Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 20, 1836, p. 2

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t ti ri ww had not been inficncd by education and whose eeliu and judgment had not been tempered or refiueil by panuinl instruction at ilio family hearth let ic bo retcciubcrcd alio that bo was a dcro and as nuch probably imbibed prejudice ajaiutl the whiles from iho uilk that maiurcd bis infancy my object here beio only 10 llmtt ihe murder if which he stood charged although n violent one was neither foul base or uuoatural and that there fore theummary punishment of which ho eras made the victim was to say the least of it irreconcilable with the usages of civilised so ttety aod oot to be judged by the circum stances of tho cmo if the subject had been submitted to the investigation of ie proper tribunal it might havo been ho q that the ne gro wm wantonly and ruddy assaulted by ihc n hirers aod thai bis drawing and making uo of a kuifo was nn net of golfdefence at the worst it could only havo becu tlinwn that he was guilty of manslaughter tho case having none of tho features of murder io the first do and has even hem approved by those who rank with the better mm of people we cannot epfl thtsdjy look back upon lb tarring and feailwrinj bin hooping of the gamblers at vtrhsbitralii without nkins if the perpetrators of that dark deed were rcn truly men the bire ufc deed were really and of fleh and blood like onrsejvc idw of swing me half dezen men ertk pile nnd by leeching bleeding poultices lotions met and repose they have got him round a lit- ic although he is not yet aide to leave his room- one of ihe many blows he received whilst in the hands of an infuriated rabble iiul a lawless military has ml severe pains in i tie chest winch he may carry with bin 10 the crave i have yet to lern what is the extra nature sirunjr op in the gibbet j of the satisfaction lord ponsonby will demand but i suppose it will be the personal punish ment of all who bad a band in exercising 1 heir tutlty on mr c the dismissal of the minis r for korean alfrirs some guarantee for the future jood behaviour of the turks and a ompensauoo to mr churrhill adequate to the magnitude of the offence committed lord ponsonby has a dirjeuit part 10 play for whilst be must insist upon complete saiifac- nnlly in bringing me wtibmv face to the earth time after being myself laken care of in send- secured me in that position and iwomcn with j ing a surgeon to bleed him as i was fearful the regular police iticbji u8m for torturing that his excessive grief and ssitnlion might be y and inhumanly tortured with scalding ami afterward wiihoui trial or even the mockery of trial in a civilrrd country and in a bind of laws strikes the mind with terror and the feelings quail ml the bought but 10 se mn thus tortured and thus nut tn death fijr in offfcnpe po venial and so universal as that of wnibhns and 10 hear their heartiouchins and wraihsohduing entreaties fur nwm made the sport of ruthless murderer is em ush 10 call down the mft wl trngo r 1 laws by the rah if reztmcni ot the erfttor the benefit ol a single worn he had to sav in ror it weot lortn 10 mo dw 1 nof j jp m vt mq ronfinr j 0 lhe uh j ant whm ie kcis kfllndi sent and upright aod appealed pothouse and the lower order of the people him from the tuntruk 10 the bagnio he nev- greo we khall 00 turn to the now york dy and see what the nob did in a ens which for its enormity might wu hb elicited ym- pithy for the sufferer a beauiiful girl an outcast and n prostitute if yon please but young beautiful and interesting is found dead io her chamber her skull horribly frac tured and her body and bed no which it lay partly consumed by fire so cruel and unna tural was this murder that io a city whero murders are cornmoo thu datnottbla deed c clipsed all that had yet gone heforo it an in dividual i arretted aod charged with the com- missiou ol this revoltinj crime- the circum stances io favor of his guilt crowd upon the public ear and fix tho conviction of many hero then was a case that might recommend itself to the jurisdiction of the mob by its pe ruliar atrocity j of tho virtuous trumpettoadied to their pity but what did the mob on this occamn did they tear the accused to piece- or burn him alive at a stake oh no they covered htm with lhe panoply of their tender mercies and touk him into their special keepipg when lhe day of bis trial arrived there was a gathering around the court house thai actually interrupted tho pro ceedings of tho court it was a cooccotraiion of tho most ioflammable materials of society ami ffitaty x flftv wwpi f tomtfjpnifwi a slight circumstance was e the innoeeuce of the orisooer tho air was rent m- itii plaudits es effectually iotelligiblo in their meaning as if he mnh had cried nut at the top of their voters long lire the murderer of ellen jewcti nor was this the most a arming feature io ibis melancholy transaction ibo ministers of justice themselves the very jndge who presided partook of this misplaced sympathy- aod we find not only a lukewarm afts qf seal no ih part of the counsel for the geanco cf heaven time iwy wu tn in its course the fertile valley nf the mfsstmippi re bpses again inio a tvifdcrneas the father vf waters itself goes dry but this transact ion will stand forth tbroush all time to roan md rhal- icoffe a parallel for its enomiiiy- th ufnee of the viitims lies buried with llieif bones lhe matrhless cruelty of their ftio will remain a by word and a reproach it is believed lltrtl a hundred instances might be adduced of individuals heim ihol down in the streets in ibis conniry and uo ptmishmcni inilicttd upon those who have done ii we bonsi of bavins oxclusive or privileged class here hut it is a violation of truth to utter it o ion as your gentleman murderer is per mitted to 50 at bire unwhipi of justice and ill poor thief consigned in the dungeon no one can doubt that these scenes have al ready had llieif pernicious intloenre upon the morals of the people we have ren this in the futility with which an editor of a newspa per can command lw services of ihe mob a i dispute takes place in one of our large cities between two paltrv actors a dispute that out of respect to ourselves should have been left to be sttiled in the sreenrom ihis dispute is dignified into a national aftiir and the spi rit of the mob invoked by a public journal to take venerea nre on one of the parlies the scene weal off however without any wood shed but it was n complete triumph over the laws by the raw if tfffltiiaai of the ed imn heniir yiven be has our national interests ro attend to and these require on the part of ensiiind the greatest laouwbwi towards he turks to quarrel with them in the mass will never do and after all ihe misconduct minplainel of has been committed only by in dividuals whose service the slate can do very well without- suppose that in cur rage with thrse few individuals we wreak our ven geance on the whole nation we should be act- lliiertsf murderers and oners administered the chastisement that haubeen determined on- i cannot pretend to sty vhat was the exact number of stripes ihey ny hove beeo 40 or 50 but this i know that wcry one has left a mark as fun and as bronl as the hand of a man i have exhibited fl specimen of these marks to capt johnston of the madras army who was perfectlydiocked at it the stripes having been suspcnlrd 1 was kicked tip from the ground and marbled off to the office of the kehaya bey of scuuri the slightly wounded child bein mouncd on an ass which i though 1 a very proper rmveyance for such an expedition had he ken seriously injured it would have been cru sibout he was first earied with much trt umph and exhibited to the cehava bey 10 whom i was then iotrnluced on my en trance he started up from ha fo with a fury perfectly demoniac heaped corses upon my head refuted to luar a wwl i bad to say in my drfence and seemed 10 jjiver me over to the carasns to exercise iher crueuy upon m injurious to him and as a further proof that 1 bore him no illwill 1 placed in his hands a few days afterwards a present of 150 piastres in money for myself i laboured under he effects of the accident for six months and to ihe day of my death a portico of my cranium will remain visible but i have never uttered the slightest reproach against the innocent cause ol my sufferings it was perhaps need ful to make known this altair as it presents a striking contrast between the conduct of a ci vilised beins and thai of vindictive barbarians under circumstances precisely similar in their origin and irsult n b a second letter was addressed to lord eltwhus to parade inm porsonhy detailing the exact mode in which the bastinado was applied giving particulars of the precise treatment experienced in the laguio and of the mode in which mr c was sent away from ihat prison with various other explanations calculated to make his lordship perfect master of the subject death of dr juttfafen ibm seat wellnatk dr mmah diocese of weiipark oenr quin the s7 ion roman catholic bishop jfil killaloe dr mbhaboo sss seerated coadjutor bishop of the jioctttic no in which captfeity hteos oj to officiate until the death of ihehjft a which ocenrred in a bishgr s i92f when he succeeded to the i i he doctor was educated for the church nantz where he distin2uished hi dublin register iguishrd himself the marquis nf watfxfordu m w rf- bly to record a truly noble and liuml 3 duly to record a truly on the part of this ao as his lordfttmi was neighbourhood of kilaheenan in 1 theappeanftreofa lanal rarnaze overtook on ih- antl numaoe 3 rnan a feir d travelling j hf if ms to exercise liter wuy ujiui m- a d fevienr look in jc p on indination boiled tn my irwat ant 10 one oi june jn romnivmoral of the 2iet ri uc 1 1 myrmidons of liwl power who was annivr of lhe baue of waterloo in pre- mj in a most silly way- if we love not the particularly conspicuous uf beinsi more brutal sencc q iheir majesties and most of the bran- j lpon witnessm turks for tbeir skes lot us still love them ihan the rest of his fellow brutes 1 said 1 hey for our own uuld h been the ruin of ma ny a man and yet we should deem them mad were ihey on ihat account to rltrow into the sea all ihe gold that subsequently came into their hands when our vital interests are concerned wemust direst ourselves of passion and pr judice kneland must not however omit 10 punish severely the occasional miscon duct of turkey even a spoiled child now and then meeiswith chapiisemcrt and if we do not make a stand en this occasion to secure our rights and liherttes here we shall lose them 10 all eternity the pone has been anxious to establish ifaat it should have the power 10 exercise its police when foreign tub jecis are concerned withoui lhe interference of the ambassadors but it has been proved now as many a lime before that a is not to be trusted with thai power mr churchill was nearly murdrred without being allowed the benefit of a single word he had it lias found its way into lhe high places of ihe laud and amongst the elite of the nation the very capiin uf the country has been mnde the scene of wnnglinj tumult and dis order who has witnessed these thins and not noted the change which ilus indicates in the cbaracer of our lecivlntors where is the respectable bearing the decorous lanjuace the urbane aod entlenianlv deportment thai distinguished the loungers of our republic one toward the oilier gone cone and like the pure spirit of patriotism that inspired ihur ac tions all lie hurid with them in the tomb ifawlmluis lmwtt ih cftjiltol sawenly l mlwl ej 01 ttte firuhs in amikr we behom tiic in nate vulgarity of the things and wonder how thev nt iliire the ijtiesnon then is are w not already hastcoiiig to 1 1 end of our destiny do not these sins f the times betoken ihe ap proach of calamities equally as fearful as any to bj apprehended in the most corrupt covern- ments of the earth let every sood man ask himself these questions anl ponder on the con elusions to which they irresistibly lead let him proclaim it front the housetops ard instil it into 1 lie miods of his children that obedience prosecution but an evident desire in the judge l0 jie laws a visnlant watchfulness orcr their screen the prisoner from conviction who ever heard before iu this conntry a least of a labored aod undisguised defeoce of a criminal boiog made fjijm tbo bench and yet this was done aod opeoly and uobloshiogly done at the late trial in ncv york can such thing be andovrooinc as like 0 summer liij without our epetiftl wonder bot alat for the poor outcast who was hur- rled to her account with all her ios about her tltera wra none to cry out for u damnatioo of her taking nt who cao cootomplato litis deed without ah- horreoee and yet there were tlioso who did md who looked upon its reputed author not only with composure but with feelings nearly allied to admiration it is oot our intention to throw a borrowed grace over the life and ebaracter of ho deceased and by excusing iiw rvjtfc5i aad iuominv ro weaken lhe bulwarks of inciety hut it is aked if there is to be e distinction made between the perpetrators of crime if there is to be a re laxation of tbo law and an indulgence on the part of itd miaiiters io favor of thoso who sur pass in deed or blood is it believed by any one acquainted with human nature that had robinson io a fit of jealousy or fur any other cause murdered a tirtuous female of respect able connection he mob would have sustain ed the act the rules of evidence been prevent ed to screen htnti or that ihe judc would have jiiade an elaborate argument from the bench in defence of his innocence such conduct would have convulsed the elements of society and we should have had a civil broil between the heated partizaos of the montague and lhe ca- puleis as it was a cruel coldblooded re morseless murderer whose crime was no less fiendish than wanton aod unprovoked is as- free and impartial exercise and a scrupulous regard for the rights of each anl every individ ual arc the only true basis of our national grandeur the only guarantee for the perpetuity of our incomparable institution let it le our care to excel in the arts of peace and the blessings of domestic tranquillity and when the historian shall come to cive an account of our deeds let it he his privilege to say this people more than nnv other of chnu we have record excelled in their hve of order and duti ful obedience to the atrj a b correspondence of the luidun morn in 3 chronicle- j he tote gross outrage on ju churchill constantinople may 2l all constantinople has lccn io an uproar about the affair of mf- churchill whose case was mentioned in my bat as soon as the minister of foreign affairs refused to give him up at the demand uf lord iousonhy the afiair ceased 10 he personal and assumed strictly the form of a national question the turkish minister had refused 10 conform 10 treaties our ambassador therefore broke of all communication with the pone and demanded an aurtimce with the sultan with a view 11 was ronjclured of asking his hishnesa with what minister he is hencefor ward to transact business as he raunoi possi bly continue to have intercourse with one who has carried his insolence so far as to set at defiance the existing engagements er saw one countryman he might say 11 was useless 10 see a frank who could not un derstand his language hut that excuse would not hold nod in mr cscase as he happens to know turkish for all common purposes nearly if not quite as well as nny other lan guage end when at the kehaya beys at scutari he was asked his name he wrote it himseir in turkish as the kiaub had some difficulty in making it 6ut so that he could not pretend he was punihed bemuse be was unable t c himself he told all the chiefs w he was ihat he hod for toth pdl wrll of the turkish empire lie had better have concealed ihli fact lor it only secured him worse treatment there are tew people in the world who like to le told of their own wakness one of mr cs inti mate friends ft gem tenia 0 of high rank in quiring aftei his state said he was ashamed to go near inn because he was a turk a delicacy in a wellregulated mind by no means incomprehensible all ihe frank world are on the liptoeof expectation 10 see exactly how lord ponsoihy will act in this oitiir ever sioccmv last the fiteof the circumcision has been gou on and it will not finish tdl tomorrow it has proceeded more slowly than would ciherwise have been the case on account of lie extremely bid weather last week on tie 13th we had the severe cold of winter and ey write from adrianople that a considerab fail of snow took place there on bat day yesterday the foreign ambas sadors went to the sweet waters on an invi lation 10 dinner with various ministers and grandees fme with one and some with another i lave heard that the reis kilvodi and lord person by tnet at lhe 3eraskicrs tent but ban vi to leun what passed be tvveen them the tuiks have of their own accord dismsed he kehaya bey of ahmed pacha aod the kadi of the mekeminenf sen lerij which is an earnest of their desire to give every satifaction to our ambassador we have a report in own which if true will excite great indignation throughout eu rope it is that ihc llussians have actually marched 12000 men through wallnchia 10 silistra winch is really violating the turkish territory for the purpose it is allcdgcd of assisting in laft hwffbvjfflh itlfd uyiir guns sioress c back to the kussian terri tory raww has fo many arrieres panees in all she does that i must confess 1 do not like the louks of this fresh manoeuvre of hers sir henrv dcthune proceeds in two days for persia tn the mercantile steamer the es- sex which will take him as far as trbison- j might do what thev plea bui at should re pent his ferocity a threat whieh only served o add fuel to ihe fire th tnan consoled me for the unmerciful beating i had received by assuring me with a sol oilh that had i fallen into ins hands he wuld not have ceased his stripes until the last sjuk of life had been beaten our of my body i bim and two ol ins fellows i was entrust order io be con veyed to the mekemmeti scutari scarcely able 10 walk and with n olepl pain in my chest brought on as i iw8ti b 3n cxtrava- lion ol blood in my lung y p was kepi up by the knocks and pu in gem ral j particular i nml ihe chsm having fira tct a whimoff land then produced to cwj i nn which it was considered ddrml should attend me every where i was 6 l0 lhe u siory- at the top of the staifs l jouog man in the garb of a genilemh received me bear ing in his hand a cane w demolished with due heroic fury ovev i and face i here expe ment but a suspensions lce chief of theofiice whoevv wi that as a frank was in ingestion les of the carasses and of the brmc par excellence in hiving r- a d d the hekemme majesii ches of the royaf family the prince of or- ranffe the hereditary prince and prince alex ander of the netherlands the landgrave and landgravine of hese homhurg the duke ol oldenberg prince ernest of hesse phillipsihal and prince charles of solms braunfels and an immense crowd of spectators the troops were about live thousand in number and con sisted of three troops of hoy i horse artillery hnvioc iwo suns each 1st regiment of life guards twentyfour ahreast id regiment uf life guards royal hore guards two pquadronsof 6th dragoons 7ih hussars ooe squadron 12th lancers three baiteries of lloal artillery having four suns each 2d bar of grenadier guards 3d battalion of grenadier guards 1st baitelioo of cold- sireani guards 1st itaitliun of scotch fusi- teer guards er s horse which 7ns road after a few preliminaries the 1 changed owners and became the property rf the uobba mmpiis the farmer however rlited no doobt hy hi ready sate was restf ml to show off the ineriis of tha horse but in ihtinq an the animal became so restive t irritated that he broke to pieces the vehicle 10 which he was harnessed and fractured ti arm ol the farmer besides inflicting other it the accident tfae marquis of woterford immediately left his carriage ami causing three geotlemeo wb were with him at the nine to do the same he had the sufferer placed within it and drove with him to the houm of n neighbouring grt tleiuan where he had ewrstieniioa pail him- not content with this his lordship i 1 ihe most generous manner give him 5 anl ihen relumed him his horse he further ih reeled 00 f sptuse to bi spared 10 have inn removed 10 clonuud and 10 hare the ibleii surgeon llifreentploytd fir inm- he isnoir under tnc care of dr burgwt anj rapidly tt- covtrnig i t cnnstiiuiion from the win t real herjj let thim cme if they late the id further ill-treat- the declared he would have no hand further in nie as it was a matter which cofld the oumoun kharidje nazin this wwoomlauoqoctlw right sort and hope begart to ftfth opon rue fot the fifi time 1 hl wlf expected a sec ond bastinadoing and felt 1 might not have survived it a turkish surgeon was sent for lie examined the wounds of ihc child and pro nounced them to he shuu and i was alter wards railed in to hear a iiote of the injuries rend over i was not all wed to say a word of course a statement ol he whole affair had been already drawn up at he dictation of my accusers and on my temmsiraune agotnsi such a proceeding i wflmold ihat this was a keshf estimate of damns and not a imirafle irial all havioc berntiled at the me- kemme 1 was made ove to a carass of the kehaya beys 3nd when tnie he showed him- self ttaore humane ilun vitn herded with the i others he allowed me u vnter a jews shop and write a note to let m- pni know how i i wassituated and i havciocomplnints what- ever to rtftko asainst hini- i iheo undermocd j that 1 was 10 pass the nig i he pirelik pri son literally place of lb at the kelmya beys but that was nut the case a kiatih drew up a note of ihe afi ljr be uumouri kharidje naziri afier hnv 1 3 ascertained from i was whilst this tons 7711 3it80 15686 7652 trade tf sidney in 1835 i he following 11 the number of vessels that arrived in this port in the veu 18s5 not including small coasters under 50 tons no ships 41 barks 103 brigs si schooners 84 total 314 61529 tbsuittqqc thubilh iw mdae ijemona charged with felony to mah their full defence hy counsel riow seems 10 lie placed beyoud a doubt such a cause taken under the protec tion of the splendid talents uf lord lyndhursi rannoi fail to he iriiimphaoh cjb tbeaniici- patrd results of the noble and learned loftts novocacy we may congrmilitc the friends 10 the improvement of the administration ol jut lice an anomaly cruel tn prinnple and barbarous in origin will fcc removed from the practice of our criminal system and lile and liberty in rpiesrion chiefly affecting the poor will 00 longer be deprived of ihc proteciino whieh is thrown round property by ihe pre cautionary arifduffl of ih british law morning herald june 25 uppeie canada militiamans war soni yfifprelfttsij drdirtfd to his fucrllmcy si fraurii uond lunj ttc etc tie tn sec the uam urfof 01j liiana tin rida ivi ra amc i he i j tiif c al wo uui lei riilieas a 1 vn wl a il 0 1 i in an ol u p unt now ivy redow iiv woiid wph iheemrtp 1 r or h t ncuorrat lundrs ba tr rwfi il tlie dd hoii t tlirmisnita if lie ii su r lsha ftnum lei niciu 1 wu4 ii iticy tbah if r of bwi ii mp t thtt q ft rfrnjpi tlie north american banking company bill was last mglitrcad a third time and passed it jvbfta jjmcrican colonial society about fitly of ihe friends of this excellent society is- e in hied to breakfast in ihe black bull loo glasaotv the 3th april the rev dr m- farune of greeitoek presided und the liev mysell who and what i wa was tttloz copied my fallal pointers which lr burns ol paisley the rev mr mender- had never quitted mean stauc were taken 1 son of st knuchs nd councillor kidson car of i had a pleasu tn seeioe that a orcupied the croupiers chairs aft sympathy was extended lhn which had i he ivpmeau n ak iik n uah fl 1 for nr mrad liii ke lliir luli witti in ihc up will liindy lane eisiea aiio tt thirn eitue iimiey drc j re 11 up wtu liind ljif eis aniiu let thetti cimeif iiiry dare iii tel ihe slnrmnrk anl t h s b unite wifhthc itw ive pare not a whistle for fund or frfoef gd help the poor vg w lm mcawef uttv uouv then up itlt luudjs tnne emtn am 0 1 lt lm theffl mi e if they ihut then up w u louiuv lfinft paf n and 0 i lit them olue il tity oiifi i iv awoke men uf llur n ona i and en yuvtlravf 119 iuvr fie youn lrnnliiny and do it i ke fiman mli rn ic tjuanj j i ilrhi for limdv4 line rm aid o u iliem enme if thry lrl 1 1 urmfi fr lurvlj lane e stg and 01 let ilicm ciuie if tin y dare 25th july 1s3g ihc aouwvmrjr tf tin 6vjfcof luudvfl lne the minister for foreign a flairs has so completely commuted himself and lord pou- sonby has declared so openly his determina- tioo to have signal satisfaction ihat the alio later and ihe ambassador will oot be able both to keep their post two men cannot well stand on the point of a dsjjjcr it is not a little reinrknblethai selected mr churchill vengeance when t is known to every one that he has for year pm as a public writcr been one of ihe warmest of their advocates a man who has had no small slnre in excit ing public opinion in europe in their favour but then he hassefn clearly the interest ofliis owncountryand been an tideomprumidneene- de- he takes with him lieutenant wilhra- ham and eistil serjeants of the ktfle brigade to leach the jouog persian idea how iu shool mr choivhill 3ddrcsed ihc following to lord ponsonby copy- kadikuoy 13th may 1sjg 11 my lorj although confined 10 my bed 10 consequence of the injuries i have received he turksshould have j i hasten to lay before your excellency a h nn object of their hatenwnl of my cso i should have done so baeoio but was ever led 10 liberation would lake place has been active in pointing out now a 1 have said a hundred times it is not the turks who rule here but the unssians the for mer would have made no difficulty about civ listed in his escape from the hands of justice i niy to rusia the progress of whose projects by the undue commiseration and partiality of the court and the illtimed and misplaced sympathies of the mob i havemeniioned this case io connection with the affair at st louis to show its inconsistency in principle but no less dangerous tendency in example when the laws are perverted or disregarded and jus tice defeated in her course it is of very little consequence whether it is the work of the mob in ae streets oy or the judge on the bench 4ihercase similar to ihe above was that nf whitaker in new orleans lie entered acoitee house tn that cily in a biato of intoxi- jvatloai abused the bar keepers fur some trivial intention and when ihey reported ms inso ence he drew his knife jumped over the coun ter drove all oul but one whom he corrected and subbed to lhe heart he was arrested and it is due to the tribunals of the city to sav he was fairly tried and convicted while tin- der sentence of deaih he commuted suicide t at ihe request of his friends his body was given op for inter rem it fr was conveyed 10 the place of his binh and buried under all ihc prnp and circumstances of military honors a w0r- general of militia and a late eandi- vffit h chief niagtatracy of the state pnhl a platform in the public square and ih the presence of the myb with the dead body or the man becare them diseoursed of the vir- tiffs of the deceased denounced ihe court and jory that tried him and eoncluded a harangue diitinsuished for 11s sorry mimicry of the io- f fendiariim nf mrc anthony what a spec wewm fhi nrtd what an invult to the laws and yet tt passed over without any comment ing up mr c but nn monday the 9ih tn mmt a russian dragoman and the reis kf fendi were closeted fi two hours and when the interview tcrminatetl our countryman was sent over to the bagnio with a regular firman or committal jusi as if he were a common felon a convicted thief or a confessed mur derer the french ambassador 301 scent of this and despatched 10 mons bouienieff his secretary of kmbay to say thai such a ru mour wis afloat and he hoped ihat ihc rus sian minister would take the earliest oppor tunity of proving that it was a calumny hen therefore all ihe ambassadors sent in notes to protest tin invasion of krank priri- lees the russian was the first who got his note in on ihe i2ih just before sunset as mr c was beginning io read away his tedious even ing he haard n rush towarda his eell and in an instant his door was thrown upen and he was summoned forth whether to death or hbeny was to appear afterwards nod he- soon perceived lien the turks finding hnn 100 hot to he held lunger without burning their fingers snll mure srriotislv were determined to et rid of him mr c asked if he was to be released by the hand of ins ambassa dor or not and on learning that ho was not he refused to leave the prison wilh his own consent the officers therefore put him out without it his irons were removed and he was told to go about his business he there fore cot into a knick and went home no longer supported by the excitement of hi pe culiar situation ho had scarcely reached the bosom of ml family 4 when he was seized with a fever me has since been visited hy cal men who were refitted admittance while still in the suppose thai my immediately on the fiernoon of the sih insiani being ou with mir eun and dos 1 lired ai and shot a quail fn goitifl io pick up tte bird i ob served a in wall turk fob boy at a distance of 90 or 100 vards who was crying out that 1 had wounded him as my charge was nol heavy and hba shot ihe very smallest to he found in ihc counirv i rould scarcely credit ihis but rai up 10 gatisfy mvself thai been denied to their tuaslf turks appear to have a fellow feeling fur dogs which ihey cannot entertain for men tlic resemble not from the kcyaha bey was sent under charge of the humane cli wll unl orders 10 deliver me over io ih oumnun khsndje naziri wilh 0 note of the accusation against me- it being already sunset re wc reached constantinople i was thrust into the tumriik to await bis excellency twdera and there i k up v ij i it imard niv bd a passed he night lhe dir ki t filthy rag borrowed from n tellow prisoner my only covering a high ptti however kept me warm and my suiterirx were such that it required all my philosopl t0 bear up under them wnh any ihinir like omplacency the rest your lordship mol inow when 1 was honored wnh the ponderoi chains of ihe bac- nio and when i was dfivm forth from thence wiihoui being told why i 99 released the ba0io black as it is isoiparatively a bright nose in the history of my offerings captain kelly and mr rhodes ims d charge uf me thete and every comfort icouu irquire or en joy io such a place was supd wiihoui any objection heing made by bo coolers they are particularly civil andl can bear testimony that it is a well regulated stablishracoi m i cannot refrain fron stating to your lordship that during mv confinement a galley slave a cephaloniot jeveirius calhgna by name acted a my served u lb tire satis faction this man was ut into the bagnio seven years ago in consruence it would ap pear of having been cftujlv n a tavern brawl in which a turk had be stabbed by one of on fast ihe chairman stated tint the object of the present nesting was to rneourace one anoth er in the support of ihe north american co lonial society which was instituted in tins city twelve or thirteen years ago and during that period had been instrunientnl in sending out 10 the british colonies in north america ibriyone ministers of the gospel when they considered this there was gnat cause uf gratiiude but nol fur triumph lor ihey roust bear in mind thai from so iu 40000 emigrants to that country a great proportion of whom were scotchmen were annually leaving the lv 1 t i intuit v auuuii ictvvmi 4 british shores so that tha iministers were areutly inadequate 10 their spiritual instruction 1 and superintendence the meeting wts af- j terwanls addressed by ihe rev mr martin from nova scotia who- baa been deputed to represent the wishes and wants of that toon- try to the members of the church of scotland the rev gentleman congratulated himself 00 the opportunity thusafiofded him of plead- log the cause of the colonies in t lie city which had formed the cradle of the society no in- j stitution in britain had done so much good in so short a time nod wilh such small funds as the north american colonial society hut siill iherc was a vast deal to be done exieo- sifoaa the country was which formed the scene of the society labours you would scarcely travel twenty miles without meeting chronicle gazette saturday auocst 20 k3fc frota tlic new york commercial adertik late from englatnd the packet ship sheffield cnptain allr arrived yesterday nmrniig ivytu liverpool whence she saded on the morning of thesrt july we have received our reauur files i london paprrs to the inorniogul thesihw- elusive oevr daitai among our extracts is an mterestins lw fa vkue whvh plaihnuitelvbmk place in hfrcnamik ten in considers ionv he of a debate which took the 4ih of july w irish tube bill the clause then uodfr consideration involved ihe principle of apnm printion thedebateit will be seefl ended in favor of ministent by a majority ofiwrott six the accounts of ihc rerenoe for the qsanrr ending on the 5th cf july had been ptiuisbrd and show a very satisfactory stateof slcrns- the increase in ihe customs is ilfl4r upno the year and 33k2ti0upon theutott and in the excise of 834312 for ie yeir and 713021 upon the quarter wbicgivn iu round numbers an advantage under that two heads over lhe former yeir of foil lo millions- stamps also had proved moreprth dueiive hy 2z3r upon ihc year md with some straggling presbyterian family h009c upon the quarter ihan the ust re deinririuss companion the companion iouh equally a cephalrhkh was beheaded as a kyao and demetrtu in bondage day to this mulitn child was nm sermuily hurt wilh a view of olferin all the consolation in my power i was soon surrounded by sotih turks as were in ins immsjiaip neighborhood anil was ex- posed to le blows of many one young inllian in particular whom i shall have no difficulty ini identifying was liberal in his practical ahuise and hut for the coolm coun sel ol older heads i veniy believe he would have billed ime on ihc pot i confined my self 10 the defensive and made no difficulty to giving upmiy sun ooe burrel of which was still loaded signifying atoucomy eonsent to await the airnval of the guard which had been sent fiffr without making any attempt to aloout a quarter of an hour may have stating probably without the means of his case known m y excellency f i i enquired into ihe mans onduct since he haa been a captive and lave pleasure tn lbs i i was told tr has been exemplar m your lordship will pcftette that there have been various individ w selves conspicuous as my i- viz 1 1 a vouns man of kadinoy 2 a chaoush or ouha guard s the mulaxun or his superior if he was acting under orders d the kehaya bey of ahmed pacha this ferocious finatival o lool perhaps flies too hiflh 10 be easily brought down but bl it act sttl escape elapsed before guard came up and m eil into bagnio when he tnosi wanted ihcro ie by standers amused themselves in the mean lime by heaping upon me a load of imprecation the youn rtodian named keeping mc ever on the alert to eevade the blows it was his constant attempt iu jut in wilh ins fists the guarrij came consisting of a vusalim or lieurenamt a sergeant and corporal i he heve and iluree or four men to the former i immediate ly explained who i was and how the accidenu occurred and assured him i was ready ihat iinstant to accompany him 10 the su perior authorities- i ooni perceived ihat it was intended i should reecive then and here a sample of turkish jumice which first pun ishes and thlen inquires inio the merits of the cose i ihetreforc warned the lieutenant of lhe coosequivnres of the step he contemplated inking nud 1 resisted 10 my uiniosi the aitempt of three or- four men 10 throw me on ihe ground uoieofthem in particular had shown a ferocity wjiiich found vent only in deep cqr- r and hard blows i fellill not fail 10 recog nize hint the omiers having ucceedcd fi- yuur lordship must be ofw llw hp u nolo- riooslor hi zeal in the pe of franks on every possible occasion i art much ms- taken or like some ol the bloodtyranisof old he would wish 10 see the prank world standing before him wftll neck that he illicit have the supreme aiatfication of serer- ing it at a single hhnv 5- one of ihe caresses g the gentleman of 1e mekemme of scuiaria t if the state nf my hmh permitted ir i should havo june inyell l bonor of waiting upon your excellency in iifdertogive verbally any further details or cxpl l mav appear necessary i have the honor 10 be fcc signed n chiprchim 41 to his exerlleney ihr kight hon lord ponsonby p s to the above uween three and four years ago a young accidently shot me near merdevcn knoy entire charge nf his gun entered my forehead and scalp and laid my skull ljcr to a considerable extent although this occurred in an open plain aod hi a distance often yard 0 ht from seeking hive the voting man finished i lost no who hut for the occasional friendly visits of the clergyman often at his own expense tpust have sunk into ahsolute heathenism their ment la their country and their church i strong and ardent but there were 20000 souls in the bounds of the synod which had deputed him to visit this cnuniry who had oostated opportunity of hearing the gos pel some of them may hear a sermon once in lour months and others once in twelve months fie had known others who for thirteen years had never seen the face of a minister many of them remembered with tears the privileges i they enjoyed in their own country but iheir puor children knew nothing nf those things and without churches and schools and bibles how can ihey ever become acquainted with them one or two settlements in nova seo- tia had been deserted and broken up that the people might enjoy ihe ordinances of religion somewhere else even when they could not find a purchaser for their properly the kev gentleman staled a number of other interest ing facts illustrative of ihe necessity of provi ding ihe settlers with religious instructors and of their willingness to support ministers when ihey are in circumianccstodo so the mee ting was also addressed by the her mr turns and the same is to be sid of the post office which shows an increase of x69c0o upon the year and x3 1000 upon ihequiritr the assessed taxes have decreased by 19661 upon 2 comparison with the two yean but show no improvement upon the quanrrof 70707 the taxes classed as miscellaneous rare increased upon ihe year lo the amount of 810 but fallen off for the qoirier by 2815 the increase for tho whole year as compared wb the hist is 045456 and upoo the qqaner 1916643 the amount of exchequer bills which will probably he wanted for the service of the current yeur is fixed at p412877 parliament was lo be prorogued on the ll of august sir john franklin r n wtsioiloo w last of july for van oieruaris lm jo as sume lhe goveromeot in ihe room vf ntf ai- thur the duke of wellington had been throwo from his horse aod severely injured but recovering mr patterson ihe american consul geflrnl in belgium died al antwerp on ihe 4th of july at the age of 6s years he had rrsrtri many years at antwerp and we niuch i taing formerly of nova scotia i the rev dr peeled by ihe commernal classes of lhilc burnes dr bvgg dr hill c and avery cordial interest was manifested in thesocteiy the meeting was altogether of a delightful kind btaumont es barret this cause which is a very curious as it will try the right of colo nial legislative assemblies to pririleges of parliament is to be heard on appeal before the privy couocil on friday next the antwerp journals say il iw as a curious coincidence thai be dird on im very day on which his couotryatfo wrre cere braiing the anniversary of the w the american u didd- uie tff lfll the citizens of glasgow have beeo amused and instructed during lhe week hvdiscussions carried on between mr george tnomaon the antuslavery lecturer and the fter mr ureck- tnndjre an american clergyman on the sub- jeci of negro slavery in ihe united slates the discussion was continued throughout in a good spirit the re- dr wnrdlaw occupy ing the chair the audience behaved with decorum and appeared chiely anxious to hear what could be adraoccd on each side olsigotf paper the london papers announce ihereofmraod mrs wood and j4r wsci from the united states steam cruisers are now espiw v f british governnient for the prol ol ib revenue his excellency andrew stemr 10 the court of st james btd axiwg the farm of the late wtfu l called normandy io surrey bsi b bee wu for 265 to house of couacof jv t irish reform fitf mm v in the petition the remionv having keen precise thi hiuse 8se- 1 commons after f k r d i9blissssjtjfi

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