Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), June 23, 1832, p. 2

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confidence and support fur winch i mut be thankful during the whole lime i have yd to live my lords under these circumstances then we now bin rr tin inoorresigtttijon end those resignations having been accepted only hold our offices tilt our successors can u appointed and under these circumiince my lord i think your lordships will sec the propriety of our not proceeding with any public business on which orty thing like a diligence ol opinion nr contest should nnse until a new administration should have been formed i shall therefore not pro pose to morrow to proceed with the committee wi the relorm bill earl carnarvon did ool think that he should be doing his duty to thru house to the peo ple qoii o the sovereign who was now left iu an extraordinary difficulty ho might say perilous state of seeing the almost con temptuous discharge of the order of the day for considering iu coimnitico tho re form hill if ho did not make the motion on the subject- after the lords had intimat ed their wish to proceed io their consider ation of the bill in tho most liberal and conciliatory manner merely because the house would not allow schedules a ami b io precede c the most extraordinary event had been consequent upon it the noblo earl opposite might act as he pleas ed but he never told the house the alterna tive he did to his sovereign their lonj- bhipskoew what was the ground the slight ground of their defeat op the preceding evening of onoof the most foul most atro cious avis which subjects perhaps ever dar ed to insult by it the ears of their sove- their lordships had heard as was we are urrjved at that issue which we to l people aod to the house of coin- in somo degree expected last night the ministry is dissolved the resignhtiou of enrl jrcy lortl brougham aud their col- leagues his majesty after some conflict real or apparent with his own miud fiual- ly accepted and autiouoced such his ac ceptance this morning we of course havo now no time to indulge in reflection tly amongst a series of resolutions eac iini15 tho refusal of nil supplies io the go vrrnment until a bill of keforiii even more extensive than that rejected shull he adopt ri and iho editor then prmceds to sy ihat bin advice is not idle the country ccry where is about to realise it loudon the comiltod council yes-cr- h besun on thin most important event we shall ra- iher briefly enumerate the facts which have come to our knowledge riw reform mi m fairy has been displaced w6 rail it ho b o which it worthy nftllo highest applause foi the spirit and energy and sound good llfl which it indicates declared that the ajvilon of his majestys negative upon the another shall we rail it h aori reform popnsil ministry 1 is forming in its place- we hardly dare use that term an antmle- fonn ministry before our countiymeu at this crisis we hardly dare us it or apply it to the members themselves for what ever may be their interim wish they must pay u much homage to public feeling as to pretend to be reformer ve t the new administration wj proba bly he a duke of wellington administra tion bis grace no doubt at the head of it tho place of the lord chancellor brou peers ave proved themselves the enemies of iheir sovereign and have put to imminent lizard the stability of the throne aptl the tanquility and security of the country m nf his ministers to create ths put 1 t they resolved under these distressing circumstances and as a means of prom- rl for the people an efficient reform m 10 rtdtilion the house of commons o w ithold toe supplies uutil such ft reform shall have heeo secured- tliey resolved that earl grey and his colleague deserved the highest respect and an hut 1 inquest lias been called on the body wo have not heard thft result his m the second fatal accident which has occurred to ynung gentlemen from kfigland within the last few days in this neigl imrhootli and we sincerely hope that these may warn such persons for the future to learn how to use them ere they trust tlietiimlves with such dangerous weapons y k courier 1 devolves perform the p board of health aucbccj llth june 1832 ipon the board of health infill rluty ol auununciiie appearance of the asiatic j to 10 ihifl public the chobrra iulhiscny and ncighhoiiruood this announcement is made after ma ture deliberation founded upon the ununv iihmu opinion of the commissioners f her nhihc aledicaluciiiletneti belonging to 11 r hoard and of a number if other most reign t the sovereigu of his f natural to expect ib country who was the first 10 recommend reform upon its broad and general princi ples and had acted as every sovereign nl the house of brunswick would act and had thus gained if possible an additional claim to the traitudo of his subjects but it should not be thrown nut to the public that the determination of he government whatever their motives were had originat ed in tho vital rejection of the bill for this hill in that house must be discussed though the majority of their lordships which ho did not believe were against iu he should therefore move instanter that the order of the day be discharged aud should stand for committee ou mouda next lord grey said my lords i havo been too much accustomed to the intempetate nttaeks of the noble lord to be much af fected by them the noble lord is pleas ed to qualify the advice that i have felt it my duty to give to that sovereign as at rocious as insulting as such as no subject should rive and there aro persons on tho other side of the house who i see agree in that sentiment all i can say on the sub ject is that i deferred that advice till the last moment when the necessity of tho cir- eunwtauces of the time and my sense of public duty imposed it upon me as ao ob ligation from which i thought i could not escape humbly to tender that advire to his majesty cheers whether my lords that advice was right or wrong when noble lords choose to bring me un der discussion i shall be prepared to argue the question and defeod myself in the bout way i can cheers and i appeal with confidence to the hon amixa immlttis whatever motive that noble earl may pleaae to impute to me for i believe the noble earl attaches some particular motive to my conduct having given that advice upon an im portant subject the alternative was simple it being rejected i suppose that a minister of the crow ti when he stands in a situation of offering to his majesty upon an impor tant subject aud if that advice which is then tendered is no accepted aud if he ujyect is of sufficient importance a that brought wfiire yuurljoftlslliips he bits tto nlteruativo than tendering in alt respect which i feel fur his majestys unbounded goodness to me the situation which j held from my sovereign- it was proposed to he said in a most conciliatory spirit and was in point of fact no more than a question whether the discussion of schedule c and d should take precedence of a and il why if it was a question of that light im portance 1 thiuk the censure of the noble lord would be just but i did not consider it hear hear aud in the debate i stat ed to your lordships the reasons why it appeared to me to bo a question of the ut most importance materially affecting the success nf the measure i stated to your lordships that this seemed materially to af fect the principle of the measure for the principle we undoubtedly proceeded on was the relieving of the constitution from that evil winch was coonected with nomination boroughs 1 certainly cannot proceed with the bill under the circumstances i have stated loud cheers i trust that out of all those unhap py differences of opinion thatexiit a mea sure of reform a great extensive effectual hud beneficial plau of reform loud cheers fur if it is tint p real extenisvo aud effectual it cannot bo beoeficial will be produced nod will restore the coufideuce of tho public iu the institutions of the stato tho earl of carnarvon thought that the resignation of ministers ought nut to pre vent the present bill being proceeded with as by that means its many defects might be fihnuuto the country it was now perfect ly evident that some reform was necessary uudhe should move that the house should proceed with the committee 00 the bill ou monday next hy which means noble lords would he enabled to deliver tbeirsentimmts no the clause of the hill ns ihey at present itooil he thought an adjournment of the ham wo give momeniary reports of the y from the common coiurlll aud fi ami reforming lawyers as ivenave caught j ally aud what is uot tho least impressive them maybe supplied by sir juha leach uvmntom of the whole they resolved that or u commission lord lyodhurst will committee of their body should lit from most likely go to the hulls the position i day to day and report upon the pniftrcfr there being most secure and tvhat next lf reform a proceeding like this dues b among the legal nppuimments sir c l0 means look as if the citizens of london wetherell to ireland fur mike of peace conceived the present 10 be an ordinaryeri- sir j scarlett may step into the place of or on which was to be provided fir by lord lyodhurst a new ministry will be t of a common place dempiim formed wit 1 more promptitude than a batch appertains to a time 011 the issues of whic altlrrsses to his majtly from ffl mile j district an address limn the townships- of ynuhnn 51 ark ham toronto and oth er tolioships of the homo district the signatures to which have been forwarded within the last few dasfiom the respective township rornmiitecs 10 the committee 11 iho biitish cnniifniinnal society for pre- spiitathin um this mioriiins delivered to llis excellency by a delegation from 1 he said committee together willi a separate address from the owolllip of scarhoroush the two addresses item signed by 1u05 highly respectable yeomen of tho district hangs reform or revolution 5 ani hat is the true character of the existing hour the debates whieh have ensued particu larly its the hfmise of commoiis in conse- ouence of this unexpected turn ot affatrs have been full of spirit on the uibt ol the totbi iortl bhtingtoo moved the lul- on of peers could he mado by the old one be cause there is mure sincerity in all quarters yet there was 00 want of sincerity in the members of ihc expiring ministry to wards each other their common fate tes tifies their integrity- lord rrnuyhammin- ftle bis fortune with that of eal grey l0l from whom be will not be separated in his resignation and their general determina tion to resign ovintes their unbending at- 1 w thchmaol io he qnesitot r rf if ro prtwm o ls vo f m night i he li kw which ministers were in a minority of 35 npnn what they cuusidered the vital prin ihs lloue in conformity with the return ifiomlftlioo conlaind in his mijmiy iimsl which number together with between six and seven hundred who have signed co pies if the same address in other townships which copies have been presented to his excellency by the township committees themselves makes nearly seventeen hun dred yeomen of the home dklritf who have signed the nddrcss to the king which ivns forw arded to the townships hy the york rriliah cnnstilminnal society and these it i jmc altoirrther iudepemlent of ie numerous other addresses of a similar nature either in lu king or the govoroor which had previously been scut iu wo rejoice and every friend to hi cnun- frv wiilrrjoicc at this powerful de-intnsira- iton of loyahy pnirioihm nudjrojmsu from what has heretohre been considered wrongly considered it is 00 w eviflm mi 1 tabic mediral pritctuinuera hie board pledges itself 10 use every precautionary iwon within its power to minratotho calamity and confidently re lies upon the active cuopcraiiut of all class es iui ibis object annexed is a bulletin nf all cases ad- milld into hospital hitherto reported to the iioard and hereafter a daily report of such will be issued together with what ever am hemic information on tho subject cfto be collected by order of the board rf health a young sec hclletin cases of asiatic cholera received into hospital up to half past 1 o doflt p laie tfth 9th 10th llih al on rem 1 6 7 ihc 1 1 1i1 june i w 3 13 10 13 c5- g 11 11 rem 1 8 7 9 ng resolutions iu the cotmm ns that an humble address he presented ciples of the hill may be literally said to have uuhind the whole systeni of husi- nes in the city whether iu reference to the fuudstn bankinm commercial affairs or to any kind of transactions between one englishman and another or between the english merchant and the foreigner the most intense interest and anxiety are ma nifested in al qnarters at the unexpected stop to the proceeding on the great mea sure and the most dirpfut consequences to tho country are anticipated hut though amazement and agitation and terror were the prevailing feeling though their chief was beaten they did out pive themselves up to despair steps were iiistauily taken ou all sides to convene meetings and to prepare addresses to the king and to the house of commons suited to the emergen cy sutfjen and spontaneous meeting of the re formers of birmingham and its vicinity hirmingham thursday may 10 it is j scarcely possible to imaitie the spirit of j ham has been thrown by tho rejection of the reform hill by the lords and the re signation of his majestys ministers the ami reformers io london may affect to treat this with contempt but if they had been present iu birmingham ihis day we doubt tint that another and a very different feeling would havo prevailed in their minds in this town there is hut one fceliog one firm fixed determined feeling which it is impossible to suppress we are moral ly certain that if the bill he not pasted flfbofiflltlfi will tint tjy taxes this they have determined indeed ns early ns tl oclock ycmerday the windows exhibited a printed placard of which the following is a copy 11 notice no taxes paid here until the reform bill is passed may 9 london may 13th ilnpls and fears of thk country never did the annals of europe present a majestys councils by the retirement nf rtiiose ministers iu wlmrn ibis house cootin- ui ni repose uflnbnted confidence thai ismay by the s pcr- irtiest- coun- mnro awlut crisis than at this hour and utver as a nation shall we etiaso to de plore that bigoted iofatnatiuu would pre sume to destroy these uobto attributes that have ever houurcd nur constitutional pow er the very essence of our nativu worth yet the euemtes of reform struggle to pa ralyze the healthful vigour we still enjoy such an attempt however is as vaiu as futile shall the unanimous claims of our glorious nation shall the voice of a loyal and brave people bo silenced by the sacri legious veto of a selfelected body of con servatives nay moreshall we be ex posed to the mockery of uations shall industry the source of our wealth aod oa- tional superiurity be checked in its full aud useful progress such is the purpose such the act ofall who oppose reform and such a condition presents a considera tion two ftwfol for contemplation conse quently renders a derided opposition promptly and peremptorily uecessary 10 all its enemies the tide of public feeling is now at its full the reflux will bo terrific the im mense ocean of reason now flows with in creasing force aud cepth what cauute courtier shall dare arrest its progress- tho pierciog eye of truth now fearlessly scrutinizes all our political defects the mod in m1 p i rtn of cnnsiitutiooal freedom the rloryof question to monday would be sufficiently ancestors a nations sacred birthright is now raised to grasp us right when that great charter which our fathers bought p acious speech from the thrutie has fra med and sent up to the llouso of lords a rn for the reform of the rcprescutat inn of rfie people by which they are convinced iftnl the prerogative of the crown the au thority uf imth houses of parliiuncnt and life rights and liberties of the penplo are duly secured that in the progress of this measure the house of commons considers iiselfhtiund in duty tostate to his majesty that hieftuh- jicts are looking with the ninst intensb in- iiiresl aud anxiety aud they cannot dis guise from nis majesly thm the taking of iny step which should mutilate nr tend to impair its efficiency nuld be productive of he greatest disappointment and d thai this hmiso is therefore impelled warmest attachmeut to his majesty 4 and ihrone humbly but most e y to implore his majesty to call to bis i fill such pcrtoir only a will carry into ltfeci unimpaired in all its essential pro visions that bill fur the reform nf the re- 1 presentation of the people which lias recent ly passed this house the resolutions were adopted after n long and animated debate by a majority of ho iu a house of49g the numbers bung for the motiou 28d against it 208- miscellany on thursday the ceriimmy of laying the corner stone of the splendid new church oojfi bujirfiwifl york was performed by fill excclleutv the ltcut governor a fisted by the llooorabla the archdeacon and other eenttemau previous io the ceremony divine service appropriate to the occasion was pet formed iu the church several hymus get to music written ex pressly for the purpose by mr w warren musical professor of this town were toog by the choir under that gentlemans direc tion and were very well executed the fine baud of ihc 79th highlanders also per formed several appropriate pieces a very large proportion of the inhabitants of the town ladies as well as gentlemen were assembled to witness the ceremony a brass plate was deposited io he hol low of the stone wiih thu following in scription the foundation stone nf st james church york upper canada was laid hy major general sir john culbnrne k c b lieutenant governor of the province on the s5ovfuth day of june in the second year nf kittr william tho fourth and iu the year of our lord mucccxxxii- clmiles james stewart l d- lord bishop of quetc john tfirachaoi d d ll d archdeacon of york rector of the parish simon washburn esq church warden james g chetveti esq architect mr john ttichie builder committee f kukctif0 the building- john b knhinsnof chief justice jaes b macaulay jujgtoftht court of kings bench sftr c lcehlativt coun- vjlhn allun t john li lunn lletirvj botlltodi attorney general alexander wood charles c small darcy boulton george mnuro william prtmiudfooi francis t billings alexan der burnside- robert siamoo- william draper george duggau- esquires the strong hold of ilmse puny political pet tifoggers rycrson and mackenzie ib the 70th highlanders since- the arri val of their new commandant leut col ah douam this distinguished icnrps has bpofi put uputi active il ho hctual service on thursday they wero review ed by the major general who declared we nre tohk that the various evolutions through which the corps were put were performed with a precision and prnmptitudc which he had never seen surpassed and very rarely equal led- 16 qufetacj ulh june 1833- t a young secretary board ut health nkw steam boat guekn adeiaidr the new steam bnat built by robert ha milton esq and other gentlemen to ply between chippewa and amherthurg on ihe lirhish coat of lake erie whs launch ed ou saturday hist and commence her regular trips very shortly- rj in cooneqnence of the state of tho public health the intended ceremony of laying the corner stone nfsaiut patricuschurch i not take place this evening quebec w llth june 1832 mcroiry quebec oth june 1832- total number etntgraob arrived from ihe ia june to the present ilaic both days itclusive mules l0ti females 3558 under 14 years of age 3001 tula to date previously reported 40599 15101 total 55700 montreal cholera- it is our painful duty to announce to our readers the existauce in llil city of ihat pestilence which has con tinued 10 rivac with uuexampled fierc- 0cs nlmnst every land from india to the brilitth ult and has spreail under every climate from the burning sauds of arabia i the tnontof russia in nur last we still clw m 1 1 hope that the suspicions of its existence amoni us were premature aud caused by tho alarming news frnm quebec but now the dread reality cannot he denied its progretw here during the last three days has heeo most rapid if we may jude by the following bullelio issued last eveuiug by the board of health office of the board of health montreal lj june 1832 cases nf cholera from 10th to 12th june inclusive severe 51 wilder 40 total 94 dentin 23 recovered nr remaioiog 71 by order j gothrif scott sec board of health mootreal half past 2 p m june 15 j832 the board of health have been at great pains to ntrcrtaiii the progress of cholera umnng emigrants and natives or residents iu the city and banlieu of montreal irom the uncertain period of its commencement hut they regret to statu they are still una- hle to ive an exact report of the number of cases mid their results as far as has been ascertaioed the oum- hcr of cases of cholera spasmodic or se vere as well as of milder attacks previous ly known in ihe country amouot to tho number of deaths tho naihs a voted i his and kail of dalhousic has taken ml sent in the mouse of ilnnls gainst the late uiiuistry im the com- niittee on the iteform bill we should noi beat all surprised h find that under the duke of welknjttous atlmuiirauon rip vmjp f h dinio at vnf offered to ihc noble earl an his uu eoa uexiou wiih several uf the british ulonies would render him a very eflicieut i 0 minister mon tnai gazette- thk cholkra quebec the asiatic colkra after announ cing officially that it did not exist at grose isle on krrtlay we auununce luda ihat it does in quebec it existed at thei ive wrote nn friday and il has madeai strides- its effects in an american rtfniatti are nnt known- it is likely tnpro severe than in eurupe where the himatc is more equalde except in the i parts of that continent where the tvmposi- lion to billion habits is greater inhere is 1 however no reason to suppose that com mon evil will not be borne with as in ve signatiou here as elsewhere that i mul vigorous measures of protecunu w il h y bodys duty untlue sur a he mot vigilant iu aiding in the common cause cleanliness r houses and about the person temn iu drinking the moderate se nf fcuig f rekulwrity f all habits no excesses ofnny kind warm clothing nhrl perhaps nl h1 a manful leteriuiuiiioa to meet thu and indeed a kind nf heedlessness ab disease ae the most useful preveui 4 oclock p a- monday llthunt the board of health have not yet i fl report it u uncertain if they wl t b0 to tlftvi the returns from private hou iihl 1204 230 recovered or remaining 074 a more foil and special report will lie published tomorroiv saturday 16lh io the afternoon bv rder j guthrie scott sec hfport op the board office of the board of hoalih italfpast 2 p hi saturday 16th june nil if pw cin lif fvkfti half- past2 15th june making 4 hours including milder cases of cholera deaths as ascertained recovered nr remaining j guthrie scott sec board of health montreal monday i8sh june 1832 j number of cases from saturday 16lh at 2 p h- to sunday i7th at 2 p m 475 deaths sumo period 102 taken it is evci dispeusalioo u ions at auy rate if it wore not there it would be 00 difficulty thqo in delaying further from the sun of the 9th may the whig ministry is for the time dis solved only f tho present countrymen hear this in mind think too of what you owe to yourselves and those who have so far assisted you on the mad to re form aod who ouly resign when they can no longer he of assistance to you the whig hillistrv is for the present dissolved it will be arttln before a fortnight has elap- ted and it is you countrymen will bring them back again in triumph to office tho borotighmoners must not be masters of iho lives and liberties of knglishmen we insert the following from the second edition of tho times the news will come like a thuudcr clap on the people pray gud they meet their destiny with firmoess fortitude but above ull with becoming tranquility j with their hest blood w as into question brought when big with ruin oer each english ht jd vile slavery hung suspended by a thread when liberty all trembling and nghast feared far the future knowing what wis past and this was the origin and is the end of reform it is thus a nation stands forth to vanquish the polyphemus of aristocraii- cal oligarchy who truly may bo deemed monsttum horrendum informe cui lumen a- dcmotum it then the valor intrepidity and firm ness that have honored our past sanguin ary conflicts for superiority dow sipualize our peaceful but positive exertions for po litical reform it is thus and thus abuie that england now convulsed with feverish ngitation shall be restored to pristine health and power tho london times openly recommends aving all heeo mnilo wo a prciiy correel lielic n the siiei 0 3u cn cs 26 efntnlful accidtnt a young mao nam ed schulc who with hi hrolher lioih lateily from london recently opeucd a hal wrtrpliuiiso in this loivn em vol in n unnl on thursday last cowards the bland near gihraltar point f ihc purpose of shootio game when hy some accident hi rod went oft and lodged its whole con- teritrs i hi leg iuimctliatflj below the knee notiwiihsianning tho limh wahshhitered in a uerrible manner the youn mno rowed the hoal hack himself upwards of two mile to tfhc wharf when li s taken out aud canried to the hospital where the limb was imimediatcly ampotated alrnvfl the knee thu same heroic spirit which enabled the unliortuuatc young mao to row his boat two milojfi m the shore amidst iho most intense sulfierius also enabled him to cudure tho ml 1 pi italian wo are lold without a roan uiiihq sulfcriog however were 100 much for ihhi convtuutiouaod today be is a corpse fallowing is tlemh ciic c p at ihc lviimrit mospilal denths 2 coiiulcot at private duclliogs estimated ai 20 ca ses 1 5 deaths total denihs 41 in iho last three t ofihese about 7 deaths only liau llcui red op to nimiioii sainrtlay the ren 34deuiha haveoccorkdiu the last l the neater numbpr uf cases hav c from cham plu in street but five i deaths arc kuon t linv si iucks some in the c ftier street three or four in the jpj town and st jnhnvsuhurbt death has been caused in five 373 number of cases from sunday 17th at 2 p m to monday lh at 2 p m- 313 the deaths for the inner period cannot j he ascertained with such ceriainty as to i ivc an authentic report thereof but oo the authority of d- neilsun tho health com- misiiner the nunihcr uf deaths is less than that of ihe preceding day the hoard regret ihat in consequence of the illness us well of dr neilsou the health commissioner upon whom the re port of caes aud results devolves but of several oihers of the medical practitioners they have not been enabled io procure for the public since saturday hat uhirh they anxiously desire to give a daily repori this day from iho same causes ihe re port remains incomplete and the board from a desire not to hazard what might provo erroneous state noihing from suppo sition the citizens of mootreal may however rest assured that no exertion shall be spared by tho board hereafter to ive a daily ami correct report which shall be fnuuded on authentic doc- liy order of the board j guthrie scott sec in ail cncs uments eigih cknia hi vllresp hours the awl ore not earned t0 i churches the cntholics are epn i ihe new burying ground outride st j suhurhs no huiwing for the hick s yet pr in the lower town kimnnntih rtuu pltlvcott- the cuolfrathisloo talked of unci much dreaded posiilencc has at length mflde iu nppesminre amnn us and we have del yed nur paper hevnnd ihe usual lioor ihi we rlixht he enabled to pi3 the hiiet pnsihle iniellienre resneeuug it we have been ohlifingly fitvnrtfd with io fnllowinc statement of ihe cholera in to 12 nvlnck noon thiday erol cases occuned in irescolt rod vicinity 4 of which 3 have recovered and 1 remains dnuhtful brought in hoau and waggons sick 9 of uhirh j has recovered 3 are dead nud 5 remain dnuhttul children not included in the above statement gnnvittt gaiettt which has fallen under my observation permit me firi to extract a very inieest ins article from the asiatic journal juue ledl mr s hope surgeon of hii majesiy llospitl ship canada states ihe followto mddo of cure for the cholera mnrhus which he has employed for more than thirty years with uniform success he thtis des cribes the complaint the tliseaje u in duced by causes ion wmi known and shows itself at first by violent pains from the stricture of ihe gall duct and u after wards kept up hy the irritability of the bowels brought on hy the excoriation of tho internal coat from the erid or eldiug nature of the bile when first expelled the gallhag this irritation keeps up the disease till nature recovers nr sinks i neef use calomel because i have a nmre certain safe and speedy remedy tht pro- duces an almost instaneous relief calo mel relieves hy inducing a more copious secretion of mucus to defend the mem brane from excessive irritation wfere it succeeds wliiul the ftllrij i recnrnmentl afford a tone nf firmness to ihe membrane a smoothness of surface that defends it from the action nfthe bile and removes excessive irritation by this means the disease goes off as soon as the gullhkidder is emptied nf its excesnve irritative eon ents which is very soon accomplished as from three to five or six dose complete the cure the following ro f b adducrd i was 0ttrfton of the pnlpbin in the year 1825 from july 17th to 26lh had 2g4 caes of cholera from whkll with the exception of 1c bring kepi under treatment for three days 4 patients domatulitig at reution four das and three for five days except one who bad heed previously ill tvrty patient was restored uithin the space off ty hovrl persuaded the chief utaie lo take a dose of the remedy before iho hcjihy pail of ihe ships company to in duce them to follow ftm evwrnfo vwrx nil complied and to the best of my recollec tion not cme of them had occasion to trouble me from illness 14 the remedy i gave was one drnchm of nitrous acid tint nitric one ounce nf pep permint water or camphor mixture fnd 40 drop of tincture of opium a fourth pari every three or fnur hours in a cupfull of jtrnel the belly should be covered wiib a succession of hot cloths dry bottles of hot toller to the feet if they can lie ob tained constant and small sippiugs of finely strained gruel or sago orlnpiora no spirit no wine no fermented liquors till quite restored another method oftreatiog this alarming disease is the following communicated lo me while at setamporcfiomii mimtnuary at calcutta io september 1825 he states not one has died out of 60 to whom i have administered medicine lor the cholera except one individual who had previously received some native medi cine very injurious to her the medicine was 80 drop of laudanum a wine row nf brandy and two table spoonfuls of castor nil mixed and if possible gtveo at once if not one dessert spoonful after another uotil all is taken this is the dose for xk man for women girls and hoys 60 drops of laudanum the brandy and oil the same quantities as before should ibis bo inef fectual give a second doeof 40 drops of laudttnum a wine glass of braody but no oil in case of this failing a wine glass of drogue a mere may be effectual this medicine may be administered in almost all stages of the disease after the votni- tiog ceases give warm rice water and boiled sagoorsongee flour the patient should be kept on a dry place aod warm lo great britain 80 drops nf laudanum appears a large quaotity perhaps one third cient the fritnd of india published to bengal for september 1825 observes the following prescription is from high medical authority and has been very suc cessful tuke laudanum 20 drops diluted sulphuric acid in which there are ten parte of water to one of acid 10 drops nil of peppermiot three drops aud mix them with a little water in orissa where i resided the tisoal re medy for this complaint was pills each containing six or seven grains of calomel and one grain of opium one pill was sometimes sufficient at other times a second third or fourth at intervals of half an hour were requisite to arrest the progtes nf the disease an aperient was afterwards re commended in this province a few year since the government humanely dispatch ed 3000 cholera pills for the relief of tho salt tnauficturers on the bay of bengal by which means everal hundred lives were saved the utility of these humane effurte in india is very great when thechole- i first hegnn it obtained from ra savs a friend in beng gentleman avo mo i been asked- some pcrno tho king stores kings wbarr irl position as tioneo n ecu- 5 oclock the board ofhealu havc firat official ite 0fh of just issued their which the fellow ug i u copy successful treatmknt of the choleaa morbus dear sta as i havo resided several years in india in the vicinity of juggernaut temple where the ravages of the cholera morbus are frequently veiy appalling i shall lie happy to give you any ioformation respectiug the treatment of this disease ravages one government fony or fifty native doctors to supply his district and medical stores to what extent be chose the gratifying result was that medicine was administered to upwards 01 twenty thousand persons of whom more than 17000 recovered kor more information oq these ami other in dian subjects permit me 10 refer you to indias cries to british bumanhy wightman london p 498 512 1 profits of this volume are devoted ton hen- voleut object in this city many prccai linn may be adopted reripccting thijdiseasv relative io diet clcanlinesss tranquility of mind c i will mention only one the wearing of a flannel dress which appear to have heeo very beneficial in india praying that god in hu kind pmvideuee may avert this dread scourge from nur shores or if a consumption shtiuld le decreed that it may u conducive to tho revival nf pure and nodefiled religion f and the display of the graces that adorn the cbristiiiu character i atn yours truly coventry nuv 9 1831 pmilantiiropos chloride of li me it should be known at present that when there exists in the air miasmata rapnhle of conveying disease whether epidemic or endemic is merely a speculative pniut fumigation io dwellings willi the vapour of any mineral acid is ca pable of destroying the principle of disease tho vegetable acids vinegar for instance are too feehle during the fumigation tho doors and windows should be closed aod all persoos should w tthdraw as the penetra ting fumes nf those acids canoot bo johaled without suffocation a convenient way of

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