a good investment schema adveril be- t l faorabl opportunity to the nho wih o it small sum and rcew largr rturo tha four virgin 1836 lake ontario the steamboat schme aod ibt four graad coniolidawd jiiuritl rvnuire no poffluft hey apeak for ihrmmirv- wo woum now recommend prompt orders n the dooioud ff jickau n cicji b u0 d wfi b s j sylvester j30 broadway new york capital tweniyfive thousand dollars virxinia si loitry cl no 8 fr the hd6i of iho hooooealia ac demy t b dwn at aletaudiu va saturday sepi 3 1s36 selme25 000 300055 000 3500 2 322 10 prizes f 2000 10 preym of 5t0 10 f 1000 1 of s50u 20 of 4 20 of 200 35 or 150 c ticket 10 har in propvrtiiin certificate of a pwfcufa of 22 whole tick- en will c0 only 120 halve and quarlrra in prpnfiioo delay not lo ieod your order to foituova hume it ii removal oren strong freby tenders hu graitful cknq 7rilliam caft lqjysojv milliard propelled by a low pressure eoginc of 100 horse power the only boai thai run hftwwt prcscott and to- 11010 wiinuic0sin lbs lake 10 or lom owego 7illon the opening or ihe navigation commence her regular weekly trips running as follows via crwjtitds will leave pwoti for niagara every day evening after the w ry sa tt of fifty phizes of pne thousand dollars virginia stat lottery class s for the benefit of tiio twn of wrilthure le drawn at alexandria va saturday sept 10 1836 capital thin thmnand dollars 30 000 10000 86 000 3140 3000 2 500 2 000 50 of 1000 2 0 300 20 uf 300 tickets 10 dollar a certificate of paekaga of 25 whole tfek- ls mill haseor for 130 ddlar packages of halves quarters and eighth io proportion 1 1 will every tues- ii grand consolidated lotte ry class no 37 far 1836 to he drawn at wilmington wednesday sent 14 183g srhsmp 20000 10000 3 000 2000 i2 20 prizes of 500 20 of 300 20 nf 200 ste sec tickets only 5 dollar a certificate of n paekasn of 25 whole ttkot will be sent for 65 dollar package of shares io pro per tion the greet m drnvn ab schme nearly as many vis as blank ft virginia state lottery n 4 fh rfeel6rftf the town nf whehint fo b tvtq at auaaodria saturday sept 17 1839 scrfrmr thirty thousand dollars 15- 00 sn0t0 050081 4000 10 of 1000 15tfj00 20 of 500 20 f 40030 of 8300 c ttca oly trn dollar cartifieat of a pkaro of 25 whnlo tick et in this jyiazittficnt srhmr tuny he hsl fur 130 dlurt package of halvci aad amp- lera in prvportioo mammoth scheme virginia statb lottiry tin 6 fur ilia ipii fit f ths lili uil iliicv- lent soricit f nofolk tt l lrnra hi alexachlriva s sil 24 1836 cfitatv 30 000 8800 s4000 3- 00082500 si 0671 1h f 1iuk lo- lar 10 r 5ki lllar 20 of 300 84 f 20 r c ticfets tiit dollars a rertificai of a par it ago of whnla tirkig will ha bant fur 130 tmlan halvca quar tan and esbt in priifriiiii oilc ftrin lo tickau or packaert mut he nii i 8 j 8vivk8ter 150 broadvsay jvcto- york aohce camjjumonocrrtwl ltfvtffr office turoniu lofh ii 4y 1836 pic jftpmld ar lh sla f cmtrn year miolaap ditkicr- jf hluvtik ah crfh daifllfc tn thr cnnnty of ffastifig oo ih 20ih jwn 80th jily 20rh auuu30ili srptemher 20lh october and 2itt novemlter jfi apanrr for cnan liodv io ihrt gfhlll- iia of lenox tg jlddittzton on ilia l june 25tb july 24tli akh4t 24th ftp lemher 24lh october and 25h novpinher jit kingston rr cfowt- iatidd in the coumy of frorfiw no the 3ihh juu 28rh july s9tti aojjau 29ilt scpiemikt 28th october and 29th novnmher jit beuevulr fr cftlfjr rcerrf in tho cuqtv of hastings n tlie 20th june 20rh july 2ijh ancutr 20fh septeoiber 20th ortolnr and 2iinnvtnlief at awewfti fe ciiry rcmnvtf in tha conn- tie f lraoj- wdinyfonn lie 24li jon 23th july 34th atsss 24h septemher 24ih october aod 25th nov f jt kingsttfi for clrrgy iirrrvrn in ilia coumy of frwtmac n the thirtieth june lvpniyljiiinh julj ieilv- ii allfiil isvemymiiarh sepuviilier fuf v f iiuh oc- tfbar and ttyuimh november sr1cdiili nfiho fracuur lou tn ha gold im each townlip ad aprirytng wun the tcrnh uf sal hvahen prinicd aim i ii pdt op at ihe7nuri ho nt th- olgro if th clerk of thtpjtc aocf sheriff atiil at olli ar plaeea in n e dittric which srlinhiln ran bo had on appicatino to tli cointnifaimor yofirown um or to samukl s wil- kiot eqoie deiiuty surveyor who kill idc io te district aod lupt rititend the v- oral tales 105 peter robinson arrival ol he montreal siae or sieantbmta loub- ini tfrackville it nd ginmoqu kinatu sunday morninc cobourg and porthope sunday even- city of toronto monday morning hamilton monday afternoon and ar rive at viagsinj4 lie same evening leave na cdti i 4 day nfirrnonn st o rncfc city of torooiovvednesdij morning at 10 oclock cobourff and porthope wednesday evening kinaiun thursdny morninir tourhing at gannnrjoe and brokvile and bt rive at prctcoli io the afiemoon pissenger leavtna niaarn on tuesday ftntng and the city of toronto wednesday forenoon by the william iv will arrive in montreal on friday evening passing the thaiisattd islands 10 ihe ilay time this bortt so favorably known to the travelling public as a first rate sea boat and combining the indispensable requisites of sped punctuality and romtonahle accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trui receive a verv liberal support for freight or pasge apply at the post olficeat prescott or brocbvthe b plnll ps kingston m e nicfiols cohourrj hrlhr co port hope j brown toronto d c coon and a land hamilton j niven fit co niagara wm duftand vm wynn qtiension or to the captain on board xjmi freight omtnkle an tlttirttit m 6gff signzes ana l parcels and lugifngc at the risk of the owners t unlets gtocn in charge of the purser and booked prescott april h 836 96 to sell or to kent large and coramodiuu dwelling housed pleaanily tiiuated in the vil lage of napanre vue house contains eiiit roonis ind ohr converiine and ncirornnio- apply io a or iu kingston to or- drrh kingston tli april is3g s2z icjcmenis o a generous public lor very flmwng support he has received w keeping ttte sctom boat hotel in this plq and begs to acquaint bis numerou5 custorne har he his this tly opvoed his most jplenj establiahneoi flte xorth american hotel coboujtg situiud near the steam boat landing where he will ihankfully receive promptly rlmd itaoill of his customer fording lw accomodations which shall b surpaed by those of any estahlishmeni ihe provide said stand will be found to ford verys acromntodiion io persons riving aind tftkin their pssgc from th place tnihe several steam boats thai tot daily at te wharf the pioprietpr of the above estahlishmi coniinneshis line of stages to the rice la and from whence to peierborough which i wtll furrvled with good covered curu firt mte worawj and careful drivers statahayt taken at this house io u kingston nd toronto mail stage horahand carriages are constantly in renj ines io cwj passenger luggage to part of thtcnuniry cobourt u c may ht 1836 100 l ontari steamboat arrangements for 18 the will kftzr tbe 1 of juke flt rollows biok the 17v1tkd states capt vah clevc going wp leaves oadensburgh and prescotr sunday kingston monday sackets harbor- do oswego do rochester tuesday toronto do and arrives ai youngstown and 5 p m morning noon kvening morning evening lewiud er ofihe bank tehat w otik is hereby given thlit rbe parrtrfrship between the undesigned at ppini llrt store under ihe firm nf hdwurrf nhle cm expired thin day all persiiut indebted w lb- nr0 rrquested to pay the arnnuiu of their nccuunis to edward nuhle wlui will pay all debt due by the late firm edward noble anditkw lcapoo david duff punt lfcnry may 10 1836 02aj ff7dh at the store ni the qfhr converi djiiions suitable fur si family aiirpherson esq napante notice commistionrr for crrn lands tirrmo luth fdny the liine ami idaees for s 1 office l6tmi j e of cntn rj4ervft during ihe xotice the ahscrifer having made arrangements c 0 ihe sni ii -rt- nf auction- eer- and oeneral commission mekcht be extensive nnd ciiv nithi prett rrmerly orrupied bv parkkr blhnofr bmw street takes this oppur titntiv nf nuunuucinj his readiness io receive 4 cameron aurtinoeer t mtrnminiuu iierhnm kiurmnn mny m 1830- 02 thr mootresi gmwiu vfett ftfri 0 ikimlh children friend society lynn wednesday morning giving pasngers all the d3y to visit the fulls aud rciurn by toe doai coming down have lewifton wetlnesday 7 evening youogstowo do 8 do uochester thorsday morning oswego do evening sackets harbor do 12 night kiogston friday morning aodnrrives at ogdensburgh same afternoon touching ffaidf up and coming down at mor- ristown brockvlme alexandria bay and french creek passengers leaving the niagara by the uni ted state on wednesday evening will reach montreal on saturday evening the cheat britain capt yvbirmtf going up iraves presrott tuesdrty evening do do wednesday forenrrn do evening thursday uortling du tto frid y do lew- t ingsion brock k oswego cohourg iort hope toronto and arrives at niagira jueensfon and isioc the same forenoon coming down leaves lfwistnn saturday a 2 afternoon niagara 1 do at 3 do toromo do at 10 do pori hope sunday morning cohourg do do onego do night kingston monday morning brnckvitle do nmn and arrives at precott same afternoon touch ing in going up and coming dowo at alexan dria bay and french creek passengers leaving niagara ty ihe great britain on saiurdiy will arrive in montreal on tuesday evening cepassengtrs by either boat will pass the st lawrence from kingston io montreal by daylight ropaniei from the south intending to visit niagara fall will gcd it a pleasant and ex peditious route to tke ihe lake steamers at oswego or rochester dated may 26 1s36 bay river the splendid steam boat kintisto a t a me zm the 20th poe ktng ii for the kupfiod and distribution e in the mitland district the fj tnne mo liodi mid clergy present yvhr ill be as fiduius hy the wehtklim district fr crown liids antl clergy reserves in ho county of keuiand tmfl lou in clit- irun and erroll at chatham no the nt tcif- dy in june md nn the firi tuesday in july aujcuht septouher and october folio io for clry reserves its the cnuoiy ex mil t u lot a iii iti the sandwich i ml f b am- iicf cterry referees during ihe preut will ho as follows o information wanted william beaton aged about 16 a til slender active young man hd on when he left pittsburgh a brown suriuut coat grey canadian trousers a high rough cap and is ujtpofed to have gone to the united states aov informs irn respecting him will be thank fully received by hit father donald beaton pittsburgh jolf 7th 18s6 3ui bdhor m ihfuuiird statc mt confer a favour tttat paulsiied and for sale acfr to king and brock street iqo of murrayi english reader oteretype eddion augcat j3i ii jtem heeclved afw cor fait at ibe chronicle ga- g office corner of king aol brock 3e ot excellent wkap- xmw ravkk on moderate terms bmtshtr aud 1 1 air dresser affaatt a ucaiorf js gntmjuthf iflwml paironage he received fiffln the public he hopes writ a coujouaoct ofit jsnute bgjfa ud oresseda japairy q7 ibm i 14 hemtbureh nt sandwich nn iho third wed nesday in june and on ihn third weluedty io jily aoguit septctnher autl uctfiberfol- lobjug ileferenee ittajp io ittuffo in tho arot f the cruun fii this lllairtri mr iiknitv jones residing iu uiiuihin fr funhor in brmatiofi- ia thk loavojv district for clergy reserve in die cuumlj f nt- filk at simfe on ihe lt june nod no the 2 l july sdaomt i at bptenthw lt oc- toer and kt nnvembef fdlowing fr cleruy reserves in rle bounty of ox ford ni klumlford on the4il jon htid on tho sthjulj 5th aucwm 5ih septeiober 4th oemher himmii november following rw clergy rrirrves in the county of middlesex and titwu lnli in london at tjt donontho8h june nod nit tho 8ih jily 9lll augupt 7tli septinher 7it uctoher and mi iho sill novemhf r follow ing reference may be made to tlir- arnf f tho crown fr ibis diirirt john i akin etfqifire residing iu lundoo ov further iufur tiuttou ly tub home district for town lois in purt credit and urootj in this city on the 2jd alny ifilifst aod for such crown lntdi and clergy rticrve- as are for dale at this cny on tho fteeufjil tuesday in juita hihi no the second tuelay in jui august september and octuher mlowiog jv thk aetvcjstle district for critvn lamu clergy reervrs nn town in pourhoroogh ntul lindsay at prirrlo rough nfi the first toeiidfty injiie2nd otithtf firi tuesday iu july august septoto- be and mher follnwins firtoivn jois in the village lately survey ed at the month of ihe treor in that tdma oo iho 15th of june and no ihe 2nd wednes day in july aogust septettiher ud octo ber following reference may ha made to iha acent for the crown fr this district alexander mc- donnell eji residing ac pete borough fur further iufonnaaoa jv the ba7hurst district for clergy reserves in the counties nf lan ark and carlton at rytown on the 2d wed nesday tn juuo and on the 2d wednesday in july august september and ovtuber fuu louiiig for town lots in richmond at that town ou the tame days ly ihe ottawa district for clergy recrve in the coumies of present and rumcii at uyrown no iho 2l wednesday iu june aud ou the 2d wednes day in july august september aud octo ber fullowiug reference may ho made to ihe agents nf the crmn for these disiriets john mc- naugiiton eq residing atliytowo for further infmniatiiii cy5chedolef the particular lois robe sold iq ohcii township rperifying nlsn the terms nf sale havo been priutrd and ill he put up ai tho court house at the orfica of clerk of the par and sherrilt nod in other conspicuous plncrs in each district which schedules may he had on application tn the ciiiiuijsaionerfor cruwu lauds or auy of the ahtivcnmed ageots schedules are preparing fcr the midland and oihet uffrirti in which there aie crown lauds nr clicy ueierves fr nle and noll ccs of these sales will ho speedily giveo peter robinson in 0 t5r l l h ctlflmittee fling n kingston on monday it instant uf persons rfrtjrtui u funhvrtnir the benilcnt objects of this inst tuuon callel at tli request nf capt orrok agenl to the suciei in canada for the pu tf esiablishin a branch cummnue gson children lowintf genilemen wre respnhvely eonsiiu ted tnnihers of ttwwmc with power lo aj to their numler vt vccitaslc aacmracoiv stuart rei- r d caktwuigmt a m hooraaie joh klrafi honorable joh macaulav thomas markuih ks j p james sampson ksft j p wiuliam lotffc el- j- p james iacfalaii eq- j- p john mark ik- j p- thomas 8coslu esq d a c g the liuier gcnileman being also aptoin corresponding secretary of the said cunm lee the cnmminee girenolice that ihcy are ready to revive applieationa for childu reinry whu is nrcpand ittfffwff e nc ancndtd h caldeumastrii will leave present fur iho head of the b ty of quiiiie nn iuesdaya and fridays ou the arrival ofihe steamer dolphin touch in ai rrockvillo and oaaannqne slieuill leave kiipimii im her upward trips on wrd- oesilays aud saturdays at half past 8 oclock a m aud will call at tho fulhming pla ces bath furor icfcjolngh a oolpff dfttqwlti hailowei1 scavlaws 9sz repeated representations saving been made to the commit ee cnmmi to reei riifrtiaii every intorm ntunlciion w poiage he paid kingston jjfi su rtl io u n jess ol he n tc i chlwra friend society rhirlk uhfi b 10 hpquami the public i he has been disappointed in receiving ihe number of children which he expected only j5 having been sent out but ihe remainder tej 85 boys and girls will arrive in the inure of the present season and the applications hitherto received will be at tended to johv orrok sccntary for the canada the lumen kr baxk nnml general mecmig of the stnek- will be held 3t ihe office of the batik on the first monday in august next at ten oviock ft tor ihe purpose of electing directors tor ihe ensuing twelve monli a- sterne cashier ham x ton rsth june 1836 l04ill storaeand wharfa the 5ttheribtr havms breo enaed in the hove business fur nearly thirteen years vvishe respectfully io inform bisfnends and ihe public that he continues at bis old stand known hy the name of mcguires wharf where he will he at all times ready to receive sueh property as my be eotrusted to his care and he has determined thai all steam boat 8 l al hs wharf free of wham ft n b stem iv nny be supplied with wood on the lowest terms john mcgure kingston 27rh april 1830- 7z to let tjlrom the firsi day of november next m thnt coinmodious house and ston lately occopied by messrs j 1 bryce co uituat ed on ihe w si or slore wrwt llc town of kingston near the commercial hotel i beso premises are exceedingly well adapted for commercial purposes beios situat ed in that htl of the town best calcufated for all kinds of business- if roftirits mimh mchiawk village sofulab0tolt bellevflle amcliasduiiuh tho sme ev0tiinjfi she im leave the trent andcarnin place mi the eveuiufis uf wedticfulay and suiidav for kelleville mid leiv itrlleiille rr pisrotl ui mondays and thuidayn a half pal g a mm cuioi at all the iutrrmediate placed the urockville v ill irave puuciually as ftdvcrliied aol as she will slop nulv a few tnmnc at each phice except when ihore my be frehr prfssengers are requested tu bo iu readiinif tim sped and elefiant nernmmndarinns of the k j km l ir are sa well known that ibey r- quire u further recummeiidriou fi- freight or pasture apply iu the captain uu boarl or in the committee s hensnn r rirtleit belleville j j miller llallowell t mcxider kuikhimi roben harvey rrmk- ville and the rillmvlnr aots thtoas eraser prwrofl henry nir balll jufaii attfltfrfnni rlwrirlt- hnrth siniuel caey a4loltoiinvu sainuil sjolmes snplnas- kiusstoti mnyt j836i7z of the kingston by men in business that it would greatly accommodate the puhlic tid iliiv the apprehensioni tvhich manv entertain by the rapid mnvemenis of bold ihe avir- ston and brack offle consqueni on the opposi tion if ihe daya of one of the boa is werenher- ed and expressing a wish thai the kingston would take oihrr dan alihoutfh conviured ihai i hey hnd the right of keeping the dayttof last year and the injustice of aooiber bum inking the sme days when there wre other davs of the week unoccupied the com i it it ie of the kingston hesr io intimate to the ptfh lie that in order to affonl them ftreaiet fariltties and convenience they have dciled mi alterinj ihe days nf mllins unjer the m- fident etpwtatton that ir will hedulv ipprccia- hftl they therefore give notice thai for hv future the t ag stockholders of llw held at the bank on tbi honorable samuel ed chairman of tht siatcment of the aba subtnitted with siiadry other explanatory umenis after which mlttllcmbwllmamkait were proposed and adopted ceare namely no i resolved that siockholdersbe given in president and directors of the bmifc ftfrttf iiblc management of the business oftheloni lutiim no- 4 resolved that the thaokaof the stockholders be given to the cashier bcnj holmes esq for she zeal and ability shown by him in his department of the bank- no lltolved that ihe thanks of the stoikbolders be rooveyed to the presidrnt and i irecturs ufthe vouchee branch of ihe institu tion fur their zealous aiteotiod to the affair i hereof confided to ihrir aharse nil 4 rsohtd thai the thanks of the stockholders be aiven to alex simpsoa ei for his able conduct of bis department of ibc qjebec i r i uf the bank no brrsnlved that the sum of five hundred pounds he civen to the hon peter m as a consideration for his trouble iasu- pcrioietidin the concerns of the bank ntf 0 resolved that the sum of three hundred pounds be presented to the hoqorsble john srewnrt a a consideration for his iron hie in suncrmteodtoj the affairs of the quebec branch btuk no 7 resolved that in as much as the charttrof the corporation will expire ihe 1st of june nexl n is effpedicot thai ihe di rectors adopt the necwaafv steps fur its renew al an in ihe event of failing in thai respect i hat they call a nteeiios of the stockholders to take into consideration he utosi ehibleiod safe mode of eonnnuinc the business n hrrsotred thr the foreoinsrreso- luiiuns be inserted in the pubis papers in which ihe bank notices are usually published s hatt caoiitmtt signed q ta bcr montreal cih june l3ti- steam boat to the cashier of the montrtal bank siit wr ha veto report thefolluwinsstock- holdt rs elected as directors ol the insuiuitoa for the ensuing vear t b ancroc efl- ciiatttfs ukooke eq t hon loowotoi jomj jjiivlhoiti bm william loiliv esq james lo g a h esq 1hz hun peter mcill joserii massox es1 johs kcofath eq h l- bocth esq joseph shutxh fcq- jhhj- tokkaxcc kl joiiw ilolox esq- montreal bank tith june 1sj ctait i fott kiuastous jacob boxtkr mtkr do w x w a r os will leave the carrying pac nn tttrsjay and friday murninss at 3 oylurk rouehimtf at the kivertnnr anieliabiireh belleville sftpbiaathircba culhrlon s s anlanv wharf ha howell adnlphustown fredt irk hurh and biih to kiiilston will leve kinaatmi same day ai 6 p m toueh at fairmairs ca- nanoqiia hriekville and arrive ai prescou ill time for the steim boat fur montreal dmrardv will leaee preoit every wednesday anil sntnrtiay p m immediately afief ihe arrival hi the gleam hoar frnm leow touching at broekville kivoeh crek and irrve at king sioil arlv next morning leave kinssiort every monday and z ai 9 ovlnek luoehio tt places and arrive at the car rviflff pi ire sime evenin in time to timet i the stages for cubourj port hope and iv- 9 mm daviu torrance s mm inttn jpftp canaua land utsiripi dul vtf timmrui pufbuini yen i w rani i illi 10 yaag ontario the steaft packet citda propelled b horse t the oxlt steam boat jarly bktwccm kl ill 50 w leave wednesday aw cpt w a low pgsure engine of tp r which vuki i- and oswego knj pvery monday fcrioav niornintf ai birisi 8 o clock amf oswrqo every iiies- davtliursday and iurjayai same hour itnnl further oonce oa sdwdat will make an exira np lea kinsmou a 6 a m and remrning me s eveniuz tlie canala wlirli t run f years bmwera tftronio nnd nja ic shounr kiffced and is well hi be seemil 10 none as a sife sea unai she is wll ealcula- 11 inrontey linih fri an passengers wiili safely and pxfmlifoq for krealii or fassfl a l0 m irahnl gram oaweao messrs truss phillip kingston or 10 ihe captain on board kindlon may 33d 1886 942 ah parkaesand luirffage ai ihe risk m hf itutt unlfss giren in charge of die puiser n nnd bonked very nnniion will he paid rn ihe eomfirr otpasvhsrrs and ifin bmi is well adapiej o iak frpitflii horses fitc stc may 27 iss6 07 neiessary possession win begiveiri on ihe 1st of june next for lunher particulars applicarion may h either io jaanes o or 10 robeptt line bee kingston ih y he made nickalls jun- esq kingston maxwell esq montreal bank may 1835 63z ai lb chrnirr avoaeene office kingatnu may 17 lui 93 wnnleit immediately two journeymen cabinet makers and an active voung man aa appentire 10 llw same husiiiss liberal wases will hejiven none but persons of guud habits nrel apply f- cone kingston u c may alli 1836 94z wool anua fiasu paid forcl kew gooos ftihe solhseriber are now receiving by the last rivals from lomdon livcppool and olasckw exirnsie nssorimmis y tbt various kmids ofsiapleanj fancy dry gooios laces small wares slc stc that thev are in ittehabil of imnortinc liobert armolr co montreal may 26 1836 joo m to millers motived direct from kurope with w ust orers on feurope w ments hnvij wn made for article of ag bbl qpuljr vj2 rel irch boiling cloths mmtflfd the hum a cotaotuipty manufac- ftrrfloe- 1 wool of a nod qiihluymi the lleooe at tbo woullan kite- torf imrihoticjiio hi 17 18mj m m j blukahore poim do do freocli iborr siooeg for sulc hy larochue bernard co- july fft 191 tailoring business d srrlby would repctfollt inform ihe inhabitants of kiocsion nod its vici- niiy iliai leruoiinueb lorarryon the abore buiinen at hrs old su in srorr street di rectly oppome ihe commercial hotel ind ut hopes hy pummunliry mnc tllen 10 husi- dem nnd rtnonhle ch tomfrtt the con- unouiiou of pairona he has so liherally re ceiwd ihe pam tear and he tiafun ihe public that no puns will he p oo his prt o every possible sniacij j ds will revive i most annroted fash- iohs every sprine nnd jl n b one or two 0 rare journeymen will bnd conaidnt ernp by pplyi to ihe jbu nooe but gs w workmen need fciofaion ad may aotice to emigrants tnlik undermentioned divprnroent agents m nrjui on applicatiim afford fmicrnts information rel hive to the crown kinds for half in their reaper ive districts nd ihe con ditions upon vvbifh thev rnv he obiained mr ll j sntf emtcraini agent vis con jolintifiwn p alririi mr john jllrjyaughton affeni io the con- mifffmttr for crown lrfnds rytown b11i1 urst oistrirt mr antiantf manahn emigrant aent kingston midland district mr alexander jlicdonell affpnt to the commissioner for crown lands pcttrhoro newcastle uistrirt mr john 0 askin arrent for the cfm misatmer for crown lnnds london london dtirrct mr hrnry j jones acffll to the com- missinnerfr crown lands chatham wes tern district tbey will akofffra information as to the route disiancrs and rates of conevame to those parts of hie province to whirh mi srnnfs may h desirous of proceeding and di rect those in wnt of work io places where ihev can obtain it the undermentioned genilemen have been fiirniahed with mps of hie townships opeo for lorauiid and will cne kmieianis ibfor- matiin refanre lo the lands for sale io iheir respective neighborhoods mr pnnirle m frer mekenzie baldwin fairfield brown kineaniill elliot mutual riac insueajtcc com paxy- a meetioir of ihe freeholders of the hid- v convened by public sj- uaavi passed 111 ifaegib of hie ncm of wm 1v entitle an act iu autboriz the establishment of mutual in- suriirie companies in ihe seven disinciinf ibis hrovtm e ai the court house in the town ol kingston on monday ttu 6th day tif june instant al is oviueh at noon lorihe purpose ol coiisidrrini vheiher it beipnifil iu ebtitblish 10 uh utiir 1 i fire insurance cumjuuy uo the priucipk of mutiil loiu- ratice in conformity wtih the ifoistonsf the above inentionfd act and upwarilsof40 tit heiri present ji the siid mteitn hlirv ctiidv kq hiring bactc the chair tnj mf vv dj we appointed reiiiry it was rfi red that he freeholders pre sent ii this iweiios dtvrn it expedteni io foim 1 fin insurance ciunpanv upoo ihe principle f mimuji insurance within ihe midland u irici purimpt to the siaiute laiely passed itesolved that h cadv wcitali anil tbomi5 krrkpairiek ksqrs br a ctmiatn- tcv iu up 1 aiitkaii tsmwrtfitomhtt stock and wfamaa the ireehulers then r sent b ii forty nr niote and the sums for which ihev bound themselves to effect iasu rnre amounted together to jc 10000 carreqcv an i upwards and are thereby ordained con stituted and dertared by the md act to bea ho- dy torporate and politic in laet by and under ihe nnneand style of the muuil fifelraw ranee compiny of for the midland district now ve the utiderined ten freeholders pre- snt at the said meeting and buuud to effect insurance wtilt lite laid company snl brio nifmilier thereof do hereby iee oottre tlat we call a meeting of the stid company to be held ar the court houe tn the lown of king sum aforesaid on monday ihe isth 1jv of ju- ly next at 12 oviork at noun for the purpow of electing sevin directors to mance nod conduct the projieriy aflairs and conrerns ol ihe s iid company pursuant io the provisioi of the nid act h caaot thos ktnrpatrfcir wm gajiratt j a m ks m b a g h e n a henry smith j kindlon 7th june david johff saiint joh mowat wm thjrreix johii plant liowh 1ikpk likvck i8su- 99 the chronicle gazette stepuln q 1 kit rill pkltjl- 44 l 14 li cornwall brockvtlle liirh belleville hallovvll colkourff port hope i sandwich wtwfck port manley irofianfe atiiherrbiir hoiierams in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at toronto are ill- ttq8 a- b hawke vuf emigrant aveflt for u canada bfiusrani office toronto may 24 i3ss j ny twfa ffi of ht kwitoa rfcrnaitlir mantreij setw sur ind lh to fin- fffi lo intn lhe w ptoi io thir 3 assssl to wm cttau twenty shilliiu pur aionrtf if paid rn dara or wnb n l ftrii iijia moullw if pdid al lhfl nftllo jer twniyfiva shillings dcfce of awatrtrannciiti sx uts and under 2s bd 6 s tniertionspd7jd each aubefiueni insertion ten lines and under 3- id lirst insertion and 10d each subseouent inscruoo abovo ten lines 4d per bite for the hrs mtwrbon and id per line for tverj subsequent rtsct advcitiscmenu without wrilcitaiiecliuiud ou forbid and tjbtrm bccordingl a ii ji dictiunt made lo iifcnrhantg and othtr whu alvef1isti fur three rnntha nnd ifuiaard- i up tv rewfcl tbalat km adwliartiifnl received after tun ocldl sa the rntfliflltf f jilitdiciiimii any person n m tx uhsrrihers to thfjpw and javnjr ahnnotiy lr theism shall be rotrtlrd io a siveirli cpy gratis icpcumry fmdncc received in payment t th nnkr pric lohn bipnell esq 90 for sam- kf kegs r fhehesi printinfl ink very tow for cash clironiile gizetie office 1 kingston january 7th 1336 j 1tqst received and for sle at the comer tfkiiiff and brock stroel ready keckoo- ers aod lcnoea hframmar kingston jao 6 david chiflholin bsq andrew pprteoini kq ivilliaiti mcintosh eeq erire browse bmj alphaajthrea eeq hanry jne eq jnaiah taylor eq hwhitiii j k hanwell er mesr c si j mcdonald mimi dao esq allan mephemon esq viit ri k enq rtiimaa deiooreit esq p d arplidij enq fboinua parker eq w kwhcrtaon kaq chafjea biifjnir eq joseph a hlrr tan koupj maokitaie ilavul smartp eaq john djlllird esq rir piencb aq quehec- three kivi mvntreal mstijda prrarftt bntrkvilfe perth fttchniftid lustard ganvrsqja baft nam sophist bu rh sliannoniffa p avilie lf rivar 7rwt murray cohvnraib cburff