Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), November 23, 1836, p. 1

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lrmtcu and kingston commercial advertiser feette f psbuibtd every wtdncnlf and saturday at luf ofbcc cnnirr of kftllff and hruck ceu nec rege nec poulo sed utroqv vol xviii twenty smiim pcr annum if pld lm adv at the nd of the year twntylt ikuump s upper canada mutual insurance fire com pany- kingston upper canada wednesday november 23 1836 tno 42 at a tneetinyof the freeholders of the mid- i- land district duly convened by public ad- tenisemeoi pursuant to an act passed io the6ib year uf the reign of wm iv entitled an act 10 authorize the establishment of mutual in surance compnnies in the severj districts of tbis province held at the court house io the towo of kingston on monday the 6th day of juoe instant at 12 oclock at noon for the purpose of considering whether it be expedient io establish in such disclr a fire insurance company op ifr ynofttfuj sfhnp hfifffid conformity with the provisions of tbe above mentioned act and upwards of 40 members being present at the said meeting heory cassady esq having been called to the chair and mr w djwc appointed sec retary it was resolved that the freeholders pre sent at this meeting deem it expedient io form a fire insurance cumpauy upon the principle of mutual insurance within the midland dis trict pursuant io the statute lately passed jitsolvci that h cassady wm garratt ami thomas esqrs be a commit tee to open a buok oi receivesubscriptiousfor stock and whereas tht freeholders then pre sent hinsr forty or uort and the sums for which they bound lhemcln 0 j rjace amounted together to 10000 currency anj upwards nod are thereby orfiwms con- stiioteil and declared by the said act to e a bo dy corporate and politic in tact by ana under tif rameand style of the mutual fire irusu- rioct company of fur tin midland district now we the undersigned iph freeholders pre set at the said meeting nul bound to effect idmirance with the said company and being members thereof do hereby rive uufce that x call a meeting of the siid company to be held at the court kouto in the town of king ston aforesaid on monday the i8th day of ju- iv aexi at 12 oclock at dmjii for the purpose electing sevcu dinnmom to inanir and bank or btitish north america established itf london capitalsone million sterling- provisional committee for conducting the affairs of the vjvf bhanch james dcw j 1 talcolm fraser esqums pierre pelleticr esquire george pkmberton esquire willtam phillips esquire flphe shares reserved for this district hav- log been allotted and the deposit of 10 sterling each paid upon them the necessary arrangements are now in progress for the com mencement of business io quebec as early as possible all communications on the business of this branch are requested to be made to the pro visional committee by letrer addressed to the office of mr william deleary notary pub lic no 33 st peter siren t t robert carter commissioner iroin the court of directors quebec 18th august 1ss6 172 coqduct ike properly- nflwir oil rmiemw of ibe slid conipunv uuiouavtt 10 tht ptoyiaiuos iif the said oct notice commissioner for croien lands office t tortoio loih may 1836 j his times and places for sals of crown lands aod clergy sraorves duride lbs present year will be a follows for c- wmgejg cergy keservm io j ui keotaod towo lots in chat- nam aud erroll at chatham on tbe 1st tues- day in june and oo the first tuesday io july august september aod october following for clergy reserves io the county uf es sex and town lots in sandwich aod am- berstburgh at sandwich oo tbe third wed nesday io june and on tbe third wedoesday in july august september aod october fol io wing reference may be made to the agent for the crown for tbis district mr henry jones residing in chatham for further in formation in the london district for clergy reserves io the couoty of nor folk at simcoe on the 1st june aud ou the 2d july 2d august 1st september 1st oc tober aod 1st november following for clergy reserves in tbe county of ox ford at blaodford oo the 4tb june aud oo the 5th july 5th august 5tb september 4th october and 4th november following for clergy reserves io the couoty of middlesex and town lots in loodou at loo doo oo the 8th juoe and oo tbe 8th july 9th august 7th september 7th october and ou thestb november followiog reference may be made to tbe agent for tbe crown for this district john b ask1n esquire residing io loodoo for further infor mation in the home district for town lota iu port credit aud bronti tohn clancy or david clancy i iu s l ma io who emigrated from the county cork j n aad c t a clor reserves as are fur bale at tbia city oo the second tuesday in juno ami on the seconri provincial parllvnt of house of assemp friday nov illh bill to vacate the scats ov members the a5sgmly acceftlfff office the house weut into cortfp of the whole oo this bill which was oduced by mr macnab the debate was proceeding hen the re porter took his seat the rnoth w for the adoption of the preamble and lh solicitor general was concluding a spep bgaqt the details of the bill but oxpresflj m williug- oess to vote for the preamble fl be was io favor of dome mcauro uf the kpd mr macnab remarked that indepeod ence of the house of assembly jiould be their selves through their representatives should on first concern aoo as no mao c erve two have to do so it was true that ia england sheriffs could oot bo members of parliament fur ibe reason that hy vinuo of thetr office they were always returoiog officers for their great coostitutiounl principle that a member ofparliamootaccepiiog office uuderthe crowu should vacate his seat aud again appear be- foro his constituent to ask tbem if they still had confidence in him and all the sophistry they bad baard on this occasion could not overthrow it nothing wai more important thau that members of that house should be free from execotive ioffuence mr mcdonald of gtengary wai in favor of the priuciple of the bill he thought certain offices would subject members of tbe house or assembly who accepted them to vacate their seats but small officers such as commmiotf- ors of the court of requests commissioners for expendiug road money c many of vwwrn were appointed by the people fbem- i information wanted gxf wm- harrison an englishman supposed to he in belleville u c or geneva u s auy information of him will be thankfully received by bis brother john harrison front street kingston 6ih augusf 18s6 editors will conlcr a particular favor byconyiait the above h cassaov thos kjawpatkicic david john smith john mowat wm garratt joics meagher htnry smith jr kingston 7th june john pj ant bower jokrn bltuc is36 99s notice to emigrants the undermentioned government ajents rill oo application a fiord kmigrants information relitive to the crown lands for sle in their respective disiricis and the con- ilitinus upon which they may be obtained mr if j- scott ktuigrant agent pros colt johnstown district mr john mcaaughton agmi m the com- misfiuaei lor crown lantb bytown bath- urs district mr- 2iithouy mattnhan emigrant agent kinsaion miuund district mr jhxcnder alcdoncll agent to the commissioner for cfuwu lands eterboro newcastle district mr john u jlskin ascot for the com- missionit for crown luud london london district mr- usury j jones agent lo the com- tuisiiooer fur crown lands chatham wes tern district they will also give information as to the routes distances and rftlfsflf conveyance to iiiom parts of the proviuee to which tmi grnt may be desirous of proceeding and di- rrct ifaoee in want of work to places where tliev can olaain it the onlrffnriiioned rfttjtnl have beeo furnished with mtps ol the tuwoklitpb open tit lucttion mid will glvif kiuiiains infor- npiiifflt rdutive io the ljuds lr sale iu their iirhclivc ueiliburhouds s ut our ytars past ore informed thai the in ttoiflijmwtabuirwhirikn auu lillfcucnt ncy their cr are now in kingston under charge of mor poy theirmotherhaviogdied oo the passage ou- the children are desti tute and the uncles 3 requested to come speedily to their nssistane further information may be bad on applica tion to mr manahan kingston lgth july 1830 5z tust rtnished and for sale at the juook- store on the corner of king aud brock street a large assortment of account books of best materials and workmanship for sale at montreal prices co- blank books or paper well and correct- donnkll ttt- residing at i eterborou ly ruled to any pattern at short notice i f f loformatioo tuesday io j uiy august september a october followiog in the newvj1stle district for crown lauds clergy reserves a toxvo lou in peterborough aod lindsay el peterborott jp first tuesday io juue on the f august septti ber auu ytiooot tollowiug for town lots in the village lately surv ed at the mouth of thetreut io that ton q oq the 15th of juoe t and on the 2ud wedues- dzy ifl july august september and octo ber followiog reference may he made to the ageut forhe crown for this district alexander ft pai kingston june 1 1335 mr it it prlqgte frser mrkuuzic uldwm fairfield brown kiwl klliot itutwick ironside cornwall lirockvilltr uith belleville llallowcll cohourr jort hope tiatuhviehi port staaley amhcrsiburffu kaiigrtotb in wnm of infonnaiion or em- plujrucitt on their nrnval at toronto arc di rectcd to apply at the emigrant olkcc in the public buildings a u- huvke chief emigrant jigent for y canada emigrant office twilltof may 24 ts36 nyiloo vht editor of tbe cinston chronicle montreal gtu cifbi-ur- sur aocj the lei limes are tvqtitited to iurrt the itbort notice in their respect- iii ptr and io continue the frame until the 31st t october next h sharp 13cgs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston that he has opened ins boot and shoe shop in the new building on the corner of king and brock street where he will keep on hand aud uunufauure on thu shortest notice all kinds w work in hi line at the ojosi reasonable tice kingston spt m 1330 22116 notice iyiiight ingersoll have beer t t for sale at mr florence donoghuc ta- wm kingston in barrels and smaller quanti ses io suit purchasers i7z fredericksburg 10th january 1336 information wanted of avery swan by trade a barber he left waieriown n y about the open ing of the navigation last spring should be see this be will let his disconsolate wife know where he is any person thai knows where he is will be doin an act of charity to inform his said wife at watertown- september 30 1836 childrens friend society kingston committee at a meeting in kingston oo monday the qoth instant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects of this insti tution called at the request of capi orrok at lo il som i caiid3 m mm fpvh pose of establishing a branch committee h kinsloo for the reception and distribution of children in the midland district tbe fol- lowing gentlemen were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power to add to their number viz venerable archdeacon stuart l l d rev r d cartwhicht a m honorable john kirbt honorable john macaulay twomab mariclano esq j p james sampson esq j p wjlliam logie esq j p james macfarlane esq j p john marks esq j p thomas scobcll esq d a c g the latter gentleman beio also appointed corresponding secretary of the said commit- lagc napaoee in the bathurst district for clergy receives io ttio couuties r ark and carlton at bytown oo the 2d vd uesduy iu juoe and on the 2d wednesday iu july august september aod octobor 1 lowing for towo lot in richmond at ibat town on the same days in j he ottawa district for clergy reserves in tbe counties of prescott aud russell at bytown on the 2d wednesday in juoe and oo tbe 2d wedi pay in july august september and octo ber followiog rofcrcoco may be made to ibo agent of the crown fur these district john afc naughton esq residiug at bytown fo further iuforuiatioo oyscheduics of the particular lots to he sold iu each towuthip specifying also ho term nt salo wc been pvmed aod will bo put up at tho court house at the offices of clerk of thu peace and crherrift aud iu other conspicuous places iu each district which schedules inuy be had oo application to tho cottimissiouer for crowu lands or auy of the abovooamed agents schedules are prepario for the midland and other district iu which there aro crowu lands or clergy reserves for sale and noti ces of tbcoo sales will be speedily given peter robinson 1st oct 95 to sell or to kent a large and commodious dwelling house pleasantly situated masters if a member of that hu aceepted office after he was elected the ople should have an opportunity to say whether tbey would still trut him with therr interests if thero was anything objeciiooabw he bill let it bo struck out but somo bia of lho kmd was wanting it bad been sfc ga and agaio far aod near that the htf wai filled with the officers of tho goverrfpnt a ho thought thero were loo tpaoy o it he thought oo sheriff should bo alpwed to repre sent tho couoty for vhich he rfl sheriff on account of the power bis office 5 to over the fortunes of many people btides the un due influence it obtained for him aod the great temptation to abuse it lo lli wo election for it must be coufess that ajudg- ment agaiust a maus goods oi eitate was a most powerful argument for lm he did indeed hipe thero was no swttful upper canada who would abuse his power in this way but what was to prevtfui him doing so if he pleased the mombers of that houso should be liko cars wife uot only pure but above suspicion mr gotcan considered that such small of fices us cocnmissiouers of the court of re quests aod commissioners to expend road money should not be tocluded io tho bill he did uot think there was the same uecessi- ty for such a bill in this country as thero was in england as here members are returned to their constituents every four years there only every seveu moved that the coimnitteo rise mr thorburn was aguiust the committees risiug the bill was a good one aud did great honor to tbe gcutletnan who brought it up i tl tou nod 4nril tfligitor gumlx z v more uinm said they should imitate the cxatnplo of ihe parent state he mr to admitted the priuciple and would ask what whs tho exam ple in mm case they would fioj that sher iffs postmasters and several others whicb he named were excluded from boing repre sentatives of the pooplo iu tho house of com mons the house of assembly should be made what it was intended to be the true re- preseotative of the people and not of the ex ecutive goveromont he hoped the bill would receive that grave consideration which its im portance demanded mr junes said thrs wns u uew bill it counties but it was not so io this couotry nevertheless be was tvilkng to provide by law that aoy member aceeptiug office should have to appear before his constituents he would vote for the preamble of the bill aod propose such ameodments as he thought oe cessary mr shade thought the bill should extend to some great officers but uot to all as it propos ed mr prince agreed with an observation that fell from the hoo aod learned solicitor gene ral that we should follow the example of the mother country in our legislation hut the hou- and learned solicitor should have inform ed the house that io this iustaoce they were doiog so he however thought lbe bill eut too far iu including all officers he would support the preamble mr mcnab did not feel the force of tho reasoning of some hnn members agaiost in cluding small officers iu tbe bill no person was obliged to accept au appuintincut to auy office other than that of returning officer and bis object was to exclude members of tho assembly from accepting those small offices altogether they were told from high author ity that diguity became a mouiber of parlja meut aud he did think it was ootdiguifled for members of that iluuse to be ulectioueermg with each other for anpoiutiuents to various comniissionersbips me was willing that the committee should rise and report progress hfter lbe preamble was adopted io order that oo members might hve au opportunity of fy couldeijag it mr shaver did not think it necessary that the committee should riae ufter ihe preamble was adopted for liny alterations that were oe- cesvary could as well be made now hu was for the wbnle bill and did not want to see members of that huuse getting into small offices while there were plenty of people out of ibe house quite as capable of filling iheui as any one who were in it fur his part be wanted uooe of them uud he would support tbe bill in its present shape mr shtrwood would vote for tho preamble but was not willing to goto the extent pro- tbiu d0at sir james kempt capt francis baker wm shaw sailing master m ill on the opening of the navigation w in re tn usual mja 5 kingston for the pay on tuesday mornings v s ve the head of the bay for kingston mor on wednesday and saturday ba i prefi for kingston nnd the e x on aday and thursday evenings tm- ukiiately after the arrival ftf the boats frotp oeiow kidgstoo 24ih march 1836 tee the committee give notice that they are ready to receive applications for children through the secretary who is prepared to give every information on the subject no com munication will be attended to unless the postage he paid kingston june 22d i83g childrens friend society the subscriber begs leave to acquaint the public thai he has been disappointed io receiving the number of children which he expected only 15 having been sent out but the remaioder viz 85 boys aod cirls will arrive in the course of the preseot season and tbe applications hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok secretary for the canada m the vil- the house coutains eight rooms and other cinveoiences and accommo dations suitable fir a family apply to a maopberwd esq napance or in kingston to dr dicb kingston 9th alril 1836 83z poed by the details of the bill commission had been under coasideraiiuu f ihe legisla- i cm of bft courl of requoslf oud some olliersi ture ou vuioih occasmus ooj afr a jreat which ho lamedi shuum bo cxcopteii a9 ho deal of discmiog ii had wys been rjcci- mcnthen 0 asmiu in uch bit ed lie wn orr ilai ho c 00 mpport ucrc usefu iu ueigh ibis bill of his hou friend from wemworh aod ihooi uq 0 coin but be was batificd it would not answer a sotice commissioncraf crown lands office torouoi 10th may 1sw good or useful purpose in tbii country he mr macnab iiaid there wa a great cry against so inauy officer- of tho government beiug iu that house but who seot tbem there the people ibom when they knew they held such offices and now bo would suppose that oue of those persons who held some important office at the time he was elected should afterwards accept of dome sub ordinate one say commissioner of the court of requests he would have to vacate his seat according to that bill aad there would be a new election was there any reason iu that case he did not think there was any evil effect from the prcseur la and should therefore oppose tbe bill at the same time he aud should uot bo compelled to vacate their seats for scrupling aoy such small office it could not bo supposed that any member iu ihe house would swerve from his duty to his con stituents for iho sake of reiaiuiu such situation any office which might be a temptatioo to do so ouxht tu be included iu tbe bill the tiuiesaodlaces for the sato of crown i im tn av nnd clergy reserves during the present i m l0 pf tt w to luda year will be a fujluws bank of midlixo district at bruevitut for crown laois in the county of hastings on the 20th juoe 20tb july 20th august 20ih september 20th october aud 21st november at napance for crown lauds in the coud lies uf lenox v addington on the 24th juoe 25th july 2jth august 24tli sep tember 24th october aod 25h november at jjfinfftfokt for crown lands io the couoty kstadlisucd iw lonook capital one million sterling provisional committee for conducting affairs op thc montheal branch of frontenacy on the iuth june 28th july british noittl america 89th august 29ih sepiomber 23th october ao 21lh november at ifellcvilu for clergy reorv io the connty of bastings on the 20th j one 20th joly wlh august 20th september 20th october aod 21st november at nopanee for clergy keservesjo the couu- jet of lenox tf iddington oa the24ih juoej 25th july 24th august 24th september 2th october aud 25th november at icingstwi for clergy reserves io the cotioiy of front mac ou the thirtieth june tiventycighth july twentyninth august tiveotydiuib september twentyeigbtb oc tober and twentyointh november schedules of h particular lots to be sold ia each township and specifying also the terci of sale hav been printed and will be put up at the court house at the office of tun clerk of tbepece aod sheriff aud at oth er pieces io the duirict which schedules eaa be had on application to ccrtaiu officers of the government from the assembly altogether mr norton remarked that there might be details in the bill which would require to be altered but that did not affect the priuciple on which it was fouuded aod therefore those who were in favor of the principle could havo no objection to vote for the preamble he would give the bill bis support as be consider ed that members of that house should be per fectly independeut of government influence mr aikman thought tbe bill was a good one and was bappy that he had the honor of seconding it he would support it a it was for he had heard oo good reasoo against it lfr thomson believed there were maay pcrsous quite as well qualified to lay out mo ney which might bo voted for various improve- meuts as members of that house were and be did thiuk members should not htfljucb sit uations he would give his hearty support to the bill the solicitor general ifm glad la leo the courtesy aud forbearaoco which characterized the proccediugs of the preseut house uf as- serably on this aod all otherquestions which bad come before tbem it augured woll for j their usefulness to ihe couutry he was pleased tofiod that there was no disposition to press tbe bil farther thau the adoption of the preamble at this time nu person should be too conlideut in his own judgioetit wheo he saw others oo whose judgmeut he placed coo siderable roliaoce opposed to bis views of anv tho objection that several members held office parl case- the members of that house 782 william coffwikgham esq austin cryjluer esq al8et rupnisa z3s ftort gillespie jun esq jaus millar e5t- the shares reserved for ihisjistrict having been allotted and the deposit of 10 sterling each paid upon tbem the necessary ar rangements are now in progress for the com mencement of business in montreal as early as possible all communications on the business of this branch are requeued io be made to tbe provisional committee by letter addressed io tlie office of mr etienne gov notary public notre dome street robert carter commissioner fratn the court of directors montreal aogusl 27 18s6 oh commissioner forcrowo lands or to samuel s wil- moti esquire deputy surveyor who will reside in the ditfiivt and superiotcud the sev eral pales- 105 peter robinson when they were elected did not lie against tbe bill which was intended to apply to mem hers acceptiog office aficr they were elected there might be some members io the house io that situatiou and whatever might be tbo motives of the government io appointing them he would send them hack to their constituents and let them judge of the cae mr parke observed that a great deal had been said by the bun aud learned solicitor general about the prerogatives of the crowu indeed tho hon aod icarucd geutlomau seemed more like a representative of the ex ecutive than of tbe people of kioston hut he mr p thought they were sent to that house to protect tho prerogatives and liberties of the people against the encroachment of the executive and should uot be turned from were sent there to pass those laws aod enact those measures which were required for the welfare of the people of upper cauada aod not to outer into any uew theoretical scheme which expeneuce had oot proved to be neces sary for tbe peace welfare nod good govern ment of ihe couutry now he would ask the hou member who iolruduced this bill whether it was required for tlose purposes did the people deiie it whs there aoy member in the bouse who owed bis seat to the office he held under government not ooe nay be did uot believe auy member had obtained tcu votes which he would uot havo got had be uot held such office where then was the dttcoasity legislate wants of for the bill agaio be would say for tho real and uot the imaginary the country and lit would repeat tbo discharge of their duty by tho syrcu song what he bad said before that it was no light or of tho prerogatives of tbe crowu- it was a trifling thing to throw aoy towo or country into the turmoil and strife oao election for fight aod insufficient causes the preamble of the bhl was adopted uoo- imously aud the committee rm to sit agaitt 00 tuesday next cilertville election mr gotttf moved a committee of privi lege on the electioo for the county of txrcti- ville mr ucvoft could see oo grounds for uw motion at present no petition complaining o tbo return for greovule being before the uonse he then moved that it be deferred mr prince would support tbe amendment for bis part he could oot see upon what grounds the origioal motion was made he thought the house would be premature ks talcing cognizance of the matter before any complaint against the return was before tbem mr boutton would vote against the amend ment he wiihed for enquiry and would therefore support the original motion flu solicitor central did not approve or tbe time of the house being thus wasted ho moved for proceeding to the order of tbe day jvr shaver understood that tbe poll book for the couoty be represented duodas ha not yet beeo received by the proper officer and that many other poll books were oot cotne to baud he had yet to learn upou what grounds a committee of privilege wa moved for the cuuuty of greovule mr norton was sure tbe house would net support the proposition of ibe boa and learn ed sol general iu prpceediug to tbe order of the day he was as anxious for inquiry ioto the facts as aoy boo gentleman nod wheib such took place it would bo tbeu seen whac were the motives ofthe boo mover order or- tferf uo mr ortooj wooli now proceerf im particulars aud state facts whicb bo was pre pared to prove wbco tbe opportunity arrived after tho leeds election bad beeo closed it wa rumored at tho hustings in gran villa that the hou member for leeds mr cowan was coming to the buttings at tbe bead of a body- oforaogemeo that on indiscriminate attack would bo made upou the elector aod that by riot aud confusion tho rciuro for the co of greovilte would be vitiated the toose- queoco was that one ofthe magistral to whom great credit is due prudently swore io number of special coutiables and placed tbeca about the hustings to defeud aud protect the electors io case of auy attack shortly after a lage body of meo iu pruccssion with bags aud inusicj made their appearauce aod im- mcjiiiieljraii unyjffamttm amafc en nwfc ed the pull book was forcibly wrested from the returning officer oo bis way lo tbo bust- iogaud the business of tho day was obstructed at this period bo and his colleague were 70 ahead bad so voes at the hustings and 200 or ou their way conveuieut to tbe poll whilst their oppooeets were nearly exhausted peaco being io some measure restored ha oow proposed to go on with the poll baa one of the opposing candidates declared ha would give up the contest fur be would never consent to go ioto parliament by tumult aud violeuce whilst tho other caudidate protested thco closed the pull and declared be aod his colleague duly elected these were facts which be was ready to prove when required still he had no particular desire to remaio in iba bouse on the contrary was he relieved from bis preseot membership he would take cara they would uever see him on tbe qoor of that house agaio mr mcnab would regard much theubsenca of he lion member for greoville from tbi house although he mr mcnab bad ofteu boldly and fearlessly opposed tbe boo gentle- man aod might do so again yet be entertain ed a very high regard for bim as ao upright bud honest member cooscientiously support- iog such measures as he oo doubt thought advantageous to the country the motion before the house came be thought with a very bad grace from the hon member for leeds mr gowao be haviug it appeared beaded urge body of oraogemeo tn the place of eteetitil at greoville and took part in tbe tu mult that ensued mr gowao denied being present or having aoy ibing to do in the con fusion well ihen be air mcnab must have btco misinformed but tbe boo member for leeds could not deny that which be had already acknowledged and whitb as member of this bouse he sjiould not have known aoy thiog of that a petition agaiost the return of the bun the members for greoville was on iu way to that house in possession of this io- rorinaiioo the hon member for leeds forestalls the future proceeding moves a committee of privilege aod places himself as mover chair man of that committee he mr mcnab hail no doubt but tbe house would dispose of the hon geuttemaus motiun as it deserved mr goican tbe preseot motiou was si milar to one adopted last sessioo tho re turning officer had informed him of tbe ilia galiiy of the returo aod mr itarreit ou of the candidates told hint that the- electioo waa uufair dr morrison observed that there was do aoalogy between the preseot case aod that of last session alluded lo by the hon member for leeds mr thorburn the motion is a direct im peachment against the executive tho omis sion or neglect wholly rested with ihem and their returning officer he w as therefore ia favor of the amendment of the hoo member for wootwortb aud agaiost proceediog to the ordor of tbe day so that ihe proceedings would appear upon tho journals of that house

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