Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), September 14, 1836, p. 1

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la i i jjj kingston commercial advertiser mazmts wednesday l mw of kth k d styvni fec rege nec populo sed utroqije c twenty si ti 1 1 r pr iium if pu la m tho mil of ft- yr trm7f r kingston upper canada wednesday september 14 1836 wo 1kb v afe wwection storejbf rt 9c0bell general inspector rpoi jfcsh beef and pork presents his cor- sfcuatfcsltftbe merchants and other infetf- of kingston and the vicinity fatmtie jftirtilfwrtibage tliey have extended tojrim driirrtiejum year and he hes leave tbio- bapwi mwl m his removed his inspector pjinffft from the hon 1 kirhys store to 4iyjhc0 and convenient store and wharfot ft foreyib lately occupied by mr a mc- where he irih be always ready tom- web articles as maybe consigned to biro atwarfose and he hopes from his long ntfsw punctuality and strict mientfoq 10 hosihess to merit ihc approbation and tupportof the public nb korsale 500ft lbs weight of smoked hams 8000 jo cheese woo do upper canada ruiirr 2 ton of lard in kegs fur family ofte 0u barrels salt k scolskllw kiagsimjml htli- is33 572 the mansion house kingston u c illin sulnuiiior respectfully begu leave to uglify tho trnvhunfl publir that lie nwiiuuet to nccupy ibis exkiiftivo mil well in vim house oisuiily situated m slure sitttt boitig lie wiiuiiilsiihl cen- ira ircct iu kingston iifivcdfclh 1 ibe sma i- wbnim and ho ennbluhimw in kiuil in ile vniicr v notice w tp chelsea and other pensiooete who art paid by the commissariat lhe assistant commissary general here- by notifies the above description of per sona that they must make pergonal applies lion at the beginning of each quarter to the bmrsi commissariat office for their pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from aomraissanai office which might ren der it inconvenient or expensive to tb fen- stumers to apply at the beginning of each quarter or if from sickness or other good cause application cannot be made personally even once in the vear an officer will be sent bdnonlly to visit those stations to identify and pay those who cannot for these causes present themselves at a commissariat station i the pensioner are enjoined ic keep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions will be paid only to them in person oneir be 105 idcnti6e4 thereby further notified that the government notice th e undersigned inhabitants of thetown of kiogaton hi the midland district hereby gite ngtice that they iblend to apply to the provjdrtl legislature at its next sittings for ihy circumstance recognize c- hales not under agents or the claim of an individual debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat j kingston i5ili march 18s6 y information wanted of patrick calaghrk who left ballaatree ireland about four years ago and sailed from londonderry lo pennsylvania and is now supposed to be in upper canada the enactmeofof a law authorizing foreign- any information respecting lilm will he thank ers to possess real esiateio free and common fully received by hissisier jfargarct gafofher soccage in this province under such stipula tions u may be found necessary to guard agaioslpolitical interference or uodue specu lation tendiog to monopoly kingston lolh august lsg a manahan jpm mpp john cameron lawrence herchmer j t it i juo mas grer illiam wilsoni david joh smith whgray j p w bsmyth james frascr km eos thomas wilson a foster for ib it the ivinrc c rpuf nollatrllimi hitily ardrgnttr pur and i a prrfiu iu mmi rn iu i accumihtiih uou of eicellvbce and tomfuii of lln apart- jacothoih pailor and btruutm ihinvfuur iu nawber nil of which aro furtliucd u lb rough wand raudittun for the i pvuie thfttuhscrihfr having kpnt i hotel frmnnv rii tlierehtre trot that with unremitting nt- trnlioq lo the rmtifnrt nf hi gooylft ho will coniinuo iti merit public palrnuage hike rear of tlu mention jlutite there u n e yard la rgb ya hia extern vo aud kept livery where sulde i coiitaijhj j5tiw mansion biuae curriflgr and pur- lert ill hhvy hr irircjuiinrn in coiivry us- arqtrmd l io and frutu tho dibcreut leiini lloit s carmtno heain boat kiagton juoc 22i phizes mkuals ie natural kihtorv society urmiwtttfiaicfrrtllukk pltlxbwk bank of british north america ik 20000 caritu 1000000 sxtnting auks or 50 lacii tiiiter- fourths op which have dbu subsr1u to is kngtanu and the i 1 rsmkder arkrcsrrved portuccoloffins poivfiji aro i0cficase tlil capital with london directors gtnfton dk ttosco attwoou e4 krjwaru biount esi sfu robkkt camikell caht robert cauteh ks william ronbai chatmak eisq aawu john citmmw ksi- joi uouik lisq ouvzr farrku k4 alexander giultispjc jcn- eu- wituah pemccuton- effq iuor riciiatto rorinhon ksq john walduun wrickt esq francis mhill chailes hoath james williainsco av deau choub l yeckley robert anglcn avm bowman john p bower h earl n ialmcr william burke kphraim cooe titomas baker a mcnahb u b armstrong james sampson j maclarlane j p john slrauge j p uco w yarker john mowatf t macnider joseph bruce oouplas pnnticsp s mucklestoo s a irons w m dean e- h hardy r mclean thos mee wmtliiikell tims- uanilord john koy charles wdbrj wm garraiu james mcdonald geo armstrong p fleming this at mrs kerns store suctm kiugstun upper canada kingston august 31 iss6 t 9z icdiio b in canada nnd ihtt unitto suic will con fer 4 great favour by inverting thv above wool wanted cash paid for clean wool ofood qua liiv delivered at the woollen factory lily delivered at the gananoque hv webster st chambers august 1 isg i0il4 the ufglu cojnda gaztttc will please copy riolkc notice rhihe undercted inhabitant unclaimed boolcs lying in the binder here for yctrs a quarto biblc hy henry c 2 vols siudy of medicin 4 vols 8ino the performance on the ilaij in the highlands 1 vol hy john guon jes of enlind hy m evaos 1 vol smo sketches in switzerland aod italy j scott i vol smo farmers magazine 5th cd 1 vol smo 7 copies of byrous works iu 3 vols phi ladelphia cd if not claimed and paid for in two months from this date they will he sold fur the ex- peases of binding chronicle st gazette office kingston 2th august is30 j iuz just received and for sal at the chronicle gazelle office a town- manual neath bound cunprising ship all the laws now in force relntios to lie town si m p the rapidity with which tl american colonics hav end eornitkll ihe british north i advanced in importance the xul minriiiaioirrtiiiirjrijicwk- t profitable employment of capital for imlsfurilic three tint esavs iai may be urbicb purpose aud with a view of promoiing mmiedcm the folio win subject i mercantile and affncultural inic prosperity vast increase of ilirif papulation iliv high rate of iiuenst the uuciuatiitfi of exchange the in adequacy of the capiial already employed for 1tiuking operations and ihc increasing facili- iy uf ioteitounv with the mother country point out tin different senlements of british nonh america as affording n secure tield for the ihfshi 1 0a the coanccfioo bwwceo the language sod thf charaitttt of a people 2 on tho physical histurv of rivers in general aittlufthes iwrencc in particular 3 on the ctrcotnasanm which a fleet cli- mtein cvueral and ihu climate uf lower cnda in pinicua 4 ci thtr comparative aaa pint ion or prairie tnj forest to ihu wulement of a luw touniry- 5- the changes thai have taken placebo ifte babus of exotic plants cultivated in the nwiliern pans of america particularly as rc- garjs the changes induced on their aricultu rl and horiiruliural properties the ondinons are lt the essays shall be presented on or more the soili of february 19sq 2j the essay mav be in bfench or en- jtlih sj the names and residences of the aotli- kitnufct he concealed la tfnuns which each kjiay plifrll i4tw r initii vra attam h im- ftaniej hy a stmlcd noie uptrariheil with the jaoie motto and containing the name aod tcs- ijroce ufthe author this note shall only be oprnrd ia ihe case of the jay beinff declared worthy of a prize ohcrvvisc it shall be des troyed 4ih the successful essays shall remain ihe pcoptftyn the society 5h th society reserves to itself the risht if withhold ihe prize should no one of the es- ayod any particular subject appear deserving of it the efftiyg are to lc nddrrsed to j- s- mcorik est corresponding srcrtlary of ihc society andrew ii aumour recording svcrttary thr editors of all tutc papr i ihn bwwl piutmcvs ftdi cnfu a avor u tsc society by piv- iftffirt intfilfn to th atwitc or 1v nticnin it in the bltbfiil columns of their icepi divojuumau to alcrchanls aiul oiisevs lands for sale j agues of valuable land is offer- w cd for sale on nost advauiages icrms it is situaud only a tew miles from hevduof bctlin ia waterloo ipownship coxcpisitici and is not exceeded hyanyin ibe province for fertility aud is iu a good wttlemcni containing ahout i5 acres clear whereon u erected rt i- dwelling land hooseta good title will be siveu ami possession maybe had immediately this lot would well suit a small emigrant family uh limited means and afford them a saug td comfortable home the terms arc moder ate appj by letter post paid or persooal- y to h v peterson waterloo township uorc districtjuc june ut 1936 mercantile and agricultural interests ot the colonies the present company ins been esabishrd the mauasement of the companvs affairs is vested in the london court of director and ihe banks in the coonic arc to be con ducted by local boards appointed by them a general meeting of the proprietors is to be held yearly in londoo to whom a statement of the companys affairs will h submitted power has been reserved to the director to apply for and accept on behalf of the estab lishment a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a deposit of jcio sterling per share to he paid within a period to be named in the letter of allotment at the rate of exchange therein fiscd and the deed of settlement to be signed at the time of payment after payment of the deposit the remainder of the capital will be required by instalpiems not exceeding j2i0 sterling per share at such jjjtvauwf ww w llmh thrviutahsrtjio directors may find necessary to carry the ob jects of the bank into operation of which due notice will begivco s of the coun ty of ilastogs in the midland district hereby civc not e that they intend to apply io i he provincial le ol n first sit- t l reamwiing bouuferj iftf ling for the enactment ol a law autboris j w- r i tti- ing eoreigners io pqh44i ueal eaiatt ia this ps among which are the lliguvay and isseftnrnt acli now towhship nietijtg ac province under sudll stipulations as mav be nuuj uwnnty i ruard a gainst political in terference or unduk speculation tending to monopoly belleville 12th atuust 18s6 a munahan jlmlm h w yagtr edmund murney smith bartlett jr t parker j p h baldwin w spencer boujiuiiu walton james r shaw u duugall martin rvan william mccarty samuel m benson james mcdonnell peter treily john addison william wardrop tiruas difu wtotice is hereljjy given that application ibcmadeipo the legislature of this for th amend- c69 and water courses ltkcepcrs the raw j tlfirc of constable the 0 landlord and tenant distress for rtv court of re quests act summary punishment ai jurv jarj the laws relative to mtlunnd mill dams elour pot and pearl auhft statute labour travellers weights 8c measores sec and oo many other interesting fcubjects by the author of the ivovincial justice to price one dollar kinnstoo december 5 iftg jj crown office j sotb 1s36 ic session 7vot1ce hereby givt the courts 11 of oyer aod termmer an general gaol delivery and of assize a jjuj prius in different diair will be as fol- and for the lows town province at its uext mem of the charter v he marmora foundry q company requiring increase of its capital i qrockvillc io50000 and piraying that express bank ing privileges be grontd to the company- ipc vompa a manahak jas macfarlane jas sampson geo w yarker kingston july 4j 1336 i iz tiic u a gazette hriu pltate insert ihia p kinifson uamihoti sondwichj london aihhdsii fktoo district t eistorn j dm slow n bailiurt midland gore western london niagara rewamli prinec ediv home tonrt cnnmenciug woddv ldt august miftnluy yih august poiidny 2d aujut hurrduy 1st sepi nondav lx atiual indavasnddu tfpadaysolli do hiirdiv 8th sepi j ndflv2hdo mlamlsy 5th oct rl 17th oct the undersigned commissioned to represent the court of directors in america and to vtfttt the several colonies for the purpose of putting the affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that he will be- ready to receive and consider applications from persons resi dent in the province of upper canada who may be desirous of becoming shareholders in the capital stock of the company addressed to him at ihc post office at montreal on cr before the 10th dny of autrust oext robert carter new york mih july 1836 form op application to uobeut carter esq post office montrenl sin i request that you will allot lo mc important to farmers nphe subscriber wo respectfully m inform the public that he is uow manu facturing tafts improved patent tiittasiiftyc machine which is decidcilly tbs best machine now in use he would o sav ose wishing to purchase the arnch xi c an see the opera tion that they mav be satisfiod ihat it is the greatest manual hdbor saviug machine ever invented price lj tcww of payment easy- n b the ubrtibei bnviu fmhbj hmuvu uh vanvass thrashing lloor he double will be able to u in the field all orders f b for lhrashing piromptly attended to either in u valont the field or bany on reasonable terms s n baker napanec mfflfc july 5 1s3c scwut l loronto of which all sheriffs coroners magis- tmies gaolers aod toe react officers are commanded to take noticc by order of the court charles c small uerfc of tne ad p ihoronto district blitectokv wii tht bome maw- noctf calendar for ycar8 1s3c and 1s37 this work s d in he pre and wilt be completed about i ofaugusi ncxi il will conum ao alphabeiical lisi of the inhab itant houscboldw 0 city of toronto and its liberties as wel as ao alpbabeiical list of the inhabit householders tf the 52 lowosnipsof t district distinguish 1112 ibe number t lie lol an concwaiob il will contam aru o civi rcclesiasiical commercial u a0l miacehan- m l act of incorporation of ihe city o 1 oronto l cnaeied by the council n pom office table c c as this work will remain 5 much infuruiaiioii commission office ille nderbigned bvins about to establish a depoi for the reception of west india wty hides heps leave to inform his friends m the tauners of this province and ihe ad- jwwftgsutcs that be will be happy at all tin to receive their orders aud furnish the a at the lowest newyork prices j if clarkr- kmgstoo ul july 1s3g 62 shares in the dank or british north l stranger the lnliabitants of atcric and i hereby engage to pay the de posit of 10 sterliog each uion io mnuy of such shares as you dim allot to me ol the tnie place and rate of kxchinge to be speci fied in your ictivr ofilotrntiit and at ihc same time to execute the deed of bettlcment i em sir your obedient servant signature fit kngth flaceofclode dtitc am lvtteb9 hosy 0 tost pairi the city and othc home district as well as the inhabitants f p generally its circulation willi be great and it therefore oilers an excellent mey merchaois advertise- tucnis winch ju fe j at a rate as may be 2 reed upon vvuh the proprietor george vk axton c uuiidmss kingbtrcet city of iorou ppoa t uual terms- an early nppli is r lorumo juljp isil edrfl of nv iors inwri0b lh cnpyoflhowork koticfe the subscriber begs lc to arq hu friends and ibe public gemrt out he hu received loyoicei of tbe qtuwins oriiclcs per the ship tlialia from liverpool aud are now ou tho way from n vtt jjfcw and ltlue superfiuo west of lugland iotln khtv c0 aro 0fifh ciw fiw vto do nd single milpd cassimeres on do uckskin nu latest loodou pntieros mia and marseilles vesting wii ith trimmings for the above the whm u ho uuud inferior to uone iu tho market tjuth for durability aod cheapness the latest fashions always receive n gcutlenicu accommodated withasuitio twelve hours j o takes this opportuouy of rer rv those customer whose accounts re vf loog ii to call aud seitle as money is tcarco article in mmket and at the present t would bo very acceptable to him john oliphant kiogston 14th june 1836 ij information wantc ok wm harrison an nslihiim supposed to be in belleville u- c or geneva l s any information ofhjm will be thankfully received bv bis brother john harrison front sireetf etfjf4ifi cih august issg kditors will von for a ptrticular favor b co tho above pjinp just snished and for sale at store on the corner of king hi hz will have a leathku- solk and tnperof various tannacescalf skins kifs c- for sale hy larocqve bkltnard sc co who will keen a hirjic j ottmenr consiantly ddbandmav l 8z bane of upper camuln public notice is hereby iven that a general meeting of ihe sioekhohlers tf this bank is requested io be held at the btnk on wednesday the 2jrh day of august next at 10 oclock io the forenoon for ihe purpose of electing u director to serve during the re- maioder of the present term in the phteeofihe hon itrta konikson who bos rcsisued and for business which will be ihen coinuiuuiea- ted- by order of the board twos c ridout caxhicr bank of upper canada toronto i3tli july ls3b 6y the rdiiwrf oewiiperwlii- iwve toiwlty pub litbcd for the bnk of upper ladii will b pkwed iti ivc hi notice one insertion tsjc kiu almanac for 18 3 7 fi rni ik vumisliiil ni il- chronicle nnu jazettc 0 a ibe hsiwi end ol tlw 5 of mcrebaott 8n1 ilie public generally is k pmi called to this notice kingaiod atjurt 12 is3g liook- llrock struct a large assortment of aceoimt books of best tnatcrialsanj worktrvansjiip rif s m montreal prices kj- blank books or paper well iml t ly ruled o anv patiurn m bhori nolicv kingston juncl 1835 for salk at ilie commercial wharf kinc f of store street whlskky s plaster of tauls watklimk by lie subscribers tuuax philips kinmloojjj may 1s3g i- ill a pin ii of the fall and iiht if tin falls c handsomely ii the chronicle and cjazeue 90 fob sale quantity of excellent writing uhtoo iinc oflice coj n- f k neat w unite village bomidj for sale ofii- kington ftj it i sew tc f y jt the car tr ti fing oiid brock irett hel nuj w lor fcilc- si bond yn ol itii ihkh- notick wright fclngehsoll havfi qeer rbrstile at mr vhrthte tnoyj y ttm kinctm in batretewnu ijntalk nu4l0l lie to simt purchaser- frtderfeksbuvsi 10th january biz in hie pi celtic sociktv op upper vvtf joticii i hereby glvco tint ifcc liine ccewioy ihe pys is adverli hc 1 soei tv i hiiiuiioi irotil the im ol ittf lh d seitehi exl- jin a maimmi irish minstrelsy songs or thk lcciikus axo tltaultjows q ireland li y s lovir sq we rcmemher hcric 3 medieal ftiend roll a touching anerdute connected h h sentrh lieiment stationed in ihe ettfttludiet with out any specific dtsenso the ineo kepi dying ot every clay there was a vienni place io tho racikt this led tu a minute in 1 tnaiun of all posiibl6 causes titid at ust it was dis eoveret that of au cvtuiog the soldier tret in the hahit of eutheiiug uoder a palm tree near the barracks oqo of them had n sin gularly fiqe voice and he used to stag fare well to lochabar till there ivns not a dry eye among his audience tho effect or this ofd familiar air wus etich as to make home pre sent to ibetn with iu it tics all its recollec tions doubly endeared bj the distaoce x pining after their uative land dispirited tbo mon 10 such a degree that it became a disease nod the authorities were obliged to forbid the farewell to lnehahar beiog lorj in the uegiincut mo countries arc so rich iu ao ciem melodies an ireland od scotland thoir history political aud domestic 1 cmhudicd to their airs kehellion in both hath left ita memory j music and given tho vauuu fcl- iugs of energy icsisunce hope sorrow yy acd despair muiic is the universal language how many moods aro there no words cao wt- prcss which yet had vcot ia some farorito air the gy spirits exhale themselves like expanding flowers in tho suushine of some few light notes nnd still ofteoer will sadoes and despondency find relief ood sympathy ia snuitf shu old sos the mno who never hummed a tune would be a monster now ml ftfr wuhotrt wtinli u lihe n fitir uen wiih- out smilos or tears the otdeo musicians felt this thry severed not tho sisters sueet aud what delicious touches of natural poetry are to be fouud in ihc ualbds of former hearths and lung past summer evening hut th r tificial froze over the iruc and delias flivi- usos c camo out ns cold and false as rouge aod attitude could make them munic has of late yoars looked mund for her partner im- mortal vtrae nud we owe mr 1ovor a debt of gratitude qui ml for ht charming songs themselves hut for showing how well the touching and the natural accord uh tlw mu sical wo have heforc expressed our enjuy incut 111 ins m sougs of the superstition of ireland front how rich n mine ned scarce ly bo said the first is founded en a very touching incident it is related of carolan the irish bard that after his loss of night and tho lapse uf twenty years lie recognized his first lovo hy the uuch of her baud trae luve en neer forgci totidty us wlicn wc mct dearest 1 love ihec jet my daflin one tim sung a minstrel c his sweet impassioned iuy dun hy tlie ocean sprny at me of un but wbhred wss the tninsirtvs sigh mont iu him was drk as night yet his heart was lull of light as he this lay begun htroe love can ncvr forget c long j cars arc past and ur since truin utw fatal shore cold hearts atid cold winds torc my love from nie scarcely the inintfltl fpoke when ooick wtdi hashing fruke a buai light ojr ilie silence brok over tho c son unon her nolive strand dotb a lovely lady land while u10 minstrel ijvc- taught hand did oer ho swcd haip itm 4t love can neer foracl c where the tnisirel sal alone th re that hdy fair hath gone within bis hand site placed her oyn the bard dropt on his knee vrnin his lip soft bletfings caper- he kiscd her hand with tru st fhme lo trembling tones he named her nainr though her lie conld not sec nut oh ihe touch the hard could t 11 of that dear hatid remembered well ah by many a secret pell can true love trace his own kku ln 1 ve ra 1 neer fnte1 fondly i when ihey met he loved his lady ji mis darling one jy reports up to the 17th iosl at dtlr will have iuforcned you that all wi y op as sncceisfully as tbe most saogvioe ctrujj fxat hly desire we found the arab well dispo sed aod quite ready to form depots for nf cwd charcoal hltumeo aud ligarce eoal ell mot jo alkiodoee aod tiied with complete success iu addition to these marked k4vim- laos the survey haa beeo carried s09 mttas dowo the great river which seemed in all re- speers favorable in short all was continued prosperity up to the afternoon of the 21st 1qsj wbcu it pleased god to seed the catanifciq event of which u is my duty to give a feebfe tketdi a little after one p m 00 that ceelaficholy day the flat boats beiog a little ahead aed tbe tigris leading the iupbrates a sioros appear ed bringing wiih it high io the air cloads of sand from the west north west quarter- at lti moment we were patsiogaver the rocks of is geria deeply covered aud immediately after we made a sigoal fer ttte eoplratee to choose a berth and make fast which wal done more as a matter of procaotioa qd ic count of tho difficulty of seeing oar way thro the sand thao from apprehension that the squall would be so terrific the tigris tve immediately directed toward thebiok agetast which she strock wiihoot injury but with so much violence as to recoil a distance of about eight yardi leaving two meo on the bank who had jumped out to make fast tbe wiod theu suddenly veered round drove bee how of nnd thus rendered it quite impossible to secure the vessel to the bank along which she was hluwa rapidly by the heavy gusts her head falliog off ioto the stream as she patecd el hy the eophfai wch vessel m jje hacked opportunely ro avoid the ebocussiob the engines were working with foil power oxd every cudoavor made to iurn the vessels how to the hank oue anchor wae let go but the heel uf the vessel made ii impossible to get tho other out and she was then dearly broadside 10 the wind with the eogipef ph innst powerless and the waves ritiog to fort tr five feet forcing their way ia at the tie- lows lieut- uockborn the ittessrs staitofdn aud some of the mea made ineffectual at tempts to keep nut tho water forthe fae oc the vessel was already decided atrd the tbt part uf the deck being under water lieaiea- out lynch came to repjrt that the tigris waa sinkiug aod the word was immediately pa sed fur all to save themselves at this verf iotant a momentary gleam of light family showed the baotc at the apparent distance of oight or ten yards aud aa there teemed eterj probability ibttl the stern would touch it be fore site went down lieut lynch encouraged the people to remain steady until they reach the laud all were ou deck at this critical moment somo clinging 10 tho ropes of the ftwuing the paddlu hoards and fuooe opt the majority were close to the titter and alt behaving with the most exemplary obedience dutil tho vcol weot dowo all at ooeev nf probably wiihio half a minute after we had seen tbe bank forao iostaot lieutonaut ljcch who was ot my elbow dived out uoderooath the starboard ridc rope at tho moment when there waa about four feet water on the deck nod i had thenpd flrirfm to get clear ib tie salh tvay irihwgirlhpa board side nnd auo to take a direction which brought ine to tbe lapd wiihoot having seen anything whatever lo guide me through dark ness worse tho that of night when if clear ed a utile i fouud around no lieut lyewk and mr eden both greatly exhausted mr thompson the messrs staunton and several of the rneu the hurricane was already aba ting rapidly bod as the distance from tba vct- sel to the shoto was very abort we uululged the hope that the rest of our brave eonipire- ions had reached the baok lower down fox an iostaut 1 saw the keel of the tigrb upper most near ihe stero she went dowc how foremost aod haviug struck the bottom in that position she probably turned rooud 00 hm bow ns a pifoi aud thus showed part ef her keel for an iostaot at the other extremity bat her paddle btacus hosts aod pavts of the sides were already broken up aod actually floated ashore so speedy and terrific had hcen ihq work of dctructtotv from the muncni of striking the hnnk ontit the tigris went dowu it scarcely exceeded eiftht mi dotes while the operation of siuhiog itself did not consume more than threes indaedi tlte gale is so very violent that 1 dootu whe ther the most powerful vessel such as a frigate could hive ieiuci it nuless she was already iupkrates expedition or n ugust to i jpuaatks expedition w b j r hero tur ease little or uo time as it was barely from a supnleroc f ihc londn oaxettc t 11105 rmsswi jssitmja i possible in the position of our coimsty to india laid mil 28 isic i a despatch has been received at this fffice h i rallwr ho bal lh e from col chemoy il a in commend of the pliratc could have escaped but tho intrepid dated kiiphrato tenin skill of lieut cleavelaud aod mr chariwooo onablcd hieui to get out two anchors is the very uiek of lime nnd hy the united meaoi of two hawsers nnd the engines working at full power the vessel maintained her poeitioq ot the bank until the storm abated ns theetr closed letter from capt esicourt will eaplaia tnuro fully and as it required all the poerj of 0 61 ty hore engine iu the rase of the etfr pbraten to keep oer hawsers from snapping i iufer thai tho twenty horses of ttia tigris would not have beeu sulltcieut to enable her to keep the position at the bank even if he oft- ad succeeded to enriits h9 wl0 bido anna may 3 iw of which the follow ing is a copy lciiphrat steamer anna s may 114 1sq s sir it is vriili feelings of the deepest rc- aret that 1 do myself the huuor of iofovmtug yen that tho tigti steamer waa utally lostdu- ring a hurrieano of indescriluc violcuc which after n iliort struggle of about eight minutes sent a bdo vcul to the bottom in vc fiithoms water and deprived his majesty of fifteen valuable men uith five naiives it oddiuon and urk tect i ki- 1 iti 1 ta i ld the latt dlh milwdvd ztj y ind a litf 1ihi uu siet i five eativ utti- cd vrt liavc nce fetiad li the sru aiv errs 11 of it aiii cdh vied l lmn coutioed cno ut tliu it moujcnt dor wett 11

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