and kingston commercial advertiser hlf very wednesday and satanony nm ttrnor or ktng brook trtfti nec rege nec populo sed utroque i twenty gulling per lutm it ld in uvimi 1 at tna end ot uw yenri tfwntttynsm snlnttnb tdt xviu kingston upper canada saturday september 17 1836 no 5b notice and olher pensioners ere toowwi tod oiner pensioners who paid by the commissariat tfleisisant commissary general here- fr notifies the above description of per- stmtbai lhe musl ma pmsomal applica- lioo si the beginning of each quarter to the tieiiml commissariat office for iheir pensions fopatfswheo pensioners reside a distance froffla commissariat office which might ren der it inconvenient or expensive to i he pen- sioaers io apply at the beginning of each fhrter or if from sickness ur olhvl good nuse application cannot be made personally mo once id ihe vear an officer will be sent annually to visit those stations to identify doj pay ihose who cannot for these causes pfmnt themselves at a commissariat station tbe pensioners are eojoined to keep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions will be paid only to them id person no thfir being identified thereby it is further notified that the government will aoi under an circumstance recognize agents or the claim of any individual for debt comracied by the pensioners commissariat kiogsioo 15th march iss6- s 75z m bank of brit no america capital 1000000 sterling 20000 shares of 50 each tbr- rouhtrg or whtch have been subscrib ed iff glaftd and the rcuaipdea ate lestrved por the co low i rs with power to ikcufiasc the r mmtm london directors ctrttot dt rosco attwcod es kuwaiu blount esq roittt hrnwn esq sia lloiert campbkll banx fi9rsft ciatkr ko william kouekt chapman esq jsm john ctfmmum esq jimts dowie esq ouftr farher eq- auiaicofr gtllestig jin esq william medley esq- william pemberton esq coaoc richard kobinsox esq m p jobs waldron wright esq the rapidity with which the british north american colonies have advanced id jiraperity and commercial importance the tut increase of their population the high rate if interest the fluctuation of exchange thin- tdreauy of the capital already employed for banking operations aud the increasing facili- ll of intercourse with the mother country point out the different seitlemenis of british nunh america as affording a secure field tor the profitable employment of caphal for wliitu purpose and with a view of promoting the mercantile and agricultural interests of the colonies the present company ins been established- tbe management of tb companys affairs ii tested in the london court of directors in the banks in the colonies are to be cod- uired by local boards appointed by them a geoeral meeting of the proprietors is to be mi yearly in london to whom a stateitiedt of ibe companys affairs will be submitted power has been reserved to the director to apply for and accept on behalf of the estab lishment a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a deposit of 10 sterling per share lobe pi within a period io be named in the letter of allotment at the rate of exchange therein filed and the deed of settlement to be signed i the time of payment after payment of the deposit the remainder sub w8l w required by instalments hhmhtwb ing per share at wh iciem1sofnot less han three months as the dirwtorttmy 6dij n lo jcisofihebank into operation of which due sice ffdl be given- tlieundersigned commissioned to represent ibe court of directors in america and to visit the sereral colonies for the purpose of putting ibe nfisirs of the balc into operation hereby pm notice that he will be ready to receive iod consider applications from persons resi des io the province of upper canada who mr be desirous of becoming shareholders in lk capital stock of die company addressed tohim at the post olfice at montreal oner lffurelhe iqtb day of august next robert carter new york mib july 1836 form of application to ttobwt carter esq- post office montreal sit 1 request that vou will alloi o mc shires in the bak op british north imuci and i hereby engage to pay the de- positof 0 sterling each upon so many qf wch shares as yoj may allot to me at the time place and rate of exchange to be speci fied io your letter of allotment and at thsame ume io execute the deed of settlement 1 am sir your obedient servant signafhre at length piou of abode dtt all lettcs must be post paid notice rmihe uodenjgned inhabitants of thetown of kingstoo io ihe midlaod diirict hereby give notice ihat hey intend to apply to the provincial legislature at its next sittings for ihe enactment of a law authorizing foreign ers io possess real estaieio freeud common soccage in this provioce under such stipula tions as may be found necessary to guard against political interference or undue specu lation tending to monopoly kingston loih august 13s6 a manahan jp mpp john cameron lawrence herchmer j p t brings jun tomns greer wihinm wilsoh david john smirh whgray j p w b smyth james fraser k m ros thnmas wilson a foster c hales francis mhill charles heaih james williainson w dean c hatch l yeckley robert anglen wm bowman john p bower h el n talmer william burke ephraim con thomas baker a mckibb k b aimstrong james sampson j macfirlane j p john strange j p geo w yarkcr john mowat t macnider joseph bruce douglas prentiss s mucklestoo s a irons w- m dean e h hardy r mclean thos- mee wmthirkeh thos bamford john roy charles willard wm tiarrmt james mcdonald geo armstrong p fleming the upper canada gazette will pleasa copy this nqiire notick fhe undersigned inhabitants of ihe coun- i ty of hasiinns in the midland district hereby give notice that ihey intend to apply to the provincial legislature at its first sit tings for the enaciment of a lw authoris ing irurvlgner io poibpfca heal etat in ihis province uoder such stipulations as may be found necessary to guard against political in terference or undue speculation lending la monopoly btflleville 13th august 1836 a manahan jpmpp h w ya edmund mutney smitb bartlett jr t parker j p h baldwin w spencer benjmin walton james ii shaw b dougmi j marlin ryan william mccarty samuel m benson james mcdonnell peier oreily jnhn addison william wardrop tcnaa dafoe pjitotice i hereby given that application 1 will be made to the legislature of thig province at its next session for the amend mentofthe charier of the marmora foondry company requiring an increase of its captta lo 250000 and praying that express bankr ing privileges be granted io the company a manahan j as macfarlane jas sampson oro w yarker kingston july 4 1ss6 llz the u c- gazette will ilease insert ihis- lraportant to farmers the subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he is uow manu facturing tafts improved patent thrashing machine which is decidedly ihe best machine now iq use he would only say to those wishiog it purchase the article to call and see the opera lion that they may be satisfied that it is the greatt manual ubor saving machine evtnf inveotedp price low terms of payment easy n b the subscriber having famished himself with a canvass thrashing floor he wilt be able to thrash in the field all orders for thrashing promptly attended to either in the field or barn on reasonable terms s n baker napance mills july 5 1836 2ewui city or toronto akd the home district directory with alma nac v caundar for the years 1836 and 1837 this work is now in the press and will be completed about the 15th of august next it will contain an alphabetical list of the inhab itant householders of the ciiy f toronto and its libenies as well as an alphabetical list of the inhabitant householders of the 52 townships of the home district distinguish- in the number of the lot and concession it will contain a register of civil ecclesiastical commercial legal medical ami miscellan eous mailer the act of incorporation of ihe citv of toronto and iho laws enacted by the council a post office table c be as this work will contain so much information alike useful to the stranger the inhabitants of the city and of the home district as well as the inhabitants of the province generally its circulation will be great and it therefore offers an excellent medium for mercbois advertise ments which will be inserted at a raie as may beasiwd upon with the proprietor george walton cheweits buildings kingsireet citv of toronto or upon the usual terms- an early application is requested toronto july 29 1836 1 z ed tors of tfewapapcrt inserting this will have a cftpy of the work sent thrm bank of upper canada publlc notice is hereby given hat a general meeting of the stockholders of i bank is requested to be held at th bank wednesday the 24ih day of august next m 10 oclock io ihe forenoon fur the purpose c electing a director to serve during the re- waioifr of ihe present term in the place of the hon pettt robinson who has resigned and to business which will be then communica- fcfi by order of the board thos g ridout ft cwftter 5 f upper gaada otwtq 13th july 1836- 8y li2 aeiintper who bav aiadly pttb- for the bank cf upjcr caosda plpapd the kingston almanac for 1837 will be published at the chronicle and gazette office about the latter end of september next the attention of merchants and the public generally is respectfully called to this notice kiogstod august 12 1830 the traveller guide visiting the falls of niagara with a neat map of the fall and islands plan of the village of the fails fcc handsomely bound for sale at the chronicle and gazette kingston may 6 1836 90 scobelis inspection store kscobgll general inspector of pol ash beef and pork presents his cor dial thanks w the merchants and other inhab itants of kagstoo d the vicinity for the liberal patronage they hve extended to him during the put year and he begs leave to in form them tfcat he has removed bis inspection business fra the hon j kirbys store to the large an convenient stote and wharf of mrs forsya lately occupied by mr a mc- donell whete he will be always ready io in spect such articles s niay be consigned lo him for that punpse and he hopes from his long experience punctuality and strict attention to business stit to merit the approbation and anpport of ttm public n b fur sale g0o lbs weight of smoked hams 8000 do cheese 2000 do fpper canada butter 2 tons of lard in kegs for family use 500 barrdfa salt r scobell kingston april 14th 1835 57z the mansion house kingston u c the sufacriher reapctfully begs leave to outify to the travqlliog public that he centiuues to occupj ibis extensive and wq koown hotel thc mavsion hoosa is pleasantly situated in store snet being the principal and ceo iral street in kingston iscoqvenient to all the steam bom wharves aod oo establishment of its kind in the vpper provioce can aorpais it in ihe enzelteoce and comfort of its apart ment both parlors aod bedmnms tbirtyfour in riuitibermill of which are furniihed in the very best agio the hotel has lately uodergone a thorough repair aodia at preseut in most excellent or der hod condition for the accmnuiudalioo of the lublic- the subscriber having kept a hotel for many year has acquired experience in that line and iherefnro trusts that with unremitting at tention to the comfort of hit guests he will continue to merit public patrooage in the rear of the mansion house there is a large yard aod extensive stabling and where alwcry stable is comtantly kept ejrthe mansion house carriage and por ters will always be in readiness to convey pas- sengerf aud luggugo to and from the different steam boats s- carmino kingston june 22d 1836 103 prize medals the natural history society of monraeal offer th rke prize me dals for ibe ihree best essavs that may be presented on the following subjects 1 oo the connection between the language and the character of a people 2 on the physical history of rivers in general and of the st lawrence in particular 3 un the circumsances which alfect cli mate in general and the climate of lower canada in particular 4 on the comparative aoaptation of prairie aod forest to the settlement of a new country 5 the changes that have taken place to the habits of exotic plants cultivated in the northern parts of america particularly as re gards ibe changes induced on their agricultu ral nd horticultural properties the conditions arc 1st the essays shall be presented on or before the 30th of february 1836 2d the essay may be io french or en glish 3d the names and residences of the auth rs must be concealed to ensure which each kssay shall have a motto and shall be accom- panied by a sealed note superscribed with the arte motto and containing the name and res- maence of the author this note shall only be earned in the case of the essay beioe declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be des- oyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the ptoperiy of the society sih the society reserves to itself the right lo withhold the pre should no one of the es says on any particular subject appear deserving 6f it the essays are to be addressed to j s mcord esq corresponding secretary of the society andrew h armour recording secretary the edilors of all public papers in ih bntish provinces will confer a fewr on the society by giv g an insertion to the shove or by noticing it in thc mini columns of thtrir fespective journals- r i to merchants and others lands por sale i w acres of valuable land is offer- iw ed for sale oo most advantages terms it is situated only a few nrles from h village of berlin in waterloo township gore district and is not exceeded by any id ihe province for fertility and is in a good settlement containing about 15 acres clear kand whereon is erected a log dwelling house c a good title will be given and possession may be had immediately this lot would well suit a small emigrant family tvith limited means md afford ihem a snug and comfortable horn the terms are moder ate apply by letter post paid or persooal- yl h w peterson waterloo township- gore disirict u c juoe idi 1336 a thumping corr red hail to thc root that in erin advert long live our bteihren on pralies ftdme and bright be the blossom in umrtfl puncee on the stay and support of the patupdw lino and long let me look on them sending forth bud and tem bejnicirtg the hearts of young she ind ned and mill may the murphy rig turn them out dry and big nothing to pat like a thumping o red in the days hort and cold when ftp t binds the fountain and the cabin health smiles withurf bra bright and the snow in white raiment hth covered the 1 mountain let the boys rosat potatoes from mining till night and always their cots within gravy to soak thm io this is far bettar than porridge or ifaad and through every gltn and bog quench them in poteen grog- nothings to pat like a thumping cwk red while tmiling spring cornel with aonshins and ehowot strewing vrdure and beauty all or the isnd on the hill youll see pat in hia gletjr d power with his coat on the rig and his tfde in bis hand and near him his judy dear singing his heart to cheer dropping the praiiea in rows on the bed while hope in his besom dwells autumn advancing tells nothings to pat like a thumping cork red ye hsunls of proud fashion ye gardfnsof flowers stmw me aught like a field of fine pieua in bloom where their constant cry is through the whole sum mer hours arrah cant ycealie over aod give m more room och with jy he yf them rotiffd rising above the ground for they cannot get space lo lie elil a their bed but upwards come rushing out scoped from a cmahiog out nothmga to pat like a thumping cp red when pat and wee barney wom olm wl toiling no green tea or coffee refreshment lh but ail round the fire and waich lht roots boiling l4 ibem just iweniyone af n the week but on from the month of may take them but twice a dsy for when they gtow scarce they ha htut in atead and always let pork orfieh smoke near ihe pre tic dish nothings to pat like a thumping cip rd quiet and if the cause of these acts uf barba rity be asked let tbts be the answer the women ware catholics posterity will give an impartial verdict over the black transaction when it will denounce it brutal cowardlj and a disgrace in the enttntrj and the age in which it was perpetrated let it be also told that the legislature of the state of masaaehuseti refused to indemnify those wbn supposed themselves safe in the property eotmsted io the government in ihe east the spirit of persecution is alive and ai us work read tbe following extract at father ralu the chaste aod beau tiful monument erected by the catholics of bangor in maine over the remains of tbii ear ly missionary of tbeir religion has been des troyed by snme miscreants who doubtless were incitod by the seoteloa and bigoted cries that are now raised against that faith tbe monument was erected io that romaotic spot where once siood the village of the norridge rucks it is a wide broad luxuriant inter vale on the baoks of the kenuebeck the re mains of the houses and rude fortifications are yet to be traced but the long grass o the mouldering wall no one could visit the spot aod read the classic inscriptions that spoke uf father katies virtues aod ms suffer ings and the destruction of a whule tribe with out haviog his feelings touched by tbe tale of sorrow this disgraceful outrage remiods one of those acts of the early christians who destroyed with such boly zeal the temples of gods filled with the most eiquisite works of painters aod sculptors and of the intolerant gnorance of the covenanters in destroying yon will perhapa wonder bow we could mark each day when the sun total absence had placed us in perpetual night the whole face of uatnra was indeed completely cbnoged io as but it was far from being gloomy at yon would imagine a considerable twilight about noon denotes tbe return of day aod io clear weather a beautiful arch of red light overspread she horiaoa lo the sooth for aft hour or two before aud after noon great eare was labeo all the white tbe sua was un der tbe boriion to keep regular bnw for our meals aod aa thday shortened very gradu ally we did ont feel the approach of the short est day iboogb we were out sorry when it pat ivpaohpto ok wafe by the ute edward koigw eiqntr- om waste not thou the small thing created by divinity forgrsins of sand the mountains make and stmnies infinity waste not thou then the aineht time tu imbecile infirmity for well thou knnwst tf aughtt thouknowal that seconds form eternity poliih 7wnjptft bears are very common in poland the peasaots catch thetn when very yooog aad imch them to perform all aorta of domestic labors these animals pos sessing great intelligence and dexterity par ticularly with their fore paws many innkeep ers have bears who adroitly turn the spits for roasting meat it is an extraordinary sight to a stranger who enters polish kitchens to see n bear seated gravely oo bis hind legs and turning itith his fore paws an immense apit bj ffisbbi 8f a tojis mumltj mmtitf carrier pigron- a late number of ibe fo reign sporting magazine furnishes us ihe fol lowing when a traioed carrier pigeon it toisedj after rnakiog one or mora circles it risesin a rapid spiral to ao euormous height bofore it takes its departure and at that height it is supposed to make its journey the speed the churches of the episcopalians n y i of tle antwerp birds whieh are lighter and truth teller mur fije bade than the euglish breed is supposed to be a mile a miuute they are more extensively used than is supposed in fl- oancial transactloni one emiuem speculator at antwerp keeps 1200 pigeons the value of a pair of well trained dutch birds is 5 battery is more insupportable than wrong because we have a right lo resent injuries but it is ridiculous to be angry at a jest f m police hail wedded tow from the number of matrimonial squabbles daily brought before the magistrate for adju dication it is evident that were a church erect ed for the purpose of umnarryiog the service must go by steam or the work would not be dooe io a century with truth it has been said that mirriage is like a rabble rout tvoman and wedlock the longer a wo- ujaiiiugu i jfc mau remains single ihe mere appreheosiva those who ore out wish they were hi and those i m -i- l i i she will oe ot eotcnog into the state of wed- miscellaneooj8 the war on catholics in the united states it is in vain to keep silent otf this point it is useless to sit down in quiet tjd wait wilh patience for the dissipation of tfhe storm which fur eomo time pact bas beoo gathering over her husband who ut the swollen torreni of funaiicism and bigotry is breaking over every barrier and threatens to desolate every vestige of a religion who ore in wish they were ooi both young men aod maidens tie knots with their tongues which they cannnt untie with their teeth aod then come fighting tears acid applications to the magistrate the gay vi sion of ihe bridegroom dream vanishes and he at length discovers that his wife it not a real angel he finds that the rainbow of hap- oineas cannot exist without a cloud aod that his matrimonial sky must be darkened by ma ny a tempest ou the uther hund ihe bluh ing bride discoveis too ute that the fnir prom- j axj ises ijf her husband were only made to be bro ken and that his love soon cools down lo ae ro thui the fair flower of her happiness is no sonner blown tbao blasted aod she is like a soft silken primrose fading timeleisly yesterday a pretty young damsel oamed harritoo lately married camo weeping and sobbing toto iho police office to seek the pro- akiiw f jlirottimtoteu it appears had given her a warrant was granted and the ill tempered pouse brought up to account for his deeds he was about meeting with the punishment luck at seventeen or eighteen u girl will plunge iuto it oftener witbnut fear or wit and at twenty aho will begiu to think at twenty four weigh aod discriminate at twentyeight will be afraid or veuturiog at thirty will turn about aud look down the bill she ascended and aometiinee repent that abe baa attained thai summit if rv- demonstrations of his superiority a jvbbte jimmal in england lately a horse being io daoger of drowning from being nd io deep water was rescued by aoother horse sundiog on the beach with har oess oo who bad been attentively eurveyiog the scene plunged ioto the water and made afier his friend in distress whom ha soon over took and applied his mouth to the affrighted auimare ears apparently attempting to push ins head round towards the shore he then turned about neighing loudly to encourage hia enmpaoinn when the latter also turned and cpnifftoipn when loe latter alsu turued aud followed bis gallant leader to the beach where they both arrived io safety tranquillity of an aged parent there are no tears that ftive so noble a lustre to ihe check of innocence as the tears of filial qor row filial dufytbere is no virtue that adds so noble a charm to the finest traits of beauty it deserved when ihe merciful frjft wiped her j lai which exhibits itself in watching tfaa pretty blue eyes wilh her white muslin hand kerchief and besought the magistrate to ro lease him as she was sure he would oot do it rngain the husband on being asked if bo would behave better io future growled assent aod rfhe parties left the office they however lhad scarcely been gone a quarter of an hour when the forgiving wife came running into the office with her face envered with blond the hard hearted rascal had beeo punishiog her for daring to take hitn before the authorities anoiher warraot was made out fur h appre hension aud a lecture given tn tbe woman on l evils of misplaced mercy newyork express im tfcu aoti 004 iokitioa a for sale qua nitty of excellent writing lolc at the chron fit gazelle office corner of kiog w brock streets 99z new testament for schools m the corner of king and brock street just published and now for sale a hand some edition of j fk rtfn rc la the pre murrays english header- ktogstonbg 11935 on commission office the undersigned being about to establish a depot for the reception of west india dry hides begs leave to inform his friends and the tanners of this province and the ad joining states that he will be happy at all limes to receive their orders and furnish article at the lowest newyork pc j- b clarke kingston 1st july 1836 6z the l rather sole and upperof various tannaescalf skins kips fee 8 for sale by wh venerable with age brilliant with its victories over the dark fullies of paganism the rude assaults of mnlevoleuce the powerful strug gles of infidelity are we to sit down and rustic like wait for the passing by of the stream or shall we at once awake tu a sense of the situation in which as catholics io this country we are placed we are here maoy of us in the land of our birth many in the laod which us naturalized citizens we may claim prelection frotc and jet we are iotulted proscribed marked as eoemies denounced as traitors to the constitution false to the lib erties uf the country and anxioos 10 prostrate ihe proud and glorious iostitutioo uoder which we live it is with deep mnrtificatioo that we announce tht ihe press in many parts uf the couory is filled with abuse vil aspersion fuulmouthed sleoders ou million of american citizmis in ibe united stales professing to be governed by laws wbich give equal protec tion to ihe character life aod property of eve ry citizen uoder the constitution which gua rantees religious freedom to all who seek this asylum we have seen such outrages commit ted which show the triumph of bigotry and display the evidence of a spirit redolent with savage ferocity ood marked with vandal tgno ranee a e e a we have scco them at the very cradle of liberty u withiu sight of the monument of bun ker hill which rises to hcavco tbe aytobnl of the triumph of our forefather over persecu tion at charleston warring against women aod children and without provocation io cold bloud setting tiro and destroying ibe bomo of mouthful bryngiog up ii may be helpen by those whose age nod set wnuld have protect- diligent ubur a remedy there is nothing ed them from such barbarity at the hands of i f e fever burdeo as is ungucntum baculi- some of our savage tribes will that outfrago n that is to take a stick or wand of a be remembered 1 on the eternal tablets of y il 0 length aod more and let it bo as great history let it be engraved lei ihe story be as a maus fjoger aod with it enojnt the written that io the midst of a civilized com- j anc shoulders well moroiugaud evening munity in a country professing to guarantee flut jo ihusi days and if this fever wyl not freedom of religion quiet aod unoffending j helpeu in thut lyme let ihem he aware of women with their children under their proicc- wggiuge 00 the gallons and whyles they lion were assaulted io the darkness of eight l do lake theyr roediciuc lubbcrwort in theirpo- that their dwelling were razed to the ground lagc h and destroyed with fire that the dand were torn from their resting places while koston and capt- ross thus paint cut how ihe inhah cure for the lazy fvver the following amusing extract is taken from an old book on fhysic euttiled u the breviary of health m by aodrew boorde plusycho doctoure no englishman anno 1507 m the 151 chapitre doth shew of ao evyll ffevtr the which doth eombat young persons named tbe fever burden lazy fever amnug aill the fevers i bad almost forgotten the fever iburden with which many younge men youoge women aod maydens and other younge per- aoos boo sore infected nowadays the toause of iofirmitee this fever doih come oa- rurally or els by evyll uod slouthful bryuging up kit do cotne by oature then ihe fever is iocurnble for it can never gel out of the deshe that is bred in ihe bone if it come by foddering the wrong beast a few daye since a sirocg and active young man drove with great rapidity to a public house in the vicinity of this city- having many miles lo proceed he left his jaded horse at ihe door entered the bar room took a gls of brandy then jumped into the vehicle and drove off hed better hive given his horse two quarts of oats said the barkeeper the young man had probably forgotten said a bystander that it was the horse and not himself that performed the labor of travelling he has foddered the wrong animal said another boston post manuersofthe fifteenth century the fou lowing is said to be an extract from the jour nal of elizabeth woodville kept previous to her first marriage with lord grey she was afierward queen to edward the third fl monday morning rose at four oclock and helped catharine to milk the cows rachel the oiher dairy maid having scalded her hand io so bad a manner the night before made a poultice for rachel and gave robbtn a penny 10 get something from iht apothecary six oclock the buttock of btef too mucb boiled and ber a little of the stalest mem to talk wiih ibe cook about the first fault and mend the second myself by tapping a fresh barrel directly seven went to walk with the lady my mother in the court yard r fed twentylive men and women cbid rogera severely for expressing some illwill at attend ing us wiih the broken meat eight went into the padcjock behind tbe house wnh oy maid dorothy caught thump the little pony myself and rode a matter of six miles without saddled bidle ten went to dinner bit ven rose from tbe lable tbe company all de sirous of talking into the fields john grey would lift me over every style thnre poor farmer robinsons house burni dowo by acci dental fire john orey proposed a subscription 1 aftocque bernard st co torn from their resting places while nostoo and uapi- koss tuus points cut now iue innabi denial lire john orey proposed a suoacnpuoa m i its environs stood by with hor hundred thou- tants of the polar regions discriminate uight t anions ihe couuauy end gave 00 lesa a suoi im wilt kefoa uire assortment constantly t w i 1 hand may h- l i ioliabuam inil ff00 m m ad thiu tuur und yilh h bdftttft meant