Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 27, 1836, p. 1

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m and kingston commercial advertiser aette 4 fjtubl ttcry weclnc id y a ucl saomcd lit otffmurr of k iiik nd brfc mm i nec rege nec populo sed utruftue twenty fthllliaiffa per mm if at tfce end ot t ho jrjur tw tolxviii- kingston upper cajtada wednesday july 27 1836 nvo8 farm for s uio ffluacrfsoreir landbeinj weal iwv half of loi no 4 in the firstcon- cetftoirof piedcrtcbsburch pleasantlysiiuated oo die by of quinte and convenient lo a stfsni boat landing there are aboot 60 mi uur cultivation n vnrieiy of ftuit iras a fame dwelling house ood a bfwbarn 50 feel by so the stock crop ac mav be hud by ihe purchaser at a valua tion the greater pun of ihe purchase tdoocy cnv remain in the hands of the purchaser for farther particulars apply to the tabscri- beron the premises iames silliman fredericksburg july 8 1ss6 5z for sale pew boxes real quioabog scythe sluqcs c willard kingsioo 24thjune 1936 104z whisky the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general that lie has raide arrangements for a consignment of 30000 gallons whisky port of which is now ready fur inspection ai his store lower end of quarrysucei opposite carrtlps tavern the above article is of lie best quality of fered fur sale in this imrfceiand will be sold w ihe most reasonable iernis ftr gush tsrernkeep and retailers will find to iheir ioierest to call joseph caubury kingston april 14ih 1336 34z the travellers gnidi isitixg the falls of nfrjptt with a oeai map of the pall and lsmdsplan of the village of the falls handsomely njnd for aala at the chronicle and gazette office kingston may 6 j8s6 90 a for sale quantity of excellent writing ink at the chron st gazette office corne of king mm stock streets 9sz jkc ontario 1836 til stlam boat oswego captain iv s malcolm will ply on lake ontario and the st law re rue itiver between odenslmrgh s niagara a follows commencing april f9th 1336 upwards leaves 0densborb on friday evening kinsion u c saturday morning sackeits harbor noon oswego evening rochester sunday morninj toronto ijc niagara and lewis- ton monday morning whrrc she arrives early girin passenger all tbeday in visit the falls of niagara and return by the boat downwaros leaves lewiston on monday evening rochester tuesday morning osweflo afternoon sackeue harbor niabl kingston u c wednesday morning eti arrives at oftdensbtirgli ihe same evening touching at french creek morrisiown alex aodnn and brockvilte co parties intending visiiing ihe falls of niagara buffalo or ihe different ports on lake ontario will find the route via oswego or hochesier to be the cheapest and most expe ditious v passengers leaving niagara in this boat on monday evening will arrive at mon treal on thursday evening passing ih most interesting part of ihe su lawrence liver by day hghi slz steam boat sir jhmca kciiipl capt fuascis baker w shaw sailing master will on the opening of the navigation commence her regular trips as usual will leave kingston for the bay on tuesday eo 1 friday mornings will leave the iimj of the bay for kingston vij prescotl on wednesday oj saturday mornings will leave presroti for kingston and the bay on monday and thursday evenings im- pediaitly after the arrival of the buais from below kiogston 24ih march 1ssg 76z notice the subscriber bcs leave to nequaint hl friends and the puhlie centrally thai he h ii received invoires of the fnlluwiu articlef per the ihip thalia from livorpool mid are nnw ou tho way from montreal viz black and blue soperfiue wrst of england cloths olife green acd medly colors do do do ljumr and siolo millm cassimeres do do fancy buckskins ihe latest london patterns of vulcotiaaod marseilles vesting with suita ble trimmings for the abovo the whole lelll rt tiuad inferior to none in the market both fiw durabiliiy and cheapness the litest fashions always received nod geotlfitnedaccomcnodated with a suit in twelve bours j o takes this opportunity of requesting hoe cqttomers whose aceuuots are of lung ittadiog to call and settle as money is a scarce kle in market and at the present time o1d be very acceptahle to him john oliphant koestno 4th june 1836 lolz hew testament for schools jt theewntr of king and brock street just published and now for salea band- w some edition of this book- fcl ike press murhays english deader kogston ang 1 1835 new goods armstrong st gkrkk invite the at- f tcotion of the public to their splendid new fb of dry goods groceries wines and l which they are now from day to day ttccividgbv lbc gu 8 inland coropa- biftts ftsiioti 1st julv 183ft 1x iixtract from a royal proclamation dated at the cutiu of st uvis spia march lart le vying tolls on the military canals on the ot- tnwa river from the t jurtcnezttothe 31u may 1897 i 70u9 ov the mtlitatly cvils on ti1t- ottawa through the whole of the canal far the paisago of any barge upwards eighty five shilling halifax currency dowu- wintla sixty vhillio like curreory for every durham boat upwards fifty shihiiifci halifax currency downwards thir tyfive shillings and eightpence like curren- for every boat for cabin pasicoera up- ardj thifiy ihilliajl hnlifiix cunency downwards twenty shillings like currency for every batteau from thirtytwo to for tyiwo feat luoxi upwards lhjriyfive shillings halifax currency downwards iweotyfive shillings like currency for any batteau under thirtytwo feet long upwards twentyfive shillings halifax cur rency downwards severiteto shillings and ten pence like currency for every skiff c upwards twelve shil ling sixpence h c dowuward eight shil lings aod eleven pence like currency orenvtlu canal eny foroverj barge upwards and dowowards fortytwo shillings aod ixpoce halifax cur rency for every durham boat npwards and dowowards tweutyfive shillings like curreo- forevevy bw ar cahin pameors up- ivafds rud dowwards fiftoeu shilfiogt dko eorreoey fr every naiienq from thirtytwo to forty- two fcei long upwards aud downward sev enteen shillings and sixpence like curren cy for every batteau under thirtytwo foct inug upwards and downwrj twelve shil lings and sixpence like currency for every skiff 4te upwards and down wards six shillings and threepence like cur rency chute a blondcau only fur every itarge upwards fourteen shil- lingq and two pence halifax currency tlowu- waids five shillings aod ten pence like cur- recy w6t every durham boat upwards eight shillings aud four fence dowuwards three shilling and seven pence like currency for evety boat for cabin patstogers up ward five shillings duwuwards ooe shiuiug aod eight pence like enrrtrncy for every batteau from thirtytwn to for tytwo feet long upwards five shilling atid ten peuce downwards two sbilliogs aud six pence like currency for every batteau under tlunytwo feet upwards four shillings aud two pence down wards one shitliug and uine peuce like cur reucy i or every skiff c upwards two shillings ikul a penny dowuwurds tlrven peuce like currency carruton canal only for every barge upwards one poudd eight shilliogt and four pence downwards eleven shillings and eiht penr tik currency for every durham bout upwards sixteen shillings and rifcht pence dowowards seveu shillings and one peony like currency fur every hoal for cabin passengers up wards icn ahillluj downwnds three shil lings and four pence like corrrnry far every rnitdhtl fmm thiriytunio for- tvtwo feet long iiwnrdclrven shillings and ciglit peuce duwuuards five slulliugi like currency for every batienti under thirtytwo feet ions upwards eight shillings ntd lour peuce downwards three shilliugs iud seveu pence like cuneury for cvtry skiff e upward four shillings and two penee ilownward oue shilliug auit nine pence like currcucy for every sieamer at ihe camtlnn locks upwards aud downwards fifteen shillings like currency for every steamer ai the chute o blond eau locks upwards and duwuwards seven hillings and tix nence like curreucy for every itaft not havings previously paid tull on the uideau oaualj to bo charged as uo- der oak and standard staves twelve shillings and six pence for each lock statioo ah other itafts of whatever description of wond eight shilliugs for cch lock station fur every raft lining previously piid loll on the rideau canal on theconditimi that the proprietor or pilule produce a cirtificaie to that effect to be charged as follows onk aod standard staves ten shillings for each lock station all other rafis whatever of whatever des cription of wood six shillings for each luck station hafts passing through the grenville canal not io exceed seventy feet by sixteen those parsing through the chate n llluudeuu and carillon canals not to exceed one huudrcd feet hy tweuty six west india staves 3s 4d per thousand- the same to boats or scows ls8d per 1000 heading per j00o is 3d deals per 1000 feet iu rafts fis gd the same in boats aod scows is 6d boards aud planks per looofeerio rafts 6d the same io hoati or scows is l shingtesper thousaod 3d- laths sawed or split per 1000 3d saw logs from kingston to bytown and from bytowo to kingsioo is eacb the same through each luck id per log ash oars h per pair- tanners bark perrord in raft is the same in boats or scows 4d lard butter tallow bees wax and ho ney io barrels 4d per barrel the same in kegs ijd per keg fire wood io rafts per cord is the same in boats or scows 4d apples per barrel 3d tobacco atthe rate of 8d per hogshead slope fromquarries 6d per toise- snud aod lime per barrique id coaches carriages aod waggons is 3d each caleches gigs aod carts 7jl oacb cheese per hundred weight 2d beer and cider per barrel 3d all other merchandize at the rate of 7s 6d per too steam boats passiog from kingston to by- town jos per trip steam boats passiog from bytown to king ston 20s per trip steam boats passing from perth to bytnwo or kingston and kingston to perth 5s per trip steam boats passmgfrom bytown 1 perth 10s per trip front kintnn to bytowo carrying passen gers in addition to the merchandize r pru- duce they may u r v murge 5s durham boar 3ojl larg uaiicax 2 0d j small uatteax 1 cd from liytowu o kingstonbarge 10 durham boat 7j t 5 ima batteaux 3s haiy aod canoes for the first nck6d aod id wr each luck afterwards the nu or produce they addjiinti to may carry from kingsioo y fir id ftod from firsl rapids to kingsttm from 6m if n y town and from bv lo lho narrows tahmp childreu under jft ycar4 of is each neat cattle audi lrses 2s each sheep piga nd halves 3d each dry goods inft d spirituous liquors 3i- 9d per ton linn nud salted lp ig- iqjj per too salt aod smcwm jld per too wheat per husli on0 tialf penuy itje nod bucwh and cora meal per bushel one fthin flour perharrcl u pork rbnrrelud perioi j7itl p w 71 htt per luoofcct 10d mlow bees wux aud ho- beef hi pot ash pearl ash hoards and pli lard liolier t oey per hirrcl 2l the same per taw u stnne from quaig p toiso 3d cheese parhuu weight id beer aud cider pe barrel 2d all other article 0 suhject to the same toll as ram kingviton to bytown aad all ar- lirlcs passing one qf m of the locks between kingston and firs rapids or betweeo first rapids nnd itytoup o charged wiih the mine toll as if lhs nw passed the whole dis- tinre between eith c otose places the mansion house kingston u c the subscribe respectfully begs leave in imiify 10 ihe tiavelling public that he ipy this exteniive aod well im ronlinues to known llotcl ihe maksjok irqdsc is nleasantly situated c the principal aod cen- eztractfram a rmjol prorlarnathn dated at turonto zth of jfoveniher 1835 totfiatf tolls on the riiuau canal 1 lg ki5gstov to etowj oh raom by- towrt to kingston cabin passengers 4j- each children uoder 12 years of age 2s each sheep pigs and calves 6tl th dry goods wiqes aud spirituous liquors 7s 6d per too iron anil salted fik 8s 9d per ton sttltand sea coal is lod per i wheat per bushel three ftirthiogs other kinds oftiraio and potuioes per bush el one farthtog- rye and buckwheat floor and corn meal per bushel one hnlfpenny flour per barrelled beefaud purk per brrel 3d pot ah ier 100 2s 31 pearl ash per too 2s 3d oak per foot tu boats or scows ono half penny pine rim aod all soft timber per foot io boiiii or scows ooe farthing the same io nifis namely oak one peouy per cubic foot- pine one farthing per cubic foot standard staves iiospcrlooo the seme in boat or scows 10s per 1000 in tre fitted igjog the hal w h ko i i- 1- tiikfn ti fill rhe siohtn boat whnrves and 00 establishment of i kind in the tpper province cuo surpass it 8 the excellence and comfort of its apart- nicfhs both parlors and bedrooms thirtyfour iu number all of which are furoisbed in the ve hfit style m llothl lias lately undergone h thorough ihir aod js l present in must excellent or der hm couditiuo for the accomutudation of the puhlie the subscribe having kept a hotel for many ywl hs acquired experience in that line nod therefore trusts that with unremitting nt- hofthl to the comfnri nf his guests bo will ennfjuue to merit public patrnnage hi the rear of the mansion house there is a la rgi yard aod extensive stahliug aod where a livery stvlile is constantly kept the mnosioo house carriage and por- uill filxvnvs be in readiness to convey pas cij vjersaud lugguje lo su uoai fciogmon june 22j ud from the liffeieol s carm1no 1636 103a i rather sole and upperof various i tinnaeescalf skins kips tc swfor sale by larocque bernard co who will keep a large assonmeoi consianily or aud may 18 l8z just finished and for sale at ihe book- store on the corner of king and bock siftei a large assormiem of account books ofliest materials find workmanship for sale at mgqireal prices 00- buok books or paper well and correct ly ruled 10 any pattern at sltort notice kinsston j 1 1835 for sale k t ilie commercial whnrf kinjjsioa foot v of store sireei whiskey salt plaster of paris waterlime k tue subscribers m truax phillips kimrston33iimay 36 95z notice right 1ngersoll hav beer sut george slnclals defence of the pfiers hoisl or cfotf s thhrjay may 19 sir g sinclair rom soil mid- lc it well sir tor the proioiioots of m nipir aod es- pny of lu- that 04 mmiqrcs ftiloptd by his hnuaft nro tulijccltitl lh reviiioo of another tribudal which it n th pokcr of hu rlnjeiiya ministers tft cnjole to imimi- dato or to dissolvo no public assembly do- ircs or enjojs tt iho premt eveon crisis o promineut a place io coofidcoct re- tpct and gratitude of th6 rrlitinu end on- lightened ponioo of the c cheers by a great majority of ihqb who have odj- thing to lirsc od bo ore ioiere io maiu- liioiog the iostitutioo of the couotry the house of lords is considei he main bul wark 0 our church csinlishnitnt aod the chijf barrier agaiiul d aftlmf ai croachnieoi tjjo oolite lord may tliiak proper to hold codciliatory language m his house but i would call hit atieotioq to l letter nbich has this day appeared io the jmortoing chronicle from mr ocoooell a parfcgph of which bean more directly upon xhp quenionoow be fore us it is 4t wish t koow whether the british people are ready w tubmit id quiet aod without reinonstrance t the irresponsiblp aod therefore despotic autmriiyofthat asscn lily or will they now lift with mo to cnke the uoioo real by ioitiiu ll a voice too dit tinct to be misunderstood and too loud to be neglected upuu ao orgoicchaoge io that n semmy such as has become absolutely ueeea- aary for the coosolidatiuo of re uoioo be- ttveen both countries and fof the advance- meut of kooi kovernmcot ch 1 we will imvo lord lyodhursts v k ut no compromise no tubml i tho lord have commenced the collitf h baw ken their chuico to rest thrtt colluioq upoo the iosuhiog iuiquity ofrefusi corporate reform to ireland w ooly fulltf to their track by throwing out the bill nod j with them to he couotry 2- we opp to the people of rowland for aid and uiunce wo uro eotiiled to that aid aod jmiataoce io ihe oacne of the people of irel cj u j for that aid and apiim i qu re with mr ocoonell io his ppioiooihai what ho calls justiea to ireland f becl- ed otherwise than hy an org io constitution of the house lords i there fore call upon and am entitle to call upoo hi mnjeiije ministers l whether they nre prepared to recommend luch a measure io his mnjesiy 7 o this they may rest assured that they will fiod the cournge of the house of lords uoflincmmsaod ioviocible hear hear i am perstf that there is oot asiogle member ofthtf mjoriiy hy which uoh signal aodigoominiot defoatsbave been ioflkted od his majesty mioisters whom aoy menaces either iu tlli house or out of doors will cause to swervj f the path of duty hear hear hear the lords are qutie aware n their owfl atrength ultra whiseistn aod radicalism 8 to two porten tous giants brandishing ennrmous clubs nod threatening a whole phalrtx of antagonists with annihilation at a single blow but if aoy adventurous kuighi advaorm fearlessly to the recnotre the two colossal frontiers are atonce atlamorphoscd into gaunt urpcrals and thvir wtapoos full powerless frontf their haods we hiif4trei deal lastjerol bullyiol aod blustering about alteriug the cotnrtittttion of the house of lords and suodrjy formidable notices were elicited by ibe remarks which 1 myself took the liberty to submit but all this vaunting and vapouring termioateffd n the ut ter abandonment of the propositions thus re corded and nothing ensued bmirfi display of vague and vapid declamation- why do not iht gentlemen who out of doors awe the bom hardiuian and bnmbitci furinaos of reform io the house of lords come forward at this moment with their specific proposiitious the orderbook is before them pen mod ink rro hi their service nnd i challenge anjy one of them to place a definite motion on thte table not ono of them has ventured to taktc so bold and decisive a strp or to say one worrd on iheaub- jeet within these walls severwl hoo mem bers on the ministerial side herre exclained tho attoroeygeoeral i uteg tny learn ed friends pardon 1 forgot than this enviable distinction belonged to him atiul the oinioou red book lies most seasonably withio his reach su that a notice fur efieciimg an orgaoic change in the coustitutioo of ihe house of lords may at this tnomeot be recorded by the first law officer of the crown loud cries of bear sir his majestys ministers have iu no respect evinced such unparalleled dex terity as io muzzling aod mantrrliog their ra dical confederates iu this rtogpect thoy re mind me of what i once beam conceroiog certain lodian jugglers whoconnliiuted a fow years ago the delight aod aomiiratioo of the metropolis i was informed than eacb ufthese wonderful conjurers amoog other notable feats used to take a basket full of boa con stridors out of a cage and wouild allow them with perfect impunity to coil roiuod his thighs legs arms or neck and even i beliere to put their heads iuto his mouth if any uoioi- tiated bystander hod taken any- similar liber ties with these dangtrou ammls he ivould at ooco have been ttung to thte quick but if one of the conjurers held up his forefiogcr or touched them with his wnod ihhey quietly un- r trained nud their hisses were ao appalling that the stoutest heart began to quail fbe radicala io this house are io a similar state of suhjugatioq to the potent spells of hit ma jestys government hear the left wio of the confederate army plays the game of follow my leader with the same facility as the right ail their own peculiar nostrums are either mitigated or laid on the shelf but as soon as they return to their respective con stituencie and require to make a grand dis play at some great ctinner or public cneoting the pwbtlr is regaled with most eloquent effu sions upon house of lords reform or annual parliaments or any of the other peculiar doc trines which bewilder and impose upon the multitude look fur instant at the case of my hoo friend the member for middlesex ho seems to me to have of late bad at leatt two fits of political paralysis lood cheer and laughter his his ghter one side mouth is drawn altogether to mm loogue refuses any longer to discharge that effort which is at one time exe cuted with so much zeal and ability of de molishing superfluous patronage and denoun cing ministerial profusion- ah air my hoq frieod would not have been caught napping sf a tory government had proposed such extra vagant measures as he now leaves for the sa lutary correction of the house of lords we abould then have bad no voting that black was while but wo should have had debate upon debate and division upoo division and every clause would have beeo sifted aod overy fraction of every charge contested with unshrinking pertinacity aod the lists of ma jorities and minorities would have been circa- hied in red and black ink throughout every district in tho empire before i conclude i once more turn to my noble lurd and ak him how he expects that without ao organic change in the house of lords ho can ever hope to carry tho clause for pillagiog the churth of ireland of it property or any bill for establishing throughout ireland a chaio of popish fortresses for endangeriog the security of lite protestant population t cheers docs the qubto lord recollect the expedient to which brennus had recourse for overwhelm ing that august assembly nf roman patricians whose coostaocy he could not subdue he led into the seoatahouso ic baod of fierce barbariaos from the hills and immolated those illustrious patriots ot the shrine nf their gods and of their country aod thus sir ih onbla lord jf ha wishes to carry thrnugh ihei pernicious enactments must march into th house of lords with 150 titled lackies in blue and buff liveries at his heels cheers aod laughter tbo ooblo lord has quoted the opinion of a distinguished foreigner with rc- gard to the comparative merits of tho houses of parliament sir i contend if wo may judge from experience and observation there is a treat preponderance in this country of hereditary over elective talent how few billt aro ever tent up from this house w liieli do not bear the most palpable and humiliat ing marks of crude and partial legislatinnt aud it is as much the practice aj it is the pro viucft of the house of peers to detect our rnomaues to rectify our blunders to supply our omissions and to reconcile our incongrui ties i ask every one who hears me whether there is aoy comparison between the attention paid to our debates and ihe interest eicited when tho same question is dicused in ano ther place how few peers are found seated during our debates on the comioocliuus bench e provided for their reception but when the very same bill is discussed in the house of lords we find half the oahinet ministers and all the leaders of opposition aod eveo many of tho stauuchesl house of lords reformer standing with great personal inconvenience at ibeirhar for hour together aud listeoing wiih delight perhaps not unmiogled with envy to tho wisdom and ability which are there con- tinually duplayed how grudgiugly do thco delighted auditor retire when summoned by a division bell to vote upon somo question in idii imhk- of rite debate rwfirumg whhh they have not heard one single word hear and a laugh but sir we cannot be sur prised at this superiority iu the houso nf lords when we remember that there aro found iq that assembly the moil learned of our clergy the most profound of oor lawyers the most distioguuhed of our heroes and the most in fluential of our country gentlemen i con clude by reiterating the expressino of my cod- victioo that the conduct of the house of lords will create throughout the country a feeling of confidence and thankfulness nn the part of those ahose approbation it must he the object of every generous ond wellregulated mind to conciliate and to possess and that the names of thoso noblemeo who have stood prominent ly forward as the defenders of our protestant institution will he handed down to the latest posterity among the most disiioguished pat riots of this age and natiou lood cheers which lasted for some minutes dobate oo the lords iruh corporations bill united states t ihe ediior of ihe albany aru sir the ladies who mnka the subjoined communication have commissioned me to send it to you tn be published iu the argus yours very respectfullyj wa- tbompsoh wlesh sssssmi kslse i coiled themselves and crawled back to the frn7aitffon in barrels aod smaller qoanii- dco where they vwero no sooner hes to suit purchasers- 57r ate rtr eyes gad the oocths f i januirv ww- french and mrs bull wifo of cbwtajj bull of the aame place mrs- pomemy ofot- cionati and mrs thompson la btrftelf of i selves and hp ladies of their fompaoj the canal commissioners and tho public o tw mad arqvawted with iba fouowiag facia they arrived at buffalo oo the morning of th 1st of july on their way to the eal ha ving heard a high character oftba new york canal uod o aava ihetttsalv nd children a ranch aa possible from fatigue in to eoc a jour ney they chose that mode of conveyance tbey went oo board tb packet t of the old lioe with the asaoraoca that it aboald not bo crowded that tba otmberof piuaon- gars should not exceed iweutyfve aad paid double the price for which a cleao raapaetabla looking una boat offered to carry thorn- tbi they did being etraogtrfc a odor the n pre- top that a public conveyance derated to pas sengers would be better regtilatad than mpm boats the mistake nearly coat ihetu their lives as the herein detailed facta will abow- they soon fouod themielvea aod chiklreq pressed io with a much mora numerous cooti pany arriving after tbey had takea their placa thao they wera told would bo aboard wfana the boat got under way tbey luflered great ap prehensions for their safety in so crowded aptt narrow a boat and a vary tultry day the passengers however exerted tbemselvte lo fpaka u as agreeable aa their cimmtairf would permit aod had the paclm boon raao aged with propriety no complaint would bava been made oo tho passage the master ud crew skewed little regard tn the convenience of the pisspa- gers nnd judulged themttltet io loud eat boijterous profanity both on deck and at lb bow where the ladies were obliged lo ilaod iu turns to got air- their mode of driving was alternately very slow and very fast at one time fait aaihey could lath their bones washing the baoks of ihe cftotl with a dqep flood and throwing the aurge qvcr tho ladies at the bow to tha great axqusaaaepf af ifaa crew aod iben on arntramtd walk aa slfifl as possible to delay tha lima of arriving ai certain stations to save a 6a at ibey said at tho tntennediato porta during tho day more passeogers wera taken on board until the crowd became frightful- soma of whom informed us that they wera solicited by agents of this packet to go in it when opporloduicsi had offered to go comfortably io other boat the haat rendered it indispensable to bava water for the ladies aod children which we obtained with great difficulty and geaorafjf such requests were met with tha iosojept reply that had bad water or tbay nougb water the oaths and foul laugoafca of the crew of tha packet increated during tha day and appeared to be intentionally indulged in uear where tha ladies stood at tha bow with ao increased ferocity as their affright ha came mora manifest and as their husbands and protector wore kept back by the crowd as evening drew op a packet labelled new line or opposition w overtaken apd n furious driiog took place with tbt apparent ioteotioo of patsiog it that boat perctivioc the intention qaiqtly lay up whilst we paaacd this greatly relieved our apprcbcaiiojit pre- ttouily eicited by our crew manifesting ao io tention to seek a quarrel after the passen gers as maoy aa could had retired to rest our boat stopped havtag driven citrcmoly slow for soma lime this ooablad or rather obliged ill opposition to pass when midnight approached and tha sick and weary were seeking a troubled repose and mothers were watcbiog tha stombera af their children tha noise aod tumult of tha craw in creased to such a degree that most of tha la- diet were on their feet and crowded the bow in great affright it was discovered onr crew v ere armed with clubs and carrying knivaa cleaily evincing an intention of fighting tha opposition tha condition of the ladies and children became forlorn in tha cxtrepne it was midnigjit j tfbflmtb iwfef ifllfl fatigued with long journeying did tiotcomo op no deck the ladies betcecbed tha ruffians to forbear their supplications were treated with as reckless cootompt as if they had been tei- ians escorted hy a mexican guard about ono oclock our packet instjltiogly passed tha nppnsitinn and shot in su short across her bows that we were unahla to regain our course the consequence was that oor boat which was small and toltleish slid up bar whulo broadside on the bank uoder great speed and careened over so far that the pas seogers were thrown over in the cabins inter mixed with tha furniture and part of the bag gage off of the deck into the canal one gentleman having been roused by tha tumult so loog cootioued by the crow was making his way over the deck to protect hit m ife aod infant and servant girl ho wt in stantly precipitated head first with tha bag gage into the canal in front of the opposition then rapidly passing the scene was appal ling his only chaoce of escape was lo pass between tho boats at the hazard of faeio crushed if they came in contact or to dive uo der the water at this place being fortunately for him of great depth- ho soon disappeared in the dark aud our craw paid ao attention to his fate but devoted themselves to fiibiog op the baggage frnm tha canal the passengers or crew of the opposition seeing the gentleman fall over begged of our crew to let the baggage go aod savo tha pas sengers and a we were afterwards infortnad would have stopped to aid io the effort ha4 d1sgr1clpul conduct of tttc packer vbom aurvaloto aocncstta- mrs cook wife of levi cook esq mayor of the city of detroit mrs- etdred wife of juliui eldred mr- french fc of dm tbsy not found it would occsfrjon moradltaa-

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