x 1 1 1 vl and kingston commercial advertiser i pauuhta rr wdndy saturday m rt ic1k brock ircrc nec reoe nec populo sed utroque twwlj 8lillilmta pe ai dip of iuf yi vol xviii kingston upper canada saturday november 19 1836 nro4t n ot ice jrjhtffjjwnrrur cram land office torcoto idth mv 184g j the times and places for sle of cruwo liiods and clergy reserve during tfao present year will bo as foltowi w the ifesterjv district for crown latulf and cletfiy rtfmtvw in ho cnuotyof keolafld towo its in i hat- him ind erroll t chatham on ibe lt tucs- dty io june and ou he firi tuesday in july auul september and oitnhcr rullowifijs for clerxy reserve io the county of et- sex and tii wo lnts io sandwich aod m- jehhjr it sandwich on the third wed nesday io june and on the third wednesday iq klv august september and october fol low ion itefercoco may l0 made 10 lc acol h the crowb ftr lih district m- mkmty jones residiog io chatham for furihor in formation y the lovdojv district for clergy kfm tq ihe cuuuty iif nor folk at sin roe oo the 11 jung i ttud no the 2 july 2d auui 1st september 1 i oc tober uud lfti november following for clergy reserve io the county of ox oml r ithmdfnrd on tie 4lh jon nod oo ho 5th july 5th auut 5ih september 4ii ortuhcr and 4th november folluwiog for clergy krteres in tho iunty of middlesex u town lot- in london lou due un the 8h june and ou ho 8ih joly 9ib augti 7ih september 7li october nd mi ibo bth november following reference may he made to lb agent for iwcrawnfiiribil duirin john if askfn esquire residing io loudoo for funher lufor- nutjou lx the bomb district for town lou in port credit- and brodti igtlii ciij on the aa may inaot and for such crown l i clergv hctervr as arc for 6le at this cny oo rite seromi tuesday in june and on the second rhnlny in july auguil september and ortuhcr following mp this jvbtpgastlb district for crown land clergy flerrvrs anl tuiio lch io reicrhnroiigli niol litllsay hi retrrbiiraoeli uo the firi tartfdby iu juw nwl atic firi tuesday in july augost septuio- ntui ktiihttr foliwtns ff towi 4m io luo villk ulrly survey t iho mil p tli of the trout itt mint town un ihe 15lli of june and nri ihif slid wcdiirg i v ifi july aogunt eueiiiher and ocio- ttr folhurlng kefrrenc may hr- made to ih iil fur the cron fir hi dutrirt alexander uc- ijonm ii iq rcidiug nt leteihoroub fur further mitiii l tiu v tbk ml hurst pistrict for clergy rpi vt ui iho coouiir itf lmi- ink mod ciiiltoii ut uyluwn nn llif 2d wed- io in june and on ihod wednesday in july aout deutetahcr aiio ociubor fuu inning for towa 1 ii- jo richmond at that tohii oo the mm dttyit ly ihe ottawa district for clergy reserve io th coomioi of preieotl and ruwiell lit hytciwn nn the 2j wedneiuy in june and on the 2d uvdned py in july aoguti beptetuher and octo ber fullltm jo kefcrenco infty ho mnde to th aent of tho crown for thobo diitrieu john mc- nauriiton eq rettding at byiowo for ftjrthfr iiifnirnation ft3chcdolo of the particular lois in he old ill each township sperifying also the terms of sale have hern priotra itlld well he put up ii the court houe at the oacoi of clerk of the i- aeo aod slierrift iod io other eniifiieoout place in eacll urlrirlj iliich si tit ii r hr tfr nn rpifilliithni i- ti cuoiiiooli lor ugow o lttud or any of the sbovtujtued agents schedule are prcparinsr ftr the midland tod oihci i j molt in uhich thro aio croivo l at ulcrfty rcscives air ile ninl noti ce ufihcao salcfi will hrt speedilv gieetl peter robinson hi oct 9r c a k pr btitish north america liaihiii in lokdoh capitalone million sterling for provisional committee conducting the mjviiis of the qvtdkc bftanch jacs of esqrjtac jobn malcolm fhaskr esciec plrftrc pcllltjer esqclftc groagc prmbkton kmiirti willram phillips esiuine the shnres reserved for this district hav ing been allotted and the deposit of jcio sterling each paid upon them the necessary arrangements are now in progress for the cora- roencetqeut of business in quebec as early aa possible all communications on the business of tliis branch are requested to he made to the pro visional committee by jemr addresseo to the office of mr william de leary notary pub- lie no s3 st- peter siren rohfkt carter commissioner from i he court of directors quebec lsth august 183g hz o i or information wanted f wm harrison an englishmen upp o be in belleville u c genera u s any inforoiation of bim will be thaukfuily received by his hmther john harrison front otrcctt kingston 6th aogust 1836 edioofl ill cooler i particular favor by copying ihe john clancy or da clancy who emigrated from the county cork some four years mat are informed thai the in- lant children of john whrlan and ellen cla ncy theix atcr are now to kinion under ehareof mnry daly their rnoiher havin died on the pa4cc qui the children are desii- tute and the unvles are requested to come speedily to their assistance further informtnioo uuy be had on applica tion to mr manahan kmion ttiih jirhr is36 5 oprca canada kturual ticsukancc nai com pakit at a mtiop of the freeholders of the mid land district duly convened by public sd- vertisementi pursuant loan net passed in the6ih vem o the reifin of will- iv entitled act to authore hc rstablibirttpnt of mutual in surance companies in the aevernl districts of this province held at the court house in the town of kmgftior on monday the 6th day of june instaoi at 12 oclock at noon for the purpose of considering whether it uecxpedient to establish in such district a fire insurance company on the principle of mutual insu rance ia conformity with the provisions of the above mentioned net and upwards of 40 members being present ar the said meeting h i i r v cassady eq having been called to the chair aod mr- w dawe appointed sec retary it was resorted that the freeholders pre sent at thi meetinc deem it expedient to form a fire insurance company upon the principle of mutunl insurance wiihin the midland dis trict purmjanl to the statute lately passed resolved that h cassady wm garratt and thomas kirk patrick ksqrs be a commit it toopea a book and receive subscription- for stuck and vj ihe freeholders then pre sent being forty or more and the sun which they bound themselves to effect insu rance amounted together to i10000 currency and upwards and are thereby ordained con stituted and declared by the said act to be a bo dy corporate and politic io iam by and onder the name and style of the mutual ftrelnso- rancc company of for the midland district now we the undersigned ten freeholders pre sent at the snil meeting and luuud to effect insurance with the said company and being mem hers thereof do hereby give notice that we call a meeting of the said company to be held at the court house in the town of king ston aforesaid on monday the 18th day of ju ly next at 12 oclock at noon for the purpose of electing sewn directors to manage and conduct the properly affairs aod concerns ot the said comnnny pursuant to the provisions of the said act david john smith john mowat wm trtiaicctx john fiatft bowxhi jofeiu ill k i3b 99 h- caamv thos kinicratrick wm garhatt james mr4uh hcnry smith ja kingston 7th june just rtnished and for sile at ihe bouk- store on the corner of king and brock street a large assortment of account books of best materials and workmanship for sale at montreal price co blank books or paper well and correct ly ruled to any pattern at short notice kingston june i 1835 information wanted of avery swan hy trade n barber heleh watertown n y about the ooen- iog of the navigation last spring should he see this he will lei iiidionulue wife knew where he is anv person that knows where he is will be doin an atl of charity to iotorm his aid wife at watertowq september so is36 childrens friend society committee kingsion on monday kingston at a meeting in the 20th instant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects of this insti union called at the request of cnpt orrok ageot to the society in canada for the pur pom of establishing a branch committee at kingston for the reception and distribution of children in the midland district the fol lowing gentlemen were respecuvtly consiiiu- it ililllillut of i c mui vvtttl iuvur o add to sell or io kent i large nod commodious dwelling iiuitsk please mly iluald in the vil lage of napanee tile house contains ciht rooms and nthr convcnieiioes and mcccrlalbo datiuos suitable for a family apply to a marpherson ksq napance or in kindlon to dr diehl kingston 9th april 1936- 82z notice cornrnrviuuier vf crown land ojfict toronto 10th maff 188ft j the time and plaecafqr the piilauf crown and clergy rcprvc duriug the jrceut year will he as fbiios midlano uitaicr a flztuvilui for crown iaod in the county f hastings on the 2uth june suili jiy 0ih a0imm 5 september 20th october jixapiinee for crown lods to the com- iics of uum tf jldjingifnli q0 i june 25th joly 2tih aoru tttnber 24th october iod 25 llfrf- jl jfiaicaioi fr crown kands iu the cuuoiy of frontmnc oo iho 30th june 28th joly 29th aufttimasthseptoioberadth october aod 29th november a beucvuu for clerpy reserves in the county f ilattiitgi on the 20th june qtlth jolj 20th autust 20th september 20th october aod 21st november ttapmcf for clerry ucaorveaiothecouu- l of lenox tf jlddingtqnatk the 24th j una 2iih july 24tb aousi 24th septembor 34th ocmlhir and 25th novoitiber kiitgoa tor clergy reserves io tha county of frtmfeuoc on the thirtieth j una fratyeihth joly meotyflioth august ntyoiiiib september twetityeigblh oc- her aod tweatyoioth november oebedates of the particular lots to be sold mefc tuwnsbip and specifying also the l sale have been primed and will bo fm the court mmikt at the office of h clerk of the pence aud sheriff aud m oth- pltcttirj iho district which schedules caa j n o application to iho cornmiisinnor jcrowo laodi or to samuel s wil- hj eaqairo deputy sorveyor who will rn io the ditnct aod superioteod the sev- ulet 0fc peter robinson to their number viz vtsrrwu aachoeacofl sfoart l l d rev k d caktwricht a m honorable john kirbv honorable john macaglav thohab marslaxd esq j p james sampson ksq j p william lrctr liaq j p jams macfakla kh j v john maiiks ksq j p lhomas scoqgll es d a c g the latter gentleman being qlso apkioted corresponding secretary of the said commit lee the committee give notice that they are ready to receive applications for children through the secretary who is prepand to give every information on the subject no com- monicatioo will be attended to unless the postage be paid kingston june 23d 1836 childrfns friend society the subscriber beu leave to acquaint the public that he has been disappointed in receiving the number of children which rw expected only 15 havin been sent out but the remainder viz 85 boys and girls will i arrive in tire course of the present season and the applications hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok secntary for the canadas bank of british north america established u london capital one million sterling provisional committee for conducting the arhwils of the m0ntheal akanch william cunningham e5q austin ccvillier albert furniss vs robert gillespie jon esq james millar esq the shares reserved for tlmdisirtci having been allotted and the deposit of 10 sterling each paid upon them ihe necessary ar rangements are now in progress for the com mencement of busioess in montreal as tarly as possible all communications on the busioess of this branch are requested to be made to the provisional committee by letter addressed to the office of mr ktienne got notary public afcftx dai sfre- m m robert carter cotnmiinojierfnmthc court nf direct mootteal aogirtt 27 1956 notice to emigrants tvile uhdvrmeolioned government a2ents ivill on application afford kmiram inforrtiatioo relative to the crown lands for hle in their respective districts and the con ditions upon which thev may be obiained- mr w j scott limigrant agent pies- cott johnsiown d strict mr jonr jucjvaughton agent to the com missioner for down lands oytown llnh- ursi district mr anthony jlfanahan emigrant agtnt kingsion midland ljfici mr alexander jvcdonen agent to he commissioner for crown lands peterboo newcastle pistrict mr john j aikin aeeot for the com missioner lor crown lands london lonoo diitriet mr henry j jones agent to the corn- misinner for i l lands chatham ws- t district thry will alsoeivc information as to the routes distances and rates of conveyance those pans of the province to which kroj crims may he desirous of proceeding and ii reel those t warn of work to places wh they can obtain it the undermentioned gentlemen have b 0 furnished wilh mips of the townships op for loratinn and will ive emigrants ifi mation relative to the lands for sjle ia t respective neighborhoods mr prnle pttfttr tr 14 mckenzie t baldwin fairfield ii brown 41 kirtsuiill cornwall urockvulc bath belleville hllowcll coliour port hope 11 klliot sandwich boitwtck port stanley 11 iruaside amhcrsiburgh emigrants in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at toronto are lj reciej io apply at the emigraoi office io the public buildings a b hawkr chief emigrant acnt for k canada emigrant office toronto may 24 1936 j nyiloo the editor ol the mn cbrnnictr montreal gjzcitc ctur- star and the lttm lmei ar riqocttrd to o4tt the shnvc nntic in thir retnect- ivt ipr and u continue the frame until ibe i b h sharp egs leav ro hilorm ihe inhabitants of kingston that he his opened his uoot 4ikl shoe s2iop in the new buihinir on ihe corner of kin and brock street mine be will keep on hand and manufactu ihe shortest notice all kinds work m hne at the uiost reasonable of work iq his line at prices kingston sept 14 lsjfi 23h6 notice wright ingkksoll have beer foriie t mr florence donohtu ta vern t kingston in barrels aud smaller quanti ties to suit purchasers 57z lrcdenclibbuig lvnn january 1s3g etftam bot w sir jnmcs kempt capf francis dakei1 vm h sailing master ill- on tie opening of ihe novigatloa cottttnei old winter is comlnu by iiogh moore old wioter is coming again alackt how icy and cold is he he cares not a pin for a shivering back he a saucy old chap so white aod black he whistles his chills wilh a wonderful knack for he comes from a cold country a witty old fellow this winter is a mighty old fallow fur glee he cracks bis jokes oo the pretty sweet miss the wrinkled old maiden unfit io kiss and freezes the dew of their itpsfur this lithe way for sucb fellows as he om wintert a frolicwme blade i wot he is wild io his hotnor and free hell whistle along for the wants of hia thoughi andset all ihe warmth of our furs at naught arid ruffle the laces oy pretty girl bought for a frolicsome fellow i uc 1 old winter is blowing his gusts along and merrily shaking the tree from morula till night he will sin his song now moaning acd short now howliog and long his voice is loud for his longs ar strong a merry old fellow is be old winters a wicked old chap i ween- as wicked as ever youll see he withers the bowers so fresh and preen and bites the pert nos of the m of six teen as she tripplingly walks in maidenly sbeeo a tricked old fellow it he old winter a toogh old fellow for blow as iouh as ever youll see he will trip up our trotters and rend our clothes and stiffen our limb from our fingers io toes i h mifuu ftfl vtw cum of fail frreods or his foe a tough old fellow is he 1 a cunoiog old fellow is winter they sty a cunotng old fellow is he he peeps ii the crevices day by day to see how were pnssin our time away aod marks all our doings from grave to gay im afraid he is peeping at me misc a laughabla accident although attended with cnoiiderable loss to the party occurred on saturday rm-roiuj- in lincolns fields two men who tvera employed rv carry a iuukiugghmi stopped where a hornao was exhibition mr punch aod hit family to a ga- piig multitude they put down ibe g ou placed it securely agniost tho iroo railing of the gardeo covered over with a green baize whilst they went forward and stood on tip too bohiud iho crowd attentively enjoyiog the ex- hihiiioo io tho ineaotirno somo micbicvous boys who rrere at play throw up the baize aod left ih glass exposed at the iie a fine hegoat who generally root afier the tnyfl trostfed ho went op to the glass aid seeing as ho fancied aoolhn gont tu the glass he ro- tired hack a few piees and rearing on his hind legs darted forward with all hi might and made a detperwo plunge nt his supposed t eotagouist goiog hcd aod shoulder through tho glass the croad dcicrted mr punch ood hii family nod iainctl in a gcnernl laugh at tho ii ii nee of iht uaforiuoate mcu crops a traveiler observing woman stepping out of a farm hoilm tho other day thought ho ould leim tho propeet of the bar- vest c well ttirm hw aio your cropi this season crops sir oh bouotiful goodoess they are surprising full aod large- especially iho iurkir ah glad to hear it i hut turkey crops hat are thoy marm turkey yes sir didnt you never hear of turhiei youdoit uodertiaod mo marm how are the crps the corn erops 11 why i have just tild you sir will you he- lievo it thai our joe killed a turkey nd an old rooster today and ook near a prtfc f from each nfthtir crp fe day niarm vvjiar sir guotlnct mo how polite aud not know w h u a turkey erup i aod then to 4 adk me bow my crop was clareinoui la- jvegucted jlerittuc power looin ayficm iiotnuiooly go know i ought to bo ealled the rdcliffo sysiem wiihnut iho drer ma chine invented hy nr william radvliffe of stockport the powtr loom wat utterly worth left exiept as a piece of curious incchauism that of dr cartwnjht has never been other j than useless yet hi obtained a grol from j parliament of luiki for the iovcntifu mr samoel cromptoc ttir his spleodid discovery of tho spinning mult received the niggardly award of 5h0 fnm tho tamo uooi co hut i mr itadcliffo was uggarcd hy his inventions hia patents vcro nvaded hy joiutatoelc purc combination aud ho liimelf tum a prosperous nianufiturcr brought to hankrupi- mv hutl uhour bvtsh i ed upon his valatlileiovenimu therouium- 1 porary of sir kickard arkwright and the friend of ihe late sii rohcrl peel is e have kbm aud tetti of rmlliooa to tbia couutry blackwood a imagazino form iu uoiptt ddcc t s oieutvg kald vr ifi traoaetiqo of husmewf a prwpmttea wu ia- trodoced aod carried for painting iho meetiag house qf c04rfi it wu neewsarj todeelce what color it should 1 juuutl one geatifl man proposed wbita frvodtorgraao aarxber yellow another rel a oft laaaaoi offtfed fer each at las id opo 5rtr moderator ii move it lull bn pajnd a trm color aatfi will giva a reason them 1 captaio j who sits oear yau has bad fik fea paittap rum color iheaa fiftacu yeara aod ft brighter aod brighter evory year comororice lo tf life in sea and lend bat fel it is staled by napoleon that a fleet of uo ships of tho line with guns acd comple ment of men complete may ho considered as corrcipotidiog at sra to ap army of 130000 men on land judging hy this standard the battle of trafalgar which destroyed full tweo tjgvc swp tt the lice aod made prizes of twenty must he ftotijcttd at equivalent io a victory irjwra 90000 meo out of 120000 wcio destroyed tho aooali of wr exhibit h i tanee of tuch a success with land forces it is double what even the bi uetios claimed forna- poleou at ausiorlilz jeoa or friedland even at waterloo where alone a blow ap- prohehing to that inflicted at trafalgar was struck the loss of the freoeb hat oever been ettimated at above 40000 men the lost hy which thai decisive victory was purchaaed on tho tide of the british alone was 9999 en tbatof imiftova 20000 whereas the ittlal lost of tho englih at trafalgar wai oply 1690 men a smaller number thau perished in many inconsiderable aciioos m leaded with little or no result io spain this afford a striking instance how comparaiivcly bloodless wfto viowod in elation to the importance of the successes achieved aro victqriet at sea than land and uhough the lottet uf the de featcd party aro murii uorc vera tt evco they bear no ton of proportiorf cnor mous effutino of hlood iu land fig ah on hiitury of europe for omural aod aeeidoutal caum all the rest our readers must remember the tplw v ihe result of druokenoet meteoric shower which was visible io no veto medical swtiw- a lata faatoflwife phy sician who f some years eecelred lam ota nmouotofio000 annually cndaavoeea 4 riog the last three yeau of hit life to atcpr tain tho soorcenribe diseases to whicfcbji wa prioctpally indebted for bit waalth aijjcr coinnarang the memorandum of each year rje mafu the following aa ao rivergr calewatioq vauahall iheatcea and placet of wwabip 1600 indulgence ie wine epirite aod a4ftk lof 1300 iodoleoce 100 tuddea cfcragem iu the atmosphere 1200 prevalence of tba unrthoreatt winda 1800 force ofimagraa lino 1500 gluttony 1300 quack mmtit cioe love150 grief 850 uosuccen- ful gambling contagion 900 ttody 950 reading oovcl 451 of lbdoclor l500 a turgeoo ot mudeley sonja iim ago produced his book oebta to joint th teioperaoee fheodi eibibitiug accjuou to ibe arppuot of 1300 oniog to bim by diflareat pprtont out of hjrh it appeared 300 bar 1834 and 1835 and which it i out impro bahte may he again visible 10 those who will take tho trouble to watch for itt appaaraoco oo the iwu latt years it wat vitiblo about tho middle uf ihe mooth from two to five oclock in the mnroiug aud will probably from pro fessor olmtead calculations appear on the 17th ihit year the folloviug atironomical ohscrvaliuni have heoo cooimunicated by lhat loarued grotlemao to tho new haveu herald moot herald remarkable position of the plantu the plaoets mercury venus mrs jupiter and saturn are ouw novemhor7thj all io the tame quarter of tho heavens this moroing at c oclock mar whi uu ihe moridiao mr cury at lis greatest westero elungatioo aod in conjunction with tho moon tomorrow mor ning the moou will be ia conjunction wilh saturn marsnuoat tliit time exhibitt to the telescope itt least disk or it gibbon in nearly a matiuiurn degree we would recommend to those who aro desirous of seeing thii fine and uuujual apecia- clo to repair to the open sky at fwrtfl half past five to six oclock if tho firmament ia clear they will toe mars high io the sooth uear the meridian aod will easily recogoiso him hy his red color a liltlo eastward jupiter will be koowo by bis clear light and superior bright ness while farther si ill towards the riiiog sua venus wil be readily distinguished by her dazzling splendour last of tho train will be seen mercury just within the limits of twilight ud exhibiting so pile a light that one would uiudj milhbhwl mm nmu u iaf hoi if watched fr j today his motjoos will betray histruo ciiaracrer copernicus is taid to have mourocd on hit death bed lhat ho mutt leave the world with out ever having seeo the plaoei mercury thoso who would secure themselves agaimt tayt is tho sum required to paffthm ize a newspaper nod amply remunerated it the patroo i care not bow humble aod pjiv protending the gazette which he takes it ja next to impottfible to fti a sheet with jtriated mailer bfrytwo times a year without fbllio lata it something that is wortb thetubscof tion price eery parcel wboso too it oft from him ot tchonl should lie soiiplird wilh newtpaper well remember what a cnrked difference ihere was between itiote ox my schoolmatet who hod aod thoo vhobad not accetm 10 ootvtpapert other things beiog equal the first wero always rjecidedjy topertor to the last in deflate and composition at least the reason is plain they had commaod of more fact a newspaper u a history of cur- rout event a well t copious and itrietejay iug miscellany aod which youth will pftno delight when ibey will read qpihio with cite a certain enre for caoeraa ofrepooo eot of the neif york amerieaatcomoiuoicata the following important cure for the cholera r now experiment made lately in france tor the cure of cholera have beco succosvful in cases considered incurable the remedy ia very simple it consuls io puiiiog the tick per son iqto a warm bath of very till water bo dies already much discolored have been left three hours io a batb or thai kiod kept eon- ilftotly very vrarm the progrett to a reluru to lifo wa very isiouiffripf the color chao ing every half hour till they had returned their firmer whiteness the physician can easily judge of ihe length of time the bath is requi red the causes of jo changes are these c warmth opeos the pnret vf the tkio aod aa tho salt has the property of liquifying the euo- jealed hlood it causes tho blood congealed in veins to rofume iu ordinary fourto towards tuch orcasion for lamentation are iofonned i the heart aod thus prereots dcatb souths hat they will rarely enjoy to favourable on opporiuoity fur seeing him as tho present suioru is ton near the sun to ho distinct ly visible 10 the naked eye hut he will aooo add bis attrnctiou to the moruiug sky elegant highland epitaph there tt something singularly beauiiful and iifiecling iu the foliowing truoslated from an oioiapb in ho parish church of ilcuorchy argylcbire 14 lo tho lie here in the dust nd hoc mem ory fitu me with grief silent is the touguo of melody and the hand of klcgtuce it now ui rest no more more shall the poor give his hletsiug oor shall tho naked be warmed with the fleece of thy lock iho lear thalt ihno oat wipo away from the eye of ihe wretched where now o feeble 00c is ihy wonted help no more my fiir shall we meet thee io tlio toeial ball no more shall we bit at thy hospit able hoard unuo forever is the touorl of mirth the kind the caudid mid the meek it 00 more who can express our grief j fov yo tears of wo cru patriot a scotch nobleman one day visited a law yer at hit office id which at the time thora was a blaziog 6re which led him to exclaim mr- your office is at hot at an oven fc it should he my lord replied tbo lawyer as it it hero i make my breads tho editor nf the pioneer published at spriugfield ohio has received from a friend araduh which weighs mare than fifteen pound ho haso notion of sending ii to fitbei mil to have it tawed up aod boated down road river for a speculation iu some of the loner markets religion lie who would uudermiue ihnto foundations upon die fabrie of which our fu ture lint t 1 nre reared seeks to boat dowu that column which supports the feeblest vf human ity let him hut thick a moment and his heart will arrest the cruelty of his purpose would he urcvt iho crutches from the haod of ago and remove from ihe rye of aflliciiun the only solace of it woe tho way w0 trend i heauty it a flower tvhich toon wither health change and ttreufih abates but in- uocency is immortal and a coupon both io life and in death tho young may die hjrk lv bji the hged cannot live long green fruit may be plucked off or shtkeo down sut the iipo will fall of itself goods of life the greatett pleature of life is love tht greatest iroature it conteat meut the greatest possession ia health lha greatest ease ittleep aud ihe greatest medi- ciue is a true friend te her rtgular trips at usual wih lraknssiua for the hay on tunjay rro aud kndav mosnmgs j l1 j will lve lh- heid ofthe bay for kingston and prescott u wednesday aud saturday mornings will leave r f kingston and the reatou to believe ji alive and ai an advaoc- bay on m and thursday evenings im- 1 u i la poverty ir not io actual mediately after h arrival ef the boais from f below dielrets the sole rr of loveoiiont i kinptm 5i marh j36 7z which haa producer uot are producing pim it has been aid that the tremors or pretep tirneoif of ihosrj who march to hanle are dis aipaieil hy the buttling of capariiooed bnrtet the rulliogoflbe wartlroin tho clangor of tht trumpet the cliuk aud fall ofswortihe noiie hy ilia protpect f abater coamry in which ft ihe captaio and the thouti so we trust it will lead tell a uat it wtl end km f ir u to the 3ufl in the gulf of eternal dioliitiounr break off which f11 may fill un a the rugged at best wc trend i however loxhted io stiflko will pleatee tmt reason v nn oj utnihle to dcliueate quench oot thn hein which airidti ihe night ol this evil world hub cheered the darluc of suffering virtuo run coor in 000 of the town of new england fine the commencement ofthe ro and iihtrvant rono wbi undr iho great faluf ni-igara- aa iraotod along behiod my sable guide toldiug 0q to his dealer even like a child when cling cwc aod el anrtfi ottarja ronktt loser to iu mothrrh eatr while the balers rjathed fiercer ootl mora fiercely rvund about me luettougbt 1 bad io ao evil boor turroodored wrfttif to rwdttjoo