Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 3, 1836, p. 3

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tzm woof f 10 tm ottau tf rideau for- tjzg cempy bafe arrived morniog joods and passengers iy ble to announce that hisexcellen- ihc licuitotini governor intends visiting ireral portions of the province during the mater m l metropolis on saturday i for lahe huron intending to go iktmoiioulio isliods- we may therefor mmltlm pleasure of a visit from him thti fftire hippy to observe that the upper fieri proclaims a reward of jcio fortie discovery of the incendiary who com- mjiifd arson on the premises of captain kiipwll port hope on the night of the l3i nb- mhwltfflf accident we regret to learn thua rspeciable farmer of loughborough of ih otoe of james lyons died on sunday ercoiaj the 24lh oil- from the effect of a fall oo lb previous day from a fenc upon which he s carelessly silting in conversation at life nve with sereral persons military movements we learn that the i regtat preseot stationed in toronto hill exchange quarters with the 84th in this garrisoo oo the 1st of september next anil ihat the s2d regt will not this season come to ihe upptr province as we before announced tie grtot britain this noble vsssel on her downward trip oo monday morning last had do leis than 191 cabin passengers princi pally travelers from he u states the court of oyer and terminer and gene rat oaot delivery fur the eastern district was opord in cornwall on monday last by ii ts honor mr justice macauhy mr solicitor ceoeral hajerroan is attending in behalf of the three risers fifties tluac races took place in the course of last week under the pa- iroaige of his excellency tilt governor-in- ctief it affords us much pleasure to learn that the three principal prizes were taken by the horses of- our enterprising townsiu george w yarker esq i i to the editor of the chronicle gazette mr out sir1 take the liberty ofseod- i jou the enclosed i really think it wor- jjf of appearing in to nicruiws chronicle whfllft the modrsiy exhibited in lh requisites silli ly xwtwf j goverie reminds hie fequesi rnaif by an officer holding a higli ppoioirntrii t0 an olliccr command mg i gimeot- mt dtar will you have the kindness io let me hive a serrjnt from your corps 1 am not particular and shall therefore be content with oe who is honei sober regutar in all ins ha- uw and industrious to this the commanding officer replied mv dcaa colohcl c have been lor so tears looking out for the individual described io your letter and have not yet found him my dear sir yours from th loudon m n a governess wanted t ht aoot our gorcrneaj if ft u dr brother n a arrange lit ol pique ly neck m inr nt il r t pire in the colonies it woum ea rieerjtti k0 attempt to address eorselvea to persons whodt minds ara corrupieduo the degree of harbour ing treason against the state but those whom they may rmve deceived jjjio o belief that the authority of tha oaqeraluoveroment of the empire is carrfed to excess in the colonies would do wh id refer to what is done by the general tfuihomy of the united states in regard to their territories or colonies under institutions w inch arc held up to us as models for envy and imitation we refer litem to two acts of congress io this days paper as a present and practical il lustration of the power which congress exer cises over the american colonies who have no vote in thai body to whom they do dot even allow representative assemblies but solely a governor legislative council judges and of ficers appointed by the president of the united states during pleasure no sovereign siaie of the uoion is even permitted to touch a cent of the revenue collected on imports or receiv ed hy the postoffice but it is all disposed of bij the generol government collected and dis tributed by its officers which has its judicia ry and civil and military officers in each state independent of its self government yet we are told that all the auihorities of the bri tish government io the colonies ought to be responsible to us or that we should renounce our allegiance declare our independence and ask no doubt to be admitted into the union as a sovereign state paying all our expenses by internal taxation could any man or set of men tbtnk of such a proposition if he were not blinded by ambition and sel6sh passions the means which ihese people take publicly wiih impunity to detach the subject from his affection and fidelity to ihe british crown if they are proofs of the greatjveedom which we enjoy are at the same lime proofs of their wickedness they told us some time ago that ihe british government was accountable for the death of all the persons who died amongst us of cholera and tbey have latterly been ascribing io the same government the poverty io which portions of the province has bein reduced hy unfavorable seasons bnd the distress which will probably occur in tbe dis trict of quebec by the prevailing drought will no douh be ascribed to the same cause neilsocis quebec gazette shipping itftlltgcttce comparative statement of arrivals tononee and settlers at the port of quebec up to 28th july of 1835 and 1ss6 1835 1836 vesskls 586 640 difference 54 t0nnaoe 167915 185305 17390 settleas 8910 21799 12389 ib birth at hattowyll on saturday the 30th july mr chrlci boaku of twin soost lsiishi will you kin w uaftl one at taatt hy mxi tvevk bui 111 five you a lew plain redrntal the bargain with speed to couipkic twk a pnjuft set rjuwfl die smul ami bcin at the top of th bcel with easy and modest decision she ever ihuji move act and apeak 6h must underhand french with precision italian and ltm and grrek she tiuai play the piano dvnely cxcl on the harp and the oir do all f needlework 6m ly and make feather flowers and wax fruit shemuht anawerall queue dircdly and ill njt nee wet otidcrfiianj paint in oils nkctch from nature corfwufp kt m ttmiutxt h fiwrlbanj she mai ing wih power itnee l awevttica yet fireanceria tnuat ftnl ugh ol all she mtiai dance whll ethereal llcetnca yet never must go io a ball she mam not have needy relations her dress umat be losteful yet plain hrrdiscoi must abound ti quotations her memory all dates 6l rt tain she mail twinlnuleach author chief beautiw she matt manage dull nature with ktll hrpleaatirus mu lie in her doti she must never he nerves or ill i ifahewritea esaayn odea themo and aonneta yt be not pedantic or pert if ebe wear none but dep callage bonnets uahe deem it lugh trccnii to flu t if to mitdne3tahe add m and outfit engage her at once wiihnul ftar ilietcrcward modtst mni and i give forty guineas a year i accent mv good siser your in sanjn trmofftiw my aeaich 111 heui in all eirrlj in evey condition ml rlf such a trraaure tu wm and if after yvars ofpftibntion myeyeiim the wonder fthoullrcst 111 engage her without hesitation but not on ihe terms you surest of a biidc 1 have neer made at lection per my bachelor tbwithllf would aidl dwell on anebjtet ionearfd pcflcnnn that i kluahed half mf ikimoi in lh now thu lat that ynu kuulty have jrrantcdp i1lc0ileand rem to through life but just blm out a covorncft wanted and bcid it with hyuiited a wife married at the chqrcb of st roch it pari and oftcrwardt at the british kmby on the 26th of june tbc lord startordt to chaabeih daughter of richard caton and prand dozhler nf the late charlea carroll bq of prmdl1nmt tfiiihnhii frmiir maryland in iho united state and imcr of the murthioiiro of waltcslej and che marebinneaa of caimarthad died at quebec on the 2hh ult auddenly mr witliam brent tfcioaper and periodical agent cf that city aged b at ulbwau onfrulay the wth ult after a lin- rjeriop idneu of several months mr henry athley kaepcroffal dteriotxjtol aed 31 yeore for salt- a a house and lot the pro a perty of mr stephen miles at the head of store otreetadjoioing the premises of mr jmes rorison heiosf onetenth of an acrooflind the house is id good repair he- ing comfortable nnd convenient and well suit ed fur the residence of a family between the bouai aot the si reel there is room to erect a lare sione or brick house with the privilese of coooeetiog it wilh the adjoining one in the rear there is a woodhouse and a small garden with a few valuable fruit trees for farther particulars inquire of mr john ash ley jailor or at the olfice of the chronicle gazette kingston july 23 18s6 ioewz extensive sale of furniture plate books wines c c by auction on tuesday the 13a of september next will he sold at the residence of caitaijt cole r e all his valuable collect nu of household furniture c which is of the best description and in excellent order anjon which will he vektrflfoqulsm mr wilbur fcihe celebrated vewtrilorjuist announces to the public his itptention to eihibit on wednesday evening n aug 3d at mr m fords hotel kingston rfpeciracd of the won derful gift of ventriloquiiam fa4t ffinat ao amusing convermiiron with an old servant in a chutuney- art mcoho his celebrated fire scene paut ttluird sending his voice one hundred yards from a window where a supposed person will cull bis dog whicb is heard howling in the street a laughable dialogue behind aecreo in which he will represent four different voices two of which answer from a deep cellar there will also be ao amusing afterpiece by th learned dog who will answer any ordinary question on arithmetic history or logic and perforoa a number of laughable tricks with cards to conclude with songs enlivened wiih the violirjby mrs wilbur for particulars u 1 tickets see large bills kingston july 30 1836 medical hall j8tj meagher apoibe- caries and druggists bee leave to acquaint their friends and the public generally that they hate commenced the above mentioned business in brock streei door to mrs tolktins and opposite mr john oliphants where ihey will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of drqgsiuuicais per fomehy paints dye stuffs c allot which they will sell onth most reasonable terms hi b they have now on hand a supply of farinas genome kacde cologne together with a few boxes best bftftjittu arrow root brock st kingston 2ith july 1636 8ewz john who clancy or david clancy emigrated from the county cork somt- four years past are informed that the in fant children of john whelao and ellen cu- ncy their sister are now in kingston under charge of mary daly their mother having died on the passage out the children are destt- tuu and ihe uncles are requested to come speedily to their aiaisunce further information may be had on applica tion to mr manabao kingston 16th july 1836 5z to bakers wanted a journeyman baker of jnnd steady habits who will have con- ataot employment on liberal terms hy a ing to unry corby bofcor belicfillejluly 29 1836 9ii office ol mtiocaiaaqui bridge company kindlon u- c july 23 is36 wtotice at a meeting of lie directors of the utaiaraqui bridge company held this day a dividend of 5 per ctnt was declar ed on the capital of the bridge stock for the hair year ending 30th juoe 1830 which is no payable t the companys office h j m a r un treasurer that application by john strnnso q and others to thr leislaturo at iu uext seaaion to roim a cojfopany for the construction of a turopilte ltond from the town of ktugsioo to the village olf nupkiire in the township of richmond in the midland dutrici kiogstoq fith jily 1836 9z tho upper cota gazette will pkau eony ibis no tice for sale acres forming part of lot no 115tb concession kjingstos 25 acres are well cleared a fenced a log house barn jij gaidedj thereon 13 acres have beta brought into cultivation within the last 12 months by english farmer and his sons and is now bearing a crop of wstu looking wh on ihe ood land is abundance of sugar mapte the situation is pleasant distant about 8 miles from kingston price including crone jc30a xa elmmnliwf possession giveu ii required apply io thomas askew land office wtotice ih hereby given 1 will hoir john s kingston july 2 o found brussels and kidtjerminsitr carpets dining and draw ing roorn furniture reds bolsters and pil lows english and canada plate consisting of forks stiooos dessert knives basket and salver c cut glass china some very excellent eoglish works with very superior steelplate engravings bottled wines in qts and pints viz huoys port blackburns ma deira and golden and pale sherry tbe wines are of the best description x flhc toned piano forte by stoddard london persons desirous of procuring an excellent instrument would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity is articles of such a description are seldom of fered at auction also a very superior dublin luil0 doc- dihct with patent axles and paten opper canada that the time for jven celtic society 01 kotice is hereby gi tmi receiving the lftsays as advertised by the soxiety is postpood f the lstof august to the 10ib of september next j0huj a macdonald secretary kingston 27th juy 1836 iei important to farmers the subscber would respectfully inform the pibltc that he is now manu facturing tafts improved pftteot thbashixo machine which is decidcdlvmhe best machioe now in 0my say to those wishing to forwarding- united lines of the rideau and sr lawrence ottawa and uideau foit- wg leave to company the warding notify their friends and the public generally thai they have united i heir line with that of the canada inland forwarding aod insur ance company although a decided preference has justly been given to the rideau line from the supe rior craft iu which goods arc forwarded as well as the certainty with regard to time and diminution of risk attending ilic transport yet some objections have be raised io the canals being closed earlier in the fall than the river st lawrence and to obviate these objections ih company intend this union to keep a full supply of boat on ihe st law rence not willi a view of doing iheir business generally by that route bqt io accommodate their customers in the sprirjg and fall as well as to meet every possible contingency ihat might take place oo the canal and restore to the company the fullest confidence of the public to faciliat the transport of goods destin ed for the ports of lakes ontario and erie the company have arrnnged for their tranship ment at both the pores of present and kings- ion but from its eligibility intend the latter to be the principal place of transhipment when tbe rideau canal is reopened and no ad vance on the present rate of freight will be de manded from their regular cuswmcr while the rideau canal is open in the fall their stores at prescott are thos of tie canada in- laod forwarding comptiy and mr w dick inson their agent will continue to conduct the business there goods forwarded by the ridewcanal will not be insured unless ordered b the owners ihosc that may be ofwartfod via ihe st- law rence will be insured by the coal pan y unless oitferwise directed mr r hackett of the canada inland for warding and insurance company will at all times be ready to receive orders for this com pany io whom as well as the companys agents at montreal and kingston application may be made e gushing aqent montreal w dickinson acent prescott g brush agent kingstoo jote35 lim btmheia tons copper fastened with for sale- the sloop john marks about 50 rigging e compleie having received a tho rough repair on mrmciotyresrailway war rants henow io perfect orderlbr immediate business james morton kingston 27th july issc 8z j sale tu the a town- bixk of ijijptr caiiftdu tublic notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the block hold era of this bank ia vqoested to belheld at the bank on wednesday the 34ih day of august next at 10 olock in tbe forenoon for the purposo of electing a director to serve during the re- maindei of the present term in the place of the hon- ptjjl rosvitdotf who has reaigoed and for business which will be theu communica ted by order of ihe board thos g ridout cusair dank of upper conoco toronto lsthjuly 1836 8y tha nditnr cf oewijupar who hav pub lished for lift bank of upper caoada will bo p1tcd to jpvc tbii notice one iocrtion bank op british north america 1000000 steftuno suaaas or sq each three- capital i 20000 fourths or which uavc atcir stioscaio 0 in knolarfd atd the htmalndbk are reserved for the colose with towch to itfcrrasc the capital london directors george de rosco attwood esq eowaro bloot esoi robert brown esq sir robkt camprell bart itodbijit cakter eso wjiliam konert chapmaiv es jaus john cummins esq jaaifcs dowie esq oliver faurtin eso alexandr gillespie jon esq- william medley eso william pemrerton esq geohcp- richard robinson rao jonrr waldnon wright esq m p iaheontar1 8ummek arrangements tof 1 1836 u tae atw iftrf jtajru g onerd boat 41 u t received and ur roniclc gazette ottvo shu manual really iroish comoristnc all the laws cow in fierce relitin io ihe tuwu- ships among which arc the highway and asmmcm acta new towhship raeetio act the laws respecting boundaries line fen ces and water course inokeepers the law and oftice of constable ihe law of landlord and tenant distress for rent court of re quests aci summary punishment am jury law the laws relative to mills and mill dims flour pot and pearl ashes statute labour travellers weights measures c and on many other interesting subjects by the author of ihv proviocial justice co- price one dollar kingstorj december 5 1835 64 crown office juoe suth 1336 notice is hercbt given that the courts of oyer aod teraiiner and genrrl gaol delivery and of atvm and nisi prius id and for thij different districts will be as fol lows town cornwall brotkviiio perth kingston hamilton sandwich london niagara amherst picton district easicid johnstown baihut midland gore western london niagara newcastle prince edw home court commencing monday 1st aupual tuesday olh august monday 22j auyuat thursday 1st sept monday 1st aoual monda 2ind do tuoday 30th dn thursday 8lh sept mnndavsth do wednesday 5ih oct jvlonday 17th oct thc rapidity with which the british norih aoiencan colonics rave advanced io prosperity and commercial importance ihe vast increase of their population the high rate of interest the fluctuation of exchange the in adequacy of- the capital already employed for banking operations and the increasing facili ty of intercourse with the mother country point qui the different settlements of british north america as affording a secure field for the profitable employment of capital for which purpose and wrth a view of promoting the mercantile aod agricultural interests of the colonies the present company his been established the management of the companys affairs is vested in the london court of directors and the banks in the colonies are to be con ducted by local boards appointed by them a general meeting of the proprietors is to be held yearly io london to whom a statement of the companys affairs will he submitted ppf ha be0 ffctttwd to thir directors 10 i apply for and accept on behalf of the estab- lishment a charter of incorporation or act of i parliament a deposit of 10 sterling per share to be paid within a period to be named io the lener of allotment at the rate of exchange therein fixed ir j the deed of settlement to be signed at the time of payment after payment of the deposit the remainder of the capital will be required by instalments not exceeding j2l0 sterling per share at soch intervals of not les lhan three months as the directors may find necessary to carry the ob jects of the bank into operation of which due notice will be given the undersigned commissioned to represent the court ot directors to america and to visit the several colonics for the purpose of putting theuffoirs of the ban into operation hereby gives notice that he will be ready to receive and consider applications from peisons resi- deo in the province of upper canada who may be desirous of becoming shareholders m the capital stncfc of the company addressed to him at the post office at montreal on cr before the 10th day of aujust next kobiirt carter new york 14th july 1836 propelled by mapeirawfl low rcaara eachm cimmm au 8 will until the 1m of renter ply between ogavntoft ana nkja ra touching at the intermemi mnwtol iowa tfil v- orwinf i l leaves ogdeosbargb wedoeway ctroitfav kingstoo u c thursday morntost sacketvharbof 4o bootl oawego 4o evmi i genesee river friday morning toronto u c dr cteiine touching at yotiogstowo aodrfacliittglajp on early saturday morniog m leaves lewiston 9linday eresmg genesee river monday morning oswego do n rtornoon tr sacketa harbormoortyvefiiig 11 kingston uctoeay mrom- touching at frncbcreek momstown atejt andia nod brokville aod wftvloarogden burgh tuesday afternoon urtt to e b auen ogdrnsburgh wutxc sc uoocu morniowirv j w rquaa alexaarria smitm 8t mkkhica frechcreckr j cocatta kingston u c bcceley sl clark sackeivbarbor hnar fjtzuugh oawego jouvt taowvaipok rociieatev jtmch ritow toronto uaeo smith yodogstowd gov rtttfrolpsi lewiaioo june 1836 wholesale warehouse hamilton keceiviogbv the subscriber and fomfe by wholesale only oo moderate terror 950 kegs i boxes of tobacco 50000 cigars of assorted qualities st domingo mid la guayra coffee rtce pepper pimento cloves nutmegs and other spices raisins curraou ils nats of ail sorts a variety of preserves piclle and car dials w scott burx hamilton may 30th 1836 looilfr wbw shoes the subscriber has just rtceivedhis spring aupply ofladioa boota aod shoos of om latest loodon fubioos aqd most approval ahapea wm thjrkellu kingston jooeastb 1836 105 toronto of which all sheriffs coroners magis trates gaolers and tn peace officers are commanded to take mlice by order of the cr chakilis c snmall clerk ul iiv crown aoa pleas- application esq post office dlk double stel springs in excellent order a berlin with bearskin and buffalo robes dou ble and single bras mounted harosss saddle ry c c particulars in bills n b no article will be disposed of by private sale but all will be sold without re serve exctpi the eoslish plate and books r jackson dceioner kingston august 2 183u 10 hcaa hardly be doubted but there are some injiorssmotjgstus men who io their aspi raiiorjsarter self government purely dem ocratic institutions responsible govern ment i elective itttututlons 8w- cept laat the result of subvening the legitimate au- iboriiy of the king anilthd united parliament great britain and ireland would bo io give arm power and emolument we have ob- jfrred that three or four newspapers io the uoadas published about the time of ihe ceiflbratioo of independence in the neighboring rlhedeclaraiion adopted in 1776 by l congress of the old colonics against the whortty of the parent countries lvj have oo particular objection to that declaration c every other document issued by popular dies in timex of excitement it contains aome u and some falsehood but it is generally soown and is not necessary to be published jgl about the 4th of july in british colonies ahchjnni is clear those who have acted jmwi it s all but legally entitled to an ele- wion which is not precisely ihat to which 1h piie a i eie lftea c against ihe exercise of a legal and necessary authority of the em- wool wanted cash paid for clean wool of good qua lity delivered t the woollen factory gananoque by webster august 1 1836 chambers 10u4 wanted by an invalid a elderly mao to accompany him steady to gland he must have been accustomed to do mestic employment and his character must bear tbe strictest enquiry apply to ibis office if by letter post paid- kingston 1st august 193g loii notice to debtors creditors ll persons indebted to the estate of the a lowther p macphersorj esquire of halwell barricr are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned or thtv will be proceeded against as law directs and those bavin- claims on said kstate are requested to me certi6ed copies without delay with attorney for macphkrson executrix hiuowch lmh july 1836 5z use he would purchase the articlio call and see the optra tion thnt they may be satisfied that it is ihe 1 greatest manual 1oior savins machine over invented price tow terms of payment easy n b th subscriber havioc furnished himself with a canvass tlirashiog floor he will he able to thro in the field all orders for thrashing promptly attended to either iu the geld or barn o reasonable terms s n baker napanee mills july 5 1836 sowiji new goods just received and tor sale by the subscriber seventy packages of v goods comprising a genual assortment of fancy and staple goodst sutt o lhc season which will he sold by uij piece or retail ady 1 prices for prompt ipayment en- 1 also bm boi- of half and uubleach a few cases ol cuntstvs best london hats men nmt uoy aod dailv exp a assortment of crockery dtuner services and china wm wilson kinqsion july o 1335 notice to cbeuea and other pensioners who paid by the commissariat the assant commissary general here by notifies the above description of per sons that they roust make personal applica tion at the beginning of each quarterr to the dcaretcommissariai office for their tensions xo eases when pensioners reside a distance frorbvtftmmissariat office which mugbt ren der it inconvenient or expensive to uhe pen sioners to apply at ihe beginning of each quarter or if irom sickoess or othtef good cause application cannot be made pier sonally even once in the year an officer willl be sent annually to visit those stations to idemtify and pay those who cannot for these causes present themselves at a commissariat staiiom the pensioners are enjoined to kcep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions will be paid only to them tin person on their being identified thereby it is further notified that the gowernment will not under any circumstance recognize agents or the claim of auy individual for debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat kingstoo 15th march 1836 j 75z form of to rocbt carter montreal sib i request that you will allot me shares io tbe bank of british north america and i hereby engage to pay the de posit of il sterling each upon so many of such shares as you may allot to me at iht time place and rate of exchange to be speci fied in your letter of allotment nd at the same are i time to execute die deed of settlement i am sir ytaur obedient servant signature at length pface of abode date all lfcttkrs mv5t e post fmd cauti on the subscriber hereby forbids all persona purchasing the following foui note of band riven by bira to jbaim mclvrvax viz one note of 25 payable io ten iiya from date another of 25 payable in one year from date another of 25 v payable in two years from dale and another of 25 payable in three years from date airdated on the 27tb june 1836 as no value has beea received john hrss ernest town jum 29 1836 sx commercial bank w motice is hereby given that at a mentqg of stockholders held at the bank on the 15th inst it was resolved u that te in stalments on tbe new stock be called in aa follows 1 0 per cent on the 1st day of march 1 836 10 m 9 may t july septr 10 10 10 41 41 9 1 1 1 t t novr t dr meagher at the brock st immediately i medical hall djoiniog mrs tolkiens and directly opposite mr john oli- phbnia kiogston july 19 1936 6ew w ost ji collins t reward on the road between kinirstoa and by a gemlerpns blue cloth clojik the above reward will he paid on delivery cf aaid cloak at the chronicle oflice ktuysion oral the house rr the subtcriher charles cheshire mount charles ernest town 23d july 1836 7z just received u very low aborted canvasses to wofy 0 98l saiva ii3jvivav 66 l t- prospectus for publishing a copperplate zmap of the midland district he subscriber proposes should sufficient encouragement be given to publish a mipof the midland district including one range of townships in tho newcfrtc dis tricton a scale of 160 chniosor q miles to an inch exhibiting all the mail llauula cross roads rivers llivulets lakes chotohesi meeting houses post offices sbiw jmills grist mills tow ns villages wharvvssiearu boat landings c e by lot concession aod tuwnship the undersigned being ftbeut ifo build a copperplate printing press is deleumined to print publish varnish aod mourn the pro posed map iu his own township liutd there fore looks toa generous and enterprising public for patronage and support the map will be ftwrly 3 by 4 tcnm it will embrace four ranc of tcwii5ht ubm ih bay of q uifite back also wohrijiowe and amherst islaoda with the snall ulunds ftjja and for sale by the subscriber fne old cognac brandy i 41 if 41 44 1 chant paiqr hollands gkk in pipes st- cases jamaica spirits l p port wine h madeira sherry in pipes and quarter casks tcuerilte ne julys brandy scotch all in bottles muscovado susar double refined loafdo best while wine vincar day martins liquid lasie blacking tea coffee spices indigo starch and button blue turkey figs currants raisins almond ac c c c- armstitonq greer kingston 19th juk 1s3q tiz payable at the bank its offices and agencies such of the new stockholders as may wish to pay in the half or whole of their slock it oitce will be allowed to do so on the day tbe tirst instalment is due by order of the board p a hftrglftf coiaier kingstoo dec 88 18s5 53 the fullowing newapapen wft bltaaa iaert tba above advertiterneot until ntteaber barttmtriot toronto h mil tor gazette niagan reporter rsaod with kmiirjnt cobourr star batburvl courier corn tf all obaerrer and montreal gxatto- commission officen th e undersigned being about to establish depot for the reception of vt india dry hides begs icavmo inform hi frienjls and the taoners of this province aod the nd- joining states that he will be happy at all times to receive their orders aod furouh tho article at the lowest newyork prices jbclarkr kingston 1st july 1836 6 scobelis inspection store kscobcll general inspector or pot ash beef and pork presents his cor- dial thanks to the merchants and other lobab itaots of kingston and the vicinity fdr the liberal patronage they have extended to him during the past year and he begs leave to jo- form them that he has removed bis inspection business from the hon j kirbys store to the large and convenient store and wharf of mrs koraytb lately occupied by mr a- mc donell where he will be always ready to in spect such articles as may be cotisigoed to him for ihat purpose and he hopes from bis long experience punctuality and strict attention to business still to merit support of the public n b for sale 5000 lbs weight of smoked hims 3000 do cheese 2000 do- upper canada butter 2 tons of lard in kgs for family use 300 barrels salt r scobelu kingston april uth 1835 57z the approbation and jour the estate si eliza a macmiksqn uonanv uolo f joio taaaig oojjjietiav s pot ttm oq ox pjw io iand iuaaaxa ucatuj inav jrais lotln patty pompie 3s l n ma ififlmood iauootps cj aqi qios 3fl 01 ts ltjt iuooi3s ceut to them and will u executed equal to the autliui i mapol i nut it will he published on y copper in colouied varnished mounted delivered to subscribers copy payable on delivery a style dward en5r1v1n and per x hallowelh october p 1335 at four ujollara for sale anumbpr of copies upper canada sta tutes provincial justice township ma nual sec- e at the chronicle gazette of fice corner ofkinie d brock streets kingston 1jth july 1836 blanks a great variety for chroniilc and gazette othev nt the t wo wanted good workmen for nto or cukkrinc w couraenient aod regular tarr good en- pplyitig to meet witt piy by 1 the undersigned soon frederick fanning belleville july 7 i9i6 3ui napaneb brewery rglhe subscriber having procured a first jl rattt aod experienced brewer at his new establishment is able to offer very superior beer of the finest body and flavor tho public are invited to give it a trial a regular supply will be kept on hand in kingston in barrels and half barrels by mr baktok phiixirs and by mr mato at th farmers inn paul wright napanee nov 10 1835 40z forsaue oaftkegsof the best printing ink very low for cash chronicle gazette office kingston january 7th 1s36 y ruling machine for sale theap for cash apply at the office of tbt chronicle gazette

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