jm nod tea mow twins dragged thither ly tlio uunn pnw nf satin stmrily however the stormy music on niagara look possession of my soul and had ahaddnn himself been there i ccwld have followed him horf for one moment uoly i ftliercd tcie edc tf the aheei nearest the canada j from its rude nnd fretting contact wtfc the ho nbovc r of reddish btvwq iock you puis by thai fall nnd exchanging the green and ijmsirl through the illicit water to distcrn where you u lj on i iofnt hhn hbn with a rlithor hi hen j hit hadymui ihm cjiuo t ptmiws sssialanre mid iruek ihttyaupn rfiies down lviili a cr terminal ion dim border of yha recent darku f lijhijiraaj vuu ur enabled or sir t oi it t5 enough lo are 1 make on eari hfdanah shudder fmnilar though he ma lie wnh the wonderworking of tins kieiiia xook upward there forming a dismal curve twer jour lead and looming in the deceptive and noearjily lighi to a seeming distance of many hundred feet moaning with thai cvjjc- wss aotliein which trembles at their base he rocks nrise towards heaven covered wah the green ooze of centuries hanging in horrid shelves and apparently on the very point oi breaking with tie weight of that accumulated w4 which tombles and howls over their upper verge there is no scene of sublimity on earth conimblc to tins you stand beneath the rushing tributes from a hundred lakes you seem to hear the waitings of imprisoned spi rit ontilp iraught nnd filled with the spirit of tiiescpne you exclaim there is a god nud this vrti cataract awfully overpowering as it is is but a plaything of his hand i we often hear enquiries of when does the iidtan summer commence and why is the tmighiful weather about the beginning of no vember socalled thcfollowingexplooation we extract from a new york paper tlie unusually eotd and blustering momh of october has departed from among us and no vember was ushered in by a bland soft and mm atmosphere which io common parlaoc is calvd at this season of the year indian hummer this phrase as now used excites fensaiions and emotions very different from those originally caused by tbe term in the hreasts of our forefathers soon after the first settlement of new eng land by tbe whites it is well koown thai the hardy pilgrims were so constantly harrassed by the natives as to be compelled to attend to their daily occupations with arms bv their sides or within their reach aod during the protracted wars with the celebrated king phil ip of mount hope the only periods of compa rative security and repose were in the depth of winter when the severity of the weather compelled their active foes to retire to their strong holds in the forests nor were the set tlers entirely free from apprehensions tin these cessions for they were aware that the recur rence of three or four warm days would bring their savage enemies upon them with an at tempt to surprise and cut them off in the midt or their fancied security the appearance of mild weather in midwinter wn therefore ml cola ted to trap ire our ancestors wiih any thing but pleasurable sensations many are the scenes of bloodshed and horror which these otherwise deligtful interregnums of the in tense severity of winter hate occasioned these were therefore called by the harrassed and careworo settlers m indian summers chronicle gazette batubday november 19 1836 the ptwvinrial legialuore now in session at- tracts universal attention tire eyes of all men not only in llpper canada but in british amenca are anxiously turned towards it and great things arc- expected from its deliberation various circum stances bavo concurred to impart iuch a peculiar in terest to ti proceedings it is well known that thera ta mora unanimity ex isting between the popular branch and the other iw branches thfcn bas been the cu for several years past this desirable agreement must hnvc a bene- bcial rffici on atl public measure and doubtless will yield the most happy results ccsijcs ih present house of assembly comprises nmonp tta members mofe gentlemen of property intelligence and apparent honesty of intention than we recollect ever to havo seen in any previous houae wc shall not therefore be disgusted by lend professions flnwmw fwhtyifatt wh ft while to enrich themselves by carving out for each othtr nttrttarb com mission crships we shall sco an anxitfi not to advance private gain but the pub lic weal rmaaifaated by those who will bs content to work harder tot talk less than our self si led re formers hvc bate used la do wa therefore onfi- dpnly believe thai every reasonable expectation will be fully rcralizad wo asy reasonable oxpectatioo be caasaaomeappaar to us to upect too much from onesesmori if half only of the important measuies proposed in ms excellencys speech be brought lo a final settlement the house will deserve tho thanks aad ptilittfdv4f the whole country and on earnest wiu bo thngjven lhata tomparate adjustment or very disputed sohjeet may be expected without any unnecessary delay we trust that ccry individual member will feel us personal responsibility fnrtba faithful dlchar ofhis arduous duties ihat no oito will ever permit local ox sectional joslmiaics in inter- fare with any measures conducive lo the good of tho body pulitic and above all that courtesy and mil- foal forbearance will temper the iicpt of debate and thtu preserve the province from iho disgrace of tha eoama and intemperote bluster fit only fur a pot iwnsa ro which it has of lotc years been loo often subjected whito on this point of decorutn mny we not en quire why doo not the present house of assembly iniitate thakcnrisiian example of former time and commence its deliberations with prayer is it seem ly cor such a body lo meet and discuss important subject touching the vital interests of a christian aoimnuniiy without asking goda blessing prom a desiro to mortify and humble tho church of eng land ihi services of the regular chaplain were dis pensed with we believe however that it will give faneral sotiaraciton to hear that th ancient practice ltsboen reverted in and that something more than araaretrdat on man and making flch ilsiy murks the proceedings of the present house uf as- aembly of upptr canoda the following melancholy particulars of n most horribly coldblooded murder are copied from the cobourg star of the lgih inst it would appear thai the malignity of some men pj more envenoming tfcan that of the serpent od tbeir waywasdness htir untractable than even that of the most ferociobjt beasts of the forcsr xolwiihstanrfing almost rvfry mur- aver suffers the severest penalty of tu liw and ajiprehensioo and conviction are so cerlflu yet not a year passes without some of the most dumical crimes being perpetrated crimes inlliced lie ex on the his com nan sever al blowa upon his head ami innly wfih a aiinibir kind if weapon tlw uiifrmiuatuyounf nnn aftr receiving tlte firl ww was heard loejtrliitm 1 ani killed i niktlcd upm bafttf removed l liis homr every attention wa paid in dim and fiilieal itd ws eallcil io both from port iicand ftiu iiwn hut u van he lingered t sialcf i iiumi lonataii iiseuisiuty until surds morninfl fl ttbui 10 tivlnrk when he exiiel titu dweascil was the nnlortunato individual who waa thrown offlho wharf at port flop a lw months stfee he waa of quiet and tnffinivc habits nnd was deservedly esicvmi d by his einph er nod all who knew mm upon the totin winch was hell on sunday of- temoon last before david brodie esc coroner ihreo or four witnesses swore positively to he how and the identify of thn irrsotn who i hem the thrtvfttcdicnl cenuiiu ukm smiuation agreed in opinion a5 lo lh cauc f death bvinir ivoiji xlcntal vinlrnee tiie verdict of the jury arms m that the said michail constantino oneill camr u his dentil by wounds intlictd no his bfu in a premeduatid asaul made upon him on the evening of iho nli november hy robtrt bf9wh ontl samutt mclltmlry or xetindnj common ly called ihe jlandyman it is said thai ihc drcessil had had no personal quarrel with either oftlto auihors of hi death from this circumstance and tie conl blooded manner f the attack suspicion strongty rrvjwithan individual between whom nd the deceived soincdiflcreiee had existed as being hie in t gaior to ihe dreadful deed the man brown was scenvolkmg with his hlwd ceon earned behind him in tho neighborhood of the wharf for upwards of an hour before he attacked otveilt he wl taken into custody lhc5ame night nnd conveyed le he district gaoli ins orcomuicc mranriry was tnken on sirurday last and i now in conrnement thero is another villain who as sisted to jbl the oihcrs while in ihc execution of their desion but he is not yet apprehended a rumour us current in port hope on sunday last that iho unhappy wretches now in custody would bo retctitj tho maoigirstrs inconsequence thought proper to take the nccesarv precautions in case any attempt of the kuid should he mcdilated a guar of militia men has been added to the paol every evening since sunday last nnd will continue to attend unlit refofaf assisiouce shall arrive from toronto it is to be hoped under the circumstio- cea that a specfsl session will be appointed in or der that the ends of justice may not be defeated the first the roy commercial this office wich emigrant abort time second and third numbers of i standard aod toiodic pvily advertiser have beet received at this is the second the saod- ipving teen issued daily for a on a very diminished sheet and only daily paper n idted in upper ca- oow th nada- it is published at thejtf6iort office on a super roycl sheet rvery evenings duriog tbe present session of parliament after which tirac it will appear three times n week the prospectus promises a daily account of th proceedings of the legislature which will no doiibti h a er tfonvehlhee to e ditfcreot 1 ji tors io the province a possession of the laiest p we sincerely hope that messrs cull o borne the pruprtors will receive a support that will arnny remunerate them or their pre- s tt vill put them in rliamratary news sent enterprise there is n petition to the assembly for a grant to render the river trent navigable ly ing at this ofitctf for signatures which we ear nestly invite our townsmen to call and sign without delay being satisbed that the object in view is of vast importance to a large section of the province no time should be lost or opportunity overlooked to have the best and shortest water communication between lake huron and the bay of quinte the st lawrence into canada in the interval between cinanoque and brockvillf where in deed report exist of the occurrence of lead and where one individual at the rossie mines intimated to ine he would upon being paid shew dc i deposit ii u a subject for consideration therefore whether ii inilu not form one portion of the duty of a seulngtcal surveyor to endeavor of roursa superlicially only to follow out toe kussie vein tn westward upoo proposing such an attempt to the proprietor i was in formed that no objection as indeed was sup posed would be oftered to it but on the con trary they would be desirous to se it made and i suppose as they are more interested than ourselves to join io it since th exploration of tltis vein has been commenced another has been discovered under much the fault circumstances fas i am inform ed for i dii not see it about one or two miles to southward of it this is on unleased land belonging to mr parish the other vein tra verses his land also but is leased to a com pany for ihe space of 21 years i he discovery of a vein of galena in granite has been considered by some as unique in geology this however is by no means the case as it is fouod so situated in massachu setts and in aberdeenshire and it is not un common among primaty rock although its more usual position is among the transition or secondary the country u here occurs io s decidedly primary although near to the secon dary formations we approached it by the route of odeosburgh through morristown be tween which places the road runs over a se condary but siliciuus limestone from mor ristown which from kingston is the best point of approach the road inclines more to tbe south and having passed the limestone a red sandstone the old red sandstone with a grey wack and quartz rock dippiog at a high angle to the dorfh succeed then crossing a ravine the crystalline rocks come iogramtessyeoues and greenstones or hornblende schist but as our object at present is only to give a rapid sketch we will here conclude this part uf the subject referring our readers who may desire information upon tan very metalliferous por tion of thetfoititry to page s20 no 2 vol ift of the american journal uf science and arts edited by professor silliman where smeac- count of the iron ore beds of this locality mav be obtained c sec and to professor becks forthcoming work befor alluded to to returoto tb- lead veio it is certainly a very ioteresvog and attractive sight to notice the pitering heaps of ore more brilliaot than ie metal iiself garnishing the edges of thd exploring excavation no attempt has been hitherto made to reduce it in the large on the ground but it is all boaied down the black lake which is within three miles to north ward of th vein and shipped at ogdensburgh for new vork where it is disposed of to the smelters however preparations are making we iindftandi to mttjoc rh oa x k by which operation- the gains of the company will he considerably increased t the existing fas which io my opinion operate to the prejudice of this mine are its vertical dip and the solidity aod flinty hard ness of ihe rock wlih embraces it- however there cao be no doubt that provided the ore be continuous of whirh there is great probability it will pay the labcr of its extraction for many years to come eveu which is also probable if other veins be discovered and worked in the interval this section or veio is divided into 190 shares nod one share has been sold aod is still offered for 250 the rage however for shares is considered by some io be ioor rather lo have passed ine euiih a b tove continued- we have received a letter in pamphlet form to mis excellency sir francis bond head k c h c c as to rail roads in upper canada aod the means of constructing them without the aid of foreign capital by james buchanan esq- his majestys consul at new york which wc intend to hy before the readers of the chronicle next week mr buchanans well known abilities aod his ac tive habits of business sufficiently recommend ttv j tfk rvfr1 rrt a deration of every man who cares a groat for the improvement of this province consideration all arguments relative to le gal or vested rights are now abandoned be fore the torrent of popular prejudice or pop ular opinion we suppose we must call it which has set in from all quarters and has virtually decreed that right of wrong legal or illegal it is inexpedient ihat the clergy re serves should he detained by their preseot pos sessors and that a new disposition of those reserves must be made which shall be more conformable to the wishes and interests the people 11 right having thus yielded to might and eveo those most deeply ioterested have submit ted to the alternative a the least of ihe threat ened evils to ihe province the original merits of the question as we said before seem no lorger open for discussion a very large ma jority of persons both within and without the walls of the parliament house arc now united in the opinion that the clergy reserves must be devoted to purposes more congenial to po- pular opinion than they are at present aod that majority are almost as unanimous of opinton that amidst the thousand and one conflicting sentiments in the matter tbe only practicable mode of accomplishing this objeet is to reinvest those reserves id the crown by an act of the provincial legislature leaving the imperial parliament to determine their fu ture destination so far therefore the disposi tion of the matter in the house of assembly or iodeed in either of the houses would be at tended with little difficulty but it is under stood to be the desire of the members general ly that the act reinvesting the reserves in the crown should be accompanied by a specific recommendation to his majestys government relative to their future disposition a good number of the members areknnwn to be in fa vor of recommending the asle of the reserves aod the appropriation of the proceeds to reli gious purposes only within this province while roaoy other gentlemen io the house we speak of constitutionalists only contend that the proceeds fotttd be applied to purpos es of education and internal improvement it is to the collissiun which weareappre henstre will arise among the constitutional plty upon these points that causes us to look forward with so much anxiety for the result for should tbe constitutional members suf fer themselves to be divided into two parties the republican section will of course throw thpir weight into that scale which will be most likely to lead to the ulttmawdefcatof the measure we trust however that the patriotism and good feeling of the constitutional party save them from splitting on thts rock the whole of the constitutional numbers meet together at some given time and place before the question is taken up in the house there let them discuss tbe matter among themselves recoocile their differences and gt down to the house united in the support of t measure which shall there have been detefno u 41b auvfltoa ftviuttii lie ewr kioto jit i 5ued by the parliamentary majority in w i land and which always enables them to ca r any aod every measure which they briog iw ward we trust for the sake of the members the selves but more particularly for the sake of he country which they represent that the raaj ity of the present house of assembly will p sue a similar course not only upon the clegy reserves question but upon all other occasi during the session theo in defiance of the republican mirp ity would ihe cooatitutional members be ca bled to carry through the house every meas which the interest of tbe country requires propriety of causing a survey and lww h iiraaie to be made of the expense of coonecnog lake huron with the ocean we will devote our attention to the adoption of on effectual system for the maintenance id this pro- and repair of the public highways 1 r bearing of the sub- see it under the direction of the speaker and clark of that house mr botulpn knew nothing whatever of the priat- ine business and therefore hoped he would ba a member of the committee vtnee which the important ject oo the interests and prosperity of the com munity demands r alive to the advantages resulting from the of immigration of our fellow subjects from great britain and ireland and their acttlemcnt amonsus we are happy to learn that lour excellency has recommended measures to dis majestys government calculated to gt en couragement to it and sincerely hope that no time will he lost io the adoption of an improv ed system m the land granting department as the constitution of upper canada bap- secures to british emigrants their re- wkum hi suspicions that and cherished constitution as this i rc onh tinisler ob elimate and luxuriant soil offer thero 1396 from hc toronto correspondent friday jvb ii j lriictiifo committsc mr jhuw informed the house that meaaq norton and cameron wiahed to decline acting oa i committee appointed bv that house yeatarday would therefore move that the name uf mr- bouliofl be inaerled tlierein b- t t mr richardion was againat the printing beta laced in the hands of a committee he would raihar tt committee but pily vered cuted from being mr tnorfcurn was in favor or a would prefer one named by bailor mr porke thia sir is one of the many important committee in the appointment of the house and he entirely disapproved uf any hon- member in thai f lutiec moving such that th capit ting before thera these solid advantages most prominent and conspicuous raanoer it will let on distressing jlccidcnt patrick ward a na tiva of ireland on his way to toronto was drowned on the evening of monday last at nicholsons lock rideau canal it appears that he was on land about 8 oclock p m aod stepping on board the bargeslipt his foot and went down and before assistance could be given hfc wasextincl we arc requested to acknowledge the receipt of five pounds in aid of the funds of the fe male benevolent society from mr rjack son being the amount raised by a penny sub scription io pay a fine but which mr j de clines appropriating to ihat purpose the lata arrival of ihc toronto pa pen- containing the proceedings of ihe assembly precludes our giving iu much of ihc debate as wc would wish wc will endeavour to five a pretty full detail in our ncj wiuch make nature ahudder at the very thouhi fihem k lar whilrt i viii tit tur hn juttvi oi wednesday even steam boat commodore barrie hbj iv at i wnartat inrt hipe mr m c- oneill clorfc rn thmmlftyafmr cfmwfrfd of that ak waa in the when he a wantonly anrl famiauy aaiulted 5 hvn ruffian namrd ml brma and tw2 ahnmdm ftofar commonly codi mavlmft- it appcara that atr 0ni p 4 examine tha h tier on i wuerj th4mhrffirvemm uo io him awls to tko editor of the chronicle gazette suit i availed myself of l lie vein of fine weather which w haft lately experienced in visit some of the localities of ores which art- met with within a dnys journey of kingston and a connected with the proposed geological survey i oow offcr loyou sotrur hasty observa tions upon them my first visit was to the rosic jjffld mine of which wc have all of us heard so nuch and not without reason a the ore there ci is of the best quality and apparently in threat ahimdiince the vein is situated among pri mary rocks and traverses a grey pepper and sal color granite on d course between east i and west and n 75 av s 75 e its dip is nearly vertical inclining rather to the north but longitudinally in tbe direction of its bear ing no dip has been noticed for the distance which it hjs been explored in that direction say 500 feet the whole of which distance it is met wild on or near the surface sometimes covered only by soil nt others bv archings of granite a thick bed of potter day i the up per stritum in one place the vein may average from l to 0 feel in thickness u faras it has been yet explored which in extreme derthj is about n tlvi the ore which is ihe suiphurei of lead coinmuu galena is mixed up in the vein with h brittle calcareous spar nor did 1 observe any oihrr mineral except i belkw n hilc copper and iron pyrites with the carbon copper my vimc however was a liasty one sfld i tin mil pretend to ive many details respect in- this utteresiin spot whicli indeed it would he siperduous lo aitcmpl ni dr jjrrkof aihnny- i wan infnrmet had provincial parliament from lh courier of u c afier the deliver of tho governors spmeh tuesday evening tho members of tho house of assembly returned to their chamber when a great number of notices of motion wero given by different members and tho ilouae adjourned tho next moroiog on thuraday vary little busings wa done the house adjourned between j i aod 13 oclock in the moruing yesterday the day was chiefly occupied io committee of the whulo mr ruttan io tho chatrt on a hill introduced by mr menah pm vicifcoj taat heroaltor tha all wrjmbers oi the ii of assembly who should accept of any office uoder the executive governmeotexcept that of a magistrate or militia officer should vacate ibeir seats in the assembly this cave rise to a long and animated discussion in which the propriety of the principle was generally conceded so far as regarded the higher offices of trust nnd emolument in the province but many of the members considered that it was carrying the principle too far to require member who might accept of some petty office in the country of little consequence or emolument to vacate his eat in the house the 1h was disposed of for the time by the adoption of the preamble and by the com mittee rising reporting progress and asking leave to sit ajjain another ubject which occupied the atten- auention tf ihe house for some time and gave rise i a somewhat angry discussion was a motion tf mr gowan for the appointment of a commtiee of privilege relative to the late grenville etvciion which was apposed bv ma ny member on hoth sides of the house on the ground that as petitions were da ed from tmt coumy against the return of messrs nnon and wells no proceedings ought lo be had in the case until the reeeipt of those petitions as it was more than pruha bte that the house would then order the dis puted election for that county to be tried in the usual way by a grenville committee the latter view of the case ultimately receiv ed the sanction of a majority of the house after ih close of the day nn friday the house adj over until monday there is no but doing today in cither of the houses ined as there arc so many lawyers io ihe ass we may not expect that much business 01 importance wilt be gone into until thecosel present sitting in term which from the cobourg star the address in answer to his excellence s speech passed by a majority of orryntnc lo ten it was preseoted yesterday at tlrv noble elimate and luxuriant soi immediate independence and support with moral assurance that iheir land must in a few years unavoidably increase in value to a great extent we reasonably hope and will earnestly endeavor to attract the redundant enterprise aland population of the empire by set- in the nd is but natural for us to expect that capital and industry will now flow towards this favor ed province in which we agree with your ex cellency io the conviction that such capital ia fully as secure as in the mother country and rihile hanpy to learn that extensive tracts of rich una have been obtained from the indians whose liberal motives aod feelings io the cession we fully appreciate we cannot re frain from expressing our anxious wish that these lands may he thrown open to settlement upon terms of the most favorable nature for those who desire to become residents upon them we will give our prompt atd careful atten tion as well to the public accounts- as to the esiirriaies of the sums required for the necessa ry support of the public service as soon as the same are laid before us and we will not fail to take into our immediate consideration mea sures for relieving the government of this pro vince from the embarrassment it has labored j uoder and is still suffering from the supplies for the public service having been withheld we most sincerely hope that the imikrtant trust reposed in us by our constituents will be discharged in a manner calculated to raise the province in the estimation of the british empire aod to secore to it those advantages which we have hitherto derived from its foster care aod protection the principles of our constitution in the mainteoance of which consists the safeguard of our lives liberties and property are iden tical with those of thu constitution of the mother cuuntry aod if maintained in their purity cannot fail to produce peace prosperity swwwma we are ray 5m that the people of ti province desire nothing more arirntly than see those principles supported and the c nection with the british empire sustained and wc therefore cordially respond to your ex cellencys determination to maintain this our happy constitution inviolate protected from external danger by the over shadowing power of the mother country and free to pursue any measures calculated to promote our internal welfare and improvement we feel that there is a course before us leading to the most auspi cious results and that the time has arrived when preserving our characier as a loyal uri- tish province our institutions may be settled on a firm basis our resources developed all well fouoded causes of complaint removed and peace aod prosperity secured for us and our posterity pnv would hon a committee because he cnufcj te mover w eet in view cm- aeqiienity vrvwi c lo nit own parhcu i lar friends upon it and hereby be ahleto carry ii views into effect he wa an advocate for appoint- i ing the committee by ballot out ho would prefer the appointment by the speaker who was the res- ponihtc officer of that house than by an hon mem ler he would therefurc move that the original mo tinn he expunged and that the house proceed to an- h poinl the committee hy ballot the spr nker ttb thai the committee having been already appointed the motion of the hen ctn tie man could nut now be entertained mr parke then moved seconded by mf tlior bum that the order of yesterday be poinded mr cartwright thnnl ihe amendment tieua ihc committee having already acted upon and rnler cd into contract mr oaiam said they had only addressed lettn to the several proprietors in the city for mformao i on the subject the questinn being called for tho iiou yam 13 nays 31 majority 13 the original luoiiun ftas then put and carried divdd cptht ridftiu caual the steamboat c4a- raoui msfgflm arrived this nfternonn from by own with three barges in tov being the ual of iho forwarding business ione this year on ihe rideau canal by the t nrcounli the water ia being lei out oi the canalfulitg 17 id oclock we have no room for remark this to aq- dr rolphs motion io grant the sum oi 3000 for a surrey of the ottawa river pars ed yesterday mr thorbum alro made a motion yesrj- day to print 1000 copies of dr duocomb london petition thrown out by a major of twefltymns address to his excellency sir francis bond he knight commander of the royal hanoverp guelphic order t knight of the prussp j military order of merit lieut cover nor of the province of upper canada fyc tfc iyc- tffthv isvltfjaafe eouh isxl 111 we his majestys dutiful and loyal sub jects tbe commons of upper caoada in pro vincial parliament assembled humbly beg to thank your excellency for your gracioos speech from the throne at the opening of the present parliament and to asaure your excel lency that we riew with sincere gratifi cation the preseot tranquillity of tbe province aod will most readily embrace the opportunity aftordedi io give due consideration to those subjects especially which the welfare of the country requires should be finally settled we will devote our serious attentioo to tbe important question of the clergy reserves aod endeavour by every means in our power to overcome the obstacles which have hitherto prevented its final and satisfactory adjustment we regret that no useful result has hitherto attended the beneficieot intentions of his ma jesty in granting a charter of incorporation to the university of kings college we cor dially concur io the hope expressed by your excellency that the province will shortly possess within itself the means of bestowing ly expect- upon youth the inestimable benefits of a refiq ed and liberal education deeply sensible of the importance of promo ting general education we will not fail to cive the subject an early consideration and by a judicial disposal of the school lands and the adoption of other efficient measures will en deavour to secure to the inhabitants of this province this invaluable advantage we are fully aware of the evils and incon- i veniences resultiog from the long period which intervenes between the courts of oyer aod terminer in this province and will carefully consider your excclleocy8 recommendation his xclllfcys n mm y it is needless for me to express the feelings with which i receive this address the coun try will appreciate the sentiments it contai and history will be proud to record it ns bill mr on mr motion ed to a up io the oavfc irm k been employed hy the tlfijtch states govern mem to draw up n report respecting it whose lalrors we abal stiftn have nn opportunity of tktnif mr kfttk one of the propria nrs in- formed rn- iu he mint- hid been tticed in us vuppopcvj pnoiiaiiin fr a mile or iwu to westward nf tts present cxntoraihin am it i not nijromi that ight v irtoj ncnia l will be on saturday the 19th inst the address in answer to the speech from the throne however will necessarily attract the altenli of every member and that ad dress is io c moved on monday we have this address is likely to excite a 9 d of discussion the re publican st9tmw of tho house will undoubted ly find plenty to object to and condemn and therefore anple subjects for discussion on this speech bu the absence of doctor rolph we do not know any individual of the repub lican party wn ia able ro conduct such a dis cussion mons real couthuiionnljjms we are sure th there cao be oo aiftereuce of opi nion and therefore no grounds for contention relative io ic merits of his excellencys speech as yet p of the grave nnd important matters poiit out in his excellency speech have been touched upon by the house the clergy rmw question is on the order of the day nnd i- xpected to rome on for coosidera tinn tn a wcc nr l mi days wa coofi hoi we look forward to thedis cussion and jpositinn of this excited and now easily cxcilflw- maflvti by the mouse of as- awtabljr wit c most tretniilous 3prehen- sion the refll vierifa of tfi question whaicvrr they may hi nd upon ihia roe never euicr i3nrdrjw ahiim nn not now the uhiri f thursday jvfrb lori bunrtll moved for leave to bring in a the subject of education parke considered that by adopting the the house would be prematurely pledg- particular course he thought the sub ject ough first to be considered by that house to all its branches as well with reference to the ltrvikrtvesaaja4betgstfejaodslo the crown 3r thorbvrn also hoped the motion would not be carried he believed that it was well knowo that much labour had been bestowed fay the late house on the subject of education a very elaborate report was drawn up by ao active eomrtuttceaud tbe house ought there fore io wait until that report should come into the hands of the hon members upoo this ground he should oppose the motion mr jones observed that it wasa subject of very gnai importance and be was not aware that it was intended by the hon roover to forestall the deliberations which that house might think proper to take in reference to those mbjects the motion merely requested confennce in order that on address fright be adoptal requesting his majesty to set apart more unds he would however for his own part riromnierii q much more general meas ure wfoi instance the appointment of a com- nnteewho might report on address or any other chiog they might think proper lo sug gest jfr bunnell remarkad that hon gentlemen roust beaware that there were no lands at tbe present moment apropriated for the purposes of common schools true land had been set apart for district schools and for graromer schools but not for common schools he felt convinc ed that no harm could accrue at alt events from consulting the other branch of the lagis- lature mr thomson agreed with the hon gent lemen from middlesex that uutil the general question should be fairly disposed of ihey had not enter into the aduptioo of soy ad- uise of ptrl we have never heard any satisfactory reason adduced for the recent and uncommon raise in the price of pork 11 it has been ihe result uf any great speculation or speculators we a re glad to find the aim will tw defeated- our satisfaction on this scorearises from a wish lit see every plan defeated which has lor its tdjtct the enrresing the price of the necessaries of life and pork in canada may he lairly considered as one of thrrn the lum bermen as we formerly noticed were iwttf nil their energy to substitute beef for pocv among their men and their elforis inve bvrt so ftr successful that a very ntvlvffal w m in the prtce of the iftlier ha been already ilie result and a still further depression may be locked for since our ht publication sewwl in w rl iti fcl i mjiv ii k ihuuij j tu supply shanties and the scarcity of winter ivedius will compel nnny ot uur farmers to kill oft more uf their siocfc than they would niherr have done the price of beef has kept about 5 dollars per rwt and the supply abua dant bytowo gazette we regret to hear that the ice on ihe rideau caoa has taken so securely that there is very little hopes of its opening again tbu season this will be a very serious ioconre- oience to many of the merchants of the sue whose goods will be deiaiocd rill our wider rotdsset in a report is current iu town that the steamer shannon was to be laid up to he repaired aod it was the intention of the ottawa forwarding company to have suhsiituted the cataraqui to ply iu her place during the remainder of tbe season between this and grenville the pre mature setting in of the ice on the rideau canal will it is feared interfere with this ar rangement as the cataraqui may not get down to ihi station should this be the case which we hope for the credit of the company will be obviated it will prove very injurious io the merchants ofcytown who have so many years contributed to the emoluments of this compa ny no less serious will it he to those en gaged in lumber many of whom have not returned from quebec with their full supplies lor their shanties lb a melancholy accident occurred at cmi on nr wednesday the 9h in mr prentice farnar jn ou fctbtofmh oi 4ut rtat ing a neighbouring learn during the unloading f some coal an act which he voluntarily offered aw the horsca were rc5tive when he hura suddenly started and threw him down nnd the wheel came m contact with his head and crushed ir in pitch a dread ful manner as to cauae instant death tiie deceaa ed waa the son nf a preahylenan clergyman and a man of exeell nt moral and very much ealeetned among a numerous citric of ft tends tic was about 65 years of age colkmgstar a fire broke out io water street iu this v itlage on thursday morn ins last between the hovrs of twelve and one oclock which to tally destroyed the paint shop occupied hy mr b mnllorv the wasgon and sleigh far- w better dress mrmejvab attributed great merit to the hon member who introduced the motion but did ihink that at ihe very commencement on the subject of increasing the number of judges we will not fail to give every attention the suggestion of your excellency on the sub- of the first session of parliament ft would ject of establishing a provincial asylum for lunatic and will endeavor to alleviate the misery of those unhappy and friendless indivi duals who deprived of reason and without protection are suffering from the want of some place of public refuge we are fully sensible that the advantages to be derived from opening communicaiious by which the agricultural produce of this pro vince might readily be brought to market and will give our most favorable consideration to the construction of a great western railroad or to such other intern i improvements as will both benefit the province and promote a friendly intercourse with the neighbouring urates we will not fiil to institute an immediate and careful inquiry into the fliate of the wcl- land cwm with a view to ascertain how ihut important wprfc may he rendered most availa ble for tht great objects for which il was com- j m lor menccd and which it is calculated to effect we concur with vour excellency in the expression of regret that there are existing cir cumstances to prevent the immediate com mencement nf negimriatinns with the adjoining province for the improvement of the naviga tion ol the ottawa but in the sincere hppe that any such difficulties may speepiy be re moved wrr will devote uur attention to the recommendation f vour excellency j o the he did think m w vwfm raiher premature to request a conference at all events before they determined what meas dm that house were willing themselves to adopt this house did not require the in structions of tho other branch of the legisla ture if they should 6nd themselves able to effect what they never had been able to do be fore viz in agreement upon this subject with the lords it would be a happy circum stance mr gibson was opposed to proceeding with the present measure before a general discussion of ihe subject mr sherriffi mcdonnell remarked upon the importance uf the subject which was embra ced in the motion before them and of the anxi ety with which the country looked to that house for the adoption of some immediate mea sure with regard to it mr drapers he certainly thought it had better be settled in the firsr instance in what manner ihehouse would be inclined to proceed another etrcumstance to be mentioned tho he jjd not at all object to the conference waa that is fcxcellcocy had pamcularly drawn the tieouwofffae houscond indeed the minda of hon members seemed naturally lo incline to the consideration of the subject upon geoeral grounds the motion was withdrawn by permission w lie bony hy the llou mover adjourned lory occupied by mr d scllickand tbe black smith shop in ihe possession of mr s kel logg the loss of messrs mallory aod sel- lick we nre informed is verv severe its the whole of their implements of trade together with a large quantity of slock consisting of lumber of various descriptions sleighs wag gons paints gils c were entirely consum ed and ihe property was not insured most of the contents of the blacksmith shop were saved the latter building was insured too itiuch credit cannot be given ro the inhabitants of our town for their exertions on this occasion in checking the progress of the devouring tames although tho wind blew strong from the south carrying the burning shinsles and cinders to the extent of nearly half n mile notwithstanding the absence of an efficient fire company nod the want of a proper en- ciue still by the unwearied activity of those present the whole block of buildings extend ing from water to main street including the bop and dwelling house of dr taiuforr ihe dwelling of mr r t jones the stone store of mrholden the stables rf which were several times on firr- prescoit herald mr norton wvic saved gazouc that commission- to treat with this province on thedi- rullected at quebec in is cntiiled to share had wc learn from the montreal the honourable john macauhy er on the part of upper canada the commissioner for vision of the revenue which upper canada arrived in montreal an i was to communica tion with the honorable touissaot lorhier the commissioner for lower canada there has been n mistake on this subject id some of ihe montreal napers who have assigned the duty on behalf of this province to the hoo d pebartzch hon l papineau and jacob de wit kqr the commissioners appointed by the act cap 8 of ihe session of the pro vincial parliament which ended in march last to meet such commissioners as are or may be hereafter appointed on behalf of the province of upper canada to treat and report upon matters ol common concern to both pro vinces the partition of the revenue is not comprised wiihiu their duties but is settled by commissioners appointed by the governor under ihe act of the imperial parliament of ibm who arc tbe two gentlemen first aba mined in thia paragraph in case of their not agreeing an umpire is appointed by the crown whose award is final lor four vcara this was the case in i83 whvuthc hon ward chapmjuol new uruos-