Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 3, 1836, p. 1

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v chronicle saittte and kingston commercial advertiser very wednesday and tfttrnvdar mt nbc rege nec populo sed utroqtfe twenty shinine pw m q eml of the yeaf toli xviii kingston upper canada wednesday august 3 1836 two 10- farm for sale aft acres of excellent unilboine west ilftf hsllof i01 no in the firsi cod- r of fiedpfichsbutgh pleasanilysiiuated otihe by of quinie and convenient 10 stwid boat landinff there are nboul 60 under coliiraiifin a variety of fruii jjt b frame dwelling house md mwbarn 50 fcei by 30 tlie stock crop 4c ov be had by ihe purchaser m a valua- lioo theyreaier pari of ilie purchase money bay remain io lh handaoflhe purchaser for further particulars apply to ihc subacn- te m w pmi umes saljian frederictsburgh july 8 1ssg sz whisky the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and he public mi general but he bis made arrangements for a consienroent of soooo gallons ivjiiuky nan of which is now ready ttr inspection at tiis store lower cud of quarry sued opposite csrrells tavtm the above eriirle is of ilie best quality of fered for sale in this mirlcijind will be sold on the nimi reasonable lerms for cash taremkeepers and retailers vv ill find it to their interest lu call joseph cauburt kindlon april uth 1s3g slz the traveller ttuidr tisitlc ihc falls of nuffara with a neat map of ihe kail and islands plan of ihc vtllace of the fails handsomely bouad for slc at the chronicle and gazette office kingston may g 183g 90 extract from a royal proclamation doled at the castle of st leteis slfi march last tt- vying tolls on the military canalson the ot tawa river from tlu 1st june next to the 3is may 1837 tolls off the military caetaxs off the ottawa through the whole of the canal for ihe passage of any barge upwards eighty 6 v shillings halifax currency dowo- wards sixty shilling like currency for every durham bout upwards fify shtllioga halifax currency downwards tliir- tyfive shilliogs nnd eightpence like curren for every ruat fur cabin passengers op- wards iliirry shillings halifax currency dowuwnrds twenty shillings like currency fur every batteau from thirtytwo tn for ty- 1 iv ii feet oug upwards thirtyfive shillings halifax currency downward tweuiyfie shillings lilec currency for any batteau under thirtytwo feel long upwards twentyfive shillings halifax cur reocy downward seventeen shillings and ten penco like currency for every skiff ice upwards twelve ihil lings tispence 1 1 c downwards eight shil lings and eleven pence like eurrcucy grcnirillc canal only for every barge upwards and dowowards furiytwo shilling aod sixpente halifax cur rency for every durham boat upwards ami and up- like for sale a quantity of excellent writing ink a ilie chron- gazette office conic of king iotl brock streets ialcc ontario 1 836 thg steam but oswego captain w s malcolm will ply on like ontario and the st lnwrenic uiver betwern ondenshurgh and ntwi as follows commencing april bib isg leitcs ogdensburh on friday evening kingston u c saturday morning sariteits harbor noon oswego h evening rocbemrr sunday mominij toronto u cm ntrt od lcis- ton monday mornins wlmc she arrive rarly firing passengers all the day rt visit the falls of niagara od return by the boat dgwffwfllos leaves lewistnn on mnndav evening rochester tuesday morning oswego dfltfnooo snrkctts harbor nihr kingston u c wednesday rnoroing nj anivrs at ocdensburgh ihr sime eveting lourhiojat french creek mornstown alex andria and orockville kmantes intending visiting the falls of niagara buffiloor the different ports on lake ontario will find the route via oswego or rochester to be the cheapest and most expe ditious k passengers leaving niagara in this boat on monday evening will arrive nt muq treal on thursday evening passing the tnosi interesting prt of the st luwrcncc uiver by day light 31z steam do at s i v jhiaoq ix i t capt fkascis baker w shaw sailing master will on the opening of the navigation commence her regular trips as usual will leave kioston for the bay on tuesday aid fridav mornings will leave the hed of the bay for kmgsion ind prescoil on wednesday and saturday monsinzs will leave prescolt for kingston and the bay on monday and thursday evenings tiu- mfdiately after the arrival of the boats from wow kingston qjih march 1s3g- 7sz notice- the sohjicribr bcfet leave tn acquaint his friend and the public generally that ho hi received invnires of the follow tut nrtieles per the ihij thalia from liverpool and are now ou the way from montreal viz black ltd blue superfine ww nf euglond clottm oliq greeo acd mcdly colorfj h in do do double and single alium casimres do do fancy buckskins the latest lnnduo patterns fvamtifl audmarseillea vesting with suita- ua irimmingi fur the above tho whole will he tuaad inferior to oooe iu tho market both for durability and cheapness- the lateit fnihinoi ilwoji received and ceoilsmen accointnodatcd with a suit iu twelve boor j- 0 takes thii opportunity of requesting tbw customers whose accounts are of long finding to cnil aud settle as money u a scarco nicle ia market and at tho present time oold be verv acceptable tn him john olipiiant ktdtston hth june isg loiz new testament for schools a the corner of king and brock street just published and now for sale a hand- some edition of this book le the press murrays english reader kingston aug i 1935 downward tweotyfivo shilliogs hko currcu cy for every boat for cahio passengers wards hud downwards fifteen shillings currency fnr every batteao from thirtytwo to forty- two feet loux upwards and downwards aov- entcen shillings and bixpcuce like curren cy for every bultoau under tliirtytwo feet long upwards ami downward twelve shil lings ft iiil sixpence liko cunenry- rr every suilt ac uunrtjs and dnwo ward blk tliilluigs uud thruu ucntu llks cur rency chute a blondeau only fur tsvery liare upwards fourteen shil ling and two pence halifax currency duwu- wards five shillings nm ten pence liuo cur rency fur every durham boat upwards eiht hillings aud four pence dowuwnrds three shilling mid seven peno like curreucy for every bunt for cabiu patscojrers v wjrd gvc shillius duwouards oue shiliiug nod eight peuce like enrrency for every fiatteau frnui thirtytwo to for- tytwu feet lotig upwards five shillings and ten pence downwards two shilliogs and six pence liko currency fur every battcau under thirtytwo feet upwtiros fuursliilltiirsiiud two pence dnuu- wnrds one shilling aud uino pence like cur rency t or every skilt c upwards two shillings and a penny duivuwnrds eleven peoce like currency carrillon canal only for every barje upwards one pound eight shillings and four pence downward eleven shillings aud ctht ience like currency- for very durham boat upwards sixteen shilliogs nud eight pence jjoowards icveu shillings aud one peony like currency for overy boat fur cabin passengers up- wardsj ten ehillins downwards three shil lings and four pence like currency- for every bntteau from thirtytwoto for ty two feet loog uwnrdicteveu hillitis aud eight pcucc downwards five shillings like currency fur every batteau under thirrytwo feet inqjti upwards eight shilliugs atd four pencr ijownwtrdi three shillings aud seveo pence like currency for every skiff c upward tour shillings and twopence downwards oue shilling aud nine pence like currency for every steamer at the carrillon locks upwards and dowowards fifteen shillings liko currency for every steamer at the chute o blond- eau locks upwards and downwards eeven shillings and six pence like curroucy fur every itafi hot having previously paid toll on the rideau canal tu be charged an un der oak and standard staves twelve shillings aod six pence for each lock station all other itafis of whatever description of wood eight shilliugs for each iovk station for every raft huvinj previously pnid toll on theridcau caoal on the condition thai the proprietor or pthite produce a certificate to lht tltcct to he cbarrd as follows 0 nod standard staves ten shilliogs for each lock station ah other rafis whatever of whatever des cription of wuud six shillings for each luck station rnfts parsing through tho grcnvilltj canal not to exceed seventy feet by sixteen those pasing through the chnte uluodeau and carillon canals not feet by twenty six west lotlia staves 3s 4d per thousaod the same in boats or scows is 8d per 1000 heading per 000 is 3d deals per 1000 feet in rafts 2s 6d the same in bats aod scows is od boards oud plmks per 1000 feel in rafts 2 6d tho same in boats or scows is cd shingles per thuusaod 3d laths sawed o split per 1000 3d saw logs from kingston to bytowo from bytowo to kiogsiou is each the same through each luck id per log ash oars 2d per pair taooers bark perrord in raft is the same in bts or scows 4d- lard butter tallow bees wax aod ho ney in barrels 44 per barrel the same in ks 2d per keg fire wood in its per cord is the same in thfttl or scows 4d apples per hwwel 3d tobacco anhetaie of8d per hogshead stone fromquantes 6d per toise saud and lim per barrique id coaches carriages and waggons is each calerhcs gig and carts 7a each cheese per huuded weight 2d beer nod cider per barrel 3jd all other mercbudfre at the rate of7s per too steam boats passiog from kingston tu by- town jos per trip steam boats passiog from bytowo to king ston 20s per trip steam boats passing from perth to bytowo or kingston nod kingston to perth 5s per steam boats pwsing from bytowo to perth 10s per trip from kinstoio bytowo carrying passen gers io addition tn the merchandize or pro duce they may carry barge 5s durham 3d- 6d 6d itrzebatteax 2 6d small boar 3s battcax is- cd from bjiowu v kinftsmn bare 10 small durham boat 7s lure batteaux 5 batiuhua 3s- boats aod ca for this firat lock 60 sand id for each lock afterwards in additiou vy tho incrchaodize or produce they may carrjj from kingston to first rapids aod from first rapid to kiogsfno from fim ropids to by- town and from bytown to the narrows cabin passengers 2s efceh children uoder 12 years of nge is each ncnt cattle and horses 2s ench shcep i nod calves 3d each dry goahi wines aod spirituous liquors 3 9d pum t jion am salted fish is lod per too salt and sea coal lid perioo wheat per hutliel oue half peouy rye ai4 buckwheat flour end com meal per qth oue fartliing fhiur per barrel ld beef sin pork per barrel ljd pl ml per tun is 7jd pearl ash per too is 7jd- boards nnd planks per 1000 feet 10 lard llutter tallow bees wax and iio- m p the avie per ke id stunt wini quarries per toise 3d cheese put hundred weight id beer ha cider per barrel 2d all rutir- artijec to be subject to the same uh 4s fniht kingston to rytowu and all ar ticles passtog mufi or more of the locka between kiowoo 8 first rapids or between first rapid nrd bytdwu to be charged wiili the same toll 1 if t had pasted the whole dis tance heieen efther of those places- quebec dinner in honor of sir francis bond he the people of upper cdfl- from the mercury of fptsdij yesterday the dioaer in colortioo or the recent triumph of coostitum p over the machinations of the facetious dema gogues wbo have too long disturbed the peace and checked the prosperity of pro- vioee was given at tho jjtbtott hotel nearly a hundred geotlemeo sat dowfl io dinner con sisting of every luxury which bad been provi ded in a manner worthy the gecasioo and io a style of the utmost liberality by mr hoff man the son ol the proprietor end present tenant nf that splendid establishment tho band of the quebec militia aiiry attended aod played during the eveuiftg eral choco pieces of music and appropriaio airs to the se veral toasts which were as follows 1 the king god bless him 2 his excclieocy sir francis bond head the patriotic aod truly coostiimiooal lieuten ant governor of upper canada 3 the province of upper caoada nobly has she vindicated her loyalty- to the result of the late general election 4 the day the anniversary of the battle orlnodys lane lower caoada has been twice indebted to tbe loyalty of the people of upper caoada may she never prove ungrate- i his excellency the governor in chief 6 the army aod navy 7 the british constitutioo as it is the only ooe which has fur centuries past secured the freedom and prosperity of ao enlightened 8 the united kirtftdom of great btitain mmwtm wnb all thedepeodeucies may their uoioo be perpetual 9 the british hag may the uoitcd crosses of st george st andrew aod st patrick ever remind us of the heroic virtues of our fore fathers aod bind us to each other io the hour of daoger 10 the legislative council of upper can ada it has proved that a council for life properly composed u the sheet anchor of the to exceed ooe huudrcd the mansion house kingston it c rjlilf suiicilto tupecifuhv bi have to fionfc iw th tvavellioc public that he continues to occupy thi extensive aod well known hotel i he mansion hoos u pleasantly situated in store street being the principal aod cen- iral street ia kiogttod u convenient to all the steam boat wharves nnd no establishment nf its kind in the ippev province can surpass it in the excellence atoi comfort of its apart- menis both parlors ant bedrooms tbinyfuur in nuiobcr nil uf whivh ate furoished in the very hct stylo the hotel has lately undergone a thorough repair aod is al present io mum excellent or der aurf couditiuq fur the accumtnudatioo uf the public the subscribe having a n f many yoars has acquired cp iu that line and therefore trusts ilftfet with unremitting nt- tentinn to the comfort 0 his guests bo will cotuiuue to merit pnhle patronage in the rear of ttc mansion mouse there ix a large yard and extensive stabling and where a livery stable i constantly kept 05the mansion it use carriage and por ters will always be io renjiness to convey pas sengers nud luggage tu anj f t different steam boats s carmino kiosion juos22d ig3u 103 colonial coostitutioo and an impregnable barrier agaiost ihe inroads of democracy 11 the assembly of upper canada as re generated jj 1b36 may wisdom loyally and patriotism distinguish all iu proceedings 18 the constitutional elector of upper canada who have delivered their risiog pro vince from i hi plarse of the demagogue and restored the body politic to its pristine health and vigor 13 lower canada may the speedily make a like return for the seiviccs she has jus received from her sister province 14 lieuteoeot general sir john culboroe j lie merited and has obtaioed the approbstioo of his sovereign 15 the colonial minister aqd the royal instructions tu understood by sir francis hed 16 bishop mdotf of upiper canada a bright example of a tf f religion aod loyalty nothing aimmed tow 17 overy ou breatbiog a spirit of fervent loyalty aod attachment to the mother country tho assembly of upper canada as regen erated in 1836 called up mr hervey of brockvill who pledged biouelf for the wis dom loyalty and patrioiiim which would mark the conduct of the preseot assembly of the province io which it was his happy fortune to reside they were he said truo reformers men of sense respectability and of property who desired and would support all proper and needful reform wbo were anxious tt put down all abuset who sought the good of their con- sthueots aud oot their own aggrandizement and who would he felt confident to thfe ut most of their abilities promote tho develope- cneot of the resources of that vast eolooy aod the happiness of the people whose rights and liberties they would suppurt instead of seek ing to subvert uoder specious professions of zeal fur the public gocid m constitutional electors of upper ca oada to this toast mr duval delivered a powerful address he pictured th happy re sults which would follow the return of tbe people of that provioce from the delusion un der which tbey hd labored aod compared her regenerated state with that of less favored colonies the learned gentleman was listen ed to with great attention aod it was general ly admitted that eloquent as be is he has never on any former occasion displayed more happily his powers of oratory than io expatiat ing on the subject of last nights address mr ayiwio addressed tho company at great length aod displayed great ability and learn ing in speakiog of tbe toast lower canada nnd its ecconjpanyiog sentiment may she speedily make a like return for the termes sho has just received from the sislci province he as did all the geotlemeo who preceded him io addressing the company dwelt upoo the beneficial effects this province would do- rive from the unequivocaldisavowal pronouoc- ed by upper canada to the revolutionary principles by which the papineaubidwelliao fociioqs io the two provinces are actuated the tnasl of the colonial minister and the royal instructions as understood by sir francis lcad srjuj epoken to with much fntce and spirit by mr c j ford oo the health of bishop mcdooell beiog brilliantly lighted aod ibo wbol bad ft very pltaiiog effect amongst tbe good things of tba bast wd ooted a noble baron of beef broegbt ia by four attendaotsi and placed at the bead at cbu table oo this substantial jittxe dt tesijtanee were four handsomely executed baaoerofa of white silk bearing the followtog iascriptiooa thekiog god bless him this waeaer- tnoooted by the crown and encircled with a wreath of laurel on tbe second the words the constitution above which was tbe bi ble with two sceptres croeted aod beneath the rote the shamrock aod the thistle thj third bore the words sir francis bond head with a wreath of laurel above end enclosed between a branch of olive and ooe of oakj aod oo tbe fourth underneath tbe crowa and a feetooo of rose thistle aod shamrock were tho words the meo of upper caoada la the coarse of the eveoing several ladies of the most respectable families iu quebec did honor to the meeting as spectators from be orchestra a compliment which was doly felt by the company the entertainment passed off with we greatest hilarity all present seemed to parf take io a heartfelt pride io tbe occasion whkh gave birth to it aod to feel how cloeely tbelr ioteresu are intertwined with those of their loya brethren in upper canada wo should be guilty of ao iojusiife rer wo to omit stating that tbe dinner wis pre- pared ntider tbe sole direeiioo of mr jaaee jenkioson to whom mr holtmao jan ba eotnfsted the management of his establish roeot aod from the specimen we have had in this iostauce we are convinced that mr- 1 iwtf it m sm0m ate iwatavfc- ing aud worthy of the confidence which mr hoffman places io his baods without restrie tloo v its clluso the hiliimorupper canada to en- of everv kint bo their cr stlllet new goods armstrong gkekr invite tbe at- 7 tention of the public to their splendid new btock of dry goods groceries wioea and liquors which they arc now from day to day teceiviag by the ottawa and inland compa- njs barges kingston 1st july 18s6 12 kingston cabinet ware honse store street trosltc the comiieijial hotel- e cone august i 1835 if extract from nroynt proclamation y dated tu toronto i2fj of november 1835 uvuintr tolls on the rideau canal raosl kingston to eytown or frolt by- tuwff to kikgst0k cabin passengers 4s each children uoder 13 years of age 2g each- sheep pigs and calve 6di each pry goods wines aud spirituous liquor 7s 6d per ton roo nod saltrd fish 3s 91 per mo salt and sea coal is iqd per too wheat per boahel three farthings otherkiodsofgrsjioaod potatoes pcrbush- el noe farthing ryo and uuckwhent flour aod corn meal per bushel mu halfpenny fluur per barrelled heef und pork per hirrel 30 put ah per ton 2s 3d pearl ash per too 2s 3d oak per foot iu boats or scows one penny fine eloi nnd all soft timber boats or scows oo farthing the same in rafts namely oak ooe penny per cubic foot pine ooe farthing per cubic foot standard staves 20sperl000 tho ieitiq in boats or scows 10s per 1000 yihersolk and upperof various nam cajufr skins kips o kc for sale by larocque who will keep a large assortment constantly onlianu ilay 18 jg just finished am f s1 at the book store on the cort 0 king and uock street a large asortni 0 accomu books of best materials and orkmanship for sale at montreal prices k5- blank booksor pper well and correct y ruled toanv kineson j pattern al s notice lone i 135 bair- per foot io for sale i t the commercial wharf kingston foot a of store street whiskey salt piaster of pab1 water lime b the subscribers juax phillips kington 23d may 93c 95 notice wright inkks0ll have beer forsaleat mr florence donoghue cmtes 18 the fair sex on sir francis head bciog given mr iluchanan of toronto rose aod addressed the cornpany settiog forth the advantaaes already perecptthle in upper cauada from his vigorous nod impartial admioiitratinnu mr neilson sen followed and spoke io bis usual nervous aod pithy style to the provioce of upper canada col fraser of glengarry epofcv of th great and extraordinary reaction which had taken place sioce the real designs of the agitators had beeo laid open he eipreicd bw belief that the feeling manifested at the late elections iva not a mere transient ebullition hot a return of tho people from the error ioto which they had been led and n restoration of the reign of ren- soo mr walker nlsospok to this toast and dcierod his sentiments in a clear and rnanly st jo he spoke of th hooe plain dealing of sir francis head io encrgei ic terms and of the happy results which had oitcodcd it a- niongst a people vrho are possessed of the ster ling eoglish principles iha ioherited from their ancestors mr walker during thede- livety of his address was repeatedly cheered and sat down amid the loud aod long eootio- ed applause of the company mr kcmble shortly nddrwsed the company on the next toast tho day the anniversa ry of the battle of luodys lane he gave his testimony to the devotion nnd loyalty nf the militia of upper caoada trho as they were oot to be seduced or severed from their allegiance by the pervasion or threats of a fo reign enemy would not 4llnw themselves to be deceived by internal agitators as sir frao- cis head had clearly foreseen when he made the late appenl to their gool senio aod right feeling toward the mother country to the toast of the brwsh coostitutioo as it is mr neilson in the nbseoce of a gen tleman who was to have rcynoded to the sen timent again rose and brieffly expa the real liberty enjoyed blkrerit which is possessed by people who ty eternally oo their lips pmses oooe uf that freedom io the expression r gircu col frsser of glengarry rose with a warmth of feeling that did honor to his heart to offer his tribute of respect and declare the geoeral estimatioo iu which the pious and pa triotic prelate is held by persout of all creeds in upper ceoada and wherever he is known mr- j- kerr spoke also on the same subject to tho militia of upper canada col fraser oo ao invitation from he chair ad dressed ihe company aod spoke in suitable terms of their constancy endurance and luy- altytbey had beeo tried and were not he was pruud to say found wanting they were composed of the same sterling stuff and to enemies of every kind their cry would still be let them come if they dure the coocluding toast the fair sex was drank with appropriate hooors and was fol lowed hy several volunteer toasts the chair man having left the chair mr walker was called to h by the general acclamation of the compaoy aod the mirth aod festivity continu ed to a lae hour several geutlomeo eotertaioed the company with soogs io the course of the eveniog amongst these mr a campbell sang nneio honor of sir fraocis head written for the oc casion tu the tuoo of heros a health to ho nest joho bull and thai iruly eoglish song so appropriate at the present day was giveo io the happiest style by mr bmokhanfc mr collard saog the stirring song of the british hnyooeteers mr- teroao of the royal who was a guest enlivened the paoy with two humorous soogs great good oetoro as did at a later hour that epitome of mirth mr knight who chauoted oue of his father comic ditties io a mauoer that shewed him a true chip uf the old block we have before said the diuner was excel- aml from ihe duodas post ahk or aajtisn joaxn amici- wo recommcud most highly to the notice of our readers the prospectus for the bank af briurh aorth america tbe eaueote utility of extending the circulating medium to tho greatest possible amouot cooititoot with tie public safety cannot bo denied by any but those totally unacquainted even wilb tbe ro dimeots of politic ecooomy asouod banlt oiieadlnkjhi accommodation throughout a rfri9fefertyrccatug tbem to teize hold ofr- cry advimrftec of benefitting themselves bd4 the country is like a perennial spring fertiliz ing and irrrgatiog the eoontry through which it panes refreshing aod iovigaratiog every thing within its iofluence improving the soil turning machinery and cerryiog oo its botom the produce uf the soil with inch men aa mr carter whose habits of bosioess admira bly qualify him for the task of obtatoiog oup porters to this baok we cannot but thiok it will succeod aod we most devoutly wish i success theatre eotn- given with lent we must add the dessert wnscltgao the wines port madeira aud claret alt ef the j inconsequent and mercenary first qualities t the room was decorated with great the wal s were 1 no hunjc ith the tasto li u jl uoioo flgs nnd oq the left side were three irantpa- rcucies represemiug st george st patrick and andrew on the right hand tu the centre was a painliug of the royal arms ex ecuted for the occasion in fmot of this was tho itandard uf st george supported on either side by the colours of tho quebec mili tia hearing the dale 1775 io mmftcmoratioo of thedefcoce of the city against the american army io that ycr at tho lop of the room behind the president chair was a shield with a white grouod having on it the crown anil bible with the sccptro and ben scrolls bearing the following inset the upper king and constitutioo beneath sir frauds bond head under lion of tbe l bqkoffrxiiisfoiawws never had the satisfaction tp offer to our read en atijthiog of a tythe of the vital importance ofwhatioday we present as a messenger of glad tidings to our droopiog hopes the pros pectus of the bank of british north america we trust that the utmost alee rity will be shown to take up the portion of stoclc allotted to us thatiti revivifying oper4 tions msy immediately commence the whole stock and four times as much woum have heeo taken with avirjity io leodoo bo we infer that it was deemed prudent to inter est the canadian public for the sake of ao adequate supply of qualified directors of our braoches pointed i w appoiotmoot iofioitcly prefersbte to ao elec- tiou of thorn hrreby tbe stockholders as pro portion s my to the remoteness of tbe manage riieot of a battk from democratic influence are its safety and utility it will be seen by a short notice of a debatd io the house of commons that spitfire roe- huck has used aud will contiooe to use his utmost exertions to beset tho institution with stonjbliog blocks but the trickery of such en babbler wil avail nothing io opposition to the array of common sense presented in the directors end frieuds in parliament mark tbe absor- s wbh wo perceive are to oe ap- hy theboarj io loodooj a moda pf m beneath these plious on on that iated on ahovo that wilbmiher- ta- klitfisan in bat smaller quoti- 57z nuary 1930 vern ties to suit purchaser fredericksburg ip peculiarly eojoye of government that i to the 4l flag a speech of some icogth ful language roplete w heir opinions so a under the oust perfect form s yet n- n tj devised scrolls was h represent h tho sword and tne wi the laoco of justice sceptre of mercy banner of the st georges society represent ing britannia aud on the left tho white bafl- oo the right was the blue of the patrou drason tho oer with the representation siiot of england slaving tho colors of the 4tb battalion of qaoadiao mili plated tho decoratiou of part of io ftoot of the orchestra was a hearing the inscription u the canada nnd the co l cam the mom traosparency thftir dity of tlii hired tool of french jacobinism taepotrer of the bauk says he la i and be sued might be an objectionable powe m pant the bill might tend to override the constitution of the colonies in teiica the cam- party tos to att if so it teas highly objectiona ble tho sky mjgat fall aod iheo ah then who can say what then surely ihia satne roebuck who pretends to be sole keep er of our coqititution aod to rest all bis hupcs of happiness upon its safety should hate beto qualified to pronouoce dnoittvcly on the ten- dcocy of so simple a measure as grantiog to a backing institution the iodispeosable privl- lego of suing aod beiog sued t but he is the htreliog of a venomous revolutionary dub whose mandates he must obey for tbe bribe they hsvc lavished upon him the cbiet atfcas of this province are now io a way ot speedy cure with sir fraocis head nnd firm iritolligcot and discreet moose of as- numbly to guard our coosttfotieo aod the ci ty of london u supply ns with idoaj what have any hot the facjtom demagogies to fear these indeed do fejfr aod tremblai ibey hear the rumbling approach of thfrvwtnk of british north america rs pon derous aod effective eogine of iiwqhflt dr fish deliver loyl peopl of upper cm qu boh iuo of he tbw bualioo of mbna wero d- j j witt wr io chaste aod benuti- itb m i i c i alluionsi lours played each side tho apartment was

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