chronicle tetette and kingston commercial advertiser i pnlillahtxl tvfjy wrt ncirj w nmi atunlny t uirofrtcf rnnitr of king and hfofk btnttt nec bege nec populo sed utroque twtftly 5hftlllmgi ir ami at the end of tfc paevi ttdvincr vol xiii1 kingston itpper canada saturday alffust 27 1836 wo it i sco bells inspection store rscobell general inspector of pol ash beef and pork presents his cor dial thanks to the merchants and other inhab itants of kingston and the vicinity for the liberal patronage they have extended to him during the past year and he begs leave to in form them that he has removed his inspection business from the hon j kirbys store to thelareand convenient store and wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr a mc- doaell where he will be always ready to in- specl such articles as may be consigned to him for that purpose and he hopes from his long experience punctuality and strict attention to business still to merit the approbation tod support of the public n b for sale 5000 lbs- weight of saoked hams 3000 do cheese 2000 do upper canada butter 2 tons of lard in kegs for family use 300 barrels salt r scobell kingston april 14th 1835 57z the mansion house kingston u- c rlrlhe suhscri1er respectfully hecs leave to notify to the travelling public that he continue to occupy ibis extensive and well kuowo hotel- thc mahsiok hocse is pleasantly situated stare street being the principal aad cen tral street ju kingston is convenient tr nil the steam bom wharves and oo establishment of its kind iu the upper province can surpass it in the excellence nod comfort of it ments both parlors and bedrooms thirtyfour in number all uf which are furnished io the vary best stylo the hotel lias lavly undergone a thorough repair and is xl prtsnt in most excellent or der and condition for the accommodation of the public the subscriber having kept a hotel i r many years has aajuired experience in llitf line and therefore trusts that wiih unremitting at tention to the comfort of his guests ho will coutioulho merit public patronage in the rear of the jlansion house there i a large yard and extensive stahliug and where a livery sulle t constantly kept te7the mansion house carriage and por ters w ill always be to rondincss to convey pas- scorers and luggage to aud frum tho different steam dojts s carmino kingston hue 22d 1836 103z to merchants and others lands for sale 2flfe acres of valuable land is offer- w ed for sale on most advantages terms it is sttuatv d only a few mile from the village of berlin in waterloo township gore district and is not exceeded by any in the province for fertility and is in a good senlement containing about 15 acre clear land whereon is erected a log dfcelling house sic a good title will be given and dossession may be bad immediately this lot would well suit a small emigrant family with limited means and afford them a snug tod comfortable home the terms are moder ate apply by letter post paid or personal ly to h w peterson waterloo township gore district uc jume m pqfflv celtic society of upper canada notice is hereby given that the time for receiving the essays as advertised by the society is postponed from the 1st of august to the 10ib of september next john a macdonald secretary kingston 27th july 1836 8iei ruling machine for sale cheap for cash apply at the office of the chronicle gazette notice to chelsea and other pensioners who are paid by the commissariat rwime assistant commissary general here- by notifies the above description of per sons that they must make personal applica tion at the beginning of each quarter to the dearest commissariat office for their pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from a commissariat office which might ren der it inconvenient or expensive to the pen sioners to apply at the beginning of each quarter or if from sickness ur other good cause application cannot be made personally even once in the year an officer will be sent annually to visit those stations to identify aod pay those who cannot for these causes present themselves at a commissariat station the pensionersare enjoined to keep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions will be paid only to them in person on their being identiged thereby it is further notified that the government jll not under any circumstance recognize agents or the claim of any individual for debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat kingston 15th march 1836 75z bank op british north america iv capital j2l 000000 sterlircj 20000 sharcs jp js50 each tabec fourths op which have beeff subscrib ed ik eyglaad akd tub kemaljtpeb ark reserved for thecolonies with powee to increase tjf k capital london directors qfemtt oft rows attwwi esw edwaku blount esq robert bkuwi es sir robert campbell bart robert carter es william rorert ctjavhak esft janes johm cummins esq james dowie esq oliver farrer esq alexakdca gillespie jon esq william medley esq william pberton esq george richard roaietsotr esq john waldron wright esq m p the rapidity with which the british north american colonies lave advanced in prosperity and commercial importance the vast increase of their population the high rate of interest the fluctuation of exchange the in adequacy of the capital already employed for banking operations aod the increasing facili ty of intercourse with the mother country point out the different settlements of british nonh america as affording a secure field for the profitable employment of capital for which purpose and with a view of promoting the mercantile and agricultural interests of the colonies the present company his been established the management of the companys affairs is vested in the london court of directors and the banks in the colonies are to be coo- ducted by local boards appointed by them a general meeting of the proprietors is to be held yearly in london to whom a statement of the companys affairs will be submitted power has been reserved to the director to apply for and accept oo behalf of the estab lishment a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a deposit of 10 sterling per share to be sm ftttttitt 4 period ro be named in the letter allotment at the rate of exchange therein fixed nd the deed of settlement to be signed at the lime of payment after payment of the deposit the remainder of the capital will be required by instalments not exceeding 10 sterling per share at such intervals of not less than three months as the directors may find necessary to carry the ob jects of the bank into operation of which due notice will be given forw unitpd lines op the rideau and st lawrence thfi ottawa and rideau for warding company beg leave to notify ttieir friends and the public generally that they have united their line with that ol the canada inland forwarding and insur ance cofppany ahhomgh a decided preference has justly been giveo to the rideau line from the supe rior crah in which goods are forwarded as well aa the certainty with regard to time and diminution of risk attending the transport yet some objections have been raised to the canals bfbg closed earlier io the fall than the rirtr sr lawrence and to obviate these objection the company intend this union to keep a tail supply of boats on the st law rence not with a view of doiog their business generally by that route but to accommodate their customers to the spring and fall as well as to meet every possible contingency that might take place oo the canal and restore to ibe cmiipiny the fullest confidence of the public to faeiliete the transport of goods destin ed for the ports of lakes ontario and erie the company have arranged for their tranship ment at both the ports of prescott aod kings ton but from its eligibility intend the latter to be the principal place of transhipment when the ridtmu canal is reopened and no ad vance on the present rate of freight will be de manded from tbew regular customers while the rideau canal a opeo io the fell their stores at preset m ol c land forwa mr w d ioaoo iheir a wl contlcuc to conduct the business jlfj goods forwdf h lh rldea canal will not be insured u b the owners those that may be iorwarned via the bt- law rence will he insured by the company unless otherwise direed mr e uacfcett of the canada inbind for warding and insurance company will at all times be ready lo receive orders fur this com pany to whom as well as ihe companys agents at montreal and kingston application may be made fc e cashing agent montreal w emckinsos aeent prescott g bjrush agent kingston june 25 im ckown office t june20ih l8se- notice te hereby given that the courts of oyer jd terminer aod eqeral gaol delivery ancvof assize and nisi prius io and for the different districts will be as fol lows pfrnfcf eastern jhnstown baihurst cornwall drockvide perth kioffsion hnmihon sandwich london niagara amherat pirinn mnlund gore western london ntjrara fnnce edw borne coih commencing monday lat aupiwl tureday 9ih august monday 22d augusl- tbumlay 1st sept monday n august mnnda 22nd do tocttlay 30ih do thursday 8lh sept mnndav 26th do wednendav sth oct monday l7ib oct 17 are tornnio of which all sheriffs coroners masis trates gaolea and tne peace officers commanded to take notice by order of h couvt charles c small clerb of the crown and pleas information wanted of wra harrison an englishman supposed lobe in belleville u c or gtdeva u s any information of him will bethaokfully received bv his brother john harrison front street kingrton 6th august 1s36 editora rill confer a particular favor by copying the abov commission office the undersigned being about to establish a depot for the reception of west india dry hides begs leave to inform his friends aad the tanners of this province and thc ad joining states chat he will be happy at all limes to receive their orders and furnish the article at the lowest newyork prices j bclarke kingston 1st july 1836 6z t eather sole and upper of various j tannagescalf skins kips fcc kc for sale by larocque bernard co who will keep a large assortment constantly on band may 18 lsz book- brock just sbisbed aod for sale at th store on tbe corner of king and street a large assortment of account books best materials and workmanship for sale at montreal prices oo blank books or paper well and correct- ly ruled to any pattern at short notice mftgk- the undersigned commissioned to represent the court of directors io america and to visit the several colonies for the purpose of putting the affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that be will be ready to receive and consider applications from persons resi dent in the province of upper canada who may be desirous of becomiog shareholders its thecapttal stock of the company addressed to him at the post office at montreal on or before tbe 10th day of august next robert carter new york i4tb july 1836 form of application to robert cartcr esq post office montreal sie j request that you will allot to me shares io the bank of british north america and i hereby engage to pay the de posit of jjlo sterling each upon so many of such shares as you may allot to me at the time place and rate of exchange to be speci fied in your letter of hutment and at ihesaote time to execute the deed of settlement i am sir your obedient servant signature at length place of abode datc all lttrs must be post taid on june 1 1835 for sale i toe commercial wharf kingston foot ptij slreel whiskey salt raster of paris water lime m subscribers phillips 95z w truax ug3ton2sdmay 1836 w notice right ingersoll have beer forsale at mr- florence donoghues ta- p atngiion in barrels and smaller qnanti to suit purchasers 57z pwtocksburg i0tb jaouarv 1836 bank of upper canada public notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the stockholders of this bank is requested to be held at the bank on wednesday the 24th day of august next at 10 oclock in the forenoon fur the purpose of electing a director to serve during the re mainder of the present term in the place of the hon peter robinson who has resigned and for business which will be thea communica ted bv order of tbe board 7 thos- g ridout cashier bank of upptr canada toronto i3ih july 1836 8y the editortof oewapapers who bave aauallv pub lished for the baak of upper caaada will be pleased to give thiaaotice inerna forsale a quantity of excellent writing ink at the chron sl gazette officc corner of king and brock streets 9sz prize medals the natural history society of moiftreiloffer three prize me- oalft uk ihrctfbest essays that may be presented on the following subjects i on the connection between the language and the character of a people 3 on the physical history of rivers in general and of the st lawrence in particular 3 on the circumstances which affect cli mate io general and the climate of lower canada in particular 4 on ibe comparative adaptation of prairie aod forest to the settlement of a new country 5 the changes that have taken place in the habits of exotic plants cultivated in the northern parts of america particularly as re gards the changes induced on their agricultu ral and horticultural properties the conditions are lsu the essays shall be presented on or before the 20th of february 1836 2d the essay may be in french or en glish 3d the names and residences of the-awb- ors must be concealed to ensure which each essay shall have a mono and shall be accom panied by a sealed note superscribed with ihe same motto and containing the name and res idence of the author this note shall only be opened in the caseof the essay being declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be des troyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the property of the society 5ih the society reserves to itself the risht to withhold the prize should ooone of the es says on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are io be addressed to j s mcoao esq cprrespoodiog secretary of the society andrew h armour recording secretary the editors of al public papers in lh bnuab provinces will cnnft a favnr on the society by giv ing an insertion io it above or by noticing it in the editorial columns oltriijr reapecliveiournsl notice the subscriber bcrs leave to acquaiot hi friends and the public generally thnt he has received iovoes of the following articles per the ship thmia from liverpool thin from liverpool and are now on tho way from mootroal viz black and blue superfine ww of england cloths olive green aedt medly colora do do do double and siogta milpd cassimeres do do fancy buckskins he latest london patteroa of valeotia aod ityurteillea vesting with suita l trimmings for i above tho whole will he lound inferior i none in the market both for durability aod cheapness tho latest fashions always received aod geotlemeo accoinoodated with auiiio twelve hours j o takes ufa opportunity of requesting those customers vhoe accouots are of long standing tocii aiqj settle as money is n scarce article in marke an at the present time would bo very acv tn him v john oliphant kingston nth j l6 l for the chronicle ft gtzctcf a dream of nm0y the day retiring in tbe west gave wearied nature leave to rest and balmy sleep with kind relief had soothed the heavy heart of grli while on my couch i pondriny laji on scenes thai long have passd wj and thought on homa that acrec p too deaf t ever be forgot and heavd t sigh for friends of oltft wboai eyes an closm whos heart iro and others icaltcrd far and wide as bark can filial on oceans tide who met mo at the gladsome play when school was ovr in lifes yobftg da now launchd on fortunes irisachm ware and looking for a foreign grave deep rmiaingon the tender theme the past come oer me like a dreaift melhoiight i was again a boy wiih hertas light and full of joy as when heartless child 1 rov with the dear youthful friend 1 of ere my young breast had learnt to s for blighted hopes or joya gone by i before u fleet ion bending low pourd from ihe heart the flood of wq 0 thoe who sleep the long lon eep when love and nature bade me wpp ere yet remorse with bitter amart had stung my deep repenting jimt for thoughtless errors wayward crimer wbtclt mile me bluah in aliev times on which remembrance looka with pain and gladly would recall sgaft care had not yet disiubcd my rest hot found a mansion in my breast nor airy fancy yet begun to build her castles in the sun the past wa but a dream llvfls gonc thc future was a dream unknown the present like a shadow flffw which dances quickly out of view nor leaves one gloomy trace jbchind to cloud the happy infant mm such was tho scene my tkkf drew and memory said the scene as true the morning sun rose clear and bright above inv natwe mountain hwaght and sweetly shone around ifoe pot where stood my dear patented col p t lim l ui m opntlg fl vi v but ere i ventured forth to i knelt rne down with solemtfiair and offend up an infnms prr to him within whose holy keep pd safely pawd the hours of sleep and bled him for the morning light which brought new mercies io my sight while fondly lost in hopes sweet dream my mothers eye did on me beam my father gaid with holy joy and bleavd his little happy boy each paid me wiih affection kiss and this was more than comunnn bliss and spoke of days they houd to see and that to them i yet should be a full reward for all their coes their anxious hopes their anient prayrs tttwr pridi j nams ftrtaia should thine upon my fulore dj the joy of their declining years to soothe their griefs and dry therr tcat and whtn their latest porting breath should bless me in the hour of death with filial grief their eyes id cloac and lay them in their last repose i gized and wept yet scorce knew why but sobbd out that they must not die another kis and all wosoe nor stgh nor sorrow grievd me more but bounding forth with haste and glee midst natures beauties rich and free where blooms the heath and golden brroom and wild thyme sheda iia sweet perfumie a thousand flowrs of varied hue their lovely robes displayed to view a thousand anngstersin the glen fourd forth their glad melodious alraiui the soaring lark roae far above and warbled oer her hymn of love thc lowing herds and bleating flocks awoke the echo of the rocks i heard the btilhsome shepherd boy sing loud his rustic song of oy the ploughman whistled at his toil his heart rejoiced in natures smile earth seemd a happy sinless spot and mankinds sorrows all fcrgat as if the bitterness was oer which fell on adams race of yore- tho but a child i shard the bliss that fliws from such a se ene as this my liule bosom fell inspird with something like devoiinn fird but all at once the spell waabrcke and i from memryt droaio woke a scotchman ro a 5oiiuiii quebec 22d august 1p36 from the lwlon times of the 17th df june letters on the canalfcas with mr humo aod mr roebuck ami tbo return of mr vigor from london hod poured this flood of act liht upon their minds by a royal despatch dated jaouary 1834 this conventional project was disallowed in up per caoada materials did oot exist for so speedy and successful an adoption of your opiuiooa and advice and formoro than a year after mr hume had recommended the estab lishment of ao independent republic io british north america liko that of the uuited states his recommendation wa oot responded to by a single uewspaper io vpper canada except mr mckenzios and io that very cautiously not even your pupil mr mckenzie had the hardihood to whisper thej elective legislative council project vrithiu tho walls of th as sembly be thereforo adopted another ronihod to carry your scheme into effect ho pro ceeded in the first place to got a liule society formed fur the discussion of political questioos and the diffusion of political iuformatioo af ter a few mooths weekly lecturing to compa nies of persons thus assembled a sufficient i number of kindred spirits were prepared for further proceedings and the members orthia aocieiy at a meeting held in its room on tho 9th of december 1834 foriped themselves in to a society with branches in tho caoadas i aod elsewhere to be kowo by the title of tho canadian auiaocft for the attaiooteoi of the fotlowiog among other objects 1 a responsible repreaentative system of government aod the abotirioo of the lcrila tivo council the members for which are no minated for life by tho colonial governors 2 a written constitution for upper can acla embodying and declaring the origiual principles of the government 3 the abojitioo of the lawof primogeni ture 4 the coqtrol of the whole public reve nue by tho repreacoiqrives of the people 5 to oppose all itoduo interference by the colonial office treasury or ilorto guards io the domestic affairs of tho colonists y6 thefdiffusioo of sound political infor mation by tracts aod pamphlets 7 the extinction of all monopolizing land companies member of the assembly aod almost every other public man who was knows to bo fa vorable to the established iastitounos of tho country has last or all sent to tbo officers of its branches aod rntn various parts of tho prov inco printed petitions to tho assetnbly against granting siny supplies to goveromentaod in favor of seoding tho oewly appointed govern- vr sir f b head back from wheoce ho came this the majority of the assembly have resolved to do refusing the supplies de manding tho recall of sir francis head and a new governor aod government responsible to tho local assembly and a variety of other tbtoga too oumeroua to mention- there is ooo mora event io the progress of incipient revolution in upper canada which it is necessary to notice for the ioforeaation of many members of tbo british parliament to whom was presented a fow months since an octavo volume of caoadiao grievances in tho form of a report of a committer of the house of assembly i wish to state bow that vol ume was got op and transmitted to england iu tho leeilatmwioo of 1834 mr- mac keozie moved for the appointment of a com mittee consisting ot three or four besides him self to take into consideration certain parts of lord rrpoos despatch to sir john colboroe dated nvwrd 1800 awj efnuvinan of tho committee ho availed tnmself of tho protaat amd opportunity thus afforded him to aasail ihe principles of the constitution aud every branch of the gvfertfmeot- but little was heard of the proceedings of this commit- tco during the soaiinn the report which fills nearly 600 pages was not presented to tho house uotil after one oclock in the morning of the day before tho governor had given notico of his ioteotioo to prorogoe tbo legislature more thau half of the members had retired for the night though thero was not an absentee among tho caoadiao alliance members ou accooot of tho advanced hour of theuiht the lato period of tho session tbe length of tho report and tba supply bill not having yet been pasaed it was proposed to dispense with readtog tb report and to print it for the infor mation of members and tbe public duriog tbo recess this proposition after some coin- au cumpeuie laiat from 000 f members against such prosentatives aldermen justices of tho jfj ctembers hearing reprecn peace c t l to enter into close alliance with aoy similar association that my bo formed io lower caoada or the other colonies having for its object the greatest happiuess of tbe greatest number mr wm l mckenzie h p p cor responding secretary for the society and all its braoches tl joseph hume m p and mr john arthur roebuck m p agents in england mr e b ocallaghan m p p editor of tho montreal vindicator uewspaper agent in montreal mr etienne parent house of assembly lowtjr canada agent in quebec also agenu in nova scutia new brunswick aud newfouudlaod how exactly do tbe objects thus stated by the parlies for whom you are agents agree with the rccommeodatious heretofore quoted of mr hume iu j 833 ihe year jo wliicti bis mr w l mckeozto left london for fppt canada and commenced this new scheme of political independence for let tbe above ob jects be accomplished aod where has eogland a shred of monarchical government property or power iu north america aod if you could by aoy oieaos induee or compel his majestys government to sanction an elective house of lords and republican government there how soon and emphatically would you say what has been sanctioned as good and neceasary for north america cannot be vicious in principle or bad for eogland nay you aod your canadian confederates have in fact already said so in a letter addressed by mr roebuck to mr papsoean speaker of the lower canada house of assembly may 1b35 ha calls the legislative council a wretched imitation nf a baneful mischievous institution the english house of lords and adds the object you have in vitw i- to frame a government io accordance with the feelings and wttnts of tho people in ameri ca oo government can uq itu these condition but one that is purely democratic accord ingly mr papioeau on the 4th of last no vember io a speech un mr roebucks agency in london ta reported to have cnlled mr no lit to mr joseph hume and mr jotih arthur rotbucfe members of parlianhtnt sirs the object of the present lojtter is to give an epitomised statement of the lurogrrss spirit and character of the canadi agita tions aud parties tvhich you rcpreseum aod of which i hav shown you ate tho primary no vers i have said that the first steps take by the lower canada house of assembly h abolish the constitution of that provioce wa in 1633 that assembly proposed to c a pro vincial convention of delegates locotiuvjdei- the propriety of either abolishing the ecttttlulvo cuunctl or of rendering it electivv this proceeding was adopted the very sej a that in which the satno housa of assembly had unanimously prayed that t4 c001 as established by law might be tausmil uoo ted unimpaired to posterity tin tr corres pondence m tho inieival of these tw alions j p roebuck the faithful mirror of that house aod to have further observed tho people of this province were now merely prepariug them selves for a future smie of polit- a existence which he mr papineau trusted would he nei ther a monarchy unran aristocracy he hop ed providence had not io view for his couotry a feature so dark as llmi it should be the menus of plaotiog royalty in america near a country io grand as the united states ilo hoped fur the futuro that america would give republics to europr no comment is required on these pasaagea but that which british foeliiip will indite in the miod of the reader i therefore return to the canadian alliance society of which you are the london nem this society has con tinued to bold iis meetings nearly every week since its formation has iloca all io its power to extend and multiply its branches has suc ceeded in fnnniug several in different parts of the province has by resolutions appeals ice attacked every measure uf government which it could in auy way convert into a to ic of excitement aud has assailed eveiy beat day that a volomiooua report of shis com mittee bad beeo at a very iat hour present ed to the houee and ordered to be prioted searched for it in order to leam iu contents but tbe report was not to be found eitber in theclerk office or in any of tbe committee rooms just before the prorogation be com plained of this to tbe house and mr mcken zie on being questioned repfijd that be had oot desired to conceal the report from aoy member of tbe house until tbe close of the ses sion hut be bad takeo it to his own hoose to get some parts of it copied and sent to mr papineau of lower caoada and to mr hume in london loud complaints were of course made agaioat such unparliamentary and un heard of conduct but the object of the caoa diao alliance party was accomplished the session closed aod this report was printed aod aent borne to his majesty government and to many members of ihe imperial parlia- ple of opper canada speaking through their representatives aod was made the basis of a very elaborate despatch from lord glenelg to sir f head dated december l5 1835 yet this report was never even read id tbe assem bly nor was a resolution for an elective le gislative council ever moved or the question ever discussed in tbe upper caoada house of assembly until iidco tbe beginning of tbe present year such sirs ia tbe manner as i can easily prove by abundant references to lcgislativede bates in which your scheme have been pro moted in upper canada what would be thought of a report of a aelect committee of the house of commons being thus made aod seot fin tb to the world embracing the constitution of the house of lords tbe administration of justice the prerogativea of the crowo the whole questions of crown anrj public revenue of church aod state of taiation fee since the assumption of the government of upper caoada by sir f head a majority of the as aembly have undertaken to give him as a new man some lossoos on responsible government differences have taken place the most outra geous proceedings havc been adopted and the most extravagant demands have beeo made and the supplies have bean withheld by a ma jority of the assembly but tbeir proceedings io auy of these questions prove nothiog aa to the sontimeots and feelings of the people of upper canada any more than the report of one of their committees on geology proves wh3t are the geological opioioos of tho cana dians the people of upper caoada were never appealed to oo any of these constitu tional questions the caoadiao alliance so- cietv itelf had no existence until since tbo election of the present house of assembly the test by which a majority of tbe present assembly was elected was tbeir disapproval of the proceedings of tbe late assembly in ex pelling a member several tinad for tho same offimce aod i confidently declare sirs that the imputation nf your schemes to tbe people of upper canada is a libel upoo therm tbe rrideoce of my life has beeu among the peo ple of whom i thus speak 1 am one of thent by birth education feeling and interest i admit you have republican partisans there ou have indeed a canadian allir-