Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 24, 1836, p. 1

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and kingston commercial advertiser ii tlluw4 every w ad s unwliy wt f 4woc cornc of kill and brock ttclfe p 4 lot xviii eui i r r u i i mi nbc reoe nec populo sed utrohue at uo anil of tut year ttmtj- nmtlugi j kingston upper canada wednesday august 24 1js3g- tmc- uk v notice ij clwlirfl mil other pensioners who are m paid by the commissariat hnhr assistant commissary general here jl by notifies hie alove deseripliotl of by iinnrits me airve oesenpuou ol per- tonb that ihcy must make fkhsohsl uppliva- jmltftt heiinninffnf each quarter tu the stmt commissariat offirefur ilieir pensions la cases whn pensioners reside a tliftance frpm a commissariat office which iniiii rea der it inconvenient or exensive 10 tut pp- uuoeri to apply at the beginnioa of each quarter or if from silliness or oihtr good etirs application cannot be made personally cteo once in the year an officer will be etit snausllv to visit those su lions 10 identify and piy those who cannot for ihse causes present themselves at a commissariat station the pensioner are enjoined 10 keep pos session of their instruction lapcrs as ibeir fleasions will he paid only to twhi ln person un iiin lr in identified thereby it is further notified ihaj the governmept tvill tint under any circumstance recusal aeents or the claim of any individual fur debt qooirarnd hy tin pensioners i commissariat pot kingston 15th march 1336- 752 bank 0 b rit1 north am capital j3l oqocmo stehliko iji qftooo shears or 50 each thafix fuwiiths op which havk bckm -iasckie- d l knglam 4ho thk kcmalfoeft arc nrskrveo tun thk colonics with power to ikcmttas tin capital london d1iiectors gtneot d itoscu attwuod s kotraen blouht eq koatax bkiwn ejq stk uobkkt camracll im i katat cants k illiah u fir fit 7 chapman esq james jom cummins hq jaucs doivit ko uuil aillku ch auianok utixutjt jo e william mruixv esq wllllaw iembkktorf ksq gtoact uichako i ks jok waltputf nliflltti esq m p- thr rapidity wiljt whtrh i british nonh american cohmtcl bive advancrd in trineriiy and commrrial importance the fast ibcrtueof ileir population ihrlnili rate of jnierst the queiuihnof rxbane the ilt- adrtmcy f the cininl alreidy employed fur banking omfriiionfb und the men asms hieili- iy of interoiirf wiih ill moilier cikiolfv noini qui lb diltrreui aritlemeths if hniiah north amerira as uftrdins n 5c imc svld fur the profitable niplovmrnc f pitiil lur whirii purpose and with a iev of proniotic the merrantilt- and affricilliwul imercsisof thecnhmies the preeui cgmpmy ins been tinhliilud the management of iu companys affiirs ii rested in the loudon court of dlrvtfom snd the bukit in tlic colunte are m be cun durifd hy wrtl bimltdl uphohufd hy ihem- a kmknl merlin t of the proprietor is to be ill early in londnn titwiifni a statement of the companys ftrs will be sohnotied ptiwer hat been reserved to the dirciorf 10 appw for and crpi on bvhalf of 1 lie etib lisbmeni a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a dpoit of 10 sterling per share 10 he paid within a period to be iviioeri tn ibe letter of allotment at the rale of txelri8tf therein fiidaml the oed of sciliviutqi to be sigiltd bi the time of pvhieni aftrr jhmiirfii of the ietmil- iho romiiner of the capital wih be reijnirej hv insitlmeni tiot exreedine t0 aifrlilii per shre at gtteh intervals of not leihan three tuoiilhs as ihc dueciora hmy lt iamsmw imuv thhh- jrtisi f the batik into operation of which due uutjee will be given the undtrtned euntniisioind to rrprefent ihe court o direclqh in auierini and 10 visit the tereral colonies for the porpos- of putiins the affairs of the bank imo operation hereby gives done ihnt ur will be ready 10 receive aal eonsidf r appliiaiion from arm esi- 1 in ihe prnvinee of upper canada who tnv he dftiftwi of hvnhatig sharrlnddera in the capiitl sitirk of the company addressed tahini at ihe post ohie at montreal 00 cr btfore ibe 10th day of august n uubkkt carter new york 14ih july i8j8- form of application to robert carter esi- post office moireal i request that you will allm to me shares in the bank or british noatit ahcbica and 1 hereby enace to pay the de posit of 10 sterling each uton su many of loeh shatrs as you may allot 10 me at the time place and rait of etofhttog to i e speei ried in your teller of lloimint ttndal the same lime to execute the deed of settlement i am sir your obedient servant sixrflfvn- a ungth de m letters most et t0t taid- unnk of upper canada public noiire is hereby rjtven that a gtntral mtin or the sioclchomers ol tbiabank it requested to he held ut the bnk da wednesday the 24th day of august n- at 10 oclock in ihe forenoon fur the ptirpoe of klecijns a director to srve durins tlie re- raaindir of ihe presfni term in ttif place of the hon pfciu robiwon who has resigned aid for busiaese which will be thcu comutuuiea- led by order of ih birf thos o ridout caiiuer sf inspection store scobell geofrril ln 0 t a b j wl cor dial jiaoks to ihe mfchaoi and oidfr inltab- hams of kingston and ihe viciniiy for he liberal pmtromfrtbvy have exieodrtl 10 him donaff ilrfjwn year and he brs leave loin wm ihetathalhtf has removed his fnspenioi business from th hon j kirhys siore 10 h tze and convenient store and wharf of mrs torsyth lately occupied by mr a m- duwll where he will always ready 10 io- jrt auoh articles as may be eonsienenl 10 him for thai forpose and he hopes iv011 his 110 experience punctuality and stricc aneniion to btninmsull 10 mem ibe approbation and sunpori of the public n b porsnle 500ri ihs weight of smoked hams 3000 do chvese 2000 do upper caiyida butler 2 tons of tanl io kegs for family use 900 barrels salt kiqjjsion april mih 18s r scobell 57z the mansion house kingston u c nnile ptihfribir riipfrtfullr in- i notify ii the tinvelliiift pvhlle thnx he rnihitiuffa hi orciipy this extensive nuu well known mncl i ht makion hoosr ii ptejimfttly situnteil lit slre sireri tieim ilir piinipnl inl ten m street in kniftnjt ifauttieni inll the steatii hoxt uhrvp nn n rmhihnirit of it kiml in tke iee prvinre run surpn it io the ekcrfleiro nw fmnfufl if it npmrt- mmu hnh jiuiiir fniil tieifrmtiift miirry- hur in nuhtroll of vrhtch itr furuidhed in the yv hiryje the hotel tag imiy oqlerjnne a thorooih repair unit in nt phwi in tumi mfllriil r- ilr ui- tnudiiiuu fur the aceuiiiinlhtiuq f ihi- isihlir the urriher lit v kpt me for many veiir i krquiml experience in ilat line an hirnfu- trfiit thnt iii unmnituie ht- lirmf in hrk iiuiiiii iff hu h4li hi him ctniiinue in t ptihlic pnirmre in the rtr of the mansion hust there it a urok yard anil extensive biamlng ancl wlicr o livery sthl- u cihitniily kpt cytlie i uitrfimii uniine cartit nml r- in- ill nw hr inreliiifs tfironvrv lit nfnerul luggts to nud frum the different sie4m humt s carmino kioitoit jooe22d 1836 103 foinvahdlsg united ilitiqf therfdfau and stt lawrence thk ottawa and hideau for i warding company beg leuve ll nuitfy their irirntli nd the poblic erntrftllf that tliey live ubfm their line with that ot the cunnila inuod furwarding and insur- nnee compipt ahjumeh s deimd preference hs juitly beeft eiven to ihe hllmu line fronnheiujw- rior cmft in which goods are furwurded is wrll n the reriftiuif with rrgurd io time nd diminution of iisk mitendmtf ihe ifnittpnct yet stjmr uhjeftinni hve hero rwivd to the cnnjtu heing earlier in the vail ihnn the hirer sr lwet rid to obtnite tluc odjriiuiis hecontlpny iniind this union to kepa full supply bnatson the st law rence not wiih n xw of dojnr their butnes3 cenetally by that tout but io accommodate their cumooiers in be princ and fl s well as to meet rvery ptisibte eoniingency tht mclir take place l cannl und restore io the company the fullest confidence of the puhlic to fariliate thetransport of good destiri- ed for the portsofliles ontario find erif he company have arranged for their tranship ment ut but fa the lris of prescott and ktntea- ion hut from its eliibiliiy intend ihi laner to he the principal place of irhtibhipmem when the kideu uanal reopened nj nn n vanre on the pivfpm tmc of freicht will he dt manrjeil from their recolir cusuimrs while ihe kideau cani u ojien tr ihe fall their notice hphe undersigned ifihamlftuifl of llwrttowe of kingston in the midutnd district hereby rive nonce ihat ihey intend io aply io the provincial legisuture at iis next suincs for iheeriacirutn of law auilionzitt foreign ers to possess real kute in freennrf ronimon sorcag- in this provinre unjer sucfc stipula tions may he found necessary guard ncainsi political imerlerence or umftf specu lation tending to monopoly kingston 10th august 1836 a mnnihan jl mpp john crtmron lnwtene herchmer jp t bri2a- ju rontna gtecr wilmmii wilson divid john smith w h urav j p wb smyth jamva fraser kmrns- thomas wilson a fojier c halrs francis m hill oh heath jnmes williamaoo w dean c hatch l yrckley riihfrri anglen wni bowman john p- bower heirl n i i mer william burke kphrnint cone mcnithb k b aifmfirong j rota sampson j mcfarlane jp john stnuifiej p geo w yarker john mavtat 1 marmder jiseph bruce dmielas ptentisa s- muekkaipo s a leoittt w m dmflf k it haldy u mclean thos me wmthirkell thof b milord john roy hnrlrs wilbrd wmgjirratl jmes mcdonald geo ariniriig p fleming slim at prescoti v those of ihe cnnadn in- thomas butter land korwardinzgmipny and mr- w dirk- j tlw upper canada gaxettu will pleam copy this inson their aserv will couttnue to conduct t nonce the business theft to merchants and ofbers lands for sale ofk ackcs nf ialuahlt land u offer- fl m jl for oiie on miat advanttres ivniifi it i siiunrd nlv a lew rnhs fnm the vilhie tf berlin in werloo township gore difrtftfi and is nm exceeded hy nny in the prnvin for lertiltiy and is in cood settlement rotiiainini ahcut is acre el lhil whereon is creeled a lo dwelling ciliul e 8tc- a cod utle will he iven and possession dmv h- hnd immediately this would wfll suit a fmali ettiufniim family wiih limited mean and afford them a u and comfortable honte tit ierms are moder ate apply by letter post paid or personal ly to h w peterson waierlnotovnshipgurediirictuc- june la 1936 ckltic society of upper canada koticr is hereby niven thai the time lor reeeivinc the enys as adeeniinl hy the soeiriy is posiponnl from the 1st of ausruat to the 10 h of setuemlier iixt john a macdovald kingston 27h july 1836 sitjt ruling machine for sale cheap for cash apply at the office of the goods forward by the rideau canal will ivoticc is hereby riven that ami not be insured urlt ordered by ihe owner 1 will ho ttimn by john strnujrfclf those that my heltrwnrded via the si law reiue will h msirrxl by the company unless otherwise direrird- mr k haokeiiof the canada inland for warding atid lnlrvhre company will at nil times ht reily tooeceive rders for ihis com- pufty to whom rit well e cwwmw aems at monireai tfta kingston application may be made k cushino aent montreal w dickiso a sent prescoti g bftlih am kingstou jodfl 25 lim crown offictv juwe 9uih 1836 wtotice is hereby ginen that the courts k uf oyer snd tfrniitw and eenrsil 0ul delivery nl of assise nl nisi prius in and fur the different disricis will be as fol- cor commencing hlonrtty lit anytit 1 u iviv 9 h aiicttmt nodiy u1 august thurdy a sepi nlmry ui august mirriit 2nd d tuesday 0h d thiisdv bm spu mtfichv 2jihd wednhday 5 h oct mtnriav 171 oct of which all sueriffts cotuiers mtgi traces gnders and me pactr officers are coronnndd to lak nnitrte by order of the cfloja chahlks c small clerk of ticromi aud pleas luws 7bte dtitrhti cornwall e9 em bmtkvihe pwthg j hftfiwn b4hu t kinsfohj mitlund rlnrnhcn ure ssihuicti wimrn l london niafira iijui ahlt4l nrwf ttsili puiin piinee fdw jifntilo iiohc ichiiun and olhfra to the lefcilhture mi its iieirt pesii to fnim h company for the enntttnotiuo of n turnpike lat frmn thettmn f rifiw0 to ho villara of nupmiee in ihe tavashii uf rirliinimkl in the midland dutrict klltftsfoo 3ih july 183j 9z tw cts qftt wnt tileaiq fvj tbii no tice r tvotice i hereby siven ihai appliraiion j- will be made tu the lruttu vu hts province at its neit sessior for the arnebd- memofthe charter of the marmora foondry company reruirin an inctfse of its capua to 250000 and prayine thai express bank ing privileges be granted to hie company a manama v js macfarlane jas sampson geo w yarker kingston july 4 1836 1u the 0 t gazette will this 1votick is hereby gittrv at application il will be made tu the je2iliure mi its next session for the unprop ol the river tfent aftstrdtns to the rln estimmes mnde hy n h btrd kq hy aid of pro virtctal government or iuhp in soch id that fur her application he made fur an ar io inmrporat a cunijjny to carry ilwl improvement into effect a avm geo- v vaulk t mxcrfidkr j- bauce- kingston 8th august 9q the upper canada r- vil plsse copy thin nriiite chroriirle 6t wtw information wanted of win harrison an enslishman supposed to he in btlleville u c or geneva i s any information of him will be thankfully reenvrd bv lu hroiher john harrison front street kingston 6th august 1836 eriitnrs wdlconler s particular fvur byenpytnp commission office rfchk undersignthl heinr about to establish a jl dehi for the rereptinn uf weft iniha dry hidks i lenvem inftirn hiffrtetldl and the taoiu rs of this province and the ad- juining stutes thai he will be hfippv at all itqlw to receive their orders a od foruish the article at the lowest newyork prnv j b- clarke kingston 1st joly i8s6 6z pr1zr medals the natural history society uf imoictkaliff r tilrkk phizk mk- dals for i he three hei ksaysihat way be prtrwoted on the folluwiu uhjects 1 on the couneetion viweu the language and thr charauier ola ivtmle 2 tin ihepyfiiclhisivoiriversin general and of the si lawrenev m panieolar 3 on the etreumstftty tvlnm wrc vli- niflte m cvoentltifld the ctuutv of lower cjiiii in pt tiruvir 4 on the chinpmiivead4pintirhn of prairie anil for to the settlement of a n w touniry will muiiin n 5 the changes iiii have iak place in coiinnerrjitl irfttl medical and mifc-llan- the hahnnl none plants ruin in the mus nmtii rihe act of inorration of the nnrihern pans or america paniet m re cllv of h laws rnanetl hy ihe ttrl the chancel indum on tbci o-ncultu- cottnril a post offire thle r as ral and honieoli this work will domain o murh infbnaniinti j alike ufful io the sirancer he inhabitant of city of toronto a tbr home district dirkctory wiih mmi- pne sr calndar for ihe ye 183g and 1837 this work is now in the prs and will he completed about ihe lih ausnst next i will coninnio alphaunr l 0 tin- inhab itant hiushohlers of ih m inoiiioo a ltd iu literues ws r irs i avvietical lii or ihe inhabitant houholdell of ihe 52 pownships of the hume dsirin ditttiteuth iii2 the uutnler of the lot and cnesioft it register uf civil kcrleiaical or ious a upptr canada tortiftio tsih july is56 ths ann rr ortfrper whf w aaally pub- uilwdffr the bank if fl r i ai jiij iil be il ts fte ihii botict iick inenib- forsal flusotity of excellent wnnng ink at the fchron i- gazette office coroefif king i bather sole and lwrof v a taonasescalf skins kips ike or sale by larocque bernard st co who will keep a large assortment ronstanily on hand may 18 isz just linihed and fur sale at the book- store on the corner of king and brock strrtt a large assortment of account books of best rnatermlsand workmanship for sale at montreal price k blank books or paper well and correct ly ruled to any pattern at short notice kinfcton june 1 1835 for saie at the commercial wharf kingston foot of stor- bimt whiskky salt plastkr of paris watkttllmb bv the subscribers trijax 8t phillips kings 23d may s36 95z oticet wright ingkrsoll have brrr for sale a l mr- florence uotiogtuu ta vern kinyrf in barrels aod smaller quinti- ttea to suit purchaiers 5 fredrickslrjrg lotb jafluary 1856 the nuidlltoui re ut the biwra fchnllhc presumed q bffnre ihe tfoth ol february is3g 31 the iasiy may he io french or en glish 3d the names and residences tf ihe auth ors most he runeenlrd to ensure hivh each esy shsil have a tniio and shj a pauied by a seiltd rune 4uperscnl y him motto and romainin the ni r r r idence of the author this noelf 0fl he iji fjfj in the case of the kvmf hc neeliired worthy of a prize o herwise it iihull bi- des troyed 4h the successful essays shfilj rem the property uf the society 5 h thesociwy reserves to it rijht in withlmld the pn2 shtuld noot u ihe f iv5 on any particuur 6uhect app deserving of it the essays are to b addrc l0 j mcoau lisq corresponding sciretary ufthe society andrew h alim0ur recording tin ediioi rr nil uwic pspr ft bnih piitvincr wil eint u iiivt om t tt tv ly ir lug mi iniimn io fh- ahove or uy njng u m ihe c tnri- r luthm of ihrtc tte ciiy and of the home district as well as the inh ibitanis or tlu pnvince cemralv its circulation will he ffret and it thrrvfun uffw an esttrllen niediom for menhanis adveriie- nients whichwill be tnseried at a wttj as may beaered upon wiih the proprietor geoitge waltonchewetra budding tincmeri city of toronto or upon the uutl terms ao early application ii requested toronio july 29 1336- hz ed tof newnpapen inserting this wili bvc a c py f i h wort eut iini for sale abotit 7000 aerta nf land situated in various pant of upper canada cheap for ready money only will he sold m lois to suit purchasers agent or to apply to c hatch land kinjttnn j linton auctioneer anoost is 1836 3z notice tiif sihcrihrr lietw leave q bf hil friends nod ihe pnl ived hlu lmiir bnrr lhn vmf nf iic fm iuk uniclr i iiiii frum livr sliitrii1 mil hiki ara vii ihiick j liuil cliith do do d i do km pi per li now mil die frnn mid 1 1 1 suprfiiip wra llivi- crfn fd mdly llovlde nil single mdld cnminn fiky buf u-mm- il wj u irrlf f vulcutia mid mrw illcs veiiiii iu ia trimming t ilia ntinw tlf tt b m mind infermr n bob in hi mlll bolil fr ilucliiliiy mud rlieinrs giillfintrtiaccmnuiudmcd h llll aj llie j 6 ik ihi oppniibolrj u iioi raaiomrm mfu iiro blj in rll nod hlile fl m 6cnfvi h in mmkri id i ih tmcul min nuuld be vsiy accepcdie n mm jt kiophtdi 14th jatjt 1 ioiz john clancy or david clancy who eunqraied fiom the county cork some four yeftft pjt are informed iliat the in hut children of joho whelan and ellen cla ncy their smer are now in kingston under charge of miry dly their mother bfltids on the husagc out the children art desn- lute and llw uncles are requested to come speedily io their assistance further information may be had on applica tion to mr manahan kinwon lolll juw 1336 5 jum recr1vkd and lor ftale rt the chtomcle sl gazette office a town imltlelalj 1klj mlw i rtie tin highway and tv towhship meetimr act ship manual oeiily hound comprising all the laws now in force rclttn io the town ship omoo which asement acts n the laws repect ins boundaries line fen ces and water courts ionkeepers ilija and tiffice of constable the uw uf landlord and tenant distress for rent court of r- qtitfft act summary punihmetu aei jury huive tomiluniul mill dns uouse of commons july 4 thc inisu church cill lord morpfth moved ihe nrder of the day for the cuhuiiitteo ou the unh cborch bill the houte heo rooued itself iuto cornuiit tee the fiftieth claum tin agreed td with n proviso added to it ou the inotioa of lord mor- peih the appropriation elauie haviog been read lftrd mahnn nwe to move that it he ttruek out nfthe hill contending tht ihe queuun or ihe inalienability of church property admitted of on cntnpronme and of ou cuocehion henr hear a debate which intted the remainder of the evening emucd hut mi the qieuon hat al ready been before ihe public riiueonouieam we dn mt thiuk it oecetiaty to enter ioto it ui tiny length- mr poulter cootended that the hit did oot in reality alienate nny purtino of church pt perly ami tihervd flint ni a ijlhime hd hith hehrd trom the other tide nlnut reform iuk many ami riovous nhuseiof ihe cburrh until the appropriatiun nf a part of iti ree- uue nib demanded hear hear mr tenmnt ipnke nr freat length in oppositiun to the clause nod enuttoded ihat the quetiioo of npproprietioo wat now much less popular than it wh two year ago mr mj g gannett itippnrted ihe clause end showed that whatever the npioion of the people might be great ehange had taken place in those of ihe hoo member fur bclfrwt mr tenneni who nlmut ihe time mentinned hud tneercd at the innlt the motb traus- mitters of n fotdish race sir f trrnch coniemled ihnt th moaeurei now taken tendril tu nihin hut the detruc tton nf ihe established church and ihnt mioi- lers were the mere creatures of mr ocou- oell lr baldwin suppnrtej the clause and dit claimed any nuh to see the ciathulic cletgy connected tvtth tlie unte lord morpeth spoke hi snoie length r pally iu refutation of certain charge advanced by mr scrgeauii jncksun ftgolnsl the cooanif siouere of public idstruciiio in reference tn the cnuiparative iucnine orclerpyuien iu kug- land scotland aud iielaiul ids lmlihip made a stnteineui to the follnniug elteri a gug- land mid wales the mimw of heuifices were 10713 iht average inrome 385 and the po- polaiiuo church ut kughituf 1014 ud the number nf fieres 3460 io scmtlaml the mini her nf hem fices ami the income for each 240 the population 2uo0 ihe oumherof acres ftus and the tqunro miles h in ireland the imnder of heutnee hchmiioc to the estab lished church were 1250 the avrrige ineuoie 294 the population 0i and the nundicr of quare miles 25 m he was prepared to main i in thai tlth measure wtmld have the effect f much more oenrly apnnriiomng ecclenasli- cal revenues and duties aud in addittun io this advantage it had this snvereitt aud cruwnioe rccninoiendatinn that iu the present perverse and lameothhle it ale eihil ted by ibe church in that emiotiy tberfftrgywf whieh oiifihi he well aid io l eninpusel nf niilitaiils r hljamof men oh are eiihcr atarviug er ciulioiii i he wnrit privitinth or nrta nrrv iiraid ilowu upu their iichiu the of thute erllm were supposed t- he tin ir aoc- cheers from tlm ministerial and fniul cries uf oli fiom ihe opposition heche 1 dmit said ibe noble imii say thnt this is a right state of thins i thmt say thai it i ei ther priprr nr ehtitian that it slmold so mo- tinue i only lament that such is tho fact reueivid cheer mudi better wult it be in mv npiiiiun ii lofu ofmnrltiiiimg h sys tem by whith the clergy nf the rstablialied church are either cmuptllfed to eai the hitter rrul of want and indpeodcoce or to spill ihe hlutid of those ciitrttited id their spiiitutil care a well a to endeavor to huji the cries nf ihetr fioitlks fur bread the cumuiiitee irero tu accede tu the present hill unshorn nud iodiveteilr uiat principle hich per haps fnr the last un1etniy nuw he niadt hvall able lim of thi question autuupply lag an insured pro- virion to the exuting eleigy coupling tbeu the other provisions of this measure with that uhith has i am led to believe the saceiinu of try public opioo without which oo ai1juttneut can ho rel and ihtifmiory e hope and think that there is tulkcieiit advantages result ing from it to the hulk of the people to induce them lo give it their tofdlul ucquimccuce much cheering mr meson cnntcnled that the statements he had made were correct jlfri hicl nade a loit in aupport of ihe ntmiiim he did out agiec with those who thought it useless to carry ihe hill through the rmkluimt il for the purpose of abrupt rcptidihiion to the llusqofurds cheirs l doumtuuk- said he that thu bill will suffer by the roil dcmuaiino of iho to wlmoi every opportuni ty ouht to bft afforded f coufiroiins the tu- pressino which they have utken so much pis tu produce iu their mo regard if they will not do justice to ireland let os gi ll mean enough to perform noothr art of j iee of bich ireland will uot he the object of the peel parlihieur ire- io fasorof suj seuleirent of the quntioo erjil thai ih princi- plv on which this bill was founded mad ihtf ocly bsis on uhicb r sottlemeu could rest chteri lord stanley contended that the tinetlwtof mr ociinnell aud hit iupporters was toabo- liih the church establishment in ireland ad that the principle ou which the ppropriatum clause tvas founded was moetdeogeroua oqe inasmuch as it gave the state an interest io re ducing church triipe us touch a possible and hereby tended to disturb thai harmony whieh ought to subsist between ibem llo said that his onhlo friend it the head of his majesty govtrnrnftut had with tbo risbnesi nhith lelunged to a younger meo adoiiited io ibe loose of parliament tint the bill wotild inflict n heavy blow oo tho protestant interest iu ireland ihnd proceeded to cooteod that min- i-itci- ifrefe driven on by other to the adop tion of measures ihith as men ftcttug oaibeir wq lodwidoal jodgmenl thej wuld buro liccri desirous to avoid iu the course of his npeeeh iho onhlo lord read mr ocoonalls letter to the people of england comrrlefltkig nn it as ho proceeded and having made sotr nssertion relative to mr oconoell which tbii gentleman said m untrue bis lordtbip protested against the interruption iatooti iu- diguant terms several members rose to or- der and a teene of indescribable confusion which lasted for some lime eosoed among those ho hist to order was lord j rustelt who said that the interrup tion of the hon and learned member for kl- kciiny os most disorderly but appealed to the chairman to say nheiber he would allow the oohle lord stanley tn mako charges a galost ministers imputing to them that they were not acting on their ono opinions but were driven on by others to adopt a coursri which they did uot io tbeir hearts npprov the noble lord had ntiritiuted motivvs to ttetn of a most scaudiiluuf uaturc the chairman decided umt mei vwt hi and in reference to the complaint f 1m j russvl said that n distiuettnn mnst lis tntdtf io h application f jiartieular tcrrrrl io ittdi- tidunu and to binlici of men he bed not eijiected that the charge made by tbo uould hod siautey would he objected to as disor derly hut that it would benefitted frj the cstfm of ihe debate hy some of the noble lords or hnburfchlb gentlemen who nt on ibe right of iho etiiiir ivr bmf- lord stanley then proceeded to contend that it was m perfect illuin to say that this mvn- mro could be either final or eatisfvivry that by it government would iuiroduee m daugereus principle carried ioto effect by dangferbtit ma cbiuery nod guarded hy oo provisions of n proper kind that it would tend to the de struction of the wmcgthiii chinch in ireland nud thai he trusied that before long the gov ernment would see that hy their diminishing nmjnrity in that house that thtyhad the pkpln of england against them aod agirtnst their plan of dealing with the prcpeny nfthe ehdrclt in ireland iu the tame way as lin irsssnti6ad thai plain sense aod plain reason w re against ltcheers and tlwt they would neer bo permiltetl under the fallacious hope of effect ing a compromise in sacrifice the irish pro- rwhriluwiv mtd ohf rtomttwftftdtf dlo protrslint religion io ireland to argument which if they meant anything at all led lo- thi neceary conrlusinu thai fur ihe proles- tan there sloojld he iiistitoted k catholic as- ceqdaicyiit ireland loud cheers mr oconnell defeoded bis own letter snd jutiifled ihe argmnents union from tha afate- ment of facts cnmaitied therein uhiut such things were allowed mi continue who was it that gave ihe blow to protest ant is mt cheers was it be who insisted oo the pluorjer of 9990 human catholics to support tbo spiritu al wants nf 77 protestaots who never saw their clergyman or was it he who jid that this was a state of thing tvhich brought scandal upon the proiestnnt church inflicted no iojury upon the catholic people and ought there fore to he discontinued cheers ho main tained thnt th ooblo lord stanley was the rd effecting hi immeuone seillcmeut hittcresi enemy to protestantism hear heer the noble hup dispoiitino towards ireland ig anil brilliant speech flour put and pearl ashe statute uboar tlear hear- for my part outwitlulamiio- tratvllert wciphh measurrs stc and n ternpnraiy obstftelti io iho wj w i oo many other tnieruuhject inc bv the author of the provtneul justice j of its ulitmate success i have uo tie then contended that a wiis very well kuowu hear hear aod when he spoke of the condition of that coun- t was with pleasure with animation nay for once there was even a smile upnn his eomitenance which reminded him as cur- rim happily said of another man of a stiver plate upoo a cuoioloud cheers after alludiue to the vnriouj measures brought fur- ward on this subject iocloditig that of sir henry llardiugs durior the peel admioistra- ionr each lew favorable to the clergy thau iti predecessor the hooorablo nud learned gentleman then tinw i tell the n able lord thai n compromise he may act this ear hf may not get it nnl yoar great cheets iog fnm the ministerial side of the house rev tpotided to by ironical cheer from the oppn sillou tide every boor ts diminishing this valu nod increasing the price that was the stylo io which the nome lord gave protec tion to the church of ireland alluding to the house uf lords ho nsksd what had been the effect of the accumulated mjurities id this house in favor of a measure ot justice lo irel itid did they make hoq stogie allusion io ii what hopo then wns there that if whatever numerical majority a mauro fa- he curried in tins vorahle to ireland plight he c llnuie ii woold be more favorably received by tbo house of lords

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