Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 26, 1832, p. 4

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washington irvings new sketch book irvine is one of the few literary cha racters of the united states whose fame in late years lias extended to bu- ropc cooper possesses great power 0 description but neglects or wllully corrupts his style we literary characters produced many very lilies on political economy philoso- 10 talk of purely for the union lias ible writers on i ill i wu fv ehv and ilie sciences the name of ranklin both as to language and mat ter is a host of itself but we believe that elegance of diction and strength of imagination and fine sentiment are not very characteristic of the ameri cans at present nor is this to be won dered at these are the result of wealth and great refinement which cannot he i cached in a new country at once of the general character of the now eng- nd inhabitants we should say that they are taciturn cold and morose un like the german however who bursts out into passion after a days gloom and in his imagination creates the most fantastic the most beautiful phantasies the yankee js often even under fa vorable circumstances unimaginative and not well lined for poetry or senti ment or even very correct taste his southern neighbour is airy and more luxurious but too idle to be long at tached to any thing beyond the gratifi cation of his own feelings he is how ever made of nobler stuff than his northern brother we must however as we said in stance washington irving as a splendid exception to this rule as a satirist his knickerbocker and salmagundi show him to possess a very nice sense of the ridiculous and a power and correctness of language to be coveted by the first his sketch book capped his fame and although occasionally monotonous it has shewn him to possess a taste for the gontle and refined which throw a cap tivating veil overall his descriptions we think his merits as the historian of columbus are not so great but we confess we hail him as the half melan choly and truly gentle and domestic writer of another sketch book his forte lies there we quote from his new sketch book on spain now in the press by caiey and lea it is a scene in spain where the author has been late ly travelling id the hall of ambassadors at the central window thero s a balcony of which i have already made mention it project ikc a cage from the face of tho tower high in midair above the tops of the trees that grow on the steep hillside it answers me as a kind of observatory where i often take my seat to consider not merely the heavens above but the earth beneath beside the magnificent prospect which it com mands of mountain valley and vega there is a busy little scene of human life laid open to inspection immediately below at the foot of the hill is an alameda or public walk which though not so fashionable as the more modern and splended pasuo of the xcnil still boasts a varied and picturesque con course especially on holydays and sun days hithur rurort the small gentry of the suburbs together with priests and friars who walk lor appetite and diges tion majos and majas the beaux and belles of the lower classes in their anda- lusian dresses swaggering contraban dists and some times halfmuffled and mysterious loungers of tho higher ranks on some silent assignation- it is a moving picture of spanish life which i delight to study and as the naturalist has his microscope to as sist him in his curious investigation so i have a small pocket telescope season in to get wll brines the countenances cli of the motley u scarce had ihc gray dawn streaked the sky and the earliest cock crowed from the collages of the hillside when the suburbs gave sign of levivhig ani mation for the fiesh iqins of dawning i arc precious in the smumei sultry climate all sir anxious the start nftlic suiiin ihe business of the day tilo tnulotoer drives forth his loaded train lor the journey the tra veller slings his carbine behind his sad dle and mounts his steed ill the gate of the hostel the brown peasant urges his loitering donkeys laden with pan niers of sunny fiuii and fresh dewy ve getables for already the thrifty house- wives are hastening to market the sun is up and sparkles along the valley topping the transparent foli age of the groves the matin bells resound melodiously through the pure bright air announcing the hour of de votion tiit muleteer halis his burden ed animals before the chapel thrusts his bell behind and enters with hat in hand smoothing his coal black hair to hear a mass and put up a prayer for a prosperous wayfaring across the sierra and now steals forth with fairy foot the gentle senora in trim busquina with restless fan in hand and dark eye flash ing fiom beneath her gracefully folded mantilla she seeks some well fre quented church to offer up her orisons but the nicely adjusted dress the dain ty shoe and cobweb stocking the ra ven tresses scrupulously braided the fresh plucked rose that gleams among them like a gem siiow that earth divides with heaven the empire of hei thoughts 14 as the morning advances the din oflabour augments on every side j the streets are thronged with man and steed and beast of burden the universal movement produces a hum and murmur like the surges of the ocean as the sun ascends to his meridian the hum and bustle gradually decline at the height of noon there is a pause panting city sinks inlo lassitude for several hours there is a general re pose the windows are closed the curtains drawn the inhabitants retired into the coolest lecessesof their man sions the monk snores in his dor mitory the brawny porter lies stretch ed on the pavement beside his burden the peasant and the labonrcr sleep be neath the trees of the alameda lulled by the sultry chirping of the locust the streets are deserted except by the water carrier who refreshes the ear by proclaiming the merits of his sparkling beverage colder than mountainsnow as the sun declines there is again a gradual reviving and when the vesper bell rings out his sinking knell all na ture seems to rejoice that the tyrant of the day has fallen now begins the bustle of enjoyment the citizens pour forth to breathe the evening air and revel away the brief twilight in the walks and gardens of the darro and the xenil as the night closes th motley scene assumes new features liqht after light gradually twinkles forth n taper from a balconied window there a votive lamp before the ibnagq of a saint thus by degrees the cjjty emer ges from the pervading sloom and sparkles with scatieied lights yu starry firmament now hrc f from couit and garden and sty an lane the tinkling of innumerable gg and the clicking of castanets blendine at this lofty height in a faint tim eral concert enjoy the mo j the creed of the gay and am dalusian and at no time docs i i lie pt ac- tise it more zealously than in ll j summer wooing his niisress e dance tho love ditty amj passionate serenade lands for sale in uriik canada the canada company have for bale 2i33uu0 aero of lannufiliu following d 1st crows rfskrvfs these nr pmi xerally opoo acres which were reserved who the laiul ww originally purveyed and have been sow hvilio orowa to the canada company who arc no owns hem oiii to individuals wishiu- to seulo on them rhcy aro mat tered in almost every towinlap throughout lo nrovimo whirl gives oiniftrnutt who have wend or relations already settled id the coloiiv the moans of choosing a na tion in the vicinity tor tho benefit ol emigrants bo cannnt afford to purchase a wludc lot the company divide their 0u 1 io two and sell a half lot that uf about 100 acres to suit tho boots shoes leathl iip subscriber bes leave t to in- df and boots nble for lies w i acre is a c lot farm onveuieur of purchasers 2nd blocks of land when lh colooy was first settled seve ral townships were surveyed i without re serving oneseventh for the crown out when that nrruorcinaot waaueterroioed on the crowns proportion of land was re- ved in lilocks in the unsurveyed or par- illv surveyed townships these blocks ted chiefly in tho gore and wos- districts tho principal of these is uated about 21 miles from the sei l are situa tern head of the lake ontario it consists of guelph sit id of he vuwiiui ir about 42000 acres of which about 15001 aro still for sale it contains dearly iu inhabitant and ti ood srist mill village in iuds of mechanics tradesmen resbyteriaoand episcopal church are in the and for se- tis cus- iv bv the which are a i3 mill stores taveros a school a sst coolie church has been built a minister of tho kirk of scotland resides there a catholic priest church nf eoauod clergyman occasionally visit it from the class ofcinigrnnts that have lately onc thcrc from the convenience afforded in a settlement of some standing it will be found adeirhblcrcsidenceforpersoqsofmo- derate capital- persons desirous ol purcha sing partially cleared farms can geaerally procure libera in tho township tho othier blocks are all excellent land nod would be desirable purchases for com munities of settlers 3idi the huron tract- after ihc experience offivo years and after every part of it having been thorough ly explored the commissioners can with confidence recommend the land of this tract as superior to any body of land of equal magnitude either io the province of upper canada or the states of now- york pennsylvania ohio or tho territory of mi- thosoil is a rich loam the trees elm beech i known in night of with tl ii groupes so close as almost at times to make me think i can divine their cou vcrsation by the play and expression of their features i am thus in a manner an invisible observer and without quit ting my solitude can throw myself in an instant into the midst of society a rare advantage to one of somewhat shy and quiet habits then there is a considerable sub urb lying below the alhimbra filling the narrow gorge of the valiey and ex tending up to the opposite hill of the albaycin many of the houses are built in the moorish style round patios or courts cooled by fountains and open to the sky and as the inhabitants puss much of their time in these courts and on the terraced roofs during the summer season it follows that many a glance at their domestic life may be obtained by an terial spectator like myself who can look down on them from the clouds i enjoy in some degree theadvanta- studeiu in the famous old who beheld all madrid inspection and my gossipping squire mttto ximenc offici ates occasionally as my asmodeus to e me anecdotes of the different mun- und heir inhabitants t refer however to form con jectural histories for myself and thus can sit up aloft for hours weaving from casual incidents and indications that piss under my eye the whole tissue of schemes intrigues and occupations carrying on by certain of the busy mor tals below there is scarce a pretty face or striking figure that i daily see about which i have not thus gradually framed a dramatic story though some of my characters will occasionally act in direct opposition to the part assigned them and disconcert my whole drama m m m typographical error in f able uovel the author says lao emy trembled grew pale and iimedu ted the printer putting p tead of rendered the lady grow pale am mediately painted slandfr in pleas yesterday tho court of comrn0d v r rft recovered a toraictof 5ik nzfunu her n r words derogatory ta her character uecoutlant 19 very fur from heiuj r fortune this must ho considered vv punishment for loo unlicensed c f 313 iouue towark daily adv v aluablefarmfol on reasonable terms t1 liful farm on the road icadiug to ad 2a miles from kingston the po f aud lately occupied by tho n consisting of about 100 acres of oxce laud the most of which is in a hi siae of cultivation there u bndt n theore ms of the spanish story unioofed for his there i3 limit o nuses a largo and commodious 0wei5idg house almost new willi exteu slieds and other outhouses altogether r most comfortable estahlisluneni j- a res cuible family- tho whole fn t ef giv- sions 1 pe iuhsiauu il stouo lot is fenced with a wall 51 feet hifth tl springs of excellent waierou and several bearing tor further particulars apply this office or to the subscriber street kingston duncan vanals kinsstoo oct 22 1831 ere are lhc promises rruil trees either at iu store anted drafts onloi british silver for i ww british silver hieuest rate of premium will be f a iialfp kiogstoo 22d oct 1831 and inch the ven by lilt for sale lot no 1 in j ninth concession o llu tuwn- shipof loughboro forartic quire at this oilicc kingsion li august 1s28 chigan the miuir maple basswood arnl ehttrtj timber which i lias couottry ta iailionte iho very best land it is a tstblo land beiag from 150 to 250 feet abov iho level of lake hurou but its summit is diversified ami rolling il is wa tered ly numerous btveams and possesses vvery quality which ensures a good seule monce the town of goderich is the capital of thetrac jt is situated at tho moutb of the river mainland the basio of which forms nu oxcelleot tmrbor it contains several stores aod there is a rood grist saw mill in iis immediate vicioiiy another saw mill 00 a large kalo is erecting on the river sable aod tbroo grist aud as utauy saw mills will bo cominooecd in iho course of this sea son one groat advantage which the huron tract possesses over othfcr wild lands is its roads ihcsc bavo been cut at an immense expense in the very best manner that roads are conntructed in this couuiry the har bor at goderich fivcs a facility of shipping product at iho oue ond of the tract while the grand river ouso will this summer be rendered navigable to bramfunl and it is then proposed to render iho nith also oa- vigablc thus giving a water communica tion to each end of the tract depots of provisions and tools are fonniog along the main road nod tavern aro established at convenient distances from each other to encourage tho settlement of their lands the canada company have for the present season resolved to give settlers who purchase from them in the scattered crown reserves not less than 200 3cres or io the township of guelph aod ihc huron tract 100 acres a passage free of expense to tho head uf lake ontario in tho following manner the emigrant deposits with the companys ageotal quebec a sum of mo ney ccjual to iho price of bis conveyance to the head of the lake and takes a re ceipt for it getting at the same time a pass ticket to the companys forwarders on the route when he has fixed upon his land he shews this receipt to tho agent or presents it at the companys office in york and it is taken iu part payment of his second instalment the instructions of the court of direct ors to tho commissioners of the canada compftnv being to sell their lands as quick ly as possible the prices are moderate aod the terms advantageous the purchaser is flowed to pay for hia lot by six instal ments in five years on paying the first of which oncfftli lie receives a letter ac knowledging the rccoiptof the money paid and giving him a righi to occupy the lot aud oo the whole the commissioners have used every moans iu their power to givo tho settler the best information the cheap est modes of couveyauce and done every thing they possibly could to assist and fa cilitate all his undertakings to render him self comfortable aud independent qjjxetsofthc canada company york cuttph and gvdtrkiu agents john davidson fq messrs hirt loun co john ration esq james sampson esq charles blurrclt ksq c p tread well esq alex prascr esq james h ssamson esq allan mucpliersnn esq j gbeiiiunoj esq andrew t ktrly esq james tverhv esq e johnson esq col burwell john mcfarlane esq arnhersiburgh witt- grzcy esq sandwich joseph woods esq itauhioit win jotus esq new york j- c buchanan esq boston kobcrt manner esq canada companys office form oil- country mcrchartts ami ulhor dealers ilia he has now rn hand a very extensive assortment ol incn s sloul prrgced boots and sliocs j kip lo women ami children ami shoes of all descriptions snii couiuiy trade warranted to he of 110 materials and workmanship 3 wa he sold wholcsnlo at as low a ialc as the same description of arti ca he procured from montreal jsose- verul tons of spanish and slanjlier buie leather of all kinds from dutikj l0 host new york inspected several doens hemlock tanned calf sm a few do best philadelphia oak tjreddo upper leather lining and binding skins and all other materials in the soe and leather line he bes leave also to return thanks for the support ho has receiver veral years past and to inform looters generally that he expect first arrivals a much better assortment of goods in the shoe line than y c has hitherto imported all kinds of best quality dols and shoes now on hand and mannuctured to order as usual a good assortment of best english made portmanteaus carpet bags moose skin ridini boots c c aj ferns kingston march 3 1832 tf notice a lij notes or accounts dur lo e im estate of the late frederick keeler are to be settled with j h samson admr belle 24 dec 1828 valuable freehold property for sale or to let ami possession rcii im mediately nr oiuhe first of may feu consisting of a brewery malt yfousennh xv all vn full and complete operation together with an acre of hop land and garden gro s he whole about an acre and a alf in a very good state of cultivation if l good security will be requiret for tho payment of the rent and a ise given for seven years any persor desirous of taking the above concern an have any information he may rcquifl by ma king the necessary arrangement soon as the proprietor is going to inrope to reside application to be myo on the to john nickvlls brewer kington u c notice government house voik 23c february 1832 orders in council which relate to petitions and memorials for grants of land or connected with that subject will in future be communicated to memorialists by the clerk of the executive council persons who may not receive answers to their petitions will apply to the clerk of the executive council book mnpino establishment at the kingston chronicle ojfice jflie subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public thai all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his oflicc with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf s d folio full bound in calf orna- mcutcd quarto octavo l2mo lrfmo do do do do do do do do 1 0 a 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 3 1 0 9 0 half binding in calf folio half bound and orna- q 17 mentod quarto octavo l2mo l8mo do do do do do do do do 0 0 0 0 7 3 1 1 0 8 8 3 binding in sheep folio full bouod aod orna- merited 0 17 6 quarto octavo 12mo eiuio do do do o8 do do do do 0 7 6 0 3 4 0 2 3 e 1 8 premises tf t the subscribe etc uns thanks to hfi friends and the public general v for the liberal encouragement he ha received since he has commenced hisiness in this town his factory ft making rilles being the fust established in this part of the country tho excellence of bis rifles now circulated with he strict est attention best of work anj modera tion in charges will he hope- induce a share of the business connected with his profession daniel mcore armourer anil musical lustrunait maker fl a journeyman of gettral abili ties and of sober character vill meet with employment kingston 17th march 1ss2 3m not7ce marmora fotndkv company n conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscription book is now open at the office of thos kirkpatrick kingston l6th may 1851 also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio and fancy blading separate charge james macfarlane kingston i3th april 1829 lithography from canadian stone he subscriber begs lo announce to the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by the name of william iv press where will be executed all kinds of work ap plicable to that useful art such as maps plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills and steam boat notices with the sketch of the boat if requited blank deeds and memorials funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems bills of exchange c c c persons wanting any kind of copies of their own hand writing will ha supplied witli prepared paper and che mical ink for that purpose s otazewell n b caricatures printed by the sketch being supplied kingston august 12th 1ss1 i quebec montreal prcscoit kingston by i own longuiel 1erth belleville napancu cobourg dun das fori eric tin halo fori talbot aldborougb york may i 193 to the pubuc the subscriber respectfully begs leave to announce tht he has ta ken the house lately occupied by mr thomas bamfoid known as the steam boat hotel but better by the comfort il conferred on travellerx under his respectable management rtttd hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve that excellent establishment in full reputa- tiion and credit to this end every possible care will be taken lo provide all things conducive lo comfort of the best that money can purchase and he doubts nobut that all who honour him with their patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention they ihcmsclve shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages vre extensive and of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will be constant ly employed to keep thu i all res pects ready and applicable io ib mediate use of travellers as soon as it is possible the house will be constantly furnished wi t new- york montreal and othejr provincial papers and the subscriber especially begs to announce that he h alrcadv ta ken the means lo procuie vr ihe bene fit of his guests the daily lodon times as understanding il lobe th niost inter- resting of all the london p huts during the season it is h purpose io keep ft never failing supply of the finest oysters that can be obtained theodore brockett steam boat hotel kingston nov 8ih 1831 for sale tot number 18 in the 4lh con- hj cession of the township of cart- wright newcastle district an excel lent lot of land in a flourishing town ship and for which an indisputable title will be given apply to a- toaafiatv kingston 6th april 1832 salt rheum this inveterate disease which has long baflled the art of the most experienced physicians has at lentrth found a sovereign remedy in dr la cranges genuine ointment few cu taneous diseases are met wilb more re luctance by the physician and none in which he is so universally successful this ointment has stood the test of ex perience and justly obtained an unpar alleled celebrity it immediately re moves the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous re commendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that afair trial should be its only commentator it has in three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had resisted the power of every remedy that was tried ii not only at once gives immediate relief in salt rheum but cures tinea capi- tac commonly called scald head and alf scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children there is nothing of a mercurial nature contained in it and it may bf used on infants or others under any cir cumstance whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by ym biuley kingston john musson quebec and fieorge bent montreal sole agents for tho canadas kingston lllh july 1828 mrs parmentier offers for sale at the horticultural botaa- x garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse ana herbaceous plants a choice collection of monthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished fi purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of this paper will receive oiders for fruit and ornamental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded without the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis postpaid atthe office of the chronicle- reference john macaulay john kirby john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating then trees received in the fall can be safely buried in the ground until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any injury from the frost provided they are entrely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken that several orders will be made up into one package with a view to save the expense of car nage spirit of the times and life in newyork a sporting iapcr on the plan of bells life in london die only similar publication in the united states pevoted to the turf the ring the angler the hunter foi- eign and domestic news literature fashion taste the drama police reports and scenes of real life price three dollars payable in ad vance four dollars if not paid within six months or five dollars if not paid within the year address postpaid or left in the post office william t porter co chatham square newyork the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in this province for mrs par- mentier is now ready to receive orders agreeably to the above advertisement wcr ttkuflfc kingston 24lh march 1831 william johnson barber and hairdresser next door to the london tavern lenders his grateful acknowledgments to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and mdustry to me rits continuance of the public patronage kingston 30lh may 1829 just received and for sale at the chronicle office a very handsome and fashionable assortment of visiting cards february 1 1 th 1 832 valuable faiim for sale or to let and immediate possession given 1aa acres of good land ww chiefly pasture on which is a dwelling house two good frame i if sent by mail iwenty shillings subscription- barns 30 by 40 feet cattle sheds and i l0 bc p in the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james muaiia at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum r copperplate ipress a first rate copper- jlate pi int- ing press has just b received in tho chronicle office i w cards will be printed ttld all other copperplate work perlf w neatness and despatch a variety of fashionali visiting cards for sale at tliechroii office out houses formerly belonging to samuel aykroyd deceased and situat ed in east loughborough lot no 14 in tho second concession apply to thomas askew m 1st 1s32 tf the board of education fur the johnstown district gives notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and the mas ters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as arecompilep by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose cer tificates have passed the board on ap plication to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regula tion enjoining the use of prayers at the commencement of school in the mor ning and at its close in the evening a foim adapted to general use may he found in mavors spellingbook and is recommended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certi ficates to be signed by two trusteesmay he had on application to adiel sher wood esq brockvillo janyi 1832 price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and 7d each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted ku forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisement received after five oclock on friday afternoon sct produce received in payment atthe mar ket price agents john bignell esq david cliisholm esq andrew porteous esq william mcintosh esq r cline esq george browse esq alpheus jones esq heury jones esq josiah taylor esq h whitmarsh esq j k hartwell esq messrs c k j mcdonald john dean esq allan mcpherson esq thomas parker esq joseph a keelcr esq james g bethune esq david smart esq j s howard esq daniel ross esq john crooks esq charles biegar esq j d gilbert esq yy robertson esq quebec three rivers montreal lancaster cornwall matilda prescott brock ville perth richmond bastard garunoqpue bath napanee belleville ciamahe cohouig port hope york vittoria niagara murray adolphustn river trent

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