i 8 3 fi lake ontario the tramkut william it capt lqnson milliard propelled by a iow pressure kngind of 100 horse power thi only cat tbm rnng hrtwcrn precou and to ronto wiilmul crossing ihe lake io or fmm oswego will on ilie openios of the navigaiion commence her regular weekly trips running as follows ris will leive prescott for niagara every satur day eventtig after the arrival of the montreal slices or stcimboats touch in at itrockville and gananoque kington sunday mornine cobourg and porthope sunday even ing city of toronto monday morning hamilton monday afternoon and ar rive at niagara on the same evening dowxwarns ill leave niagara for prcscoit every tues day afternoon at 7 oclock city of toronto wednesday morning at ii it it w ii 10 oclock i ml it porthope wednesday touching cobourg evening kiomton thursday morning at gananoque and brockville and r rive at prescoti in the afternoon passengers leaving niagara on tuesday eveniop apd the city of toronto wednesday forenooo by the wimum iv will arrive in moaireal on fnday evening passing the thousand islands in the day time this boit so favorably known to the travelling pubjrrs a firt rate sea boat and combining the modispensable requisites of speed pouctualiiy and comfortable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trust receive a verv liberal support for freight or pasge apply at the post office at prescott or brtfckville b phillips kingston h e nichols cobourg harbor co port hnpc j brown toronto d c gunn nod a land hamilton j piven fit co niagara wm duff and wm wynn tqeenston or to the captain on board- 0au freight payable on delivery to con- signets and all parcels and luggage at the risk of the owners unless given in charge of the purser and booked g o ooo 3 prize rf 130000 wnnfle thousand dollar ft of rwfimt 1 3000 0 of 10000 ah the aorc to be drawn in october my friend cannot complain of lack of prize in itf illootb and the only tiiffi- culy b in dff ido in which of ilteso mj nificut richcmcs lhy shall invent their rno pry to nil ilirin wo nil first point out mic magnificent jbmmoih grand consolidated class a- to he drawn at wilmington mdluesday del october l is3 run and srikmhp rcflolfe fth10 3lmnd 20000 si l1in 2 offrv00 2 of 1000 5ott000 s of 0500 12 prixcinf 2oou eneh- 15 1500 57 joim 100 pniesofttso dollars ticket only 30 dollars cortifichtfl uf ft pncka e of 25 tt holn tick oi in llii magnificent scheme may ho had fnr 275 dollars packages of halves and quar- tors in proponion- capital tvbntyfive thousand dollars rlrcinia state lottery class no g for the benefit of tho town of i wellsburg to he drawn at alcxnudria va saturday oct i 183g schem 26000 3000 85000 s3 50092322 10 prizes of s2 10 prizes of 1500 10 of 1000 20of500 sic ticlcrts losiar in proportion certificate of a package of 23 whole tick ets will cost only si 20 halves ami quarter in propnrtinn delay not to send your order to fortuue home lake ontario steamboat arrnngcntcnfg for 1836 thk g32 ebhuh j1tited stlesj r will after the 1st or jotfei vl fol10ws thk i v8tki states rt yak clkve loing ip leave ofidensborgb aid prescott sunday 5 p m morning koon kvenin morning evening the great britain a to sell or to rent large and commodious dwelling house pleasantly situated in the vil lage of napanee the house contaios eight rooms and other conveniences and accommo dations suitable fur a family apply lo a mftcphersofl es napanee or in kingston to dr dtehl kingston 9ih april 1836 s2x notice commissioner for croicn lands 0icc tnrcnto 10th may ldijti- j vflitle timea and places for sale of crown lands and clergy reserves dining the prevent year will bo ad follows a the western district for croif n lands and clergy reserves in fie county of keataod town lnt in chat ham and rroll at chatham on the 1st tues day in june and ocr the firsi tuesday io july aogmt september aod october hi n for clergy reserves io lie county of i sex and town lots in saodwich and am- beratbarhftt sandwich on tho tliird wcd- nesdayin jooe anil on tho thinl wednesday io july august september and october fol lowing reference may he made to the agent for the crown for this district mr henry jongs residing io chatham tor further in formation ijf the loxdojt district fof clergy reserves io the county of nnr folk at sunt o mi ihtr lt joae and on the 2d joly 3d august 1st september 111 oc- toher and ui november following ff gte0 ere jfb cwthf of ov- forj at kfnodfortf on ifa 4th ttmt nod no the 5th july 5th aiuat 5th september 4th oeteber sind4ib november following for clergy reserves io the county of middlesex and towalots io locdun nt lon don ooihe8ih jqne aod on tho 8ih july 9th august 7th september 7ih october aod oo the 9th novomhcr folloiviug reference may be tnndo to tho agent for the crowofor this disiriet john it as kin esquire residing io loudou fur fjfrihcr iofur hmtioq iff the home district for towii lots in pftrt credit and rrooti to thi city oo the 23d may iostaot aod for uch crown lands and clergy reserves aa are for salo at this city on ihc sbcoud tuesday in juoe and on ihc second tuesday jn july august september aod october following u the newcastle district for crown lands clergy reserves and town lots in peterborough aod lindsay at petorbaroukh oo tho firnt tuesday in juue and eulbe 6rtttoday in july august septem ber aud otftoler followiiic- for town lota in the village lately survey ed at the mouth of the treot in lull tot o oo the j5th of juno and on tho 2ud iverfnn- dsyin july august september aud octo ber following reference maybe made to the aseot for tho crowo for this district alexander mc donnell esq residing at pcteiberough for further iuformattoo za the bsthurst district for clergy reserves in tha counties of lan- ark nod carlton at bytowu on the 2d wed- needay io juvo aod oo the 2d wednesday in july aagusi september aod october fol low iqg for towo lots in richmond at that tpft ot the same daya pfrsthe ottawa district r clergy reserves in the couutres n pjoscolt ifu russell at bytowo on the 2j vvejceday in juno and oo the 2d wciiues djjjoly august september aod octo keferodee may be made to ht acot t rjftr pbese districts john me lq residing at bytnuo fur laleof the particular lots to ho eaeh ihisidsllip ffpeeifyiug also the sale have beeo pnotcfl aod will be foewthoofat theodlccs of od bftrifl and in other s in aaefi ditrici which p w whad oa fpplitotinn to tho cannijsftemifof crowo liiods or ety of tho tm agent schedules are prepartef fvr the midland mai orjjr drict4 la whrem there are urown itmtff er clergy reserves for sale ami noti- ye efiwss sadts will be speedily liven 3 peter robinhon 200 prizes of 500 dollars virginia state lottery class 11 for ihc benefit of ihe beoevolent mechanic asneiatioo to be dratro ni alexandria va saturday october 8 1830 capitals yn 000 sio000 5000 s3l7i2uf2 10 of 1500 300 of 500 ticlut ten dollars a certificate of a package of whole tick els will he sent for 130 dellnre halves quar ters aod eighths in proportion- order fur single tickets or packages iuul bo addressed s j sylvester 130 broadway yfcwkorf 50 prizes of oine thousand dol lars virginia state lottery no fi for the benefit of tho mechanical bencv oleot sncieir or norfolk to he drawn at alexandria va ffmurdoy oct 23 lhfi capital thirty thousand doltnn i fcw 000 iokn stitooo 0110- 30u0l 3- 500 s2uuo 50 of 81 000 tietittt 10 dollar a certificate of a package of 25 whole ticket will ho icm for 130 dollars packa ces of halves quarters nod eighths io proper lion kingston monday sachets harbr do oemgo do rochester tuesday toronto do and arrives at uunsstown nd lewiston ear ly on vrdnidny morning jjivioij pasen5rrs all the day u visit the falls and return by tnc i cutting down leaves leiviston wednesday 7 evening younstown- do s do rochester thursday morning oswego m do evening sacked harbor dfl 12 night kingston friday morning and arrives atogdensburgh same afternoon touching goift up and coming down at mor ristown brekvtlc alexandria bjy aod freocli creefe- passengcrs iravinrj the niagara by the uni ted states on wednesday evening wi montreal on saturday cveoinjr topas5es by either boat will pass the si cavt whitney going wp leaves presfoll tuesday hrocjiville do kioffion letters gma1n1ng in the pt ofheo at king ston on loili september 1836 rated with british postage medooell ronald b mcdonald jno l- 2 mcdonald jas j 2 meleao joseph oswego cobourg port hope toronto and arrives at n reach evening do wednesday torcnooo do evening thursday morning do do friday do affira queension ind lew- iston the same forenoon coming doicn leares lewiston saturday ai 2 afternoon niagara do at s do toronto do at 10 do port hope sunday morning cobourg do do oitveco do night kingston monday morning rrockville do noon and arrives at prescott same afterncon touch ing in going on and coming dowo at alexan dria bay and french creek passengers leaving niagara by the great britain on saturday will arrive in montreal ou tuesday evening lawrence from kingston to montreal by dayliht fopartie from the south intending to visit niagara falls will 6ed it a pleasaat and ex peditious route o take the lale steamers at oswego or rochester daicd m 9 is36 9sz bay river the pkndid steam boat h talder mistek will iravc precott for the head of the b ly of quinte on tuesday and fridays on tho arrivnl of ib steamer dolphin touch- inat brokmto ftj oftftqou 9am leave kingston on her upward trips oo wed- hugh at half past 8 oclock at tho following plu- ronris hftiis mohawk vlluotj sofhiasev0iii attfiliaftucitni and carrying place till great 14 drawn no scheme nearly arf many prizes as blanks vrfrgikla state lottery no c for ho benefit of the towo of wheeling to bo drawn nt alcxaudtia vj saturduv ocioher20 ig scheme- tbirty thousand dollars 15- 000 80000 5000 4000 10 of jihk 15 of s00o 20 of s50u 20uf 40030 of 3300 fyc tickets only 10 dollar a certificate of a pak0 of 2i whole tickets will beeonl tor ch dollars pachngei sbare io propurtion s j sylvester 0 iiroadway jvew- york of notice commiisiotttr of cfrtttcfl laud- office toronto i oth may 1836 j the timenud places for the slo of crown ond clergy reserves duriug tho present year will be ns follows midland distutct jit belleville fur crown laoits in tho couoty ot hastings on the 90th june 20ih july 20th august 20th september 20ili october and 21st novcmher jit napanee far c town lands io the coun ties of lenox tf addingtan on the 24ih juno 25th july 2lih auguf 2lih sep toother 24lh october aod 2irh november it kingston for crown lnmlf the couniy of fronienac on the j0th june 28th july 29th august 29th september tmtli octubcr and 2fh november- at belleville for clergy reserve in tho county of hastings on tho 30th june 20th july 2uih amtust 20th september 90th october nod 2lst novcmher at napanee for clergy reserves in the couu- lics uf lenox addington ou tho 24th juno 23th july 24th auuii 24th september 21th october aud 25th november at kingston for clergy reserves in the couoty of frtmtfnac on the thirtieth juno tweotyeihth july tweolyiiinih august twcoiyointb september twentyeighth oc tober and twcniyuintb november schedules of the particular lots in he sold in each township and specifying also tho terms of sale have been printed aud will be put up at the court house at the okco of the clerk o the nonce and sheriff and at oth er places io the disrrict which schedules can ho had on application to tho commissioner for crown lauds or io samuel s wil- mot esquire deputy surveyor who will csidc in tho dunici aud lupcriotcnd tho sev eral salts 105 peter robinson ncsdayst nod saturdays a tf aud will call ccs bath frcuericksdcughi anoi rnrstow h ti rkit slaniin i and arrive at tho trent tho same evenings she nil leave the trent ami cnrrjios place on ihe rvfioiogl of wednesday aud sunday for belleville and leave bellevjllo for prescott on mondays aod thutsdays nt halfpast g a m calliuj at all the intermediate places tho hkockviixe will leave punctually as advertised and as she will stop only a few minutes at each phico except when there miff be freight passengers are requested to be in reidincftt the speed anil elegant accommodations of tho kjtockviftlk are sn well known thai they require no further recommendation for freight or passage apply to tbc captain on board or to the comhittitji s dfnsnn s bartlcrr belleville j fc j miller hallowell t mcnidtr kington itohert hnrvcy rrock- villo and the following aokxts thomas fraser preroit henry i andofiar i urfil adolphutowu siinuel btirgb wilt pont co thomas alcmahfto ameuftsburgh sheldon llawley river trent charle ilikkar car rying place auo at the stores of john coun ter eq aud mcisr truax phillips heicalcfl representations having been made to the coramittee of the kingston f by men in busrtesg that it would greaily ntcommodale the piblic aod allay the apprehensions which rnanveniertain by the rapid movements of both ifle king ston and brockuitle consequent on m opposi tion if the days of one of the boats ere alter ed and expressing a wish that the kingston would take other days although convinced that they had the right of keeping tm days of last year and the injustice of irblfcftf m takit5 the same days wbaihsre were oiher jaysohexceek inoccopiei the commit tee of the kingston beg io intiohte to the pub lic that in order to aftord them greater facilities and convenience they have decided on altering the days of sailing tndcr the con fident expectation that it will bdulv apprecia- led they hcrefore give notte that for the future thu steam boat kiitgtcu jacob covten maen will lave the carrying pta on tuesday and friday moniins ai 3 ovpclc touching tat ib river trent ameliashuh belleville sophinsburgh cuhcrton bcnlun wharf halhwell adolphusiown fwlcrtrksbursh and bth to kingston willleave kinssioo touh atlairmans ga ami arrin prescott in asher it john ii samuel laser solmce sophins- mohawk illhtee ftl kinj kingstou igth mnv iic 17 sua ix e onvagio til e steam packet i same day at g p mi oanoque urockvillc ttniciiir the steam uojt for montreal trwano will leive precuit fwry wednesday and saturday i m i immediately ater the arrival of the steam boat from below touching nt brockvillp frcnrli creek iud irrive ston early next nmrmn will leave kingston ever monday and thursday morning at 3 ovlck louchmtr a the inicrincdiate places and arivcat the car rying place siinc cveniii w time to meet ihe atgcs f cobourg port hope and to ronto all pnfkagcf and luftaec at ihe risk of tlr owner udteu given in charge of the putscr anil booked every nitention will be paid to tin rnnifmi of passengers and the boat is well adapted to take freight horses c c may 27 i33b 07 hf so cait n joiinson profiled by a low pnmtn engine horse power wie ontv steam boat xvittch tmts reoo ikiv ntnteul kintistok axp oswkco ulf l leave kington evcrj m aday wednesday and friday morning at half past 8 oclock and oswego every tnes- day thursday and saturday at same hour unil further notice and on sundays will lake an extra trip leaving kinssion at 6 a jhnd returning ihc saint evening the canada which has run for many years and niagara is armstrong kleoor armstrong fraocis argan johu abbott john armstrong jobo anderson ao- atwell robert reil itenncir augustus 2 bailey georgo itlewer john rcaumao mrs radgley joseph baker charles baker michael lirton joha llannan sir reih dunran brtraw sulivan birminghamt jatnei rodilly mr blake morgan browne jnhaona bruce robert blake mr- bray joseph biugington georgo itlaeklmt robt krowo esq buroside william rnwcu jobo cormack john campbell robt coyle patk cromwell aon jane clioethos- cameron john camhell samuel connor patrick caverly jtfs r crooks edward cameron conan mr crawford william caverly joseph 2 onvis cntharine diainoml andrew diamond laol dnooghue cornelius dunn edwd dtckson james bore roht dixuj james dailey john edward michael elliott arcbd fraoklin heory fagco john farley bridget parrel thos freil john frnn par genar antdue grant peter j gibson thos gordon wflt- gordon jmes gonynn pcy grange aix- gilgao margaret leodenning robert gill charles goodwin jamea llafniltun alexr hudseu richard henderson j no hisday gfiiffio henderson alcxr llurh thos hitinilton ceo ilotluhiz jkcph hollbronk jane hood aothooy hnssy andrew hnrringicn john hoskiii alexr harden william ii itch hester hrsley john llaihroolc a- il hall richard llaoao thos illnki mis jackson henry lours archd jol- cist of letters remaining in the post office at buh 5th sept 1836 aylcswonh boweo jn hugh notice to eniiffrihits the undermentioned government acents will on application afford emigrants information relative to the crown lands for sale in their respective districts and the ions upon which they may be ohiaioed igrant agent prea- m btfhven toronto and niagara is schooner rgedaiid is well known to be second to ooe ns a safe sa boat she ig well calcula- o convey both freight and passengers safety and expedition- rtinhl or parage apply o messrs rant oswego messrs tmax ogston or io the captain on ted wilbi trolitidge sl ci phillips ki bonrf kngtun may 0d 11136 1jz enforntntion vanteil of william beaton aged about ig a tall slender active young man had on when he left pittsburgh a brown surtout coat ffrey canadian trowscrs a high much ap and 19 supposed to have gone to the uniied sintm any information rcfpeeiiii him wdl be thank fully received by ins father donald beaton pittsburgh july 7th s3 3ui editor in tho uulied state will confer a favour by copyinc the nbnvc jtust rftccjvcd and for sale at the chronicle ga zette ohice rokt of king an i brock street a large quantity of excellent wrap ping pa1tr on moderate terms july m is0o at burbcr anil ilair dresser muktt fiotrarft kinqstoi is grateful for tho liberal patronage be h received from tho public ho hupva to imril n contiiuitinrt- pf it corazor honed nod dressed juniiry 87i l35i fliiirch of england psalms fy hymns with and without music sold at tjhe chronicc gazeiic olbce ivincsioo may 17 1636 03 pogslou wauled immedialcly hphvo journeymen cabinet makers and an active vouug man a5 apprentice to the samic busiocss liberal warres will begtven nome but persons of good habits need apply r conk kjingsion u c mny 00th 1836 94z con d mr iv seotl em colt johnstown district mr john mrnaugltfon agent 10 the com- i missirtner for crown lands bytown bath j urt disiriet mr anthony mnnnhan emigrant agent j kingston midland district mr alexander medonell a cent to the i commissioner for crowo land peierboro nowcasile districr mr john b askin agent for the com missioner for crown lands lotvdon loadon district mr henry j jones agent 10 the com missioner for crowo lands chatham wes tern district they will also give informal on as to the routes distances and rates of a jnveyance to those parts of the province to which fmi grants may he desirous of proceeding and di rect thoao iu want of work lo places where thev can obtain it the undermentioned gentlemen have been furnished with mips of the townships opeo for location and will give knugrants infor- mation relative to the lands for sale in their respective neighborhood jewell john johnston jflmei jarvis fradcis king thos knight rnchael keor mrs roht kcegan revd john kelly william kondrick thos kennedy wm lcnechan mary lavre tho- leo richard liviogstoo charlotlo lyon lyman lynch juho lefurgey jacob lvnch mary mcdouald allen roy mclean john 2 meleao james mcdonell michael mccarthy jeremiah lledermui baroard mcwherter wm- merovao samuel mcnave jj ftlcbridc bridget mcklnley biddy megowio wm- mcgowin ann memillcn neil mclave robert mecondill mclcod geo meoard sad jiadotv amlretv martin louis s- magert david maid nancy mann john mebity john mealy flleo mallondaoiel martin robert maginnis hugh meniff mr maltoo james meyo d mnolizambert d murray tbomm miones mary muoro wm j murphy pnt murray edwd murray john ntekleson snml neville w niekle wm nicholl thos niebnlson ambrose odnnnel ellen 0neil daniel oreilly catherine oule antnine otiion hugh patterson wm prontice mary aod pine dr jortn pheoit lyman powley rev jnmes 2 piatt george fs ejttm price n pagan robert reel clements rodgcrs mrt- roche a w rolestone john rons donald 2 rolph wm rolrsroii joseph rorrison robt d roger margaret robertson hugh seott wm shan richard shepprrd james smith james scott fraocis sparham adolphus sharp james sanson mr savne edwil sioleton thos swift ann sicwart saml sbeil mr steel thos stringer elizabeth steel john stepheoson james stapeley mrs n smith john slcdman aon stewart daitl stewart mrs daol shaw snml scull john thomson john 4 thomson thomas or robert tnulmio e p troehetl thos trimble j as timiioiij elizaboth tiudall c vador david wright humphries webb edwd com mander welsh peter c williamson john williamson tbo vvhlttnit alcxr wheelock win- wood henry 5 white hans wilson christopher webster robt weller gilbert wilson mary ann woodward charles walker wm weadich jas wood stephen wilmot joho kano richard leo james liok john esq miller christopher mihigno david miller wm miller calvin miller george madden james maddeo wm jr m adden john moynough john mclcod- roderick 3neioi jane eliza perry david perry f- benjamin perry robt jr parker john ronnie john raymond willinm roftche edward simmons nelsoo stucker james islmgerlitod jacob ispaffoul- g horatio stapely john soiy klizabcth siorms john storms samuel storms sheldon sheoy iatrick thornton susan tremaioe c- g voshurghf anna aylesworth haskil aylcuworth b henry alleu john ash dr brandoo james beujaroio ebeneijr benjamin elijah badgley matthiss broo snml blaoche mr bedford john burdell ann clark maihew fnq chamberlain jas esq comerjcob comer louis cooper wm duncao hugh daly cath don w john doak robert i dick- ceo ellis lake shngerlnod jacob 2 edward gorton fiaser d jr french thomas fraliek j lewis fralick lj fellows james file isaac fouria j r j esq gordaoicr jobo hess john hartrnan i inulhy hatiin joseph hogio james hough james jackson gorc jackson chrimpher such of ihe ibnve i deetiied in ix weeks letter offico wm bath mbsfpr 13u bank of upper canada public nome 1 hereby trven thl ft general meeting of the bioekhoweifl oi this bank is requested 10 be held t the bank on wednesday 1 tic 24th day of august next at 10 oclock in the forenoon for the puqos of eleciins a director to srve during the re maioder cf the present term in the ptaceof the hon- pktcr rorinon who ha resigned and for business which will be tbett cummuniva by order of the board vfiii john walker john walker emtlia water bulkley wright simcoo rttors as ill ho scut are not re to the dead j mckav p m ridout cashier bank of upper canada toronto i si h july the editorkor nrwsoaper who have mllr ptb litbed for th bank f tp canada will be kyatd lo cic this notice one insertion thos u issfi 8v a and for sale quantity of excellent writing ink at the uhron- glmtte olfice rorne uf king brock sireet ml drper canada hlfxuu fire insurance com- taxv- at a mcetinir of the freeholders of the mid land district duly convened by public ad vertisemeni pursuant toanaciptssed inihetith year of the rcifjn of wm iv- ea tilled m act to authorize the esmblihnient of alutuil in surance conipinifs in the sver i districts of this province hw ai ihe court huuse tn the town of kingston on monday the tiib y of junumnstant at i uvlurk at noon lor the purpose of considering whether it be expedient to establish in such district a fire iusuftagti company on ow principle of mutual insu rance in conform ly with ihe provisions of the above mentiuned act and upwards of 40 member bein present ut the said meeting hinry ciiadv lvq having been called w the chair and mr w dj we appointed sec reiary it wos resolved that the freeholders pre sent at this meet ins deem it expedient to form a fire insurance company upon be principle of mutual insurance within the midland dis iriet pursuant 10 the statute laudv pissed resolved that ii cnidy wmgirnit and thomas kirkpatrick f5qr be a cummii tec to open a book ami rocrivi subscriptions for stock and whorrtfl the frceholjers tiien pre sent beincr forty or roori and the sums for wiiitjhk ncy t tiicsiieeiwe i enirct into ranee amounted iiethir to 0000 currency and upwards and are thereby ordained con stituted and declared by the said aci lobeabo dy corporate and politic in fact by and under the name and style of the mutual fire insu rance company of for the midland district now we the unditbiifacd ten freeholders pre sent at the said meeting and bound to effect insurance with ihe said company and being member thereof do hereby give notice that we call n meeting of the said company to bo held at the court hothg io the town of king ston aforesaid on monthly the 18th day of ju ly next at iq tchtfk at noon for the purpose of elecnng seven directors 10 manage and conduct ihe property affairs and concerns of the sid company pursuant to ihc provisions of the snd act rated ash wi ieia united state ciash qual lory- fiannnoque mlny 171836 y wool maiitccl paid for clean wool of a ty in the fleece at tho woollen rood fac- l i tailoring business j d sfkley would respectfully inform the inhrtbitante of kingston and its vici nity that he continues toearryon the above business ai his old aland in store street di- recilly opposite the commercial hotel and he h0we by punctuality strict attention to busi ness rind reasonable charges ttf merit the con- tmuxitioti of patronage be has so liberally re ivimd the past year and he aenim ihc public that no pains will be spared on his part to give everty possible saiiafoction jj ds- will receive the most approved fash ion every spring noil fall nj b one or two first rate journeymen wilt ifind constant employment by applying to lbeoabmv none hm first rtlc workmen need appmy kiiir luilj til miv lui fht imr 41 tc 1c ii a if prlnglr coirnwall fraser bruickvillu mckenzic baitih baldwin beleville fairfield hafilowell brown cobiourjf kingsmill pgt hope flliot sattflwtch 11 bostwck port stanley 11 ironside arotoersiburgh emigrants in want of information or em ploy men t on their arrival at toronto are di rected to apply at the emigrant office in the public building a r hawse chief emigrant agent for u canada emigrant office toronto may 34 1336 nyiloo the editor or tho kionilon chixawcic montreal gtettc cobourg star nd the ionttmn lmei are reqiteitc to laitn tlic above notice iiblheir respect iv paprn nrf to continue the tamo until the 3lt fit october next for sale kegs of ilipbmi printing ink very low lor 6nsh chronicle gbmiic office j khi3cki january 7ih 1336 g 30 liam alberaon richan cain charts clark joseph clark sarah cullen andrew curshun merlin dnvja oliver peaoe olivsr elmvnrth harriet english alcxr english richard eaton almod ranson field joseph fingland vm fingland jamci panel william farrar dorcas could jr lyman qriffioj john ciuio john howard b c hardy ftlr horoin ccorge johuston fnnny jojee thomatt keeflb mi mcgawley margaret mcneill rose mclotyre archd pottage mclntyre mary hckeozie john mrnlry menolty mary meclmikv nerjf 2 alichea uoorge pnpplp w purdy micajah page john c riorden unniel ettnehnw matthew rider richard reet s ryan nancy seward jnsoo stone william l simple peter stewart george smith mrt skeel r r sooth wm scott francis wnylaod themif3 wind john p willis thomaa wiele edward wring john webtier robert walker jobo f tid h ca5aov thos klrkritmckj wm grratt james magher henry smith jr kioston 7ih june david john smith johw mowat wm ttjjrkeix john prawt dower joseph broce 1 836 99 thc chronicle st gazctse stephen h merrill pointer if pnid in adtance if pnid at the end john macaulay p m n b such of the bnve meotioued teliera iiiy itilhio fromthit 111 w bo r0lur to th4 general post of fice at quebec as dead letteri just rrceivrd and tfkinirnnd llrock rrh ami i ktnftfi nnir l i for sale nti the corner street kcmdy reckon- tirmniimr it w9tt john clancy or david clancy who emigrated from the county cork omefotir years past are informed that the in- tani children of john whelan and ellen cla ncy their sister ere now in kingston under cnargcol mary daly their mother haying died on tbe passage out th children ire desti tute and the uncle are requested to come pecdilv to their assistance- further information may be bad on annlica- tionio mr manehio jl kidritoo igth july i83e- et tms- twcntv shilling per annur or within the first two mnnth uf the year twcmytiv shillings vrlcc ef sllftcrtlsemtnts busneamndnnden 2 6d first insertion snd 7d each ubcquenl insertion ten line and under s 4d- first insertion and lod each ftubsqient insertion above ten lines 4d pei line for tin f insertion and id- per hno for every subseqmvl ni5rtion advertisements wit houtwrtlfen rin iximiiinerlei liuorm and charged accordingly a liberal discount made to mcrchmiils and othrri who advertise fur jhrde months and toward no idvertisement received after tn ofock at uie mornings nf publistion any person procuiirtg six tubscrihers tothepapr end paying annually far the same shall be eptiticj to a seventh copy zrath iq country raidoec received in payment at the market price bigncll john david cbihohi l- andrtw prteous eq william blclntosb eq georgo browse esq alpheus jnncs esq henry jones sq josian taylor eo hwhitmnrsh e 3 k hartwcll enq messrs c j mcdonald john dn esq 2 allan mcpliorson ego wm rorltc evq tho mcmahon etq rhi mas dnnorcrfl esq t d appleby esq thomas parker esq w robertson ben charles bipcar epq joseph a heeler esq kenneth mnckonxie evq david snia eq john rnllai enq rslfoclcncti eq qufbec three river moittresl lancaster matiwa prescott brockville ptrt richmond taitsrd gantneqee bath napsnte hallowell antfliatburgh snphpsfbunft shannoaffihap bellerile rivsr treat murray colborne cobourg port hope toronto msgimi i