Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), June 2, 1832, p. 3

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a ft- oa bis visit co england even id the elabo borate public compliment of mr caoniog it was the gifted aqd illuitrious author who was hailed and incensed oo every side- intelligences of iheir endowments and ex ploits stand out in estimation heyond all adventitious rank or office businessthey have a higher existeoce and more general acceptance they possess an absorbing dis tinction aud superior meed u letter admit not of ahalf renown they give you nothing or they give a crown- no work eer gained true fame or ever can but what did honor to the name of man cedrch op effglaffd the following clever and eloquent observations are from the pen of the rev g- croly ll it may be fearlessly pronounced that the church of england has to it her competence to be the great security of england that what ever thundercloud may gather over the land it is io the church roust be erected the conductor- among her twelve thou sand clergy a body the most conversant in all tbo better parts of human intercourse and the least liable to personal imputation of any clergy in europe ueither corrupted dependent ou public life nor ascetics of the cloister uor tulleu refugees from society there must be minds capable o leading in any cause that evor tasked the faculties of man we must look to no other influence than religion for the permanent peace of empires- all the statutes that ever loaded the shelves of legislation and all the wea pons that ever enforced them could not fabricate a peaceable community out of ao irreligious people the heart is the spring of good and evil the scriptures alone can reach it from the pulpit in its wise and honest zeal in its eloquence chastened courage and scriptural integrity must go forth the spirit that reconciles and heals and this must be the pulpitof the establish ed church io all our history there is no fact more thoroughly demonstrable than the vital connection of british prosperity with that church the hour that see her shaken will see morethao the taruishingof croiiers and miters for the encourage ment of the church she has only to revert to days wheu though every step was ih theaabesof martyrs ehe made through the ashes of mart rood her victory alike for king and people with the liturgy for her language i rf ar ticles for her law the virtue of her halj and latrmer for her example the scripture for her faith the good of man for her de- i and god tor her dependence the church of england cannot fall to all taunting questions what has she done for rod and 1 we answer hy pointing tot ho illustrious institutions for education which the has fouoded to the countless establish ments of charily to the myriads of the neoplo which she has brought from the lepthi of ignorance and vice into know ledge and virtue to the myriads which h is still bringing to the innumerable imnolqi ibat he has raised and is still rai- w u buiatf aod on her un wearied diffusion of the sacred scriptures evemng packet vehicle through which he conveys every senti ment calculated to inflame the public mind and abuse the constituted authorities of the country with what success bis perveitedslaiementahavc been adopted by the partizans of bis political in fluence at montreal may be gathered from the appalling fact that a coroners inquest which as sembled on tuesday and continued their pre tended investigation to thursday wjrc discharg ed on monday unable to agree in their verdict having prostituted their time to the most infa mous of purposesthat of endeavouring to cri minate the military officers who commanded the troops engaged on that service the partial and illegal course pursued throughout by the cor oner is justly and severely deprecated in the lajt gazette and hifl stratagems to enforce a verdict of wilful murder or manslaughter from the jury are marked by that detestation which such infamy merits- to such a degree of un- paraklled prejudice lias this shadow of justice reached that on saturday before the jury were discharged and when nine only agreed in their verdict assuming the office of a magistrate and despising alt authority of law he arbitrarily issues his warrant pendente lite for the arrest of lieutenant colonel macintosh and captain temple mr papineau whose officiousnis upon this occasion is characteristic of his peculiar political creed attended before the judges when these officers were bailed insisting on their being committed to prison as culprits our great sur prise is that the judges should recognise for one moment the authority under the circumstances by which these gentlemen were arrested it ap pears to us a proceeding marked by the strangest inconsistency and if persevered in might form a precedent for a judges passing sentence of death on a culprit because the majority of the jury were supposed for in this case they could not express any public opinion to find the prisoner guilty the enroner seems to have usurped the functions of judge jury and magistrate and as the legality of his warrant was to be argued before the judges on tuesday we hope before wo go to press for the credit and purity of the trial by jury to be enabled to apprise our readers that such an effort to tarnish the brightest gem in the british con stitution will be marked by that decision which the justice of the case so loudly and imperatively demands hod col brereton orcapt warring ton possessed the firmness of lieut- col macin tosh during the bristol riots the life of the for mer would still have been spared and the mili tary reputation of he latter existed unsullied by the result of a general court martial wo refer our readers to the letters which we extract from the quebec mercury as tending to give an ex position of the law as regards the employment of a mililary force in the suppression of riots the formeris from the john bull of lhe22d jan uary ihc other from a barrister of lincolns inn both are applicable lo the case of the troops employed at montreal and arc undenia- blo as to the propriety of thcirconduct upon that occasion- genera novel t tolls c has been submitted for the cfnsid t ration 01 the committee appointed ut cir mceting to arrange the affairs of this and useful institution wc understand fej have made such alterations as will tend to the public benefit the first fair may be ex p to be held here on the 2d monday in oc tober the great britain steam boat arrived here on monday evening from york with 60 cabin and 100 dcgk passengers and with a cargn in pro duce gjpi to 3000 barrels of lour this is the most extensive freight that any craft has ever conveyed lo these wharves and wo understand the voj wu ma i ihc usual lime she returned here on thursday morning having up wards of 900 passengers on board on wednes day the william iv brought up about 600 emi grants j few from either vessel stopped at king ston wc received yesterday the first number of a new journal published by mr james radclifie at cobourg under the imposing cognomen of 11 the reformer established as his prospec tus describes for the diffusion of political intel ligence and advancing agriculture commerce and domestic manufactures religion and sci ence in general the political creed of the proprietor is openly expressed in his editorial bow to the public whom he assures as one of bis reasons of appearing before them that the disorganized state of the province prompted the experiment l his paper is projected for self dcfcngpi that the outrages committed at co bourg t the public meeting justifies theepecu- lation that the attempt to force an address upon l people not only without their consent but ajtttnst their opinion all conspired to render him champion of reform in the various brancjl colonial adminiitration mr rad- clifieri genius is sufficient to construct any ma chine f a earn vessel to a newspaper and though w cannot anticipate much benefit to the public by present experiment we are not so selfish a8 0 withhold our wish that it may at least beneficial to himself eirj dalhoume has arrived in england from in- dia the earl duodonald formerly lord coch rane fr bccn restored to his rank in the british navy and is now a rear admiral of the blue tut kingston chronicle saturday juke 2 1832 the prevaleocy of easterly winds for the last fortnight has enabled us to furnish our readers witharmals by quebec later than any that have been received by the new york packets cork papers to the 22d of april and dublin to the 23d furnished us with the important political matter with which our columns are supplied the most interesting feature of this intelligence is marked by the passage of the reform bill in the house of lords by a majority of nine thia great vic tory to the unwearied and persevering industry of earl grey will we have no doubt be fully achieved when the various clauses of the bill will be tried in the crucible of the committee where h was ordered on the first day after the recess itul should the ministry lose any of the cmum contained in the measure the result will be ihe creation df a sufficient number of peers to main tain the original spirit and policy of the act a hint to thal effect having been expressed by the premier atthecloseofthedebaie the duke of wellington with his accustomed consistency lias with seventyfourolbernoble lonis protest ed formally against it our ijorogn wlekgcuce ts wilbom tauirest be yond the fact of the ratification of the belgian treaty by four of the great power russia still though wo have reason to believe accidentally withholding her assent to the articles the irish tythe bill was read a third time and passed in the house of commons bya ma jority of 5s to 7 the etateofpana is becoming every day more alarming- from the rapid spread of the cholera the average deaths exceed 300 daily while the disease ia evidently declining in london aod those parte of england originally visited by that dreadful malady- both houses of parliament had adjoroj to the 7th of may smce wrttihg the above we have been kindly fa voured by mr j w armstrong with london pa pers of the6jh and liverpool of the 27th brought out in the packet ship north america as also dates to the lit of may they furnish nothing more importanuhan ihe circumstance of public meetings through the kingdom and addresses going up to london urging the ministers to ad here to ihe 10l franchise and tocrcate peers suf ficient to establish the pge of the bill- an address from leedj had 27000 signatares en gland was perfectly tranquil the cholera had somewhat abated in paris we do not perceive that any notice has been taken in the gazette of the modification of the rate of tolls payable on the rideau canal as promised in his excellencys answer to the ad dress of the people of kingston on that important subject wc learn that opposition may be expect ed in a certain quarter to the system of rates re commended but where the vcryexistenceof this navigation depends on the moderation of the charges we should suppose that such would be viewed in the considerate light that all such re monstrances have been regarded when properly and respectfully aubmitted to his excellency amongst the multitude of emigrants who have stopped in transitu for a few hours at our wharves wc observed many of the moat respect able and better orders of society j anit is much tobe regretted that no encouragement seems to exist to procure the location of any of these in the neighbourhood of this town whether the canada company have monopolized them in o r- derio make settlements upon their own encou raging territories or not the cause is extraordi nary when so many favourable opportunities of location present themselves in every direction we travelsshould the tide flow in ihe samo nu merical and physical strength for the remainder of tht nenu a hmiltrtmauisuuid ilu early po- lach or a schooner a remarkably handom schooner of about 100 tons burthen which was built at massassagua battery w launched yesterday in beautiful style in the presence of an immense number of spectators she i called the richard cartwright and from faer build promises not to be excelled by any off the sailing craft on the lake the- gentlemen barbers of this town with a moat fpraisew feire to oteerve ftfe wtitifo inviolate nav bound themselves under a heavy penalty not vfc perform any professional labour after the 12ibi of june next on sundays unless when called upon to exercise their functions up on eteambov travellers orupon the dead this laudable determination cannot possibly inconve nience the public as their respective establish ments will regain open until a late hour on sa turday nighi t enable them to become divest ed of their superfluous physiogoomial excrescen ces without committing any breach of sabbatical reverence a card doctor evans licentiate of tfte edinburgh university and member of the royal college of sur geons london respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and its neigh bourhood that he intends permanently residing in this town he is at present to be found at myers hotel and hopes by moderate charges and unwearied attention to the duties of his profession to merit a share of their patronage and support kingston 1st june 18 32 8 w emigration society mxoticl all persons who may 1 have lands for sate or lease in the midland district are requested to transmit a statement of the same post paid to mr dawe the register of the emigrant society of the midland dis trict and all persons desirous of em ploying mechanics labourers or ser vants atfe requested to apply at the office of the register by order of the commitie j s cartwright s kirkpatrick secretaries kingston 1st june 1 extensive auction without reserve- to be sold on monday the 11th of june next at the residence of john r glover esq tbe whole of his valuable household furniture c consisting of mahogany dining pem broke sofa card work dressing and loo tables mahogany hair bot tomed rush bottomed and windsor chairs sofas and cftuche mahogany side boards clothe presses ward robes book cases s lauds and chests of drawers bedsteads and curtains feather bral best curled bnir mattress es aryi bedding window curtains and blinds brass window pftles carpels and hearth rugs stair carpets and rods mats c tea trays cellaretts chimney ornaments picture in frames books an excellent cfeck lamps looking glasses wash stands basins and ewers foot baih cmina crocke ry and glass ware tfjtb kitchen utensils of every description a supe rior cooking stove franfcln and bed room do a large mangle frwo excellent horses wagon carl and harness sad dlery sleighs a cow gtfass frames flower stands and garden utensils with many other articles ft numerous u detail the aove property as is well known is in the 6cst rate order sale to commence at ll oclock a m and to continue from day to day until the whole is disposed of michael moran a b kingston may 29 1832 william davis barber and hair dresser market square kingstok june 132 t among life passengers which arrived at new york in the picket ship north america we no tice lt col j mcdougall 79th highlanders for the ut fortnight ihe season had all the appearance trf march cold winds and cain gen erally ti v j ik t and vegetation was partially sus pended tkg latft day or two has been more genial hul aih possessing a sting that renders the fireaide thing but oppressive to correspondents the u recluse shall appear next week an enquirer may have his curiosity un the subject ofhis communication gratified by the fact that we considered wc were conferring a favor on the public by affording them a purer and more eloquent styleof poetry in the late numbers of the chronicle than the host of ephemeral authors of kingston could possibly produce u nautilus shall la attend ed to ll rk w riodw shall speedily m a population whicbj r lhcrc stcambobt on lakc call the from its noble and powerful ascendancy will be able to subdue the factious spirit that otherwise would have particularly if notcontroulcdiu this way rendered canada in the canting language ofacertain party a moral waste discharg ing its venom against every individual who rears his head in defence of the king and in support of the benevolent views of his ministers repre- eeatativesin these colonies m we were disabled earlier from giving a detail of the shipping arrivals at quebec from the length of the comraunfcations in our late numbers we have however commenced the operation this day and hope to continue it in regular succession for ihe information of merchants till the dose of the navigation peer t inquired one of our quidnuncs the other day nntb m knowledge replied his neigh bour buuvhydoyouasit because said he 1 am tgjj t the william the fourth lately ran against 1 peer the fact was that in ap proaching the wharf at brockville on her issl trip that hfcautiful steamer the william iv approached closely and that one of her pad dle wheels rlttually ran over the outermost trier may not hjg occurrence be ominous of the running doifi 0 peers by the u neon slilulion- atexercise ftf royal prerogative threatened by the freest ministry in order to carry their favourite u 0 reform 1 fear however that in thus u 9wa the peers the vessel of the state mgg no itself escape wreck would shcnotbaif twallowed by the wild waves of atumulthbuaand raging democracy cowl mr wood dentist is about leaving town to be absent till fall or win ter those who are wishing to avail themselves of his present visit are in vited to call soon kingston 23d may 1892 new goods lter mccuniffe re spectfully informs the public that he has received by late importa tions via new york and offers for sale a splendid assortment of fashionable goods likewise sole leather ma nufactured from spanish bides waxed calf skins waxed upper leather ladies and gentlemens boots pump9 and slippers with a number of other articles well adapted to the season rather numerous to insert also on hand teas sugar coffee brandy spirits gin wine pepper mint shrub and molasses kingston 2lst may 1832 notice all persons indebted to the sub scriber either by note or book recount art requested to call aud settle ihe same immediately and those lo whom he is indebted are requested to present their claims theodore brockett kings marc 3d 1s32 new fancy and staple goods he subscriber has received by the late ariivals a choice and ex tensive assortment of fancy and sta ple goods adapted to the spring and summer business prices unusually low for cash or short credit robert armour no 25 nolrt davie street montre may 21 1832 sw commistariat kingston 19th may 1832 j government contracts sealed tenders will be re ceived at this office until saturday the 2d day of june next at oneoclock p m for the following services in the ordnance department at this station viz for erecting a stone building wijhin the tetedu pont of 120 feet long and 40 feet broad w a plan of the building and specifica tion of the work may be seen with a form offender and every other infor mation required obtained at the com manding royal engineer office for supplying the ordnance depart ment with 400 lengths of stove pipe 50 el bows and 24 stove pans patterns and description of which can be obtained at the barrack office kingston security will bo required for such contract as may be entered into and payment will be made by an ordnance draft on the military chest to be paid either in british silver or bills of ex change on the treasury at the option of the senior commissariat officer at the rate of 100 for each l01 10s sterling charles a clarke ami commissary general removal john watk1ns has removed his hardware establishment lo a very extensive premises in store street nearly opposite to mr jno blakes ta vern where he is now opening in addi tion to his former slock hfty casks cft- scs of iiardwure which were selected by himself in birmingham shef field and other manufacturing towns in england j watkins returns his thanks to his friends country merchants and the public generally for the liberal sup port he has met with for many years pasi begs to inform ihem that the ar- rangementhe has made in england and from his occasional visits personally no bouse in the canadas can supply them on beticr terms kincston dec lolh 1831 steam boat notice the recent electioneering ouraget at mon- liesl of which we gave in our last a detailed ac count have led lo the most factious and unjust oaoeraions on lieutenant colonel macintosh the messrs armstrong received oa thursday their rirat consignmem of summer goods which form a moat elegant addition to their fashionable establishment selected by mr j w armstrong in england this gentleman we are happy to say returned on thursday evening via newyork in renewed health after an absence of two years during which period he was principally employed io selecting articles from the best manufactories suited to the canadian market monday last being the day appointed for the celebration of our most gracious sovereigns birth day was observed in ihe usual manner by i ittoim- thepart of the 15lh regi die troops in garrison also by hs majestys psssncs ihe favorite 22d may at auebec frnin greenock 12th april mrs john mair of kingston tj c dr and mrs macmil- lan and chill of glasgow mia m ross of in- verness the r henry wilkes of glasgow mr james mcgregor of napance u c mr james jsf of kingston u c jtfr wm john mcneill of edinburgh mr daniel stewart of athol mr wm bell of berwick and mr jas hope of do in the hbphia 23d may at quebec from greenock 90h april mr and mrs malcolm mcneil of gatloichlyvbnd four children mr simon a munro of kingston v c mr john s cormack of do mr william k baird of quebec ml and miss m jacke dr and mrs arnold of montreal ment who were employ ubduing nd dispersing an organized mob dur- l ih riot of the memorable monday when lh deluded victim of m m were necessarily crificcd m the effort to m p- pr that most rious and sharming lumul u i unnecessary for us lo sy that these ssper- ion could only proceed anil the vindicator an d the customary salutes fired by the infantry and artillery the peculiar fineness of the day attracted all our fashionables to the parade ground which for the first time was selected as the champ de mars of the occasion a draft of the letters patent for holding fairs i his town has been transmitted by tho altor- rissssa us u m sheriff duuic md at the annual meeting of the mull am district sfciety held at the school house on mood the 14th day ot may 1832 the followiog 6ltlemcu were appoioted office bearers for the entuiogyear thomafrmarkland eq presideot hugfi c tbomsooi eq treasurer alexander priogle eq secretary the veil archdeacon stuart ano mclean ebj janieitjeddes eaq jr john whitdav mr william stoughton beujamio olcotl 1 1 1 niagara harbour dock company notice is hereby given that ten ders will be leceived until the 1st day of july nexf by the directors ojp the niagara harbour and dock com- pany for the loan of a sum of tbre thousand pounds currency payable in three years the interest to be pait semiannually and the smallest suw tendered as loan not to be less thay 100 further particulars and the nature ov the security in be afforded by the com- pany can be ascertained by making ap- plication to robert dickson eso president thos mcormick secy tieasure wed may 9 1832 n b the editors of the montreal hera st gazette the york courier ihe kinesto chronicle and the buffalo journal ore requested to insert ihe above 4 limea and send their ac counts to the secretary painting tlfte subscriber respectfully in- forms his friends and the public that he will continue his business of painting in all its various branches usual at his shop in ihe market square he will have workmen of the best abili ties and will keep on hand a new autf well assorted stock of paper hanging paints otsand other artictesin his line he returns his sincere thanks for ttyg liberal support he has received an hopes still to merit a share of public p ironage theodore brockett kingston march 24 1832 public notice tenders will be received at this office until wednesday the 6th day of june next for the conveyance of the mail twice a week on a post route about to be established leading from this office to macgregors mills sim mons mills and clarks mills the contract will commence on the 6th july nextand continue for three years two sufficient sureties will be required for the performance of the contract john macaulay p m post office kingston 10th may 1832 commercial bank of the midland district mtotice is hereby given that at ayl a meeting of the stockholders held ibis day according to the act of iwiiwovftwf resolved that an instalment of ten percent on the capital stock subscri bed be called in payable on or before the fifteenth day of june next at this office faharper cashier kingston april 3 1832 the splendid new stchm doal giteat britain capt jos whitney propelled by hoo low pressure engines ofjiindy horse power each the public are respeel fully infurm- ol hat the following arrangements have been made for the months of april may nnd june will leave prescoil every wednesday morning commencing on ihe 18th april 25th april 2il may 9th may 16ih may 23d may 30ih may 6th june l3thjiro 20th june 87th june touching at foockville- kingston co bourg port hope york and arrive at niagara early on friday morning will leave niagara every saturday af ternoon at 5 oclock commencing on 21t april 38th april 5th may 12th may lyil mny 26th may 3d june 9ui june j gil june 23d june 30th june calling at oswego evory sunday morn ing after 5tb may next also at kingston and brockville and arrive at prescott on sunday afternoon the ladies pnd gentlemens cabins on baard the great britaittare finished in he same manner as the netv yotk and liverpool packet ships wilh state rooms and no expense has been spared in finishing and furnishing the boat in the fflost comfortable manner every endeavour will be used to accommodate passengers and ensure the greaicst regu- lariiy picscoit u c- 9tfi april 1832 t r notice will forgiven of the nrrangemenfs for the months of july atfgust and september albany tempeftance house mt safflord tc of ihe oneida li temperance house uttcaiia5 taken tho spacious and convenient biytldfqe in the city of albany koowoasthe albany tomperauce hoilieand belbogibg o c delavadi esq 1t vfituaied n theeor- uer of north market and steuhfto ttrttils a short distance ufifth of the fohofflde the house will continue to be cotrductfed oo the priuciples of that great reformatioo which is blessing our land and the friebds of these prtociplas aro requested to patrou- iio the house so long as its accoimnoila- tious are such as to entitle it to their pa- rooage for ewdeodes ofhis fitbess to take change nf nnestrtblishmeo ithich htf sdeh 8us- portant connexion with the interest qtthe cause of temperance heji permitted toito- ferto the followiog geotlefoeo ulictf-sj0d- cer kellogg william clarke a b j4fti- soo samuel stocking william tfmay- nard nicholas devereux pelerbdro gernt smith rochester ashley saro- son evarafrd utick j k livingstbb ai- hany willard llurlbert smith porter- n li mr saffbrd would inform the public that his- luccetkor in the oneida temperance house is capt j rf ropes a geotlpman every way qualified lb ftanain the character and extend the respectability of the establishment 3w albany april 23 1832- bank of upper canada itotice is hereby given that the ll annual general electiooof stock holders will be held at the bank on monday the 4th june next at 11 oclock a m to choose directors for the en suing year thomas g ridout cashier n b the editors of the several pa pers in ihe province will be pleased lo insert the above as usual and transmit their accounts for payment to the bank t g r bank of upper canada ttotice is hereby given that jj books will be opened on the first day of august next as there is a re strictive clause in the late charter to prohibit its being done till six months after the passing of the act for subscript lion to ihe increased capital of this bank at the following places to wit in the towns of kingstonniagara york brockville perth sandwich amherst- burg london cobourg cornwall and hamilton in the district of gore under the direction of persons hereaftej to be named thos 6 ridout bank of upper canada cajtitr york 24th feb 1332 i n b in addition lo the current half yearly dividend a bonus of not less than eight per cent is intended lo be paid to the stockholders 6m t g r i it oneida temperance hbuse the subsciiber respectfully informs the travelling public that he has takeo for a term of years the spacious and pleasant maosioa in the citt op llttica known by the above name and heretofore occupied by mj nafford who hat re moved to the albany temperance house the location of the oneida temperance house is in all respects convenient and pleasant situated no 53 genesee ttrtet opposite the ontario branch bank al the ceutre of business a few rods from ihe packet hnat landtag oo the canfel sufficient ly removed to be free frotft the noise and not incommoded by the distance the house is large embracing suitojof rooms and private parlors appropriately furnished for parties and all the necessary cooveni- the house will coolinueto be kept upon the strict principles of temperance all or dent spirits being expelled from it and no effort will be spared tn maintain for it tbe excellent reputation which it has acquired under the superintendauce of- the former proprietor the table will always be fur- qishetl to the firet order aod attentive ser- vaots will always be in employ the pre sent proprietor sensible that his main de pendence must he upon the friend of tem perance confidently appeals to them to sustain him in hisenterpritfe k a porter will be kepi in wailing for the arrival of the packets aod baggage willfbo carried to and from tho canal free of ex- peose j m ropes utica april 23 1832 3ir mansionhouse hotel the subscriber continues to occu py tlits extensive and well known establishment fox the accommodation of the public tub mansion hdus is jjearently situated on store streetj being trre prin cipal and most central street in king ston and no establishment of ihe kind in the province can surpass it in ibo ex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are furnished in the very best style thesubscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experi ence in that line j and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the com forts 6f his guests he will merit a share of the public rwtronage in tbe rear of themansion house is a large yard in which there is an ex tensive and commodious range bf sta bles and where u livery stable is constantly kept s carmino kingston may 9 1832

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