1830 lake ontario tfll sttamboat ii it it ti 7txllxa1c it capt lonson hilllarth propelled by a low pressure engine of 100 horse power the only bnat that run between prescolt and to ronto without crossing the lake to or from oswrgo will on the opening of the navigation commence her regular weekly mph running as follows rig opwards will leive prescott for niagara tftpf s day evening after the arrival of ihe mod i real stages or steamboats touch ing at broekville and gananoque jciogston sunday morning cobourgand porthope sunday even ing city of toronto monday morning hamilton moodny afternoon and ar rive at niagara ou the same evening do wk wards will leave niagara for prescott every tues day afternoon at 7 oclock city of toronto wednesday morning at 10 oclock- cobourg and porthope wednesday evening kingaion thursday morning touching al uananoqueaod broekville and ar rive at prescott in ibe afternoon- passengers leaving niagara on tuesday evening and the cny of toronto wednesday forenoon by ihe william iv will arrive in momreal on friday evening parsing the k thousand islands in ihc day tioie this boat su favorably knuurn to the travelling public as a first rate sea jjoat and combining the indispensable requisites of speed punctuality and comlonable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trust receive a very liberal support for freight or passage apply at the post office at prescott or broekville b phillips kingston h r nichols cobourg harbor co port hope j brown toronto d c guon and a- lnd hamilton j nivcn st co niagara wd duff and wifl wynn queenston or to the captain on board 0oalifreigkt payable on delivery to con signees and all parcels and luggage at the risk of the owners unless given in charge of the purser and booked prescott april 8 1636 96z to sell or to ken a large and coramodioua dwelling house pleasantly situated in the vil lage of napanee the house contains eight rooms nod oilier conveniences and accommo- dauobs suitable for a family apply to a macpberson esq napaotc or in kingston to prvdjeb kingston 9lh april 183g s2z itotlce commissioner fur croittt lands office tortoto 10th jflny 1630- j hnile times aud places for salo nf crown lands and clergy reserves during the present year will be as follows in the western district for crown laods and clergy reserves in he county of kent and town lots in chat- ham and erroll at chatham na the 1st tues day lo jane and oo the first tuesday in july atfjeost september mod october following f clergy reserves in the county of es sex and town lots in saudwich and am- hersctaiffth at sandwich on the third wed nesday so june and on the third wednesday iu july august september and october fol lowing berftdm may bo made to tho agent fur thttcfofcn fur this district mr henry joifes residing in chatham for farther iu formation uf the london district for clergy reserves in the county nf nor folk at sitncbe 06 tho 1st juno aud oa the 2d july 2dauctiit 1st september i t oc tober tod 1st november following for clergy reserves iuihe couoty of ox ford t hundfortloa the 4lb june nod on tho stb july 5th august 5th september 4th october and 4ili november followiog for clergy reserves in the county uf middles aod town lots in louduti at lou doooothestb juue ood oq the 8th july 9th august 7tb september 7ih october and on tha sth november following reference may be mado m utc agent for the crown fur this district john il ask1n esquire reetdiog in loudon for further infor ms tioo in th home district for town lois iu port credit and uronti in this city on tho 23d may iustaot and for such crown lands and clergy reserve as are foj saloj at tbis city no ihe second tuesday in juno and on tho second tuesday in july august september and october followiog in the newcastle district for crown laads clergy reserves and town lots in peterborough and lindsay at peterborough oo the first tuesday in june rnd ou ttle 6rsttucsday iu july august septem ber and october fulluwio for towo lou in the village lately survey ed at the mouth of the trent in that ton u oo tho 15th ofjuoe and oo the2ud wednes day in july august september aod octo ber folloiviog reference may be made to the asent for the crowo for this district alexattpklt mc sooooot s prizes of siofiooff twtntyfie thousand dollars 6 nf 330000 15000 6 of 10000 ah the alore to be drawn in october my fricinu cnnt complain of lack of prie in ihii innnth and the only iiilfi- culiy tv ill he io decide in which of ibem alg- 1 oificcnt scheme they ahull invent their mo- p to at thimi w0 ft ill tirst poiut out the magnificent mnmmoih i grand consolidated class a- i to bo drawn at wilroiogtou wednesday del october iu lsifi rich aftd ii- mi bctffthft- sfl0oh 30000 320000 l102 lake ontario sieanibimt arrangements for 1s36 m the will aftclt the 1st of jcne ply as follovs i4aat of s5jo0 9 ul 4uu0 i 5 ul 30u0 5 25u0 i 2000 enji 1vw 1000 priza i dutlur 2 prizei ul 15 57 100 ticicta only ii dollars ccriificam uf a iackjpe of 25 wlmla tick ets iu dii mugoilicenl schcmo may be lino fur 275 dollar iackogei of mnlvi- iud quar ters proonion capital twentyfive thousand dollars virginia state lottery class no g tur ihe sieocfii of die toivo f wfllsburg t be drwo al alexaodria va saiurday oct 1 is30- scbecne 330001 s3000 000 3- 3002322 10 irikei of 32000 10 prize ofsl500 10ofs10002uof500c c tickilt 810 shares in proportion certificate of a package of 22 tvliol tick ets will cost oov i halves and quarters io proportion delay not io tead your orders io fortuuea home the united states gavt van clcve going up leaves oisdensburgl aud prescoit sunday kinesioo monday stems harbor do oswego do rochester- tuesday toronto do and arrive it youngstown and lewision ar ly on wednesday morning givins passengers ii be day io visit the falls and return by tut boat coming dmrn i leaves 5 p 51 morning noon kvening horning evening ltwiiion wtrdntbddv 7 youogsiown llochcsier oswego y do thursday do 12 200 phizes of 5u0 dollars virginia state lottery class ii for the benefit of the petersburg beuevtlem mfchjinle aanciaiiou to be drawn at aloxiulthi va satoidy october 8 1836 crftpifth 830 000 s0000 5000 3ji71 2uf2500 10 of 15001200 of 500 tickets ten dollars a certificate of a paekujc of whole tick et will be sent fur 130 dollars halves quar tern aod fciluh in proportioo orders for single ticket or package mutt bo nildrcssed to s j sylvkstfil 1 30 br oadicay ewvork the great britain caft whiijcbtj going up leaves presrotr tuesday evening urockvilltf jo jo kioftmod wednesday forenoon osweao j eveoing cotourg thursday morniug port hope do do toronto friday do and arrivesat niagara qunstoo and jlew- istoo the same forenoon coming down leares saturday ai s aftemoodj do at s do do at 10 do sunday morning do do do night monday morning do noon and arrives at prcscott same afternoon touch- 5 goinjr up and coming dowo at alexan dria bay and french creek passengers leaving niagara by the great briiatn on saturday will arrive io montreal on tuesday evening will pass the si- lawrence from kingston to montreal by d it a pleasant and ex- evening do morning evening nihi morning afternoon levvtstoo niagara toronto port hope cobourg oswego kioesion i broekville armstrong eleoor anosimok frauds argno joho abbott john annstrng john anderson alex atwell robert itell john kennetr aonstus itailey george hlewcr john beauinau mrs bhdgley joseph baker charles bilker michael ilirioii jitho itaouan mrs ueaili duneati lurtraw sulivnn birnunghihn james rodilly ur blake morgao lhowt bruce robert blake mr sachets harbor do kingston friday and arrives at ogdenstiurgs same touching going dp aod coming down at mor ristown broekville alexandria bay aod freoch creek passengers leaving the niagara by the uni ted states oo wednesday evening will reach momreal on saiurday evening toiassengtrs by either fioal daylight ngparties from the south intending io vuit niagara falls will gc pediiious route to take the lake steamers at 0wcgo or rochester dated may 26 130 0z bay river tie splendid steam boat 50 prizes of one thousand dol lars virginia state lottery no 6 for the benefit of tho mechanical benev olent society of norfolk to ho drawn at alexandria v saturday oct 2 is3 capital- thirty thousand lllir s 000 1 0000 f tj00u 3140 93000 9- 500 82000 5t of 1000 tickits 10 dollars a ceriifirato if a parkne of 25 whole tickets will bo em for 130 dollars jes of halves quarters and ughths i ttun h calder ma4r will leave present for the head of hiy of quinto on ttieidaya and fridays rivil of brockvillo he friday oo ihe arrive of lha swiwiwlwklfo in- at brockvilio jaoauoque she will leave kingston o her upward trips oo wcd- it half past 8 oclock and saturdays aod win call at tho following plu- uocrfns mills mohawk village sophlasbukgh bkilcvilli ajellaaflcach carrying place v the grcat 14 drawn no- scheme nearly as many phizes as blanks irginia state lottery no 6 for tho beuefit of the town of wheeling to be drawn at alexandria r- saturdav october 2u 1636 scheme thirty thomsaod dollars 15- 000 6000 5000 84000 10 of 1000 j 15 of 000 20 of 500 20 uf 400 i0 of 300 frc 7icketsonly 10 dollars a certificate of a package of 21 whole tickets will be sent for 0 dollar packages of ebari in prumortion 8 j dm tu syl notice commissioner of grown t8ty office toronto idili may 4836 the timcuand jilacesfor the a n crown and clergy reserves dtlriiw x ureseot year will be as toiioms midland mtntct jit brlltville for crown land ij thn countv of hasting on the 2iili jiioh 20th july 20th aiimi 20th sepieiobcr 0tb october aud 21st novcmoer f napanee for crown laotn in the cnoo- ties of lenox f idttiugtan on tho 24th june 25th july b4lh aogu 04 s ember 24lh october nod s5 november t kingston for crown lands in the county of frontenac 00 the 30th juim 28th july 2dth august 20th september 3gth october and 29th november at belleville fur clecjrj reeivef in the county of hastings ou the 20ih june 20th july 20th auiusr 20th september 20tli october and 2lst november at napnnee for clergy keservesio the conn lies of lenox sf addingtonan lite 24th june 25th july 24th auusi 24th september slth october aud 23th novialicr m kingston for clergy reserves io the couoiy of frontenac on the thirtieth june tweotyeibth july tweotyuinth augut i tweotyuiuth septotnbor twcarycigjtth oc tober and ttteotyuinth nnveitiber schedolps of the particular lot to he sold in each townihip and tpeciyiog also the i term uf sale have been primed aod will he put up at the court hous at the office of 1 the clerk of the peace aod sheriff aod at oih- er places in the district which schedules cau n f 1 ho had on application in tho commissioner 1 dovmawb rdo at peuibvrough j for cr0lv l ur salmu s- wl i j mot esquire deputy surveyor who will settle in the district and kupcriotcud ho aev- oral siles awdflys a- rl ces bath fuedfcatctfsbchnh adolphostown hallo well scatflass and arrive at tic trent and the mine evening she will leave fie trent and carrying place on tho eveniogsar wednesday and sunday for belleville and leave belleville for prescott j on mondays and thursdays at halfpast g a al calliog at nil the intermediate pluces tho bnockvilffc will leave punctually as j advertised and ig s will stop oulv a few j minutes at each place except when there may t be freight pusstngers are requested to he iu readiness the speed and elegant accommodation of tho brockvillk fire so well kuwoihat they rtquire no furtber reeonitncndation fr freight or passagc apply to the captain oo board or to tho coumtttkks benson s barilett belleville j j miller unllowcll t mcnidcr kiugstun ubert harvey broek ville and the following agknts thoenas frater prescoti henry lasher bath john i andersoo frcdrickliorxli samuel casey adolphustown samuel solmus bopbtas- hiirch win ptfn fr t mohawk vjllne i hulilm alcaliit hauloy river i rjing place hio 10th mar l3697z repeated representations avinc beeo made to the committee of the kinzron by men in business that it would greatly accommodate the pumic aod allay the apprehensions which nnny entertain by the rapid movements of koth thu king ston and brnckvile conscnuenton the opdosi- lion if ihe days of one of the boats were alter ed aod expressing wish tliftt the kingston would take other days altscugh convinced that they had the right of keejkjrfot llwyfeji a jtsfla ifo wslwkx trf aoother boat taving the sama jays when there were other days of the week unoccupied the commit tee of the kingston beg to intimate to the pub lic that in order ro allord them greater facilities and convenience they have decided on altering the days of sailing under the con fident expectation that it will be duly pprecia- reil they uiertture give nciice thai lor the future the steam boat letter chaining in the post offico at king ton 00 10th september iwj- rated xcith british pottage mcdooell ronald b- slcdooald joo- l 2 mcdonald ja j mclena joseph mccarthy jeremiah mcdennot baroard mcwliorter wm- alcboao samuel mcnave jj mcbride bridget iuekitiley biddy vicgotn wm mcgowiu ana mcmillco neil mel0 unberl alccondill hugh mclcod ceo alaosrtl sad 2 m lv andrew martic louis s uanrti david maid nancy mann john slebitf john mealy ehoa malloo daniel hstrtin robert macinnis hugh mcniftmr malton james mevo d mnniiambert e- d murray thomas miones mary muorr wm morphy murray edwd murray john nickleo samlt neville w nirklc wm niehnll thos nicholsno ambrose odunoel ellen fvnei daniel okcilly catharine oule antoino olion huh patterioo wm ircniice mary ann 1ine dr joliu pheni lyman iouley rev james 2 vfflrisrwraiib pege eoos price n pagan robert heed clements hugh bray joseph biugititon george ltlackltitt robt brown esq bumside william llowen joho cnrtnack john campbtl robt ooe patk cromwell aou jane cline oamero john cambell samuel connor patrick caverly jos r crooks fdwanl carocruo conan mr crawford j william caverly joseph davis catharine diamond andrew diamond dnul donnghue cornelius dno edwrl dickgnn jimes dorc robi dixon james tthilrdjyjhhrii dnwlictg thomas kdward michael elliott archd franklin henry i facetr john j farley bridget 1 farrel tho freil joim fcgan par ocnar antoino at a general meeting of the stockholders of the bank of montreal held at the baok oa the 6th june 1836 the honorable samuel halt having been appoint ed chairman of the said meeting a general statement of the affairs of the lqfltttuttoairjia submitted with sundry other explanatory dot urnents after which the following resolutions were proposed aod adopted nemtne eontrmdi- cente namely no k resolved that the thanks of it stockholders be given to the president vice- president aod directors of the bank forihcrr able maogemeat of the business of the insti tution no 2- resolved that the thanks of the stockholder be given to the cashier tfenj holmes isu for the zeal and ability shown by him in ins deportment of the bank no 3 resolved that the thanks of the stockholder be conveyed to the president and directors of ihe quebec branch of the institu tion for their jcealous attention to the affairs thereof confided to their charge no j resolved that the thaoks of the stockholders fa given to alex simpson esq for his able conduct of his department of tbe quebec branch of the bank no 5- u sfloed that the sum of five hundred pounds he jiven 10 the hod peter mgiil si a consideration for his trouble in su perintending the ronrctns of the bank- no 0 j2ootf that ihe sum of three hundred pounds be presented 10 the honorable john stewart n a eonsideahun for his trou ble in superintending the aiurs of the quebec branch bank no rejthtd that in a much as the charter of the corporation will expire on ihe 1st of june next 11 is expedient that ihe di rectors adopt the nvctfsirv steps for its renew al and in the event of failing in that respect that they ctll a luoting of the stockholders to take into cond ruiun tho most eligible aod safe mode of eomitiuins the business- iv k ll that the foregoing reso- a the public papers in no 3- lutions li inserted which the bank notice arc 11uallv published s hatt chairman c tt secretary montreal cti june isw signed to the cashier of the montreal bank sin wvhuve to report 1 lie follow nit stock holders eieeie as directors of the lastltuuoq for the eiuuinsr will is aod friday at the river trent jacob sontttftj mvatutj down w a nii ve ihe carrying pltre on i mornings t 3 f clock touching ameliasturgh belleville sopliiasburgh culbertsoos eanlan j wharf ha howell adolphustown predericbithirghi and bath to kingston leave kingston same day at c p m lourii ai bairmans ga- naooqutf broekville and arrive at prescoit in time for the steam boat lor montreal upwahos will leave preceolt every wednesday and saturday p m immediately after ihe arrival of the sf eam boat from below touching ni broekville french criek antl arnvc at king- 2 runt peter gibson thos cordon win cordon james gonyou pegjy grange alex oilman margaret clendeouitik robert cill charles gnodwin jmea tuesday j hamilton alexr hudson ijiehard henderson jnn ihxday ccorso henderson acxr llkh thns hamilton ceo 1 1 i in joseph llollhrook j ano hood anthony hussy andrew harrington joho m rodger mrs koehe a w roiesiad0 john ross donald ralph wm uolrsmi jneph iloriiou rtihl d roger rlnrgnret robertson hugh scott wm shan richard shepperd james smith james scott francis sparhant adolphns momm 1 1 t p vear ti b andfkson esq- crtaftlbs bookc bwj th ho- loci gtcr jihls imorc fcr juiwi 1tnn jlm- james locax k4 ttie hn httft mgul joseph massox kfi jn ksoatti kq h l ijouth ei josemi siurta fclsg jtts toimiancr ii juris molww- e gth juue i3j0 looz ut ltnli ittls- david toiutancb semdfittru tteu a sh arp jmes blun earl 11 will 1 next lea ve ichloi r kiostou ier 10 ameiiabursli s feot charles bisgar car at tho stores of john conn- ivlessrs truax phillips may morning kingston thursday morning at 9 j the lake orjtajljo the steam packet monday and touching at nirmediaie places and arrive at ihc car rying place same evenings uy mjc to meet iifeitg tor cobourff port pe and to ronto ihe risk of the of the purser all packages and logsage at given tn charge cihadi owner unless and booked kvery attention will he paid 10 the comfoit of passengers and the bom is well adapted 10 take freight hordes file c may 27 is36 7 capt k johnson a low pressure sngtne of 50 propelled by horse power thc ovly steam boat which iuki recc uiu bttwfkh kingston anp oswego ill leave kingston every monday nottee to emigrants rblhe undermentioned government agents will on application adori rrnijrranls mforrnaiion relalltto ihe crovri lands for sale in their resprciive diiriei tnd the con ditions upon which they may be brained v wednesday and friday morniotr at half past 3 oclock aod oswego every tues day thursday and saturday at siroe hour until lurther notice and on sundays will make an extra trip leaving kingston at 6 a m and returning the same evening the canada which has run for many years between toronto and niagara is schooner rigged and is well known to be second to none as a safe sea boat she is well calcula ted to convey both freight and passengers with safety aod expedition fur freight or passage trobridre grant oswego t phillips kingston or to board mr iv j scott era con johnstown district mr john menaughton rant agent i rci- ager to the corn- own lands bttowdj bath- eovjrant agent ipply to messrs the c messrs tru ptaiu on for further information in the bathurst district for clergy reierves in tho counties of fan- irk and carlton nt bytowo on the 3d wed- nasday iu juno aod oo the 2d wednesday io july august september aod october fol lowing for town lots in richmond at that town on tbe same jays w the ottawa district 1 for clergy reserve in tbe couuttos o preicou oud russell at itytowo on the 3d wedoesday in june and ou the 2d wedoes- day io july augurt september and octo ber following scfrreocp may be made to 1m aceot of cmwn for these distncls john mc- on esq residing at bytowu for rmatiuo iuim of the particular lots lobe each township specifying ulio the u have been printed aud will bo te court houflfl at tho offices of flftjpma aoddherrilt and in other ho5c6dtjf pneei in each dlilrict which wrtimcile na bo had on application to the cmcmitskraef for crowu laods or auy of the irfaed agenta jie pfepariog for tho midland ricts- 10 which there uro crown jy reserve for tale and noli ivatof will bft speedily aivn matt ost kingston may 23d 133g 94z fhlrch of enqlanp psalms sf hymns with and withoot rnusie sold at the chronire t gazette office kingatou may 17 1836 03 105 petkr robinson information wanted ckp william beaton aged about 16 a tall j slender active youn man had on when he left piltsbunrh a brown sunoot coat grey canadian trowsers a high rooffh cap and is supposed to have gone to the united states any information respctin2 hitu will be thank fully received by his father donald beaton pittsburgh july 7ih ls3o sui editor in the united states will confer ft favour by copying the above wanted immediately fm1wo journeymen cabinet makers and an active young man as apprentice 10 the same business liberal wages will beiven none but persons of good habits need apply k conk kingston u c may soth 1836 0u nnssioncr for bflt district mr anthony manatan kingston midland disirict mr alexander jlicbonett agent to the commissioner for crown la petcrboro newcastle district mr- john b- askin agent fur tbe com missioner for a i i london loodoo district mr hmry j jfejtef agent 10 the com missioner fur crown lands chatham wes tern district they will also give information as to the routes distance and rales of conveyance to those parts of ihe province to which kmi grants may he desiroos of proceeding and di- j reel those in want of work to place where thev can obtain it the undermentioned gentleman hove been furnished with mps of the townships open for location and will give kmifionis infor mation relative to tbe lands for sale in their respective neighborhoods harden william hatch hester hcsley john ilasbmok a b hall richard hanau tbo llink mi jackson henry innes arrhd johnston john jewell joho johnston james jarvis francis kin thofi kuihr raehacl kcer mrs roht kcrn rrvil john kelly wimiam kendrick thts krnuedy wm lonchait mary iavfe thot lo richard liviosstoo charlotte lyon lvman lynch joho lefurgey jacob lynch mary hcdooald alien roy mclean john 2 mclean james mcdooell michael rated 4 ur ttaniuiiit mr rtavatfo kdwd singleton thus swift ann siewart saml shell mr steel thns triofier elizabeth steel john stephen mki jamei stapeloy mrs n- smilh joho slodinati ann stewartj daui stewart mrs dau shaw sarnl scott john thfifdmoi jnhu thomson tdoutui robert tnulmin e p truchem titos trimble jas tntbenu elizabeth tiodall c vader david wright humphries webb edwd com marwler weuh peter g williamson john williamson thos wljisnn alexr wheejork win j wood henry s white hans wilson christopher webster llobt waller gilbert wtlsoiti mary ann woodward charles walker wm weadich jas iv kf stephen wilmot juhu canada mutual flti utseihaxk com- a meeting of ihc freeholders of r he mid land dutnce duly convened by public ad vertisement pursuant roan act pnsscd in the 61 h year of the leign of wm iv entiiltd an act to authorize the mtablihuient of mutual in surance coiiipautei iu ihe wfl districts of this pruvince hvlj at 1i10 cutld house in ihe town of kington 01 monday the ctli day of june iuttiii at 1 1 oclock at oocn lor the purpose of cotisid- ria z whether i be expedient to rsinbsi hi suh district a fire insurance company on the principle uf mutual insu- ronco in confutdhty with ilw provisions of ihe above ninttotifd act and upwfj of irt tn em hers henj present ai the said meeting utnry cassadv ef hiving been called to tbechatrj and mr v dawn appointed stw reiary it wm i resolved that ihe freeholders pre- sont at this meeting deem expedient ro form a tire nuronce cumptny upon the principle of mtiiutl insurance within the midland dia- iit jr uesoivcd vpn thai i iys vt ii cassidy win g irratt and thoinis kirkpunck ksqr be a comuht- tce toonen a book ouj receive subsnpiions for stock and whereis lb frtvholjers then pre sent beinff forty or mote and the sums fur which they hound 1 1 in selves to tteit insu rance amounted together it ju10030 currency and upwards and lire thereby ordained con stituted and declared by the said aci to be a bo dy corpuraie and politie tn fuel by and under the nnifl and style nf the mtmjal fire insu rance company of for the midland distric now we tb underioed ten freeholders pre sent at the said meeting and bound to effect insurance with the siid company and beitc members thereof do hcresy irive notice that we call 1 meeting of ihp mid company 10 be held at the court house in the town of king ston aforesaid on monday the 18ih day of ju ly oext at 12 oclock at nikn for the purpose of electing seven director 10 manage and 1 with united states wool anted paid for clean wool cash quality in the flooce at tbo woolloo fac of a food mr priogl cornwall broekville buh belleville hallowell cohuurg port hope i a fmser mckeozie bjldwin fair6eld 11 11 1 just heccived and fur sale ai the chronicle ga- vrene office corner of kins no brock street n larn fuaniiiy of excelleoi wrap ping paikit un oioderaie teirrw july ii isati- 4 lory m iy 17 1636 d3ui j barber and ie air dresser maukfct sqiare kixcstolf is grateful for the liberal patronage he lis received from the public lie hopes to merit a continuance of it crmoti honed ani drtsshd january 7 ims tailoring business d seelkv would respectfully inform the inhabitants of kingston hnd its vici nity that he continues to carry on the above business ut his old stand in store street di rectly opposie the commercial hotel and he hopes hy punctuality strict attention to busi ness and reasonable charges to went the con tinuation of patronage he has o liberally re ceived the past yejr aud henssure the public that no pains will be spared on his part toyive every possible satisfaction t j ds will receive ihe most approved fash tom every spring and p4ii n b- one or two brst raie journeymen will find constnnt employment by pplyin 10 rhe above none bur firm rate workmen need 1 apply brown kingsrnill klliot sandwich bosnyic p stanley 11 ironside amhcrstburgh emigrant in want of information or em ployment on their irrival at toronto arc di- recicd to apply at tbe emigrant office io tbe public buildings a b hawke chief emigrant acnt for i canada emigrant office toronto may 2d is36 nyiloo the editor of the kingftnn chronicle moutresl ojttt cobftnr sur nl tho london jwmei ore rfqeted to mitrc tbe bve notice io lbir rcpeet m mm and to continue tbe tame uah the 81t or october next ash william alhcraon itichnrd cain cluiles clark joseph 2 clark sarah cullen andrew 2 curshun mariin hii- oliver deaoa oliver 2 ekwortbi llnriict boglith alexr knglisb itichnrd iif alrunn ruasoo field joseph fingliind win 2 igund james 2 william dorcas jr lymau i panel pirrar could fififlio john giuiu john howarrf k c hard mr unroiug georeo johnston fanny joyce thomas kerffe mis imcgawlev margaret mcneil rose mcfotyro archd pottage imclntvre mary mckrnzie johu mculry mcnolry mary meclofkp mary mirhea george popple y purely micajrth page john c itiordcft daniel ratishaw matthew rider richard rees s ryan nancy seward- jnsno u stuoo william l simple peter steward george smith mr skcelb- r south wm scott francis wa vhrnrl the misses wind john p willis thomas wide edward wring john webster robert walker joho f jo property 1 afinrs ami v puruaiit to ti conduct ihe sit 1 com pa of the mud nci h cior twos kiaifpttcicar wm garkatt ja51is meaohbr urnrv smith jr 7th june concerns of ie provisions kingston david johu smith johjv mowat wit tnirirtjx joiiw pi awt b0wm1 1s3c 09 the chronicle gazette tterhfn d- mckitill rrlvtlu cttra per auni uk 1 d in sdvinra id al utc chj foft sale kegs of ibehem printing very low for cash- chronicle gazette office kingston jjnujry 7th u3tj 30 ink john macaulay p m n r such of ihe above mnjliooed lllm hi ar ant retired vihi ix weeks from tin we will le reiurned in ih- general poll of fice e qoerec a leuera twenfv soilli 12 or wiihin tin ftrai iuo imniths if of ijieyeiir twenty five shulhtp uvfce of siarusemitt0 sxlimv and under 2s sd first insertion tndtjit each subsequent inmttioni ten lines and under 3s 4d first tnmttion ludeachsubsetpoot insertion above ten iiuca a per line lor tbt rrud hiikltion and lilpurbno for c wbaeqth ti5iton adverticinenlswilhniuicrirriiri till forbid and charged accordmpk a tibeial discount mads to mcrthanu and others wbo adsi fr three inonrhs nnd pwardv ko ndtenirfement received after ttk ochck on the morn m ofpubliciioit any mrtonprororinf six subscribers ioihepnpri and paying wtuallyfar hesmsj shall be cnntled to s swrirli copy mt kifsrn id mas f0 just received cfkingandl riand lnoios and for sale i the corner itrock street keidy reekon grammar in htv john clancv or david clancy wfto emigrated from the county cnrk some our years past are informed that the in fant children of john wheun and ellen cla- ncy their sister are now io kingston under cnarceof mary daly their mother having died on the passage out the children are desti tute and the uncles are requested to come pecdiy to their assistance further information may be had on sppljca- imam mr manshan kingston 14th july 1836 3 ict c nun try the market john bifnem eq davtd cniholtn eq andrew tortcoui kq william mcintosh esq george browse esq alpheus jones esq henry jone esq josish tkytor enq h whitmjrshp esq j k hon well iq messrs c j mcdona jnhn dim esq allan mcphcrson esq wm rnrko esq thos mcmalion eq thorns dimoresl esq t d apfileby esq thomopqrler w robertson esq chsrlea lijramr eq jossph a keejsr esq kennatb mnckontie efr davmkretirf esq joho ballol ka rslle clench ksjii received in payment at rnl quebec three river montreal lancaster mstima prrscott broekville perth richmond bastard id gsnanoqus bath napanee hatowell ameliiborh sophiafburgh shannonvillspo belleville river trent murray cnlboratk crkbourg frt hope tcuorieo niagara