foueittf sewn advices from eujtopc bui after nil the ratification of austria mid prussia if lie fofeigq journals which are the organs nf the despot can uo le 7 r lieved are by on menu of that complete i lo hocsij wild enthusiasm with which n was spoken the court took lime lu consider on llieif adjudication army far0jfee april ftih ft lieut frcdk love from half pay 52d fool to be lieutenant vice nunn pnmio ted uiiatlaclicd lieut john loftus kuniu urun- nod satisfactory nature ivliirh ven if die ratification of russia worcnuo exdmuzed would bring the relate question to a settle ment as the ahtmthtc zeitung in par ticular explains the affair it is lo he taken as a ratification that ratifies outhiuj hut only marks the opcuiug of a new chapter of negociatioos a latter from the hague dated march 12 sayi the final declaration of his majes ty has bceu transmitted to the london cou- fereoce he has resigned the sovereignty of sir magistrate eminent died in ed 71 the iker hi has tad has acknowledged tfelgmcn leopold the cholera has rnanifestei followiug places siuce onr last v luce itself in the icrouots aisna laon vervins soissous kure les andelys loiret glen nord douel ha- zebrouck orne mootargis oise senlis crevecteur broteuil clermont fayel luchy blainvilliers verueuih larihe courville youoe sen joigny serigny richard rirnic lung nn of the london police loudon on the aoili of april a lie succeeded sir robert it chief mngislriei in 1s2l laov arw wtndiiam mother nflord durham died of cholera morbus on the 21st april at her bouse iu london her lady ship was seized with the epidemic ouly the preceding day but the symptoms were from the first unequivocal the health of earl grey has improved since ht adjournment of parliament but we are sorry to hear that lord brougham hasuot experienced so much beuefit from the comparative quiet recess as was expect ed court journal mahriagk of kiina leopold we are informed says the independent that the preparations for the approaching marriage ofking leopold with a princess of france are iu great forwardness feelings of loyalty and with tho accustoni- ed honors mr csouoi then gave fc ltiulu llonorahlo lord alyiner nurhclov- ed uuvertioriu chief who has rondescend- ed by his prescenco to honor tho laying of iho centre slnno of this building thereby proving the ureal interest lie takes iu the charitahle iustiiutious sutd the tloir0 ho has tu encourage the arts and sciences as well hs to piomotc the general interests of all iik majesty subjects in this province drank with three times three- his lord ship ivmrned thanks in a very neat address in winch ho declared lhathowovet ho might feel mattered hv tho manner in which for montreal this day ui st clock in the hercules steamer the ollkvrs accompa nying them are captains towdshond and is tack with lieutenants iuuyughamo blackford and spring- c mtrey the order obliging ves j upland with rd pymc doctor on board has been ret cl sailing from s to have a iudod ib on tho 38th april lord iilhmisio iran- sacterl business at tlto coin ial cilice as did also sir james kempt 6 lctters from london as lk6 as tlto lgih april have been received here which leave little room lo doubt that the british north mncricau i- rid compauy having obtain ed from ouverutncut a iviidificaliod of terms will go into trained in it operation tb uu parliament having adjourned for the easter holydays was to reassemble nu the 7th may- in the meantime great oxer lions were makiog by the reformers to stimulate earl grey to iosist upon the bill i the whole bill without amendment and to create a9 many peers as may be neces sary to carry every point- immeusc pub lie meetings had been held upon the sub ject and resolutions in favour of the 10 qualification being insisted on carried by acclamation the navy will rejoice to bear that our gracious monarch has done an act of jus tice to a man than whom a braver or bet- er officer does not exist ou its list the earl of duodooald was on monday resto red to hisstaudiug in the navy and is now a rear admiral of the blue the gracious act was conferred on the petiiiou of his countess tho restoration of hie lord ships honours an a knight grand cross of the order of tho rath haviuft been a knight of the bath in 1614 has been sub sequently granted on his lordships petition the gallant karl takes rank immediately above rear admiral william parker hampshire telegraph the earl of ouodonald will bo better recollected as lord cochrane his lord ship was dismissed from the royal navy and degraded from the luosillouorahlc or der of the bath ou an accusation of be connected in a fraudulent transaction the stock exchange his lordships po litical offoocet were however always sup posed to have constituted the head aud front of his offending and he at no time lost his popularity with the navy a communication has been received via copenhagen iu loodou relative to the john of greenock under the command of captain ross in this it is stated that a boats crew and a surgeon had left that ves sel when in danger in the polar regions and that they were landed in deumark during the last year havj h brought there hy some of the whaling ships- if this infor mation be correct it is the duty of ai the parties to slate the whole particulars iu the newspapers for the information of those who have relations or friends on board that vessel whose feeling as to the uncer tainty of iheir fate may be conceived we sincerely hope that the enterprising com manders of tho whalers will use every ex ertions lo rescue if alive a crew of our brave couutrymeu from a death too horri ble for even the imagination to dwell on amongst mountains thick ribbed iro and those eternal snows that form the dreary landscapes of that frozcu clime globe tho kioghas revived an office and title which had almost become obsoleie that of vtco admiral of counties- it is au office of great antiquity and of late years it has been usual to combine its duties with those of lord lieutenant of counties the incumbents are representatives nf the kins iu the maritime counties iu relation to the droits of admiralty caro of wrecks c the citizens of london have presented the freedom of the city to carl grey and lord ahhorp for their oxertioas in favour of reform emigrant ships an order has been received at plymouth from the board io consequence of a memorial from the gene ral shipowners society directing the offi cers of customs not to interfere with ships carrying less than 50 passengers to north america and iu all cases the necessity of carrying a surgeon throughout the voyage is rescinded and a sirict examination into the health of the prssengers is directed to he made by a medical superintendent pre vious to sailiug this indicates a decided disposition on the part of government to afford every possible facility aud encourage ment to emigration plymouth journal ou the motion of the attorney general criminal informations wore filed against thocourt journal tho morning lost the john bull and the observer uewsptipcrs for libels on the duke and dutchess of uiclv mood 27th april mr irving the celebrated scotch preach er in london in whose church the mum mery of the unknown tongue has so long been carrying on has been called before a presbytery on a charge brought against him by tho trustees of his church that ho was on unfit person to ronfiuue to discharge tlto duties uf minister the proceedings wero interrupted hy an address in the unknown tongue from one of mr irving followers on the deposition of a rupiion which differed to bo endowed willi the gift of tongues had caused to the regularsorvice of the chapel mr irving asked him whether the manifes tations to which be had deposed lil not agree with what was written in the scrip tures the court ruled that- the question was not relevant as the ease they had to decide was not whether the utterances were in accordance with tho scripture but with tho standards of the church of scot land mr irving said that the court having prevented hiin from appuahu i scripture had proved itself to he not tb court uf christ but the court of nuticltrut mr irving addressed the court in fur live hours ills spoech iv bio for the uuwcaiicd euergy aud tho air uf colonial court of kings bench to the ap plication made by mr gale on the behalf of lieut colonel macintosh and captain temple to be discharged from the bail iu- tn which they had entered the solicitor general this morning asked whether the application referred to au absolute discharge or not mr gale iu reply slated that be conscieutiously believed that these gen- i tlomcu were entitled to an absolute aod un- qualified discharge they had been called out by the civil power had acted by its or ders aod under its controul hut as they i were desirous of seeking enquiry couvinc- j cd that the more the circumstances were examined the more blameless they would i appear they would be ready to enter bail to f appear before any competent court the i solicitor general proposed bail to the i amount of 200 fur the principals aud two securities each in 100 saying that he bad not ou lookiugovcr the papers filed tho shadow of a charge against tho defeu- dants au opioion which had heeu concur red in by all the crown officers in mon treal and as an inquiry was going on be- i fore another court the coroners he ask ed merely for bail for their appearance io the 27ih august the day to which that court stood adjourned the chief justice concurred aud remarked that the defen dants wero entitled to their application bail was then entered messrs forsyth aod gerrard becoming securities mon treal gazette j his hrnhlt had heeu druuk they ouly did him justice wheu they supposed that he felt the warmest interest in and no one in the province could feel more anxious desire to promote the prosperity of lower canada than himself more particularly as to her public and charitable institutions the next toast was drank with great en thusiasm the lady alyuicr and the fair of the province his lordship begged to returtt thanks for lady alyuicr whose health ho should always be most happy to drink but he douhed whether her lady ship tould reply to tho lane part of the toast namely the fairoftho province so sincerely as he did for be assured the j public meeting is grauied to the company company he drank it con atnore this j with liberty to extend their operations to happ hii was extremely well received 0 provinces it is however intended the next toast the provincial legisla- j primarily to coufioe tho transactions of the tore til whose liberality we an indebted for f company to lower canada n the district ou iho south side of the st lawrence- standard wo understand that lord coderich has allowed the shareholders of the north ame rican land company ten years to pay whatever valuation may he agreed upoo interest is to be paid on inualments as a compensation for the revaluation which is now ubandoued the quantity ofland 500000 acres the amount required by tht we intended to have noticed the nume rous misstatements of the minerve and vindicator respecting the late election riot but aro prevented for the present one or two of ihcso are so glaring that we caonot omit giviug them a passing glance without further delay the vindicator says sam uel gerrard ksq- was eogaged in throwing stones and we believe some of the vera cious witnesses ou tho inquest swore lhat he was the fact is at the lime of ibe riot this gentlemau was sitting in his own par lour and had not been near the poll all that day again the minerve says that mr lggi although an american born wa not supported by his couotryineu iu this city i tho fact is that out of about sou voters of americana all except niue voted for mr bagg the minerve hopes by this means to mislead the cauadian population of the country districts and to induce a belief that its lottcriug cause is yet powerfully supported but such bac and palpable conduct cannot long go to the public without being stripped of its dubious character aod then will its authors be left to bear tho cousequeoceof such deviations from candid and honourable conduct montreal courant this building the marioc hospital was also deceived with the warmest applause and with three cheers his excellency beg ged id remark that in the erectiouof this hospital and in the appropriation for it there was nothing like a selfish feeling for it wa to be erected for tho reception of strangers who might be visited with sick ness uq arriving in this province on ihuixth to wit the array aud na vy being drank with tho usual honors his lxcelledcy in returning thanks re- greitet the absence of his gallant frieud commodore liarrie who would haveboeu belter a to return thanks for the honor done hu branch of the service these- veothi toast was the militia ot lower ca nada its natural defence this was done every houour to his excellency declaring properly tvithtfrraat energy that as comrnander io chioijuf lhat militia he knew he could re ly upion it in the hourof danger and cou- fidenttly entrust to it tho defence of their uativte laud on tho eighth toast being given commerce and the masters of ves sels trading to this country h captaiu mccmle of the nailer quebec trader re turned thanks iu a very handsome man ner expressing the warmest wishes for the prosperity of the marine hospital thie health of the faculty was then given when dr skey returned thanks iu au excellent reply in which be dwelt up on tfre great cordiality of the profession in all which interested the public health and welfare one or two other toasts wero given whicb have escaped us wo should how ever mention that his excellency gave prosperity to the marine hospital at the coucloision ofhis speech on returniug ihauks for th third toast tl toasts wero given by mr clnuet and the company wero much pleased with the attention they received from that geutlertnan and the other commissioners aud gentlemen iuteresied mr blaiklock well supported the part of vice presideot as all who kuow that gentleman will readily admit we must repeat that too much praise cannot bo given to the excellent arraugc- meut made by the secretary mr- lluot who we understand had charge of the whole ceremouy aud of the collation wo shall hereafter give tho dimensions of the build ing auid a copy oi the inscription which in many instances lo differ from the old es tablished maxims laid down by scientific men iu increasing the lifts of inimy of tho locks beyond the approved height it must doubtless bo highly gratifying to learn that it has succeeded to admiration it would be in vain to attempt to describe the mag nificent scenery aud beautiful appearance of the several works in a hasty sketch like the present the degree of excitemeut produced on the minds of the thunderstruck inhabitants who had an opportunity of wit nessing tho practicability so long sneered at by euvious aud interested persons of passiog with the greatest facility a steam koat through these heretofore unoavigable waters 6unnounliog aud subduing the ob stacles of nature in a manner truly aston ishing to the minds of persons who had nev- erseen aoy thing of the kind before their loud and reiterated acclamations at every station rent the air in short they appeared to think as if they could not sufficiently tes tify their fceliog of admiration and delight this no doubt was truly gratifying to lt col by and his amiable family who ac companied him as well as to those who had any share iu the management of this stupendous work in a word a greater pleasure from any earthly cause could not possibly be imagined thau to have been colonel by for one half hour in bis pass ing through indian lake aud the isthmus his feelings must have heen most extatic it was with great pleasure that on pass ing through indian lake after leaving chaffey s mills we beheld a party of in dians drawn up rank and file on the beach iu front nf their encampment having two chiefs and uoion flags floating among the dark green foliage of the clustering pines on our approach they saluted the boat with aeu de joic ia most regular order and in a style that would not discredit a regularly organized corps we immedi ately returned the compliment by firing a cannon several times and making a sheer out of the direct course passed in front of the encampment when col by received j thorn on board to the number of about 40 mi kingston chronicle satuadat just 8 1432 we cuke for iivokoiiioma although so many cures have been offered to the puplic for tbi appalling disease ujost of whicb have boen found ineffectual ve are never theless emboldened to lay befu our readers the following remedy which as it come fortified by proofs of actual nd numerous cures is the more worthy of public notice the receipt is as follows tke a quantity of oyster shells and burn itam into lime pulverise the lime till it becomes au iropal pablo powder take three uhlo spoonfuls of this powder aod beat them op w itli three men women and children who went on to type fev this in a common pin with sweet the isthmus with us their boats and canoes iil aod let he patient uai ifce cake when i towed astern of the steamer ten io num bajked iu the morning fasting to take uo victual nor the least akiog care dose has been taken repeat this dose for three qjorniugs successively this remedy has been used among the french canadians of this province for many years it is prescribed by the priests frequently and no instance of its failing is known unless iu patients where tho fits had made their oppearauce before thoexhi bitions of the medicine we know of a family in the viciuity of st andrews l c three ni whom were bitten io eudeavouriug to drag a rabid dog from under a bed the dog made bis escape out of the house and bit three of bis owners cattle and some dogs all the cattle and dogs bitten were seized with violent symptoms of hydro phobia and died or were killed the threo persons bitten took the medicine here de- cribed and escaped another family bad four of its members bitten jwo of them inter esting young men took hydrophobia and died the other two after the death of their brothers heard of this remedy took it and never experienced the slightest symptoms of this horrible disease persons desirous of learning the names oft 16 parties aboveroeutioued and of hear ide more cases of cure can be satisfied on this point by caning at the vourant ojfkt montreal couranu was in cur english and french quebec mer- witness to the iuior- persons professing the marine hospital at 3 oclock we had the pleasuto of witnessing the in teresting ceremony of laying the centre stone ufthe new marino hospital fur which a considerable sum had been voted by tho legislature in a former session this hospital situated in thovacheric where owing to the novelty of a fine summer day a very numerous assemblage of tho inhabi tants was collected long before the hour fixed for tho ceremony the baud of the 24th kegt performed several delightful pieces nf music previous to the arrival of his excellency ond lady alymer who were attended by a numerous suite in full uniform his lordship rode up to the plat form whero be was received by the com- jmissiooers tho secretary the architect several members of the assembly aud other gentlemen who conducted him and her ladyship to the stone the band playing god nave the king upon the stone was a plate with the inscripiiou the trowel and hammer adorned with ribbons aud the other implements used on the occasinn imrulaiklock the architect having declar ed every thing ready presented the trowel to his lordship who smoothed the mor tar and the stone was fixed in its bud his excellency having tried it declared it wm plumb and then gave the three strokes with the hammer which at iho request of mr blaiklock hr ladyship alo repeat ed and the stone was laid the inscription was then read by ii s- huot isq secretary his lordship hap pily declaring his anxious hope that no tine who hereafter became an inmate of the walls about to be erected upon te stone just laid would leave the hospital with out being restored to health the ceremouv concluded gasl j election jc appear that cer tain information has been received in town of tho ireelurtiun of mr christie aod the election of mr w power of ibis city for tho couuty of gaspe now returning two members it is said that mr oosset member for bonaveuture will resign aud that mr black advocate of quebec who formerly offered his services fur that district will be proposed the death of mr de monienach leaves avacaucyfor yamaska we believe noue of the uew legislative councillors have yet resigned their seals- o q- g- dr foriier of st michel county of bollecbase has heeu appointed health officer at crossu isle in the room uf dr griffin who resigned the allowance of this officer we believe is i3s for each vessel he boards dr critlio we understand remains at grosse ule as superintendent of the hos pital assistant commissary general l greig has goue to ihc quarautiutj station from bytown ja capt nicholas of the brig esther one of our west india traders was appointod captaiu of tho royal william steamer io in the place of mr jones k- n at a meet ing of the committee ou wednesday capt junes takes homo the uew ship lord aylmer loading fur liverpool 16 liverpool april 17th thew aro buyers jf bonded wheat at the low nes os has een refuseul for united states iiir quality parcel of l s fresh sweet lour is of- lonugiiib perbbl stain ijndities 22 io 2s aud sour has heeu told a 0 day market all description ot wheat were held for an advance on weeks quotations of fully bd per 711- ad this improvement was realized for considera ble quantity of tho fiuerdcscrivonsof irish wheat juvrwhb emigrant soci a letter addressed to the houoibic james crooka from tho president uf lmigraot society formed iu loudon he j so kind as to baud us it appea s a society has been formed io london o an exten sive scle for forwarding youni emigrants to this country aud apprcutici era out to mechanics tradesmen and armers for a certain number of years a uio which is fraught with the most advantageous con sequences to this infant colory re gret exceedingly that we coum not make room for this iuterestiug docutfcut in ibis number bciug under eogageauut to insert a lengthy communication fro ouelph which layover from our last a part of which we arc obliged to dfif until our uoxt in which it shall appear nth the let ter to iho honourable james tiooks and the prospectus which accompand tt ve have been obliged to defer sterol other small communications for wan of space hamilton mircury ber here we were again received with shouts of applause from a numerous body captain cole and lady of the number se veral firing guns which we returned by fir ing the cannon and a feu dtjoit fired by the indians who stationed themselves on the wiogs of the boat enough cannot be said ia praise of the friendly feelings evinced by those sons of the forest aod the degree of delight maoi fested by them to behold the steamer in their hitherto almost solitary waters indeed it ought to be a lesson to the grumblers and a convincing proof of the fostering care of that munificent and paternal govern ment at which they cavil for if the red man can with delight behold his native so litudes the haunts of tho animals from which he derives his subsistence invaded by the genius of science io our rage for im provement and which forces bitn to retire to other hunting grounds what ought to be the gratitude of white men for whom these improvements are expressly designed having 3een the steam boat to the nar rows r lake where the first lock oo the descent to the ottawa is situated business compelled us to return after being satisfied that no doubt could be entertained ofget- ting to bytown in safety thus iucontro- yertibly establishing that the ridtau canal is practicable 1 remain dear sir your most obedt servant h macgregor are without later fcdvicc- from england lhtnthti first of may and these destitute f other intirrest than lhat excited by the suspen sion r the parliamentary business and the pro bability i during thy recess some points may be reciprocally conceded which will impel iho great engine of reform through the committee with that velocity peculiarly dcsiiabte in this period of political collision the argument on both sides as displayed in the last debate present nothing original t objections are grounded on the same principles and the only difference we can discover is evinced n perhap a stronger spirit of acrimony than that which distinguished the discussion in the preceding session we can no longer doubt its ultimate success for should every other system fail the people of great britain are resolved that il must pass even if forced by the doubtful expedient of enlarging the catalogue of representative yuexs this has been loudly demanded by petition to the king and earl grey and in these times ii would be peculiarly hazardous to tamper with the loud but respectful remonstrances of an ex cited multitude it will be seen by an extract from the montre al gazene that lieut col macintosh and capt temple have been liberated by the decision of the judges from the unjust security they were placed under by the arbitrary and unconstitution al warrant of the coroner and are simply held lo bail for their apparance on the 27lh of august the day to which the coroners jury stands adjourned the solicitor general declaring that he had not on looking over the papers filed the shadow of charge against the defendants this pro ceeding however is unpalatcable loathe per secutors of all equity and justice for the u t comparative statement nf arrivals ton- e bud settlers at the port of quebec to inclusive of ibe past aud with throe s excellency her ceremouy cheer after which b ladyship and suite were conducted by th commissioners to a woodeu building coo tiguutlsi in which a handsome cold colla tion of fruit and more substantial viands choice lvioes c had been provided by ibe care and exortion of mr- huot the secre tary to the commissioners three tables were laid aud spoedily surrounded hy the hidies nut gentlemen invited ou tho uecu- siuu tho firt toast after the repast was i that peculiarly appropriate for the clay cho- hudrfvlrocn tor the ceremony aud tho health of s remark- his majesty taiduf the quceu aud kuyal family were drank wiih tho warmest nas the 1st nf juuc present year vessels touuae settlors 1831 m 5024 18203 1832 300 85132 13902 opinions arc divided as to the probable number nf arrival aad settlors tbe present fiir surpassed year many consider that both vessels aud enijrnuts vj be les tho probabi lity as respects settlers is however iu favour of a soiili increase ifr- etghi soldiers of the 32d resimoot have deserted within the last fortnight of these two derted from the quarantine station several of ttloso who had deserted from quebec have heeu retaken fifteen soldiers from differ cut rejrimeuls in this t mil i and convicted uf desertion by courts martial will be i runs ported nn their ivaj to bermuda by iho first trip v ihc kuyal villiain suamcr to halifax ib from the patriot davie wills 24th ml 1832 dear sir mr thomas brows aod myself are just returned from th x arrows kideau lake distance from k5 5 lo go miles after leaving col by aod his amiable lady iu full speed for fywwb on board the steam uoat pumper iud as you arc a well known friend to tht cause we have particular reason io give wo the ear liest opportunity of evincing it u a degree hitherto out of your power off tiwo tor the tale is but short as it is already 3 oclock friday uioruiug aud the mefscir ready 10 start suffice il to say that very thing the most bauguif j cxpocta- uonsofcol by and other experienced judges who accompanied him il s itot the boat not beiur intended to py so soon if at all tho uiacbiuery was good deal out of order but the locks th depth of water insured through the accu cy of the levels taken and the necessary buoys and land mark c answered adnirably this portion of the canal through which we have passed from kldgstoo 1 ibe isth mus always viewed by co dxpctieucedd liai t tt thu tit js and other mrnciers as the mrst difficult muc uudertauiu talllg car- the ctcuadi cotupuiit ufthe er lonij tthbttva kiny ilulut ml l club jit arked lake tlrrouj ttra remove est kind scrvuir m ops rfval t country cfliwistiii uud creek uud uautitic uf rock oj to connect the buvcrul i to construct iuuncuse plains of small uving to uehard- itural re- end dinner to washington irving the dinner given to washington irving on wednesday was exceedingly well at tended aud must have been in the high est degree gratifyiog to the distinguished in dividual who was honoured with it we copy the following from the new york gazette a ibion the irving dinner was celebrated last evening in a manner becoming our citizeos and the renowned guest of the occasion the attendance was numerous aud joyous we can offer at present but a brief notice of the festival reserving the details for a future day when we hope to offer a cor rect and full account of the happy speeches and toasts which were given- the chair was taken by exchancellor kent the vice presidents wero messrs p hooe j duer professor renwick t l ogden s swartwout and chas graham the president io giving a toast to the health of the illustrious guest washington irving prefaced it with some felicitous remarks the reply of mr- irving was full of ani mation and feeliog- he adverted with rapture to his return to his own his native land and declared his intention of remain ing hero as long as he should live this annunciation was received with waving of handkerchiefs and immense cheering the 1st vice president philip hone esq being called on for a ioast gave the memory of the first settlers of new am sterdam his accompanying remarks were full of spirit and jocoseoess aod con ceived in an excellent vein j duer esq 2d vice president gave the memory of dietrick knickerbocker he prefaced his toast with a most admira ble speech a speech full of spirit brillian cy and wit he vindicated with lively elo quence tbeclaim of honest dietricks being considered the author of hisomn work de spite the popular delusion in thisparticu lar aod seemed to be anxiously desirous lhat the shade of the veracious historian should not be placed in the predicameot of exclaiming with the roman bard alter ui it hooores j the third vice president gave u sir walter scott the fourth vice presi des gave the memory of youthful asso ciations the fifth gave the health of peter irving which was drunk with three cheers the sixth gave the dis tinguished strangers and citizens who hon oured the guest by their preseuce each ot these toasts were preceded hy a speech tho regular toasts were apposite and well expressed mr horn ihe vocalist was preseut and gave some ofhis best od nerve hesitstes not to exhibit the real object of their arrest when he declares that lieut col macintosh and capt temple should like all accused of the crime murder have been niiprsrnoh nnil tvv had nhimnivt i wri rtf i- beasenrpus this would have gratified such public incendiarists as mr popineau and his de mocrat adherents and led perhaps to a per petuation of hostilities which would have occa sioned more vigorous and sanguinary results the excitement fomented by such journals as the vindicator and minerve appears by the fat accounts increasing as upon a signal ofrocket the artillery were at 8 oclock at night brought over from st- helens information having been received that 10000 canadians were muster- ing ct masse in the rear of the mountainsto make a descent on the town and to sel fire to it it however turns out lobe an experiment of the commandant to try the vigilance as he was bound to do of the troops under his command and as he did not do mr papincau the honor 0 consulting him upon this point of duly the act was construed into an alarm occasioned by the circulation of the above false and scandalous report the garrison has been reinforced not from any apprehension that the lath hegimem arc unable to cope with a canadian rabble but because ihe extra duties they have been exposcnl to since the 21st rendered it necessary thot they should enjoy some respite from the fatigues of ia mkasftm state nf mtiitltsfi jfe fiwofttf jgf a soldier attempting to fire upon a civilian j re presented ofi another gratuitous falsehood emanating from that infamous tlanderoos and abusive press col nicholls royal knginecrs accompanied by col by and other officers of that corps ar rived here on saturday last via the ridcau canal the former remains here a few days fonjer previous to bis lrur to the other districts under his command he has betm busily employed in inspecting the sites and plana of the projected works at this post the preparations for com mencing which legun at fort henry on thurs day morning on the arrival of the april mail we have no doubt these works will be in full operation we have been favoured with the petition of the freeholders and inhabitant of the county of gaspe to his majesty relative to their exclu sion from the legislature of the province since the year 182s9 and other grievances by certain arbitrary proceedings of the assembly of low er canada also their resolution adopted m public meetings oppressing their sense of the measures with other pnpen these documents are accompanied with tn explanatory letter to lord godericb and all ap pear to us lo be founded in justice ond reason they arc drawn up with great moderation and we cannot suppose that mr christies unprece dented persecution will be disregarded by that power to whom he has appealed for redress we sincerely hope lhat the employment which the public works will afford to emigrants will in duce the residence of english mechanics and ar tists in this town a noble opportunity will be thereby afforded them of realizing by their in dustrious and sober habits a sum sufficient to esw tablish their families in independence in the land of their adoption on our first page will be found an extract from the work of mr- chisholme on the natural right of he colonies lo representation in tbelm perial parliament wc hope as opportunity offers lo continue such extracts as bear upon the important position he so ably advocates a few copies are on sale at this office on tho whole we cau assure our read ers that the festival was well arranged aud couducted aud that they have a rich treat whenever tbe speeches c thai bo laid before tbeoj in full the great britain steamboat arrived here on thursday morning she was unable to touch at any of our wharves having had as is reported htmtlred emigrants on board twelve monday being the 4th of june the two bal- tahonsoffroiitenac militia mustered in unusual strength and improved apptarance after go ing through the customary evolutions the 1st regiment passed in review order before col maikland the veteran commander of this line corps