and kingston commercial advertiser x 8fc3ette 1ltfbuh4 erry waneedr aud 8tarty t yftl- xviiu nec rege nec populo sed utroqup at the ad of the yrj kingston upper canada saturday july 30 1836 oto 9 farm for sale aa acres of excellent landbein west jiw hair of lot no 4 io the first con cision of fiedcricksburjh pleasamlysituated m ibc bay of quinte and convenient lq a imn boat landing there are about 60 tcrts under cultivation a variiv of fruit t frame dwelling house and a d barn 50 feet by 30 the stock crop tc cosy be had by the purchaser at a valua tion the greater part of the purchase money m remain in the hands of the purchaser for further particulars apply to the subscri ber on ibe premises tames silliman ffedericksburgh july 8 1836 sz few sluus for sale boxes real quioabog scythe kiogsoo 24ih june 1836 wlllard 104a whisky i the subscriber respectfully informs his friend and the public in general ihnt he has made arrangements for a consignment of 30000 gallons whisky sin of which is now rendy for inspection at store lower end of quarry street opposite csrreus tavei the above article is of the best quality t of fered fur sale in this market and will be sold ooihe most reasonable terms for cash tavernkeepers and retailers will find it to iheir interest to call joseph cauburv kiajston april 14tb 1836 slz the travellers guide niagara with a and islands plan sic handsomely and gazette 90 visiting th falls of aeat map of the tail of the village of the fails c bound for sale at the chronicle office kingston may c extract from a rttyol proclamation dated at the catte of st lewis swa march last ying tolls on the military ganauon the ot tawa river t from tfu lit june next to the 11 may 1837 tolls on xhk mclitaly cakils oh th ottawa through the whole of the canal tor the passage of any barge upwards eightyfive shilling halifax currency down wards sixty shihiog like currency for every durham boat upwards 6fiy shillings halifax currency downwards thir tyfive shillings and eightpence like curren cy for every boat for cabin passengers up wards thirty shillings halifax currency downwards twenty shillings like currency for every batteau from thirtytwo to for- tyiwo feet loog upwards ibinyfivo shillings halifax currency downwards twentyfive shillings like currency for any batteau uoder thirtytwo feet long upwards tweutyfiva shillings halifax cur- thilli and 1ss6- in w s malcolm lake ontario and the si a for sale quantity of excellent writing ink at the chron st gazette office corner of king d brock streets 9sz lake ontario 1 36 oswego gwpu will ply on lawrence river between odensljurgh and niagara as follows commencing april ttifa iw6 upwards javes ogdensburh on friday evening kingston u c- saturday morning sackctts harbor noon oawgo i evening rochester sunday morning toronto ilc for niagara and lewis- oo monday mornina win re she arrives earlv jitinpasscocers all iheday io visit the falls pf niagara and return by the boat downwards graves lewistoh on monday evening rochester tuesday morning oswego afternoon sacltetis harbor nighi kingston u- c wednesday mnruing snd arrives at ogdensburgh ihe same eveoing touching at french creek morrisiown alex- aadria and brock ville c0 parties intending visiting the falls of nisgara buffalo or the different pons on lake ontario will 6nd the route via 0wtgo or rochester to be the cheapest aud most expe ditious tt5 passeneers leaving niagara in this boat on monday evening will arrive at mon treal on thursday evening passiog the most interesting part of the st- lawrence river by daylight 812 reocy downwards seveotecn ten pence like currency for e7cry skiff 4c upwards twelve shil lings sixpence hc downward eight shil lings and eleven pence like currency qrenrtuu caupi only for every barge upwards and downwards fonytwo shillings and sixpence halifax cur rency for every durham boat upwards and downwards twoulyfive shillings like curren cy for every boat for cabin passengers up wards aud downwards fiftoeo shillings like currency for every battean from thirtytwo to forty- two feet loog upwards and downwards sov- eotecn shillings and sixpence like curren cy for every batteau under thirtytwo feet long upwards amj downwards twelve shil lings and sixpence like currcory for every skiff c- upwards and dowo- wards six shilliugs and tbroopence like cur rency chute a blondcau onty for every barge upwards fourteen shil lings and two pence halifax currency dowu- wards vq shilling and teo peote like cur rency iffy yry hurham puait upwnnu light sliilliogs and four pence dowuwnrds three sbilliugt and seven peace like currency for eveiy boat fur cabin pattccpers wards five shllllluf downwards ouc shilling and eight pence likecorrency for every batloau from thirtytwo to for tytwo feet lung upwards five shillings and teo pence duwowartli two shilling and six pence like currency for every batteau under thinytwo feet upwards foursh wards on shilliti tigs and two penco down- stcam boat sir james kempt capt francis baker wm suaw sailing matter will on the opening of the navigation commence her regular trips as usual will leave kingston for the bay on tuesday aod friday mornings will leave the head of the bay for kingston aad prrscou on wednesday m saturday tlorninss will leave prescott for kinpstoo and the bay on monday and thursday evenings im mediately afteuhe arrival of the boats from ulow kingston 24th march 13s6 782 notice the subscriber begs leave to acquaint his frisods and the public generally that he bit teceivsd invoices of tho follnwjug articles per the ahip thalia from liverpool nod are pow ou the way from montreal viz black sad klue suncrfiue west of llalaod cloths jpcrnuo olite green acd medly colors jo do do doeble and single itlillm casimcres do do yjiy bockskios the latest lnotlun patteroi ofvslcnlia aod marseilles vesting lyiul sujia lie trimmings for the above the whole will be louod ioferior to nnne io the market both for durability and cheapness the latest fashion always received nnd gentlemen accommodated with a suit in twelve hours j 0 takes this opportunity of requesting those customers whose accounts aro of loog ilimliog to call aud settle as noney is a scarcq rticlo in market aod at tho present lime oald be very acceptable to him john oliphant kioestoo hth june 1836 1q1z d nine pence like cur reucy fur every skiff tec upwards two shillings and a penny dowowards eleven pence like curreucy carritlon canal only for every bare upwards one pound eight shillings aod four pence tluwuwards eleven billings and eight pence like currency for every durham boat upwards sixteen shillings aod eight pence downwards seven shillings and one penny likocurrency for etfery boat for cabin passengers up wards tea shillings downwards three sbil liogs and four pence like currency for every batteau from thirtytwoto for tytwo feet loog upwards eleven shillings and tight peucc downwards fivo sbilliogs like currency for every batteau under thirtytwo feet lung upwards eight shillings acd four peoce downwards ilireo shilliogs aod seven peoce like currency for every skiff c upwards four shillings and two penco downwards one shilling aod nino pence like currency for every steamer at the carrtllno locks upwards and dowowards fifteen shillings like curreocy for every steamer at the chute a blond- eau locks upwards and downwards seven shillings nnd srt pence like currency for uvolt kaftyot having previously paid toll en tbe ridefeu canal tu be charged aaon- der pafc end standard staves twelve shillings and six pence for each lock station all olhor rafts of whatever description of wood eight shillings fur each lurk station for every raft haviog provionsly paid toll on the rideau canal oo tlie condition thai the proprietor or pilate produce ft ccntgcate to that effect to be charged os follows oak aod staudard staves ten sbilliogs for each lock station all other rafu whatever of whatever des cription of wood six shillings for eaob luck station rafts passing through tho grenville caoal uot to exceed teveuty feet by si3tu0n those passing through the cbte a bloodeau and carillon canau not to exceed ooe hundred feet by twenty six west india stav4s 3s4d per thousand the same in boau or scows is 8d per 1000 heading per 1000 is 3d deals per 1000 fat in rafts 2s 6d the same in boats and scows is 6d boards and planks per looofeqtia rafts 8s 6d the same in boats or scows is 6d shingles per thousaod 3d laths sawed or split per 1000 3d saw logs from kingston to bytowo and from bytswo to kingston is each the aame through each lock id per log ash oars 2d per pair tanners bark perrord io raft is the swtie io boats or scows 4d lard butter tallow bees wi- and ho- oey in barrels 4d pr barrel the- note io keg 2d per keg fire wood io rafts per cord la the same in boator scows 4d applet per barrel 3d tobano atthe rate of 8d per hogshead stone from quarries 6d per toiae saod and lime per barrique id coaches carriages and waggons is- 3d each calecfces gigs and carts 7jd- eeb cheese per hundred weight 2d beor and cider per barrel 3jd all other merchandize at the rate of 7s cd ikr 10d- steatn boats passing from kingston to by- town 10s per trip steam boats passing from bytowo to kiog stoo 20s per trip stearo boats pasting from pcrttf to bytowo or kingston and kingston to perth 5s per irip stea boftts pasbiog from bytowo to perth 1 0 1 per trip fromkingstdo to bytowo carrying passen gars in addition to the merchandise or pro duce thiy may carry barge 5s durham boar st 6d large batteax 2s gd small batteax is gd from bytowu to kiogsion bnrge 10s durham boat 7s- large batteaux 5s small batteaux 3s boats and canoes tor the first lock qd aod id for each lock afterward io addition to the merchandize or produce they may carry rrom kingsloo to first rapids and from first rapids hi kingston from first rapids to by towoi omtllvon4tytw u to be ftiairows cabini passeogors 2s each childireu under 12 years of age is each neat tcsttle and horses 2s each sheep iigs nod calves 3d- each dry floods wities and spirituous liquors 3s- od per too iroo aind salted fish is lojd per ton salt aind sea coal lid per too wheafi per bushel ooo halfpenny kye atod buelwheat flour and corn meal per busbe ooe farthing flour per barrel ld beef tod pork per barrel ijd pol ash per tot is 7d pearl ash per too la- 7jd ltoardls aod planks per 1000 feet lod lard butter tallow bees wax and ho iv pen barrel 2d the tama per ueg id stone- frorn quarries per toise 3d cheeafe per hundred weight id beer cod cider per barrel 2d aj1 ottber articles to be aubject io the same toll as frii kingston to bytown and oil ar titles pmsiog one or more of the locks between kiogste and 6rst rapids or btweco first rapids mud bytowo to bo charged with tho same toll as if thy had passed the whole dis taore between either of those platcs the mansion house kingston u o the subscrihar respectfully btts leave to oottfy to the travelling public that he cootiuu to occupy ibis extensive and well known hotel tnc majisiorr house is pleasantly situated io store pwi hioj the prmripal ad ce- ital street iu kiugstoo t is convenient to all the steam boat whrvea and no establishment ofitakiodio the vppr province can surpass it in tho excellence a0 comfort of its apart ments both parlors aiva bedrooms thirtyfour in number all of wbttb are furojshed io the very best stylo the hotel baa lately undergone a thorough repair aod is at present io must excellent or der and condition for the accommodation of the public the subscriber having kept a hotel for many years hss acquired eparieoce in that lioe iod thereforo trusts that with unremittiog at tention to the comfor of his guests he will coutioue to merit puhj patronage in tlxc rear of the mansion house thert is a large ya11d aod eiteostve stabling and where a livery stable is constantly ktpi qthe mansion house carriage and por ters will always he io tfdiness to convey pas sengers aud luggage m and from the different steam boats s carm1no kiogston june22d 1836 103 presentation of a piece ok r to the hon william allap- jjonfc 0 upper fo torontof5uillb36 the hohorabl williah allan late president of the bank of tffp canada sia by a resolution of th board of di rectors o the bank of upper cftpada passed io the year 1835 it was unanimity resolved to present you with a piece of ptte a n tosli- mooy of the high tense entea by the board and the stockholders gee of your valuable servicea during tbirtl years in which yon presided over the icfimtulion the delay which has taken fj since the a clorgyman is greatly enhaocrd ooqi the fact we happen to know that it is to your in defatigable zeal industry and firmness of pur pose in the cause of education that upper ca nada is priocipally indebted for tho brightest oroaatents sbo possesses l we take this occasion to express our earnest hope that straogely overlooked as yoo have receutly been to the deep regret of every en lightened mind in both the canadas you may yet lio to bo promoted to that professional sta tion which you aro so well quali6d to adorn and to wbicb you have long bad the first claim and happy will tt be for the prosperity and ra pid extension of the church and the moral ele- passing of this resolution bas tftsen from the i vatioo of this province be assured venerable anxiety of the board that oo plic should be sir that our sincere tvish is tbet you may be spared to render this mark om respect blessed with many yesrs ofheatib and that worthy to be offered to you on this occasion your declioe of life may be accompanied with ii now becomes the duty ihe present that peace and happiness which it is natural board of directors as well a the tnembers j 10 hope and expect will follow the exercise of composiog the former book to carry into ef- that fearless adherence to truth and justice by foci the above expressed ioteuoo of their body and we accordingly have the pleasure to wait upon you with this pie of plate of which io the name and in the behalf of the stockholders of the bank we quest your acceptance we assure yoo sir that it i extremely gratifying to os individually perform this duty and io doing so we beg u express our wishes that you may loog congou to enjoy health and prosperity and th this piece of plate which we bave now the honor to pre sent to you may long cooriouein your fami ly nd form part of the possesions of your descendants accompanied by m inheritance more valuable than silver orgold the high aud sterling character which yu have so ho oorably attained nurj supported vm puqudfooi president reply gentlemen i gratefully accept this munificent 3 hwly gratilting proof that my cooduci as president of the baok of upper canada for a series of years bas met with the appro bation ofyour board and of the stockholders generally no words can adequately express ray deep sense of obligation fur so valuable a mark of kiodoess 1 shall therefore abstain from the at tempt at tho same timo i touat candidly disclaim any personal merit that could have entitled me to this flattering complimeat which 1 ceu dot but regard rather as evincing the satis faction of the company the success of the 6rst experiment at banking in this province than as due to aoy humble services of mine and justice impels me to declare that tho ra pit advancement dud steady progress of the intitutioo are not to be attributed to my super intendence however solicitous i always was to promote its prosperity but to the liberal aod judicious arrangements of those directors at whoso head it was my good for tutie to preside and to the diligent and skilful superintendence of your cashier seconded by the zealous cooperation of the other officers of the establishment proud as i most justly am of the costly gift 1 feel its value greatly enhanced by the flat- teriog terms in which you bave been pleased to preseot it and iu return for your generous good wishes and regard 1 can only say that wiib a grateful hert isfalll everr cherish as 1 have loog cotertained toward you individu ally similar sentiments of good will and es- teem if as you rightly observe a good name be above all price believe mo i am now most fully sensible that to acquire the approbation and praise of such a numerous aod respecta ble body of friends as are here united in ren dering this ooe of ibe most delightful dajs of my life constitutes its richest reward signed w allan toronto 21st july 1836- tew testament for schools at the corner of king aud brock street ust published and now for sale a hand some edition of this book eeat press murrays english ki 1835 new goods armstrong fit greer imuetheat- f mtionof the public to their splendid new stock ef dry goods groceries wiuee and liquors which they are notv from day to day meitiagby the ottawa and inland compa- q barges a u kiegsioa ul july ie9f 2 1000 extract from a royal proclamation dated at torojtio 12ft ofinbvcrnbcr 1835 levying tolls on the rideau canal raott kingston to bvrowrr oa from bt- tqvri to kifftjatoif- cabin passengers 4s each children upder 12 years of agefes each- sheep pigs aod calves 6d each dry goods wines aud spirituous liquors 7 6d per too- iron aod salted fish 3s 9d per too salt and sea coal is lod per too vheat per bushel three farthings other kinds of grain and potatoes per bush el ooe farthing fiye and buckwbeat flour and corn meal per busbel one halfpeooy flour per barrelled juef and pork per barrel 3jd pot ab per ton 2s 3d pearl ash per too 2s 3d- oak per foot iu boats or scows one balf- penoy pine plm aod all soft timber per foot in boat or scotvb one farthing theeame io rafts oamely oak ope pouy per cubic foot- pine one farthing per cubic foot- standard staves 20s per 1000 the earns c boats or scows lot per leather soi band upperof various tannacescaijp skins kips sic c for sale by laroqque bernard co who will keep a iargv assortment constantly on hand- may 18- l8z just finished ant for sale atthe book- store on the condor king and bvock street a large assort tot of account books of best materials aod workmanship for sale at montreal prices 0c5- blank ilqoksor paper well and correct ly ruled to any pattern al s dol oc i s35 kingston jim for sale at ihe commrrcia wiiarf kindlon foot of siorc sireei whiskey salt pjastewi par1s fie water lime by ibe subscribers 7huax phillips kingston 23d may s36 9 soirice have beer florence donoghuts fa vem kingston io btyieb and smaller quqit tie losuil purrhase 7 rimwikktur k inrrnuy 1636 wright ingersoll for sale ai mr od monday tho 22d instant the honorable and venerable the arcbdcacon of york preached the firi sermon in the oo church at port burnell after which the follow ing application sigoed by twentylive perong present rw roado fur a copy thereof for publication- to tlit honorable and venaahu the j-chdea- con of york tft 8fe the undenigned respectfully request that you will let ihem have a copy of the sermon you have this day preached to be publuhed a their expense portburwell mayssd 1836 after thosermoo was over n deputation waited upoo hin at his quarters nod presented bim with the fulluwiog address signed by se venty persons address to the honorable and venerable john strach- an d d archdeacon of york fli preii- dent of the university of kins cojgc c e tfc venertablc sib we tlie mapsiiatos and iohabitaotf of tho villaijo of port liurivcll and it vicinity in tendering to j onr thank for thepcrson al eiertions yimi have made when lequeated to travel from voor ivsidcuce at the city of toronto to preach tb gri aerinon in tho new church at thi place gladly nil ourselves of the opportunity it yfforda ut of iofomiiog yoo that we are aware of the chriitfu zeal nnd ability wiih which you have fer aloug period and on oil irjiog occasion discharged the se red jute w yoo which your life bat been eminently distinguish cd port borwell22d may ib3g- to the above address tho venerable gentle mao made the following reply to the magistrates nnd inhabitant of port bitrwett and its vicinity gentlemen it it not easy for tne to express in suit able language my tibcere acknowledgments for thti kind and aqeciionate address instead of a labor 1 feel it a delightful duty to coma from toronto to preach for the firat time in this excellent church it i not only a favor but a privilege for which 1 am truly thankful and most sincerely do i wish that othor pro priotors friendly to the charch throughout tbe province would fallow the munificent example which colonel burwoll has so nobly given them in erecting at bis own expense ao large and commodiou a buiiding for the worship of gofl itfie fifing and bantiful village every church that is erected may be considered with its congregation an inroad in sataqt king dom aod becomes a central light shedding a bletsed influence on every tidet and were other sods of the church to do so likewise these lights would mingle their ray most har moniously together and at length illumine the whole province it ii very grateful far me tnfiod that my ex- ertiout in promoting the extension of true re ligion and souod education of youth based on christian principles are duly appreciated by gentlemen of co much intelligence and expe- rienco and so well acquainted ith thie great colony my best energies fur nearly forty years have been devoted to these invaluable objects for on no other foundation can the true freedom aod happiucss of society rost and i have the consolation to see both pro vinces but more especially this reaping the fruits of the seed 1 havo sown in regard to tny professional advancomeot io vrbicb you are pleased to take so warm ho iotereat i may be allowed to remark that while i have no desire to undervalue the cha racter aod services of others i cannot be de terred on this tbe 6m occasion afforded me from doing justice io myself though a youog- er than tbau the present lord bishop of que bec i was by many years his senior in connec tion with tbe church in this colony bud so far as u zealous and faithful discharge of dury aod many valuable servicea of a public uature for the well beiog nf the province could enti tie me to consideration i could not feel that on his lordships appointment i was fairly set aside but if tho arrangement which has been late ly adopted is to be 6nal and to preclude me froari all prospect of advancement should a vacancy happen i caqnot avoid feeling that a more decided act of injustice towards me hat taken place there is indeed a description of iofluence which i do not pnuess nnd which may have probably been exerted to postpoue tnyclaimi for in both casee his majestys gtiveromeut seemed at first favorable but i anil hope that en further consideration justice will be done mo irice fortunately for the province a pledge is now given iu the rojal instructions to the present able aod enlightened lieutenant go vernor that henceforth patronage will he gui ded exclusively by compaiisoo of claims which tho different candidates may derive from past services or from personal qualification under such an instruction if honestly and steadily adhered to whatever cnuse of com plaint some may have for the post there can be no sort nf apprehension for ihe fatiiro but however this may be private griefs must oot be permitted to interfere with public duty i shall therefore witb tho diviue help cuniioue to give the ano fearless support to the con stitution io church and state aud ihe dissem ination of souod religious moral and intellec tual principles which has ever characterized my cooduct aud which the present times seem even mure than ever to require allow me gontlcmco again lo thank jou for your friendly reception aod to congratu late you on tho great aud increasing prosperi ty of port hurwcll aod its vicinity as well as of your magnificent oistrict which bids fair to become the garden of the prnviuce john stbacuan d- d l l p jlrehdenon of york pott bur ell 92j may 1636 road compaoy and to take into eooi4mmlioi measures to further tba proftsai of lbu im- portant work moved by mr atkinson seconded by hr p lliocki that mr stanton take the chair- jt was moved by the hon john elmsley and socoatted by mr call that ibe report h adopted moved by w b- jarvij esq aad mccisded by the hon john elmiley that whereas a survey having been made between ibe pity nf toronto and lake simcoe by which it ap pears that a route has bceo discovered through which a bailroad can bft completed at an ex peose not exceeding i2500 par vaile and from the nature of tbe country lying between lakes simcoe and hornn it is balieved bai equal if not greater facilities are afforded for the continuance o the toaiemplated railroad to lak quroa and ma act of iticor potation having beeo obtained for the purpose of form ing a joint stock cotdtj to carry tb pro visions of the eaid act into effect lis it ihers fore resolved that the boaka for oahacripi lion to the toronto and laka baron railroad compaoy bo forthwith oponetf and left a such places as may be determined upon by committee appointed for that purpose moved by w b jarvis esq and saenndet by the hon john elmmey that it be resol ved that messrs nawbiggiag etrort g p ridoor elmsley stanton strtcbao was kfliihitj capt macaolay mr beriff jarvi and mr cull bo a conjmitteo to carry tho foregoing resolution iu io o fleet gvo of whom to be a quorum moved by mr sborilf jarvis aecondad by ilia hon john emsley that it be resolved that the said committee be requested to pro pare a report to lay before tbe public ef tho advantages to be obtained by l ha completion of the said railroads geo c stracffaiv secretary- settc wt eoteiiaic of your ptnona at a public meetiog held at tho court house in the city of toronto on monday the uth office end that tne dsop july 1836 to rtctvt the lupoft of the com- th a mitwe of ihe toronto end lake huron rail ol fobe1gm intellighne later from europe we bave received faris papora to 4hfj ibtl of juno from whcb wa subjoin few extracta the news has been anticipated by p ro arrivals mudicuriaity and etcitmtnt existed m paris on tb 14th and 15ih of jooe occasion ed by reports of arioati at algiers aod also in the frenccapltal tbe parties arrotod at algiers warn six wealthy and influential moort charged wiih baving entered into a conspfracy to overthrow tbe french dominioq in the quoadam regency they were io cor respondence itiaaaid with abdel kader oo being arrested bey were conveyed to bona they had ageuts iu paris aonio of whom had been arrested a still greater excitement bad beet occa sioned by a violent phillippic against tbe ax- isting ministry delivered in the cbaenbar of deputies on tho 14tb by al lagtio m thiers replied very ably on the 15th viacii- catiog tbe policy of bis colleagues aod his own the following extract from the gautto do france shows tho covert and ingenious man ner in which the opposition journals contrive in ihtj fce of restrictive aod penal laws to assail tbacitizenkitig louis philippe arrived at valym every thing was prepared for his reception as if ha had been the hero of the battle of valmy general tcotlormao himself a cannoneer with one arm addressed bim sire i had an arm carried off at valmy serving in the batterfci which jou command ed louis philippe says to thb mayor of volt ney it is with deep amotion that i find nyselp at vimy aod 1 recollect with pride that i have contributed to its celebrity although very young then i had the bappinesa of beiog there as a general he addressee io similar strain lb mayors of saiolamcoebould and verdun tho gazetta remarks we should bevo beeo pleased to fiud to tbe colunna of tha mouiteur of 92 tbe fourth year of liborty and equality aoy thing wbicb might accord with tbe tone of praise of tbe authorities or valmy saiutemeuahould verdun fee wo have unhappily met neither io tho reports of kal- lernian nor of dumouriez oor in the letter or the representatives of tbe people to tbe eon veotion any mention of the hussars of jgalr iteor of their commander apatt it tas reported that col- valdea with thousand men had beeo surprised and defeat ed iu lower arragna he bad escaped by flight with a few officers the report of general evans of the affair of the 6th proves the discipline and bravery of the carlisle io tbair attack oo the lioes bar for st sebastian the loss of tbo english was considerable and without tbe aid of tba fleet and marines their position could bvo been carried barcelona jan 3 the discontent with the new ministry is general tba violent revo- lutjouists wait only for an opportunity to risa mina aod bis followars era masters her aod i it is tcarcclydoubtfol that if tha system ofttio new tmoistry does not suit them tbey will proclaim the separation of cetalooi never- ihlessdaogers which threaten mioaio tb mo- mom of crisis compel bim to use precautions if the masses aro ooca pot io moiioo tboy may wish to ditect aod stop them i but it if