mltmiigtt which will be deri tfrtttrtrinte from a prompt o j judiciotifcml- tleiocoi of tbia new tract of country vrill un- doutarify morc t realized- w pfic says ihc bathum cqwitrmp jwrnsemeoc in ihe kingston cirr flita -gur- j notice lhat it is intended a petitionwill be nrtinfcd ll he ensuing session of oar fro fiacitl legislature m for the enactment of a authorising foreigners to posses real estate in free and common soccage in the pnprrncc under such stipulations as may ht foubj necessary 10 guard against political in terference or undue speculations tending iq pofcgyokie this is a desirable object and if aceotn- plished of which we have little doubi will ttii to stir up the spirit of enterprise which jut beeu very much damped owing to the pointed state the province wa in it will increase the commercial intercourse of this country with the neighboring states and caose every branch of trade to become more prosperous and flourishing tbno heretofore bis excellency the liniieoant governor is ex pfclfd i town in ho course of loday or tomorrow hi 3 eicdlcncy arrived t cubourg on sunday mom iog last by the great riiitn from the seat of go varnmeo and proceeded to peterborough and ithcf poniona of iht- newcastle dinlrict wearo happy o learn that it is the intention of the inhabitant of kingston in pieseut hi gzcrllen- ey with an address on his arrival in this loyal town mr dkksori t lumber merchant well known on the oiulh jived a man from drowning on monday lha 15ih inst it fr we untlfirfcind ic third life he ha saved by his prninptitule and presence of mind if this fact were officially communicated to the phi linthropic society of londvm in mcdnl wqum follow asn matter of course imwcwr the btt reward mf dickson emild huve he already possesses vig to approving conscience liorao and killed oa the apotjhamiitoa ga it affrfd us rjuh plriisurato icrft ihat the des paclm received a few days since fmm ihc coloniel flw by llicliftu gfivcrnor nrehiohly saiisfaclory to him in o far as they rxprcsi a drcideii npprobs lion of all his excirhcncys mtasure aince be as fiinej the reins of government in the province yf are happy 10 6nd thai the inhabitants of the county of hastings join us in the libe ral view of allowing foreigners to hold real fcstate m this province as jvill faf seen by the advertisement in this diys print dftnm of jlhihiy by sootchmaq and a 81 her will appenr in nur ties resi- cole at nipnlh i luliufanu 1 ptrd on friday jhe sill q augut at dence in ailulphiisiotyn mr daniel the verv advanced ajeof 103 years yaod the eldest settler in this township u was respected aqd beloved by all who knew him hin long performed his duty as a loyal sohjeci a fiitlilul friend a kind husbaod rodulgeni parent and n obliging neighbor born n the 5th yenruf the fwfeiiuf geopge tbe 2d he lived under 4 sovereigns and saw manv chances both in the land of his birth and this of his adoption he lias beheld the horrors of war and has lasted of the blessings of peace he has seen that which was once a wilderness blossom and flourish like the rose where formerly was nothing to be seen but the darlt shadow of the lofty pine pak and implc here and there broken by the thin blue vapor curling above the indian wig- jmm be has seen comfortable dwellingaarise nui of the superabundance of nature man has supplied his necessities beneath the untiring efforts of human industry the dark woods have disappeared and waving gelds of grain tafe taken their puce where unce was seen nought hut the light birch bark canoe of the l of the forest he has beheld the stately 6ieato boats sweep majestically along where ixmerly resounded the savage howl of the anther the wolf and bear he has seen towns and villages spring up as if by magic in fact the very face of the country seems changed since he first sat down upwardsof 52 years pgo as a settler on the place where he died but after all he saw he too is gone his ven erable age could not save him for we are lojd v the old must die the friends of his early days were all gooe before him lie was becom ing astraoger among men generations had arisen and passed away still be remained like a patriarch ofuld unbroken by the weight rt years after witnessing the 5th generation he died universally lamented bv ml his ac- qftfrflnces leaving fcjrittud children 75 grandchildren 172 greaterandchildren aod 19 greatgrandchildrens children jn all 268 descendants adolpliutiown august 9 1ss6 zette gore dlstpt assizes conviction at the above grand larceny p l georce ramsay penitentiary one year ana harjtoej sprflfptrahe to be imprisoned in dis trict gaol for three months thomaa hill penitentiary for two years 4 william barnes lnd thomas joalio penitentiary aod barf labour for two years a mcdole penitentiary for one year 7 william johnson penitentiary for two years 8 horace murphy penitentiary for one yeac 9 jacob lounabury penitentiary fur 3 years- 10 samuel moleod horse atealiog penitentiary 5 years ii joseph tickers horse stealing peni tentiary 5 year 12 john wirick horse stealing peni tentiary 3 years and at the expiration of which period to be further imprisoned fur a period often years on a second indictment for having returned from transportation aod to be kept to hard labour m benjamin lancaster 4 months im prisonment in district gaol 15 richard h manchester 2 montba do 16 juho donaghan 4 mouths do 17 george crookshaok 4 months do 18 andrew peterson a coloured boy of about 18 years of ae for rape sentence of death pronounced to be executed oo the 15th senternr 19 thomas gihbs attempting to commit burglary 4 months imprisonment in dis trict gaol ip john wiriclr returning from banish ment see no 12 31 22 jatuei wiley and richard ryan cheaiing play to be imprisoned in district gaol for tpqnibafib twelye of the convicts found guilty at our last assizes were taken down to the peniten tiary in ringstop byotie of our steamers on saturday a good riddance to the gore dis trict they were dearly to a man stranger in tliis part of the country 4 or men of color an lodian 4 americans 1 irishman diyl we believe 1 scoth ib i scrl- fretweeo ports lurren jcrcd jiy thn treaty of 1 bas patent the most of which lies onoida lake aod lake ontario and ihrougli which lw thirds of th road must p wni subsequently survsyod hy judgo wrbi for the proprietors and subdivided into jrnships aod tola ha hy this maos acquired curare knowledge ox the whole fatf of the country aa to that pari of tha coutfy hr0 which tha road will pai i oneida ouoiy he bas surveyed nod levelled every wh of it judge wright therefore can apeak on the subject with s mcbauthority as if h had made o actual reconooisance for tb subject in view the rate at which be estitfi 11c cost of the road will strike strangers a exceed ingly low but it is about the same l which wa have beard it estimated by competent judges familiar wiih railroad coosiructiona for several years past osuega august 8 1836 gjtktlthcn i have the honor to acknowledge l ceipt of your favor of the 6th ua requesting me to give my opinion of the practicability aod feasibility of the proposed railroad from oswego to utica an4 also whether lhte is more than one good rom y some geoeral references as to the elevation to be overcome and the probable cost of such a work ft is wefl known to tiaoy and perhaps to some pf you gentlemen that i have surveyed first into owusbip and theo fnto lots for farms nearly all the country on any route thy road will probably take from oswego for near ly seventy miles and the other pari from near gote to ytica is as weu known to roc as per haps any man now living these surveys have been made within ihe last 43 ysrs and chiefly by myself personally i have a perfect knowledge of the formatioo and adaptatiop of te ground fur such a work as a railroad there are two aod perhaps three very feasi ble routes for the greater part of the distance where the ground is favorable and the grades may be cheaply foimed so as in no part to ex ceed thirty to thirtyfiv feet per mile to speak in round numbers tbecity of xjtica may be said to be elevated 170 feet above oswego the surpmit to be passed over in going north of he ooeida lake mfty be set down on one route as 100 to 150 feet above utica and dis tant therefrom 40 to 50 miles on another route the elevation would not be so much pro bably 75 to 80 feet this summit may be gained by grades as easy as i have before men tioned aod prhaps less than i have named as the rise from each eod qf the proposed road is very gradual and to a traveller hardly per ceptible oo the anbject of cost of construction i can only give geoeral impressions and pinions from my knowledge of ihe country aod tbe facilities with which timber for the nad may be obtained along the route i think there fore that a road may be graded for tvo tracks aod bridges erected of which there we no ex pensive ones on the route and the common wooden superstructure with the flat bar for one track laid for an average pf 8 to 9 thousand dollars per mile whenever the board of pirectojb sial be organi2ed i shall be happy to giv therp or their engineer my views of the route orrcutes wiw ifi awli t o mhe be wnpioeer to seek out tbe favorable grounds wishing you gentlemen success ia thivcry important woflf 1 have the honor o be very respectfully vour obdt servt benj wrights civirengimeer to messrs geo h mcwhorter c j ffiurc- kle t s morgan and a- p grant es quires commissioners oswego and ickica railroad oswego palladium birth he 23rd inst mrs charles hobrough of qn son the board cf directors oft he welland canal company have resolved upon issuing theirown noiesin the form of bank bills bearing interest and payable one year atier date with the yiey of selling ajl their claims cmiing igtjafl mcrii aod meeting jhe demands constantly presen ted or repays done to the works under their control tn step has been looked upon by a nomber of tne merchants tradesmen aod me chanics of st- catherines and neijiboujfood as a most reasonable one many of them are suffering great inconvenience from the direc tors present inability to discharge the claims which are held against them and there is a grttt want experienced by all of a circulating medium in that section of country at a pub lic meeting held on the 4th instant the follow iog resolution was unanimously adopted resolved that we the undersigned mer chants farmers mechanics and other mpn of business in st catharines and vicinity highly approve of the measure adopted by the board of directors and pledge uurselvea to take the notes at par in our ordinary busi ness hugpajout and as we vmenain no dorjbj that tbey will be punctually redeemed whea due we recommend them to be freely and promptly taken byall other persons what- nwrer a case of suicide happily of rare occurrence d this province took place on saturday last j5 abater in a log hut belonging to dr cr the man whose name was black s a native of scotland and generally con- tiered a very harmless inoffensive character he had been wandering about the wpojls fr days previously apparently in state of twt despondency caused bv pecuniary difft- hujj aod disappointed affection an inquest 1 held on the body the verdict retqrne the long talked of dredging machine to gether wiih 10 or ulightera arrived here a few days since and will immediately be cm- ployed on the oesjardins canal- ik to the editor of tho bathurst courier mulascholt accident dalhousie august 8th 1836 sir it is with much pain i have to com municate for insertion in your valuable jour nal the following melancholy circumstance james barrie a respectable farmer of this township aod tbe head of one of the largct families in it left his own house on the morn ing vt hutiay tavi cuuipauy with ouu of his sons a lad about 1 years of age to cut hay on the banka of a small lake about two miles from his own place a small distance from the take his do started a deer and be ing convinced that the deer would lake the lake they made all speed towards it and took a bark canoe and gaye chase to tbe deer and came up with him the young lad heory barrie was sitting ir the bow of tha canoe and struck the deer on the back with his pad dle but the blow seemed to have no efleel on the animal they again made up to him and the youth again struck at him aiming for the begd but unforpngey missed him and in stantly tbeif giddy bqrk upsft plunging them into thirty tv jlepth of water agd niofe than 200 yards from tfie spre the young lad could not gwira p stroke ieygo jjoldf the canoe and got it righted but full of prater they got into it but it immediately sank be neath them they again got hold of it and j barrie advisejf if is sop io keep fast hopf tjie canoe and that he wogld swim to the shore and bring a log one typtj take bint to the shore but alas that shore though near thebody was found within thirty yards pf the shore in thirty feet water in never reached in life the young man by great exertion got ptride legged oo the bottom of the canoe ana having looked the art which his father had swam and not seeing him he cried and hallooed provi dentially at the time his sister a voung girl about 12 years of age had just arrived with their breakfast heard her brothers voice on the lake made all haste towards it and with a presence of mind and fortitude scarcely to be expected in her sex and years took a log ca noe and paddled oqto the relief of her brother who was sitting on the canoe the water up to his neck and expecting every moment that he would tumble off being so dreadfully agitated knowing that his father was gone and expect ing every moment to share his fate he got bold of the canoe in which his sister was aod had strength sufficient to use his own words f fumble in uilji fpto it reacjud the shore and proceeded home locbmmunicate tbe woe ful tidioga of their fathers loss the neigh bors immediately turned out and searched the lake with grapnels for the body but did not find it till saturday afternoon when the bo- dy waji found notice was scbt to mr mclntyre i donelf ear wlh l j coroner who summoned a jury who returned the following verdict that james barrie was sccidentjklly drowned in the lake called paiersons lake caused by the upsetting of a canoe the deceased was a native of kirk- fieldhank lanarkshire scotland came here io 1820 and has left a wife and nine children to lament their loss of an affecjioriftte husband nod tender parent this another of ihe many calls m to be also ready the deceased left his own bouse in mrfect health pas sirong oojy 41 years of ge and in two short hours was io eternity j cannot close my nrativp ibotjgh already perhaps rather lengthy without faying some thing of the doc that unibriunatejy started ill der which had not ben een jiy any per son from the time he gave chase to the deey until the body of his master was jbpnd when he was approachiog the house stoupins at in tervals and looking back and was ctoiiy the first announcement to the afflicted family of the bodvs beins found it is supposed that he lay all the time from thursday morping till saturday afternoon somewhere on the banks of the fatal lake jhai contained 0e bo dy of his master and i chink it tppre tbjjo pro bable that tbe faithful animal would there have pined to death if the body pd not been found in lime to preveut it- i am sir yours respectfuuy j wu ma kkikij at johnston punlinch on the 22nd july laart ni- nian h logan of lpan house wwt flamjhoro io janet stewart idingtoh fourth daughter pf 4john ldftton of silver knows nr edinburff at warda kilmarnock on the 23d june bb the lev dsvtd welch of caniphairn john h ghrecr esq kipgsion upper canada to margaret daugh ter of the late david woodbmn esq parmlarg lode dalmrllington on the 9lhinst by tha rev j s spencer lpj tor nfthe 2d presbyterian church brnnklyn y ihe rev alex gale of hamilton u c to miirgal ref youngest daughter of james scarlh esq k k wall orkney at tonmto by the honorable and venevable archdeacon strachan mr charles payne etde no of thomas a payne eiq of loxly near sheforld encland to mus jane c whiting neice to mr whiting nf toronio at lochiel bythorov john mlsoac on tho 26th to july last john mcaskul esq of hawkcsburv the amiable mbt isabella pra3cr of caledonia died the 8th augutt john at toronto t g augut john straehar jones only ckjwof thomas mercer jonea esq aged 14 moni at rtchmd mrs elizabeth m munford vw only daughter of the late capt job j ipper canada and wife of john d- at qicnftarv on lho7h in8unt john mdnatd a native of ln scouand in h9 90 year m m laat oflhe 500 reapec taoewigluaiih c fiom thrir native hft of glengarry northup munford potatoes rwlendeftg will be received until the 31st p the office of the provinciarpeoi- lentiary iro suc persons as may be willing to furnish fof t sunpofi of hie convicts coo- fined thereiq potatoes as will be squired tor a period of twelve months from 7 j 0 senteipber nejt h smith wirdcd provincial pf hit 1936 igdi 20th au s insanity a ridiculous notion was en- he should not be cut down un- coroner so that he might a state of suspension for a kkuqm hit jlviewed by the hn been kepi in as it wasie was left hanging for 30 fi0uf it is high time his barbarous notion a exploded least it might prevent a person fiiagjog a nol d f any efforts of res- 0o being resorted to dundas post w yest 4 dr c regret o state that an account reached v uerday uon burfotd stating thai a son buncombes bad been throwi from bis qswego and utica railroad we have groat pleasure id publishing the folfpwiog letter from judge wright in reply to a rommuoicatinn from the osvfego com- misiiooersin relation to the proposed railroad from oswego to utica as judge wright ob- servos th whole rcinn 13 familiar to him as early as thp year 1794 he had passed thro the country and as a surveyor 111 the eq-plqy- mcol ofibocomtuissioners pf the land ottice bad run out tha lines of scribas patent the prosecution of tbe survey for the oswego re servation was interrupted by the brituh gar rison then nccupying fort ontario in east osvc6 ww asoceof tbe northwesterd strayed 4 middle sized black cow a with bljicic teats but milks only with three about j years old has a small white switch on thj en 0 lior tail has been mis sing aboui 5 hr 6 wec whoever will return j her to the subscriber will be rewarded for his trouble jacob reitter kiogtiopi august 24 1836 16z commeviai bnlft mid- wu wan rd gentleman to gil the situa- non v teller in this uank ap plications to mate h names of the sureties and to bepry on 0 before the uih day of september tvxl addressed to the cashier by order of the board f a harper cashier jvingstoo 23d august 1836 16ui real katntc by auction rffc saturday next tho s7th iuad wilbopf- ferod fur sale on the promise those eli gibly aituated building lots nenrfy in rear of the scotch church forming the comer frootiog on clergy and grave stretls- there is a large stone building partly erected oh the premises nw n quantity of building material on the ground adjoining also 300 acres of excellent landvi ot no 22 10 the 6th cmicotfioo tuwuihjp ul belmont io the newcastle district terms made known at the time ftf sale- sal at 12 oclock r jackson tfrtfttoneer kingston 24th august 1336 i6z notice the undersigned inhabitants o ibe coun ty of hastings in the midland district hereby give hqtice that they intend to apply to the provincial legislature at its first sit tings for the enactment of a latf authoris ing foreigners to possess real erte in this province under sucb stipulations tnoy be foupd necessary to guard against fttliiical terference or undue speculation winding monopoly belleville 12th august 1836 a manahan jpmpp h w yifter 0 o edmund murney smith bartlett jr t parker j p h baldwin w spencer benjamin walton james r shaw b dougall martin rywk william wfccany samuel im- benson james mcqtaooell peter oroly jhn addon william wbrdrop tcnas datw- unclaimed bpokh t ying in the binderv here for cnrs a quaxto bible by henry stc2 vols study of medicine 4 vols 8mn the performance on the hmp in the highlands 1 vol by john jon ffigis of england by m eds 1 vo- 8mo sketches in switzerland aod italy j scott 1 voismo farmers magazine 5lhed 1 xol 8mo 7 copies of by rona works in 8 vols phi ladelphia d if not claimed and paid for in tvo months from this date they will be sold fcr the ex penses of binding chronicle st gazette office kingston 24th august 1336 s auction sale o valmble furniture lcz the paopkrty of colopel soksuj k a- who is asout lf 1 ki 1 to blitajk he sale will take place 01 monday t wanted iminctliutcly by a veapeetable 1cngishteqialeaged 91 a situation in some commercial eata- bliahmeot where she imightbe icttclr cm- pluyrk tdntary emfdoyinent not agreeiag with her health possesses a thprough know ledge of tho millinery business and has serv ed in a rrtail fyocy goods etorx no applica tions will mev wiii iriv avtentioo buiwith references for rapettabfnty and where the advertiser can be ensured domestic comfort and her religious privileges letter post paid directed l m f bytown will obtain an early reply and hifuly satisfactory testimoni als ilytown 16th august vs36 5ii farm for gfttyb 1 aa acres ofexcellenhandbein- west mrj hall of lor no 4 in ihe first con cession of frcdcricksburgh pleasantlysiiuated on the bay of quinte and convenient to a steam bom landing there are about 60 acres under cultivstir a variety of fruit trees a frame dwelling house and a new barn so feet by 90 the stock cro c may be had by the purchaser at a valua tion the greater part of the purchase money may remain in the hajda of the purchaser for further partija apply to the subscri- ltt dib 8illiman lturgh stlv 8 1836 sz ber on tbe frederic he 5th september next at ipoclocfc a m among his extensive and vahnble collec tion uf property will be found the fallowing vizi a sicllow tjnfr grakd piano jportjb a very splendid english built carriage and two beautiful grey horses each about 7 years old one is a 6ne charger and the other very gentle and occasionally used as a ladies horse one 6ne young grey horse four years old very gentle has been used as a ladies horse one young grey filly 3 years old partly broke the attention of the gentry is particularly directed to the piano forte the carriage horses as so favorable an opportunity will probably never occur io the provinces to purchase at auction such a superb instrument or so graod a turn out as the carriage and horses also brass mounted and plain har- wss saddlery c c c particulars in tytts r jackstjn auctioneer kingston augmt 3 1s3g llewz n b colonel mitchell requests those to whom he is fndebted to send io their accounts altered day of sale the sale of capt cous furniture wilt take place on wednesday tht slat intant instead of the isra ef september as teas before advertised extensive sale of furniture plate books jvines w- by anetloq on wednesday tlie 31 instant will be sold at the residence f captain cole ft eall his valuable collection of householdfukniture c which is of the best description and in excellent order among which will ibe found brussels and kidderminster carpets fjiniug and draw ing room furniture beds fiolwersand pil lows english and canada hate consisting oj forks spoons dsen knives basket aod salver bet cut glass cjiina some very excellent english works vith very superior steelplate engravings boturd wtnes in qts and pints viz hunts pou buckburn s ma deira and golden and pale sherry the vine are of the best description a flrfc tojitd piano forte by stoddard london persons desirous of procuring an excellent instrument would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity as articles uf such a descripnon afe seldom ofr fered at auction also a very superior sjuhuo built dou- blk duukt with patent axles aod patent double steel springs in excellent order a berlin with bearskin and buffalo robes dou ble and single brass mounted harness saddle ry c c particulars in bills n b no article will be disposed of by private sale but all will be sold without re serve except the english plaie and books r jackson auctioneer- kingston august 2 18s6 loewui baitack canteen notice is herebv given that the canteen attached to the bnrracksai point henry will be let from the e instant to the 24th day of march next sealed proposals nddressetl to the respective officers at kingston with the words tend r for canteen written on the outside cover ii be received ai thi office on or before h notlcp to debtor creditors ll persons indebted to the estate of the late lowther p macpherson esquire of hallowell barrister are requested to make immediate payment 10 the undersigned or they will be proceeded against as law directs and those having claims on said estate are requested to lodge certified copies thereof without delay with jomr a macphersok attorney for the estate signed eliza macpherson executrix hallotycll 15lh july 1836 5z for sale number of copies upper canada sta tutes provincial justice township ma nual fitc sic at the chronicle gazette of- gce corner ofkiop and brocf streets kingston 19th july 1836 commercial bank m d otlcfc is hereby given that at a meeting 1 of stockholders held at the bank on the 15thinst it was resolved that the in stalments on the new stock be called in as follows 10 per cent on the 1st day of march 1836 0 2 may 10 t july 10 1 m septr 10 1 m novr payable at the bank its offices and agencies uej a tli fw fttockholdera as may wish to pay in the half or whole of their stock at once will be allowed to do so dn the day tbe first instalment is due by order of thp board h e a harper cashier kingston dec 38 1835 53 tbs tallowing newspapers will pwaisioaert ti above dvertimcni uatil november next patriot tittit hamilton gaxtu niagara reporter stnd- wiek eoileraat unbaun siar batbunt courier cojowsii obserrcr and montreal gazette 41 it 44 important to farpiers the subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he is now manu facturing taft improved patent tiiitashing machine which is decidedly the best machine now in use he would only say to those wishing to purchase the article to call and see the opera tion that they may be satisfied ihat it is the greatest manual jajjor savin hachineever ioyeoted price low terms of payment easy n b the subscriber having furnished himself with a canvass thrashing floor he will be able to thrash in the field all orders for thrashing promptly attended tp either d the field qrbarnon reasonable tents s n baker napaoee mills july 5 18s6 3wdi office of thecatarnqui bridge company kingston ucjuly 28 183 j notice at a meeting of the directors cataraqui bridge company 1 held his day a dividend of 5 per cent yrai declar ed on the capital of he bridge sroc for ttl half vear eodin soth tune iritff which is now pvahle at the companys office j marks t 9z reasurer new shoes the subscriber has just received his spring biipply of lndies boois and shoes of tho latest london fashions and most approved shapes w th1rkell kingston juoessth 1836 105 t the sttam boar cqtffiti ht 8 makabth t jjtnlpiyolllw onruo r ihr eu leayei ogdfariukjb od frifc tretg buetfit harbor d o erenidg hocbesin sunday moroinv loo monday mornlu where abe umijfi eariv giving pasaeogera all the day iq rih i fjfa of biaan and return by ihe boat v downvatm leaves lewistoo oo maoday ereniog rochester taesdaa moaqi5 oswego 7 3skx sackett a harbor uighi kingston u c wednesday morning and arrives at ogdensburgb the same eveginc touching at french creek morristo aim andtia apd brockvilla to- prfttfeslntendipgxiaiting tbe paha oc niagara buffalo orthe different ports 00 lake ontario wiu find tht rourj via oawego or hoc heeler to be the cheapest and moat expe ditious kh passengera xrfaving niagara ih fhia boat bn monday evening wiff arrive y hun treal on thursday evening passing the most iotereating part ot tbe si lawrence bivcr bj daylight siz w sir james kempt capt- francis bakgr wm shaw sailing jttaur ill 00 the opeoipg of tbe natigusoo commence her cegvlr trips as usual will leave kingston for the bay on tuesday aodfriday mocnioga will leave the head of the bay for kingston and prescott on wednesday and saturday mornings will leave prescott for kingston and tha bay pn bflocday anl thursday evenings fm- mediately after tha arrival of iho bqai frorn below kingston 24th march 1836 782 prospectus for publishing a copperpirate map of the midland district he subscriber proposes should sufficient encouragement be given to publish a map of the midland district including one range of townships in the newcastle dis trict on a scale of 160 chains or 9 miles to hn inch exhibiting alube mail roads cross roads rivers rivulets lakes churches meeting houses iw offices saw mills grist mills towns villages wharves tem boat landings stc c by lot oohcessioo and township the undersigned being about to build a copperplate printing press is dcterroioed to print publish varnish and mount the pro posed map in his own township and there fore looks to a generous and enterprising public for patrunage and support thft map will be nearly 3 by a feet it will embrace four range of township from th tiay of quinte back also wolf howe and amherst islands with tbe mall jland adja- cenvto them ond will be executed in a lylq cnual to the authors map of prince fdnfard it will be published qn q copper engraving coloured varnished moqntedon boilers and delivered to subscribers 01 four dollars per copy payable on delivery f 5 p v elmore htilloweha october 1635 34 luke o n tar io summfclt arrangements for 1836 tv aw and rapid sm boat oneida propelled by twopowerfal low preasive eagioea capiin ahh smtu jitill until the 15tb of september next w ply between ogdensburgh and jaka touching at the intermediate pott iowa r n- vpwavftpt leaves ogdensbttrgh wednesday erentps kingstoojfuc thursday monuog sacketvharbor do nooq oswego dp veing genesee river friday iborrin toronto u c do evetjlrto touching af ytingfiqvot and teaching ecwic ton early saturday raoning downwards leaves lewistoo sunday evening genesee river monday morning qswegq fa afternoon sackefs harbmondayeyfrog iouutd tuesday miming touchinat r renclpreek momstown alex andria and brockvilleand arriving at ogdep- burgh tuesday afttrnooo itrti to k b alluv ogdenaburgh aytfrri hooaaa morristown j w fouee alexandria smith mfttaicv fretichcreekj jcoowter kingston u- c bucklct tv clark sac ke t vtia tbot henrt fttzintgb oswego joi4j t trowbridgc rochester jihcs i1kovn toronto oacb smith voungstowo gur rctnolds levyistoo june msri 0 on n jiist received and for sale by the subscriber fine old cognac brandy hollands gin in pipetcat jamaica spirits it v it 11 l 4 v k p 14 u n sri wine adds sherry iq pipes and casks teneriffe champaigne jotys brandi scotch ale in qotle muscovado sugar double refined loaf do best white wine vinegar quartet day martins liquid pastblacving tea coffee spices indigo starch and bution blue turkey figs curnqta raisins almonds c flic tlt ice- arhfitftokofc greflbr kingston 18th july 18s6 w new goods armstiiong gukkr invite the at tentiqn pf ikq pbbhc to their splendid nevr stock of dry frpod groceries wines and liquors w li nh they sre now from day to day receiving by the ottawa and inland compa- nys barges 1 kingston 1st july 1s36 z to fillers the subscriber begs leave to inform mil lers apd tfie trade generally that naf ing purchased the stock in tradp of 1 r lewis bostwick burr mill ston6 manufacturer be will continue tbe busioss ftf paying free4ph burr mill stones of thefirst qualiiy having on hand four pirs nf stone bniahed and a large lot of burr blocks whichhe will make up 10 order on the stibrtest notice all orders for tho above loht address cd 10 a clark at the kingston foundry whom he has made his agent for his stone building business geo mccqabby- kingston august igth 18s6 14 the cnbourg star wilt please copy this advertise msnt one monihanu vna thslr account to tho office of thie paper information wanted- bayfes a nfrt baylct abc 1 of james aboyt 17 st 15 years 01 w jpft ernest towrj in the midland div jviay last with the intonl of visiting j mother at tnooto they arc rather fr looking boys dark eyes fair hair any wforroaiiun re5pecting them will be thankfulu received bv their anxiops mother martha toynton or bayles lotstrcc editors of papfrt will ennftr an obligation on a poor widow v min y ettios the above one ox two insertion v iast the names or h sureties must be oclock noon on the 24th two respectable persons inserted in the proposals- every information will br afforded plication to barrack maste gray at ih the tetc de pont kingston office of ordnance kingston 19th august 1sb6 upon ap his office 15 wool wasted cash paid for clean fol of good qua liiy delivered at the woollen factory gananoque fc chambers whisky thf subscriber respecifully informs his friends and ihf public in general that he has made arranior lor a constenraeot of 30000 gallons 11htsky pari of which is now ready fur inspection ai lis siore lower end of quarry street opposite carrells tavern the above articje is 01 the besj quality of- fered for sale in this market and will be sold i on the most reasoowble ivrois for cash tavernkeepers and retailers will slid it o 1 their interest to call joseph cardurv kingston april mth 183 9jr blanks a great variety for sale at ihc chronicle and gazelle office kingston cabinet ware house store street i ofp051ts th8 commebciai hotaf e cone august i 1635 0z schooner fo sale to be sold the fa sailing schooner cockburn wiih siugging b6 35 tons burthen buhfiri his majestvjrf doclc yard and titted up at grtai fxaeosewill make aa gjcelleni packet or coaster to be ten and particulars known at the subscribers wharf front street or of j liaioe au walter eales kingston july 28 1836 ft n b will be sold low foroasb