the best possible manner and that the machinery for opening and closing the ponderous gates is uch as to ensure the greatest ease and expeditions herald the klivgstoiv chronicle saturday may 20 1832 by the arrival of a vessel not a regular pack et from liverpool london dates to the nth have been received they arc in general desti tute of that interest which we might naturally have expected upon the presumption that the reform bill would have been read in the house of lords on the 9th it appears however that it was still undergoing its ordeal and no definite period has been fixed to allay the tremulous ex citement so universally prevailing for the impor tant event doubts are entertained even by th warmest advocates of the measure for its suc cess so much so that it is stated that the duke of buckingham has given notice of his intention to introduco another bill possessing considcia bio extension of the elective franchise and in corporating some of the boroughs in case lord john russells bill should be defeated the creation of peers is not alluded to and we may presume that that stretch of power will not under any circumstances be resorted to we have paris dates to the 5th ult they record the ravages of the desolating scourge in the city which has swept off 1 198 individuals in its unsparing progress attacking indiscriminate ly the rich and the poor in nine days 1325 cases occurred casimir pericr has been attocked and his case considered hazardous st that period in london the alarm has subsided and generally throughout england the disease is evidently rct- rogading it is highly satisfactory to us to be assured that in the multitude of arrivals at quebec and the unprecedented influx of emigrants since the nav igation was opened that no case exciting any reasonable suspicion of cholera has been observ ed the minutest scrutiny of every case of sick ness and death on the voyage has been exercised by the quarantine officers and we may reasona bly hope to be spared from a calamity that is pregnant with the most alarming apprehensions we still repeat the necessity of every precaution ary measure being resorted to in this town by an inspection of the back premises of tho several streels where pigs are fed and housed and we have little doubt were a committee appointed fof that purpose they would find abundant cause to adopt a suggestion which facts justify us in seri ously recommending we refer our readers to a very copious account taken from the canada record of a dreadful affray which took place at montreal arising out of the long contested election of the west ward it appear that after the civil power had ben rendered from the most violent icotancc inef ficient to produce tranquility the military were called out under lieutenant colonel macintosh and becoming the victims of popular tumult they were compelled in self defence to fire when five persons were killed and aeveral wounded the officers and men are descsbed as having exhibited the utmost forbearance upon this me lancholy occasion we have to regret the effects which have unfortunately flowed from the clash ing of political feeling displayed throughout the whole period of this protracted election but when a tumultuous mob assemble for the avowed pur pose of resisting tho execution of tb laws of the country and tho operation of her rights they must expect to be treated with that violence which thciecessity of the case authorizes one of i he persons killed is said to be an apprentice in the printing establishment of mr tracey we have copied from the last patriot a re markably clever and useful suggestion conveyed innn editorial article of that journal on the sub ject of establishing a sound and wholesome sys tem of browing in this country we were una ble to give the whole of mr daltons sensible remarks but we have published sufficient to prove he advantages to the cause of temperance which are likely io be expected by the introduc tion of a beverage which without etultifying the faculties possesses the power of refreshing and invigorating the constitution we were ever of opinion that a recourse to ardent spirits amongst the labouring classes of society would in niuy instances he avoided did thepossess an opportunity of enjoying the healthy and invi gorating ale that has rendered the english farm ers proverbial for manly strength and exertion and the public are indebted to mr dalton for a developemcnt of the causes that have operated against the system he so ably advocates nation let us ever continue to be tin subjects of the same king there is but one alternative immediate union or speedt dissolution- monday next is the day appointed for the cele bration of his majestys birth day the troops in garrison will fire the usual feu dt joir and we have only to hop that our most gracious sovereign may live long to enjoy many such an niversaries of an event that has conferred so ma ny blessings upon his loyal and faithful subjects of these provinces as well as those of his domin ions in general ridpau canal we have to regret not having been present at the opening of the locks at king ston mills on tuesday lasi when col br and a numerous retinue passed through in the steam boat ridcau accompanird by ihe dockyard cutter rattle snake and several other craft we refer our readers to the encouraging report of the passage of these vessels which we have copied from the herald and congratulate the country upon the auspicious event that places the utility safety and completion of this navigation beyond further question we understand that sir john colborne may be expected down in about a fortnight whon the passage will be for mally opened by his excellency in the john by whose state of present forwardness pro misee her being fully completed by that period the party which accompanied col by to jones falls returned yesterday morning they represent the navigation of the rideau in every respect complete they passed through the kingston mills locks at night without any dif ficulty or obstruction and describe these locks which it will be recollected were built under the superintendence of capt briscoe as the most solid serviceable and substantial piece of ma sonry that can he found upon any canal on the american continent we have published a most useful table of dis tances from quebec to hamilton and from hamilton to goderich circulated by the canada company for the information of emigrants set tling upon their lands the distances of the respective settlements are described so accurate ly that every emigrant should upon application to mr dawe of this town be supplied with a copy we have no doubt that his office when in operation will materially benefit the travellers who otherwise will be depetitlem fcrlflfertntuibh on the defective knowledge of those to whom they may apply for instruction we would beg leave to direct the attention of the public to the advertisement of mr white the ventriloquist who tw the last two evenings has rtgfify gratified a crowded audience those who have not listened tolhim will no doubt has ten to obtain the last opportunity of observing his wonderful and mysterious faculty the extensive collection rif wild animalsatyled the american menagerie will be open for the last time today tlhis is certainly an amus ing and highly instructive exhibition and worthy of public patronage tho montreal herald of the 33nl received this morning without reference to the authority from whence their information is derived states in an editorial that the reform bill passed the house of lords by a majority of nine we have liveipool dates to the i12th when the bill was still under discussion we have been politely favoured by david chis- holm esq with a copy of his highly valuable work on the right of the british colonies to representation in the imperial parliament print ed and published by g stobbs at three rivers we shall enable the public to form their own judgment of the merits of this book by occasion al extracts on the most important features oor own opinion is that his argument and reasons are just and in many instances expedient the appendix contains the discussion in the british house of commons on the 16th august 1831 when thequesi ion of colonial representation was proposed by mr hume such a measure we by no means considered insuperable and there can be but little doubt but in whatever shape the reform bill may be adopted some of its provi sions will be extended to the colonics and this perhaps among the most important and salutary mr chisholms work is written with muth spirit and in a very elegant and accomplished style jit may be had at this office for five shillings the work is concluded with the following energetic appeal in conclusion i claim for the british colo nies an acknowledgment of their rights as british subjects i claim for the british colonics direct and uncontrolled representation io the imperial parliament i claim for the british colonies a close speedy and permanent union wit to the editor of the kingston chronicle sir i beg to propose and require of those who are competent extract the square rorotof 3 and give the ex act vulgar fractimt inshsad of the usual decimal i am sir your and publics obedient servant philomath may 23rd 1832 the followingtable of distances maypmvc in teresting and useful to persons arriving from the mother country and whio contemplate proceed ing to the upper part of tfhis province her from miles quebec to montreal j80 montreal to kingston 189 kingston to hamilton gore disu 211 530 from dundasto guelfyili through puslinch 23 or by beverly and waterloo 38 miles hamilton to godertch miles hamilton l0 dunda 5 to corners beverly 8 to babcitok do 6j z j waterloo 61 to stauifofig r new bridge on grand rivci 5 to lats ws 7 to hobos wilmotj 8 to martys first tavern on the goderich roadtlj 6 to fryfo 3 to the avon river 9j torunathallers 3i toscba 4 to the t river 5 to carrot brook 5 to ross to to taadvburghs 5 to hicks 3 to godejb 10 110 ventriloquism at the halt of jutfers hottl mr white has the honor of in forming the ladies an gentle men of kingston that having been re quested to give a selkct exhibition of his extraordinary powers 0 ventrilo quism only he will this evening satur day may 26 again have tl pleasure of appearing before them when he will go through iris usual performances price of admission 2 6d ft single ticket or 6 3d a family lickct for fotir during the evening m lutlewofld will sing a song and play solos on the violin kingston may 2 1ssj niagara harbouit dock company notice is hereby gien that ten ders will be teceived until the 1st day of july next by the directors of the niagara harbour and dock com pany for the loan of a sm of three thousand pounds curicncy payable in three years the interest io be pnid semiannually and the smallest sum tendered as loan not to be less than 100 further particulars aud the nature of the security to be afforded by the com pany can be ascertained by making ap plication to robert dickson esq president thos mcormick secy treasurer dated may 9 1832 n b the editors of the montreal herald gazette the york courier the kingston chronicle and the buffalo journal are requested to insert the above 4 times and send their ac counts to the secretary new fancy and staple goods the subscriber has received by the late arrivals a choice and ex tensive assortment of fancv and sta ple goods adapted to the spring and summer business prices unusually low for cash or short credit robert armour no 25 notre dame street m8rfttlmajf21 8w new cooks forsule al the chronicle office the life of sir isaac newton bv dr brewster de vere or ihe ulan of jiidepen ilaice by the author of tremuine kvgcne aram by the author of lvllium the club bool edited by ihe au thor of the dominies legacy the sm7ggur a tale bv the author ofthe ohara family and count robert of jaris bv the au thor of waverly review of ihe proceedings of the legislature of lower canada in the session of 1881 with an appendix coniaining some important documents now first riven to tho public may 19 1832 public notice tenders will be received at this office until wednesday the 6th day of june nexl for the conveyance of ihe mail twice a week on a post route about to be established leading from this office to mucgrcgors mills sim mons mills and clarks mills the contract will commence on the 6th july next and continue for three years two sufficient sureties will be required for the performance of ihe contract john macaulay pm post office kingston 10th may 1832 j commercial bank of the midland district twotice is hereby given that at iyt a meeting of the stockholders held this day according to the act of incorporation it was resolved that nn instalment of ten perccn on the capital stock subscri bed be called in payable on or before the fifteenth day of june next at this office f a harper cashier kingston april 3 1832 bank of upper canada tvotice is hereby given ihat ihe ii annual general election of stock holders will be held at ihe bank on steam boat notice 1 on saturday the election for a master to the john bv tmer took place when mr h le- close speedy and pcrmanont union wan me licvre ws declared duly elected by o majority mother country we are tho son ol tho same marrifctat belleville on uie 18th inst by the rev j ketchan mr william a welles pusher of the phcanix to miss lucin- da tcnny mr wood denf 1st is about leaving town ta be absent till fall or win ter tbee who are wishing to avail themselves of his present visit are in vited to oall soon kingston 23d may 1832 new goods walter mccunxffe ve- ttbectfully informs the public that he has received by late importa tions via new york and offers for sale a splendid assortment of fashionahle goods likewise sole leather ma nufactured from spanish hides waxed caif ski waxed upper leather ladies and gentlemens boots pumps and slippers with a number of other articles well adapted to the season rather numerous to insert also em hand teas sugar coffee brandy spirits gin wine pepper- ment shrub and molasses kingston 2lst may 1832 commissariat kindlon 19th may 18 government contri sealed tenders will w fs ceived al this office until sflorday the 2d day of june next at one oclock p m for the following service in ihe ordnance department al this station viz for erecting a stone buildins within the tete du pont of 120 feet long and 40 feet broad a plan of the building and specifica tion of the work may be seeri with a form of tender and every other infor mation required obtained at lh com manding royal engineer office- for supplying the ordnancegpaf ment with 400 lengths of stove pipe 50 el bows and 24 stove pans patterns and description of which can be obtained at the barracfc office kingston security will be required 6 such contracts as may be entered jpo and payment will be made by an ofdnance draft on the military chesty ttf e paid either in british silver or bilte of ex change on the treasury at the option of the senior commissariat officer at the rate of 100 for each ol los sterling charles a clarke aast commissary general art of daningf monsieur pierre thomas late professor in the u s jmilitary academy at west pob respectfully iin- forrns the ladies aod gentlemen of kidl atod that he intends commencing teachiujg the above accomplishment in all ita vari ous branches on tuesday thol5tb ioataidt at myers hotel the hours for ladies instruction nillllbe from 2 to 4 p m the gentlemeos cites from 7 until 9 days of tuition tuesday thursdays and saturdays the mmst modern steps aod quadrilles will be taugjiii together with waltzing twentyfour lles- sona will constitute the term from the bw- gioniogofthe school terms for eatch scholar 2 10s payable when the lessotus are half out fencrnc monsr t will also make up a class uo ffinctwot small sword where this elh- gaot healthy and gentlemanly exerciwe will be taught in the most approved stymie of the best academies of france daysof tuition mondays wedoeadays and fni- days from 9 io the morning until 4 io tibe afternoon the pupils can take their ices- sons at any time within these hours eatth lesson takns about half an hours timte terms for the course 3 payable wben the term is half out masks and foils foumd gratis those who may betfeairous to attepd to monsr ts iostrocdp will please applly soon as his stay will depend on the patrom- age that be may receive private farim- lies or seminaries attended if requirerll monsieur has taught in different parts uif upper canada niagrabrockvillepertrh tho last summer aod wioter io york add received in all those different places thie patrooage of the most respectable faroii- lies and seminaries monsieur can be seen at mycra- hottdl at any time of the day kiogston may 12 1832 notice all persons indebted to the suti- scriber either by note or boo account are requested to call and settue the same immediately and those tto whom he is indebted are requested tto present their claims theodore brockets- kingston march 3d 1832 ntw rtitirooilrri ijivtn i mr the fulling mill flt mills marysburgh t monday the 4th june next at 11 oclock a he to choose directors for the en suing year thomas 0 rldolit cmhitr he the editors of iliesveril pa pers in ihe province will be pleased to insert lie above us usual and transmit their accounts jur payment to the unnk to let and possession given immediately the slonc this is a new frame building 36 feel by 24 two and n hlf stories high having fl water wheel 15 feet in diameter and ihe fulling ap paratus ready for use the lower sto ry is sufficiently large for fulling dying and dressing of clolh and the second will answer for a carding house c to propel the whole there is a constant supply of water the above will he let at a very moderate rent apply to the subscriber on the premises h macdonald marysburgh 23d april 1832 tf t mansionhouse hotel he subscriber continues jo occu py this extensive and well known establishment for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situated on store street being the prin cipal and most central street in king ston and no establishment of the kind in the province carr surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are furnished in the very best style the subscriber having wept tavern for several years has atlihififfl feijlfch- ence in that line and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the com forts of his guests he will merit a share of the public patronage in the rear of the mansion house is a large yard in whicfc there is an ex tensive and commodious range of sta bles and where u livery stable is constantly kept s carmino kingston m 9 1832- office ol ordnance kingston 26th april 1832 otice is hereby given that sealed tenders will be received at this office until th3 1st june next at 12 oclock noon from any persons wishing to purchase the whole or part of the undermentioned metl- in charge of the storekeeper at this station the tenders to specify the price per ton in sterling which are to be addressed to the respective officers of the orduance the purchasers to he at the expense of the removal and the trunnions of the ctbns will be knocked olf previous to the sale kingston artillery square- cul 2 pieces brass ordnance wcigh 19 the splendid incxv steam boat great britain cam jos whitney propelled by two lowpressure engines omnetu iforst power each the public are respectfully inform ed that the following arrangements have been made for the monlhsof april may and june will leave preseott every wednesday morning commencing on the 18th april 25th april 2d mnv 9th may 16lh may 23d may 30ih may clh june 13ujuni 20ili june 27ili june touching at ijrockville kingston co- hourg port hope york and arrive at niagara early on friday morning will leave niagara every saturday af ternoon at 5 owlock commencing on sut april 28th april 5th may 1 2th may iikh may 26th may 2d june 9ih june 6lh june 23il june 30lh june calling at oswego every sunday morn ing after 5th may next also at kingbn and brockville and arrive at preoeott on sunday afternoon 8 the ludies rnd gentlemens cabins on board the great britain aro finished in the same manner us tho new yoik and liverpool packet ships with state rooms and no expense has bees spared in finishing and furnishing- the boat in the most comfortable manner everv endeavour will be used to accommodate passengers ajid ensure the greatest regu larity preseott u c 9th april 1832 n 11 notice will be given of the arrangements for the months of july august and september painting fjhe subscriber respectfully in- forms his friends and the public that he will continue his business of painting in all its various tranches as usual at his shop in the market square he will have workmen of the best abili ties and will keep on hand a new and well assorted stock of paper hangings paints oiand other articles in hhfine he returns liis sincere thanks for tho liberal support he has received and hopes still to merit a share of public pa tronage theodore brockett kingston march 24 is32 wanted by the subscriber about 100000 feel of lumber consisting of plunk board and scantling part to be delivered al kingston and part at hullowrll cash will be paid upon de livery john mcleod kincston 22d march 1832 removal john watkins has removed his hardware establishment to a very extensive premises in store street nearly opposite to mr jno blakes ta vern where he is now opening in addi tion to his former stock fifty casks ca ses of hard ware cut lcryfec which were selected by himself in birminghamshef- fiedund other manufacturing towns in england j watkins retams his thanks to his friends country merchants and the public generally for the liberal sup port he has met with for many years past begs to inform them that the ar rangement he has made in england and from his occasional visits personally no house in the canadas can supply them on belter terms kingston dec 10th 18s1 n bt i iron ordnance yard pqikt ilfsiv 4 pieces brass ordnance weighg i ron ii 127 1 in 367 1 3 lbs ii 23 3 3 21 4 it it n b the tenders to be endorsed lenders for gun metal j b smith ordnance storekeeper t alliance office 1e office of the alliance com pany for kingston and the mid land district is held at the place of bu siness of the subscriber in frontstreet where property will be instred as here tofore jas macfarlavegenl kingstou 7ih january 192 bank of upper canada otice is hereby given that books will be opened on ihe first fruy of august lie u ihf6 is a f strictivc clause id the late charier to prohibit its being done till six months after the passing of the act for subscrip tions to the increased capital of this bank at the following places to wit in the towns of kingstonniagara yotlfc brockville perth sandwich amherst- burg london cobourg qemwall and hamilton in the district of gore under the direction of persons hereaftej to be named thos g ridout bank of upper canada cashier york 24lh feb 183 j n b in addition to the current half yearly dividend a bonus of not less than eight per cent is intended to be paid to the stockholders 6m t g r ontario house and general stage office corner of main and broad sts sackets harbour james a smith respectfully in forms his friends and the public in general that since he leased the above house it has been fitted up in superior style and that no exertions shall be wanting on his part to entitle him 10 pub lic patronage every attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of travellers private parties or families can be ac commodated al all limes with separate apartments furnished in good style the table will be well supplied and thebar furnished with choice wines and liquors good stabling and secure yards and baggage conveyed to and from the boats free of expense stages leave ontario house every evening for watcrtown champion denmark lowvillc ley den boonville remsen trenton otica bellviu sandycreek pulaski oswego and syracuse may 12 1832 2m