1 836 lake ontario ths iteamboat ttilliiike it ion capt lojvsojv hilliard propelled by a low pressure engine of horse power the only bat that rune between pre icon tnd to ronto without crossing the lake to or frofl oswego will on the opening of the navigation commence her regular weekly trips tunning as follows viz upwards will leave prescou for niagara every satur day evening after the arrival of the montreal stages or steamboats touch ingat brockville and gananoque kingston sunday morning cobourg and porthope sunday even- iqg city of toronto monday morning h hamilton monday afternoon and ar- rive at niagara on the same evening dowh wards will leave niagara for prescou every tues day afternoon at 7 oclock ciiy of toronto wednesday morning at ricu ajd splendid sfio000 30000 20000 i 10 oclock i cobourg ami potthope wednesday evening kingston thursday morning touching at gananoque and brockville and ar rive at prescou in the afternoon passengers leaving niagara on tuesday evening and the city of toronto wednesday forenoon by the william iv will arrive in montreal on friday evening passing the thousand islands in the day time this bout so favorably known to the travelling public as a 6rst rate sea boat and combining the indispensable requisites of speed punctuality and comfortable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trust receive a very liberal support for freight or passage apply at the post office at prescott or brockville b phillips kingston h e nichols cobourg harbor co- port hope j brown toronto d c guon and a land hamilton j niven fit co niagara wm duff and wm wyno queenston or to the captain on board txau freight payable on delivery to con signees and all parcels and luggage at the risk of the owners unless given in charge of the purser and booked prescoth april 8 1836 96z to sell or o kent a large and commodious dwelling house pleasantly situated in the vil lage of nupanee the house contains eight rooms and other conveniences and accommo- dations suitable for a family apply to a macjberscn esq napaoee or in kingston to dr die- kingston 9tb april 1036 82z m notice gnmisswner for crown land office 7 torcoto 10th may 1836- the limes aod placi for sale of crown laois and clergy reserves during the preseot year will be aa follows ay the western district for crown laods and clergy iteerves to he county of kentaod towo lots io chat- bam and fcrroll at chatham on the jst tues day io j un and oo the first tuesday in july airroli september and october fallowing rjrciergy reserve in the county of es sex and town taju in sandwich and am- beratburgb at 8andwieh on the third wed nesday in june and on the third vvedoesday io july aogott september and uctuber fol lowing reference may be made to the ascot for the crown for this district mr henry jones residing io chatham for furthor io- formation iff the taydojv district for clergy reserves io the cougty of nor folk at simcoe oo the 1st june aud ou tho 2i july 2d aurnst 1st september jsi oc tober aod 1st november following for clergy reserve o be couoty of ox- fhii at tiiodfurd ou th lth juu j nod on the 5th july 5th august 5th september 4th october aod 4ih november following for clergy reserves io tho county of middlesex nod town lots to londoo at lon don oo tho 8th june aod oo the 6th july 9ih august 7th september 7th october and on the 9th november following reference may be made to the afteot for the crown for this dtitrirt john b askin esquire residing to loodoo for further iofor- tnatiobi w the bomb district for ton n lots iu port credit and brooti in this city on the 23d may iostaot aod for such crown lands and clergy reserves as are for sale at tbis city oo the second tuesday in judo and on the secood tuesday io july august september aod october following in the newcastle district for crown laods clergy reserves and towo lots io peterborough aod lindsay ut peterborough oq the first tuesday io j uuo and oo the first tuesday in july august septem ber aod october fultow iag for towo lois io the village lately survey ed at the mouth of the trent in tht tom n bo the 15th of june and oo the 2od wednes day in july august september aod octo ber following reference may ba mado to the azent for tho crown tor this district alexander rfle- donnell esq residing at peterborough for further information wv thb bathvrst district fur clergy reserves io the counties of lan ark aod carlton at rytowo on the 2d wed- oesday io juno aod on the 2d wedutfsday in july augyst september aod october fol louring f towa lots in richmond at that turf ii on this same days rv the ottawa district or clergy reserves jo the counties o ott and russell at bytown on the 2j loradsrf fttjune and on the 2d werioes- day in july august september and octo- bar following lasy be made to ih aeeot of for jheae districts john mc- eq f at bytowo for rroatioo wof the particular lots to he ijawtthip specifying also wl uf wf flalo keen priaud aud will jlllwww t the orfices clerfc sfafptfif aodimwtriff aod io o 60000 3 prist of 30000 twentyfive thousan dollars 6 of 820000 15000 6 of 10000 alt the aoce to be drawn in october my friends cannot compliin of lack nf prises in this month mid iho only iiffi culiy will be to decide in which of these mag oi6cent schemes they slmll invest their mo ney t assist them we will first poiul out ii magniticetit alimmoih grand consolidated class a to be drawn at wilmington wednesday de oriuber 19 1836 icbkmb 11340 s nf50u0 2 of 4000 5 ul 3000 5 of 3500 i 13 prizejof 2000 each 15 500 57 1000 100 prizes of 600 dollar ttiketsonfyzo dollars certificate ufa packapa of 25 whole tkka ei in this magnificent srhenie uiay be had r 275 dollars packages of halves and qua tars in proportion capital twentyfive thousand dollars virginia state lottery clasg no 6 vnr tho benefit of the towo uf wellsburg to he drawn at alexandria vlfc saturday oct 1 1836 scheme 895000 8000 85000 3 5002322 10 prizrs of 2000 10 prize of 8l500 10 of 1000 20 of 500 c ticktts 10 shares in proportion ceitificate of a package of 22 wliol tick et will cost ouly 120 halves and quarter io propnnioo delay not to tend your orders l ontari steamboat avrancnients tor 1836 the eeitilltt tthxted will ftce tuc 1st of june ply i5 follows states 5 p m morning noon evening morning evening the ux1ted states capt van cleve going up leaves ogdengburgh and prescou sunday kingston monday sacktte harbor- do oswego do rochester- tuesday toronto do and arrives at youngstown and lewiston ear won wednesday mornioff giving passengers all the day to visit the falls aod return by the boat coming down t uave lewision wednesday 7 evening youngstown- do 8 do rochester thursday morning oswego do evening sackets harbor do 12 night kingston friday morning and arrives at ogdnsburgh same afternoon the great britain capt whitney going up leaves prescotr tuesday evening brockville do do kiogmoa wednesday forenoon oswego do evening cobourg thursday morning port hope do do toronto friday do and arrives at niagara queeoston and lew- istoo the same forenooo coming doun leaves lewiston saturday at 2 afternoon niagara do at 3 do toromo do at 10 do port hope sunday morning cobourg do do oswego do night kingston monday morning brockville do noon letters remaining in the post office at king ston on 10th september 1836 rated uith british pottage mcduoell rooald b- mcdonald jno l 2 mcdooald jas j ouching going up and coming down at mor- and arrives at prescou sme afternoon touch- io fortuucs home 200 prizes of 500 dollars virginia state lottery clasg ii for the benefit of the petersburg beoevoteot mechanic assnciatino to b draito at alccndita va saturday october 8 1836 capitals sw 000 10000 5000 33174 2 of 2500 10 of 1500 200 ft 500 tickets ten dollars a certificnte of n package of whole tick ets will he sent for 130 dollars halves quar ters sod eighths to proportion orders for siogle tickets or package uiuu be address s j sylvester iso broadway jeivyork nsiown brockville alexandria bay aod freoch creek passengers leaving the niagara by the uni ted states on wednesday evening will reach montreal on saiurday evening log in goinct up and coming down at alexan dria bay and french creek passengers leaving niagara by the great britain on saturday will arrive in mootrcal on tuesday evening ocpassengers by eilherboat will pass the st lawrence from kingston to montreal by daylight ft- pa rties from the south intending to visit niagara falls will 6cd it a pleasant and ex peditious route to take the la be steamers at oswego or rochester dated may 2g 1836 9sz bay river the splendid steam boat lr30iv21lil2i h calder misxeit will leave prescott for the head of rht biy of quinte on tuesdays aod fridays on the arrival of the steamer dolphin touch ing at brockville and gananoque sheuill leave kingston on her upward trips no wed- 50 prizes of one thousand w51- nul 8a m mp8 vlork la r s virginia state lottery 6 dev- i at 000 500 ml for the benefit of the ftlechnnical be oleot society of norfolk to le drau alexandria va saturday oct- 22 136 capitals thirty thousand dollars ma m 10000 0000 3140 3000 j3c 2000 50 of 1000 ticktts 10 dollars a certificate of a packtfre of 25w tickets will be sent for 130 dollars ges of halves quarters aud eighths j tion a ces bath fredkrjcksncicit anolphrstown hcoivell scan an s m and will call at the following plu rodlins mlm9 muiiauk village soriu brfjvillk carryiog place treat aod s pnka pribor- the great 14 drawn no schtr i nearly as many prizes a3 blanks virginia state lottery n 6 for tho benefit of the towo of whth tobedrawo at alcxaodriaj va satuij october 29 1836 scheme- thirty thnusatfd dollars 5 0001 6000 5000 4000 10 of iqqi 15 of 600 1 20 of 50020 of 4000 o 300 fye tickets only 10 dollars a certificate of a packe of 25 liole tickets will be sent for 130 dollars pflclfenfl of shares io proportnin s j sylvester 130 broadway jroff- yotfa and arrive nt the the same eveoio yhe will leave tho trent and carrjin place no the evcoiogs of wednesday and suodar for belleville ami leave belleville for prescou on mondays and thuisdays at hplfpast 6 a m calling at all the intermediate places the brockville will leave punctually as advenisedt and as she will stop only a few ninnteji at each pluco except when there may be freight passengers are requested to be io readiness the speed and elegant accommodations of the brockvillk are so well known that they reeomineodtinn for pply to tbe captain 00 repeated representations having been made to the committee of the atiisson by men in business that it would greatly accommodate the public and allay the apprehensions which many entertain by tbe rapid movements of both the jktn- afon and brockville consequent on the opposi tion if the days of ooe of the boats were alter ed and expressing a widb that the kingston would take other days although convinced that they had the right of keeping the days of last year and the injustice of another boat taking the same days when there were other days of the week unoccupied the commit tee of ihe kingston we fl intimate o the pub lic that in order to afford ihe greater facilities and convenience they have decided on ft i tcfi off the days ofsailin undor the con- 1 fident expectation that it will he duly apprecia ted they therefore gie notice hal for the future the steam boat slot os so xt jacob dorter master downwards eave the carrying place o tuesday imnlr no further freight or passage 1 board or to the committee s belleville j j mcnider kingsoo villa arid the follow bpusoo s rartlett miller hallowed t roberc harvey brock- ng aokpts thomas henry lasher bath john rgh samuel casey solmei sophias- mohawk village sheldon prater prescotr andersoo frcdricksh adidphustowo samue hupgh wm porlt fi co thomas mcmahnn ameliasburrh vflqf piac te ditir the he of her ici which isj 1m had 00 application to the cvmnmimarfbr crowoxaods or ooy of the atmvaaaaual aecabi fhwmualm w pepmiopt for the midland pittheppwrieut ia wmoh there are crono t ljidj or clergy reaerrae for tale aod noti cm mt ikaae bales will ba tpeedily riven peter robinson ut oat 93 notice commissioner of crown land offia torooto 10th may 1836 the times aod places for the salo of cfown and clergy reserves during tho prent yoflr will be as follow i midland district at belleville for crowo laods in the county of hastings 00 tho 20th juoe 20th july 20th august 20th september 20th october aud 2ut novemher at yapanee for crown laods iu the chd- ties of lenox addington on tho juno 25th july 24th aukmt 24th sop lember 24th october and 25h november at kingston for crown lands io the couoiy of frontenac o the 30th june 28th july 29th august 29th september 26th october aod 29th november at belleville for clergy reserves io the county of hastings on tbe 20th june 20l july 20th august 20th september 20tlj october and 21st november at jvapanec for clergy reserves io rhecouu tiei of lenox f addingtonon the 24th juue 25th july 24th aneust 24th september 21th october aod 25th november at kingstdn for clergy reserves 10 th couniy of fronttuqc on tbe thirtieth juno twentyeighth july tweotyniuth august tweotyotuth sepieinhcr tnentyeighth oc- tuber and twentyoiulh november schedules nf rho particular lots to he sou io each township and specifying also thu terms of sale have been printed aod will in f put up at the court house at the office of tho clerk of the peace aod sheriff and hi oth er places in tbe district which schedules rafl be had on application to the commissioner for crown lands or to samuel s w1l- mot esquire doputy surveyor who will eside in the district uud superintend the sev- era i sales i05z peter robinson- information wanted of william beaton aged about 16 a tty slender active young man had on wheffc he left pittsburgh a brown suriout coat grey canadian irowsers a high rough cap and i supposed to have gone 10 th united stat any information respecting him will be thank- fully received by his father donald beaton pittsburgh july 7th 1336 3ut editor in the untied smtesj will confer a favoui by copying the above hawloy river trent charles biggar car ryiog place also at the stores of john coun- aud messrs truax phillips ter eq kingston messrs truax 16th may 1836 97 lse ontario the steam p a c k e c2it1djl engine f 50 capt k jqhkson propelled by a lotv pressure horse power the ojtlv steam boat which fmks rou- larty between kingston and oswego will leave kingston every monday wednesday and friday mornins at half past 8 oclock and oswego every tnes- day thursday and saturjay at stme hiour until further notice and on sundays will make an extra trip leaving kingston at ft a m and returning the same evening the canada whirh ins run for many between toronto and niagara is schooner rigged aod is wll known to be secondl to none as a safe sea boat she is well calcula ted to convey both freight and passengers with safety and expfdition for freight or passage apply to messrs trobridge grant oswego messrs tiuax phillips kingston or to the captaim 00 board 91 will and friday morningsat sovlock touching at the river trent ameliasburgh belleville sophiasburgh culbertsons scanlats wharf ha howell adnlphustown krcjer cksburgh and bith to kingston will leavr kingstoo same day at 6 p m touh at fairmans ga nanoque lirockville and arrive at prescou io time for the steam boat for montreal upwards will leave prescou every wednesday and saturday p m immediately after the arrival of the steam boat from below touching at brockville french creek and arrive at king- stun early next morning will leave kingston every monday and thursday morning at 9 oclock tcuclunff at the intermediate places and arrive at the car- ryinjj place same evenings in time to meet the stages for cobourg port hope and to ronto all packages and luggage at the risk of the owner unless given in charge of the puiser and booked every attention will be paid to th comfort fvppfbnsytfs msuifaefcw 15 well adapted to take freight horses c c may 27 jss6 97z notice to emigrants the undermentioned government agents will on application afford emigrants information relative to the crown lands for sale in iheir respective districts and the con ditions upon which thev may be obtained mr w j scotl emigrant agent pres cou johnstown district mr john menaughtoft agent to the com missioner for crown lands bytowo bath- urst district- mr anthony manahan emigrant agent kingston midland district mr alexander mcdtmelu agent to the commissioner for crown lands peterboro newcastle district mr john b- askin aeent for the com missioner for crown lands london loudon district armstrong elcftsr armstrong prattfe argao john abbott jobn armstruog johd anderson alex atwell robert bell john bennett august bailey genrge blcwer john beaumao mrs badgley joseph linker charles baker michael llartuo john baunao mrs beath duncau batraw sulivap birmingham jaties itodilly mr blake morgan browne johaoor bruce robert blake mr bmy joseph ritigingtnti geotge bhickbttt roht brown esq burnside willifth bnwen joho cormack jdiq campbell robt- cole potk cromwell aon jaoe cline camcrm john cainhell samufll 5 coonor 1 n 11 k caverly jos r crooks edward cameroo hugh conan mr crauford williftn ca joseph j davis catharine diauioud andrhv dtittnond dnut dnooghue cornelius dunn edwd dickson james dore roht dijfnn james dailey john dnwling thome fdwnrd michatfl elliitt archil fninklin henry fakthi john farley ri farrcl thus frfil john fcno put oenr aoloio csrjtnit peter s gibson thos gordim win gordon james gooyoo pegy gronee alex gilgao margaret glendenning robert gill charles goodwin jamea hamilton alexr huds richard henderson jno higday george henderson alexr hugh thoi ilttinilrnn ceo ilurtuhiz joseph holhronk jane hood anihooy honf andrew hrrinton john hoskiot alexr harden william hatch hester hesley joho hashrnok a b hall richard hananthos llink mist jackson henry innes arehj johnston john jewell joho johoaton james i jarvis fraocts king thos knight kachael kcjr mrs robt- keean revd joho kelly william kendrick thos knoedy wm leneghan mary lavre thos lee richard livingstoo charlotte lyou lyman lynch john lefurgey jacob lvnch mary mcdonald allco roy mclean joho 2 mcleao james mcpooell michael hugh fljx idgot mclean joseph mccarthy jeremiah mcdermut barnard mcwhoner wm mcrovao samuel mcnave jj mcbride bridget mckinley biddy mcgowin wm mcgnwin ann mcmillan neil mclavu robert mccond mcleod geo manard sad midov andrew martin louis s magert david maid nancy mann joho meoiiy john mealy euen mnllon daniel mnrtid robert maeinnis hugh mcniff mr mnltoo james mcyo d- montizarnberi munjv thoinae miones mary motiro win murphy pat murray edud murriy john nicklcson saml neville w nickle win nicholl thos nichouuo atnloose odoonel ellen onell daniel oreilly catharine oole antoioe ojiion hugh patterson wm prentice rlnryauo pine dr john phenis lyman pnwley rev james 2 piatt george puge enos pice n pagan robert roed clements rodgers mr roche a w iiphooo john kihw donfthi ata general meeting of the a stockholders of the bank of montreal held at the bank on tbeth june img the honorable samuel hatt having been appoint ed chairman of the said meeting a general statement of the affairs of the loaiiiutioa wae submitted with sundry other explanatory doc uments after which the following resolutions were proposed and adopted nemine contradi- cente oamely no iv maobedi that the thanks or the stockholders be given to the president vice- president and directors of the bank for their ublc management of the business of the iosli- y y resotii d that the thanks of the stockholders be given to the cashier benj holmes esq- for the zeal and ability showo by him tn his department of tbe bunlt 3ilcolucd that the thanks of the stockholders he conveyed 10 the preidnt and 1 i i rectors of the ctuebco branch nf the insiitu- tion fur their zealous atteotion to the affairs thereof confided to their charge 4 rcsotred that the thanks of the stockholders be ivcn to alex- simpson esq 1 fur his pblfl conduct of his department of tbe quebec branch of the bank no 5 rrtftfoerfi that the sum of five hundred pounds be eiven to the hon peter mx ill os a consideration for his trouueinsu- iirnneitdiii the concerns of the bank no 6 resolved that the sum of three hundred pounds be presented 10 the honorable john stewart a a consideration nr o lr idc iu eaperiu tend log iheaffjirs of the quebec brooch bank fi 7 resolved that in as much as the charter of the corporation will expire on the 1st of june next it is expedient that the di rectors adopt the ntcessarv steps for its renew al an tn tbe ovrnt of failing in that respect thu they cil a meeting of the stockholders to lake lam consideration the most eligible aod sale mode nf continuing ibe hsisinrss no lotion wihli uoved thit the foregoing reso- be tht inserted in iltt public papers bank in notices are uual1v published 0- ix s hatt chairman signed c ta nturif montreal gih june ijti- to the cashier of the montnal bonk sir we hove in report 1 he following siock- holdrrs elecicj as directors of the institution for iit ensuing vear t 0 andfjtsotf el- chaoccs ukooki kfl tub hon- lous gvcv johm jamiesun e a rotph wm i rrlrsou jose ii l ph rihtjsoo rohi i rorers marsret rohertson hugh scott wm shan richard shepperd james smith jaine scott francis sparham adolphus sharp james sanson mr savage edwd singleton thos swift ann stewart saml sheil mr steel thns c elizabeth steel john stepheoson james siapley hn n smith john stedman aon stewart dnnl stewart mrs daol shaw saml scott john thomson john 4 thomoo thomas or robert toulmin e p truchell thos trimble jas thiheftu elizabeth tindajl c tader tvitl wright humphries webb edwd com niander welsh peier o williamsnti john williamson thos whitsoo alexr wheelork wm wood henry s white haos wilsno christopher webster roht weller gilbert wilton mary ann woodward charles walker wm weadich ia wood stephen wilraoti joho monfrea c william les jams logan esq tbe hun herrrt mgilti joseph masson esq joiiii rsomtif esq ii u hoitm bq lfkrptl w kt jith tokrancc i j joaj mobvoffi ksq ban m i june 3 mi o0z tait 1 p ross david torrance scrutineer a upper canada mutual fire jnsukancc com- fany- t a meeting of the freeholders of the mid land district duly convened by public ad vertisement pursuant to an act passed to ihegth yenr of the reign of wm iv entitled ll act to authorize the establishment of mutual in surance companies in the several districts nf this province held at the court house in the town of kingston on monday ihd 6tll day of june instant at 12 oviock at noon lor the purpose of consid rint wheiher it be expedient to establish in such district a kire insurance company on the principle of mutual insu rance io conformity with the provisions of the above mentioned act and upwards of 40 memhrrs being preseni at the said meeting henry cassady esq having hten called to the chair and mr w djwc appointed sec retary it wa5 resolved that the freeholders pre sent at this meeting deem it expedient to form a fire insurance coflipany upon the principle of mutual insurance wiihin the midland ds trict pursuant to the statute lately pnssed resolved that h cassidy wm c irntl and thomas kirk pa i rick kqrs be a roimnn- tee to open a book and receive subscriptions fur stock and whereas the freehuljers then pre sent being forty or more and the sums for which they bound themselves to fflvei inso- tuiilt uitiooiiieh uioirthw u aiuinh mieoey and upwards and afe thereby ordained con stituted and declared by the said act to be a bo dy corporate and politic in fact by and under the name and style of the mutual fire insu rance company of st for the midland district now we thp undersigned ten freeholders pre sent at the said meeting and bound to effect insurance with the said company and bein members thereof do hereby give notice hat we call a nieetiri2of the said company to he held at the courthouse in the town of kinc- sioo aforesaid on monday the lsth day of ju ly next at is oclock at noon for the purpose of electing seven directors to manne and conduct the propeny alftirs and concerns of the siid company pursuant to the provisions of the said act rated tcith united state ash william mr henry j jones agent to the com i i kingston may 23d 1336 church of england hymjvsi with and without at the chrooioe gzette office kingtoo may 17 186 psalm music 8 v iu r3 wanted immediately two journeymen cabinet makers and a active young man as apprentice to the same business liberal wages will begiven none bot persons of good habits need apip e conk kingston u c may 20tb 1836 0412 jut received and for sale at the chronicle st gar zette office corner of king anl brock street a larce quantity of excellent wrap ping paper on moderate terras july ii issg at barber and hair dresser maaxct sftoane icilfgstotf is grateful for the liberal patronage he hv received from the public he hopes to mit a continuance of it crazore honed and dressed 4nuary 37 1s35 wool l anted cash paid for cleao wool- of a crto quality in the fleece at the woulleo ipac- lory gananoque may 17 1836 93hii j tailoring business d seelev would respectfully infform the inhabitants of kingston and its wici- nity that he continues to carry on the alhove business at his old stand in store street di rectly opposite the commercial hotel anul he hopes by punctuality strict attention io ihusi ness and reasonable charges to merit the roo- tinuation of patronage he has so liberally re ceived the past year nod he assure the puiblic that no pains will be spared on his part to give every possible satisfaction j ds will receive the most approved frnjt- ion every spring aod fall n b one or two tirst rate journeyman will 6ad constant employment by dpplyinig to the above nooe but first rate workmen meed apply kingvon 3d frj 1586 9i mis5toner for crown lands chatham wes tern district they will also give information as to the routes distances and r3tcs of conveyance to those pans of the province to which fmi grants may he desirous of proceeding and di rect those tn want of work to places where ihev can obtain it the undermentioned gentlemen have been furnished with mips of the townships open for location and will give emigrants infor mation relative to the lands for sale in their respective neighborhoods mr pringle cornwall fraser brockville mckenzie bath baldwin belleville fairfield hallowell brown cobourg kingsmill p hope ehtot saodwich bostwick port stanley ironside amherstburgh emigrants in want of jpformaiion or em ployment on their arrival at toronto re di rected to apply at the emigrant office in the public buildings a- b hawke cat emigrant agent for u canada emigrant office toronto may 24 1336 j nyiloo rjjlu ftft l kir chroaiclc meotreal wwtte cebourj sur anil the lod4aq aimcs rc swsted to wen the vr notice in their respect- le3p tftd lo con tbe tune until the 31st or utiobtr next- caitfit charles clark joseph chirk sarah cullcn andreiv curfthun martin davis oliver deano olive elworth harriot english alexr english richard eatnn almno ranson field jnstph ii ii ic ii ii cc ii 44 fintslnutl wm kinland james farel william farrar dorcas gould jr lyman griffin john giljin jnhn howard k c hardy mr horning george johuslon faotiy joyre thomas keffe miss megawley margaret mcneill rose mclotyre archd postage imclnrvre mary mckenzie joho mcnlry mcnoliy mary mtgloffcft mary michea george popple w purdy mtcajah 2 page john c- rinrdeo daniel ranshaw matibew rider richard rees s- ryan nancy seward jason v stone william l simple peier stewart george smith mrs skeelr ii south wm scott fraocis wayhmd the misses wind john l willis thomas wiele edward wriog jnhn wetier robert walker john f h cassady thos icirkpatrick wm qarbatt jamks mcaghgr hfnky smith jr june kingston 7ih davir john smith johw mowat wm thjrkttl john plant duivgr joseph brucl i33i fla the chronicle gawitv stephen b mtrklul prjvtli twenty shiiiiig or wtthm the riiri iwn inonil cevms pci annum for sale fkegsor ihebesi printing rery low for cash chronicle gazette office kingston january 7th 1336 ink i t r and for sale at the corner cfking nod brock strt ready reckon ers aod lenniea grammar- kingston jan 16 1836 john macaulay p m n b such of the above meoiinoed letters as are not retired withio int wm from tliil date will he returned m the general post of fice at quebec as dead letters f paid in aitvnnro if paid ut the end of the year twentyfive shillings imce of firobertfomtitt six line and under 2 gd fnsr insertion and 7d each auhttfljnent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4tl first insertion and lorieuclisubwrmrnt insertion above ten lines 4d per line for tu iri iosertioii and id per line for every subscom t tp rttnn advcrlisclnentvithouttrntflltjlou tilt forbid and charged accordingly a itbciol diecouiit made to merehnnt ofld othas whi ailvcrfie fur thrive uimiihy nnd nuwurd- no advertisement rrccved after tkm oclock on he moniinirs of publication any person pnicurinp six bubacrihcra o the pnp- r and paying oftjncntty tnr he tame ehall becnmkd to a myemh copy ftratif ic3 country pritdoyd received in payment at the market pric svarnta john biffnch esrj david chishohn eaq andrew portcous esq william mcintosh eaq george browse lisq alpheut jones esq hcnrv joneft esq jniali taylor gn h whitmarsh esq j k haitwcll esq m messrs c j mcdonild john dnn esq alln mcphersnn esq win rnikc esq tho mcmahon epq thorrii 1 inorer esq t d appleby esq john clancvordavip clancy vno emigrated from the county cork some four years past are informed that the in- lint children of john whelan aod ellen cla ncy their sister are now in kingston under charge of mary daly their mother bavin died i thomm barker em on tbe passage out the children are desti- jy- robertson esq tute and the uncles ere requested to speedily to their assistance further information may be had on simlic ttooto mrmsnahsn u kiogslon 16th july 1836 5z come charles bigcar epq joseph a keeler esq kenneth mackenzie esq david smart esq john ballard esq ralfe clench esq quebec three rivers montreal- lancaster matilda prcscoit brockville penh richmond bastard- gunanoque bath napancc hallowell amehqshurgh snphiachurli shsnnooville p- bclleville river tront murray colborno cobourg port hope toronto niagara 0 tf v i