Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 17, 1836, p. 4

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removal drew strong hetlftby lenders b smufal irlmew ledemratt to a generous public lor the very flauerinz support he has received while keeping ihe strain boat hotel in this place and begs to acquaint his humorous customrrs thai he has his day opened his mou splendid establishment the north american hotel cobourg situated near the tecm boat landing where he will ihankfully receive nnd promptly attend the call of his customers af fording ihein accomodations which aha it nor b surpissd by those of any establishment in the province said stand will be fount to yf- ford very great accommodation to persons ar- tivio at and taking their pnssac ivimi ibis place in the several steam boats that touch daily at the wharf the proprietor of the above establishment continues his fine of stages to lb rice lake and from thence to peterborough which is well furnished with good covered cunages first rate horses and careful drivers- seats nuty be taken at this house io the kinesion and toronto mail stace horscs and carriages are constantly in read iness to convey pisseogers lugyage to any part of the country cobour u c- may 1st 1336 looz t 8 a 5 lake ontario l onta steamboat arranfteaacnta for is6 npi ri ff t gs3at bsieijh the j stat s l0yoy uillim lininc ul 100 propelled by a lnv rrertuni uorse puwftp theonlvmf tim phhiihiiwi prweoil ami to- rmottiliiui crossing the lake to or from wvryr k7ihi on the cpeoinc of the navigation vv avitutvftcc her regular weekly trips running lullow riz will itmve prcrott fnr xiatfvrfl every 5a mr day evening after the arrlvtil of the montr stages or sreattilmht tuaeh- intfai itrirkviile and gftjtooue- wlii arteft th 1st thk great britain crr- wnitvkti crcntg np havtt tuesday evening do do wednesday forenoon or fvbi rlt as f the united cap va cib states up taws itnicts sunday cobourg uud port minimi hope sunday even- do thursday do friday i 4 l or- noticli is hereby given that the pnrtoersbip hctiveen the undersigned at pojov henry store under the firm of tdtvrd nohte 4 co expired this day all porgons indebted to them aro requested to pay the amount of their account to ldivtrd noble who will pay all dom due hr the into firm edward noble andrew mcadoo david duff point henry may 10 133g 92z cdavid duff cootioucs ibc business ai the tore notice the subscriber having made arrangements to carry on the hnsineti of auction eer and general commission merchant in the extensive and move ment premises formerly occupied by parker beso- in store street takes this oppor tunity of aooouueiog his readiness to receive consignments angus cameron auctioneer commission merchant kingston may 14 183g 92z the maatreal gazette will please copy tbii during cliildreu8 friend society kingston committee t a meeting in kingston on monday the 20th iostant of persons desirous furthering the benevolent object of this insti tution called at the request of cipt orroj agent to the society in canadi for ihe pur pose of establishing a branch committee nt kingston for ihe reception and distribution of children in the midland district the fal lowing gefltlecnen were respeciivrly consiiiu- icd members of the same with power to arid fo their number viz v3cra0l akcudcacoff t r s t l l d ftr r d cartwbicht a fih hokorabte johr kircv hofforapl johw mlcaulat thomas markland esi j p jamcs saupson ksq j p william logic esq- j p james iacfakla5e esq j p johw iabk9 esq j p thomas scobell esq d a c g the latter gentleman being also appointed correepondiog secretary of the said commit tee the committee give notice that thev are ready to receive applications for children tfarougb the secretary who is prepared logive every lofojmation on the subject no com- muoicatiofl will be atteoded to unless the postage be paid kioejwofl juaemd 1836 city of toronto monday morning hamilton monriav afternoon and rive at ningani on the same evening pottnwakus willlcnve ninjpira for pnscott every tues dy afternoon at 7 oclock city of torcnio wednesday morning at 10 oclock cobonrg and porthope wednesday i evening ti kiossion thursday morning touching nt gnnmoqueand urorkville and ar rive at prescoti in the afiernooo pisseosers leavins niagara on tuesday evenings and the city of toronto wednesday forenooru by the william iv will arrive in montreal on friday evcutrfr passing the thousand islands in the day time thl boat so favorably known o the travelling public a a first rate sea boat and combining the indispensable requisites of speed punctuality and comfortable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trust rttive a very liberal support for freight or patfrtge apply at the post office at presrotl or brocfcville b phillips kingsin h e nichols cobours harbor co port hfipe j hrown toronto d c cunn nod a land hamilton j niven co niagara wm dulfand wm wynn queenston or to the cnpuin n board bo jill freight payable otr delivery to con rigftt j and alt parcels and inzzogc at the ruk of hi topuctt unui given in charge of the purser and bonked prescott april i 1s3g 9gz preot- brocjkvius kiofemoi oswego i cobourc port hipe 1 1ormto and nrrvesat niagara tueenston jlofi lie same forenoon coming doicn leaves lewistm saturday at 2 t niagara do at 3 toronto do at 10 port hlot jfjtv sunday cclourg do oswego do kingston monday brvckvfsfl do and nrves at prescott same afternoon touch i ins wina p and coming down at alexan- dna bay and french creek j pisensers leavina niagara by the great j britain on saturday will arrive in montreal on tuesday evening oopassengers by either boat will pass tit m 13 livening morning do do and afternoon r do do morning do 0 p morai noon kveni mornt kvtning ins log day ncd coin ocdenshurgh and prescoll sunday kingston monday sackcts harbor do lowrao do 1 rochester- tuesdiy toronto do and arrives at younstown and lewismn ear ly on wednesday movnipefring passengers all lte day to visit the fills aud return by the boat coming dotcn leaves lewiitoa wednesday 7 youngstown do 3 koehester thurstny oswego do night sockets harbor do 12 morning kingston friday noon jvnd arrives at ogdensbnrgl vame touching goin up and enningdown at mor ristown lirockville alnaadria bay and french creek passengers leaving the nigara by the uni ted states on wednesday ewniog will reach montreal on saturday eveniitr pass tbe st laurence from kingsun to montreal by evening do morning k night morning afternoon vemng a good ixvkstmest mr september scheme advertised be low present a fivnrabla oppiutunity to those who wish io inveal small sums nd receive large returns the four virgin ia scheme and the four grand consolidated lotteries requiro 00 puffing ihoy speak for themselves wo witnhl only recotnmcod prouipi orders as the demand for tickots iu great ho sure and ndlres s j sylvester j30 broadway new york capital twentyfive thousand dollars virginia statu lottery class no 8 fr the benefit of tbo muoonxalin academy to be drawn hi alexandria va saturday sep 3 is3g scheme 82500o 000 5 00o 3501 s2322 id prize of 2100 in prizt of 1500 in of sum in or 500 20 uf 8100 20 of s20u j5 of sim c tirhrts 10 shares in proportion certificate of a iwkago of 22 whole tick ers wtil comnly 120 halves and quarter in proponiorf delay oot to scud your orders to fortune hume likht roparties from the south intending to visit niagara falls will find in pleasant and cx- tious route to lake ihe lake steamers at oswego or rochester dated m ay 26 ist 982 to sell or to rent a large and commodious dwelling housk pleastnly pmuated in the vil lage of napanre the house contains eight mnms and nihr conveiirn afl a daions suname for i family apply to a marpbcrsnn i- napanee or in rinsiun to or pteii ktflston 9ti april is3t s2z ummi en s jpnena the stttpcriber begs leave ii pttwic thttt he has been di wmivfrfrr ifaie number of child phildrans friend spciety 10 acquaint the disappointed in ildren which he xpecie flnly 1 5 bavioj been sent out but xhtf remaitfder rz 85 boys and girls will arrin io ihe cnarse of the present season and tteixrillic9jiptteihubirs rr uijj be 01- ibfldtefto john orrok secretary for the canndnf gore bank the annual general meeting of the stnck- holderft will be held at the office of the baok otf fhe first monday in allffuvl next at ten oclock a m for the purpose of electing directors forthe ensuing twelve tnonih a sternb cahir hamilton 18th june 1836 1mi storage and wharfage the sobecrther having been encased in the above business fur pearly thirteen yeara wishes respectfully to inform his friends and ibe public that he continues at his old staod knovvn by the name of m mcuuires wharf where he will he at all times ready to receive such property as may be entrusted 10 his care and he has determined thai all notice commissioner for cmtcn lands office tnrrnto icth hey 1336 tilelmes ami places for sale of crown lands mid clery reserves during the present ycar ill he ufollowi y thb irestry district for crown ln and clemy uescrves in he county of kenrnnd town luti in chat ham and krroll at chatham on the lit tues day in june and on the firn tuesday in july alljcoiti september aod october fidlotring for clery reserves in ihe county of es- fxmd town lots in sandwich and am- bcimboah at sandwich on ihe ttiird wed nesday in juno and on the third ucdueduy in july august september aod octobrm- lottinf icefcreneo may he made to the asrnt for tho crwji for ihia ouiricr mr henry jones residing in chatham for further iu- formation em the loydoy district for clergy reserves in the euuniv of nor folk at sirneoe on the 1st june nud on the 2d july 2d august september lsi oc tober nd 1st november following for clergy reserves iu tho county of ox ford at kbumlfitrd no ihe 4th juuij and on tho otll jdy 5th aocum 5th september 4th october and 4th nnveinlier following fr clergy retcrvo in tho county of middlesex noil tmvn lots in london at jyn donoothosih lime umt on iho 3ih july 9th aoom 7tb september 7ih october and on tho sth nuvnnbrr follou iig reference may he mnilo v hit aent fnr itift croivn for this ditrit t john it askiiv enquire residing iu london for further iufur- v the home district for toun iott in pjn credit and brooii in this city o tho 23d may intanr and for such crnwn lanin nnd clerjr kepeated representations havcnfi hern made to the committee of the fijastfoft by men in business that it would greatly accominodate the public and allay thr apprehensions which many entertain by uie nnpid movements of both the king ston and brncktitlct consequent on the opposi tion if days of one of the boats were alter ed and expressing a wish that the kingston would take other days although convinced that they had the ribt of keeping the days of last vear and the injustice of another boat taking the same days when there were other day of the week unoccupied the commit tee of ihe kingston ben to intimate to the pub- lie that in order to afford them greater facilities and convenience they have decided nn alttin the chys or sailing under the con fident expectation that it will he duly apprecia ted- they herefore give notice that lor the future the steam coat bay river the splendid stem boat h c alder mvsteu will leave preston for ihe linil of ilia biy of quime on tocdnyo and frilny nn tie artiviil ofthe sionmcr bulpii1n lonch- iiikai itrocttville und gnnawqtas sk ij lcivo kiisitod od her cw trips no wefl- dhdliyi nod saiordajbnt half past 8 oclock a- ri and will call at he following pla ces v jacob bontkft hastctj downward vpijlmtc the carrying plac on tuesday and ffidaif mornings m 3 ovine logchinj st the river trent anieliakurh beiirvillo sophiasbtirh culbertsons scanjaas wharf ha unwell adolphustoivn irelerieksburah and buth to kioflllooi will leave kingstoa fame day ai 6 p m touch at kairmann oa- dsomut kmckvihe and arrive at prescoti in time for the seam coat for montreal ronlitr mnu mohawk village sophfacvftch ielrrvllte amclivsnukcn nd carrying place stop ool r at each place hctpl when there may ht passengers arc tccnesicd to bo iu itwards eave prescoti every jlednfzthy and m immediately after the arrival saturday p of ihemfamhoat from bvlonr lotielnnc 1 brock ville freueh cnek and arrive at kinir stun earlv nest niornin will leave kingston everv jllondaif and thursday morning at 9 oclock touching at the iniermedinte places and arrive at the car rying ptice same evening in time to meei ihsmiges for cubourg port hope and iv ronto all packages and lii2zae at ihe risk of the offrff unle given in charge of the purser and booked every attention will be paid to the com foil of phteueirs and ihe pimi i well adapted 10 taw freight horses c c may 27 is36 wz itir fnrirntcrfccicti aoolpntatolvjtf scala aud arrive at the trent the sitnc evenings she will leave the trent and carrvin place on ilc kvftqinss of wedntay ftm suodar fir dellcvtlle and laao ilr lievillo fr prescon nn mondaja and tliurttlay nt imlfpatt g a jt culling at all rheiofrjincdiftta placc5- tlio ltncvim uill kavc puuctuaily a advcriuftl and as ahe xv til stop oolv n feu oinnte bo fro readiness the speed nnd elegant reenmmodaiioni nf the hrockvillk ara so v ill komvoihnt they rrpiro un furllier reec freight or pnwago npply bnarl or m the cow an tt he s lie- selleville j j ilf- menider kingston ifulu viltc and tho fooftivinc kramer prerin ifenry i anderson prcdrirkshurh samuel adolphtmtown samuel solmei liurxh wm pnr co mnbaivh villnfc tlimruti rlrfllahon amiimursti shemim matvfcy river trent charlcl uiftfar car- rjinc pliiee aun nt the stores of j couii- rrr eq and itlem truax phillip ewiolori i61i1 mnv 18 97z tliietiuafi 10 tbe c for lain 00 b hartleir r llalhrnen t t ihirvey brack agents th as httlvr uiili jolin cisejr sophtas- la oki asio th f st n am packet rc5crve as are lor srcnul tuesday in sale at ibis cty on iho juno nntl on tuo second august september and stea bpats shall lie at his wharf free of wharfage n b- stfatn boats may be supplied with wood on the lowest terois john kingston 27ih april i88g mcgtire 87z to let from the first day of november nex that commodiotis llouse and store lately occupied by messrs j- d- bryce co situat ed on the west side of store stnet in the town of kingston near the commercial hoiel thw premises are exceedingly well sdapied fot commercial purposes biiriir situat ed in ih n ji ir of the toivn best calculated for ajl binds of business if necessary possession will be given on the 1st of june next- for iuciher particulars applicanon may made 4vher to james nickalls jun tcq kingston t to hobert maxwell esq montreal bank i fftftfacon sth may 1835 6z bw goods fclhbsubscribtrsaie now nceivjdff by the ibkbrrivale from london liverpool ciaictrvr eftensite nssonmenis of ijie m kintfa of staple and fancy 4kkkw laces small wares luat iheyare m ibe habii of imporiintr kobert armour fr co m ikmini uy 26 18s6 1002 1 tuesday in july october follou n jv the vyetvcjistle district for crokn lands clergy rcsrrvrn aod town low in petrrhomusli and lindsay at ieterhoruuch no ric firt toedny iojnoeatd on the fivi tuesday in july aogum tpicio- ber j and omobcr following for town lni in tho villaec lately sur-cv- el at the month nf the trent in dial town 1 no ihe 15th nf juno and un the 2ud wvihics- j day in july august septemlier and octo ber follow ing- kefcrence may he mado to rfia afenl for tho cmwit fr thi oistriet alcxandkr imc dowkll liq residing at tcieiborough for further informal to lst reeeivett and iot sale at the corner cf kins and brwk street heady reckon ers find lennes ciramiujir- kinsion jan 16 i93li kctice to emigrants rtrl t undermenitnned tiowrnment a sen is cahitdi inf will on applieaiion n fiord fmiranis mation rciitive io the crown lands for i in their respective districts and ihe con- ditifrfs upon which ibev nny be obtained bjr j- srott emigrant agent pre- con johnstown d siricii tit jghq ncyaviltton agent io ihe cnm- muetoner ir crown lands uytown bitb- ursi district air vhuhnny jwnnnhan emigrant agent kingston midland district mr jjlexandee vcigiitl aent to the cuiftpihsioner for crown lands pvterboro xewcastle ujtrict ir jbai ti- jlskittt arent for the com- cfowo lands londoo london cart prapeltvd by a low han tftn oxly sltram t r- johnson pressure t pcvtr t which engine nf 50 fmi1s rrfit- dav itfttl iailv bktwecff vincjton and osweco ill leave k mcion every monday wrifnetfiv md friday morninrr at past s oclock t oswego every tties- sniurjay nt iime hour and nn sowhavs will a rhursday and further ooiice make an extra irip leaviuc klocmoo at 6 m nd reluming tin nme evenitij the canada wi ias rjn for many years between toronto am niagara is schooner wil known to he second io ti she is will calcula- lreijht ami passengers j it loo mue npplv o messrs oswego meurs truax ii or to the captain on and 3r rrtp millers reteijrod direct from the jjjftit rttftind direct from the manufac tfr vttrwyq europe with whom nrrance- ipgwywi otati ftfcln of the best quality viz j geal dutch bultidg cloths assorted lackmore patent do- do ftemeh burr siooes for sale by lahocque bernard t co july 36 i8z ly the bj2iijurst district forclerjy rmefreii the counti-snflan- ark and cahtun ai bytown on the 2d weil- nelay in juno and on tbo2w wcflitesrhiv in july atfgutj semembcr and uctoliervol lou ihr fur twn lots in richmood at hat town on tho 6unc ilay ly the ottawa district for clergy rh0roi in iho counties of i and rusf ii nt hyttwn on iho 2d wednesday in juuu am on lhtt 2r wednes day in july august september and octo ber follntviui ucferencu may ho mado rn iho acenuof the crown for theso dutricth john mc naugiiton bq residing at ifytowo fur furtber information qschodnln nf rho particular lnts in he sold in ach towiuhlp specifying also the terms of salo have bten printed and will he put up nt the court iioimo at the offices of cork of the pence and hcmjl nnd iu mher cnnsjictou pifteei in earfi district which reheilule may bo lad on application to iho cmiiffiissioucr for cruwu liud or any uf tho ahovenamed acrjls schodnlcc nrn preparing fcr the midand and mher lmi iu ivhirb ibero ntn rotvn lnndi or cjtrjy renrvcij fr nalo bod null cos of theso sales wil hcipecillv pivrn peter robinson lt oct 5i huffed none as a sale cea b lej io convey both with safriy and cxp for froiflfh or p trobrilre grant phillip kinystc board kington way 2 naisiuncr fur district mr ilmrtf j joftfsi agent to tbe coin- missianer for crown lunds chatham wcs tern diinci- kmton ftlay 2- i 1830 94z thev will auo tvc inforniaiion as in ifici jv routedtstancesaod rates uf conveyance io j nfland psj1lms ihose parts of the province 10 frlucli i mi kvao wiiii aihi uiilmut tnusic sold grants may be desirous of proceeding and di- j nl clirtmiro btgmeue ulhcc rect ihohmn want of work to pbtcea where i kwgmod may 17 1835 93 thev can obtain it the undermentioned cenilemcn have been ps of 1 lie townships open furnished with m fur hkaiion and will eive fmicran niainin relative to the lands fur sjic io respieiive neighborhoods prngle cornwall frowr brockville mckenzie u i dildvvin fair6eld brown kingsnnll elliot ii lor their iwlr m l l iff ih belleville hallo well cohourg port hope sandwich wanted immediately rbl wo journeymen cabinet ujafcerann rn fe io ibe hesivcq fc vouns van as appren aafdq hnint- lilrrl tvae4 wi none but persons of good habtia rived apply e conk kingmon v c mm 2 1836 qiz virginia saio lottery class 5 fort benefit of the towu of wellahurg to drawn at alexandria va stiiurdair- sci s3 250 20 n fiftv prizes of one thousand dollars ho to be iirjurn at alexandria va siiiurday sdpt 10 1630 capinikthiriv thnuanl pollnrs 000 810000 86000 83140 3000 82000 5u of glooo 3d 0 500 h0 tickl 10 dollirs a cpriificiti- ofn pirkae of 25 whole licfc- ols ill lc sent for 130 imiars pltpfcasm of lialve quarters and eiglnlis iu propurtiua grand consolidated lotte jty clan no- 37 fnr 183c to bu ilrnwa at uilmingioo wednesday sept m 1830 sclieme 20000 10000 3000 2000 91230 20 prizes uf 5o0 20 of- 300 20 3200 c ie tirkcts oulv 5 ilniiff a ctniiicirc of a pinvcio nt 25 whole tiikats will bo sew for 05 dollars packages of shares portion a g meeting of 1 i xa s0 of he bank of zsl held at vm bnk on ihe 6th jun uu i honorable samuel hi tovsfijr od cwirman of the said e3lpa staternem of the affairs of the smssp submitted with sundry other expuuatorv d umentsafier which the following rtfz were proposed and adopted nemine control cente namely wa no uresohed that the thanks of tbt stockholders be iiten 10 the president vied president and directors ofthe bank fortfecr hble mauajsemcot ofthe bniness of the inui luiion ida 8 rcsnhed that the rhaoksof tbe single holders he ivcn io hie cashier beoi fuamtsj lisq- fur tuzl and ability shown br him in his dcpariioetil ut the hank no z thstitedi tlltt the thanks of the xun iohlei he conveyed to ihe preidnl sod ircriii nt ihe cucbw branch nf ihe invito- iion itr ihetr zraluas sitieutioo to the affan llircofonfnlrd io lliir cliare nu 4rttaldrd that ihe thanks of ibe stockholder be aiven io alex simpson ew lor hi lime conduci of his depanmeot of tbe quebec branch of t lie bank no trsotccd that i lie sum of five hundred pound he ffiven to the hen petti m gill i a convidcriiron for his troubleinsu- pcrincndi ihcomtfds of ibe bank no 6 rcnhrd that ihe sjmnf three linrdrrd pounds hprecned to ihe hoaontjt iwso htsvttn n a connidfriioq for ls iror hie in uperiitfndiiij ilir itjjrs ofthe titbf ijranch bank no 7 rritrii that in us much as re charier of the corporation will expifeooai ll tfjunemxl ii i pp0ifeot hat ihed ttim nuifpl ie bwctmrv steps for iisreoew- il itn i in ihe event of fuilm in iht tesptct tlml thvy call a meetinaif iliesiockhomn inke iitio conidrnrjn the mot eligible aod a iv rihjj nf conhniniii tin hnsine5s no s piovfj thai the foregoing b lotions he inserted in ie puhhc papers is which ihe caul uoticet arc uualtv puwitwi s- hatt chaima c tajt secrrfif montreal cih june isw csifffttd to pro the great 14 drawn jyo seumc nearly c many wm as blanks ft virginia state lottery nn 4 fur il ft benefit of ihe town of wheeling n be ilraivn nt alcnaodria saiurdiy stpt scirw tliirry thnuranu tewirwrf igls- ou0 6000 85000 84000 10 of 1000 15 of 600 20fs500 20 of 40030 of 300 c tickets only tin dutiars certificate nf piekae of 25 whole tick et in litis wmasnijhmt sclume ttmy he had for 130 dlhurs packages of halves aod quar ters io prcptriiuu tn the cnlier ofthe sia ye for iim eiisui yjnntwal bank pn ihefollowinzsioe fuciars uf the iftrtital w t ii atfirrof ejf cftmtks uftv0vi kflf tib hon lov cior loss 1 vtfletxi k1- wllihm lun vn l iihmlfg joern massov esn it l kerttf em jmeftl silctst tq ma3l3iotn scheme ikgima state lottctty no r ilic liicfn f ilic ktvcbaiiien bncv- mem socitiyf nuifulk io he tlrmvn t alrxnndrin va suturdnv sepl 24 163g capitam 830 imw 83100 s4ikhi s- 0008250031067 100 f 1000 del- hits ill nf 500 nllars 20 nf 300 hi 2i0 c e tichii tri dollars a certificate r pnrkao uf ulinlotirkr uill imsrii fur 130 dilliirs ilnlvcs qi irrs mul rriii iii proportion onlcr fr glo tickeu or pnrltajem tnui h nhlretoil 1 s j svtvpstbk 130 uroadicay jycw- yoi fc- kotice commifoner of cratbn lvnd office jwoiit luth my i3j s rpniili lfincail plttcei for ibcsftle nf crowti nntl iory rtocrvw during the pmeoi jeur will he tin folloud mi3u9d ditict jjt fi ii mile for crown tanil in the gnnntt f flatting mi ihn 2uili jun 20th jtilj pteuilnr 20li october afoiilres c d johm john ln ct rait p ross- jwtie 193 11 david toujuncki scrutitfen otlku caaoa mutua- tire iuoluksim- a t meeting m iltv reehusiitrs ofthe nij- innd district diil c by publirid- vrtieeniefii pnrsunni ottaactpwjhufcew yimr il the reisn uf wm iv tai 1 ii iv vnuimao a jmont uf mtiioalb ih joteril uiriciof us iroeinre hvul n ihr court ucmenlkc imvit l kniston ots monday he 6th dajj jite uimuit ill i omh nt toon m inirpnpo of almkfill ivluihrr it beesphw ti cfttabtleh 10 such i irict a kirelnfuroct cmpnnf tn the principle of muiuai i reiicc in conformity with the pronsioctrf lliesihuve iiieniiunrd nri and upwarjso40 n nir iein prvttfti i the said meeting lnv cttmlv e3 ihe ciiair 3inj mr tetntvi i the rnn to auiliuft- the tn inina coiilptinu in 11 invinq hfencalwo dnwti appointed spe lt sent n iv a 5 h il 1 ew ited tiiai i inceiins dvqi i inim iuir ml 201i auel2ulli s nnil slsi nvcnijrr t ajcnt fr grown tmls in ur nf lenox jlddiatslott or jpn 25ih july 2iih aiilikt tin- cnnn tlin 94lli 54ih s- jit liuiston tr crown luml in the cnumv nf froiumac on the 30th jnir 23h jply 29th anfimtsoilisepieuttiofschh octuber nml 20h nnvrmlim at iiiltville fur clergy recrv in ilic rmuity of boilings nn thr sulll june 2flili july aijih aittruvt sorb september 2uln orinber nml 2ut november jit attpanee fur ckrsy kcmrvfnenriicnw- iienf lnn tf 3ddingtnitm ihe34h junr s5lli july 24th aunsi 24ih september 2iih oetuhcr nod 95ib rwmnber at kingston fr clerpy renerree in the cnnniy nf froutntac nn the thirtieth june twenty cilih july tucntyjiititli anjt iwcntyuiml sppiemlicr ineiity eighth oc tuber mnl twriitynijilh nuvemher srhrdulrs if ihe pitrtieuiar ltt io he vu iu each trtwnbtp nnd ipeetfjriii un ilir lermf vf shii- have hen prtuieil nnd trill ho pin up nt tho ciiuri hme nt the otece of ihe clerk nf ihepetre bberiffi and m oth er ptncei in ihe disnirt which srbedulee can bu had on nppljenrina io tlm ctjnmiiinnr frtp cmtvii lmiu or m samukl s wll- siot esqiiirr deputy bunreyor irho will reside in the dbtrici nod uperioieod the ecv drill ieles 103a peter robinson ic freeholder expedient ipm kiie insnruice cumjnnv upon ihe priofip miiiunl loetiriiiire within the mlteji jnni n ibe s hudv ohmh urwivml tint h cifwdv vldgliiw and thomas icirwjmliiic ljf he a com iv tuopen i binds nnd yrimtlbtcdp muek and wiiram tlto frwiwlie rs rtm i sua btina fiirijf w mv md lb wf wbieb iliey inmitd rltitrirlf4 m hvrt nnreninoiiiikd irilie tu tqfivotvl it noted nnd deelared hy hie said act ukck dv corpornie and puluc in isici bv ar ir the mimrand sulof ihe muiuil fjromt ri iw company r fvriii mc f rr- now we ibv underpinned ien frfeholderlt s tit nt ihe 5iid meein nod hound mat insuniiice with the nj cnmpiny niit tnemherf thtrenf do hvretn iiv nuitcv m w ciil a meiinot the said rapejrjew held it the court flume in ihe town of i man ftfofemtd qri monday ihe sih dtyl ly dpxii at 12 oclock nt noou the phpk nf cnn seven dtrerlori to manage w r undue t the pmpertv nlftirsnnj cooierai tleiil company pursuant io iho pmyiisoo nf tho ttaiil nc m cxmadtp i70s klrkmxifcei wm gakhatt jamks mcachcr hrncr smith jr- kiicsiuii 7ih june davii jobii sarffc wm tmucuv h johs if ht bcemfe tie cbfoniclc stkpmks r i vniii2 min hud high er ac piitibttrccb a brown in trnwsvr a 4uppobed io any infunn fully received by his fitlift donald nil nil tvhen inforuiafiou wanted of william uenioo nsrd about ig a nlrnili he ivfi caoadi inve gone io the united siaus inn reepeciios biuo will be thank or utitvn the lirm uvo munihf ol tlit yeuf twtnivfivfl s kevins per annitm if paidin 9qmr itiri not eoat crry roush enp and is 11 eostwick port stanley m ironside amhersiburgh- riitiigradls in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at tnmnto are di- recned to apply at the emigrant office io the fobllic uuildincs a d hawke chief emigrant acnt for 17 canada bfriigraiit oflic tominto may 21 is3c nyiloo tlur editor of ho kifi0m chronicle montreal gaztxtfm clhur star and the lnrenn time arc f ii insert the ubove xmiec in iheir repoct vc nprt jitirl to continue the mmc until the 31st of jo iir next wool i nntcfl cash paid forrlcito wool nf a bn quiilny in ilic qccco at he vuullou tac- lory iiniiiiiqiie my 17 iftig 93ui jd ilu tailoring 8 s fot4 sali- 7sof ihehcst paint low m cash lvg ink clltrnnioe fjafiie ittce kiion linnrv 7d 35 j business skeikv rnuld respecifully inform e inliabiiantf of kingston and its vict- niiy that lie riniinus toearryon i lie above business at his old ham in store street di- nrtly opposite ibe ciniiiipreial hotel and he hopes hy piimluality fricl aitenliun lo bosi- m5s and rensotinhlc cbargei lonivrit ihecon- lldliailon f pairoiae he has fo liberally re ceived the past year and hcttiire ihe public thai nopainx lviubesptredon bis part to give every pnssilne tatisurictieih j ds will receiver he most approved fash- iou every spring and paill v txm ir5t fatr j will find constant eittpluynieni by applying t tlie above none bm cnt ate work aim ned ippiy kmsin id mav 133 yn july 7h 1356 editor fa ununited slttee ly euiitidii tjc cbivc beaton pittsburtlu 3ui wii confer a favour just published ami for sale a corner of kinir and brock sireet if paidaltw twntyfive sjnllinfv i rv vv of dbcrltsenittttf six line and under 2s gd i si i8orcenaj4jm each mib5epieni iiiscnion ten unca anh oft8ct 4di iirstin9kriinn lodachubjequvrtmw above ten imt- td pm line for the 1 w and id pet un lor evcrj subsequent wapfcn ailvcmisvmncnl without writ ten diroctsvni uufoibij and charcca accordtogtil a lihrial di4riiinl o rncrcbtnki a wlm advettwe ft thtt inmtli0 no aiivoniruicnt the ninrmni fpuliijcaiion any prrguu pricuiinr fx mbewlmm tud paying quntiah tir lb amc dull lo a flrvon ii enpjf r a cjcunir pdntc received in pj ad months and npuranl reved after ted omk blcpufm corner oi 2000copiofmu stereotype edition august 4 i35 ami rraya english reade 11 just received for sale nt the chronicle ga- e ofljce corner of kin an i brock wise quaniity of excellent wrap ping papkron moderate terms july ii isay 4 and zeit 5lrrt i barber aud kalr dresser mattjce sqoabe itjwostojf t s tir nit for the liberal patronage he ii is he hopes to received from the public romt a continuadce of it kfrnon honed and dressed january j7 1985 i lbo inikct prici jhn i i- ii esq david chj3holm eq andrew porcoii4 ksq williiin mcintosh esq gerr brnu bmi ajplicoj iiuim liq henry jones di jninli ta lor kfq ii whirmnrh esq j k hartweu fro mrtw c j mcdonald john dnn kq allan lcphrrnn eq tunnm deinnrvm esq t- d appleby eq tbftmni parker ew v rhfrtinn ecq obatlei bijirar eo jnseph a heeler fcsq kenneth mackenzie eq ilavid smart eiq john bnlhtrd n vilfc clench bq a quell three jmfefi monifi- ffdi lancttter f prvogl we bhmoriw miirnfi id ciliwtt porrhf wisp nee

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