jicampiiibtf willi ine exisifnce ij ii depffodcqcien of tae untied is jreit briuio nd irelaod if jt4 do suffer hinrstlf to be led aw 1 flneomcvi1 with his late misudd jlb lb governor he may be cxir aj i i he- upper canada asstrabtff fcride0 of a until opposition ol a btften or members he will help toleaihe iiioriiy ghi hasien jval reforms 0 the folliccoroplishmeni of the liberal inihrticioq tftbirkrbucia head j jj there we reforms enough wanted jtujjper ftrtdi imd every where else whicvvnfcod ctighi 0 k- effected by the iuflueoce otj t 1 jfor represedtaliooj without aiticflvj die ghniiitqiion under which tliey ardefcted tad from which they derive their icgjrtexiii- jdifl uj authority the evil of alfgbveco- peots is ibit he ioteresi aod sp igsh graiifica- tiafl of individuals is often suffered to prevail orct the interests of the community k large jjtft iodividuals holdin public situations are itrniiueil to forget that they bold thecn for ihr benefit of the public and that they aye on- to entitled to the advantages and eidbtonents vhich they derive from thit situatioiif but in- ffmucaoj they benefit th public bilfteirser- vii with sir francis head under the in- airociioos of the british guvernnietjt ibe rep- 1 yesentaltve of a constitutional assembly pro- ccediog according to the dictates of justice aad 1 ibe forms of law and the constitutor without gtviag evidence of heat and personal or pity animosity will be readily acted upon and fry thing injurious to thv peace and prosperity of the community checked watched hy a steady reasonable and constitutional oppoai- tton as we trust that of upper canada will be the majority will be unable to resist the suppression of abuses and prevented from continuing them in another shape in favor of themselves and partisans it is to be hoped that all inefficient public officers ut abuses favorable to individuals and prejudicial to the public will he speedily re moved in upper canndayinj none but btfopsi ahfrf and diligent officers retained or appoint ed without regard to prty or family cbnnex- hi the laws duly ercuted justice ably and imparually administered then tlirre will be a true constituiiooal triumph in upper can- da and it tvtll be permioini selling forth to aluhe benefits of the uriiiah consiitutioo and british coqnection which the late majority wo attempting to underrate and destroy ib chioniclegazette wednesday july 7 1836 ca ailablihtngm rftjlqh ut materially a tutif dflrejajdqvmixyource4 of the province realvedfiyhst tho townof kingston poa- wm ndvatf jgtfc ft o local nd commciut poinj rfyiaritonlm by witj thcr town injhe pro- totsfi jtkt invtlr the filabluhfnont of a btwa ftvtm s of british north anienca ibfcolydiffththbl a committee be appointed to correpoi4it flebarl carter eq nn this aulijtcl wqh imiructiorji lot them to make such teprtsenu- iffifm oi h deemed necetsarju bcbolvedsth thit a manahna thomas wil- aooj thomas greer john mcmurricli thonimi bw j- rohan jiving and henry w benson be ihe comnihtoe of that parpof r johh saaifqs chairman thokas gbeeii secretary the chairman having left the chair williamwiu 0ap eaq a diractor of the bank of upper canada was tuw tbtrtto when thejbanka of tha reting ware given lo mr stranga for hia able conduct in the chair a meeting of the committee will take place to the grand jury room on friday next at noon wcercpy f yntarday herald wiih somo slsalteratiana the proceedings nf ihe meeting of ihe merchant trader and other inhabit ante ofibb pd old gvi kinson which o hld and nu- acruoly and refperuldy attended at ilia court iijjr on moiiflay last fof the porpe f conaider- t ihe propriy f 5il ctme hie vtiblihment of a branch of the bank a bfilui north america here we attended and look a part in ih prnceedinga of wo meeting clceming the bj ci of rsenunl tin- poiinee lo the cntfimiitthy ibr w cnlweouelvea bftftwj4prtaeihi acurtui a tartaasajd free and healthy cumitattno of round diitih capital ahouh ii may be atid often ie termed foreign cap naolkinviha reapectableatiendance at the meet ing it was veryjrtaliymff to see several vf ihe di- fsetm and other fficeri f the existing monitd insti- uilom aomef whom with characnsiic frank- nc8 and ni dipoftiiin t oppaan hn pceedmps dented the uhj t with oatidor ad lutim and it argoes glvnttmy cffthnaa rocrcdils as well as erediiably in tho individual lifiltfilf to w jlm bfulfi e- tho rehkiel vioeprijeftt of the uotanrttial bank of uw midland dittirt yield to the imintrtmus cu nl the tnerliog 10 lke the ehair ftmg therehy cvidfnfe of this hl ncc of thoe self ih prtty iimeett which would be pupposad taate men or hi standing and connexion with an in- attiuiion to whkh the contemplated bfnch bank tftusi be cofidited in ome degree a rival very tew and fery alight wtc lle objciione niwd nj hm few were aalisfaeloihy answered bv mr maalian whn pnpotd the aevatal bffoltv tiortj serfftini and prefaced each with some perti nent remark the unwiiiiijt tonality of oaramuiliitg banks in thecidoinvi onder royal chamcw or irnperal l- gtslatitin wa uiged but only i mth temper and aptrit aa to ce th question f future discswn before the pafclie j but we treomd ihal the board of dinrciora wd not omit making al eiion i the ptoiiiicul sirliamenia for aeis d lncorptwtoi in every province where a gank may he cainhlwid if gafiitd htll and pod if reluied then ltnpciii1 ltfifuitnn may be nsoned t presumptions wcic raked thai h cnpital ptock iicnhcd in engljnd wtmld be k- nl hercand that ihe pnfjia iucnuc frm a eml i huainesa in the colonies wnuui be irthsmitunjl in peee to grcsl britain to be divided amoogat the shaivh ldeo there aod that fa would he preferable to charter banks in the provinces within wliieh it is now allcdgd there u abundance ol idle capital for all requisite purposes charter bnks we ay ihe more the mrr- rier bot wa ore gtroojly eppod to any ihittf i ke innnoputy in money matter or i n in mooted iniiiumon and without a fair aid hnnorable c-m- pction by hrinpij money like any othef commodi ty into the market col imal batika wfflnever be cureil of the els ic ilepeeaic it i iiic indeed to think thai the banking ejpitl aiiberibed in london will be kept there or thit the profits corresponding tilhil capital ii lie sent home in kind whil ihe objects its directors mofl of wlim are genrlemen highly identified with thecomtnerciilintcresti of the canada im at are chiefly io promote the com- nwcal prupvrity of the colonics ad to render in- ditanlttble our connection with the mother cnuniry we will revest to this aubjcct in our next publica tion ft i nf the merchant tradeeeand other h af kiagatoo held pawiaat to antice at ihe covrt uoqi jj day lor the perpotft f dfcoftine pmprwi ioiiciiia the directnri of the itrk bntwb floith amcacx iv ctblih a brapeh of ibe uitilatwhfra jnhasiraxc eiquire j p nd vice preaideot ofiacmamrcul bank wai voted to ihe chair upon yn dwtina f p jamea tami seconded b mwfahane eiouirc and thomas creer eo gw mercury foe re qqi tit ion wai then read ihe object of the tfr luted and the nllowin- eteboluiiubi which 5vid aeriaiio by authony maoahan eq j p p btt seconded repectivrlv bmeara i j jcttron thomaa wiuvn robert jacknn j p hcmorrich thomas brii aod fraocis were adapted resolved lit thai ihe increasing trade and pop- mitnaorthia hinahing colony a- we1 aa ihe la another part ef our columns will bo found some eitractafrom american papera containing account oftfaeavidaftoatragee which have occurred upoo tome of fhopackeu of iho erie canal between bof- ta o nd kocheater we give pouicuy lo theee oc- trarreaeef because they ehould be known ar aod wide to the ravelling public who cannot be too much on their guard against danger and imposition we daily hourly hear high eocomiumj paeaed upon thoeccommocjationa afforded the traveller in every part of the ncfghboring statea the epeed of their aiagea and the safety of their boats the politeness their captains and the painstaking care of their proprietors the excellence of their hotels end the attentions of their landlords are continually blason- ed abroad to catch the aflcnliodofthe stranger to all thiswu have do objections whatever hi as far as the simple truth ia adhered to nor would we caro much about little exaggerations but when we have examples of public abuse and imposition and ofeoo eequetit private danger end suffering tike ihoao be fore us wg cannot but invite attention to them thai they may be placed in juxtaposition with he hich encomiums that their accommodations have received and let both tncrit and abuses travel through the woild together we have seldom before met with ibe published accounts of ceils so tbreatning and impotiitions so glaring as those beforo aj who would expect after all we have heard of uie advan tage enjoyed iy persona travelling io the united steieaokf those wt0plpd ihrough canada who wuld expect j after bearing so much of ihe blessings enjoyed by all in tbst tartf of liberty equality wtifr law to lein that on the erie canal pastag through one of the nwst flourishing pnrtsof the state of new york travellers are liable to meet with the most brutaj trotmcnt from thoo whose duty it is to light en the fatigues uf a journey and protect the helpless from danger abuse and insult 1 who wouh expect that a party of unprotected ladiea and helfdess chil dren would he subjected lothe gnim insults and ri bald jest ihe repulsive insolence and ravage fero city ofo boats crew j their feeling nol only shock ed but even their lives endangered why een an arab would proiecr though ii cot him his life those why enter his tent and iruat themselves io his care ajj vet io a bind of cieitxafzm and ttoerfv wo find lufici passengers hattchinp tae rttjftant ceptsu und crew to orfteoj- end tasfb mupptications treotrriiouhrcklt3 contempt ti j rftey had been tex tan escorted by a mexican guard el these abuses are lo be perpetrated with im punity to lalk about the proprietors of the boats having forfeited puttie timfijence and the remedys being found in wirhholdiny patronage i perfect non sense wdl ult this atone fur the sufferings endured by the public al csdy will it tender strangers se cure for the future t n a remedy should be found of a different charocter one that would hringcondign puoihmn ni ibe heads of these wanton despera does and bold ihem up to lifting detestation of an injurvd and n lud public the account of the ptnmuugn of a piece of plate by the directors of the upper csnajs bank to ihe hoowm allao and the address of i be magistrates and inhabitants of port bur- well io the hod and veo archdeacon of york with ihe reply os given in the toronto courier will be published in our next etfsuc homascti the cellars in store street above ihe commercial hotel ar filled with fitliy wicr to the great incon venience of the inhabitant unci annoyance of the iub- lie someibin ttioud be done to remedy this rvil- the drin iboutd be cminucd frnm the corner at tbc commerciat aot 90 yrd the evjenc would nut be great but tbe benefit would he very material we are awiirt that there re no fundi but we learn that mr junea witliaraon has offered in loan the money the excellent bunneu itand occupied by him has ex- teesite cellars but are even now filled with water the owners of the building no lht atreet ahuold hats the tibentlitj to contribute locaething towards the ex- pease irwillbesecn by the notice of the celtic society given below ihat the time brreeeiving essays isei- tended thai gentlemen intending to enter as compe- litoiafor the prize may have mure time in preparing we earnestly hpo that gentlemen capable of doing juttectg the fubct will not fail to embrace this opportunity of doing something handsome to bene fit the cause of emicralinn a mtaj iybjeci vanujieic ii poesfts in fortiliiy of suit vpim rf climote abundance and tiehneseof mi- ths weather it qmtc cool our hshlotuhts promc dhderswnb their light bowing robes grumble at the i unutujl evrritr of the utr so unlike ihe balmy breeze vi mi cr and a ihey lake their evening troll tis ant uncommon to ce them hbivcr and all a t hear their teeth mtrle faith an we would not swap our stout mfoxtllvna for their trifles nor exchange the warm room for the luaury of train ping over nor rooh pave ments arid inhaling the domji and chilly atmoitpherc tbal wa wouldnc by tbe bye aomethtng should be done to bancfu our pavements in some parts iii hie town tbt nide walks of the aireetv are io a bad coudi- tion tiejihrr useful nor nnismental kingston af fords the best stone in he found he province our quarrie are convenient aod valuable and mores the y sintjc dot strceis are little the better foe there c believe however that it is better to pave the streets with timber than stone being less liable to he heaved up hy ihe aetion of the frokt and being better and tasltr to walaupon at least folks ibiak so at toronto tne market is well ruppted wifn the produciions of ihe season quite refrching prices are pkd indeed since thf elections ihe spirit iif trade is re viving aain and folks arc huvine and erlkltgffc at lutler acrnunta frotolhe count ty are generally flat teinc mosi kinds of grain arn dniog well indi an corn howivcr has suffered greatly ivom the wet and colli wheat crops will be proity inod and hay uiie so average yield the unsettled naic of au airs in tbe early prt of the season douhitas had an unfavorable efteet upon ihe vegct ble kingdom but now that all is quiet and the conflicting tlemcms reduced to their wonted order we may hope that our fields will flourish and out harvea a vteld their abundaoce for the information ofth jtfidund iwfricl the folwviog cdnununicatmas ware read at a nieettftg of the land company held at the court houae la kingston on slurday 2sd sir l kvu die iftmour to inclose to you for the inforoniioq of hta eacelleney the lieut governor af upper caoada the printed reso lutions of tbe leujf company fortued by ihe inhabitant of the midland district for the purpose f purchasing from government the waste lasals in ihit district a brief aketch of the quantity of wild land in u district and of what hoa already been dooeiiseodeatoriog to open roads through ihe same with the companys news thereon may be htoa proper and useful 10 submitting ihe aubjeett for hta ezcelleocys considera tion thsre we many townships of land unin- babifed iauie rear of the midland district of this provrme extendtog io a square block of above 6fty miles containing more than half a million owm which are at preaeot unpro ductive totjte empire as well as a hindrance to the prcatferiiy of the district some of the said wasft lands approximating to the settle ments in tiff vicinity of kingston are reported rocky barn broken with water and unfit for juinviion contiouinsfor a apace of above tea miles beyond which the lands are report ed of bettorquality and could with some out lay on jtotds and bridges be brought into succeasfulouhiration laatyeurthe lohabitanta of the midland diatfict ptfittoned his excellency tbe lieut governor d the other branches of the le gislature finl aunt of 1300 for the purpose of opeoiog road into part of the unsettled townshipaio qoestion no grants of money were hiadefbr roads io 1833 so nothing fur ther couldte done towards opening a seule- meot tbeo in the month of december last the inhabioots of the district formed this company ibr the purpose of endeavoring to purchase farm the crown all the wasie lands i i v remaning io themidlaod district with a viey offpeniogthe same for settlement aod of crenting a more dense population in that section ol alte country thfj conpany are now prepared to enter upon such arrangements aa his excellency may be pleased to point out towards purchas ing all ihe crown lands which may on ex amination be found fit for cultivation aa well as all i be clergy reserve and school lands vhich may be lor aale ja the midland dis trict in orderto bring his excellency fully ac quainted nth all the information the compa ny potaewnspfqlidg the settlement of these lands i an authorised to state ihat the com pany haveheard that this government had in tentions olexploring the tracts in question and laying them open for ihe reception of em- iffrantsfron the mother country j tf so the compaoy will render their ready assistance io the government authorities who may be charged with ihat duty thfc accompany in map will shew the towoships unsettled in the midland district and the red line will show the route of pro- pobed i mi nvj ul uu i have whe honor io be sat your most obedient humble servant j marks agent to john joseph esquire secretary etc fltc corjtfciis xflt executive council office toronto july 7 i8s6 s sir have ihe hnonr to inform you that your letter of die 16th february last js agent fur the midlud district land company with ho application from a manahno esqi on behalf of migiatrntea of the midland dis trict on thesjaie subject was read in coun cil otj the 4th instant when ihe following minute wai made thereon and approved by his excellency the lieut governor the provincial legislature at its last session addressed his mnjesty on the subject of the geirvfcaijlthe land grintin de partment nod colli his majbfytiivrnt- meni act upon mat address tbe council deem it inexpeilientin make any local arrangement and the council contempluting a general mod ification of thelanj gruflting svstern cannot recommend it re relates to ihe midland dis trict as a mntnr of separate consideration 1 ihe honor to he hr vour oliedient servt john beikik clerk kxtcutitie council the above pikers having been read it was resolved lh1 in orler to keep the pub lic nimid ahee m the advnntneos of liivme konds and nelteenedla mode in the rear of tbe midland dmrioii ihe said company con tinue the same as formed usi winter ursolvedxha l company hth witt he reply io j address to his majiy refer red to by h excellency in council in the rorc2oing7let an that ihe company shall i new55nr continue its exertions io obiaiu senlements ig lhe back townships wtolvrt pimi the treasurer he author- ised la gmtttp fo receive subscriptions from thesharrhul anj q p n sary expense j iie company the bills of fxperjm beiij- e by the board of directors thomas askrw secretary and treasurer kingtod cn house s3tl july 1856 died on the 24th i anejiquc braadaroour aged 44 years extensive forests and the peculiar td 1 h 0l communication require but the luenarcopital to render its advancement equal to ponton of iliagwic ftrwvd 2nd thai o tit banking capital t rnt etiiploved in this province hns been arknow dgtduy directors thcnurelvea ineufficient for of 3 ofitscomoerce we deem the increase tirch capital not nnly dc- but eseoiial to r grovtb snd prosfmrrity ofthecouoiry which the f of the opexatioosof our monied hr hitrcurdd rather than eneour to moc so thai fir five momhs oul of twelve mercmiia communny have suffered from want modnion win i sr w atiefactioo the hrtuipg of the bank if bntreh north ameri- we beg to draw ihe attention of our readers to an extract of a speech by jude turn 1 1 de livered in congress in junelsi from which it will be seen that the importance ofthis pro vince its commercial advaiiagea and public improvtrmaots are not lost sight of by our net bborecross the lines military irmnvve learn that the s4ih rfg imeutai preseni in this srarrison will in september replace the 15th at toronto and the 33d now ir montreal will relieve the nth at kingston tho istbgoes to quebec we niao learn that for the fmuro no iroops are to be stationed at roherellurgor fori george crltic 30rry of upper canada 7v0tice given that the time for j j- receivincihe esivs as advertised hy the sorieiy il pmoned from ihe hi of august to the 10ih of sj nevt john a macdonald secretary kingston s j 1836 8iei wk j 8c j- mraghkh apoihe- caries and dru2isis bet ivu io arqoaioi their friends nnd llr public centrally that they hnve c ihe above mentioned busies to fc srrer next door to mrs tulkeinsauu opposite mr john oliphaots where they v kl constantly on hand a general afson 0 dgtoa chtmicats pet- fumtry pai be all of which they will sell s most reasonahle terms n ii fi have now on hand a supply of fiinonv vnuine earpecologke loetber with a few bv bermoda anaow koot brock st k 26th july 1396 82 for sale thrslooa itjobn marks n burthen nbout 5q tons copper fastened with rigging c 4 having received a iho- n mr mclniyres railway wnr- in perfect order for immediate bank of upper canada public notice is hereby gifts tbat a f general meeting of the stock holders of thia bank ta requested to be held n the bank on wednesday the 24th day of atcst next at 10 oclock id ihe forenoon fur the purpoto of electing a director to serve dun tba re- niatnder of ihe present term in the place of the hon pvzrea uobivsoift who has resigned and tor business which will l ibeq communica ted by order of the board th03 g ridout cashier batik of upper canada toronto i3tli july 1838 8y the edilon of newanapars who hare ntoauy pnb- liihtjd for the bank of uper caoada will be plemcd to give ibis notice on inventon bank of british north america m bostatt arena company capital l 000000 sxaaunn iff 20000 sharks op 50 each thrc- roukths op which havg 8ckn sofiscrid- cd jv kkolaxd and thg n m mff dlh arc nesrrveo for tliccolorttu with power to ikckasc tu capital u wlltsft abbangement8 for london directors gcokoe di uosco attwood es kowari blount esq rosget browjt esq str uoaaax campbell bart robert carter esq william koert chapman ess james johk commiws esq james dowie esq oliver parker esq alexaevdkr gillespie jrx es william mcdlet esq william pemdektorr esq george richard robinson esq m john waldron wugflxi esq t he rapidity with which the british norih americao colonies have advanced in prosperity and commercial imponaocet ibe vast increase of their population the high rate ofioiervst the fluctuation of exchange the in adequacy of the capital already employed for banking operation and the increasing facili ty of intercourse with the moiher country point out the different settlements of umisb north america as affording a secure field for the profitable employment of capital for which purpose and with a view of mocdolfu the mercantile and agricultural interests of the colonies the present company his been established the management of ihe compaqs affiirs is vested in the london court of directors and the banks in the colonies are o be coo ducted by locil boards appointed hy them a general meeting uf the prorieirs is 10 be held yearly in loudon to whom n statement of the companys affairs will be submitted power has been reserved to ihe directors to apply for and accept on behalf of the estab lishment a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a dfrau of i0 sterutta jet ajwre to be paid within a period to be named io the letter uf allotment at the rate of exchange therein ii frd and ihe deed of settlement to be signed at the time of payment after payment of the deposit the remainder of 1 lie capital will be required by irvtalmeois not exceeding 10 sterling per share at such intervals of not less than three months as the directors may fiod necessary 10 carry ihe ob- jecisof the bank ioto operation of wbich due outjee will he given the undersigned commissioned 10 represent the court of directors io america and to visit the several colonies for the purpose of puuins the affair- of the bank inio operation hereby gives notice ihat he will be ready 10 receive and consider applications from persons rest- derit in ihe province of upper canada who may be desirous of becoming shareholders in j the capital sior of iriecctmparyddreisfir to him at the post office at montreal on cr before the 10th day of august next uobert carter new york 14th july 1836 form of application to robert cabier esq post office montreal sm i request that you will nlloi o me shares in the- bans op british nokth america and 1 hereby enjjme to pay ihe do- osit of l0 sterling each upon so many of such sbawa as yoi mav nlot tp w m lue lime place nnd rata of exhng m be iperi lied in yiuir leuer ofhoiimni nnd m he same iiue to execute ibe deed of sculirrjetil 1 ant sr vour obedient serviadt lface ofqfxjde due all letters most be p0s1t taid this extensive eiablifhmeat will be opened at ktngsion at the bead of store street on saturday july soth and monday aoeust 1st only thisarena for this reason is newly and completely 6tted out with superior baad of music a first rata company uf equestrians possessing unequalled tnleors and a stod of hanoverian and arabian horses which for beauty aod management excel previous exhibi- iions offered to such a liberal and discriminat ing community all pairuns are particularly invited to view the arena while fitting up to prove to them how comfortably tbey will be seated and on what a superior plan this travglliog arena ic emued it is likewise proper to slate that the strictest attention will be paid to gentility and neither a word nor action introduced tbat can offend the most susceptible mind but such amuserneots selected as cannot fail to instruct as well as divert the genteel classes of society upwards of sixty men and horses are occu pird io this immense establishment which comprises some of tbe most celebrated perform ers and musicians in the country whose ta- itnts in their profession are unequalled convenient seals are prepared for 1000 ladies fo large bilts are posted up at the public hotels first performance in the afternoon doors open at one oclock p m and performance to commence at halfpast one second performance in the evening doors open at skven and performance to com mence at halfpast seven admittance 10 the boxes 3s 6d pit is 31 children under ten years ol age admittance wiih their parents to the boxes at half price no half price to the pit july 19 1836 6oi new goods just rfxe1ved and for sate by the subscriber seventy packages of dry goods comprising a general assortment ol foocy and staple goods sumihe to the season which will be sold by ibe piece or reiail at very low prires for prompt payment also 250 holla of assorted canvasses hf nnd unreached aiewehwsi chkictts best london mats mens and boya sizes and daily expected a large assortment of crockcry dinner service and chinn w wilson kingston july so is3g 6i notice the subscriber havens sold ibe steam boat qoreffstotf 10 if messrs ives of king ston requests ihat nil claims against the boat contracted previous to the 1st iost may be ent without dehy to mr meneilley steam boat office prescott all agreemeats entered into lor towing of rafts in tmaoo 63g are to be fulfilled by the present owners at the pnees agreed upon signed john hamilton queeiistnn july 7 i89i 5ni notice to debtors creditors all persons indebted to the estate of ibe lalelowlher p macpherson esquire of are re to make immediate paymvitt to the nntersrr they will be proceeded against as law directs and those having claims on said estate are requested to lodze certified copies thereof without delay with john a macphersok attorney for the estate signed eliza macphejron executrix hallowell 15th july 1836 52 oneldi will unliliiie 15tbof ply btweeo ra louchiogat ibeiaicx iurt i 0iwklob twvri offjcotbareb whowjpwinj kinpeion imfahs li h i dr meagher at the magical hall brock st immed3tely adjioinir mrs tolkiens and directly opostte mr john oli- p barns kingston july 19 13s6 gz s3 rbwakd lost on the rod between kingston and coll iua bajt gnllmmbc blur cfafh cloik the above reward will he paid on delivery ufsajd cloak i th cliwttiela office kioyaioii or at ibe house 1 lie sulcriber charles cheshire mount cbnrbs ernest town 23d july 1s36 john clancy or david clancy who erntgrated from the county cork some four years past are informed k f thi iu uftt driltlff it ol julm vvlieub and ulieu cu ncy 1 heir sister are now in kiittaion under charge ol mary dly their moihvt having died on the pasice our the children are desiu lute and the uoolci are requested to come speedily 10 iheirassjsiaore further information may be had on applica tion to mr miioahnn kingston 18th july 193c 5z forwardikg 72 just received nd for ial by the subscriber fine old cognac urandy 11 u 11 11 41 if ii ii tl 11 ft holuods gin in pipes st cases jamaica spirits l p port wine w madeira sherry in pipes and quarter cashs tenenffin champa igoe jolys brand seoich ale in bottles mukovado sular double rrhned loaftfo bit white wine vmeffar vy martini liquid 6 pae bsnckins tea cuftee spiers indigo siaroh nnd button blue turkey piga cm rants uaisins alnmnds e slc c armstiiong grbkil kingston 18th july l3ti 6c united lines of the hideau and st lawrence the ottawa and r1deau for warding company beg leave 10 notify their iriends nnd the public generally ihat lliry ham uniud their ltne with that ul ibe catirtda inland forwarding and indur ative conipnty although n derided prefrrenct baa justly been given to llrt kldtfou iih from iheaupr riorcrft in which goods are forwarded s well as the certainty with tffjvrd i limv anrj diminution of nsk hurojuig die transport yet snlliv objeciin bav ieii ralwd iu the ganalabving closed eailtw to ih riv si lawrnc and to oljeciiont tbeccrtpanv iouod kvpn full supply ol bums on be full han ohviiiu these ibis union to hie st l tw sacketv harbor do uswego di earhg geneaeeiver frkiey ittotnug toronto c- 46 ffvifc ttocttiog at youngstown and reaching lewis too early saturday mornmg- oowirwamoa leaves lewiston sunday qrznmf genesee river monday morainf oswegq do afterqooo 5eoketfe harbor monday evening l kingaton uc tuesday oronnrig touehiog at freuchcreek morfisfuttoi alex aodrta and brockvihe and uvttjawmmna burgh tuesday afternoon v1 l atria to e b almgfgdeasburgh white 8c wsnr morrkqsao j w fclier aleiandji smith mannicr frenchcreek 3 j coctfteh kingston u c bffcxlar st guse sacketvharbo hcifgrmawh oswrco johh taapjfcnrgirochealer jaarea ba i oaeo siiiih youngatowo gov reritolm lewistoo june 1636 ti wholesale waree0ub hamilton receiving by the subscriber and tot sale bf wholesale only on moderate arms 950 kefisi boxes of tobacco 50000 gigv of assorted qua lit iea st dawiogo and la juiym gee rfce pepper pimento cloves nutmegs aod other spices raisins currants frgs nuts of all sorts a variety of presetras pickles and cor dials w scott burn hamilton may solii 1636 100il6 new shoes the suhicriher has just receded bia apritra supply of ladies boota alidsboea of tho intcst london fathhins and roost approved shapes wm tbibkelu kiogsmn juoeabrh 1839 105s caution the subscriber hereby forbids all modi purchasing the following foor nqjjw of haod giveo by liimto eobcat mclirrrtk viz one note of 25 payable in ten days from date another of 5 payable ih one year from date another of jbs5 payable in two years from date and another of j95 payable in three ears front date all dated on- ie 5th june 1836 as do value has been received john hfirss ernest town june 03 1836 fta n commercial siank 31 iu otice is hereby given thai at a meefrn of stockholders held at the sank n tfaay resolved u jo- new stock b called io m for sale 4numbkr of copies upper canada sm- ttiivs provinrml justice tiwnshtp ma- nual c- c- ai ihe chronicle fc gazette of- rough reair l rants her oo businest f king d bmck stri kington 10th july 1836 tis james morton kingston j 8z t wasted wo gotd workmen fo tanning i-n- b lanks- variety for le chronv m j office at or cuhkvkvg will meet whlh cood t touracrmvnt and regular piy by pplyiojto the undirrianvcl so 1 fchloderick parking bcttauj wyt ls5 ut rnce not with a view ul doing ihvir buioes generally by thai route bul lo acrorniiudaii llieir customer in the spiin and fall as well ns in meet fvery possible contingency ihnt milltl lake place on ibe canil and letlote to the cuiupuuy ihe fullest cocgdence of lh public to ficiliate the transport or uoous ucetin- vd for the pons of lnkes ontario and erifr ihe company hnve arranatftrilkirtraiihip- meut at both ibe pns ol prescott and kidgt- 1011 hui from its eligibility inund the latter t be the principal phceof irnnliipnient when tbe kideiu canal is rcmwhk and nn m- viinre on the prewnt rite of freight will be uv- manded vun llieir icijnlr eowwnw vlitle ihe kijoaucnal itoici iuihewi tlietr stores ii prescott nre lhe of hie cnnatla in land korwnrdinffcorapiny nd mr w die inson their asont will 0uuiue tocuuduci the business ihrr goods furvardrd hy tbe rnjeau cnnl will not be insurtd tmlfss ordered by the owners these ihat iniy be orwardad via the st w- rnice wilik- iiiiirpd by the company unless otherwise direcird mr v hnkru of ihe cannd3 inland for- wardina aud insurance company will jt all limes t ready to receive orders for this com- nny to whom as well a iho coffftpunyf agents at montreal nnd kingston application may be niad- k- ccshintj aqpnt montreal w- dickinson aent prewott c efl agm jlin7tvo joes 25 iit 15ih hta tt was stalmenls on the follow 10 per cent on tbe 1st day of march 1856 2 may rt 10 l tf 1 h 10 10 1 payable at the banlr hr offices nd agencies such of the new stockholders as my wib to pf in the half or whole of their soclt m once will be allowed to do so on tbe day tho irst instalment is due by order of the board f a harper cashier kingston dec 39 i3s5 5s tfct mkimnf ntififtwti ffl ffiff rmg tbt above advertisement until kswawf next patriot totitoiaj haroillanoaxtlte niagara rfimrter sa wich kmirnt oobfvurc star oiihacst courtar cornwall oricrvcr and mu gaxctta commission office the undersigned beinp about to esiablih a dppoi for the reception of wesi india drv hides ues leattrto inform bis friends nnd the tanners of ihis province nd ifce d- juining suies ihat he will be bppy at alt times io receive their orders and furnish artiulc al the lowest newyorfe prices j b clarke kingston 1st july 1836 6z tfte sco bells inspection store bscobell general inspector of pol ash bef and pork presents his cor dial thanks to the merchant and other inhab itants of kington and the vicinity for the liberal pmruunce ihcy have extended to dim jurtn2iliep3i vear and he bzs leave to iu- frm them ihit le has removed his inspc business from the hon j- kirhy s stpre w me laeand convemcni siore and wharrof mr kosytb lately octopied by mr a mc- donvll where le will i always ready to in- mkci such articles as may be consigned io dim iw iln purpose ami he hopes irom his luo hliericnce punciuality and strict attention tc buocs slill to merit the approbation n4 support o the public n b for sale 500 lbs weight of smoked hams scuo do cheese 2000 do upper canada butter 2 tons of lard in kegs for family use sou barrels salt r scobelt kindlon april 14th 1835 57z napanee brewery the subscriber bavins procured a first row and experienced brewer at hia new establishment is able to offer very superior beer of lite finest body aod flavur tb public ie invited losive il a trial a regular supply will be kept on hand in kiucmon in barrels and half barrels by mr dabtok phillips and by mr mato at bo fairncrs inn b paul wright napance nov 10 1835 4te for sale bkegsof the best printing ink tsv very low lor cash chronicle gazene office t kingmon january 7lh 336 ruling machine for sale hb4p for cash apply at ihe office of tho t-hicni- ic coznte i