llotfdky w ttrcuniffe esq ste- mr georje armstrong ihni the editors ihe chtwireh it gsietie ornish viria iid kingston heeid he rquesied o pillimh u in proceedrotfs of ihe two meeiin thinks were eben tllr to chairman and t uu urclinf sdjourned sine die u armstrong secretary a friend nf captain lmnine roval anilh ly isvin sern in ilii- ornish whig newspa nee a report of n iiktim held i hi inn called m the culboroe arms to ike inin ronsder- uto lite raising of a peony subscription lo si ifcr fine awarded at the assizes agnnst jackson tor iwi hvillll on captain le- fpatnein which lieut claike half pv it n fiv president in lor me i cah lmioine if ths 4kcutil all ninrnin be justu podfldff tuff lieui clarke by sudninzjtad offered dim b person entirely unknown a gratuitous in toll requeued his friend 10 wait upon ihi uf- fcer 10 demand the only silisfetioft which it wit supposed a snilimiii acting ns lieut clark hd done woul j be re i i v 10 irfw afitt haakinie for lieut ci irlce some tim he wss found at the dwfc yard when capt lmiuine friend a fur inueh desultory ennver- fmin lieut clarke staling ho having seen a crowd it ihe inn hud gone in and that lie was repeatedly miked to take the chair which he as repeatedly refused hut i last ws indu ced to do he il lie meani no insult 10 cap tain lmoine tnd he would not meet him as he did not think he hid oflirtel capi lemuine personal insult hot he did not think cpt lcmoine had acted perfectly right upon his bnn 2 pressed to av win he thought he cap- tia lemoine injghi in have dortfc he atm he dpi l shouli have kicked his mr- jk- son shine or nit in hi- fare this being so preposterous he wis then asked fimply whiher he would give captain lemuine the satisfaction of a gentleman m 3n hour which he objected 10 do hut would willingly meet friend of capi lemoine and state in their presence thai he had no intention of insulting cpt lmotne a seoilrtnsn nud an officer en tirely unknowo to hm the following oitfers in ronwqqpaf u- seniblhl ai colonel hochf coms s4tll rtvf qtltlfirr ij capt cmieron r a ast surfroa parrmi o m nnd the az- flrirved pirty cipt lenivoue afur waiting dcjir an hour the annexed letter wl reeiv- ef fmm lirui clarke and in rantrqww ll oh hughes tid on pi cftmemn went lu him for a dtfioliltf tetiliii of this bistqm j q clakkk livdi k n havins found ltvot- curkesf his honn he fignrd thr nhove and the following cetiiuoste in ihfef ppfem r 11 when i presided at ihe meeting ns stat ed in ihe p4jer which hi been rnd 10 me and is in sulistanre prfccily infftii td to whirli i lote put my eniiire i bad nn in- rioinn if insoliins cjiuin lciiihip itoyal who aa fr as i fcflnlv 1 11 ovutuni ii uiljif nod a horse arullrry rvery rpet a mao of honor in our prritfnp kingston 24th pt j b clark i it n c- i1ugiiks uirutcul 24ih itcfl a camkuon capt it a 1s3g kincitnnsiiorihv spl14 iss6 sfl- oi ninore cooidtration i do not llioik nivovlf anirimhle 10 nny aei of a inh- ie kfeiloat enndeinrainrv of in individual wlioie rooduil tnnv pptar nlp tht or nt s hr naftlea hlpyriwil lire ilifftrtllx 0 material if iu 1 rr opinion willi rnvi helevc to dear sir your nmit nhiliem j b clxrkr lieut k n l1v111 chiitel llojhes lr tse havil ci ci i and qnevc meimrr sfbi plrjc i jftic tt 1 k 1 n r ioi nl s lhir tcvtin to lh ttfire army contracts aniurart khtf 47 lispiniher 1836 t sotickh liftrln ilvttf lhai sealed iw a tax will 14 re t lllin oflic uuil wmnetulav itt nikin the 21 iv of nntfiutof tint iroot auctt ji rjioo who mv h willing otenur into contrary with h m ijfmtl tiivirnnirnt for ihr hdiwing 4pplea hr the ur of u e tnop stit and dpt11i1wtjl jn 8c i1mii 1 ii n pnnttine n ihe jtorju4i t 1 eou on tiu dtou day of sejiienthr f-dlowinff- f frrh pref at w lb ctirrrnry soli bmi at l i ciwrwt i r4iihh uf dfsw preirh ititoncor tlie raimns of konsr ifttm ur9ih of j ok 16 lbs of hav and g l5 of straw all j ofihe hesi isimv i bedltvwd from ihe cstranur stores furchsfottlsi v bttm current v tltr beef to he of the les ih1mv fo hei propcclv lushlffj and 11 eounl pftfarlhuifl f hind and lb qinfim 0 oilirr 10 be deli v rid to ihr ivops their re- spec live itnrra ks iheuci nii tu he with- drwn- the bed i h- minufiriurel from the u quiliiy of pine kiur nnl i h wrraol- rf tokep soet and fuud fir at lcift nvnty fonr hfrtirs fier ivinerv iu the tfiflp the cars 10 bmpoyed in crrvm ltfad snd rtt tit lilt- tr4ops ftiavfollid si point henry and puu fredftiek will he pirmuied in fan an rerois tbe bridge toll pret the beef brrtd and fori 2 ire th nmes tnrsyi lomieinfperiomi fi ciminnriat officer who shall be tmpowtred hi reject such sua in judgment is not id lltequ inv diseri- bed snd raoe either the beef bfrsd or porsge m hf immedoiivly replaced or in default lhfw sffliall tuhstiiiiie sneh articles is ihe market sptrdsst the com of ihe contnienrf- the contractor fnf bicf will he rcqtiircd to dftke his mon of breflu ibc siaff iepsfl- wins either rnio tbe public market houe orfmmnne of the most ronvenieni conmiis- tinat msatine at kingston ftvniim nidimiioihly by checks on the bjnk of upper canada thnsmes qfiwo responsible persons to he insrned in the tendi as sureties fur the performance of ih contract any lonher iolortnaiinn may be obtained jlkt commiuariat office birrack sirect hlostod 26bt t notice- he subscriber intending 10 remove 10 lower canada will dispose of his issat as sssijlffisab tetj fiifor4ble terms to any person inclin- twd business and continue ii ft stand is one of ihe bei in this hotirish- 2 tl premises sre well adapted r a country holiness and in excellent order i2 wl be sold or leased as may suit the j 2wf0f iliitappliraniand incase of t l f l payiticnt will he gifeo wtm premises as wrll as for the stork r cf messrs gillespie mvffall u vn mooucsl or of ibe subscriber on the raises l lewis moffatt- toarf jh sept 1sw- mfi liirirxfirrers ihe pontocue si nm ibm jknifhi doner j knisht j si lowii j b lewis benjamin lapper judm m peer mctkioel alrx morn mrs d- morgan henry mahster adm mcuy s psulis brant priiiffle william philips t- d- ponieros dtniel ivrry petir m palniatier john pouer corffe itussel lnrv rombouh mr n sharp mr j spcocrr ltufi 4 speurer hnry 3 swiizrr curistnphfp scliarcnahnrn avi spencer jirncs ntith georee junp smith sj nilil jufff vanalline jamea j vanalstine siimtn winchester holland whilemao fraocj wmdovfr peter 3 wtiton john w inimnn robcft 3 yeoukar israrl ho ahore leiiers ss are not redeprfi x weks will be seat 10 the dj xjkmain1vg in jtv nee sib sepu anderson lucina anderaoo thomas boasft gilbert buckingham fredk brown willism bin huzli braoi mapartt chtnibcrhttn qeo chsroberlstn john chamheriin james cunelv francia cleveland juiiq k clot james ixtolp james oeikr john demurest james kmbury john senr embury john juur fmpey fletcher koihury george rakins genrqe enhsow mr r sum samuel s girrison john c htwley james c hume james hrarus thomas t hayest jamai hart oerias htwley john huit sunul hawley william s janvnis john kinimerly jacob j kinaush fdward cellar pner such uf ed wiihin lett er office allan macpherson p m napanee 5th september 1836 the mutual fire insurance company or thz uiolaffo uisraice being now tesally organized the boarijof directors are ready loiawiviappliclahn for assurance addressed to the secretary at his office in brock sircei kingston where ihe rate of premiums bylaws apd form of a plication mav be seen by order of trie directors w dawk secr kingston fioih september iss6 24l milllaery mflsses rankin fit chesnut mt- it liners and dres3makkhb hare taken s shop to brock siren nearly oi- posite bamford slnn and betu solicit a sbjfc of public piironase which ihey trust by saj duitv and punctuality lu merit the newest fashions will he strictly aiift ded to and work done kincsmn 23 i sepli with rlii ilr i mher i8j6 95z to let a good tavern stand in heta tif km2st known as ihe golboitjtr arms hotel there t a room 4 feet long in the house with folding paniiions application to he made to dtvid leahy on the premises o h south jon em ki02ston s4ih sept 1936 25z to brewers wants siiuaiinn a brr er from edinburgh eoitipeteni to take entire chsfs of brewing department or in fit up and ei affujqtl a brewiry upni the nam bh proved stiirli principle applv if by leiier hai pud 10 the editor of his paper kilhwoit t4h sept isitj 9sni th flumpl f fflinii will ph tti ivtf i he v j- inrt os maps for sale at ih lhiuuirfe and cahe fflce maps off lie mdland am prince edwnrd uis ifitfis u c comprehending a tnici id coon- iv olfmin hq 10 90 miles in leirui being troot ner ganioqoe in the eoumy of leed 10 bniihin in hie county uf northumberland sviewin at one rtew ihe different townships concession atol lns thtlli dsofh interes ting and picuinsfpie bay of uinteand laods not sotpasara tn th province kingatoti srptemhi r l836 24 t i vor a term ok years a o rjwire bonding jiut the newly built and commodious three story brik huuse situ tied in the tnosi cemral purt of ihe cttv of toronto at the cor ner uf king and biy streets every attention has been paid in the con struction of the building 10 make it in all re sped conveniens for a p ivate bo rd- ing house an establishment that is much required in the coy the dinfnrf drawing and sitting rooms on the first floor nre spaciuusflotshed in the bsi siyle and fined up with uumbwaiier from ihe kitchen butlers pioiry 8mcbrtfd recesses centres for lamps wun neat cor- oits and folding doors the sittina and bed rooms nn the second and third sunes are so arrsnyed imi fami lies can be accommodated ur separate spart- ments provided the basement story eootsins a large kitch en with servants room besides fine roomy apsrtmenis for dwellins with private stairs leadiojf to the upper stories the attic is well fined up for trra bed rooms when required ihe outbuimincs cjnnected by covered gal leries from the first and second stories a good well si hie and coachhouse with sufficient yard room the buildiog being nn the principal busi ness street in the city and at about equal dis tances from the market steamboat landings post office limks mi churches see to the east and from ihe government house pub lic offires and parliament buildings c to the west all within a few minutes walk renders it a very convenieot situatioo for a pri vate boarding howie any person qualified to conduct such sn es tablishment in respectable mnner sod du- simus of renting the premises would be irest- ed with on liberal terms apply at the gazette office toronto no 164 king street september 1836 24ii icptiie curiar patrini snd u c albion to- rn iu cnni kingtiri ciirlc nifj herald mitotrtilj mrrnrv a id gtts qubac mtd albit naw yorklanr reqasirdtogtvc the above three ineninns and iirwatd thtir accounts o the gsstrtie office toronto dissolution of copnrtiiershlp the partnership formerly eiisiing as the brm ofruskcamkkon is this day dissolved by mutual consent all debts due to and by the firm 10 be senlej by roderick hcfisio rose who continues the business on his own aceuot signed r m rose angus camrron kingston mth september 1836 322 citai of the falls the proprieinrs of ihe grounds srijotninr ilie falls ot niagara havin by ihe term of their asuctation made a division of the pro- pert v md airred iu sell by public auction the following v lualile boreia houses and premisb3 which are so well kimivn that a desciipiion is unnecessary nd would merely ohnerve thai the pronged kail way from chippawa lo unei union where ihe chain suspension brjter tm the niagara is nropoed 10 ho built will he ttuihhet pisi the ontario honsa and 10 ihe rviloin etrly in ilie ensuing spring from whence treat advantages will necissanly arise to the premises the pronrirturs therefore will sell hy vmic auction on the irtmiies upon twtsday the sih day of novemlter next hai nod those the out irid house hotel h the rubles shedonibuiidings g irden rcliard ihereiu helouging comprising wtiaiiid a htlf acres more or les ef fiont of ihe main n iherear aalnt all w and o ahnui tending sirret ur frmi ii- road in concfion hud i 1 notice steamrr btocsville hug of the biutkhtmtfa of the kimi crokfile will take plftflmi 11 toewav ihe 2oih d v ofllciober briimli american hmvlai if o- ambk sem ktncsinti t next ai ihe chide a m when business ul importance will be suhuiimed hy ihecummiilee sim k bidders who ranuui atiendare partic ularly requited 10 appuini some person in wriitnf lo ci gtf iheut i mac5idr j st j miller s betes bv w beirson pnitii batlkt jr ra hkhvkt j mcmill mcdonmll co rot rosa bills flikt ja- thomas a cnastt mns mi maiio the piivihnn motel and ground reserved fur ihe wntne rouiprtstng upwards of one acre as el rtfih ori f m r j bath house assembly rooms ily bui in 4 tntil sobstntil manner with various acconmiuditions us will aprear upon eximinaiton ter ms jnefifth of ihe punhase money at lime of sle renuinder in five yearly payments wiih imerest earlv or the principal an- r ihe sale of nam premivs will he sold the fvrnjtttrf fa the p haiti and bnth hour vrnfifiingof bein beddin carpels tibles chairasnfalookiogglnsses dtliih i glass ftw fr t with inierst npproved ecurlly siwltosk 34h4 ftjtho wtaiiift rhars ww pltaaa pawbfe iha anncttutiheltn jj1 aail nt ihrir accrit rw ssyiaeaf ta n mt b b kiatar kalu- ra ruenjinl a u 1 rr cuantr ba rcomurer it i few v qirer alhaai 4fli s hmi1toa hsaahian setts crrntlrf vyttctifam mwtcral oaaatta- thtppjtvahera nuar4gi4iitranj rorter t kingston 24d september 1836- aflhi notice the stkamer que en st on captain joh ivfs will from the 1st uf october nesi till the cloe uf the navication run daily from kingston to oswego leaving kingston mi 7 in the evening arid oswego ai 7 in the morn in the jueenmon is known to he on of the safest and best sea vessel now on these wa ters she is well furnished and her accom- cuod uintis are comfortable for freight or pissase apply to trow bridge 8t grant at oswcso and lu tmmi 5l plltlrps si kfuon kmgsion sept 24 1336 24r if james durrell yorkshire enlani will jionlly ur by leiier to the will hear somethinc 10 james burrell is supposed in from wakefield apply either per- uudcrsignrd he his advantage have lern living in ihe neighbourhood of belleville in t8sj if any person can riv information uf him he will confer sn ubliimtion henky burstall qneher 6th september 1656 24i h sharp begs leave to inform the inhabinnts of kingston that he has opened nis boot and shoe shop in the new building 00 ihe corner of king and brock sireei where he will keep on hand and manufacture on the shonest nonce all kinds of work in his line ai ihe mcsi ressooable waxted youi h f 1nf oiiunliy ss an ap- preimce i n respectable drv good stre ktnsstun i 0 t editor of this per kingston 2ty september 1bi6 24z notice tw i9ih auiur r will be as fullowa gore dhtritt in the couniv of weniwnnh eitiemher i7ih october and at hamilton on ihe 19th 21st novernl t niagara distrirt at hamiltom nn h nmc jy schedules ofj particular lots to be sold in eieh townslu au specifying alo ihfc terms of sle have hcf printed and will he put up h labq ontario- 1s5g the stcam boat oswego captnw 5- malady txill ply on lake ontarnu roj ihe st w lawrenee itiver hctweeai ogenshursh and nnri as follows cotrmsenciuz april 29lh 1836 iffwaans lesres ogden on fridar evening kingston u c saturday morning sackeaa harbor m noon osweo 11 etening knchesier sunday mnrning toronto ucfur niagsra and leis- tun monday morning where sbr arrives srlv suing passengers all the day t visit ihe falls uf niagara uj returu by the boat dow5wagos leaees lewiston oo monday etenin rochcsttr tuesday morniag oswegq afiernoon sackeus harbor night kingston u cm wednesday morning snd arrives at ogdensburh ihe same weeing touching at french creek morrisiown alex andria and brockville co parties intending visinng the falls of niagara buffalo or he different pons on lake ontario will find the route via oswego or rochester to be the cheapest and most expe ditious oc passengers leaving nisgara in this boat on monday evening will srrive ai mon t rest on thursday evening passing ihe most interesting pari of ihe st lawrence river by dy light 8i2 stcak suit sir james kempt capt francis baker wm shaw sailing matter will on inc npeninz of ihe navigation commence her rrgular trips as usual will leave kingston for the bay on tuesday and friday mornings will leave the brad of ihe bay for kingston and prescoit 00 wednesday and ssturdsy mornings will leave prescoit for kingston and the bov nn monday and thursday evenings im mediately after the arrival of ihe boats from below kingston 94th march 1836 78z to millers just received direct from the manufac turers in europe wiih whum arrange ments have been made for aconsiaot supply of articles of the best quality tizt i real dutch bolting cloths assnrted blackraorvs patent do do french burr stones for salp bv larocque bernard co y 20- isz jul commercial bank m- d- he 41 totick is hereby given that ni a mcc 1 of stockholders held at the bank on i sih inn it was kuoletd that the in stalments on the new stuck be called in as follows 10 per cent on the hivw msec is56 4 may i july i sptr i novv the banl its nses and agencies he new v holders s mv wish 10 pay in ihe hilf or wrule or their sinck ai once will be allowed du su utt the day the krsi instolmeni is dui by order of the board k a harper cashier kingston dec ss 1355 5 tha following ararnsfrni will plfaia tafert the above fldrrrtitciueni unto xircinbrrnexlpatrlvt tnnwu kr c nitar rrimrw snj- wieh emigrant kjihurt courut ctirncrall uierer sad frlrmtrcai uazvtts 10 10 ai 10 44 10 ii payable ai suih of office of ihccan 4qui brdjr company kinaton u t j m 1836 no rice ai a meeiinsof ihe director ofthi citaraqiit bridge compel held hisdava dividend uf 5 p ceni was declar ed on he capital of bridge siock cor the hill veir endinoilt j ijw which is now payable at the c office 9z j mahks trrnsurcr llrvtt lhl mltn ilmn stw o k q noil v ijie court f kuse a 1 the office uf the clerk at of the peace any sheriff and i other places in the district which schedules cn he bad on application t lie commissioner of crown lands 94i20 r u sullivan tko 111 ms u tayrtiymtj 1 will ho iiaila hy nthfw pi the lejisuroa ai its iisaat sefin in fim a cmiipnv ftf ihi conhictton lif ii turnpike kn f iv tmn t kiugsiull tn th villauc r napmir he owuship of rirhimnid h uv midrd bhte the upper cajdi gazette will leae cnv thia ao- l removal oren strong hkiteuy lenders his n rait ft scknow- ledguieni lu a generous pmmir lor the very iinierm2 support he has re while keeping ihe stram bat hntrl m this phice am bec 10 afmim his trimeroic cufnocrs thai he has this diy opened his host plendid establishmeni the north american hotel couourg situaod near the tram boat lnnding where he will thankfully receive and promptly miem the call of his c nf- fording them accomodations wb hall not he surpassed by those of any rfrumjfehmem in ihe province said stand will lw fuotid to f ford very grear aecommodaiion u persons ar riving ai and iaklos ihetr ptss f ihis plirr in ihn 4pv r steum doat r r touch daily ai the wharf the proprietor uf the above establishment connnties his line of slaves to thft kice lake and from thence 10 peterboroua which is wll furnished wiih good covert carriages firsi rie htres and careful oriors scats may br taken at this house iu the kingston and toronto mailstj horses and carriages are r in read iness to convey pscngcrs luiae to any part of ihe country cobourz u c may 1st 183 jqoj prices kingston sept 14 i6n 12z notice to bebtors creditors ll persons i to ihe estate of the p- macpherson enquire of ilillowell brtri are rqsied 10 make immediate pn 10 ihe umleraisurd or ih y will he prg m as law directs and those havir f ofl m estate are requested 10 tfom certified copies thereof without huh w joh a wacphessox attorney ior u kgtaie signed xiza macpherson izxccutrix hallowell l j j6s6 5z wool wanted ash paid for clean wool f qua lity aelivered at ihe wiwf factory gm moquc lv webster chambers august 1 1836 10u4 c for sale anumdkik tuies pfhjfincialju dusk c s upper cansda sta- jusiice tuwoship ma st the chrouicle c gazette of fice corner of k ln brock streets kingston 10 j 1836 of to let from the firsi day of november next that commodious house and mre lately occupied by messrs j 1 bryce st co situat ed oa ihe west side ol store tftctta tlig town of kingston near the commercial hotel these premises nrc excc we adapted for commercial pufp vine situat ed in ihai pari of ibe town bestcj f all kinds of business if uecessary posesion will be piveti on ihe 1st of jun- mxu p further pantculars appliwnon m y mude enher 10 james nickalls jon hw kiiuhioo or to uoberl luwdl tsn- mu bauk quebec kingbion 9ib may ih85 6 to mujen the suhsfrihwr bees leave to infbrrr mh- hn and ibe tsnde ffenerllythsi having eurchaaed ih siock in trade uf mr lswib umwick burr mill siune mnufaciurer- will continue itn business of making french burr mill stones ofihefirsi qutiiv having on hand four palfl of sioue liniahed and o large lut uf burr olucks which he will mak up fo order on the shortest ounce all orders fur the atove la le address ed lo a clark ar the kinssion foundry whom ha haa mad his ngeoi fur his stone building busineif geo mccrabby rinton aueust i61i1 lusti hz thaciboug star vlll plecpy thi adrcitisc ment ono mumh and scud tbeir sccounl in tho ulficc of thia pper laueontnrlo summer arrangements foe 1836 the sew and rapid steam beat oneida propelledby twopdverfut low prvsmffi engines caitsiir aaxca smith will until the 15th of september neat ply between ogdevsbvrgh and ataga- ra touching at the intermediate ports ss fol lows 1 op wasds leaves oyderishurffh wednesday evening 4t kingston uc thursday murniog sackety harbor do ohh i oswego io evening jenesee river friday morning toronto u c do evening touching at younstownaod reaching lewis ton early sdiurday morning oow5wuds leaves lewiston sunday evening 41 genesee river monday mornicg 11 oswego do- sfternoun 11 sockets hthor monday evening kinffionuctuemlay morninsr touching at frenchcreek morristown alex andria and brockville and arriving at ogdens burgh tuesday arirnoon fttrca to e b alkir ozdcnhurzh white st hooxsr morrisiown j w fltta alexandria smith mftrirx frenchcreek j counca kingston u c bocstlkt clarc stcketvhsrbor hcnrv fitzhugh oswejo john t taowaaioofi rochester james itanw toronto osco smith younssiown f gov rctkolds lewistun june lstj 99z bank btit1sh north america tstabmshed iff loflduk capitalsone million sterlino provisional commit pee for coidlctiq ths tttattm of the c vl branch jmts oka esqcirc johx malcolm fiiaskr esqciaa pierite pelleticr kaai georor pfcmbfcrtojf iluhr willram phillirs esqutac the shares reserved fnr ibis district hsv- in- been alfwited and ihe d 1 ii m atrrline earh paid upon tliein ihr necessary arraoavnusita are now in progress fur the com- niencentnt uf business 111 quebec as early as possible ah communications nn the business of this brxnrti an requested tu he made lu thy pro visional committee by 1eitr addressed 10 the office of mr william le leary noiary pub lic nu 33 si ptler sireei rofrt carter commisiioner from ihe court of directors quehrc is1i1 august is3g i2 fohwakdixg united lines of ihe ridfau and st lawrence thr ottawa and hideau for warding company br leave 10 nuiify their lrifiol and the public lenerally iliat ihry have united their line with thai 01 ihe canada inland forwrditiff and insun aicelimipaof alihoiih a decided prefcrenre has justlv been ti v- to ibf kleau lute from the supr- riurcrafi in which gowa sfe forwardrd as well a ihe cenotmy wiih regard in lime and dimiouiiun of nk aueiidtnv ihe transport yet soim- ohjavftoui have lnen raised la the cni hein rlnsrd earlier in ihe hirer lawrence and to ohjeci ht conipanv intend k rp a full supply ol boats on rence nut win a view of itoitls kfietihy hy thai rouie hut lo ihe fall than ohviait- these this union 10 the si liw- iheir business accommmlttc ii as well iliir customers in ihespiine nm fa as iii meet very posihlf roniinency ihai miehi lake pi ire on ihe canal and restore to the company the fullest confidence uf the public to rhiliatt the transport of goods defin ed for ihe pons uf lkes ontario nnd erie the company have arranged lor iheir iranahip neni i botfa ihe pnria of pmcoil anil kings ion hot i rum its ehfftbtliiv intend ihe latter lo he ibe principal place of irinshipment when the hijeu lmiai is reopened and nn nd- vnoee on ihe present raie of frriflhl will he de tnunded from ineir regular customers whtlf ihe rideau canal is 0cn in the 111 their stomal protean are those of the cnadn in land korwardmrrconipoy and mr w di-k- inon lharlr atttll will eommue to conduct ihe business thrri goods forwarded by ihr riovau canal will pot he insured unless ordered by ihe owner ihose lhai may be hrwwried eia the st ww- rence ill he insured by the company unless uiherwisedriivied mr k- hnrkeii uf ihe canada inland for- wardineaud insurance cttnpany will at all limes be ready 10 receive orders lor this corn- pane to whom n well as ihe company s azeots ai montreal nod kingston ppplisaiton ujiy bv made k cusihng asenr montreal w dickinson atrni prescoit g kli agent kingrtuti june 25- um for bout 7ft00a various pir sale res of land about rrvooarresnf lawu ailmtrt f variuusparisuf upper cmada cbeip for ready mnnev onlv will he sold in lois 10 suit purclier apply lo c hatch land ageat or tu j linton auciitmeer kioffsmn aqhi i 136 isz information wantkd of jcs oaynnd rafter bnytcs about 11 15 venrs of hire who leti eno ii town iu ihe midland dnirici in may 11 wiih the tnieni of visum their mother at tnmntu they arc raiher lwd lookinj biy dirk eyes fair hair anv inforiiinuii rwpwhofi them will be think folly received by llialr aoarow mother martha roynfon or bavles ltrcei toronto eihiors f phhth umi cnftr su nhltsiion on a pvorhidw woman by gjvinj iha ubuvc oycor iro iiiutuors midland fair cattle show for 1636a the courjiy ui fronionri cam show will he field st the kingatm kalk 00 ibesi tuetdayin oztiatr thacaurxies of lenut adumjion cattle show will ha held ai hath 01 ibt jit wednttdnyin advrm6er at which plsces tbt midlsnd dis irict ariculfrjral society will award tbs fol lowing premiums beat brood mare with htroolt a dolls second best 4u do 8 beat milch c from 3 id 8 jews eld 4 second best do du t best 4 calves of mm 5 second cat du a best kam 4 second besi do ff best 6 ewes swund rest 6 cea s bell 6 lamb uf 13 4 second best 6 do i best boar 4 second best do s best breeding soft 4 second best du be yoke working oxeo o best mif slttr 4 years old fl best boll not over o years uld c second esi do s ijm cheese second besi do i best flannel second besi do f no prize or premium will be awarded 10 persons who tre not memberaof ibe agricul tural society and no person will be admitted as a member for the present year who shall not htve paid bis subscription by tbt first day of october alfx prngle3eerisrisa jnq marks j pcotem notice tup sutiaerrber bejrj lava to aeqoaiathis friends and the public eaeralfj that ho has received invoieesof the ollowini articles per the ship thalia from liverpool aod are now 00 iho u froro montreal viy black nnd lue superfine west of eegha ctotbs olivo green atd medly colnrs do do do double and single milim cassimeres do du fnncy buckshins the latest lmdon panecoi of valeutia auil marseilles vcslinas with wits- hid trimmincs fnriha above the whnle will he fiitiod inferior to none tu the ftlarkat both i r duraldlity and cheapness the latest fashions always received and eutletneu accommodated with a suit in twelve hours j o takes this ftppartnoiry eif reqoettrna thoae cattqmors whose accounts are of inug standing to call and settla as money is a scarco ariirla in aim hot and at ihe presaat tiuio would ba very acceptable to him john oliphant kinrstoo 4fh june 183 iqu information wftntcrt of wm hakkion an enalishfoso supposed 10 be in belleville u c or geneva t s any information ef him will be thankfully received bv his brother john harrison front strettt kwifon 61b august 1836 editnr will confer a paittculsr favor bjcopyln ihe jhove for sale at the commercial wharf kingston foot of store street whiskry salt plaster of paiiis watkbijme hy the subscribers truax it phillips kinestonssd mav s6 95z notice- wright ingrusoll have bees s 1 lj at mr florence donoghue to tern ffraifflok in ebrrvlsaod smaller quanti ties 10 suit purchasers z fredericksburg tout january 1s56 new goods the suhcriber are now receiving by the lasi arrivals from lokdon lircneooi and glasgow extensive assortments of iha various kinds of staple sod fancy dry goods lacks small wakrs c c ihauhey are in the habit of importing kobert armour fr co montreal may 26 1886 tqot bank of british north america eabushcd iu lohooat capital one million sterling raomtoful committed via cokooctivo tm araias or tbc mokteul aasfcti vllltaat rismvhaf m austin crvitliaa uq albesr roamss tsq kobear oiuluria jocr lsa jamls millar esq the shares reserved fur ihisdislrict havin been allotted nnd the deposit uf 0 sterling esch pud upon them ihe necessary ar raticenienis are now in progress forihecom- tneticrnirnt nf business in moot real s f srly as possible ah communications on thebusioess m this branch are reques ed to be made to ihe provisional commime by letter addressed to ihe nlftw of mr- kticvse gut notsry public avrc uame street- robert carter commissioner frnm rhv court of director montreal auzust 27 1936- m information wanted of patrick galagher who left rallantrec ireland about four years ago and sailed from londonderry 10 penosvlvania and is tiow iuppoed to be in upper cnod any information repectinf htm will belhank- fuliv received by his sister margaret galfher ai mrs kerns store street kingston upper canad w kmaston awust 31 1s36 iw ednotsin gawds sadiba dniiej ftatea wsvctpu fcr a peat fafnnr bv inertinb tlo lhut the morning courier is published at ihe office id st franem xavier street montreal daily throughout ihe year sundays excepted lor the sunt uf sjx dollars delivered in town or eicht dolls rs if sent by haiti pnuabie i advance it gives the uiestnews fomso snd domestic and a weekij pncei current carefully corrected accompsoied with cenerl observations 00 the slate and fluctua- lions of ihe markets the morning courier for the cn- try is published on mondays and thursdays and comama all the rea1pg fid commercial i m nier of the daily puner subscrinuoii four dollars in town ur fire dollars if sent by mit payable in odmnct tv pafrvaj of tht morning courier in uv per cotai ate rttprctfuuy informed that wf john walis is now an a totlecting tourt that prcktme and it is hoped tktti au arrenrj attd the subscriptions for th current year ta le paid up blanksa eiw vnnetv- for le at tws chroaiole and gacii ocicv