a good investment the scptembor schemes advertised be low present a favorable oppnrloflity to ihose ho wish to incst small sorfli and receive large returns th four virgin- ia scheme and the four grand consolidated lotteries require oo poffiog they speak fur iliornaelves we would noly recommend prompt orders as the demcud for tickets u creat be sure and www s j sylvester 130 broadway new york cipital twentyfive thousand dollars yirgioi staio loitety class no 8 iho benefit of the monongalia academy to bo drawn at alexandria va saturday sept 3 1836 scheme25000 8000 5000 s3 500 2322 10 priacs of 2000 10 nrixm of 1500 10 of 1000 10 of s300 20 of 400 20 of 200 35 of 150 tickets k shares in proportion cerrifieafe of a package of 22 whole tick- eu will cost ooly 120 halves awl quarter in proportion delay or to scud your orders to fortunes iloe ifccic lake ontario tltr s7eam0oat fifty prizes of one thousand dollars vnicglnfa state lottery class for tho t benefit of the town of vvellsburg to be drawn at alexandria va saturday sept 10 183g capiialf thirty thousand dollar s3 000 10000 6000 3140 3000 250 2000 50 of 1000 2u of 500 20 300 tickets 10 dollars a certificate of a packao of 25 whole tick ets will be seot for 130 dollar packages of b ilvc quarters and eighths in proportion grand consolidated lotte ry class no 37 for 1836 to he drawo at wilmington wednesday sept 14 1s36 scbeme20000 10000 3000 s2o00 1230 20 prises of 500 20 of 300 20 of 200 c c tickets only 5 dollars a certificate of a package of 25 whole tickets will be sont for 65 dollars packages of shares in pro portion the great 4 drawn jve scheme nearly a many prites as blanks f virginia state lottery no 4 for the benefit of ihe towo orwbeeliog to be drawo at alexaodria saturday sept 17 1836 bcwm thklw ttmnaad dollars i 1v ooof 6000 r 5000 4000 10 of 1000 15 of 600 20 of 500 20 of 40030 of 300 c tickets ettiy ten dollars certificate of a package of 25 whole tick et in uii magnificent scheme may be had for 180 dollars packages of halves and quar ter io proportion mammoth scheme virginia state lottery no 6 for thobroefitofthe ifteetoanical beoev- oldm society of norfolk to he drawn at alexandria va safurdky sept 24 1636- carrtaiim000l 30l 84000 3- 000 2500 fl 0674 1 100 of 1000 dol lar 10 of 500 doflart 20 or 300 84 of 200 c c tick ten dollars a certificate of a package of whole tickets will baaopi for 130 dollars halves guar- fert wl eight in proportion orders for sta tic ticket oc padkages inuit be addressed to b j sylvester iso broadway jtewyork not ice commisncntr of crown land office toronto 10ih may 1836 the timeeaodfplaccefor the sale of crown and clergy reserves during iho present yor wift bo a follow mpumm sratcr at bttuvqu foy cb lands in tho otiniy of hastings oo tfi 20lb june 2flih july 20ib auguit20th september 20th october aad 21it nomtflbtsr at apanec for crowo laods ia the cnun- tiet of lenox ff addington oo the 24th jooee2srtjoffath aogait 24 ih sep wttan21to 0wwiiw mj 35ok vavs m kingston for crown laotls in the county of fremtenac oo the 30th june 23ib july 29ch august 29th september 26th october and 29th november jc bcluvilu for clergy reserve in the coiiotfr of hastings on tbe 20th juno 20th july 20ih august 20ih september 20ih october and 2jst november m ffapancciior clergy reserves in the couu- ties of lenox j3ddington the24ih june 25th july 24th aorusi 24th september 2lih october aod 25th november ju kingston for clergy reserves in tho county of frontenae on tho4liiriicih juno twentyeighth july meatyninth a oft us t lucrrtyninif september cn out i irhtt oc- tobef aod tweotytlidtb november stfheddlef of the particular lots tu be mid ifl each township nod specifying also the terms of sale have heo priotcd aud will be put up at tho court house at tho oihco of tha clerk of ibo peace aod sheriff and al oili er places in tho district which schedules can ha bad oo application to the commissioner for crowd laods or to samuel s wl mot esquiro dflptrty surveyor irho will rbla io tbo district ood superintend tho sev eral silee 105z peter robinson i 44 n i information wanted of william ea ion aged about 16 a nil slender active young man had on when he left pittsburgh a brown surioot coat grey caoajjiao trowsers a high rough cap and is ntppojttd to tm gone io the unired siaies aoyiribrmajioo reacting biin will bcihanu- iutly ceceived fay his father donald beaton pittsburgh july 7ih 1836 sut j edjtora in the united states will confer a fvuur by copying the above qt published and for snle jlt in comer of king and broclc sircet jm- 2000 copied of murrays english reader stereotype edition slugiiat 4 1895 1 1 t 1 jny t received or sale at ihc chronicle c- zctie office corocr of king aol brock testate quantity of excellent wrap g ihpitit on moderate ittrii barber and hait drosn arkbt beoab uaoston wt9 grateful for the liberal patronage he u is received from ihe public ho honvfl io trrh a eominuancc of it parazor honed and drsskd january 17 1935 ttilliam it propelled by a low pressure engine of 100 hone power the only 0t dial runs liotcen prescoil and to rontotmliiiutciobiiii ihc lokc io or fioin oawego vkt1ll on the opening of iie navigation v w conimcnce her irgular weekly trips running as follows viz ttvauus will leave prwcwl for nitgara every satur day evening after the arrival ol the montreal stujcs or steamboats touch ing at ijrockville and uartinoquc kingioo sunday moruii-ff- cubourg and porthope sunday even ing city of toronto monday morning hamilton monday afternoon nnd ar rive at niagara on the same evening dowwwakus will leave niagara for prescoil every tues day afieruoon at 7 oclock city of toronio wednesday morning at 10 oclock cobotirg nnd port hope wednesday evening u kingston thursday morning touching at ganannque and brockville and ar rive at prescott in the afiernoon- passengers leaving niagarit on tuesday evening and the city of toronto wednesday ibrenoooby the william 1v will arrive tu montreal on friday evening passing the tiouand utand in ihc day lime this boat so favorably known to the travelling public as a first rate sea boat and combining he indispensable requisites of speed punctuality and eomloriable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trust receive a very liberal supfmkl for freighter passage apply at the post office at prescott or brookville b phillips kingston h e- nichols cobourg harbor co port hope j brown toronio d c cunn nnd a land hamilton j niven co niagara witi duftand vvm wynn quceoston or to the captain on board vom freight payable on delivery to con signees and uu parcels and lugzoge at the risk of the owners unless given in charge of ihe pfffw and bookrd preicoil april tt i83u 9bz to soil or to kent a large and commodious dwelling house pleasantly situated in the vil lage of napanee the house contains eight rooms nnd other conveniences una acconimo- datioos suiiahle for a family apply to a macphcrson esq nnpanec or in kingston to or- dieb- kmgsion 9th april 183c 82 noti ce comnussioner for crown lands office torcoto lulh may 1833 j the times nnd places for sale of crown lands aod clergy reserves during the present year will be as fulluivs jv the western district for crown laodf and clorcy reserves iu bo county of kent and town lots in chat ham aud erroll at chatham t h lt tues day io june- and on ihe first tuesday to july august tioptember nnd octobor following for clergy reserves in tho county of es sex and town lois in saudwich and am- hcrsiburgh at asojirfujictoo the third wed nesday in june aud on ihe third wednesday in july august scpietlber and ociuber fol lowing kcfereoco may lo made to iho agflnt fur iho crown fnr this district mr henry jones residing in chatham for further la formation ijy the lojvdojv district for clergy reserves io tho cuuiy nf nnr- folk at simcue on the 1t june and nn tho 21 july 2d august lt september ut oc tober aod lit november following fur clergy reserves iu ihe county of on- fnrtl at blhiidfont on tho 4th juue aod no the ftttijidy 5th aujcqtl j 5ih september 4ih october und 4tli november followiok for clergy reserves iu the county of middlesex and town lots in loudoo at lou doo oo the 8h june aud on the 8ih july 9th august 7th september 7ih qctoher and ou tho sth november following reference may be iikmio to the aeot for tho crown for this district john it- as kin esquire residing iu loudou for further iofor- maiioth ja the home district for town lots in port credit and hrouli iu ibis city oo tho 2jd alay iustnt and for such crown lands and clergy reserve as are for salo at thicity no iho second tuesday in juue and ou the secood tuesday in july august september and oclober following ijy the xbtpcastle district for crown lands clergy reserves nod town lots in peterborough and lindsay at peterbnroufth on tho first tuesday in june nod i on iho first tuesday in july august septotn j bor and october following for towo lots in the village lately survey ed at iho mouth of tho trent iu that towu on iho 15ih ofjuoe and oothosnd wednes day in july august bffmflrimfr aud octo ber following reference may hamado to ihe ascm for tho crown for this district alexander mc- donnfll eq residing at pcteiborough for further information ijy the bathursv district for clergy reserves in the counties of lan ark and carltoo at ltytown on the 2d wed nesday iu j urn aud no tho 2d weduesday in july august september and october fon lowing for towo lois in richmond nt that town ou tho sbftm days in thb ottawa district for clergy kescrvo in tho couutics of prescott aud rossell nt hytowfl on iho 21 wednesday io juuu and oo the m wn day io july atlguu septeinhcr and octo ber following reference may bo rnado m fl aeentj nf tho crowo for these duiricu john mc naughtov esq residing at llytowo for further iufmmaimu cschedulei of iho pnrticour lots to bo sold in each towuhip specifying also tho terms of sile havo hotti printed nod will ho put op at tho court house hi the oilicos of clerk of the ivaco ond rhorrilt aid io other conspicuous places iu each district whieli schedules may ho had on application to tho ceiriuissiodor for crowu lauds or any of the ahovonamed ageots schedules aro preparin7 for tbo midland and other districts in whieli there aio crown land or clergy keicrves for silc and noli ccs of iheo sales will do speedily fiiven peter kouinson it oct 5 rkmovali oren strong herefiy tenders his grateful arknow- ledgmeiiu to a generous public for tbe veiy uitlcrjng support he has received white keeping the stm boat hotel in this place and begs to acquaint his numerous customers thai he has ibis day opened his most splendid establishment the north american hotel cobourg situated near the steam boat landing where he will thankfully receive and promptly attend ihe call of his customers af- forjing then accomodations which shall not be surpassed by those of any establishment in the province said stand will be found to af ford very gnat accommodation to persons ar riving at aad taking their passage from this place in ih several sieam boats that touch daily at tbe vv harf the proprietor of the above fstablishment continues hs line of stages to ihe rice lake nnd from thence to peterborough which is well fooished with good covered carriages first rate horses and careful drivers seats may be taken al this house in the kiogston and tore to mail stage horses aod carriages are constantly in read iness to convey passcogers luggage io any part of the country cobourg u c may 1st l ake o i o stcaiubont arrangements for is6 bsijfflr the jistited states will afrter tup 1st ok jutfe ply as follows 1836 moz ttttotice is hereby given that the 1 partnership heiweeo tho undcrsigoed at poiut henry store under the lirtn of edward noble co expired bis day all persons indebted to them aro requested tu pay be amouot of their accounts la edward noble who will pay all debt due by tho laic firm edward noble andrew meadoo david duff poiot henry may 10 1336 02z qdavid duff continues the business at the store the uxited states capt van cirvt going up leaee ogdensburgli and prescott sunday 5 p m kingston monday morning sockets harbor do noon oswego do evening rochester- tuesday morning toronio do evening and arrives at youogsiown ond lew is too ear ly on wednesday morning giving passengers all heday to visit the falls and return by the boat coming down icnes lewision wednesday 7 yuunestown rochester oswego sockets harbor kingston and arrives do thursday do dn friday at ogdensburgb ame dg 12 even do morning evening night morning afiernooo the great britaix capt wmtkky going up uaties prescott tuesday evening brockville do do kingston wednesday forenoon oswego do evening cobourg thursday morniug port hope do do toronto- friday do and arrives at niagara queenston and lew ision the same foreooon coming down leaves lewision saturday a 2 afternoon niagara do at 8 do toronio do at 10 do pun hope sunday morniog cobourg do do oswego do night kinrrsttm monday morning brockville do noon dria bay and french creel- passengers leaving niagara britain on saturday will arrive tuesday evening dated may 3g 1836 98z notice pfliie sohwribor liaviog made arrangements jl to ewrt on ihe business of auction- ebh- an general commission rleltchastt in the extonsivo and couvc- rinii premb formerly occupied by parkir liensoff jin store street takes this oppor tunity of awtmuoeing hi readiness io receivo consignment angus cameron aurtinnecr commission merchant kingston may 14 1636 02 t wwwt oiattc va hwsn tauiunn one mooth chudrens friend society kingston committee at a meeting in kingston on monday jfft- ihe solh instant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects of this inslt- tution called at the rciuest of capt orrok agent to the society hi canada for the pur pose of establishing a branch committee at kingston for the reception and distribution of children in tbe midland district the fol lowing gentlemen were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power io add to their number viz vexcrable akciideacof stiart l l d rev r d cahtwhigiit a m honor avl john kirbv honoliaiilk john macaulav thomas marklano esq j p james simpson esa j p william logic es4 j p james macparlane esq j p john marks esq j p thomas scooell esq d a c g the latter genilemao being also appointed corresponding secretary of ihe said commit ice the committee give notice that they arc ready to receive applications fur children through ihc secretary who is prepared to give every information on ihe subject no com munication will be attended to uuless the postage be paid kingston june 2 2d i83g iiiti t n friend society nlhe subscriber begs leave io acquaint the jr public that he has been disappointed in receiving the number of children which he expected only 15 hftyioarkft w ow- flfff tho remainder viz 85 boys and girls will arrive in the course of ihe present season and the applications hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok secretary for the canadas corebaxk flhe annual general meeting of the stock- hulders will be held at tlie office of the bank on the lirtl monday in august next at ten oclock a m for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing twelve months a sterne cashier ifjmtlton isiii june i33g i04ill storage and wharfage fsfflk subscriber having been engaged in the above husiness fur nearly thirteen years wishes respectfully to inform his friends aod the public that he coniinues ai bis old stand known by the name of mcguires wharf where he will be at all times ready lo receive such properly as may be entrusted to hiscrtreand he has determined that all strain boats shall lie at his wharfage n b steam boats my be wood on the lowest terms john kistcn 37th april isjti bay river the splendid stean boat h calder matter will leave precott for tlo head of the bjy of quioie no tuesdays mid fridays on the arrival of the steamer dolphin touch- in at brockville aod gananvqiie she will we kingston oo her upward trips no wcd- oolays and saturdays at bah past 8 oclock a m and will ca m h fettewikpu- ces bat fnjedftryckslwjtoa aoolrhusront hallowellf scanlans nd arrive at tho tout aod carrying ho saino evoniocs she will leave the trent and carryin roartn atills mobawk vrilage suphlasbuhgii belleville amemasburgh place fiiepeated representations having been made io the commitiee of the kingston t by men in business that it would greatly accommodate ihe public and allay the apprehensions whieli many eniertatn by the rapid movements of both ihe king ston and brockvuhj consequent on the opposi tion if the days of one of the boats were alter ed and expressing a wish that the kingston would take other days although convinced that they had the right of keeping the days of last year and the injustice of another boat taking the same days when there were other days of the week unoccupied the commit tee of ihc kingston beg to intimate to the pub lic that in order to oltord ihetn greater ftftftftta ifta f vbry fame aeciftru on altering the days of sailing under ihe con fident expectation thai it will be duly apprecia ted they therefore give notice thai for the future the steam boat placo o the evcnius of vedncsdav and sunday for belleville aud icve belleville for prescott hn mondays and ttoridsys at halfpast 6 a mm calliog it sll thuniermcdiate places the brockville will leavo punctually ns advertised and as ho will stop ooly a few ninutes at each pluc except when ihoro may be freight passengers arc requested to bo iu jcadiness the speed and cbgant aecnmmndarionsof ho bnockvimk an so well known thai they tpquirc uo further reeontinendatimi for or passage ipply to ibe captaio board or t the committte s benson s barlleit ftolleville j j miller hallowell t mcinitler kingston liobert harvey brock ville and tho foluiviog aotnts thomas eraser prescott henry lasher buth john andersod fredricknurh saoiucl casey adolphustnwo sonuel solnios sophias- murgli wm porn f co mohawk village rhomas alcmrthoii aoieliasburgh shcldou ih iptflr mediate places and arrive llnwley river treti charles biggar car- ryinjj place fying place altf attlte stores of john cnun er 11 aod alusrs pruax philtip kiogsion lgih may 1836 07i 2inston jaco0 bontr master down v a r ds will leave the carrying place on tuesday and friday mornings at 8 oclock touching at the river trent amcliasburgh belleville sophiasburgh culbertsona seanlans wharf hallowell adolphustown fredericksburgh aod bath toktnsston will leave kingston same day at 6 p m touch at fairmans ga- oo oanoque brockville and arrive at prescott in time for the steam boat for montreal lahe ontario the si th b iket cihida capt n johnso a low pressure engine of 50 upwards will leave prescott eyery wednesday and saturday p m immediately after ihe arrival of ihc steam boat from below touching at brockville french crrek and arrive at king- stun early next morning will leave kingston every monday and thursday morning at 9 oclock touching at t the car- ng ilace same cvenngs ia time io meet ihe stages for cobourg port hope and to ronto all packages and luggage nt ihe risk of the owner unless given in charge of the puiser and booked every attention will be paid to ihe comfort of passengers and the boat is well adapted io take frihr horses slc stc- may 27 16jg v just received and for sale ai the comer cf king aud brock sirct ready reckon ers atid lennies kingston jan grammar 16 1836 propelled by horse poieer the onlv steam boat which plits rro0- larlv butwhen kingston a0 oswego ill leave kingston eery monday jalormauoo relative to ihc nn iands tor wl wednesday half past 8 oclock and thursday notice to emigrants the undermentioned guveroment agents will on application afford emigrants nformatioo relative to the crowo lands for day until vharf free ol supplied with mcgvire 7 osweir every tues and saturday at same hour further notice and on sunpavs will make an extra trip leaving kingston at 6 a ui and returning the same everng the canada which has run wr tunny years between toronto and niagara is schooner rigged and is well known to be second to none as a safe sea boat she is well calcula ted to convey both freight and passengers with safety and expedition for freight or passage apply to messrs trobridge crant oswego messrs truax phillips kingston or to the captain on board kingsion may 23d i33c 042 to let evrom the first day of november next mm ibat commodious house and store lately occupied by messrs j d bryce co situat ed on the wesi side of store street in the town of kingston near tbe commercial hotel these premises arc exceedingly well adapted for commercial purposes being situat ed in ibat part of tbe town best calculated for alt kinds of business if necessary possession will be given on the 1st of june next for further particular apnlicaiion may be made either to james nickalls jun esq kingston or io hubert maxwell esq montreal bauk quebec kingston sth may 1835 r3 new goods the subscribers are now receiving by the last arrivals from london livkiivool and glasgow extensive assortments of the various kinds of staple and fancy laces small wares ug tflirucil of england psalm iiymjys at the ch roof re wiili nnd gazcttt kingstou may 17 183fi without music sold office 93 wauled immediately two journeymen cabinet makers and an active vounc man as apprentice to ihe same business liberal wages will be riven none but persons of good habits need apply e cone kingston u c may 3fjth 836 94a ditions upon which they may be obtained mr w j scott emigrant agent pres cott johnstown 1 strict- mr john mcjyaughton agent to ibe com missioner for crown lands bytown bath- urst district mr anthony jmaaahan emigrant agent kingston midland district mr jtlexander mcdontlt agent to the commissioner for crown lands peterboro newcastle district mr john b askin agent for the com missioner for crown lands london london district mr henry 7 jones agent to ihe com missioner for crowu lands chatham wes tern district they will aho svc information as to ihe routes distances and rates of conveyance to those parts of the province to which i mi grants may be desirous of proceeding aod di rect those in want of work to places where thev can obtain ii the undermentioned gentlemen have been furnished with maps of the townships open for locution i and will give emigtanis infor mation relative to the lands for sale in their respective neighborhoods- iiash wool rm itil paid for clean wool ualiiy iu the fleece at tory fanaimqijo may 17 193g of a bo woollen tnntl fac- u3ut mr pringle cornwall kmds drv goods sccscc that i hey arc in ihe habit of importii hubert armour co montreal may 21 i83k 100z to millers just received direct from the manufac turers in europe with whom arranr- d seelev would respfcifully the inhabitants of kingston and nliy that he continues tailoring business nform ts vici- o carry on the above busiuess at his old stand in store street di rectly opposite the commercial hotel and he hopes by punctuality strict attention o busi ness and reasonable cbargrs to merit the con tinuation of patronage he has ml liberally re ceived the pasi year and he assures the public that uo pains will be spared on hi ii m ii 4 ii brockville bath belleville hallowell cobourg port hope i m uwiiiit win oc pur in h nii part lo give iavc been made tor a consiaui supply of every possible dse w articles of the hesi quality viz rtiil dutch bolting cloths assorted blackmorcs patent do do kthmii burr sione- for sole by lakoctfuv july as bernard u co nimfaction will receive the must approved fash ions every spring and fall n b one nr two first ratr journeymen will find constant employment hy applying io the above none but lirst rate workmen need km ton ld miiv lw tfjj ffflficri mtfkcnsicj baldwin fairfield brown kirtgsmill elliot sandwich bostwick pon stanley ironside amherstburgh emigrants in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at toronto ore di- recicd io apply at ihc emigrant officeio the public uuildings a b hawke chief emigrant agent for u canada emigrant office i toronto may 2d is36 j nyiloo the editor of the kinailon cftronjcumoatrkil liazeiti r ir sur and the ltfodoa iwoct reqiiuttd tu iniert ihc above nolic in thslr reipcet- lepers atl to continue the tftois until lh slit or october neat for sale tilt kegs of heb pi wk very low for cash chronic gazette office t knisiou january 7th 1836 a a general hwbhktf stockholders of the baia of onu2 held at the bank on tbe 6th jotte imvvte honorable samae hart htrinrbern epoofl ed chairman of tbe said hsft as statement of the ttffiiirs of the lnsutotsow submitted with sundry other expwwry doc uments after wbich the following rcaoluuou were proposed and adopted nevtw tfud cente oamefy no 1 resoivtd thai the thaotaofj tft stockholders be given to the presidedt vint president and directors of the ban rnfi able rcanagemeni of the business of lielostu tution no f rcsohed that ihe thank of the stockholders he given io the cashier beoj holmes esq for she zeal and ability sbowoby him in his department of the back no 3 litc4ucdy that the thanks of the stockholders be conveyed to the president aod 1 directors of the jucbec branch nf the losttiu lion for their zealous attention io the affairs thereof confided to their cbarge no 4 rtsolved tint i lie thanks of tbt stockholders be given to alex simpson esq for his able conduct of his depanmeot of tbe quebec branch cf ihe bank no 5 resolved that ihe sum of fire hundred pounds be given to ihe hon peter mgill as n consideration for his trouble insti perintendine the concerns of the bank by ibe great n montreal on touching goinir up and com eg down at mor- and arrives a i prescott same afternoon touch- ristowo brockville alexaodria bay and ng in going up and comiog down at alexao- frcnch creek passengers leaving ihe niiriraby the l ted states on wednesday evening will reach montreal on saturday evening t5passengcrs by tither boat will pass the si lawrence from kingston lo montreal by daylight coparties from thcsoutb intending to visit niagara falls will ccd it a pleasant and ex peditious rouie to take he lake steamers at oswego or kochesief no resolved that the sunt of three hundred pounds b presented io the honoranc john siewart a a consideration for his trou ble ii superintending the alf trs of ibe uucbeo branch bank no 7 resolved that in as muchastlw charier of ihe corporation will expire qn tlij isi of june next it is expedient that tbidt rector adopt ihc necmarv steps iis renew al an j in ihe evntt of failing in thai respect that they call a meeting of ihe stockholders lo take into consideration the most eligible aod safe mode of continuing the business ro rfoued thai the foregoing reso lutions be inserted to the public papers in which the buik ntfltccs are usually published s 1 1 att chairman c tait secretary montreal gth jllot i s-ltj- signed lor totht cashier of the montreal bank stn we ha iv to report ihcfolioiviogs holder elected s directors wfifteloimuoij ensuing vcrtr t ti aivoemqvi bnq cifuls baooke ei- til ilov 10l13 glgvi loitav jamiesov esq wlmiam ivcn e iamu logaji esq tun hos pen mgi jnnrti massoh eft john rkopth esq 11 l octc en josnni shuter evq joflm tokuaflce e john mousow esq montreal bnnst titb june 1836 ipoa c tait d p ross scrutineers david toruance oppck canada nuruaf riltc jsuraitck cose paxv at a meetiog of iw iwcjioidetiof the mid land districr duly convened fav public id- vertiscnieni pursuani loan aci passed in the 6th yer of the reign of wm iv entitled an act to authorize the establishment uf mutual in surance companies ui the several jjisificisof this povtnee held at ihe court house in tbe town nf kingston on monday the gilt day of june instani at 12 oclock at noon lor tbe jiurpose of considering whether it hixpeoieot io establish iu such district a btre insurance company on the principle of mutual insu rance in conformity with the provisions of the above mentioned nci ml upwards of 4fl members being present the said mveiing henry cassady eij having been called lo the chair aud mr w- diwe appointed sec retary it was resolved that the freeholder prf ceni ai ibis iiieeiins deetn it expedient o fornj a bire insurance company upon ihc principle of mutual insurance within the mdlan b- trict pursuani to the siatuie lately passed- kesolved that h cassady wmgrnti and thomas kirk pa trick efqrs he a cumtnii- tee loopen a book and receive subscriptions fv iock and whereas the freeholiers then pre sent being fony or mori- nnd the sums for which they bound themselves to effect insu rance amounted together to jli000curreocy ind upwards and arc thereby ordained coft- iui li ivfa unt htlostl uj to nvuvhauljkb- dy corporate and politic in fact by and under the name and style of the mutual fire insu rance company of for the midland district now we ihe undersized ten freeholders pre sent at the said meeting and bound io effect insurance with the said company and beioj members thereof do hereby ive npjice that we call a meeting of thetaid company o bfe held at tbe courthousc in tike town of king ston aforesaid on montlay ihe loth day vf ju ly neptai 12 0 noon for the purpose of electing mvct directors lo maoage tod conduci the properly affairs and concerns of hie said company pursuant to the provisions of the said act he cassaotj tiros kinicratrictc wm garrztt jaxl3 mcobbn hfnhv smitu jk kingston david john smitv johx howat wm thwk4ll john piaht bower joscpm bncct 7ih june s3o 9 the chronicle c gazette stefhex b mcnntll utny i twnnty shilliacs pr annum if paid in sdvinej or witllin ilia first two months if pjid t the e ut lhejetr twcnlydtvchillings vrice of 1 abctt istm en- st line and under ss- git titst insertion mid 7 each subscqtichi insertion ten lines and under 4 first inschion and kid each subsequem inertiotr above ten lines 4d pe linn for uictiih iwertiesii and id per line for every 5ub5equent iastii advertisements w tibotit written uifcclivife tilt forbid and charged accordingly a iibeisl tliecounl ndt lo merchant and others who advert ft three innnih nnd pwsrdr u advcriisuitieni received alter tew rftw m tiic mornings of publication any person procuring six subscribers io uw p nod paying n uatty fr iht mime shall be fauurs ctved in psynent st nn lo a seventh copy gratis izj country rrodicti tho market price fjtn john bffrnell esq dtvid chisliobn esq andrew lorieoits esq uilliam mcintosh esq gvnrge browse tsq a ipheus jones esq henry joncj eaq jfijiiu 1 ewq h tvhtimvrsh esq j k hortwell esq mrjsnt c j mcdonald john dran ksq allan mrphcrsnn esq win rnrke esq thotna demnrest esq t d appleby esq thomas parker eq w robertson esq charles bigttir eso joseph a tveelcr liq kenneth mackenzie eiq david etmsttj ejq john hnlbnl rn rsllc clench b quebec three river mootreil lanoaettte mstims prescott flrockvill perlb richmond bastard r gonsrioqoe bath nopinee hokowell siphitflkirgb shiiiaoirfalif uollrvlv river trcsh murray coloornr coboucg port hope toronto nidgr