Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 17, 1836, p. 1

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1 in ikktotncit and kingston commercial advertiser 3ctte rr moisted cry wedawday ami stnr at fllc of iclttff mul brock icmu nec regs nec populoed utroque twenty shilling per ttjram it at dtm end of tn yo twfttflf voltxvihj bank of briti north am cisitst 1000000 sterling s000o shares op 50 each thrce- roukths or which have beetf subsorib- so ijc khglavd and tiic kcmalnder arr abstrvcd for the colon i ts with fowfift to increase the capital london directors gnoses tit rosco attwood et eomsu biowrr et- u iry baows e sit kocckt cuircexx dart roseet carter k william koiiert chapmav esq james jontr cvmsuhfti esl jahe dmvie esq qurn farrer efq auttsdkfl tllsnc juff- wttlum mcdiev eiq william pembcrton ejq geoaoe rlchaltd roblnsovt est m i jok wlldfon wfllgut ksq es the rapidity with which the ornish north american colonics have advanced in prospffiiy and commercial importance tlie nst increase of tboir population ihe high riie of ititerrst the fluctuation of exliance lilc in adequacy of ih capital already employe i for hacking opemion and iiil- increasing fucili- if vf intercourse with ilo mother cm i airy f point out tin- different settlements or hniish nnh america ns affording a f e etc field for the profitable employment of cvpnal for wltich purpose and with a view of ptfooioling lol mercantile and agricultural intere of the colonics the present codlpnnf irt cch established tiic mnnemnii t ptuinii etfibih hvfhfdmilic lnn curi id li turs and the banks in the comoics af t un ion- ftrtcd by loiftwtj i a general meeting ol tbv ifupth ljj yearly in london io whom i unit jiliecuuipany flffi will h suhftaiiie power lias been reserved 10 the hare 10 be 111 the letter tr a to be numeot ej director to iply for nnl accept on behalf of the esiab- lisiimeoi a charier of incorporation or act of pjrhsment a deposit of i0 sin litis per s piid wuhin a period to be named of allotment it the rite of exchange therein fited and the deed of settlement o be signed rutlie lime if piymcnt after psvnu hi of 1 lie icuift ilie rr ntinder of ihe capital will be rtquirtj ly instulmenti mtnreetltns delosierltna pcrfiarc n ueh iniortals of net less ilan three notitlis ft the doctor uity find oecefmfv 10 carry ilio6b jits the hank tnto nun of vviucb due ndtcc will be siren tlieuiulrrsifnul ronimiwiihlcd 10 represent thr court of dip ciur iti america nul 10 visit ibt erfril cobmie for ihe purpm of pnnrng theltjirs ut hit i in inio npertitimi licrehy pivfsnutice tbai lie will le ready to receive nj consider it tpt iril uon fnmi pions rest irnt in the pruvinre of upprr cnnnja who tmy he desiruus of been rn in sharelnildrrs in lie capital stock of the company addressed tolum at ihfl post ol0e al momrral on cr before the 10th diy of august iipxi uobert carter new york mifi julv ltijti form of application to rosert cartku esq post office tfraiieal sit i request thai von will allot n m ta ht bftkk n b amtrtcx and i hereby ensas in t posit of 10 fterlin each upon so many of nrb sham you tnav allot to n at me time nlce- and rate of bxehun to spci fied hi vourlftter of pii6i ment and hi the some limctoeieeute tite oeed of seilleiau- i urn sr yuur obedient servant signature at iftfgfa plate of abode t ill lettrrs must b pot 1 shares jsrat aid uauk of upper canada public notice is brrebv fftven that a jcnrral meeting of tlie stocmiumw of ibis ban is pfqanletl 10 be held ni the bank on wednesday the sftll day of august ilexi ii looclock in the forengon fif ilia purpose at klmins dtin tor to srve dorloc the re- puinjrrufihe present term in the place uf the hon pctcr rnimojfi who bas mtgulhlt od or tosuiess whicb wll be thin cviinuca- by order of the biwrd thos oiildovtj barf of upprt canaaa toiwto i3li july 1988 9y tht editor f hewmumn who harctniially pub- liw4forihe btik of fpptr tfcfiada wilt lc pleased lo ive ibis dolice one iiucritini just kcccvcl 1 nd for sate by the subscriber fine old cognac uraodv ll holuodsgm jamaica jlrii l p p ft wine m madeira it a 1 u i u si sherry in pines and quarter cau tmitfft champaigne julys brand scotch ale in bottles muscovado sugar double relioed loafdo best while wine vinfsmr doy martins liquid pft5lc cueklok tea t coffee spires indies starch and button blue turkey kigs cuiraots koisift almond e tfcr fcr armstrong ft gricicr tosiod 18th july 1s36 cz jjit- meaghek at ibc medieal hall broek st immediately adjoioiiit mrs mfttetl and directly oimoiiic mr john oh mntv 6wz jtitigston july ifl 1330 for sale a ntjmbeb of copies upper cnida stft provincial justue township ma wcstc ai ihcchroutele gazette of- w corner of kioz and brock streets kfftgttodi l9ih july 1s36 kingston upper canada wednesday august 17 1836 no 1 the mansion house kingston t c the subscriber respecifully hrs leave to notify m the travelling puhlie that ho eodtinae to occupy this extensive aod well koowo hotel i he mission house it pleasantly situated in storo street beiog the prineriial aod een trnl street 10 kiursioq is en to all tho steam boat whnreev and no establishment of iislciot in ho tpper provinee ean surpasi it in the evcelleoce and eooifort of itd apart- mniu both parlors nnd bedrooms thirtyfour io number all of which mo furnished jo tbe very best style the lintel has lately undernne a thorough repair aod is at prrseot io rpt xeellm or der ftrnl condition for tho accommodation of tbe iohlic the suhscriler having kept a hotel for many years hns arquirod experience its that line aod therefore trust that with unremitting at tention ro the comfort of his guests ho will continue to merit public patronage in the rear of the mansion house there is a largk yard and exleusive stabling aod where a livery stable i- constantly kept cthe miintmii house carriage and por ters ill always be in readiness to ebnvry 1hs- sc n iters and luggue to aud from tbe different steam bonis s carm1no kingston jone 221 183g 103a h eather sole and unperof various aj tnnnaircscalf skins kips sic c for sale by larocque bernard st co who will keep a large assoituient constantly on hand may is sz lake ontario summer arrangements for 1836a the aew and rapid steam boat oneida propelled by two powerful low pressure isljines captsin aaiccsi smith v ill until the i5tb of september next w forwarding united lines of the rideau and st lawrence the ottawa and rideau for warding company org leave to dotify their friends and the public generally that they have united their line with thai of tbe canada inland forwarding h insur ance company although a decided preference has justly ply between ogdemburgh and nia been given to the rideau line from the sope- fol- it 41 at for sle at tbe f of king and book- brock just finished and store on tin rnrm direct a large assortaiuni ol account books of wst materials and workmanblnp fur sale at montreal price co blank hooks or paper well and correct ly ruled to any pattern at short notice kingston june 1 1835 for sale at the commercial wharf kingston foot of store street whiskey salt pla8tkk of paris waterlime by the subscribers v truax phillips rinsstonftsa my is6 95z notice wright ingersoll have beer forsale at mr florence donogltueu ta vern ftjiifscuir in i3arrrldod smaller quanti ties 10 suit purchasers 1 57z fredericksburg lotit january 1s3g to mcrclannts and otbers lands for sale fcjtfmfc ackes of vnlualle land is ofter- supvf eil fur sale on most advantages term- ii is situated nlv a few mbs from the village of berlin in waerino township gore disirici and is not exceeded by any in the province for lenility j nnd is in a pood settlement eootatnin- about- r5 acrrs clear land whereon is erected a loj dwelling house sec iajeoqd title will he civen and possession may be had immediately this lot would well suit a small emigrant family with limited men and nflbfd tbetiva nur wild comfortable home the terms ar oiodvr- re applei by ictiet vm ni or fvwal h w peterson waterloo township gore district uc june 1st s36 celtic society of upper canada notice is hereby given that the time for receiving ibe essays as advertisedhy the society is postponed from the 1st of august lu tbe iuii of september oett john a macdovald secretary kingston 27th july 18s6 tiiei ruling machine for sale iheap tor rash apply at the office of the chronicle si gftztu information wanted of win harrison an englishman uppnfted 10 he in belleville u c or geneva u- s any information of hitn will be thankfully renivuj hv bis bmiher john harrison front street kingston gth augnst 1s36 eriiliiru will coaler a particular fvor by copyiog the alovc ra iouchtog at the intermediate ports iowa leaves odenshurgh wednesday evening 11 kinzstoo uc thursday morning sacketvnarbory do noon oswego do evening genesee river friday morning toronto u c do evening touching at youngioto and reaching lewis ton curly saturday morning leaves lewiston sunday evening genesee rirex monday morning oswego do afternoon sachets harur monday evening kingston uc tuesday morning tourhiog at french cfork mornstown alex andria and bruckville and arnviogai ogdens- burgli tuesday iftlfmoo r kftr to e b auavi ojdensburgh white sc hooua morristown j w puutttfti alexandria smith mkriuox frenebcreek j coctcb khastoo u c- bocklky clmk sackeivhafbor henry fitzhuqi oswego john t trowdudgb rochester jamcs browv uornnto obko smith vumgstown gcv i- ykoins liewiston june i6j6- ml ii to are notice chelsea ant other pensioners who paid by the commissariat the assistant commissary general herc by notifies i above description of per- sons that they n make rsusorcal applica tion at the bejiassing of each quarter to the nearest commissyi office for their pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from a gomnnsfriai office which might ren der it inconvfcnit or nac to the pen- x shhken to apply nl ihe beginning of each rior craft in which goods are forwarded a well as the certainly with regard to lime and diminution of risk attending the transport eet some objections have beeo raised to tbe anals being closed earlier io the fall than the rmr st lawrence and 10 obviate these objection he company intend tuts union to krep a full supply of boats on lb st- law rence not with a view of doing their business generally by that route but to aerommodate their cutocners in tbe spring end fall as well as to meet every possible contingency that might take place on the canal and restore to the compaoy the fullest confidence of the public to facilyitc hotwmf of goods destin ed for the forts of lakes ontario aod erie the company have arranged for their tranship ment at both the ports of prescott and kings ton but from its eligibility intend the latier to be the principal phce of transhipment when the rideau canal is reopened aod no ad vance on the present rate of freight will be de manded from their regular customers while the rideau canal is open in the fall their stores at prescott are those of the canada in land forwarding company aod mr wdick inson their agent will continue tocunduct the business there goods forwarded by the pjdeau canal will not be insured unless orde- u ibblwmhi those that may be lorwardl via tbe st law- renee will w insured hytb company unless otherwise duected mr r hacketi of the canada inland for warding aud insurance company will at all limes be ready to receive orrders for this com pany to whom as well tfis the company agents at montreal and kingston application may be made k cushiing atcent montreal w dickinson asent prescott g brush agent kingston jtraeft5 misclianeovh mr rath bon the following letter guti all tho particulars relative io the failure and forgeries of mr ratbbun that bad transpired ut the time tvheo it was written nod more than are furotshed by tho quftalu papers correspondence of the commercial jldvertisey buffulo aug 4 1b36 before this reaches you common fame will have nonnoaeed the failure of beojamio rath- buo of our city whom your paper have pro nounced the 1 girard of the wen tbe prominent situation of mr r iho martiitude of tho failure the painful circum staoce3 coonected tvith it taken io connection with thft effect which it may have ou the pub- tic mind abroad to relation to the interests of tliis city induce uie to detail to you such facu ns haveenmo to my knowledge for the last few days reports of ao alarming nature bad beco io circulation relative to the amount of rahhutf papfer endorsed by oor principal citizens which had beco or wet in market io new york the arrival last sa turday fcveoing of an afteot from new york tosecure eettain demauds against mr r led to the disclosure of tbo alarming fact that nearly all the endorsements on his notes were forgeries tbe disclosure of this fact to a ftw quarter or if fwfrn sitkness or oth ciiose good application cannot be made mrsoaally even once m the ear an officer wff be sent annually 10 visit stations to identify aod pay those who cannot for these causes present themselves at a 0 station the pensioner are en to keep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions will he hid only to them in person uo ibir betns idehtifij thereby it is further will crown offick june 20th is36 totice is hereby aivo that the courts i of oyer and teroiinec and senrral gaol drliverv and of assize and nisi prius in and for the different districts wll be as fol lows district eastern jnhnfilown ptihont toten cornwall ernckvilte prth kimrsion llamihcn is lurtrier unified that the gorernment samumeh not under ay circumstance recocnize london agents or the maia of any individual for- nuiwi amhvrs put on debt cootracird bx pensioners- comnviesjiriilft kingston i5u march 1336 75z prospect por publishing a copperplate map of the midland district the subsrihi p should sufficient incourarem rriven to publish a mpof the midl district including one ran of towtwipj tn newcastle dis- trieion a smle o wwfmt ftmwtfi an inch v exhibiting all the mail roads cross itta rnvvw rivulets lakes churches midline hotises offices saw mills grist mill tuwn villages vharvessteam boat landings it c by lot concession and township the undersigned beins about to build a copperplate printing press is determined to court commencing monday 1st allflwt tursdav 9th ancust monday 22d august midland thursday ut sept gore mcmidylm auist ivynrn klondn 22nd d- london tuesday 30th do nipara tursdv 8ih sept nswfurtle m a sjthdo- priaes edu v cdnnliy 5th oct toronin home mndey itlfa ocr of which all sheriffs coroners magis trate gaolers and ine peace officers are commanded to lake notice by order of the courts charles c small clerk of the crown aud plea prize medals rjlhe natural history sociktv tern paper it mtht be apprehended ihnt the filore of mr rathbuo rftutd be die ftrlvvpff the city a few weeks will prove auck op1o iods totally uofoujided his place m a build- er will no doubt in a month bo supplied by fit ly others his stores soon resuppliod wkfa goods and all bis other iotertsts fall into tft hands of men of sound capital aod if bcro- after wa do omicdke so much ooise abroad no uu thhbgf vub tbo nsma ws have always lusfahied of commercial rotegntj tod solveacy- 1 tt yours o print publish v vimii and mount ofmostiteslobrrthukephizbmk- wabs joi ioi ihicc ttiftl bftt 11 iy be presumed on the lohowiu subjects 1 on the connection between the lamguage aod the character of a people 2 on the physical history of rivers in general and of the st lawrence in particular 3 on the circumstances which aflvect cli mate in general and the cliioitc of lower i cjnada in particular nnitml man in ni- in x- 1 1 pr 4 on the comparative adaptation of prairie estmte en lo 3 tt f ij c settlement vf a new culumry piaf i the habits of exotic plants culttvated in the ip will bfe nearly s by 4 tect it will northern pans of america particularly as rc- emhraceiqurranue of townships from iiih garjs lhe chances induced on their agrncultu- tui5i aso wplf howe and ral and horticultural propenivs 1m i lhe smd slftnds ad xlw conditions are- j r u whii executed in a styles isk f essavs shall be presented on or equal ttf the autho mop 0 p kdward it will be nablisj on 0 copper enravin coloured armsh mounted od rollers and delivered to tutreribers ai four dollars per copy payable ou htliverv- pvelmore hamowelloctoi wr 1s3x t beftrc thejoth uf february ia36 2 j the essay may be in french qr en glish 3d the names and residences of the auth ors most be concealed to ensure whicsli each tnotto anjhtiu be ncconi of our discreet aod wealthy citizeos satisfied them that hi failure was inevitable j and im mediate measures wore taken to ioduco him to make an assignment of his properly for tho benefit of hw creditors which was completed 00 monday eveniog on tuesday commenced tho great land sale stniagara full io which mr r wns deep ly interested the nsiignees being desirous that the beorfil of that sale might accrue to i the creditors permitted him to attetd it on tuesdny n i wednesday hut about 0000 on wedoetday somo of the assignees htenming alarmed ut the fearful extent of the responsi bility which they had assumed tuuk pattes- siouof iho kysof the vaults about the same time also reports uf the forgeries began to cir culate this ahumed lyman ruihbun the brother of benjamin nnd hi chief roaocicr whu despatched a messenger to apprise hi brother of the crisis and immediately loft the city himself prompt measures were then taken to secure iho good aud property in tho various stores workshops uarohnuscs harm c all of which wh effectually duoa and cheerfully ac quiesced io by soma two thousand iudividoals iu his employ although throvru out of busi ness for the present measures were immediately taken by the police to arrest both of the raihlnma and they returning to the city during the night were secured aud are now iu jail every thiol that sound judgment and pmeverence could accomplish has been dono by the as siguocs to tecore the property and they have already commenced tbe herculoao uok ofea- ecutiug tbeir trust h tfovuinefr iiio p wjiihi iiiy- ctmiii led mo to net io this affair was most painful tu commit my friend whom 1 have known and esieeniod for the last sixteeu years as a kind and benevolent neihhor a publicspirit cd citizen nnd n uuiforoi friend io dq aflpkfk lo commit such a man ai a felon fluid make you act the woman hut jtnlmwpfet cd it- lire character of our city required it tho facts which transpired 00 tho examina tions and have eomt 10 my knowledge since have utterly astouishcd mc first a to the amount of tbe forgeries which do doubt far exceed a million of dollars pivbably about seventenths of the amount have lieeo dis posed of east and the balance west of this cny indeed i believe he can comparatively have but linu genuine paper afloat or iu bank ii is ascertained that tho name of dan iel e evans has b forged to pnper ox- cecdiog two hundred and fifty thuumod dol- essay shall have a hiw p tt 1 lani- nnd the names of several of our respect panied by a sealed note superscribed with the t ndu tlid urt w w c 32 and thft home same mono and cootaioin the name and res idence of the author this note shall tmily he opened in the case of the kssay beios ipeclnred worthy of a prize otlierwlm ii sluil lhe des- 1 roved 4ih the successful essays shall renhain the commission offick thk undersigned bein about to establish 0 dnot for the reception of west india dily h1oes1 bjs leave tn inform his friends and the tanmrs of this province and the ad joining states that he will he happy at all times to renin their orders aod furnish the article at the lowesl newyork prices j fl glaekk kington 1st july 1s3s gz scobklvs inspection store bscobfcll general inspector of pot ash bef and 1ork prtwdls hi cor dial thanks lo ihe merchants and other inhab itants of ktngswn and lhe vicinity for the liberal patronage they hove extended to him during ilw p year and he bega leave io in form ihetn that be has removed his inspection business from the hoo j- kirbys store to the large 3nd convenient store and wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr a mc- donell where be will be always ready to in spect such articles as may be consigned 10 htm for that purpose and he hopes from ins ion- experience punctuality and strict attention to business still to merit the approbation and support of hie public n ii fur sale 500 ib3 weight of smoked nnms s0q0 do chetrae 2000 do upper canada butter 2 tons of lard in kegs fur foulily use mnu rscobeix kingston april mih i35 2 district dikkctory with mnn vac coltndnr li lie years is3c and is37 this work is uov j p and will be completed about t jjih of august nex it will cviuiuan alphipctical list of the inhab- property uf the society itant househuhleri 0 lne city of toronto and i 5h the society reserves to tiselftbie riht its lihentes as wi as ao alphabetical list tn withhold the pri2 should noone of iheks- of the inhahitani householders of the 52 says on any particular subject appear deserving tuwnshtpsof the i district disiinush- of it in the number ul lt ot and concession it the essays are to be nddrrssed to j s will contain a re 0 civil eccleiasical mcoau esq correspoading sccretaryy of the commercial letrj medical and miscellau- society cous tnaiier the act of incorporation of the anduew ii armqjur city of toronto l l enacted by the j recording htorrttary couticil a pw nnec table sic r as thc f- of all public papers in th brtlsh this work will r vl1 so much information pmviiiccs uil- emcer 0 lavroo tie 3cni hyftf- ahke useful o the slrin ihe inhabiiants of injzaniawiiion toihe uhove or hy nncmu hni the lhe cny and ofll onm district ftstvell as j odttmbl columns of their respective yiurnak ihelnhahhants of irovtnce qiieraliy able ciiifceos to a very laro amount oach about seventy ihnutand dousrs of mr rs paper u in one bank iu ohio every dollar of which 14 probably forged and what appears mnrvcllou in this traosaction sever jl thou- saoddollarsuf forced endorsements aro held by brokers in our own city the counterfeit so per fect und the payment so punctual that it has uot ben discovered although such paper has beco in market weekly if out daily for tho lat eighteen tnnuths this failure although of such an immense magnitude wtl not to any seriotis extent from tbs alcuadru guett our corraspondeor a b has parformtd ao acceptable service io collecting tba facts which ho embodies to what may bo called bis thoughts on tho preseoi discontents aod io giving utterance to bis reflections opoo iha progrcis of disaffection to the laws aod xbm general decline of public virtue if history be philosophy teaching by example how aw- ful are the warnings aod terrible the lessons of the history even of ourowo times and our owo country look at tho picture presented by our correspondent aod sea howstroog an tb symptoms of decay of nattooal morality aod consequently of national bappioess aod great- oess i nor ought any raao to shut his eyes to the real state of tbe case to be forewaroed is to be forearmed possibly by havlog at- icuttod arouied to the facts a salutary refurm may be brought about in the minds tempers and dispositions of the people and a corrcc- vkm wo flflplfett 0 wfc iluiiucn grant it even by thoio who may out acquiesce in all tho opinions expressed io the essay of our corrcfpoodeut with regard to the eases cited thojcgcni eooclusioos to which ho arrives must be admitted all must acquiesce in tbo justice uf the moral deduction it is a source of some saiisfactioo to us to reflect that in relation to each and all tbe io stages of violence disorder aod guilt enume rated this press io its humble sphere has per furmed its duty it has never hesitated to di rect its severest censures agaiast all outrages upon the iaixcs of the land- rtioie pillars and supporters of the social as well as political edi fice uarfer which we live and to upturn or de- stroy which vtould be a crime iu your eyes past forgim0i fflogaess 07 disaffection to the laws a0o drcli5e of public vteto the last dumber of tho london quarterly revjctv has an able article od ibe subject of french novels aod the immoral tendency of this species of freoch literature a perusal of this article caonot fail to impress the reader wiili a cooviciioo uofavorable 10 the state of morals io that couotry it presents tbe siogu- lar anomaly of a people most vehement a4 successful to cooteuttoos for principle aod who are yet in reality possessed of 00 principle at all or at least of oooe that can add to tbe true glory of a nation whatever benefit individ ub nod ipiivfflymvnrirmai ewfljti drjuly ifis apvrebvfrnmtfie stare ox affairt to france that no esseotial good hsa beeu achieved for the caute of religious liber ty or for the great moral ioteffcsisof the couo try the looseness or the morals to the penple lod their utter disregard of all the restraints imposed by religinui feeliog nod social order fnfcj in perfect keeping with the tyrannical a diets ngainst the press aod tbe almost popular attacks upno tbe life of the sovcreiga whilo this deplorable state of tbiogs it mo ving onward in a confessedly enlightened pan of the old world and hasteuing to a crisis that must inevitably disturb lhe foundation of soci ety there nnd by its example injuriously affect nod order every where it will be well for those who have these interests at heart to en quire into the moral and political cundrtion of our own country nod tho security we enjoy against ihe uubridlcd licence of tbe mot m the one hand and laiety of law no the other if rotniug events cast their shadows before nod thetraosaciioui of a few years past in a rious quarters of tlie uuioo ere foreruoaers of evils hieh are yet to embryo tlco we repose upon the bosom of a volcano and rest iu de ceitful security but the whole subject affords n fruitful theme tor an abler pen nnd a more elaborate cxamiuniioo thao cau be given it within the compact of a newspaper it is only intended now to glauce hastily at some ctuie more prominent transactions of the mob io order to show the uucertaiu basis upon which tho peace of society aod the rights of individ f r m- rest ms ore offers circulation willte ateu and it iltei an excellent nmi f lerchaois ad-rcniw- ments which vrik inserted at a rtie i ttwv be agreed upon wii le proprietor gfokg id wal rnchev cuildmcs kingstreet citv of toronto- sotice rjjvlf subscriber beps leave or upon tbe usual is requested terms anearly rpplict toronto joly sj 1936 i lz ed t5 of neiivafin b i this will hove copy ofthe w f4iisales a qnuhy 0i vxcellent writing ink at the a ohron co wjjune office corner of king aod ilruek streets n kqofhloi bis friends nod tho publk generally irhal he lias received invoices of the rollowiiig articles the ship thalia from liverpool hu me the wav from montronl rik ulaek feet the prosperity of this city the lo anv not he great and will principally foil vc arc accustmcd raore ihnu any other no the rich 1 icaru llml llc asslftomoot ftrt j people on earth perhaps to confide in the raa- provides far ml workmen of all classes holt jsty uf the laws and in the willingness of the ciiizns to obey their maodates the people themselves beiog the fountain of all authority it t ircinftoed that none arc so reckless or mad those wo furnished mnierws for build iugs fee thus the lairing rlasiea nro provided for further details in relation 10 the asit cr qtant have not come in my kiowledg but i bi l0 bf guilty of the suicidal act of subverting am idftrmed bv the osigncet whoso intrgri- i which they themselves have made now on uie witv tcom j tv uill not boqncslioitoj hint iho provision or of trampling upnn a cnntitution which bad i nnd blue superfine wl f eoglntl v j u nol on equiahte hecn erected by the patriotism of their fcthers bot oftcxceptiun ulita the cash value of the and tn truth m a rational aud dispasstouate re il aod personal etaie i cannot pctcud to mind such a conclusion is natural enough- estimate but am confident it will exceed two but we know or ought to knovr that however millions of duller noil should the times bo pleating this confideoco in our institutions aod this rciiunre on tbe deference of our citizens 93z ara new goods armstbonq fc guekr inviiethent- traiion cf th- j to their splendid new stock of jty g rl gfoceriea wines and liqoms which ii ara nuvv from dav 10 day rec he g and lood compa- 1 ho vw oliphn olive green a cd methy cilnwi do- mn d dotiile ami single milim cassimercs uuk do fncv buckskin the latest luoilon pom ems 1 of valentin and marseilles vcstmgs wtui w 1 bls irinmincs for tho above i ho whu tti he found inferior to noon in the mark both for durability and cheapness the latest fatlihtfm lnys recoivtvd nod gentlemen occoinmodatcd with asutt in twelve hours f j o lakes thi nppniintuiy of rcq thoso customers whose aecoonts stantlit article roue uys lijse kinifton i to can and settle ns inoiwy i scarce n market and at the proicl liim j r fafomhle for closing the eonccro nil the cred itnrs mnv ho paid even hicluding the holders for the klm may be in theory we are not uf furced paer a urge portion of tho rea 1 without example of their utter futility io prac- estnteii located oetr the centre cf the city lico oflate years what country has exhm- nnd will always command btph pricca ami a lied o many iosiaoces of a reckless dnregrd ready sale- it may bo supposed abroad that of tho rcstrait r posed by luw and order aa mm wll rft t ho piico of ri i 0u own when it her n time ie lb or jtttlkiug from some ar- rrcat flooj ihit iore 6culike sceaei bare is itnj en imw llv i 1 kidgion mill fue lafi imi iicl wiich ivhvo appef liumioieoftlitfca- becu wiinocj than ihow ihai have digrtcj

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