ng 10 iho ca company it is printed for la may be had at mr tazewell mr daw for is 3d me canada company should purchase a wy for their own uso each tjuan tho sir james kempt left hero this morning with the emigrate she conveyed on thursday for york and the head of the lake 1 k a a t of lhc inhabitants or kingston ifi9 houm on thursday june i4 oi2 for the purpose uf taking int consider ation the propriety of adopting measures to prevent tb spread of cholera in the town thomas makklano eq in the chair moved by rev r d cartwright second ed by j s cartwright esq that whereas hy recent accounts from que bec it appear th ho disease called asiatic spasmodic choum has appeared in that city thua affording indubitable proof that the disor der has been imported from europe we cannot close our eyes to the almost fearful certainty that this awfm visitation of almighty god will soon reach this town s moved by m s bid well esq seconded by w h gray esq that as every individual is deeply interested in the preservation of the public health it is the bounden duty of all to combine cheerfully in such measures as may serve under the divine blessing to arrest the tpread of the disease at its very commencement and to mitigate the sufferings of hs unfortonate victims 3 moved by samuel shaw esq seconded by mr john sttange that for the purpose of conveying into ful effect the objects of the second resolution it will bt absolutely necessary to provide a temporary tfheher for the reception of thoaawho maybe at tacked as well with a view for the careful eepa ration of the diseased from the healthy a to af ford to the former the most prompt and effectual means towards the promotion of their recovery and that the said budding be provided under the direction and u peri n tendance of the medical gentlemen of the town with whatever they may deem necessary to the fulfilment of the object in view 4 moved by geo mackenzie eaq second ed by alexr pringle esq that a subscription be now opened for tho purpose of providing a fund to defray tho un avoidable expenses attending tho necessary mea sures of precaution and relief 5 moved by francis a harper esq second ed by dr george evans that a respectful application be made to his excellency sir john colberne to request such pecuniary aid towards this charitable design as it maybe in the power of his excellency to grant from any funda at his disposal 6 moved by thomas dalton esq second- ed by thomas kirkpatrick esq tim committee be forthwith formed to whom will be entrusted tho management and disposal of the funda the correspondence of the association and all other matters connected with the same tl u c esq wiih m e foiowin gentlemen he a committee wzmsl p to ad nd carrv into effect ssssz j y nsary to ri rs c1 of l meeting j lie clergy of all denominations the medical land f jolm ky thomas mark- fis ni c s wdl e j s cartwriirht s m b s e t kirkpatrick esq rfwp p strange esq rf bidwell esfl henry smith esq r casskdy postscript chronicle office 8j oclock saturday morning dreadful cholera atquebec asdmok- trealby the arrival of the william the iv elm morning ih apprehensions nc entcnained oftlre progress offtis awful pcstilcnco have been too faithfully realised in the accounts communi cated by several respectable gentlemen passen gers on bonrd thi vessel the oucbec papers of wednesday which have not yet reached kingston report the deaths amounting to forty- four in fortyeight hours the medical hoard at montreal have publiclypronounccd the disease to be the asiatic cholera as may bo loo justly inferred from the following extract of the me lancholy report on tne lllh and i2ih severe cases 51 milder 43 for 3 ale ffpwenty bblsw very excellent beer inquire ol tho subscriber james mcdonald kinstoo junol2ib 1632 notice fmmie public are hereby will not pay in debts auy person or person order after this dato t brockett notified that i contracted by without my special total 94 our fellow use every i maeartan foqtiy dalton e p t harper esq mr john counter adjourned a kingston june 9th misther mcfarlint siri am tould aa how yo ar a square and gmtilman what likes to see tho foakea passin uime the town inn safetce and if thia is they case i hope your worahip wil meak the chaps what gallups thrue they streeu publick eggshampills for i omin ceea peepcl neer be run over buy tinm fur the wont luck heefoar tbim dus not youre honner think iita gud fine was levelled it wild hinder such a newsince inn this town beg- sn for me own safcteeaawch as your worshippe lat you will teak this question inntoo vnr honnera considderhashion and uiat u wil put this artickle innyur neckst cronnickle and oblidgo ynurea 6iccurytee tur a rut major hugtaw 24ih reeiment from quebec od lieutenant poolevr elrombytnwn have arrived in town and are now at the british american hotel the former gentleman wc be- irere ia a natko of his city from which he haa been absent for lite last twentythree years major hltfihpa in the son of the lale town ma jor hughe who lied a few years oro af a very advanced afcmoitreal gazette a friend in edinburgh has communicated to us the following as a good recio ogainst an at tack of the cholera morbus ib one botile best brandy with a quarter of a ib of slick turkey rhubarb placed overa slow firo for ten hours in a close vessel strain the contents through a piece of fino muslin to ob tain the entire strength from the rhubarb to thia add 120 drops of laudanum and the same quantity of lha spirits of lavender this will make about a dozen of doses of a wine glass full each and a dose to be given on the first at tack nf vomiting and should it bo severe and not stop in halfan hour after the first do6e the second lo be given wo notice by nn advertisement in our paper that the royal william loaves for halifax and other ports on thursday next v- birth a cobourg on the sd instant mrs g m boswcll of a daughter painting the subscribers who are lately f rom- eoglaud respectfully beg leavo to ac quaint the inhabhaots of kingston and its vicinity that tbey havo purchased the stock in trade belonging to mr theodore brocket who h declined business in their favor and have commenced in king street next door to dr binloys where they will execute all orders for carnage sign ornamental and house painting being both experienced ia the above bran ches they with confidence icoder their ser vices in tho hopeofaffordiog complete m- tisfaction to those who may honor them with their patronage aod having a com- ulete stock they aro enabled to obey com- nands attho shortest notice they keep retail all kinds of oils paints dry or 11 d fit for on grou mediate use varoisn turpentine window glass putty and paint brushes and various other articles connected with tho trade which they will s on reasonable terms they bavo also in hand a lar and choice assortment of among which patterns su 00 hand a large paper hangings superb landicapo kidfwd june utb 1832 aro two tabto for tho hat- llio other elegant revived or uncertain 71 deaths 23 wo cannot too urgently entreat townsmen to unite as ono man and human power within their reach to resist if pos sible the further progress of this desolating scourge to cooperate with tho committee to appoint a health officer and to see that the dir ty and tho dissolute may be instantly separated from the cleanly and tho temperate without every energy and every moral exertion there will be nothing under providence to save this already over populated town from the contagion that so furiously rages within fortyeight hours reach 0 the place commissariat kingston 16th june 1832 government contract for cartage of fuel wood renders will bo received at thi m office until saturday at one oclocli p m the 7th day of july next for the cartage of fuel wood from the kings yard at kingston points heury and frederick to the barracks at thoeo atatioos as well as to all the public buildings aod to the private lodgings of all officers and other persons eatitled to fuel when the distance to the utter does not exceed that from the fuel yards to tho barracks tho lenders toexpress in words at length the rate m stohiog for which each cord of wood will be caned t orms of tenders and the particulars of the contract may be oblainod at this office security will be required for the due performance of uch contract as may be mem mio charles a- clarke 9t commigsarv general glorious sylvesters 130 broad wav n y j 6u1 june 4 oclock p m- fficial drawing of the now york lottery class no 18 for 1830 19 63 20 48 17 24 58 34 5 42 19 20 03 20000 wns sold a few rnu moots before the drawing 5 34 63 whole ticket 1000 nassent in a certificate to a gentleman in vermont the abovo whrti many other capital prj ates were actually sold by dame fortunes onltofrtditisx grvesrer 130 broadway ny my distant friends will please address all orders for tickets by mail 10 any of my offices s j stlvesteb n york srlvkstkk co baltimore s j silvester pittsburgh editors who advertise or exchange wlf sylvester will please insert the above 1 their respective ppon strayed p rom the subscriber about four weefc ago a small bribdled cow horned- with a rip on her right side any persfl finding the same and delivering her to v subscriber shall be suitably rewarded george hardy kingston june 5lh 1832- 3jl- lost a wife and six children wjoceut kumsuby from kesland near m suffolk in enjlanl was a passenger with his wile and six children n board the quccnsion nn the 2d june when tint vessel grounded near french creek and lhc hive family went ashore robert rumsbcy rctumnj to the place he had left the vessel expecting to fnd his wife on board hut the boat had slartcil and not being able to procure nnyinformaiioiialout her he gives this public notice to say thallio will remain at king ston until he obtains inimnation about his wife and children she is mpposedto be with the family of dusencits wboidao went ashore at the same place kingston icth june ib32 icpeditors of pa pes throughout the pro vince will serve the eaum of humanity by insert ing the above schuylers fourt of fortune nyork may 22 1832 to my patrofcs in canada rihe great succesthat has uuiformly distinguished this establishment con tinues with uu abating qi lender and schuy lers customers continio to touch the leaders as profusely as ever indeed it seems that the blind goddess his determined that schuyler 6hall be afttho go within n few weeks an a mourn of capital scattered form tho court of foiune to various parts of the i s is unparalblcd one prize of 30000 one of 82080 one of 15000 two of 10000 in thclottery of last week the 2d capital of 49 and in tho very last lottery 000 whole ticket 3 31 30 the capital ef 82000 wafcsent by letter to a gentleman in north carolina tho 1000 and 500 prizes havo teen distributed in such abundanco that tlcy ore entirely too numerous to mention ii an advertisement the new york lotties wil1 b00u brought to a close at be opportunity consequently of ubtairjps a capital will soon pass and those fishing tickets can emigration society mrotlce all persons who may j hove lands for sale or flense in the midland district aro requested to transmit a statement of the sac post paid to mr dawc the register of thu emigrant society of the midland dis trict and all persons desiroth of em ploying mechanics labourers or ser vants are request- fo apply at the office of the register by otdot of the commits j s cartwrinilt s kirkfeatrick secretaries kingston 1st juno 2 notice creditors of gjja lat jniuea lhc t he lynch iire requested lo n subscribers office on t4m4ay the 21st instant at noon whefft suiemeiit of the affairs will bulaid befereihem a makaualsokt5ucutor kiiigslon june 9th t832 ii i be o a certificate of a package for s50 72 juno 20 class 20 cap 10000 3- 7g0 5 of 1 000 6 of s500 10 of 300 c c tickets 3 g6 number lottery 10 drawu ballots a pnekape of 22 wholes cost less 5 percent 62 70 warranted to draw at least 25 50 list of letters remaining in the post office at napaneey 8 the 5th of june 1832 jeokibsi sir keach albert loft john laraway john l mackeon john mollan elizabeth mecnrmich james mackenzie mrs m mccraken samuel mcgurlyjoho mcgreer gilbert mcbride daniel mcdunald ronald peterscs john petorsoo christopv redman larence sweeney michael tieroey edward tryoa william thrall zenois thomson neil vanalstioe jonas wendover john jr whitolock john whitton robert wild jonathau warner zara yeomans arthur atkinson bktt- clough adamson john bartleit john p barnhart david bowen william rarlols andw d p boiran daniel caswell samuol carscallen isaac 2 cellos e 2 clow isaac cflmtjell henry s cooper huh campbell dr j i doxtaior rovj 2 dolanpat dawson lanslot dihle oreo ellithorp john edgar robert fairfield john forshee alexandor fnrshee sarah garrison james sough john wus drias jackson joseph drugs chemtcals patent medicines c the subscriber begs tc acquaint his friends and the public general ly that he has just received direct from london and liverpool the most oxten- sive and best selected assnttmeiu of drugs chemicals patent medicines perfumery and every article in his line ever yet imported from europe to this place whicfi he will dispose of wholesale and retail on sach terms as cannot fail to secure public approbation the selection having been made from some of the most respectable houses in england and purchased on such terms as warrants the subscriber in stating that it will supercede iho necessity of medical gentlemen and merchants send ing t montreal or elsewhere for their supplies wm binley chomist druggist and apothecary king street kingston opposito ir morons auction room send money by letter through tho roa with perfect safety anjjhe ticket will promptly transmitted by the return post my customers will bear niind tliat hen 10 is seot to me the rpsiag need not ho paid in regard to pt integrity and responsibility i hav the privilege ol refrevmg to he fiw fc ftfe j- among whom the very roipectablo mann- gers mesdrs yates and mclntyre also in charleston s c richmond va balti more md nnd augusta aud savannah c tho following roost brilliant class are tho next in rder tho drawing of which will ho punctually forwardod by my paper iho lottery herald which cootiuues to he published weekly qta class of tho now- york lotteries will be drawn on wednesday throughout tho year tickots from 5 to 10 to thoso who send the lattor amount will bo suro of a chauco in any lottery juno 13 class li cap 20000 92- 500 si 270 10 of 1000 10 of 300 20 of 200 c c tickots 560 no lot tery 9 drawn ballots a package of 20 tickets cost less 5 per cent warranted to draw at east 895 00 33 23 a certificate of a package for 337 20 june 27 class 21 another brilliant and nnvel affair cap 30000 20000 5000 3000 2204 2000 10 ofi- 000 10 of 800 10 of 000 10 of 500 10 of 400 20 of 200 44 of 150 56 of 100 50 of 70 5g of 50 112 of 40 2184 of m- mia ui ism mtetmlffl m drttf oomber 1g 4620 3d 4th aud 5tb drawn ourohers 12 7700 of 10 g6 no lottery 10 drawu ballots tickets 10 a package of 22 wholes cost less 5 per cent warranted to draw at least s209 00 100 00 w a certificate of a package for si03 00 thos remitting 105 will be entitled to ft certificate for a package of whole tickets- july 4 class 2954 no 8 drawo bal lots highest prize 12500 tickets 5 july 11 class 23 g6 no 10 drawn ballots four uf 10000 tickets 5 june 7 1832 icr the york courier kingston chronicle niagara gleaner and quebec mercury will please insert the above until the first of july and seed their bills to a n schuyler newyork and also die paper containing the advertisement new goods alter mccuniffe re spectfully informs tlie public that he has received by late importa tions via new yorkj and offers for sale a splemdid assortment of fashionable ccod- likewise stile leather ma- mifactiured from spanish hides waxed calf skins waxed upper leather ladies and gentlemens ltoots pumps and shippers with a number of other article well adapted to the season rather mumerous to insert atsnit on hand teas sugar coffee brandy spirits gin wine pepper mint shrub and molasses kingston 21st may 1s32 lost alfcout the month of july 1831 mi prescott a box of boots and shoes marked a j f kingsion it is supposed that this box was taken by miwlake from the durham boat co at piescou any person leav- iimi uiiiu of the nbovo at the chromicle office kingston will be li- berallw rewaidcd june 9 1s32 jljlkdilon of paper in york hamilton and niagaras will confer a favour by copying ihe above 3w bourg ins birmingham goods joun watkins as just received by tho ship dry- ope and brig rapid frr liver pool his usual supply of hmrdwarc cutlery c insisting of 80 casks and coses of shelf goods nmonga which will be found almost every afltclc in that line also 100 doz biggins grass and cradle scythes j w has removed from ht former store in king street to thefte eitensivc premises in store street formedy occu pied by turpin and parker kingston 5th june 1832 spring importations j w armstrong co respectfully announce their firt spring importation for tho summer season just received per ships dryope cherub john welsh and rapid from liverpool and otta wa from london together compri sing nn extensive and well assorted slock which they are enabled to offer at unprecedentedly low prices their woollen department will be found to comprise the choicest selection of gentlemens superfine blacky lsluc brown otive ciaret mulberry and other fancy cloths and casimercsi ton worsted aud sik staples their as sortment is very complete and parti cular attention has been paid to the se lection of their fancv goods from their personal attention in the english market s importers they pos sess advantages over many other houses in canada necessarily too obvious to require comment country merchants will find it tn their interest to call and examine j w a co being firmly determined that no consideration of present advan tage shall induce them to represent a genuine a superficial article or lortl for more than the smallest remunerating profit and regarding the system of muu tifarious pt ices as not only disreputably in itself but obviously exposing the an wary purchaser to fraudulent charge have marked their goods at the lowest possible prices for cash from which nv deviation can be mudc j w armstrong co jcingston june 4th 1832 auction fwo besold at woodbiue cottage tho residence of the rev w r tuooey chaplain to the forcetr monday the 18th juoo inst the whole ofhis household fur nxturty and olheroffects consisting of ma- hogaoy dining pembroke card and la dies work 2 rush bottomed ami windsor chairs sofaa bedsteads kcnthor mt tufted teif mshbivlitofe sheets aod counternaoes moreen and chintz window and bed curtains brus sels and other carpet aod heanb rugs i stair carpet and rotli plate and plated ware silver edged brauch aod plated candlesticks ivory handled knives and forks an elegant pilt and silver edged egg stand complete sreakfast and tea setts of china dioner setts cut flint decanters tumblers and wine glasses crockery and stouo ware chimney ornaments looking glasses pictures in frames disb covers and tea trays wash stands basins and ewers chests of drawers cupboards and book cases a first rato brasbouad writing desk a large foot bath a large mangle with a quantity of kitchen utensils of every description classical aod other books mante bible with notes aod plates port sherry and madeira wine cook ing and other stoves aud pipes a car riage sleigh aod robes saddles aod bridles a horse and cow a few dozen of boilles garden utensils some cord wood with manyotbor articles too nume rous to dotail- the above proporty is in tho but rate order salo to commence at 10 oclock a m and to continue from y to day till the wholo is sold m nfokan a b ki ng jnooo 183s aluable farm for sale on teasonable teirms that beau tiful farm on the road loauliog to bath and 24 miles from kiogstoo- tho property of aod lately occupied by tho subscriber consisting ofabout 100 acres of exceltcot land tho mngi of which- iis io a high state of cultivation there j boill on tho pre mises a largo nnd commodious dwelling houso almost new willh oxtcosivo sheds and other outhousoa altwgethor forming a most comfortable establishment for a res pectable family tho urthole front of tho lot is fenced with k substantial stouo wall 54 feot hib theite aro two living trprins of excellent waterr on tho promises and scvoral boariug fruit trees for further particular apply either oc this olfico or to the subscriber iu store street kingston duncan vitvnalstine kingston oct 22 18311 day school for young ladies miss parsons respectfully begs leave to announce to the inhabi tants of kingston and its vicinity that she inicnds opening a day schoolor young ladies on tuesday the 19 til of june at the corner of king and brock sts the late residence of mr driscom tkrms instruction in english writing a- rilhmetic and plain needlework i5s per quarter with history geography mini ornamental woi k l perquarler extra charge for musick french and danciug music per quarter i 15 0 french 1 10 0 dancing 15 0 miss parsons in soliciting tho favors of her friends hopes by assiduity and strict attention to the improvement of the pupils placed under her charge to merit a share of public patronage kingston june 9th 1832 tho ileiald and pulriot ate requested to copy the above steam boat notice recently landed and for sate at the subscribers stores hospital street 10 pipes 10 hhds 40 quav casks vory su perior port wine harris sous fa- vourito brand 10 10 10 very choice madeira do- phelps gos do this wine has been lying 3 ycaw lo ripen in jamaica and can be highly recommended 2 butts g hhds 10 qr csks choice palo aod brown sherries 3 hhds 6 qr csks malaga do 25 pipes l p tcncriflo wine 30 hhds 30 qr c superior kcd wine 30 pipes stroog spanish brandy 15 bourdeauz do 10 hhds fine cognac lo outards brand 4 hollands gio 10 puns stroog demerrrnrum 10 hhds olive oil 10 jar sperm do 130 casks hibbcrts best grown stout iu qts pts each 3 doz 100 day martins host japan itlackiog in do do 30 do do io pasto 30 cases leith ale each 2 doz 20 chests fino madras indigo 20 bags very supr iteogal sugar 17 white- 30 bags ulack pepper 5 casks supr nutmegs 50 casus best louduu wat sperm and mould wax wicks candles 2 carriao wax do tapers c 3 whito wax 3 4i very fino red and black scaling nnd ifoltlo wax wafers fee vfhtowlhllw gjtasimiity ibifl by 10 10 hy 8i9 by 7 8j by 7 10 bags bust volvot wine corks papors of ovory description best lon don pickles aud sauces in jdoz cases auchovy paste mustard curry powder pearl sago cloves cassiu liguea c muscatel raisins zaute currants liar- celoua nuts turkey figs iu i aod j drums lemons pruuos c constantly on hand it thcr vauiu a very choice collection or fine otrt winks consisting of port some 9 years in bottle madeira sherry teneriffe liassar llu- collas hock sauterne red aud white hermitage st joseph cote rotie rougo ct blanc c and newly tanded 100 doz fiuest clarets 75 m champaroc sillery brand with an assortmontof iron tio nails c c cordage white and tarred of all si- sos llainbru lines c c also a govd amnrtmeol of dry oonds tho cloths particularly nro rroll worth the aitenltou of tho trade 20 cases gentlemens heaver hm from wm- moore and daily exkckd a ibw cases macaroni verruacelli sal- lad oil capers naples soap leghorn hats cc mwk j- wmxfeano mooireal 1st june 183 mansionhouse hotel the subscriber continues io occu py this extensive and well known establishment for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situated on store stttet being the prin cipal and most central street in king ston and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are furnished in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavorn for several years has acquired experi ence in that line and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the com forts of his guests he will merit a share of the public patronage in the rear of the mansion house is a large yard in which there is an ex tensive and commodious rango of sta bles and where u livery stable is constantly kept s carmino kingston may 9 1832 the splendid new stem doal great kltltain capt jos wiutnfcr propcucd by two loxo- pressure engines ofjtintty horse power each rilhe public are respectfully inform- ed that thn following arrangements have been made for the months of april may and june will leave prescott every wednesday morning commencing on the i8h1 april 25lh apiil2d may 9th mar icth may 2id may 30th may cth juno i3tb june 30ih june 27ii juno touching nt tfrockvillc kingston co- bourgi port hope york and arrive a niagara early on friday morning will leavo niagara every saturday af ternoon at 5 oclock commencing on 2i april wih april 5th may 12th may 19th mtt 86th may 2d june 9th juno 16th june 23d juno 30th june culling at oswego every sunday morn ing after 5th may next also at kingston and crockville and arrive at prescott on sunday afternoon the ladies rod gentlemens cabins on bonrd the great britain are finished in the same manner as lhc new yoik and liverpool packet ships with stato rooms and no expense has been spared in finishing and furnishing the boat in the most comfortable manner every endeavour will be used lo accommodate passengers and ensuro the greatest regu larity piescott u g 9h april 1832 n b notico will be given of the arrangements for the months of july august and september a card doctor evans licentiate of tho edinburgh university ami member of the royal college of sur geons london respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and its ncigh- hourhood that he intends permanently residing in this town he is at present to be found at myers hotel and hopes by moderate charges and unwearied attention to tho duties of his profession io merit a share of their patronago and support kingston 1st june 183 sw notice all ijin-mihj- iminlikid ru- rhe siili scriber either by note or dook account aro requested to call and settle the same immedihtoty and those to whom he is indebted are requested to present their claims theodore brockett kingston march 3d 1832 willi a at davis barber and hair dresser market square kihasrot juno 1832 t j removal ohn watkins has removed his hardware establishment to a very extensive premises in store street nearly opposite lomr jno blakes ta vern where ho is now opening in addi tion to his former stock fifty casks ca- sesof hardwarccutleryotcwhich were selected by himself in birmingham shef- fieldand other manufacturing towns in england j watkins returns his thanks to his friends country merchants and the public generally for the liberal sup port iw has met with for mauy years past begs to inform them that the ac- rangcmentlie has made in england and from his occasional visits personally no house in the canadas can supply them on better terms kingston dec 10th 1831 new fancy and staple goods he subscriber has received by tho late arrivals a choice and ex tensive assorimenl of fancy and sta ple goods adapted to the spring aod summer business prices unusually low for cash or short credit robert armour no 25 notrz dame street montrea may 21 1832 8w bank of upper canadat mtotice is hereby given that 11 books will bo opened on the first day of august next as there is a re strictive clause in the late charter to prohibit its being done till six months aftr vassiftg ot aa mi ftvf swksw4 tions to the increased capital of this bank nt the following places to wit in the towns of kingston niagara york brockville erth sandwich amherst- burg london cobourg cornwall and hamilton in the district of gore under the direction of persons hercuftea to be named tltos g ridout bank of upper canndo cashier york s4th feb 1832 j n b fit addition to the current half yearly dividend a bonus of not less than eight per cent is intended to bo paid to the stockholders 6m t g r niagara harbour dock company notice is hereby given that ten ders will be ieceived until the 1st day of july next by the directors of the ningara harbour and dock com- pany for the loan of a sum of three thousand pounds currency payable in three years the interest to be paid semiannually arid iho smallest sum rendered m loan not to be less tban 100 further particulars and the nature of the security to4gl afforded by the com pany can be ascertained by making ap plication to robert dickson esq president thos mcormick secy tieasurer dated may 9 1832 n b tho editors or the montreal herald gazette the vork courier iho kingston chronicle and tho bultulo journal are requested to inbort the above 4 umes and send their ac counts to the secretary wanted by the subscriber about 100000 feot of lcmbek consisting of plank board and scantling part to bo delivered at kingston and part at hallow ii cash will be paid upon de livery john mcleod kingston 22d march 1832