from the tistnn litciory ylngimnc the voice ofslmher i shall come i shall conic when tho vloruu havo passed by 1 shall conic when theres warmth in the bril liant blue sky i shall come when iho ico in tho streams is all gone m- i rtlull come when tilt robin igfl gaily ut i shall come when the fields ate nil covered with green when the swallow obftmtlnn her pinions is scon i 8 couio when uk roods ro all level and dry i shall come when is whining the sunloving fly i shall cono i shall come though i lurry so long i shall come with a swell of melodious song i shall come with the blossom the tulip and rose when the zephyr perfumed along the blow ransackod in search of giants and upon inuio than one occasion ho was near going to war rather linn bo compelled to givo up his acquisitions of ibis kind nor was aoy class of men or my pro fession sacred from tlie violence ol the r lands for sale is timkk canada havo fai mss i a a ea h i shall come i ohall come over valley and hill i ahull show my green robes by river and rill to meetmc with gladness 1 charge you prepare awake for behold 1 shall quickly be there life of frederick the great a well digested and impartial biogra phy of such a hero us frederick the great of prussia was so desirablo an accession to our literature that we can not too earnestly applaud the spirit which has induced lord dover to en deavour to supply it although the na ture of the subject forbids us to expect any novelty or increase of interest in the performance frederick indeed was too much favoured by circumstances to admit of the slightest hazard thai any event of his extraordinary career or any trait of his singular character should not be faithfully preserved for tho con templation o future ages he took care to be surrounded during his life by successive circles of men the most remarkable of their era for learning for genius for the inlluonce which they exercised through their writings over the feelings and understandings of their contemporaries in becoming the host and some times the taskmaster of vol taire and of somu of tho principal philosophers of his day and in either flattering their vanity or thwarting their favorite purposes frederick knew that he drew upon him tho direct at tention of the existing guardians and distributors of historical renown ei ther the gratitude he concluded of such men for the favours he had bestowed on them or their indignation on account of his ill treatment would equally ope rate as a security that his name and actions would occupy the most distin guished station in the annals of his time if such indeed be the true description of the policy of frederick the expecta tions by which ho was actuated were literally fulfilled at least by voltaire for it is not so much to the partiality of the latter as it is to his lesentnient that the king is in a great measure indebted for that universal interest regarding him which to this hour has experienced no material abatement frederick him self was no mean contributor to the literature of his age the spectacle of a g at the dato lo which we refer re nouncing all the delusive distinctions of a crown and satisfied to contend in the common arena for intellectual honours was such a striking innovation as to make the deepest impression throughout tho civilized world and frederick himself has enjoyed all ihe benefit of the curiosity which his novel example bad excited for many who would have been indifferent to his actions and his charac ter were still solicitous to read the writings of a prussian monarch from such felicitous accidents and coinci dences it has happened that not otic of all he heroes whom it is ico 0 is 18 30 0 25 12 0 0 0 0 10 10 1 is go 0 0 0 0 19 13 1 8 19 g 21 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 6 7 0 15 15 12 12 4 13 6 6 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 5 2 10 0 0 0 the business of modern history lo commemorate stands morecleaily defined or more faithfully pourtrayed to our eyes than frederick the great in seaiching as men are naturally inclined to do for some reasons that will servo lo explain the causes of that comparative superiority of mind which this monarch exhibited over his im mediate ancestors and indeed ihe whole of his successors we arc led principally to consider the nature of his early education- he was the gronl grandson of frederick william a man who from his wisdom conduct and prudence acquired tho title of the great elector if wo can suppose that peculiar mental faculties obey the same law of hereditary descent as that which regulates tho transmission of family diseases and that the genius ol the great grandfather can be passed pressgangs even pi tests were net t tally torn from the altars ns was the case among olheih with lite abbe basliani who wits curried off while celebrating mass in u village church in the north of italy he subsequently settled at berlin and was admitted into the intimate society of frederick the great the extraordinary desire of frederick william to recruit this regi ment seems even to have got the better of the passion of avarice which on all oilier occasions reigned paramount in his breast for we find instances iccord- ed in which he gave grcal sums for sin gle recruits of a gigantic stature to one called m the great joseph who apparently was a monk ho gave 5000 florins for enlisting and paid 1500 rix dollars to the monastery ho belonged to in the procuring of an italian named andrea copra the charge was as fol lows 1500 rix dollars as bounty money to tho recruit himself and 2000 rix dollars to the persons who discovered and watched him 80010 those who car ried him off by force from his own country but tho most expensive re cruit of all appears to have been an irishman named james kirkland for the procuring of whom the following cu- 1 ions bill was brought in to the king s a for ihe man himself on condition of his giving up his person 1 for the sending of two spies the journey from ireland to chester from chester to ireland the man who accompanied him on the journey to him on his arrival three years of wages promised him to some of his acquaintance in lon don who helped lo persuade him a fortnights allowance for a uniform shoes c journey from london to berlin post horses from gravcsend to lon don and back to other persons employed in the business the two soldiers of the guard who assisted to gome persons for secrecy expenses at the inn at gravescnd to a juaticc of the peace to a man who accompanied him and watched him constantly for q boat fr letters to ireland and back making in all the enormous sum of 1200 10 paid for a single recruit vol i pp 57 it is no wonder that frederick wil liam should wish to gratify his taste upon a more economical scale than he seems to have been compelled to adopt he accordingly set his heart upon a project for the regular cultivation of a race of giants in his own dominions every woman of unusual statute whom he even casually saw he compelled to inter marry with one of his guards quite indifleicnt whether she was pleased or not with the alliance he very soon found out however by one very curious incident thai kidnapping women re quire somewhat of a more dexterous sportsman than was sufficient for tho capture of the men on one occasion says lord dover in going f potsdam to berlin he met u young imiuutjiite ami ivalknimtfa girl of un almost gigantic size he was struck with her and having stopped and spoken lo her he learned from herself that she was a saxon and not married that she had come on business to the market at berlin and was now return ing to her village in saxony in urn case said frederick william to her you pass before the gate of potsdam and if i give you n note to the com mandant you can deliver it without go ing out of your way take charge therefore of the note which i am about to write and promise mo to deliver it yourself to the commandant and you shall have a dollar for your pains the girl who knew the kings character well promised all that he wished the note was written sealed and de livered to her with the dollar j but the saxon aware of ihe fate that attended her at potsdam did not enter the town she found near the gate a very little old woman lo whom she made over the noto and tho dollar recommending her to execute the commission without delay and acquainting her at the same lime that it came from the king and regarded some urgent and pressing business after this our gigantic young heroine continued her journey with as much rapidity as possible tho old woman on the other hand hastened lo tho com mandant who opened the note and found in it a positive order to marry the hearer of it toiltout delay to a certain e was mentioned the canada company sale 2233000 acres ol lash 0 the wlluwiug description 1st grown rkskrvim these aro farms generally ofsoo acres hich were reserved when tho land wns fnginoily survoyed and havo hceli bold r tho crown to the canada company phn aro now selling them out to individuals hsbiofl to aettlo un them thoy aro kb f in almost every township throughout r province which gives omirauis who mvo friends or relations already settled ia tie colony tho means of choosing a situa- t0 in their vicinity for tho benefit of migrants who cannot afford to purchase a 900 that t the vtiolo lot the company divide thei tijre lots ioto two and sell a half lot is a farm of about 100 acres to su rhi veil 1 1 1 ire of purchasers 2nd blocks of land when the colooy was first settled 6eve- nl townships were surveyed without ro- sirviug oneseventh for tho crown but vjien that arrangemom was determined on tlo crowns proportion of laud was r0- sirved in blocks in tho uuurvcyed or par- tiilly surveyed townships these blocks oie situated chiefly in the gore and wes ton districts tho principal of these is itelpk situated about 21 miles from the tftftq of the lake ontario it consists of alout 42000 acres of which about 15000 art still for sale it coutaios nearly 1200 ilne to the derick with notice aldli notes or accounts estate of the late frf keeieluru to be settled j h samson admr belleville 24th dec 1828 valuable iluliull ropkrty for kilo or tu let and possossion given im- uhdialuly or on the lirslol mit nevi consisting of a jirctwy malt if oust and kiln all in foil and complete operation togolbc with an ind the and kiln all in lete operation logel acre of hop land and garden gi whole about an acre and a half in a very good state of cultivation- h good security will be required for the payment of the rent and a lease given for seven years any perso desirous of taking the above concern can have ma- iihahitaots and a village iu which are a my information he may require by king the necessary arrangement soon as ihe proprietor is going lo europe to reside application to be made on the john nickalls brewer kindlon u c premises to tf notice marmora foundry company n conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscription book is now open at the offict of thos kirkpatrick kingston lglh may 1831 1 ruj grist aod saw mill stores taverns a stuool all kidilsurrnochauicsutduinoo aresbytcriaa and episcopal church aro iu pres and a catholic church has been unit n mini 9 tor of tho kirk of scotlaud roidoa there a catholic priest church ikiind clergy mau occasionally visit it fora tho class of emigrants that havo lately gnie therefrom ihocoavcuieueo afforded iq a settlement of some standiog it wilt be fmod a do jirablorcsidencefor person of mo tivate capital persons desirous ol purcha- siig partially cleared farms can generally pricurd them in tho township the otfrfct vratte ww tt fttttuftftt ugai nod wouxl be dcsirablo purchases for com munities of cottiers 3id the hdro tract after the experience uffive years and after every part of it having been thorough ly explored the commissioners can with confidence recommend the land of this tract as superior to any body of land of equal misoitude either in the province of secretly through two generations and shine with all its original hrighmess in grtnadxcr whose nam a third then wo have an intelligible clue j the old woman was much surprised a to account for th splendid qualities 01 frederick the great his grandfather was a vain and contemptibly creaturo of pageants ind court forms his father this result she however submitted herself without murmuring to ihe orders of his majesty but it was necessary to employ all the power of authority and service only amongst roman parallel kini acts however was worst for all iho energy minglod with alternate menaces that he possessed was employed in the promises to overcome the extreme re- of the basest of passim it tho lives of tho emperors that wo cau find miy o iho character of tho lattci the least revolting portion of his consist of ho various manifestations which he gavejdurtog itfo of the great est eccemticitv some nf his excesses aro too cuiious lo ho qiuiltoc hjs par tiality to giants wan a principal passion as wo learn from the following hucc- doles ilis fondness for hi tall regiment of guards is well known every rouiitry bordoiing upon his own territories was pugnance and even despair of the sol dier it was not till the next day that fiedcrick william discovered he had horn imposed upon and that tho soldier was inconsolable at his misfortune no other resource then remained to the king bat to order the immediate divorce of the now married couple vol- i pp 7 y monthly review kidnaitpodjwjniiiliimtl in the nwtnvm is a private souliif but list ins history oxntvd mtuc curiuirity prince kfinjcrjck loiik much nnticouf him ami mrhm accession tu lii throne inmlu tihtiani a uanoh of the cftllludral of ijrcalau and a constant companion ufbiaonn upper canada or the states of newyork peuosylraoia ohio or tho territory of mi- chigau thesoil is a rich loam the trees the sugar maple basswood eln beecb and eheirry timber which is known in this country to indicate the very best land it is a table land being from 150 to 250 feet above tho level of lake huroo but its summit is diversified aod rolling it is wa tered by numerous streams and possesses every quality which ensures a good settle ment the town of codtrick is the capital of the tract it is situated at tho mouth of tho river maitlaod the basin of which forms an excellent harbor it contains several stores and there is a good grist saw mill id its immediate vicinity another saw mill on a largo scale is erecting on the river sable aud three grist and as many saw mills will be commenced iu tho course of this season one groat advantage which the huroo tract possesses over other wild lauds is its roads these have been cut at an immense expense in the very hest manner that roads aro constructed in this country tho har bor at godcrich gives a facility of shipping produce at tho ono end of the tract while tho grand river ouso will this summer be reudered navigable to braotford im it is tliu fivopoacd lo rentier ftie tiu hsu uu vigablo thus giving a water communica tion to roach cud of tho tract depots of provjioi a tools aro fortniug along tho maiu roiful uod taverns are established at convenient distance from each other to ooicourage tho settlement of their lands thie caoada company havo for tho preseottttcftsoti rosolvod to give settlers who porthaaoj from them iu the scattered crown reserves uo less thao 200 acres or in the township of guelph aud tho huron tract 100 acre a passage freo of expense to tho head of l ontario in the following maoncr the emigrant deposits with the company agent at quebec a sum of mo- uoy equ3j to tho prico of his cooveynuce to tho hojad of tho lake aud takes a re ceipt for t gettiog at tho same time a to the public the subscriber respectfully begs leave to announce that lie has ta ken the house lately occupied by mr thomas bamfotd known as tm steam boat hotel but butter by llw comfort it conferred on travellers under his respectable management an hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve that excellent establishment iu fu reputa tion aud credit to this end every possible care will be taken lo provide all things conducive to comfort of the best thai money can purchase and he doubts not hut that all who honour hint with their patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention they themselves hall have received the stablmg and other accomodations for horses and carriages aro extensive and of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will b constant ly employed to keep them in all res pects ready and applicable to the im mediate use of travellers as soon as it is possible the house will be constantly furnished with the new- york montreal and other provincial papers and the subscriber especially begs to announce that he has already ta ken the means to procui foi the bene fit of his guests the daily london times as understanding it to be the nost iuter- restingofall the london prims during the season it is bis purpose lo keep a never failing supply of the finest oysters that can be obtained theodore bro kett steam boat hotel kingston nov 8th 1831 anted drafts onlion and british silver for which the highest rate of premium will u r f a harper kingston 22d oct ih3i- f or sale lot no j inuiili loiiccsmoti oi uu town ship of louijhboro for partit quire at this office kingston 9th august i32s re en- t com mid- pass uck to the compaoys forwarders oa ihoroi w he has fixed upon his land he shows this receipt to the agent or presoi at he compaoys office in york ao it j taken in part payment of his secoiiid instalment rhe idaructions of the court of direct ors to ih commissioners of tho canada company being to sell their lands as quick ly as posbble the prices are moderate and tho term advantageous tho purchaser is allowed i p f fafe by six instal ments in fi yoar j on payiog tho first of which o he receives a letter nc- knowledgjtjg the receiptof the money paid aod glvll him a right to occupy tho lot and on t whole the commissioners havo used every moans io their powor to give the settler h best information the cheap est modes 0 conveyance aod done every thing they possibly could to assist and fa cilitate all hi undertakings to render him self comfortable and independent offices oj the canfu company york guelph and godertir agents john davidson esq messrs hart loun co john pattun esj james sampson esq churus siiiireft ksq c p tread well ksq alex fiascr ew juntos 1 samson lvjq allan macpherswi esq j g bothunc esq mcpheraon craiio i co james kurby esq johnson ksq col ilnrwtll john mituline ks quebec montreal preetoit kingston lijiown ionguivl perth betlevilu riapunei cobonrg heiuihoii fori eii bufluto port tall at aldhoiou amhcrm sarnlwii- liasdnuii new yoi do3ton emigrant ihermin crane pre canada vo alliance office he office of the allian pany for kingston and i land district is hold at iho pla nfbii- sinessoltbc subscriber in iron where property will be insured lis borc- lofore jas macfarlane j- kinpston 7th january j va l u a p le farm fo h sale on icasonalc terms ti beau tiful farm on the road leading to is and 2 miles from kiogstou the property of aod lately occupied by tho subscriber consisting of about 100 acres of excollcot land the most of which is iu a i j state of cultivation thero is huilt oi the pro mises a largo aud commodious dwellio house almost new with oxtcnj s and other outhouses altogether formic a most comfortable establishment a res pectable family the whole fro efthe lot is feoced with a suhstamii stone wall 5 feet high thero are t livio springs of excellout water on the premises and several bearing fruit trees for further particulars apply either at this office or to the subscriber j store street kingston duncan vanalsnne kiugstoo oct 22 1831- notice oovurnment iionne ymk2t4 february ibm j imkrs in council which relate to petitions and memorials for grants of land or connected with that subject will in future be communicated 1i mcmoiiulisls by ihe clerk of tho executive council persons who may not receive answers lo their petitions will apply to the clerk of the executive council copperplate prhss a first rate coprerplai ing press has just been eceived at the chronicle office where vjsitinv cards will be primed and qj ojhe copper- plate work pcrforuuj w neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting coras for sale at the chronicle qflice book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle qffice the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the 1ouowing is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf folio full bound in calf orna mented do do do do 1 0 0 quarto octavo l2mo 18nio do do do do 0 10 0 0 0 5 9 2 0 0 0 0 half binding in calf folio half bound mented quarto octavo l2ino 18mo do tlo do do aod orna- do do do do 0 17 0 o 7 0 0 3 a 0 1 6 0 1 3 binding in sheep folio full monted quarto octavo i2mo 81 mo bound and orna- 0 17 6 io do do do do do do do 0 7 6 0 3 4 0 2 3 0 8 t also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio aod faucy binding separate charge james macfarlane kings 13t april 1829 lithography from canadian stone he subscriber begs to announce to the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by the name of william iv press where will be executed all kinds of work ap plicable to that useful art such as maps plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills and steam boat notices with ihe sketch of the boat if requited blank deeds and memorials funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems bills of exchange c fcc c persons wanting any kind of copies ol their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink for that purpose s o tazewell n b caricatures printed by the sketch being supplied kingston august 12th 1831 for sale lot number 18 in the 4th con cession of the township of cart- wright newcastle district an excel lent lot of land in a flourishing town ship and for which an indisputable title will be given apply to a manahan kingston 6th april 1832 s p hutof the times and life in newyork a spoiling paper on rhe plan of bells life in london the only similar publication in the united states evoted to the turf the ring i the angler the hunter foi- and domestic news literature fashion taste the drama police 1 eign t sni of real life rice three dollars payable in ad vance four dollars if not paid within six mouths or five dollars if not paid within the year address postpaid or left in the post office william t porter co chatham square newyork valuable farm for sale or to let and immediate possession given tfwfc acres of good land smtww chiefly pasture on which is a dwelling house twoftpod frame barns 30 by 40 feet cattle sheds and out houses formerly belonging to samuel aykroyd deceased and situat ed in east loughborough lot no 14 in the second concession apply to thomas askew may 1st 1832 tf salt rheum this inveterate disease which has long baffled the urt of the most experienced physicians has at length found ii sovereign remedy in dr la oranges genuine ointment few cu taneous diseases are met with more re luctance by the physician and none in which he is so universally successful this ointment has stood the test of ex perience and justly obtained an unpar alleled celebrity it immediately re moves the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous re commendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be its only commentator it has in three ur four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had resisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immediate relief in salt rheum but cures tinea capi tes commonly called scald head and ail scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children l7 there is nothing of a mercurial nature contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under any cir cumstance whatever p ric e one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent montreal sole agents for the canadas kingston 11th july 1828 mrs parmentier offers for sale at the horticultural botan ic garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wino grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental iirtftt toili iilhft smwrjiftufto indt herbaceous plants a choice collection of monthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of his paper will receive orders for fruit and ornamental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded without the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis postpaid at the office of the chronicle reference john macaulay john kirby john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating them trees received in the fall can be safely buried in the ground until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any injury from the frost provided they are entrely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken that several orders will be made up into one package with a view to save the expense of car riage the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in this province for mrs par- mentier is now ready to receive orders agreeably to the above advertisement james macfarlane kingston 24th maich 1831 william johnson barber and hairdresser next door to he london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgments to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry lo me rit a continuance of the pnblic patronage kuclsjoo wkla msyl just received and for sale at the chronicle office a very handsome and fashionable assortment of visiting cards february 11th 1832 t win kobtt mai im reform k o moj m mnkinv bcrryj ewi i ivouuf iwh joflrk k bin ulvftftr john rtlc- lrcal uml mcllivruon i- iiamttij ei he forms his friends and that he will continue his bu i mav t iflice i ii2 painting subscriber respectably j a public mess of ainting in all its various hiu usual at his shop in the market square he will have workmen o the b ties and will keep on hand a i cw an well assorted stock of paper ngimffm paints oikim oilier articles in jjj ik- returns his sincere thank p libera support ho has rocoivj i itopus still tu merit asiiufo oi pi theodore brock rr kingston march 21 1s3 pu- the board of education for tho johnstown district iivcs notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and the mas ters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as arecompilepby british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained tiy each master whose cer tificates have passed the board on ap plication to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regula tion enjoining the use of prayers at the commencement of school in the mor- ningand at its close in the evening a form adapted to general use may be found iu mavors spellingbook and is recommended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certi ficates to be signed by two trusteesmay be hiid on application to adiel sher wood esq brockville jany 1832 the kingston chronicle js printed and published every saturday by james macfarlane at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence rwr annum if sent by moil twenty shillings subscription lo be paid in advance prick of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and 7idach subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4tl per line for the first insertion and id per line for everv subsequent insertion j advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and charged acconfingty orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing and delivered by wepkesdat noon at the latest no advertisement received after five oclock on friday afternoon ic produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bignell esq david chisholm esq andrew porieous esq william mcintosh esq r clinc esq george browse esq alpheus jones esq henry jones esq josiah taylor esq h whitmarsh esq j k hartwell esq messrs c j mcdonald john dean esq allan mcpherson esq thomas parker esq joseph a kecer esq james g bethunc esq david smart esq j s howard esq daniel ross esq john crooks esq charles biirgar esn j d gilbert esq w robertson esq quebec tii re e rivers montreal lancaster cornwall matilda prcscott brockville perth richmond bastard gananoquc batb napnnee belleville ciamahe cobourg port hope york vittoria niagara murray adolphustn river trent