e veould require to pay the vrliole ornuoe so bat be oevsr would be diitraiocd for eluirch omteufnctu alone to bo coaeluded in oar next k miscellaneous from tbe eirincnurant the gordon family as ntltf of our renders may perhapa he anxious lo know the history of he gordons we baf iftlmo some pains 10 procure taken some pains 10 procure the ful i iv i- particulars relative to i lie several dis- lingoished members of this ancient and nobu family of ihis great family which took ihcir sur name from the barony of gordon in the county of berwick there have been besides those it north britain severnl of great disiinction it muscflvy and in the time of king malcolm iv about the year 1160 this family was very numerous and flourished in the county afore said lo the reign of robert bruce adam gordod eoi from that king the lordship of slrsthbogie in aberdeenshire which was then in the crown by tht forfeiture of david de strathbogie and some say he strengthened his title by marrying the daughter but upon i hi i occasion they re moved thither from berwickshire where the family and their branches possessed many con siderable baronies among which is the lord ship of gordon this family had also many lands bestowed upun them for their fidelity lo their princes but suffered much by their adhering to queen mary king charles i and king james vii- to this adam gordon succeeded his son alexander who lost his life at the battle of durham io 1346 and was succeeded by stf john gordon his son who in the 28th of da vid ii obtained a charier tor uniting all his imds into the entire barony of strathbogie he was succeeded by his son sir adam who was the second baron and he being slain in the year 1402 at the battle of halidonhill in northumberland left issue by elizabeth his wife daughter of the lord keith an only daughter elizabeth who was his heir and she in the year 1408 marrying alexander seion second son to sir william seton of that ilk to whom robert duke of albany in the third year of his government gave i char ter and confirmation of tbe lands and baronies of gordon huntly strathbogie and several other by him had alexander seton who snereeded and william seton of meld rum 1st earl alexaoder who was heir to the baronies aforesaid and the third baron i hereof was also one of tbe hostages for the ransom of jciftg james i aod in 143 was joined io cummtssion with john bishop of gusow sir waller ogilvie and sir john forrester knights to treat of a peace with england which they happily concluded for nine years io the reign of james ii he by authority of parliament took the suroame of gordon to prewtt ihe memory of the family and placed the arms of thai name in the first quarter and for bi noble services performed io thai kine io hii minority was made sheriff of inver ness and created earl of huntly and had also divers manors given him particularly at badenocb this earl marrying in his 6rst wife jean daughter and heiress to robert keith rand- soft of sr william keith marescbal of scot land by her had uo issue but by his second itifeyfro as egidia dau2hter and heiress to john hay bam of tnutbody he had sir alexander sea ton knight who was the first of the family of touch and by his third wife elizabeth oaughter of william lord crick fob chancellor of scotland he had three sons george tecend earl of huntly sir alcian- derodtdon of midmar ancestors of the gor- dopjlf abergclilie and adam dean of cltltlm m also three daughters tjafte iriirried to jame earl of moray eli- vtbefb married fltst to nicol second karl of kffol frecoadly to john second lord kenne dy yiid christian married william third lord forbes 4 euiij george which george was one of ttbe privy cooocil ro kin jimes iii as he vtm to king james iv by whom he was made lord cliiricijucn of scotland and lieutenant of tbe norlb in which eminent station he con tinued silj jus death being the space of eight years he jmttfe wi first wife the lndy jane steturt daughter of king james i and after i ju hriio life mltoh hns ifliviiuftrir ifff william hay earl of errol ami dying in the year 1507 by her left four sons and six daughters rf the soos alexander succeeded bis father the second was the 13th rarl of sutherland william killed at floddco and sir james was admiral of scotland and of the daughters catherine the eldest in 1496 wis married to perkin warberlc who counter feited the person of richard duke of york janet to the master of crawford marv to sir william sinclair of wesrcrhall sophia to sir gilwrl hay elizabeth to william earl marischal and isobel to william earl of er mil m rarl alexander wis one of the pri- vycoupcit to king james iv which prince he accompanied to the battle of klodden and commanded the left wing of his army and sorvivinsfihai fatal day wa in the minority of james v made lord lieutenant of the norib beyond the river f6rth and one of the kiugs governors he married jine daugh ter to the earl of athol and by her had a on john who died before him leaving issue by tbe lady jane his wife ditihter of king james iv by margaret daughter of john lord drumrnond three sons and two daugh ters whereof george succeeded his grandfa ther alexander was bishop of galloway and willian bishop of aberdeen and of the daughter which were janet and isohcl the eldest wjs married to colin campbell third earl of argyll and the youngest to the lord of innermeath 4th earl george who wis heir to his grandfather waa a nobleman of great and em jorot parts and io 1536 became one of the vrivycouncil and lordlieutenant of scot land daring king james v his being in jfltoob to espouse the princess magdalen amuupon the death of bis master was one of tbe peera who signed and sealed that associa ftop to oppose the intended match between queen mary and kiog edward vi of eng land iftibe fifsh cf queen mary 1516 he was taiuuoted lord chancellor of scotland and vfleivajda in consideration of his extraordi- riftfmitce at the battle or pioky against the bvgtiiht aaid othec services to the crown he bad arrant of tbe earldom of murray and the lordship of abernethy which he enjoyed fuf aivtrs years and diod in 1562 h married eliza daughier to robert keith aanaod heir to william earl marischal sfciy hct had fir son and three daughters rftirft aoos george wag next heir and of itabgtotdrb who were jane elizabeth and to ilwiomm was first married to the mf and aecondly to alexander lb lul carl of sutherland the second to johh sieai earl of atboll and the young est to lord forbea 5ih barf oeorge who succeeded was ref f nvyn to queen mary lord jfcghc6cehor of seoijaod and lieutenant ccocral or all her wajfstyi forces in the north and dying io the year 1578 left issue tj ann bis wife daughter to the regent mum bamilrcn tbe second earl of arran oaar ilia only aon and a daughter jean who was durrifd io george sinclair erl of ptttfemta 1st marquis j george the sixth earl of huntly was o person of great accomplish ments and much in favor with kiflc james the vi iv whom he was made lord lieuten ant of the north and created marquis of huntly which ntte he lived u enjoy 3i vwrf he married henrieua dnnghtr lu esitia stewart duke of lennox and by her had two sons and four daughter ann married james sltwarl karl ut murray elizabeth to alexioder livingston earl of litligow ma ry io william marquis of douglas tod jane ro claud hamilton the second lord strahane of the kingdom of jrehmd and of the sons which were george and john the eldest suc ceeded his father p3d marques george the second marquis of huntly while he was lord gordon qu ring the helm ptft enemy and swi was a captain in ihe scots guards of lewi thexill of france and upon brenlcinff nut of the trou bles in the leign of iviu charles the it he be ing very firm to thai princes interest had a commission to be lieutenant of the north du ring the rape of the civil war and at the cod thereof on the 22d of march 1649 was execu ted at edinburg for his loyalty he married antic daughter fo archibald the seveoth rarl of argyll by whom he had five sons and five daughters of fhe sons george james lewis charles and henry george the eldest was killed at the battle of alford in his fathers lifetime lewis the third was marquisof huntly and charles the fourth wascrcated earl of aboyne and of tbedaugh- ters anne henrietta jane mary and ca therine the eldest was married to james the third earl of perth the second first to george lord seton and secondlv to john stewart earl of traquair the third to thomas ham ilton earl of haddington the fourth mary to alexander irvine drum and the fifth ca therine to count of morstain sd marquis 1 lewis the third marquis of huotly married isabel daughter to sr jnmcs grant of that ilk nod by her had a son george and three daughters of which anne was mar ried to the count decrolly mary first to adam urquhart of meldrum and secondly to james drummond earl of perth and jane to james seton earl of dunfermline 1st duke george thefounh manjuis succeeded his father and was by kiog charles the ii created duke of gordon audbv james the vii made one of the lords of the treasu ry one of the privy council governor of ed inburg castle and knight of the thistle but at the revolution in 1688 holding out the said castle for his majestys interesis and seeing no hope of relief from his mastf r he surren dered it to the troops of king william and lived retired at home till hitlenrh in l7lb he iimiffii thtf lady rhzauib howard second daughter to henry duke f norfolk by the lad v anne somerset his wife eldest daugh ter to edward marquis of u h r and hy her whodipd in july 1732 left issue one son and one daughter jane mar n james drummond esq son of jarm fourth and last karl of penh 3d dukrj alexander sucjj j duke of gordon and in itflfi mafejed htnnna mordaunt daughter of ghariei earl of peter borough and monmouih and her had four sons cosmogeorge marquis ot huntly- 1 ord lewis lord adam lord chir and seven daughters of wh ch lady annitbe third was the third wife of william earlf aberdeen ldy elizabeth married a dayman in the diocese of durham and lady katharine in sen em her i 1705 was married to francis charu wemyss of amistield esq- uf the sons lord charles ih vounest had a commission in the kings cf lord adam was a captainlieutenrnt in the third regiment of foot guards au representative in parliament for abcrdevnshijt lord lewis took refuge io the french court being attainted for the part he bore in the re bellion 1715 and died july 15 1754 sd duke j cosmogeorge ihe eldest stir- i cetded his father who died io november 179 he was then about nine years uf ag bem the first of the fnmilv who had bren educated the protestant religion under his mother his grace in 1741 married ihe ladl ka tharine gordon daughter of william eari of aberdeen by whom he hud two sons also a daughter born 23d december 1730 in re gard of his loyalty during the aforesaid rebel lion the king was pleased to honor hin with the green ribbon of the order nf si andrew soon alter which he was elected one o the lb peers for north britain in ihe parliament of 1747 his grace died in france in august 1752 he had issue alexander fourth duke of gordon lord william gordon born at york 15th august 1744 lord george bapii- ssi zed 9ch japtliry 1752 lady susan lady anne lndy catherine 4th duke alexander lorn 13th june 1743 o s he was invested with the order of the thistle in 1794 he whs created a bri tish peer by the tille of earl of norwich on 11th julv 1794 appointed keeper of the great meal of scotland which he held to the change of ministrv iu 1806 hf was agtin restored io ipos he was also lordlieutenant ol the cnuniv of awrdeen but this he resigned w the applied o te cordage fasienicg her alonij side the ship a osh was tnado to her by men and woman ihai small boat was in a moment filled with hirty or fory persons it seems utterly marihous ibot she did not break down percfphatid etcry soul into the deep hid this taken fjre our coinmandtnjr officer must hare shared the same fate for from a desire to gain possesion of her fur himself and crew or lostvete miserable crowd that had got into her ro destruction it may be from both motives li entered the boat a stood in her until he droc out everyone at the point of the sword tbn was a scene of terror in front of i he cabin lie passengers were collected half naked ton on their keee calling for mercy some claping their hands and utioring the most appafrng shrieks noihtnff distinctly could be hesd all was confusion and horror li was enoah io penetrate a heart of stone some morcollecied were dressing themselves preprintr bresisl the cold if perchance they should surtve on the wreck others were looking for something to which they could lash themsies for support for a lime in the water hee you miht6eeone with a safety- belt slung oer his shirt endeavoring to fill it wiih air tlero another pale 1 agitated in- 11 inhere any hope and thercone standi o as f in stillea despair savins nousetodonv thin2 we must di it is are we sink ingvincle cries a dear hoy a child running iorrrave sailor says ll wont you save me andihe loud wailing and bimeniaiion from the crcd rose higher and higher then as if to r lost he painful scene the ship siruck a2ain on heuarter the shock reverberated like thunder making every joint of the vessel shake as ifcomins apart hope now fully fled all heis were dismayed ihe despnrins cry was renked and the most calm brneed themselves preparation for immediate death even the dga cowered down on the deck in silence it appear that at tbe 6ri shock against the rnouniao the jibboom was hroken and thrown over the bows into the vessel the second shookrarrted away the bowsprit head and cutwatft lodging the timber across the bows hadt struck us on either side or had it struck the hull we must have perished but by the wrcy of god the hull was unin jured aftjithe bowsprit was carried awny the stem of ft ship must h ve been held down for an instrfu by the overhaocinr column and her not immediately rising in front gave the idea io ii most experienced that she was stove in art was filling with water this created the fante but the sails being backed hard up she turned oft from her ngine clear received the lasi shock on he larboard quarter which thotich it sound wa terrible did no injury- that in0tattt iheiptf fffc awl w v cos iest between dispair and nop the carpen ter reported that the hull wa sound ami the bowsprit could be repaired hijt then she may have sprung a lenk and the foremast is in da 03 er pump- it was a pump then the word igctd vis to the of ailing the pump was rigc nd wrought moment t painful snfure unit the sucked showing that all was light hope jilded the countenance of ur captain and all hearts beean to live io its ra diance- still we waited to hear the crash of the foremast as he vessel was rolling in the sen but it stood firm uayliffht over delight- to those on the deep and peculiarly crate- to us soon appeared we found ourselves goin on our way alive aod with every rea sonable confidenre of future lilv we stood amazed ol our deliverance the most careless among us were constrained to attribute our preservation to a kind and mcrci te multitude cried out he lord who hath praism to his holv sir walter off wswrrfthe com mittee appointed at a general meei 0 the subscribers to the abboisford und of which lord mahon is president for tiiv purpose of ap propriating the funds collected t final object and securing as far as hvy be possible the estate of abbotrfofd the library nianu scripts and antiquarian collcc to the fa mily of sir walter scott hot recommended that the sum subscribed bein about 7200 net money be paid to sir wmter scott upon his executing a deed of email for the estate and mansion of abbjisfnrdan a the library 1 antiquarian curiosities c un the descend ants ol his father sir walter applying 6600 more if necessary in discharge of ihe 5000 and interest with winch the library and anti- quariin collections may be ctrjieable and laying over the residue to try be g- pointed and applied by them hereafter toward i the paymeot of the liernable bund for 10000 for which the estate ts now liable and procur ing an assignment to the saro trustees of the share of ihe literary property bjoogiog to the family to be applied io the ftatnc purposes the marquis of northampton the lord fran cis egertonj m p the hon j s wortley james sheene esq mr g forbes banker of kdmburgh and mr 11 cadell bookseller in edinburgh are about to be requested to act as trustees and entir into a deed of trust to ap ply the balance of the subscription and to col lect and to apply the product of ihe literary property to the discharge of hc heritable bond id tbe event of these gentlemen acceding to ihe application they will be required lo use their best endeavors to procure an act of parliament make the entail of the library manuscripts and antiquarian collections effectual if it shall be deemed necessity sir walter will also be required to keep down the inienesiof the herit able bond and use every exemon to preserve the estate from sale by the creditors committee remark that it is obvious tha proposition does not secure the wtate absolute ly tn the family of sir walter which was the purpose of ih subscription hut the amount subscribed does not permit thai io be done it does however secure the library manuscripts autograph letters armour and other antiqua rian cunosiiies absolutely and holds out the siruncesi probability of securing the estate in asmuch as the produce of the literary property may be fairly calculated after payment of all charges upon it as more than equal to tbe dis charge uf 3400 the balance ihat will remain ofihe heritable bond- besides i here cannot xist a doubt that this sum could be raised at any time on the security of the estate which at ihe present price of land is estimated as he rns worth at least 40000 and the provisions of the entail would authorise ibuis being done the outlaying pans of the cstar would indeed i sell for more than this amount without brrak- tdjjtndpon its entirety this subject excites consideiable interest anon the antiquaries j and literal and it is mriersood a central meeting of the s ubscmws or the kbovo fund will shortly be convene f die purpose of ink- i f the prnsccut ine inio consideration hi recommendation of fhedffrnc 1 chronicle gazette saturday september 3 1836- the couft of assizenisi prius and gene ral gail delivery for the midland district was opened in this town on thursday last at noon by his honor mr justice macaulay assisted by the honorable john kirby thos marbland and other magistrates of the dis trict upon this occasion the folio wiog magistrates and gentlemen were sworo as tbe grand jury vi2 a manahan fovtimn that god may bless and prosper you in eiy senne of wll a our brethreren of different partus- atone to whom we owe a lasting debt of grarimdo for their many kind and polite attentions and that we niay all at at be broujht tn meet together in a happy eternity te gentlemen the most ardent waft of your ever obliged obedient and humble servant wm p macdonald picar gfftfral the this james macfarlane peter perry elijah ketchison j p bower billa fliot john counter and d l thorpe esqrs isaac fraseri benjamin srymore anthony marshall tom as askew peter okielly john mowaff henry gildersleeve joseph bruce to whom his honor the judge of assize de livered a lengthy aod very luminous charge clearly and conclusively degning the law as applicable to the several cases of the calender of crime for the district and eloquently and elaborately expatiaiiog upon the system order and moral worth of british jurisprudence form ing the identity of social order and general happiness nod contentment with the respect and obedience due to the laws of the land his honor has kindly promised to comply with the request of the grand jury to furnish notes of i his valuable charge for publication and we hope therefore to submit it to our readers io our next paper the calendar much to the credit of the mid land district presents no crimes of great airo- eiiy there are we are informed as many as thirteen criminal cases but some of tbesr re mained over from the last assizes and one fur infanticide the oihers an for larcenies the grand jurj found g ts ul indictmrnt apainet john i i i- i for larceny and jurors brown i t manslaughter a number f civil anils hnvinji been dipatchc brown wn pu ion hta trial this charee prrw nut f the filial conltrt wmeh look plac boiwrn the prisoner ad fine henry fercnson nome inontha the lieutenant governor at peterowo last week his excellency sir f b head ti- siifd petcrboro and the settlement above it fur the purpose wc have been informed of seeing tbe waters of this district aod ascertain ing in person the propriety of sanctioning the provision made by ihe late parliament for itn- proving the nviijaiion of them so true h ii thai hs excellency is what is technically de- sijnntrd a wrkin legislator that though the inhabitants of ivwhoroand its vicinity man- ifistcd the liveliest aod most urfiterinderooo- sy aliona of gladness on account of his visit to their neighbourhood he beed ol them lu re tire and allow him to iransact the business for which became assuring them that when he shill have visited every pin of the province lor hkc purposes to tliose for which he was amtfdjr them he will make another tnur when revive the congraiuu- eeined diposeo to greet him- the people however were noi o be put off in that manner consequently ihey in the ivenine mide a bonfirr opposite i he cv ernment lumse which induced his lcellen- ry l come out to hem and nuke ill hi very h- ronic speech the glire of fire preventing him from fein the people t 44 geinlemeo i oaqdul ce yon hni i atn very happy io har vou w and imrncdiatily retired immense cheering testified how ihis spec it gratified those to whom ii was qttdrfssed sr francis left peierboto on tuesday in company with captain mcdonnell sr the lower pan of ihe province there can now he no doubt thai his kxecllenry is popular a labouring nun a rannio sutcbmn irllt him that he mw n at i limn wrnns wi mi but tbjti he bad on an unco yankee lite hunoei l was a white hat port hop gaz i he will he very happy to i lions with which they t he committee the russian povcrniient very lately disco vered at warsaw lh1 wtna of the emigrated niiice and which our readers will recollect ended in the death of ihe latter the solicitor general conducted the cnuc on hc part of ihe crown ad c annironi hmf- aeerl an enniliv cvyihe tmci several wilvs a were cxiniincd on hw j art iron ffn cvdnrc was produeed on be harg waa ceailv pnved at hoopll somewhat defietetlvtv from tbe itet that no surp cal rxainination hod been made upon the bod mca m wnrsaw n i some c r iiw tmnnih of lh d n pew revoluiionisis alihoucmlie ordinary channels of communieaion wl kirfflom hd wen cbu a e th fttjrusim nnr any mdical cliffy rtstrrts and school lwnh wo have t arhuowlcfllc ttie r reipt f an atii and inif remiag auirse rm the all lutparftml anjci nf the rliaponl tf ih cutjtv riaenw and scliwd land in tfii prormre wc hv ihia wcefc rmmrncl the pu- bcalini- nf lha dirumrat and wttum beg to ttw ihe iitifiiliou of fur rndrr to it vc undermad the article i fom ibn f a tery iwpectabti sotfh mereantue cvnlfftn m of tniniu eaae ru- ehaiin eq wa shall ukc an rojj opporiujily of rentnirif this sun v c iieg i invte attenlton io ulc advirrliemcn of thimiaicur f 21 h repr in this day5 paper by which mwil be feen that a number of genilcntrif h1 rtpl have kindly v hnircrefl ro jet up a per- fwrmatwa itt conncciati with mr dyke at the com hotel on thursday next ful ful lu providence whiletl unhesitatingly it is i saved us thanks and nam then every countenance wns lighted up wuh joy every heart was full nf gratitude to god and love to one another and many pur poses were lormed of reformation in future the nexi day we saw ihree montinininsof ice we passed near one of them wrffad with thai which ves before be i lose of the second day a new bowsprit was fitted up which tood the trial of wind and waves ihe remainder of iha voyage in all ibis business the officers and crew howed great skill and eoergv observer bren educated in i ve passed near one of them he the iospttcliodof jmwphi interest on the fellow ol f nan so ereaily end lingered our livt marquis of hunilv in i80s his grace mar ried on the 25ih october 1767 jane second daughter of sir william maxwell of monteilh barui by whom he had seven children his grace died on the 17ih of june 1827 5th dultej geprge born 2d february 1770 died 2sth may 1336 extraordinary scene in he course of a rial i vurhfq thursday week a must ex traordinary scene occurred while a line gnl was under examination a larceeai in a very wild and infurimtl male phiil fmtn utq bo dy of the court upon tbe council table it next and after attempting to pay a visit q thejurv it mad a rapiddescent on the head uf one of ihe learned counsel in- fliciin a scrnich upon his forehead with its claws leaving as one of the learned genile- men obttrveil tb mark of the beast upon bin 1 hisciutraje was iheicnal for a cen- ral movement among the profession the ne intruder regardless of all dignily and dashed anew amoni the briefs upon from thence it made tis way into s bnx and almost instanmv quitted was some minutes before bufii- the learned judge and t-v- ng almost convulsed with ig cut ott dd not relax in their endeavors io ex cite the peoples minds ij discon lent and cher ish a hatred of ihe kuan government but as they had no lunger ny hopes of attaining this end by the clandestne importation of let ters pamphlets liihognphs c ihe importa tion and distribution ol which were vigilantly watched they conceivei the idea of attempting a kind of symbolical corespondence in fact several dealers in wof of art and in cutlery in warsaw ore said ci have received nearly at the same lime lnrje consignments of work in bronze and alabasier from paris which as they are of elegant workmanship and tempi purchasers by their cheapness hive met with a great sale and arc yuitahle for table and chimney ornamenis sec the police how ever as we hear discovered the secret on winch various seizure were made and ihe couocil of administration was obliged to issue an ordnance by which all medals casts c made in the country or rm ported are subject to the censorship thee ordnances have been already published frankfort paper the following curious story is laken from the fanat dt lyons a shoemaker living in litis town was struck wiih the charms of the wife of a housepainter his neighbor who e judge fullv and pa ticnily rxjdain- d the nature of ihe case to the jury whn aficf having been out 9tm time retuntcd with o venlict of not gttiuit 1 lordfhip on the ifo- ner beuii releasfd made some moral and iinpretivc irltrctifius from mhich perpon in the habit of in dolftintn w hut arc eirncously termed air jgftfj might have drawn a useful lesion a fuc bill was found against will am carrell cir larreny ic fthtill endcavnr in rur next to pive the pru ceedingsof ihe court in aw far as they may bo jmb- iwy intcreelidjl mure ol jcngih bank of british start h jlmtrica tht fiends ofttjt3 inlilumon will be h jpy la pbftcrve hy the fullowini notice ihat tlio xtnnirral branch nf ihe i eviuttidimcnt has been nrgittiged in ihat ci y after a fonnig in s solicitations determined to urrea was marching upon nacogdoches i arauaint her husband wrv cw tbn w j- bm knit wmtrth iwn fits dud pechwmua immediately compre- miles of ihat place fr decorum ihe table ihe crier ihe court it ness was resumed ery one in court bei ship btrok the icebkkl jl perilous encounter with an letberg near the banks of jvewfaundfand on the soih june last the ship byrn left liverpool for new york heavily inden with iron salt sec and having on board in passen gers and crew 1 19 or 120 souls on the morn ing of the sd of august 34 days out in lat 44 22 ion 43 50 a scene occurred which can never be cfficed from memory it was the watch of tbe 6rst mate man ul great fidelity but being indisposed his place was taken hy another an unusual degree of levity and thoughtless security umong tbe passengers had just given place to sleep and now all was still save the tread of the watch on deck or the occasional toll of the bell to warn fishing craft if near of our approach but we had more need to be warned ourselves than io give warning to others nf approaching danger about 2 oclock a m a hurried siep awoke the writer of tbis sketch aod the rapid whis pering of some created the suspicion that all was not right springing from his berth he asked one of ihe men near ihe cabin door what was the matter we are in the midst of ice slid he will you inform the cap and mate tbccapt was instantly on deck he ran forward to look out in a moment the vessel going at the rate of five knots struck as if against a solid rock it was an island laughter the following remarkable passage appears jo an article upon the state of parlies in kra- sers magazine for june it was written and in all probability printed before the late atrocious attempt to assassinate the kine m one man says i will take my gun i will co and stand at his palacegates and as he comes out i will take deliberate ttim at him nt six feet distance he is a verv lare rmn my hand is perfectly steady if i can hit a haystack therefore i can scarcely miss king louis he goes and siands and liresj hut he cannot even graze the skin of the heaven- protecied victim another man says i will not rely on a single barrel oi a single ball fifiy bulleits shall fly about him in the same instant the bullets fly but every bullet has its hillei and there is not one of ihem di rected to lcois philippe it of ice it lifted iis head nbovo the wnier hounof parliament in 1640 at the first meeting in 11640 of the so called long parlia ment the lnouse of commons according io ao ancieot and approved usage hepan business at eight oclochi in the morning and ended at two in ihe aftcrmoon as they assumed to iheut- aelves the piower which had long slept of re forming siatfie abuses and as business grew upon tbero ifhey continued their debates through i sometimes aitiin to the great more than one hundred feet ond leaned over as if ready to fall down upon us the word was given io put up helm and back the aails as the sailors were hastening io obey the lat ter order as the terrified passengers were rushing on deck and looking up at the im mense overhanging free- mass the ship jttrurk again with increased force o what a hock crash crash it seemed as if the masts were falling one afier another on the deck the second mate entered the cabin and elappins violently hia hands together exclaim ed my god our hows are stove in were all gone an awful death appeared now in evitable in this moment of general panic the commanding officer gore order fn clear nway then while tbe knife wns bring somet annoyance uf many members who wanted their dinners as late as four oclock and some- limes even mill dark but even ibis innovation which clnreeodon loudly compltlins of did not allow them sufficient lime fur tbe despatch of their constamily increasing business nod ibey gradually biegan lo draw upon tbe hours of night uotok of table talk headed ihe reason of his rival coming every day to his house to buy a certain moveable cupboard from hitn thev both determined lo be revenged nnd concerted measures accord more gay and more smart than ever the j wife told him that her husband had gone out of town to get 200 franc piid hini from a person who was bis debtor ond therefore the gallant commenced his suit anew employing by turns a liitle amorous persuasion and some times a little amorous persuasion and some times a little gentle force the wife remain ed impassive and on a suddeo answered him that he had a strong smell of leather about hun but that if he would consent to take a hruh first then perhaps she would not say no the gallant agreed and entered a tub iodica ted by the fair one while io the midst of the operation thtt husband returned and knock ed loudly at the door and the wife persuaded the unhappy gallant to enr just as he was into the cupboard which he had pretended a desire to purchase the husband came in cursed his stars for not having been able to eel his money and declared that the very next morning be would carry he cupboard to his friend the shoemaker anj fell it him for the 200 fr- so saying he locked the door of it and put ihe key into his packet neit morn ing ihe cupboard was carried oftto the shoe makers door and placed opposite io it while bis wife came down stairs to inquire what had become oi her husband- the painier re plied that he did not know but thai he brought home the cupboard which he had bought of him for 200 fr so saying he put ihe key in ihe door and opened n then in a moment there shot out of it a mar quite naked all over red with his hair on nd who started offi like a wild beast into his ovvn shop his wife i called out for help and the shop boys cme aod soundly belaboured the poor devil till he suceeded iu making himself known his punishment hnd been long and severe his bath had been well mixed with glue and red ochre and the figure of ihe poor shoemaker may be more easily imagined than described he has never showo his face out of his shop the new york commercial advertiser of ihe 29th ult contains the following hem of intelligence reported escape of santa anna the mercantile ol this morning contains the fol lowing important paragraph a letter was received in this city yester day from a highly respectable source dnied new orleans august 14th which staicathat a merchant from natchitoches hd just arriv ed at new orleans who hnd received inirlli- genre that snnta anna had escaped from ihe texaos and ihat a mexican army under gen id n pi bank of british north america established in tokujn capital one million sterling provisional committee ftl conducting ttft afairs of the montreal branch willmu ccjtffitrchjtsf esq austin cfvjilieft ks aucrt fcrniss is aobtitr ciltrsrin julf- esq james millar i m mdcc lite boat ii the bonamarte family a leller from rome of ihesoth stlavsays mi is generally affirm ed at rome thm the eldeat of ihe two princes ol caninn inoa left the castle of angelo with a ptupurl for some foreign enumryand that his brother has already embrtrked at leghorn for america to which country they boih mean io co for afltn the action of which they have been accused their ether it not at all inclined to aive ihium a rood reception in england cardinal frvnch aod the other members of tbe rmpercr fmmilv wuold not of their itvo guilty reutions mfrferc f aduress to the rrry wer- dr jtfacrtanatd vicar ge nerat we have preot pleasure in cpyig from the fbvaame eveniog ibe gallant arrived i bytawn gazette the iblwsnfl addea t ur am the vicargencral whose recent arrival amnngh us has afforded very general sauafacijon to thisotni- miinuy the editor of thai paper expresses liim self in the fotmwing handsome terms on the depar ture tf the vicar general from byiown regret for the departure of thi niofflexeellent mm it by ha means confined to hia own flock in bytnwn his urbanity nf mnnncr had endeared him to all who enjoyed the pleistire of hi society hi benevolence to ihe poaf of all denomination hia ptamf unwearied rial in the diacharga of iiia duties ay a clerfrymari und bis mranpou exorlmn m prrarrvinp 04 order arj peace will be long re me mherrd by the inhabitants v byiown of every creed and calling address nf the householders and members of the catholic comreaion cyiown to the vicar central on his leaving that pltce to the very reverend if p mcdonald vicar ge neral vet reverend sia we ihe underpinned householders and members of your coogrepation in bytnwn drsire lo oddrcss yon on your intended depirure krttt this place sh11 a your slay bus been aiijf ua ihe lib eil eficfanf ue ministry has been amply matii festcd and your unwearied zeal in the discharge of vour arduous duties will b inng remembered wtb heartfelt groliiudo by the catholic congregation of bjhiivn ivbile we deeply rejrrei that you a re about to leave n we ahtnm i fiescrve ihe brnclis we have reap ed from onr rrsdenec here if we allowed this lip paituiiily to pas wiihnui expresiog our aincete acknowledgment for your valuable services as vur pwbir entrearing that llmugh abrent wc miy be rc- meobered in ytiur suppltcatton to he throne or merry wo bee to covcv o you the assurance ihat yiuiarry fiib you trom bytnwn ihe ameer wishes of yoqr eonpregution for vour lemporal w rre and miv fervent prayers that ihe eveninc of yur lite my pna in thai peace and tranoinlhiv moai uajfofiiil io yrur revlmys and lertnjnate iu that tverlosiini happiness in eiemiiy the best re ward of your gfttfd fletrla jn time signed bj neaily 200 amvsb fc byttiwn august 16ih 1636 my dear and respected friend and felloe mem bets of the catholic church in bytown your very kjn anri heartntoying mmtfm tome on my imonhed dnparture from bytowo reouirca the correrhindog egprsjn of my ssteein ana ev durable a1fctin lowsrda you and on taking my haya of f houoh rtt without tt hops of aoine dv viaitiiigyou nf 1 oan declare ihat aflsrserv mgin three chief missions in upper cunada 1 have now hero found a congregation more edifying in their 1 i net moro fcttomive to the dpiies of their holy relffiou more cordially amachcd lo their clergy or even fucu penerou contributors townrda heir decent puppet while such has beei tiniformerly the caao ince our arrival smoojrat yoo no onderlhatwe have enjoyed peaei vrhich has been so much dis turbed before hut vbich i hops aod pray may be svar continued to the inleresung community nf by- town by him thu god incarnate who bequeathed hia peact to hia followars aa hie paternal partinc lagwy the snares reserved for ihisdislrict bavin been alloticd and tho deposit of tq i sterlms each p i id upon them the necessary af 1 ra linemen is nre now in progress for the com- niencetrjeni l husiness in montreal as tarly prsible all communications on ihe business tif this branch are rerjucs cd to be made to the provisional committee- hy irtier addressed m the office of mr kticvvfgcv notary public it w uoitkkt carter canniizsioner from the court of directors montreal augusi 27 i33g on friday last twodesefiers from that part of ihe i5ih regiment nuvv ai toronto were arrested in this neighborhood by captain kingsioill of ihis town and on saturday morning oiher four froni lh same regiment were by the same gentleman arrested as they were about io leave this port for rochester by the traveller these men told the captain ihat they had no cause for deserting excepting that they hnd been advised hy certain dis affected persons whose naipea we are not au thorized to publish they however lold the constables io whom they wrr given in charge that they had cause ol cowplainl against the colonel and thai they deserted on account of t j co- a reward of fit peod is offered bv the colonel of the 1 5th fof ery deserter that shall be delivered up to hiirv or to a magiifrate port hope iaaeite to the editor of tbe chronicle gazette sia god has done every thing tor kingston h man baa dims atonal nothing tbosa who hava money made in the golden lys uf m lung sync kee p it ro snuy that the grtfttcrpart of it never cc ih- livh they hve bound the talent up in a napkin our clinch if without a bell and ourtowii is wfthnuta clck ilia mjectys gon al noun and ihe caihuhc churcii bill arciho only tiniepifces of ihe poor i vrlshp mr editor that you or some ohcr person would set f rward it subscription a town clock that all urodea may know the hour of the ntgbl and that tradesmen and labnurcrs who cannot affird waich may know how to regulate their time du- ins the day i fojbcar aijellg much lo ihe folks of ihe cnplish church but i am told that in the slslea epis- copnlisos come brhind no other congregatiud in pnblir spirit bu vtht do i y i saw a mam moth bell at the commercial wharf and was tnlil it wa5 for the church oflbf tittle village at tbe coi- ryinpplace ahninc ibe carrynjrp ice go be fore kigjon ii ally v is inosi pnotnp- tbeic is ihe soils ktrk has its bell anil the fronrll church has ita rellaod pr great st gtorgea church where the main body fttow rich kingjtnn- ians po rmaina uurnbfuii idered i it is enough to make the mone3 of the ptopie cry out much mom a church of england man kinfmon sept 5d i82s georges church bell ifill aoou be up beauhaknois rail road at a meeting held at iheseijrnory house at bfauharnuis on wednesday ihe 3oth august 1s36 of persons resident in or connected will the couniy f beuharuo present ijilu hon kdwarh klhce jneob dtwiit m i i qrnse masson francois daoust francois danduraol joseph daigncau michel desclmmps hyacimhe hcueatt hyacinthe munipetii j bit poirierdit lafliur etienne mootpetit john ros ovide lhlaoc joseph koy l i brown khnorvol pierr leduc john macdonald john somtrville thomas ml gardoe william bovrroo peter walker jamea reid william rose jamei davidson st clement do do do do do do do do do do do do do sitimoifatfff chtneautfuav hinchiohioob do do em