but rhst acindid sistemrnt nttd ad tnut thst due confide in utsir communication t y simons m 1 medical commits botfd of i vtu v r- married 4ii towe oa saturday lift by ibn v mbqmo sttrtrt mr jmuiim alliv l it ridcau forwirrti company to- mm viafl wcood daughter of mr daniel rutuci lkfktliillou of copartne fh prtwhjp formerly existing mi tl of rose fc cameron is ihi4f jujfilied bf mutual consent all debut djo pied by ue eirni to be settled by roderick ifefliio rost whu continues he basinets oo bkptm jlour superfine pet bbl fiae da secoods 4b do wr per u wkwtwpf te do do rye do do peas do do potatoes do 40 rok marefer gwf p hur ftsowo account gigaed r m- rose angus camero kfapmh 19th september 1836 fc b h sharp iegs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston that he has opened his boot and shoe shop b lb new building on the corner of king and brock street where he will keep on hand aad art cm fact ure on the shortest notice all kinds 8t work in his line at the most reasonable prices i kiogslonsfpt 14 18s6 i fresh do is pork do butter do wtadlea moulds do- dips soap ke5 pr doz rov owls couple pork mess per bbl do do do prime mesa prime do cargo t notice ofltrt of ordnance kindlon u c i2tlt scpi enderswili he received at i 1836 this office until monday 26 a sept next 12 oobdfc for the purchase of 4b tons of img lead now io the ordnance stor ai ibis place no tender will be noticed for a less quantity ilii locwt rich tender to express the rale per pound ii halifax currency tbose persons whose tenders may be ac cepted by 1 he respective officers of rv ord- ooce will be requested to pay the amount of thtfir purchases into the hands of 1 he store keeper at the time the lead is delivered to beak 22oi midland district fair cattle show for 1836 the couiv of krootenac cattle snow wthbebdat the kingston fair on the 3d tuudavin october the counties of lenox addfoon cattle show will be held at bh on the first wednesday w jvbvtmber at which places the midland dis trict agricultural society will award the fol lowing premiums beat brood mre with her colt 6 dolla second beat do do 3 beat milch co from 3 to 8 years old 4 notice commissioner ffcrotvn lands office i tornio 1 9 tli august 1836 j twetjme and phire for the sale ofclkrgy itkseuves during thepreseui year will be as follows flw ohttit i havmton in the county of wontworth aa the i9ih september 17th october aod 21st november ip36 niagara district at hamilton on the same diys schedules of the particular luis to be sold in eith towusbtp and specifying also the terms tif site have been rioted and will be put up hide court house at the office of the clerk of the peace and sheriff and tt other places id ibe districts which schedules can be had oaapplicauun to the commissioner of crown llmfli r b sullivan cheese per cwt do per lb hay pr ton wri prcord beef pr cwt 95 pork do do 97 wheat per bush- 6 indian coin do do- 3 indian meal do do s 60000 3 prize of 30000- tuentyfivc thousand dotton 6 of 90000 15000 6 of 10000 i jill the alove to be drawn in october wjy friends cannot complain of lack of jw prizes in this inootb nod ibo only diffi culqr will bo to decide id which of these majf oificcot schemes the shall invest tboir mo ney to assist them wo will gratpointout the magnificeot mammoth grand consolidated class a to ho drawn at wilmington wednesday del october 19 1836 rich and splendid scheme 860000 30000 20000 11340 2 nf5000 2 of 4000 5 of 3000 5 of 3500 h prizes of 2000 tach 15 100 m 75 m 1000 p 100 prized of 600 dollars tickets only 20 doiim ccrri6caie of n packapo of 25 whole tick eis ju this magnificent scheme may be bad for 275 dollars packages of halves and quae www immrfwffi second best do 2 beat 4 cauesof 1836 5 second heal do s best rim 4 second heat d0 3 besi 6 ewes second heal 6 fwea e s best 6 lamb of 1836 4 second best 6 do 3 best boar 4 second best do 2 beit bwediog sow 4 second beat do 3 best yoke workiae oxen 6 be pair stetf 4 tt i aid s bet ma ne 6 yts old 6 secood best do- s beat cheese s second best do- i beet flannel 2 second best dff 1 no prize or premium will be warded letters remaining in the post office t kiog- ilon on io1i1 scptembor 163u rated with british postagt mcdooell ktfffftld b mcdonald jm i- 2 mcdonald jim- j upper canada college mtiillreopeu after the summer vacaiion ftfl t rbursjy the 23tli ol s iibcr jos h harris d d privcipal tmnta u c- september 1st 1836 sii cpditri of ptporjt who have hcrrtrtforc hrcn fptidtly aulhonzfil to copy onliwa ffn upper ca- tus c viji gne the ufrovc three inmrimik take notice i isaac clow do hereby forbid all j prfsunsirustinj harboring or giving cre dit to elifc clow my wife on my account ai3riirpfof scpantioo hnveihisday been ex ecuted hy anj between us and i will noi be in loy way responsible for her debts isaac clow kioston i lth sent 1836 ssi notlcki the subscriber iniending to roiote to vwt cuuda will dispose of his feryfuvonbte terms to anv person indio- otsteup the business aod cuiiinmcil fftf stiod is one of he best in this ilourish- infftlliseand the premisw nr well adapted for a country business nu o excellent order tmf will be sold or leased as may suit the cjccumiitnces of ifce pplkanl and incase of i jalp ensy terms of payineni will be given fa die premises as well m for ihc sork entire of messrs gillespie molfiti 8t cc modtreal or of the subscriber on the ftm lewis mofkatt cobotir tlth sept ifl36 capital twentyfive thousand dollars vmcinia state lottery class no 6 for the benc6t of the town of wcluhurg to bo drawn at alexandria va saturdaj oct 1 1836 schema 2o000 8000 5000 3 0002322 10 prijfi of 2000 10 prizes of 1500 10 of 1000 u0 otftsuo stc e tickets 10 shares in proportion certificate of a package of 22 whole tick ets will cost only s0 halve and quarters id proportion delay not to send your orders io fortuge4 home 200 prizes of 500 dollars 7irginia state lottery class 11 for the benefit of the petersburg benevolent mechanic association to he dmwo at alexandria va saturday october 8 1836 capirals 30000 10000 5000 331742 of 2500 10 of 1 200 of 500 tkmeu ten dollars a certificate of a package of whole tick ets n ill be sent for 130 dollars halves quar icrs and eighths iu proportion orders for tiugle tickets or packages uiuit be addressed si j sylvester 130 broadway jeuyork 2231 extensive sale of fuebfit hue c will be sold by auction without re serve on friday 23d iwsl- at slip cora nwrtisl hoiel iheeotireff mr deans fur- stiure liquors c sic a deiailed list of vcicb will be given hereafter in handbills beforoiture is all new und oflbevwy best j1fcriptoa among wliich arc 35 new feather bcjs aad a very handsome brown mare 7 jius0m1 full bred witii skifrh nd harness i share in steamer jlrockville together hh all ibo scenery tvafdrobe fyc of 24th amitetirs as also the scenery left uy mr dj ko jftuwelearcd before that lime tuns above 25 3 months credit aboe 50 6 mooihs credit by furnishing ap proved endorsed notes sale tocomraence each day at 10 oclock a m till tbc whole is sold olt j linton auctioneer 4i mr dean is about 10 leave kingston hnndiiejr x lq w he is indebted are 4ltttl to seod in their ccooots and those wire iodebled to him will be kind enough as early as possible j8oo sept i0ih 1336 ilidi importalions of jll winter goods ihk subscribers hare now on ihe commu- dfaiioo from montreal 9 very lorge aod pine assorimf ot of dry goods for the rju ind winter trpe imported by ibe au at quebec and montreal from loodonyorksliire manchester and clas- pjwrkeit ill cuslom and the trade generally by ihr middlt of snttmbtr find their as- utery ftol r isaac buchanan co tsuee toronto ti august i8s6 50 prizes of one thousand dol lars virginia state lottery no- 6 for the benefit of the mechaoical benev olent society of norfolk to he drawn at a-rerrrnrrfit- vav strtord oct 93 il36 capital tinny thdusand ooflar 000 10000 6000 3140 3000 3- 500 2000 50 of 1000 ticket 10 dollars a certificate of package of 25 whole tickets will be tent fur 130 dotlan packa ge of halve quarter and eighths in propor tion the great 14 drawn no scheme nearly as many prizes as blanks virginia state lottery no- 6 for the benefit of the town f wheeling to be drawn at alexandria va saturday octohcr291836 scheme thirty tfaotmad dollare 15- 000 fi000 5000 4000 10 of 1000 15 of 600 20 of 50020 of 40030 of 300 frc tickets only 10 dollars a certificate of a package of 25 whole tickets will he teot for 130 dollars packages of shares in proporlioo s- j- sylvester 30 broadway -veto- york 18ni king on cabinet ware house f store street u the commercial hrvru s i i35 e cone 102 by larocquc bernard co annual sale of furs the canadian company will hold their aooual public sale of london and montreal manomctcred articles in the fur line at their premises no ii7j st paul street on monday the i9ia september nexwhen will bedisposed of without reserve the cootents of ore hucdred and fifty packaqes comprising aa complete and elegant an assortment of the abovementioned articles ae wasever offered to the trade among which will be found lustre south sea seal long hair north sea do martin and imitation martin otter and imitation otter fitch and mock fitch nuiriaaol flemish sablecaps siberia squirrel chiochilla martin fitcb and lynx muffs pellerioes caps and bonnets and travelling cloth caps trimmed with fur sable chinchilla squirrel fitch and san boas and collars martin gill lustre seal and nutria gloves and mitts besides a great variety of other articles in the same line terms liberal and will be made known at the time of sale which will begin at 1 oclock pm on the abovementioned day and will be continued till the whole is sold off larocque bernard co august 1 1836 g notice is hereby given that application will he made bf john straoge eq and others to the legislature at us net session to fom a company for the consimctoo of a turnpike road from the town of kngeen to the village of napanee io the towoshp of richmond in the midland dwriei kingmon30ih july 1836 th vw i tnada ct will t tbi no tice- persons who are not members of the agricul tural society and no person will be admitted as a member for the present year who sball not have paid his subscription by the first day of october alrx pringle secretaries jno marks j pro tern commercial bank stock teas sugars and liquors bv auction on thursday next tlie isfafiui will be sold at the subscribers auction room 60 chests and boies young hyson and twankf teas 3 hbds bright muscovado sugar 5 bbla m 3 hbds hollands gin 6 hlids cognac brandy 30 bbls whisky s baskets sparkling champaigne 1 dozen each 4 kegs plug tobacco 5 boxes superior cavendish do a tt blue 10 half boxes buoch muscatel raisins sale at 1 oclock precisely also will be rput op at 2 oclock precisely fifteen shutres commercial bank stock r jackson auctioneer kingston 77th sept 1836 30y bank of brltlsfc north america established i london capitalone 1illi0n sterling provisional committee yon cokductiho the affairs of the montreal brahcu william cunningham es austih crvilller eso albert rurniss es robert gillespie jun esq james millar eso rwhe shares reserved for thisdislrict having been allotted and the deposit of 10 sterling each paid upon them the necessary ar rangements re now in progress for ibe com mencement or business in montreal as early as possible a communications on the business of this branch are requesed to be made to the provisional committee by letter addressed to the office of mr ktiemne got notary public jvotre dame street robert carter commutfafier from the court of directors montreal a 27 1836 kales of teas public sales of teas will take place ai be warehouse of the agents ot iht hon east india company at quebec on the 16 a and at montreal un friday the y september at eleven oclock upset pri ces ft s follows viz twankay 2s 6d hyson k is lod aod 2s hyson 3s 4d young ymi2s lod bobca ls4d gunpowder ci w be published and shew chests ma b examined duriog three days preceding 1de day of sale at each place forsyth richardson co agents to hon e lnd comy afltalrcftl 25th august 1836 i7gi lake ontario 1836 he steam boat oswego captain w s- malcolm wftill ply on lake ontario and the si lawrence river betweeo ogrfensburgh niagara as follows commeocios april s 1836 upwauds lwfej ogdeosburgh on friday evening kiogstoo u c saturday moroiog sackeu5 harbor noon oswego m ertoinj rochester sunday moromg toronto ucfor niagara and lewis too monday morning where she arrives early g passengers all the day to visil the falls f niagara iqj returu by the boat downwards lewistoo oo monday eveoing rochester tuesday morning oswego afternoon sackeus harbor m nighi kingston u c wednesday morning and rrives atogdensburgb ihe same evening louclfcjptf at french creek morrisiowo alex- an and brockville parlies intending visiting ihe falls of w buffalo or ihe different ports on lake ooij wl tiiil ihe roue via oswego or kocuj io be the cheapest and most eipe- ttfetts passengers leaving niagara on monday evening will arrive armitrodg elenor armiirudg francit 3 argau j mm abbott john s armstrong john audero0 alex atwell robert bell john bennett augustus 2 bailey george blewer juhn reaumao mrs badgloy joveph bilker charles baiter michael rartoo john baonao mn beatb duocao knrtraw sulivan birmingham james bodilly mr blake morgan browuejoliauna bruee robert blake mr bray joseph bingingtoo george blackhitt robt brown esq burniide william bowen joha cormack john campbell robt coy if pmk cromwell ann jane clioejthos cameron john cambell samuel coooor patrick caverly jos r crooks edward cameron hugh conan mr crawford williain caverly joseph davis cfitharine diamond andrew diamond dml douoghue cornelius dunn edwd dickson jarnes dure robt dixnn jtfmes dailey john dowling thomas edward michael elliott archd fraoklio henry fageo john farley bridget parrel thoi frail john fegan pat- ceoar antoiuo oram pter gibson thos gordon wm gordoo james gooyoo peggy grange alex gilgan margaret glendeooiog roben gill charlea goodwin james hamilton alexr hudsoo richard henderson jno higday george henderson alexr hughs thos hamilton geo muftubizc joseph hollbrook jttoo hood aoibooy hossy andrew harringtoo joho hoskios alexr harden william hatch hester hesley john hashrook a 13 hall richard hanao tbos hiok mut jackson henry lones archd johnston joho jewell jho iuhodiqn james jams fraocis aod 19th king thos knight kachael keer mr robt keegan revd john kelly william keorfrick ke liu oil t wro leoeghaqi mary lavre thos lee richard liviugstoo charlotte lyou lyman lyoch jdbn lcfurgey jacob lynch mary mcdoaalo allen roy mclean john 2 mclean james mcdooell michael mclaap loafpn mccarthy jfffminh mcdermut itaroard mcwhurter wm mrltowan srtuiuel mcnave jj mcbriile bridget mckioley biddy mcguwin vn- mcgowin ayp mcmiheonm mtlavo robert mccuudill hugh mcleodgeo emanard sad miilow aodw martin louis s magert david maid nancy maoo john mebity joho mealy elloo malloodauiel martio rnbeft maeinoii hugh mcniffmr maltoo jamet moyo d muotizambertt e d murray thowas minoes mary munro win murphy pat murray edwj- murray john nicklesoo saw neville w- nickle wm nicholl tfcoti nicbouoo ambrose odouoel elleu oneil daniel oreilly catharine oule antoiue 0lidqi hugh paitenoo witt prentice mary aod pine dr joh pheois lyman powley rev james 2 piatt george page eoos price n- pagan robert reed cletnetfi kodgers mr rnche a w rolesione sla rois donald 2 huloiph win olestou joseph qtnrrisoo robt d rogers margaret robenoo hugh scott wm shan richard shcpperd james smith james scott francis sparham adolpbns sharp james saoson mr savage edwd singleton- thos swift ana stewart saml- sheil mr steel tbos stringer elizabeth steel joho stepheosoo james siapeley mrs n smith john stedmao ann stewart danl stewart mrs daol shw snml scott john thomson john 4 thomson thomas or rotttrj vevtffarttf b p trrudielt thos trritoblf iffr ithulieaij blli tuulull c vader davld wright hwtnphr4e webb eild- com mander welsh petir g williamson joho williamto thos whiiop ar wheelock wm woodhefj 2 white ihf wilsoo cfrnsiopber webster weller ghnrt wilson may ann woodward charles walker w weadich wood stevea wilmoti j to mihcrs the subscriber begs leave to inform mil lers and the trade generally that having kirchased the stock in trade of mr lewis ostwick burr mill stoo0 manufacturer he will continue the business of making french burr mill stones of the 6rsi quality having on hand four paits of stone 6nished aod a large lot of burr blocks which he will make upto order on thte shortest notice all orders for the above to be nddress- cd to a clark at the kingston foundry whom he has made his agent for his slon building business geo mccrabby kingston august lgth 183u mz the cobourg star will plcssoopy this advertise rncnt one month and send their account to tho office of this paper lake ontario summer arrangements for 1 836 the jwu and rapid steam boat oneida propelled by two powerful low pressure engine caftahc aak smith will until the i5th of september nt ply between ogdetisburgh and niaga ra touching at the intermediate puns as fol lows v f w a ti i a leases ogdensbureh wednesday evepiog kingston ucthursday morning sacketv harbor do nooh oswego do evening genesee river friday morning m toronto u c do evening touching at youngslownand reaching lewis ton early saturday morning- downwards- leaves lewiston sunday eveninff genesee river monday morning 41 oswego do afternoon sacket harbor monday evening kingston llc tuesday morning touching at frenchcreek morristown alex andria and brockville and arriviog at ogdtns- burgh tuesday afternoon r ft pc k to e b allew ogdetisburch white sc hookek morristown j w fuller alexandria smith 8t mkrrjck frenchcreek j counter kiogston u c bucklet clark sacketvharbor mknky fltzkugh owgo john t trowbridge rochester james brown toronto obcd smith voungstown gur uctrfolds lewistoo june 1838 93 nphe horning courier iritfuubrd jj t ffceoffice in bt fratuou xtrr ttfpet montreal dhily throughout the year sudwfa mceprjed for the sum of si dollars ctelitn b grtrt or rightdollari if sent by mail payable h advance it fifes the latest n foreign and domimfc and a weekly price current carefblly corrwled accompanied with general obsrrrationa m th ptate and fluctua tions of the markets this morning courier for the cotffl try is pbblisbej on mondays and tbwrsdayi aod cootaios all tbc reaidiag and aniercial matter of tbe daily paper subscription four dollars in town or fife doiuralf aent by mail payable in advance the patrons of the morning mr thtfr per canada are respectfully informed that jr joan wallis is noto on a rrjrrrftftr tour in tliat province and it u hoped that muarrors i for the c and the subscriptions fo be paid upi wantod immetliately w y a respectable cnglish fcoiauaped 31 a situation in some commercial esta blishment tolrtre she might be actively no- ployed sedentary employment dm agreeiag wild her health possesses a tlioraugh kodw- lodge of th millinery business and has serv ed in a retail tancjr goods store no applica tions will meet with any attention but with reference for respectability ao4 whera tbe advertiser can beensufed domestic comfort od her religious prie ileees letters post paid directed l m f 3ytown will obtain ao early reply and highly satisfactory teaomoni- als bytown 16th august 19s8 isii b an k op btitisii northameric fop t capitalone million sterling- provisional committee coftouctlkg the affairs op the quebec aiftch jamca dean esuiae john malcolm fhaskh esciaa hleftre pelletteff esqutre george pkmqektohi enquire william phillips esuike he shores reserved for ihis distrkl hav ing been allotted and ihe deposit of iilo sterliog each paid upon them the necessary arrangements are now in progress for the com mencement of business io quebec as early as possible all communications on the business of this branch are requested to be made to the pro visional committee by letter addressed to ihe office of mr william de leary notary pub- lie no- s3 st peier strict roifkrt carter commissioner from the court of directors quebec i8tli august 1836 172 for w a bdyng farm for sale rttflacresofexcelleniladduinesc half or lot no 4 hi the first coo- cession of fiedcricksburgh pleaaantlysituated on the bay of quiote aba oobfraieot to a steam boat landing then are about go acies under cultivation a variety of froit trees a frame dwelling tiousand a new barn 50 feel by so the stock crop c may be had by the purchaser at a value tion the greater part of ihepurcbasemouey may remain in the hitnda of the purchaser for further particulars apply to the subscti ber oo the premises james slllifilln fredericksburgb july 8 1836 si notice to debtors creditor all persons indebted to the estate of the late lowther p macpherton esquire of hallowell barrister are requested to make immediate payment to the underaignedf or they will be proceeded against aa law direct and those having claims oo said estate are reoucsied to lorfe certified copies thereof without delay with john a micfhtaaoic attorney for the estate signed executrix hallowell 15th july 1836 5z for salfi a number of copies upper canada sta jm tutes provincial justice towfuhtp ma nual 8cc c it tbe chcpoicle gaietic of- fic corser ofkincr an4 brock streets kingston 19th jolp 1806 commercial bank m d mcoiick js bereb given hji m a meefmg 1 of stockholder held gt the bank on lb ltlt iosi it was resolod that the in stalments on the ni w stocfc be called in u follows 10 per cent on ihe 1st day of march 1856 10 m 2 may 10 1 july 10 4 1 m septr e boat treal on thursday evening passing in this at m- mi the most iiji n pan of the strlawrence river by dy irght tz tcam boat sir james krmpii capt francis baker wm shaw sailing master nj on ru opening of ihf navigation 7 commence ber regular tripsas usual- vtll leave kingston for tbe bay oo tuesday ivridav mornings v1i leave the hed of the bay for kingston and prescott on wednesday and saturday mor ill leave prescott for kingston and the ba on monday and thursday evepmgs m- lely after tne arrival ol tht boars from v- lifted with ash william alhenon richard cain charles clark joseph 2 clark sarah cullen andrew 2 curshun martio davis oliver deaoe oliver 2 elswnrth harriet english alexr english richard snton altnoo ranson field joseph fiogland wm 2 fiaglaod james 2 panel william farrar dorcas gould jr- lyroao griffio john gilsiot john howard e c hardy mr horning george jobuston fanuy joyce thomas keeffe miss mcgamley margaret mcneill rose mclntyre archd john united states pffbt- mclotvre hy mckenie john mcolry w mcnolty wary mcclosky mary michea george popple w purjy mkajali page joho c riordeu doiel ransbaw fllatthew rider riduard beea 8 ryan nacy seward jon u stone william l- simple per stewart george smith mra skeel r it- south wm scott francis wayland the misses wind john p willis thomas wiele edward wring joho webstar robert walker john f macaulay p m ibove meotoed letters n b such ofth as are not retired within six weeks from date will be returned to the general post 6ce at quebec as dead loner this of- urnta m of vm msta8 and st lawrence the ottawa and ridkau for warding company beg leave to qotify their frteods and the public generally that they have united their line wiih that of the canada inland forwarding and insur ance compaoy although a decided preference lias justly been given to ibe rideau line from the supe rior craft in which good are forwarded as well as the certainty with regard to time and diminuiion of risk attending the transport ei some objections have been raised to the anslabeins closed earlier in ihe fall than the river sr lawrence and to obviate these objections the company intend this union to keep a full supply of boifs oo the st law ii not with a view of doiog their business generally by that route but to accommodate their customers in the spring and fail as well as to meet every jwssible contingency ihat might taktr place on ihe caoal and restore to the company the fullest confidence of the public to faciliate the transport of goods declin ed fur the ports of lake ontario and erie the compaoy have arranged for their tranship ment at both ihe ports of prescoil and kings ton but from eta eligibihty intend the latter to be the principal place of transhipment when the kideiu canal is reopened aod no ad- vance on the present rate of freight will be de manded from their regular customers while the rideau canal is open in ihe fail their stores at prescott are iliosfe of ihe canada in land forwarding company and mr w dich- inson their agent will continue to conduct the business there goods forwarded by ihe tideau canal will not be insured unless ordered by ihe owners ihose that may be forwarded via the st law- reocf will be insured by the company unless otherwise directed mr r hackcit of the canada liiu for warding aud insurance company will at alt limes be ready to receive orders lor ihis com- panv to whom 3 well as the companys agents at montreal and kingston application may be made b- gushing asont munirral w dickinson aspoi protect i g brush a- kingston june 35 lim 41 10 i nov payable at the bank itfi ottices and agencies such of the new stockholders as may wish io pav in ilie half or whole of iheirstock at once will be allowc to do so ou the day the tirst instalment is due by ordef of the boards i imm kingston dec 98 1835 ccaicr the friends for sale pout 7000 acres of land situated to various pans of upptr canada cheap for ready money only will behold in lois to suit purchasers- apply o c hatch land agcoior to j linton auctioneer kingston august is s36 13z med belc k vcq 21th match is36 7s john clancy or david clancy who emigrated from the coooty cork some four years past are informed ahat ihe in fant children of joho whelan od ellen cla ncy their sister are now in kingston under charge of mary daly their mother having died on the passage out the children ore cjesti- luie aod the uncles are rcqueid to come speedily to their assisiance funhtr inforroailoo triuy be fl4 ha amplica tion io mr manshift kinst w iuy i8w aa si the rollowidx ewpprer will pteuc imait tlm ihivt advertimmest udiu narenber qextptriot throolo hamntoogu4u numn reporur s- vich kmiiimi coboofc stir blham cotuisr corowall obcrrr ud montrs gaxettc ofbce of the caiaaqui bridge compsor kirigalon l c july 28 1836 s notice at a meeting of the directors of the cauraqui bridge company held his day a dtvideod of 5 per cent was declar ed oo the capital of the bridge stock for the half year ending 80th june 1896 which ia oow pavable at the companys office 92 1 marks treasure new shoes til e subscriber has just receiver his spring supply of ladiei boots aod shoes of tho latest london fashtoos aod most approvod shapes w th1rkelu kingston jooe23ih 1838 105 whisky subscriber respectfully informs bis nd the public in general that he has made arrangements for a cbnstgoment of 30000 gallons whisky part of which is now ready for inspection at his store lower end of quarry street opposite- carrells tavern the above article is of the best qualfty of fered for sale o this market and will be old oo the most reasonable terms for cash tavernkeepers aod retailers will find it to their interest to ca joseph carburt kingston april 14th 1836 84z prospectus tor pufitlshino a copperplate mat of the midland district the subscriber proposes should sufficient encouragement be given to publiah a mipof the midland district including one range of townships in the newcastle dis trict on a scale of ico chains or 2 miles to an inch exhibiting all the mail roads cross rods rivers rivulets lakes churches meeting houses post offices sflw mills onst mills towns villages wharves steam boat landings fitc c by lot concession and township the undersigned being about to build a copperplate printing press is determined to print publish varnish and mount tbe pro posed map io his own township and there to a generous arirj enterprising public informations wanted of holland robert batflcs pboqt 17 year of ngi midi slio ge who left ernest town in the i and district in may laal with the inient of visiiiog their mother at toronto they an rather good looking boys dark eyes fair hair any information respecting them will be thankfully received by their auxious mother martha toyntonj or bavles lotsiieel toronto ejiors crf elp9 will crifer o omiritfon un a peer kjow wrwflj hy tpviag tlc uton rre or to ifretoor fore looks for patronage and support the map will be nearly 3 by 4 feet it will embrace four range of townships frorti the bay of quimeback also wolf howe pd amherst islands with the small islands adja ceut to them ond will be executed in a equal to the authors map of prioce edward t it will be published on a copper engraving i coloured varnished moontedon rollers and delivered io subscribers at four dollars ptf i copy payable on delivery hailowe f v- lmore 1335 43