-7- t- j i 1 j v 0 w en r i arra03l f mtmmttt u 1 i- and kingston commercial advertiser v jtthd eey we4iy and 8 mr my t nec rege nec populo sed utroque vr itwcntjr shining per dii at ihr tfnd of the xst rwl xviiu kingston upper canada saturday september 3 1s36 no 19 i 10 llit n stops notice yo chelsea and other pensioners who are paid by the commissariat fghfi aslant commissary general here- by notifies the above description of per iods that ihey must make pkrsonai applica- lion at the beginning of each quarter ommt commissariat office for p fn cases when pensioners result from a commissariat office which might ren der it inconvenient or expense to the pen sioners to apply n ln beginning of eachl quarter or if from attbllttt or other good cause application cannot be made personally even once in the year an officer will be sent annually to visit thuse siuion to identify and pay those who cannot for these causes present themselves at a cnmmissariai station the pensioners are enjoined to keep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions will he paid only to them in person on tip ir hinf idem find thereby it inr notified thai ihe government will nut under any cirrurnsijince rccosiize agents or i he rlaim of any individual for debt conmcttd hy the pensioners commissariat kingston 15th march is3c- j 75z forwaltoing- united lines of the rideau nd st lawrence abbe qfttwa and rideau for l warding company beg leave to notify their friends and the public generally that ihey have united their line with that a distance jrf the canada inland forwarding and insur ance compaoy although a bank i briti north am capital l00uhio srjeklf i 90000 fbn op fioo each th8m- fuuktiis ay which iiuk dfckn subhricll- en is kxclavo am the hkmikosa au ecsurven fh viikcolomiks with pmveit to ufcklub thf cpita- london diicectohs gina- ik rsco attivuop ksq roman iiloont pa jtofceat bkiwjt llsq pie klrfcsrt cihfattx uakt hscar cltt- k4- vaum toaa 4 jimcs john cummius kact jams outvie i4- hivir farheh ksq ausahdm uillfsfir jffu wiijjam mkimev ksq vinihm pshftrhtohi klu linmor it iri i attn kobinshv f- esq jdju waiop kq m- p kkikt ic xmr ripidiiy wiih whirling briiisi north a t ii tea q ctdunits have ttdvaowd in irojivriv nud roiiiintimil ini porta nce rlie a5i loeitawdtllnif populaimm the lush rnte uf inter t i hi fluctuation w ex ihin- tdnnity nf attal nueady employed fur btiikmi opcf iiions mid iht lijtlvajildfl faeili tywf imerwniiw mih the mother country pninf out ill tliirreni srttlemttiis of british ntinh atwcric a nffirdin mrvre held lor the pfofiiahle rmplovmenl f capiial for ffhirli iiirpov and with a vnv of promoiins ihe merennitli and agricultural tatrteaiaof the colonies ihe present cuiupany his been cfihlishtd the toanaeemenl of the companys aflaira i vimtrl in the london court i drrtors anj ihe bnks in the colonies rt in he coo ducted hy iwl boards appointed by lhtaj a eenrral rtieninc of the pioprieiors is to be m l yearly in london to vvhtiio a stnitinent of the pnmpaoya affurs will he sumittted power his heen rr served io ihe drcior to apply f r ml accept on behalf of the cstab- mment a charter of incorporation or act of ivhament a deposit of 10 sirlinir pr share to he pid wiiliin a period to he named in the leifrer tf qllonneni at the rate of exitungi- iherain fiej and the deed of settlement iu be signed pt ihe lime ufmyioem after atfittttrt of ihpwpowt ihe renninder oftlie capiial will be required by instalments not eeedin 10 mrfbu rr shire at such iairrfiiu of aui ls than three months as ilie directors nny find nfrefttry locarry luoh- wcisttf ihe bauk into operation oftvhich due qtmicc wdl he geu tlie undersigned comniisiond to represent iwuoort ol oireciors in aoiericii and to visit ie ereral colonies for the purpose of putting ibesfiifi of the bank ituo operation hereby govs notice iliii he will be ready to receive and consider applicnituns from persons resi- dfiit in ihe province of upper caoda who my w desirous of becoming shareholders in the capital stork of the company addressed to him at the iost olive u monueal on cr the loib day of august nexi kourr t carter new york ulb july 1836 form of application to rubekt caiitea esq posi office uooutal i request that you will allot o me bhsres in the bakk of bcitish north amusica and i hereby ensaje to pay be d- posit of 10 sterling each upon so nuny of uch slians as you may allot io me hi the time place and rale of exchange to he specie minyourleiierollloiment and at tliesacoc lifdetoexecote the deed of settlement iam your obedient servant giyaatorra unittt ll ltttebs most dc itqst taid- bimk of upper canada dtblic ni is tierehy sivtn lhai a cmral metiin olilie sumtklicllits uf barikiiaeswd 10 be i10m ai ilie uink 0n 1 ln dlv f aususi nexi oeloefc inihe forenoon fur i lie purpose klpcitns a dnecior io srve ilurms ilie re- jjnovr utiht present term m ihe place uf ihe fa h tr roeision who has rcsiaued and jjwtift which will he i hen couimunjca- bj order of ihe board thos g b canada wnio 13th july 1s36 iuwf nppcr who have ridout cahier 8y ually pub be eid forsalk qpdiny of ekeellem wining ink at the m brock street 99z decided preference haa justly been given to ihe ririeau line from the supe rior craft in which goods are forwarded as well as ihe certainty with regard to time and dimiriijiiuri of risk unending the iranspnrt yet some object inns have leo raised to ihe caoals being closed earlier in the kail than the river sr lawrence and u ohvtaie thee oljetmtofls he company intend this uoion to keep a full supply ol bimis on the st law rence not with a view of doing their business generally by thai route hut tu accommodate their customers in iheprin and fall ai well as fo nipet every possible euntingency that michl take plce on the canal and resiore to the company the fullest confidence of the public to faciliare the tranpori of goods destin ed for the ports of ltkes ontario and erie the company have arranged for ilieir tranship ment at both the ports of prescon and kings tori but from iis eligibility intend the latter to be the principal place of irunshipmeui when the i hi canal is reonened and no ail vftnef oo ihe prvknl rate of fmghl will be de manded from their regular customers while the kideau canal is open rn the ml their stores at preseottare those of the ctfnada fn- immd korwardioecomphny aadmr w dirk- iosuo their agem will continue to conduct iheliuinessihese good forwarded by ihe kideau canal will not be insurtd unless ordered hy the owners ihosc that mny he 1irwanlrd via the st- law rence will he insured by the company unless otherwise drreetvd mr k haekeii of the canada inland for- j v jjjn coud warding and innurne company will at all i l i tmes be ready io receive orders lor tllta com- liny io whom as well as ihe companys adens at montreal und kingston opplication y be made r cushkvc acent montreal w dickinson affent prescott o dkuh agent ktngaiun jinc 95 lim scobklls inspection store r scobell general inspector of pot ash beef and pork presents his cor dial thanks to the merchants and other inhab- j of kingston and the vicinity fur the liberal patronage they have extended to him during he past year i and he begs leave to in them that he has removed his inspection business f hie hon j kirhys store to je large and convenient store and wharf of mrs korsyih lately occupied by mr a mc- dooe where he will be always ready to in- spect s articles as may be consigned to him fur thai purpose and he hopes from his lone perlence punctuality aod strict attention to busrnes still to merit the approbation and support of the public n ti for sale mwl lbs weight of smoked hams sofw do cheese 201f do upper canada butter 2 1 uns of lard io kegs for family use 900 barrels salt r scobell knescon april 4lh 1835 57z the mansion house kington r c fblilp suhicriber rcjecifumy bees eavo to c ttii he aud well res ittitifjr in the travelling puhl roniititifs to occupy this eaieoiivt known llniel lil maksiov hous is plaasnqtly situated in oite street tieing ihe niineipul nud een mil lrei in kiiitno i convenient in all the sjotb itoat wharves and oo establishment of fit kiwi in the tpper province can surpass it 0 he ejicellence and cnnifnrt nf if npart- nnni i i urwri and bedroom hurry fur lu nher all uf which ro furoished iu the v hhit nyle h hotel has lately undrrgnoe a thorouffh p mini i hi pn aeni in inot excellf ni nr- iij fur ihe aeclmnindhliuu cuown offic- juueauth 136- tvoticr is hereby given that the cnuris l nf oyer and terminer and bcderil gaol delivery and of ataiw ani nisi prius in and for the diflvrcnt districts will be as fol lows distrktt eastern jhtowa baibivh ibtfv- conwaui biukvilicp pflhp kinyson hamihon snmtich lindon aninctttt pirlftn mjdlund witro 1 rj n iajpiri newtamle pnnce edw hmml court ctmmetmng tu stay 9 a- n t vonduy 22j auyut thurihiy li eui momiy i aiwist midix sjnd do tueiay 0h do thukitv8m s pi moiidav 2 jib do wnln l y 5 li oct mnndv 7ih oct tomnioj of which all siepffs coroter magis- trate gaolers and tin peace officers are commanded 10 take notice by order of the courl chaklks c small clerk of the crown aud pleas prize medals the natural history society t dals for the ihreehet esaysthat maybe presented on the following subjects i qu iftk vwinvitan hrtwii ih mtmy and the character of a people 2 tn the physical history of rivers iit general and or the st lawrence in particular on the eircumsances which affect cli mate in general and the dim sit of lower cinada in partieuir 4 on ihe comparative aopiacion of prairie and forest to ihe settlement of a new country 5 the changes that bnve taken place to the habits of exotic plants cultivated in the northern pans of america particularly as re gards the chanaes induced on their agricultu ral and horticultural properties the conditions are 1st the essaes shall be presented on or before ihe0ih of february it436 2d the esiy may be to french or en glish 3d the nomes and residences of the auth ors must be concealed to ensure which each essay shall have a mono aod shall he accom panied by a sealed note superscribed with the same motto and containing the name and res idence of the author this note shall only he opened in the gpmot lic essay being declared worthy of a prize oherwise u shall be des troyed 4ibi the successful essays shall remaio the profienyof the society 5h the sociey reserves to itself ihe riht to withhold the priy should no one of ihe fs- snys on any particular subject appear deserving of it theesnysare to be addressed to j- 8- mcoru esq corresponding secretary of the society anduew h armour recording sccrrtary the editor of oil public papers in ih br hah prnvincra il confer a favor on le society by giv llufnn ineriion 10 ihe uikwc or bv nutictn it 111 the eri tnrinl columns of their ivipkim junial be itihirnr hnving kept a hotel fur many year fcyirril experiettei m that line nd tlifcrefiio 4rulh ilmt ith unremiuing at teiiumi 10 lliifl vltm hii rodiw hc rti continue ltl meu onmic ynuitm in the rear ofi iht masftum house there is a iarck yard and extensive sl im wfrt n llvfry rmiykepi ilin fiiimi loose cnniae and por ter 11 ilheiireilinrs to eonvev p sentervaud ismim to and from the different kinsinn 4 gg s carmino 1830 iuii to mevehats nd others lands for sale 200 ed for the sen land valuable land is nfier nn most advantages eriu li is blunted mlva few mrs from ihe vill- ol u i vi erloo township jre diincinpj j mm ex by anv in iruvince r anility j and is io a good bnmninz about 15 acres pleat wherew i ected a lo- dellin hnu5e c gocid tide will be given and possession uj be had immediuely this lot would m so a sma emigmm family mih limned mbans aid afford ihem a saug and coinfortbj nnme- thetermsaro moder- e apply jy post paid or personal ly to w junp h w peterson leriiwj township cure dibinciuc uu 136 celtic society of upper canada- iwotfce t hereby jjiven that the time for a reeeivinirihe ex as advenisid by the socteiy it pdeipqaefrvmihe isiuf august to the i0h of srntfmhtty nexi john at macdovald secretarv ktnsston 27th july id36 iei ruling machine for sale s pf rt apply ihe oe of the chroniele 8c riie information wanted f win harmison an en supposed geneva ft s be thankfully to be an btllevil v c or ay informaiinn of him rereivej h his hrmher johfti harrison pfout strett kingston 6th august 1336- ediths will cooler iit abttveti will juutculur favor hy copying t t notice he subscriber bejts leave tn aennnim his friend ami the public eenenilly thtt bo hits received invniees nf lle fulltmin unirlrs per the hip thalia from ltveipiuk and are nmv n the way from montreal viz it hick and ithie superfine west nf fojj mui cluthit olive green ntd ftleilly oilues lo do tin dnuble nd single millm assiincres tlcti do fniirv buckskins the bitei london patterns if velenim ami marseille veilmp with snita- bld trimmiuki fiw the nbnv the wholo nil be lound inferior t none in the market both fur durability and rheapness the lall faefciwlh always received and aeotleroeu accmnmodiited with a suit in twelve hours j o lokes this opportunity or requostms o euslmner wlmso arciuuis aro u litui tandill to rail ud settle as umney w n scare article in market and at ihe present uute would be very acceptable in him- r john oliphant kio6ion ulb 10lz commission office hi- undersigned abou lo esitbllsh a depot for the ieininn of west india di1y hidesjks lveto inform his friends and the tanners of th province and the ad- joiomg st4tes that hb will be happy at nil times id receive their orders nnd furnish the article at the lowest fij prices j b clarkr- kinfston 1st july iggn 6z ff katheu soi eandupperof various sla tannnaes calp skins kips fee c for siilc by larocque ifrnard co who will keep a bttfe asortmeut constantly y iml komptu by hi j i c anna porter while riding in hyde park ami in g duff ihcrc by oldiem to receive ihe rem of the w ii known nld witcrlto hnctt bcbiiif ing a d k-jj-ni- nt of lifti rinirl- winch haying b lo infirm 10 snttain lift without pnu wua h nexi day and buritd with nuttiary hoiitf j 83th7l836 they have dug a deep prave fnr tha steed nfilie brae but m in the red baltlefield i with heartbmatines they have doomed turn lo die and nobly hia hfe ahull he yklj i fr the cbarfrcr that sped oer the bupal lied where full many a briton doth lie will nnly btliay by a wld fcnrntul neijo how pruudlv the brilivhbiih diet let them plant in the oil where hell rest from h toil a uurrl white leaves shall beaire when the wind bbiwa around and ihey fill nn the uround the dust that rccalla weuhoo the fuir ynunp writer nf the fiirgfiingwtet lit- tie dirge ia n laicd in i- rniv 1 v- in j p to miss jane porter and ihe lat lamented sttr anna mara porter mis jane anne porter itidiinj in hers if the names of both those nsptcted alters the njemnrablc lane or kollotrway dtw which tlie britivh i1eusehldtroopi charged the imperial by reuderiug it iiupinrtihto fiir oi lu irteotne no the exteut to wbtcb thtj otffaitobemppoft- tlrd gove moment eoosidere ibit iu h- fesanaeot oq by a permeot m art of par- liameoc q nn of parliemcot sttbjett oiyto be lter4 lne way mi ibv cotutttu- lional act and 00 person beiaf allowed to pmy more iban ihe reftolmioa is tha moat comet vy lo itifl out the extent of iba field for m- mediate utfutneu which i rtallj open te eatb sec 1 fourth government vriifam to aoeoraio every daqomitiatioq the onivkkd aapporl of its owo adhereota aod in eaaea ivbarv theao are large eoodgh ro be aoppocted to five thorn a pait of the atlotraoce txactlj io ptoporta tn their duaiber ami goveromeof moreover rierva this ea a itgrrioiafv opportooitj to aacure onited people a penple onited hy a commu nity of feeling aa well n interests n it to the boar of dnrknesi induced by our own folly nod wnut of true patriotism to the boor nf tha rouotrya vrchkoeaa that we must appeul for no answer to these uctltons or ahull we bnldly secure ngainst such ap liogr ever again occorrio by answering ihem 010 aaj thus removing every element of dissolution which ranklea iu the veins of this infant colo us- aod preveois ita puturnt groxhlt the detail of the plno is ns follows the clergy aod school lnnds chnuld ba ra lieved of all the trusts now holdiof them aod almuld be disposed of by means of a permn- oent act of iarliamrnt cootaiuiog clear and well understood cnndiiion as their appli- catinnand any right n hit h the catholics protmrloi for ttolt jeaerridgaad wajeua hhve to tythes from their own peple if itu i pm of ho comro ho a be done without infriogtor the treaty should f arjd would bereaftar call lb tmrawo of be ubidisbed aud hey eonbled to avnil them- t support of religion ou ibo voluntary ays- teui by binding all to give 0 matt avpporf whtrh does oot interfere with their giving nmre o their individual mioiier 00 tha yoiuq- selves of prnvistoos ecclesiastical and educa tiooal the same as their brethren of other par suftstnqs the clergy and schnol nds should be ary pun u vlwed chieoy as a prowliotl fnr tha present kght t0 tm9 pobhc aod priri effec1 of ibfttoi stale of tha province iteligino rducaiioo if allowed to sleep noxo would n raligtod on the circumstaoces of individuals and 00 the prosperity ofa country are enjnyed the opinion of many uaver ai be oirafcen- by a ffhwhef hey lw if oroo tmlaumw ed iu this country as a uninii pmvmce k fore should be tomptutd to pay for it if any is a great nrumeut nrcmplnyiog teachera of i do nol fdjgee g 1 more panicuur blett religion ii cauooc clkrgy reserves and sfhool lands in upper canafvv the writer of this very irtfierfect outlioo hns fir hi object to hriug forwnrd n view of those rnoal itnpnrtaoi of al irnpnrtant subjects which he belirves not to imv hern billiertn before the public and thus ut afford rnund woik for abler pens than hi in ihe fiunl ar- mnement of them in a way mtufnctory m the people nf upper canada aud cniitfisieut all or any kind most agreeable to tht people if 11 is allowed that the p will oot bare- after 6c more cnmpoteot judges 11 v longer be laid to the door of the gonro- trieaii jis vrithnut bring found supporting sy edoemloo fnr sirgoments sake suppose the govern ment declining to allow of the endowments for licligimi nd education hciojt alienated to any other purposes feud stiying to the peo ple as follows finding tint ou great nod tiying occasions 111 the province christians nf all persuasions wiih hriiish principles fiom which it is known j hjve f n their distinctions and diffe- lliey hvf seen iinthtng yet io the aipnlrhco nf ihcmselvee or their neighbors to induce them to swerve before coming lo the detail of his plnn for teillinp the disputes arising out of ihe present suite of ihe church and school limit he would ask lite following questions roes christian ity and one particular church man the same thing do the majority ut tit people cnnid er it consistent with the exe nee of this lie equally encuuried nuil that if the proviu country ns n british cnlnny fnjitdajled as nro cldl parliament will only fix ou au equitable iis inhabitants that n dominant or exclusive i sysem tor securing equal rights to all the go- v ui ch or chnrchea be lolttitcd are ihe verntnent will aree tn h upper caoadaos now prepared to uao all to eflvc n settlement or tkce questions constitutional mentis lo save their cnuoiry and hnve f ihitre than ne half the eptco- tbese reserved inods should therefore be r tlftlml jltjl jwlflrfll nsjmi enlivened iolo cash eud nude to form two tenfffnfauf if ifnyluff 1jk it fmu jf wl flhluww nincl fuiids one i f 1 of every one to provide bfioseir fodteiilbauy with religious instruction government reenmmeode the eneeiroatfmcni without distinction of every sect or deonmina lion professing the christian religion but coo aiders it would be fraught with uttu god ef fect and might iuduce aerious public wife tba giving a direct support out of the ehorcb fnnd tu any body whose ductiioea are 00c sprjii- ed by ihe adherence to these pod ofcouree to thai body af a considerable proportion of tbo inhabitants whhe therefore governtpeot tvoah agree lhai every sect however small be al- lownd to pay and entourage by their own jwr ticular atcstnentt their own churtht it w ou id rences jor a time in the support of british su premacy nnd uubnckled by iheir raliginug prejudices hnve showed their loyalty to nnd their sense nf justice in the kritish govern ment the governor considers it due to ihe kin nhjecu t not nly that by oo g rf fc liruchwianuyanhoueparlar churc h are church gowmtui mt understood to mean the same t fnng ioi hl p leroiifitfr every rwinidcralile clirisiiiiii sci will on hand may 18- isz j sim ust ftiislwnl any f s atthe bt-k- store on the co 0 ki an flruck a large aort ol account rooks of best maicrinlsnnd vorkmanabjp for sole at montreal prices ofniank bonks or pnper well and correct ly njll to nv pnttt n m nol kingston june 1 fq5 pailiniis sufecient itoom icilgc nf ihe state of the cnuntry nnd snffieieut sense nf justice m make i ki in sympathise with iheir fcllotv subjects and join in their efforts on the upper ca nadians believe that it is the unwenried study nf i in home government to do them justice and iew they not do justice to fiwffoes do ihe majority nf our rnlnitits really innist on all usclfss ili1tnciinn religious as well as j ifi ifi loue awny and mill the doc trine he 111 j longer htvld thai freedom itiitnns should be ruled ty mens uf thesr prejudices milter that their reason and shiue ihe rfe- butflt mtmbe any inorer copatinupd oj at teopiiiik io convince the people iof upper ca- uada mherrtise thao thfoogh tine medium of their ota n senses or of scouting ony indiviilu- who holding a decided npioinnv has honesty enough in express it has not ttbo mjriiy in tin province inog eunugh aaeirificed at the sbrine nf tho reltuious prrjudicei aif the minor ity ones any one believe than as a hotly tha adherents of nny one rctigimus ect ure more loyal than ihnse of any miner and does he ee iu the unalienable loyally af the disre garded secis on proof cf their esflimnte nf the blessings enjoyed by them under tho utrong- est the inosi geoemos nutl tlie itinst impar- lial because the most prnclicnlly iftee onvern- ment nti etirth a gnternmcal which is the guarantee to the world itf eoollftiltfd nrdor anil progressive liberty i aro the kings oyn subjecis in upper canada on any other great piinriples disunited but on ihe aiiisject of the church and school question mvilt individ uals any longer he taunted with nelfitl or in terested moitves for holding the opinion that since thiscmmiry caouot enjoy at of the ad vantages of a cottoeetion between tchurch and stale which may beheld tn exfaltlhl england it bbnubl not bo boiue dowu by having the disadvantages of that sstem iiiipoifcd oo it dies ihh province want a pysioim of prnselyi- i0 or does it dcrunod equal religious advau- tigcs for all iis ctthniis end i tcdorn tu ie- istcbed t the rttigion of ttheir fathers government decline committing the np parent iticnnsistency nf directly supporting one set of priests tu preac tho ac must be purely that of ihe penpl down anntfer so that would leve it to the two branches of tho pro vincial legislature to say ftp amount of aub- erriptino aceording to the axe of assessment which fhnntsi entitle a sect to be ealled m l chnrchj or noe to which pit of tbq proceeds of the church reserves should be ap plied but would suceest the crlteriod to be m auimnao lliu giveronr to make some ucn sug- m rin 11 tim ceriamly not less than 3000 annoally gctinus a the rullowicnj cm impta1iautjf mar than f0 agrge thu m sect should be objected to on account of its par ticalar doctrines can common prudence re- rl7vviar f f purely bulofn people the m sralftu sanctioned byartyecta tie0cr having nothing to jo with tht ble number offhtfopu thmulrx system pwlwmlmetfm w pwtffas0ffflfflfto ration as drcliuinx h inflncucc in the duirthu- fnrded io all the largo cborches io tbe shp tinn oi application of the funds for religion or f a jui of money yearly equal or proporiiod- educatiuii thus leaving nn field fr partiality fo lhft oumber of iheir adherents as a-ccr- oi the part ff government and therefore oo ttiiued by means of a general assessment the ground tor suspicion of it paid hy the adhereou of eaeh eliorcb the mnnagemcut of the system mv for bcill de io represent tbe extent of itaee- chuchet aod common school should he operation in promotiog the ends of relijoa thrown altngeiheron tho eaccoiiveanf the dif- irhkh the overataeol boa in view fcrenlchurchmlnrreecispothlej0m by the t a iht givernment would require of a ptopte each year as those to which thry belong church is that it prnfeasea the christian reli- and in xchili they have confidence many ginn aud that it be composed of at least three ground nf quarrel wuuld 111 this way be rot ministers formed into aq ecclesiastical order quit of difbculues hotim at all events be cou or at leat havioi a name aod aa eskotjve or fined to the bosoms of the particular churches rtan a being left to the people themselves le dancr to the atate from one body f cbris- dhm their split straws of doctrine ikliu eofflioi iot- collision with another would j coverurncut declines tbe opening to favor ite done away aod supposing that the doc- uum and the increased detaif to which the trine nf auy nue body are pernirious ynu recognition of individual ujnistors migbi lead counteract iis influence in the bcl way aud d when assessments are collected from per sons of tjf religious professino or in favor of churches or secjs which have out complied with the law and are represented by do church court or executive auch assessment will bo divided ftmong the other churches accordiog in the prnportiun of the sums they have col applying in theencouragtmittto all to do good a fieuilo remedy ynu arc much mote likely iu the end io purge out its venom thao when iu addition tn the task of exposing the error uf its system nud showing huw ii had grafted itself on simple institution of cliiitimiiy aud how ihe passions and understandings of men might uwd the same year get disentangled from it ynu had alo lo o0- trnd with the formidable circomjthnce nf iis being a persecuted or pampered church ou government quilting its hold of the clergy re servts and binding itself to ut all large bodies of christians share in theproctrds of tht mi it would government propose- for the approbation of the legislature to levy a contribution o asesfcicnt for the above purposes as follows 4 from oil leaseholders oot of er 25 rent 7 6 js25io60 12 6 60 aud 1 be culpable in oot tsftn on the people bring upwards and tho following from freeholder also btmnd by a provincial an swticthmed and matte pcirouncnt by tbe imperial legiwainre to tfttie a certain suppou to some one body ef christians it being houcver left to each paion in bis individual capacity and every year ou ivho would not cucne under a greater rate if assessed as lcaselm from all freeholders under 50 acres o 7 gi botoloa freeholders owofalr moro than 100 acres fiaying the ihx to say m the support of which w0l q nod ft r p furevet mam atrarhcij to ihe ruipwm at tt heir jutntrs pjtu i n woihu pay unmnlcsted bv their hitllsieit audi themselves ileimmiuntjop bu coniribution is in be applied ry additional for sake at the conumrcmi wtmrf kindlon font of slop j whiskky salt plastkk of fauij wat kb lime by the subscriber tftfcax phillips ktnftnn23d my tss6- cyfo noce vvbioht inikusoll have bfrk e iorsileai mr f tnoizhues ta vern kinintm la schiid smaller quanti ties to suit purchaser fredrtbbmt is0- bein appealed to by golden aruituents in ihe to them exposed and helpless ciicuj siaiieeiof a new country lo desert the faith they luve and to joiti with their voicts iu foirms of wor ship irifh which imwevci bcaunlful in ihcm- selvrs their aeorm cun have uo sjimpatby is it pood pnlicy in gnvemmen uo tolerate a male of thin- in hm a 1ul lrh0 adherruts of one particular region secl lionwever puie that church may in are rcuummrd by oveiy thin- around them nf their being t in n land of strangers bvldvea ixpeiieuccof the past tench us that we alionld iron to any quartet exeepi id oor owil individual and joint cxer- lions tn throw off this yoke ufepurtflllioa ihich checks the dvetopcment of tithe resources of this fine pavincc aod crtppu t the encrits acre l principle laid down ia compulsory pay metii ami voluntary application tbe chute fund will provide for half the iilfic nf minis- j ifn but lo dofcrmiiio this half the peoples hnlf has to be fust tfof at i this ajsessuieul nr ticcuriiy against the oiiwrthv beioc provt ded for is demanded fr following rea sons t a payer uf the tax statini at tho lima faq pays it tu tho support of which deoomioatioq his money ncs as encrensing ihe iofluence of their particu lar churches the wealthier classes of society would of course have on objection to thtir as scmetiw being fixed higher in proportion la rt i r -ii- i thnio of the poorer classes thao has baeq pro- rjrf kecause gnvernmeot decboo allow- posed hbnve but snvernment and the ppnple vdjndau oftuspropu kltt j r prepqnjeraiiee hl giv property while it the government considers ilhi tho proper independence of an educated clery aud the inability of the people themselves both point out tho necessity uf same support second oatotniueol ccoidcr that the oucl which uuy body of tlifieunoj are uot on nf a pt w m rle world ly wilfiog bnt awl 10 do i the beat proof of nod that thuse who cou afford to give more should coinmunieoie direcily vrith their owq ahurehas on the voluntary sytm the lahabitaot would be hooded an aecou0 of all tbo different taxes payable by him the ehureh nuenrmeni btio merely mitnn