Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), September 7, 1836, p. 3

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wjhr ii it tour lordihip waot me i faitb nlwill ohif i coi ltsrhecm i0 tell every parish priearto tw pjoctantiei ihe joyfal oowawhot li- taiciiigirtbatthey had a chance ofbeine oijr of fttrscbof ihe arcbbishop lepoer fraph rfose fibers sheared mine of their projfmy mvira which they gallicised iniole foer si dean brown who used to haog ihe poor cilfcokea in ahaacragh out of the back baods their own cam for nothing but fun aod puo orourke who starved hi first wife lfnjd a second married a third and tedpted k4rtinehan it moyoughfur which bewas 4dit the galway assizes l00 that will toj news for them i have cot so far and farther with my soliloquy mr ed nor for tte thoughts of the great estate the clancarty itmilf the frenchs look from us the powers which turned us from great fine gentlemen into wears nd them from foreign vagabonds mitscarnpsioiorich hut grinding earls lords iwvers aod bishops banished the happiness jjjiucipaied from my thoughts and i must tike more time to cool snd calm the turbulence which the bare idea now has given me to until soother occasion i am your friend a before mick powers 33 for the chronicle st gixttfa thc olobio0s uncertainty of the l stft i have been tnld that iho gemlemen of the loop robe in both old snd new runnings when iheyvrnrem the height ofiheir convivial irs drink v thjfa uncertainly r the lw how ever rims this uncertainly may he lor the law- vth it i icriainly very tormenting to the communi ty at large especially to a poor man who wants fauna now i think ihtt this 4i glorious uncertainly mty be reduced to u very beneficial certainly by a vcrf simple umcets my pli would bp iht i woul i have no amend ment told acta of pnrliamcni if hie law was fiind di6ciet u i n iwmitt to any point or any sub- jccl l would repeal nil former actsoi hl subjecr and embodv the whole in the last act bo thai on every sflujeel in dispute only one act would have to be consulted afcniticati0k kingston september 5 18g prom llrttnurel courier tv luutmant governor at perth oo rooday evening vit his ficellenev 3fr francis bnd i s arrived at the m masoii- ic hall from kingston aceptnptnied by hit son and aiddecamp it being understood ihat his excellency intended to resuuie bit journey oo monday at noon an address w9 prepared and signed in abuut the space cjf half an hour by upwards of eighty of the inhabitants wliivji was presented io hit ex cellency at eleven oclock in the court house by the hon w morris infur a resjicciable number uf iiilnliipta who hod assembled to witness it the following i a copy of the address sb his extcjunrij rir fftapcis bono head knight ccmnaadtrof the royal llnnmterian qrdr of merit lieutenant ooumior of the piatklmc of upfier canada fc fc ex mav it rteasi vouft kxcllcscr we his mjistys most dutiful and loy al subjecis inhabitants of the town of perth respectfully bejj wave to welcome your excel lency to til iff pin of the province and to as- 6tire vuur txccllncy thai we duly appreciate your early anxiety io viit the remote settle ments by which an opportunity is afforded to your kxcchcncy of witnessing the local im provements whith may be in progrrss or whirh it may be imponaitt toprntnoie for tbp ponifon and prosperity of he people thai your exehhncv may njoy hralih and a pleasant journey is our most yarucst de- alre perth auiusl 39 i836 ma aastoabled by to skmriioe of the aerriee toaa ljaoners when onfurled displayed the el records of vtflpeurwon io to luny fought s tfgrsft or which i well a gallaof bvofral who commanded them and several of tfebyiff m aasr shared io the gloriea r rtreateat captaiu of the 79ih highlander this gallant corps will embark fbr england on saturday moraing at 6 oclock should the weather prove fair and wa learo tbu sir john colbornt with that hyoipny fdr which be is distinguished has ierfermined to take upofi himself thecbarter- rafl of another vessel to convey a portion of the regiment that the health and lives of these gallant fellows may not be endangered by be- ioj stowed io less space than from motives of prudence not of humanity a aure dealer would allot io bis living cargo under the blessing of heaven tlte royal regiment land ed here in health after leaving at cork forty men and two officers whom it was found im possible to put in the vessel in conformity to ib transport department calculations but at this season of the yar with the probability of encountering the equinoctial sales wheo ap proaching the coast of england it would have beo linle leas than a tempting of providence to have repeated an experiment which we hope the voice of the british nation if they are not dead to the cblls of humanity will compel the heartless projectors immediately to abandon ami which we cannot but hope has beq adopted without the sanction or know ledge of his majestys government ib this morriiog tho 79th hifihbmdeni marched from the jesuit sairacks to the kings whart snd embar keel in the fdmtland transport in which they will sai for england tomorrow morning this sallatjt corps whoae uniform kind and friendly conduct will ions live in the rnmbranco of th people of ooih canadtist never appeared in higher order and afforded a sinking prtnf that by proper attention a periert state of discipline may bo maintained in the colonic for the rcgncnt made an appearance lhat wonlj do credit to a crack cops newly arrived in the country aod not a man appeared in the slightest degree atftcted by liquor the bonds of tho royal bin of the 66th regiments and a gseal number of ciiisciia accompanied ihem to the wharf when the bund of the 66th regiment with their own played the beautiful and appropriate scotch air oi jhdt tan nfu delghnil style ond tliatofthe roy als l rule britiaoora at the moment when the re- fintent embarked in tho iranjpftrt we spak we are sure the sentiments if the whole population of tbtseity wltan wn ixpress ur warmest wish that ih uiendly highlanders nay have a safe and spee dy passage io the shores of uieold country h quebec mercury stfpt 3d somber of bwlfrtafj to si sept r 18sfi 26235 do do to 3d septr 1835 11669 i dilfereacc in favor of this yer 14566 hjt fijar midland district ftsvlvt his excrllcncy replied that he fell very puirh oratiliid by the cordial reception which he inhabitants of perth hod givcn him and hy the good wishes which lliajy imj been k eased to convey to him in their address le observed that he did f a detp ioteret in the prosperity of the people of the province and particularly those in the remote settle- foents and he hoped that the titne had arrived when the people would unite their energies for the public welfare that all political diffe rences would be furgotten and that they would look at each other as brethren he said he was hitppy to observe how much had been lone by ihe public spirited inhabitants of the town in the erection of their public buildings which he understood were put up at private pxpeose the laudable aniety manifested in promoting the education of the t- genc- mtiuu he remarked had given much satis- fatfoft md as ho hid witnessed the profici- eocy oi the children m tho bevrl huols to could not but siy ihat the masters appeared to be well qualiftcd and attentive to their du- iw tlcts be repeated was a auhjcci of deep interest and oo which well deserves the hear- if support of the loyal and industrious peo ple of baihursi who he was well convinced jet no small value on the advantages of our constitution and were determined hy orderly unit indubious liabits to shew lhat they were jn reality lova and dutiful subjects of his majesty he again thanked the people for their kind address after his excellency had finished this very neat and siisfaciory address he was reeled on his leiiring from the court huuse with firingof cannon by the perth arnllerv who tfid their performance with much regularity aod precision and cheers from the pioplo the flrteirthis morning ltut general sir john colborne according 14 prsvioqsar- rogeinent inspected the 1st royul the 66th ke2p3ent 9th highlanders on the plains pf abraham the duties of the garrison were aken at day break by the royal artillery su that every man belonging to each corps the eick in hospital excepted vfit upon the ground the lioe was formed on the high rouod near the centre of the plain and jng the ractsuod al 10 oclock the lieut general came on the ground atteoded by the deputy adjutant and deputy quarter master geoetal and the oflicers of his personal staff pod passed down the line receiving the cus- icfijuv complioent he then took his station in front of the line when the regiments breaking into column of companies marched t inslowarjd quicklime thff oflicers sa- siiog as they passed the general the ma- aceavres then commenced and a variety ot evolutions were performed the regiments forming under cover ol the hankers thrown out and acting as light iofantry these mancbuvres continued till a little aficr eleven when the rain began to fall so heavily that the reriew was put an end to and the troops re lumed to their barracks it is now upwards of eight yoars since there has been a brigade review here and notwith standing the morning was lowering and gave rery indication of the rain which afterwards came down so heavily the road was thronged with carriages horsemen and pedestrians aod when the line was formed there was a greater number of persons assembled on the 6eld of rxtrcise than we have ever seen on any former occasion amongst ihese were many strangers w expressed themselves much gruified with he 6oe appea of the troops and the re- culariiy and precision of their movements whilst io briton it was a soulstirring spec- jacle to tee in this distant colonv three regi- cl1mat of the cahadas toibc editor of ihe mootrcal herald sin my present object io addressing you is io expose the supioeness of the press in both provinces the quebec g2ette excepted en the state of the weatbve aiwfrw subjects so interesting ns n weekly diary of the weallur state of the ground sowing rea- pfig appearance of the crops c and none would conduce more tu bring a newspaper into notice and increase its circulation a great deal has been said to favour of the climate of the upper provioce but it is difficult to form a correct estirjiaieof the comparative advanta ges of upper and lower canada as regards climate owing to the negligence of the press i have lived in both provinces and on my own practical experience 1 can state that the towu- ttipa of lower canada enjoy as favourable a citrate for farming as any part of vpper ca nada 3qd although the winter is much lon ger in the lower province stilt the ground is as early ready for the plough and the spade as in ihe upper in the lower province the ground h deeply covered with snow during tho whole of the winter which prevents the frost from getting more than two or ibreo in ches below the surface to that as toon as the spriog uf the year arrives and iho soow melts the ground it ready for culture la the upper prbvinca the ground is bare a groat part of the wjpter appl consequently the frost gera ao far below tho syrfce that a ituch longer tllm is required to extract it spxep the plopqu september 3 13g married at newport r i lieut edward pierse f the british navy to mary robinson daughter of thauon win hunter of newport united states charged arxiirsat tho court of brazil died suddenly on the ftlt ult at the residence of rm s4ninlaw mr j oummings of wellington mr daviit m hopkins for many yeara an inhabitant of tutlsitffth ma cua rftember of aoriety at auebec on thft 28th ull after three days severe iltnesabutseveral years of confinement to hie house mr robert cairns aen fonneily merchant tailor of otat city aged 71 mr cafrna waaa native of peebles in scotuutj he came to canada forty- seven yeara ago waa a long lime mr fcrgusona foreman was admitted into partnership and fin uepceded la the biioinere of that respectable house which it still carried on by his son in all the rela tion of life as a mn and a citizen his character was unexcoplionable and ho has done more real good in his time without ny ostentation than falia to ihe tot of mnt men al quebce29th uli mr alexander young gro cer aged 27 al montreal on friday he sslhtnh after a long and painful illnc mry heney wife of john jones sen esq ajd 63 at beach svld chmtarf near dublin suddenly anna wife of john tudor efq aod euusl dvugb- wr of lh late tvillm pmbnonecof thai city at edinburgh 15ih july ihe right hon sirro- hen c linton k a b aged 91 he was for- ineilv ambaadorat washington and waa the old et of the corps diplnmatique in europe commercial bank stock teai sugars and liquors by auction on thursday next the 9th inst will be sold at the subscribers auction room 60 chests and boxes young hyson and twanky teas 2 hhds bright muscovado sugar 5 bbls l 2 hhds hollands gin fi hhds cognac brandy so bbls whisky 3 baskets sparkling champaigne 1 dozen each 4 kegs plug tobacco 5 boxes superior cavendish do 10 u fig blue 10 half boxes bunch muscat raibina sale at 1 oclock precisely also will be put up at 2 oclock precisely fifteen saorea commercial bank stock r jackson auctioneer kingston 7th sept 13s6 ioy dbaufiht porter xx the subscriber begs to inform hotel and tavern keepers the trade and public generally that he has received his first con- signmen uf xx porter in 21 and 63 gallon casks which he will sell on moderate terms for cash to be seen at the rtdcau compa nys stores 4qs deane kingston august 81 1336 isz ovrfitg to daily repeat insult given fair af oattir show to the 6ubawriwtiatbioka that doubts still i cxxxv mfn iha hang on the m4 or the public that ha waa guilt of some flfocioua crimo on the body of a woman take from mccreaa bouso during the cholera i t32 i ib ifibarbanuf that womtaa or any ooo of his fiathf will come forward i am all hero readf tid willing to go before judge aod jury to prove whtherguilty or notguilty to aaiiafy tlijm pod tho minds uf the public aod if mr thomas how aod mr oweo deturay tho principal inatigatora of raiting a repott ihat i buriod a man alive do not come forward and atite their raaaona for ao duing or apologise to lht public for doiog ao steps will bo takon tn briog ihem forward tho suhtcriuer takes this method ofinfor- niing all persons who bve attempted to io- jure liia character hy n repotiiito of the above atrocious ronducr that if they are heard to accuaa him any uiore rhey will be protocuted to tba utmost hgor of iho law john duncan late undertaker amateurs 24th regiment hb night oslt theatre at the coiwnerciat houl kingston the thetfinril amateurs of the 24th itcgimerfe m transterring over to mr s djkea compwy the whole of their property scenery wardrobe c ckc have been in duced wiih tlfl sanction of their commanding officer to appear before the public of kingston one night beft posttitely their last and onfy appearance dirjog thestayof the regiment in north america on this otfftsion part of their scenery dresses cwill be displayed and ihey will be assisted bv ladies of mr dykes com pany aod 9t bowen a select orchestra from the briid of the regiment will also atund and tbc box arena of the house will beenlargd for additional accom modation thursday emng 8rft sepfember 1836 when will v brought forward with the whole of theorigina music glees chorusses c slc pcrtocks celebrated drama of the hualer sc his men or the forest op bohemia grindoff tic mile lothair a peasant count frelerick kriberg karl his nan riber goinz zingra rob bers mhltrs toeo soldiers sec kelmar a cottager claudinej for i63g- ihri coumy of proiuenac ci amaieurs 24 1 h reg i mr mrs miss p c dyke bowca dyke ed of the drama bocks hwc at vk all a coimic song fancy btanct 24ih amateurs mj p c dyke to conclude with 9 oh 24th amat the wag of windsor captain fteaugard deputy lull lovney mactwolter with an additional song john lump caleb quoiem sergeant higgioboltom and soldiers c graci gylove miss h dyke jticy mrs dyke- to concede with l god save the king by the chacters doors oeo at half past 7 performance to commence t 9 oclock precisely tickets is mj tg be bad cjf mr dean at ihe com mercial htel and of the sergeant majpr of the regiomiilfl at the barracks tt- season tickets fitr not available on this evening commissariat kingston 3d sept j836 cjealeb tenders will be received at this ofbco until monday at noon thelth iofitant fo supplying the barrack department with the uqttonutotioded articles immediate ly viz barrow wheel brooms hir barrack brushes scrubbing jgj helves for a xt fel mops thrum tubs urino 81 149 113 7 r particulars to mr barrs may be known on ap- at his f pticavr to mr barrack master grey office tote do pont barracks acurity required for such contract as may be eotered into 19di bank of british north america estabhsiied in london capitalose million sterling provisional committee for conducting t affairs of tii montreal bnancu wiltlam cunningham esft austin ctvilller cs albcbt rtlftnlss f hogrt olttesple jon- 5 james miilar es the shares reserved for thisdislrict having been allowed and the deposit of 0 sterling pach paid upon them the ucessary ar rangements are now tn progress for the com mencement of business in montreal as tarly as possihle all communications on the business of this branch are requesed io be made to the provisional conmittee by letter addressed to the office of mr etienne guv notary public jvitre dane street robert carter commissioner from the court of directors monlreal auui 07 j36 information wanted of patrick galagher who left ballanlree about four years ago and sailed from londonderry to pennsylvania and is now suptosed to be in upper canada any ioformation respecting him will he thank fully received by hit lister margaret gaiahcr at mts ferns store street kingston upper canada kingston aug 3 is36 19g ediioiain pu and tfa united states mill con- far a great favour by inserting the above iv oi rroiitenac uufm sow will be held at the kingston frallt on the2rf tuesday in october the counties of lenoxx addiogtun cattle show wili be held at bath o i the jin wednesday in jvovtmher at which placea the mdt dis trict agricultural society will awtfl ihe fol lowing premiums best brood mare with her colt ft dolls sscond best do do s best milch flow from 3 to 3 ycarsomi second best do do best 4 calres of 1836 second hest do bes ram second hest do best 6 ewes second best 6 ewe best 6 lambs of ibm second best 6 do best boar second best do best breeding sow second bet do best yoke working oxen best pair steers 4 year old best bull not uver o years olj second best do best cheese second best do best flannel second best do 2 b 3 4 2 6 3 4 2 4 i 4 2 6 3 wool wanted cash paid ftir clean wool of good qua lity delivered at the woollen factory gananoque by welter chambers years a i 2 1 no prize or premium w be warded to person who are not members of at agricul tural society and no person will be admitted as a member for the present year who shall not have paid his subscription by i ftw day of october alkx pringle creiaties jno marks j tern importations of fall winter goods the subscriber have now on the commu nication from montreal n vy large and compline assortment of drv gods for the fall and winter trade imported by the recent arrivals at quebec and montreal from the londooyorkshire manchealw and glas gow niarkets their customers and the irafc generally will by the middle of eptmberto iheir as sortments very full isaac buchanak co front street torooio lftn 29ih august 1836 j 10dl government contract cummipsaiaf kingiirm slat aupjt 1836 sealed tenders will h received at this office uotil tuesday zx mon ihi isrt day of srptember next for the cvrtagk of fuel wood in the rmpciiv uuartl llouma and gclh at kingston poiol henry and faint frederick the tender to express th in currercy for which each cord will b nw w 12th day of may 1837 the horses aud carts employed in ibis en wl ps and repass the bridge free security will be required fr lhe juc perfor mance of ihe contract 13ui sales of ts public sales of tfas will ub place ai ihe whrehouses of aeq5 of ihe hoo ea india company i quebec on fri day ac 16faand ai montff on idoy the 23d srptember ai eleeo oock upsi pri ces a fellows tiztwaoy- 9s 6j hyson skin u 10d and 2s hystfo ss i voung hysooqs iod bohea 1 4d gunpowder 4s 3d catalogues will be pu and shew chests may be examined during three days preceding the day of sale e cli place forsyth richardson sc co agents to hon e ludcoru y montreal 95lb august i t ii m 4 i ii it just received anifovaalby the eobacriber fine olj cognac brandy holundicin in pipeafilcaaea jamaica spirits fc p port wine mndeira sherry io pipes nd quarter caaks tl trnenffr champnigne july brand scotch ale in bottles muscovado sugar doitblu rrliued loafdo best while wine virjepar day maiuna liquid parte blacking tea cuflve spku ludio starch and button blue turkey figtf cur ran ta kaiains almonds c c sic 8tc armstrong gltkkk kingston utah july 183 6 new goods armstrong grrrtt incite ihe at tention of the public to their splendid new stock of dry goods groceries v ima nd liquors which they are now from day tu uay receiving by the ottawa and inland compa nys barges kingston 1st july 1ssq lz ffttt morning cou ttt thfloffimin bt ffdmoff honire ptily tbroughout the year ecpt4 for tht of sii dollar in town orfflght dollara if sent by pasrjawiodc it gire the latent olfc torcjga aod d and n weekly prie current carafuuy corrected accompanied tk general obatrraiiodi ea the state and floe toa uonaof the marktt the mornlnggoulmrrk c try ta published oo monday a thnrday- and coaiaina ajl tba reading aod commercial matter of thj dauy jraper sutgeriptton foua dollars in town or rw boltanlf ae by mi payable tn odwrnet the patrons of the marximg crarfer per canada art rerpcttfiaj fc jobrr walus is nmton a that fwirrc and u is hoped and the subscriptions for the c be paid up i7i commevcial if mid dist wanted a gemlcrn ihe aiiuae lion of teller if hs k siiuauon having become t y l rsig- naiion of mr mcnabb applications io siate the names of the sureties od to be preseni- ed on or before ibe uibday pf september next addressed io ibe cashier by order of the board y a harper coater kiogstoo23d august 136 i6ui ta millers the subscribtr wgl leave to inform mil lrs and the trade generally that haviog purchased the stock in trade of mr lewis bostwick burr mill stone manufacturer he will continue the business of making french burr mill stones of thefirat quality having on hand four pairs of stone bnished and a targe lot of burr blocks which ho will make up to order on the shortest notice all orders for the above to be address ed to a clark at the kingston foundry whom h has made his agent for hia stone building business geo mccrabby kingston aucust 16th 1836- 142 the crbug star v ill pk cpy thia advtttit ment one mvh and acitt ihir account to tho office of thia paper kingston cabinet ware house srore street opposite the commercial hottr e cone august 8s5 0z lake ontario summer arrangements for 1 836 tfte aew and rapid steam boat oneida propflkd by to powerful low pmsttrc knbiiua a ims aoklk smith will until ihe 15ih of septentberiexr ply between ogdensburgh and ataga- ra touching at the intermediate ports as fol lows d r w a r h 9 leaves odenshureh wednesday evn kinesiunuc- thursday mornin 11 sacketvilirbori do noon u oswego do evening 11 genesee pjver friday morning toronto u c do evening touching at yonngstown and reaching lewis ton early saturday morning downwaiios leaves lewision sunthiy evening ft genesee river monday tnurnirg osweso do afternoon sackets harbor monday evening kingston uctucsday oiorniug touching at frenchcreek morristown alex andria nnd brockville and arriving at ogdens burgh tuesday afternoon u k t t i to e b- aiuufi ogdensburjh white fc hooker morrisiovrn j v fcjjxu alexandria smith mtshjtictc frenchcrcekj j counter kiogston u c buckley clshic sackeivharbor hknrv fitzhugk oswego john t trowbridge rochester j brown toronto oaeo smith ybungstown gut revrtoldsj lewistuo juoet 1836 09z ing c4 for sale a bout 7000 acrw of land digital id rnrintif nnrif of upper ciinada ch for ready money only will be sold in suit purchasers apply to c hale agent or to j linton auctfpe- jots to i lartd ingstoo august 13 1836 lake ontario 1 836 the steam boi oswego captain w s malcolm ill ply on lake ontario and lhe h fr tawrence river beiweeo ogdensburgh and niagara as follows commencing april 29th 1836 ufwards leaves ogdeusburgh on friday evening kingston u c saturday moinitig sacketis harbor m noun oswego evjnng rochester sunday moving toronto ucfur niagara and lewis- ton monday rnorodst where she arrive mt giving passengers all hc day to visit ibe i alls of niagara nod return by the boat dowjfwaros leaves lewiston on monday evening rochester tuesday tuoining oswego u afwrooon sacketts harbor 4 nighr kingston u- c wednesday uioroing and arrives at ogdensburgh the ame pvfltibg touching at french creek morrisiown alex andria and brockville ca parties intending visiting the rjlls ol niagara buffalo or the different ports n lake ontario will bud the route via oswego or rochester to be the cheapest and mosi expe ditious t passengers leaving ntognra ii boat on monday evening will arm at mon treal on thursday evening passing the most interesting part of the st lawrence river by day light bank or btitisii north america capitalone million sterling provisional committee for condoctjnc the arrmks of the quebec bunch james dean esutne joh4 malcolm fhasv esqciae piehre pelletier esquire geobqe pmfbbktomi ktftoxn willvaw philups esqaiac the shares reserved for this it district hav- ng been allotted and ihe deposit r f l0 sterling each taid upon them the necessary arrangements are now io progress for the com menctuneoi of business in quebec as early as possihle all communications on the business of this branch are requested io he made io the pro visional committee by letter nddresscii io the office of mr william ue leary notary pub lic no 33 st peter ftinef roufrt carter commissioner from ihe court of directory quebec 18th august lssti 7z wanted iwoiedlateiy 1 y a respectable english female i situation in some commercial blishmeoft whew she might be acthrfy em ployd uanfcty employment dot agrwiig with her mant poetesses a thorough kvow kdge of ihft millinery buaios ind baa siev ed fo a retail fancy goods store mo appiica- tigjis will meet with any attention hot with references for respectability and where the advertiser can be ensured domestic comfort and her religious privileges letters poet pml directed l m s bytowo vill obtain an early reply and highly satisfactory leumofi- uls by iivr 16th aufut 1836 u farm for sale aflacresofexcelleottandbeiiigweft half of lot no 4 in the brat cot- cession of fiedcrtcksburgh pleasantlyaituated on the bay of qointe and convenient to a steam boat landing- there te about 60 acres under cultivation variety of fruit trees a frame dwelling house and a new barn 50 feet bv so the mock cflift lc maf bad by toe purchaser at a tua- tioo the greater part of the purchase money may remain in the handaof the ptirchwer for further particulars apply to the nnhanji ber on the premises james silliman fredericksburgh july 8 1836 8z notice to debtors 8l creditors all persons indebted to the estate of the late lowther f mftcphersonewuir of hallowell barrister are requested to xtaka immediate payment to the undersigned or they will be proceeded against as law directs and those having claims on said eatate tr requested to lodge certised copies thereof wiihuui delay with john a macrataaoit auojwy for ibg ewte 3igoej5 elija macpherson hallowfil th july 1836 5 for sale a number of copies upper oanada stat iute provincial justice townahh fif a nu1 1 lc jkc- at the chronicle gazett of- lice corner of kingnd brock street kingston 19th july 1bs6 commercial bunk m l noiice is hereby given that at a meeting of stockholders held qt the bank on the 15th inst it wa resolved ihai thp in- stalmeott on the v w stock be called in on follows i 10 percent on the 1st day of vrch 1836 10 lfc 3 may h 10 1 joly h 10 1 m seplr 10 i4 1 nov h payable at the bank its offices and agennies such of the new stockholders as may riah to pay in the half or whole of their stock nt once will be allowed to do so on the day ha first instalment is due by order of the board f a harper frlftji kingston dec 48 1835 53 the fi3lowio aewppapert will plea iomrt th above adtertiftaicat util november icjl pnriot toroato ha mil too gazette niam rr porttr -iij- wich emigrant uoboorg 6ur batburtt coqricr cornwall obierver aad mootf cat gucttc twot1ce is hereby civen that npplieniion l will ho nuid hy john strange efq and oihcrt tu tho legiiluturo nt its next susiiuoi tn form a company for the construction uf a turnpike kod from the town of k r ud to the village of nnpffu in the towothip uf riehtnoud in the midland district kingston 8th july ihh6 0 tba cpptf canada gazette wh daftlc tejfjf this an slz august i i ioim steam boat sir james kempt capt- francis baker wm shav sailing master will op me opening of the navigation commence her regular inps as usual will leave kingston for the ray oo tuesday and fridav mornings will leave the hnd of the bay for kingston and prescott on wednesday and saturday mornings will leave prescntt for ktnestop wnu the i im- from john clancv or david clancy who emigrated from the county cyrk i some four year past are informed tlit ihe in i fanlfhiulren of john whelan and ellen chi- ncy their sister aro now io kingami under charge ol mary daly their mother having died on i ue passage ouitlie children are demi- i luie and the uncks are requested to cuiue speedily to their isisianre further information may he bad on applica tion to mr maimhniu kingston igltl july 1836 5z by on monday and thursday evenings mediately after the arrival of the buais below itiuioqjtmth march 1330 7sz information wanted of jamn bayles and robert baytcs about 17 15 years of off who lafe ernest town in the midland district in may lut with the intent of visiiing their mother at toronto they are rather good looking hoys dark tyes fair hair any informatiin respecting them will be thankfully wpived bv their atixioua mother martha toynton or bayles lotsireet toronto- editors of pa par will rnnfer an obugaflon on a powwiduw woman by giving the nbov one or two inertiofib- officoof thecataraqui bridge company kingston uc july 28 1836 totice at meeting of the directors i of the cataraqui bridge company hold his dky tr oavitlvodofferowu lmllft ed on the capital of tbo bridge stock fpr thq half year endiog 30th june 1836 whtch ia now pavable at the company office 92 j marks treasurer new shoes the subscriber has just received hia iprivg vupply of ladies boots aodsboea of tho latet london fathtuos and most approved shapes wm thirkell kiogston jqne28th j83q vh whisky s the subscriber respectfully informs hia friend nd the public in general that bo has made arrangements for a consignment of 30000 cation whisky purl of which is now ready for inspection at his store lower end uf quarry street opposite carrells tavern the nbove article is of the best quality of fered for sale io this market and will bt sold on ihe rnost reasonable terms for cash tavernkeepers and retailers will find it to their interest to call joseph carburv kingston april 14th 1836 s4z prospectus for publishing a copperplate map of the midland district uk subscriber proposes should sufficient encouragement be given to piib a mipof the midland district includiog opfl i range of townships in the newcastle dis trict on a scale of 160 chains or 2 miles to an inch exhibiting all the mail roads cros j roads rivers rivulets lakes churches meeting houses post ounces saw mills grist mills towns yhaqes wharves stop i boat landings c- 8cc by lot concessit j and township i the undersigned being about to build coppetplate printing press is determined tq prim publish varnish and moqnt the pr posed map iu his own township and thero fore looks to a generous and enterprising public for patronage and support tho map will be nearly by 4 feet it will embrace four range of townships from the bay or quinteback also wolf how urf amherst islauds wih the spaau itjlanda adja cent to them and will be executed ip a stylq equal to the author map of prince ktjward it will he published on a copper pngraving coloured varnished mounted on rollers and delivered to subscribers at four dollara pe copy payawe on delivery y elm0re hullowell octobcrl83 4 t

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