tailoring business jd srelev would respectfully inform ihe inhabiiania of kingston and its vici- niiy ihai he continues 10 carry on the above business at his old stand in store street di rectly opposite the conmercial hotel and he hopes by punctuality strict attention to busi ness and reasonable charges to merit the con tinuation of patronage he has so liberally re ceived the past year and he assures the public that no pains will be spared on his part io give every possible satisfaction j ds will receive the most approved fash ions every spring aod fall n b one ur two first rote journeymen will find constant employment by applying to the above none but first rate workmen need tonsdmav 936 bay river tjie splendid steam isoat ake ontario th e feam packet 12f wsiblsat jrojbhsoke barber and he h dresser marfftt squawk b1hoston is grateful for the liberal patronage he received from the public he hopes his hcalder mastck will leave prescoit fur tho head of the biy of quime oo tuesdays aud fridays oo the arrival of the steamer dolphin touch ing at brockville aod gaoaunqne 8 ho will leave kingston oo her upward trips uo wed nesdays and saturday at half past 8 oclock a m and will call at the following pla ces c 4 xt a 2 a if otice an application u j be made a the next sessiou of the legislature o this provioce for an act biabhb a bauk in the towo of piescott in j district of johnstown with a capital of i ttotice is hereby given fl subscribed in the grand lie moooo robmns mills mohawk village sopiuaburgh i i villc a i- i j tsfiukgh and carrying place propelled by w tf 50 rcgq- merit i conuooance of it ocjrazors honed and dressed january 87 1835 just received and fur sale at the chronicle ga zette office corner of king an brock street a large quantity of excellent wrap ping paper on moderate terms july ii 1836 4z to millers the subscriber begs leave to inform mil lers aod the trade geoerally that having purchased the stock in trade of mr lewis bostwick burr mill stone manufacturer be will continue the business or making french burr mill stones of the first quality having on hand four pairs of stone finished aod a large lot of burr blocks which he will make up to order on the shortest notice all orders for the above to be address ed to a clark at the kingston foundry whom he has made his agent for his stone building business geo mccrabby kingston august i6ih 1836 14z the cobourg star will plesse copy thin advertise merit one month and tend their account lo tbo office of this paper office of the cataraqui bridge company kingston u c july 28 1836 t1totice at a ousting of ihe directors a of the cataraqui bridge company held his day dividend of per cent was declar ed on the capital of the bridge stock for the half year ending 30th june 1836 which is dow payable at the companys office bath fftedcfttcksblkgh adolphustqwn hallowell scanlans and arrive at the trent the same evenings she will leave the trent and carrying place on the eveoiogs of wednesday and sunday for belleville and leave belleville lor prescoit on mondays and thursdays ai halfpast 6 a m calling at all the intermediate places the brockville will leave punctually as advertised and as sho will stop only a few ninutcs at each place except when there may be freight passeugers are requested to be io readiness the speed aod elegant accommodations of the brockville are so well known ihai they require oo further recommendation for freight or passage apply to be captain oo board or io the committee s benson s- bartlett belleville j j miller hallowell t mcnider kingston robert harvey brock- ville and the following agepts thomas eraser prescoit heory lasher bath john aoderson fredrickslmrgh samuel casey adolphustowo samuel solmes sophias borgb win portt if co mohawk village thomas mcmahon ameliasburgh sheldon hawley river trent charles biggar car rying place also at the stores of john coun ter esq aod messrs- tmax phillips kingston ifrh may 1s36 97z 1836 lake ontario the stuamsqa capt n johnson n low pressure engine horse poteer the only sla1 boat which flies lablv bevween kingston and oswefio ill leave kingsion every monday wednesday and friday morning at half past 8 oclock and oswego every tues day thursday and saturday at same hour until further notice and on sundays will make an extra trip leaving kingston at c a m and reluming the same evening the canala which has run for many years between toronto aod niagara is schooner rigged and is well known to be second to none as a safe sea boat she is well calcula ted to convey both freight and passengers with safety in expedition for freight or passage apply to messrs trobridge grant oswego messrs truax phillips kingston or to the captiu on board kingston may 23d 1836 94z mtotice application wij be ma t0 1 the legislature at usnex session for an act of incorporation to constat a ft or turnpike road from windsor harbour to the mam or york road and from ti 10 schu- og lake in reach tfotice is hereby given lli an op lion will be made to the legislature at the ensuing session of parliam l0 establish ihe concession line between g g an the first concession southwest of green point township of sophiasburgh in fr edward district that alt stock river naviga- 1 company on which the instalments due p5 up on or before the first monday xi will be dactowd mmi d tthcn sold by public jocuw the hour of twelve oclock noon at this office for the benefit of the company as the law directs ajot1ce is hereby given that f w habitants of the district of niagara wil n the provincial parliament at us nexi public notice is hereby iven that application will be made at the next meeting of the legialaiure for an art to in corporate a company for the purpose of impro ving the hwbour at godencbon lake fau- ton pillion the prov session for an amendment ui siiraoce act ihe said so as district io die muiual lo- allow two companies to church of england psalms sf hymns with and without music sold at ihe chronica gazeite olci kingston may 17 1836 93 wanted immediately two journeymen cabinet makers aod an active younjj man as apprentice to the same business liberal wages willbegiven none but persons of good habits need apply e conk kingston u- c- may 20th 18s6 94z wool wanted cash paid for cloan wool of a rood quality in the fleece at the woollen fac tory gaoaooque may 17 id36 93ui notice is hereby given ll h inhabit- aots of the fourth coocessi 0 ho town ship of fredericksburgh origin in lne mid land district iuteod to petition l legislature at its next iriiog to have tho boundary be tween lot no tweiity6ve atii h gore of fredericksburgh established a a governing bouodary for the fourth fifgi and seventh concessions of ihe said townsfvjpnj- twentyfive to number seventeen i notice w the undersigned inhabitants of the 1 own ol kingston m the midland district hereby rrive notice that they intend to apply io the provincial legislature at its oextsiiiinns ior he enactment of a law authorizing foreign ers to possess real estate in free and common soccage in this province onder such stipula- tions as may be found oecessary to gunrd against political interference or undue specu lation lending to monopoly tt otic e- application willbe made at the lh ensuing session of parliament for tbe continuance of an act authorizing the magis trates of the london district to eoounue tho levying of ooetbinl of penny in ihe pound for a limited period to defray the eipease ot buildiog a new gaol with suitable yards ftr ihe said district mjotice s hereby given that application 1h willbtf mde at the next session of parlia ment for a charter for a bank to be titled br ftcehtfwers bink of the home district whi acapiutof onemllionsterlog notice is hereby given that application ill be made at tho next session of the provincial prliwnaot for the exteuiioa of the capital notice is hereby given lh the inhabit- ants of the towosbip of leeds io the johnstown district will piin ih lesisla- ture at its next sitting to mttjhluh the west ern bouodary line of said township notice is hereby given will be presented to the i ttotice is hereby given that application j- will be made to the legislature of this province at its next sessioo for the amend ment of tbe charier of the marmora foundry lhat a petition oose of assem bly at the next session by the inhabitants of the township of seymour newcastle dis trict prayiog for an act to establish the new survey of the said township made by depu ty sueyoralexcampbell in ihe year 1833 twotice the subscriber intends apply- i- ing at the next sitting of the provincial parliament for an act to eniible him to col lect tolls on timber passing d- slides erected by him oo the first and second shutes of the river bonne chere in the township of hor- ton balhursl district 0 j bell notice rwihe undersigned inhabitants of the coon- thastings in the midland district hereby givetgjjiarieyiniend to apply io the provincial legislaiuretykj s lings for tbe enactment of a law authoris ing foreigners to possess real estate in this province under such stipulations as mnv be found necessary to guard against political in terference or undue speculation tending to monopoly otice the inhabitants of the eastern parts of tho newcastle district and the parliamant for the exteusioo siock of the gore baok that otice is hereby given that application he made at the next sessioo ol i ar- loan for the kviroft pwhery will liameni ittt a on the company on lake huron and also ihai said company may be incorporaieiiby clut ter otice is hereby given that application ixiliadcaiilie next session of the provincial parliament iw afthar a joini stock companv to construct ui at the mouth of ihe m h if rou in iver bayfield the district of london lake ii fublic notice application will be made by the subscriber at the eosuiog session of the legislature for nri act io incar curopaov requiring an increase of 115 capital i t ci i acjwwwp flafaafln j t 1 poraie a joint slock company m be stvled 10 250000 and praying that express bank- th njlua m lrllzl js1 7 western pari of ihe midland district petiiiouio the legislature at their next iotend sessiou with iho for the furmatiod of a new district county town at the mouth of the treot votlim ib hereby ftivea that applicniion x will be made to the legislature nt ihe session of parliament by certain of tha township of king 10 repeal ssed 10 the 1st sessiou of the 12th parliament entitled 4 an act to authorise a new survey of the towoihip of king k otice is hereby given that application will be made 10 the next session of the provincial parliament for a loin lo complete the louth llarbuur ft next ensu inhabitao ao act pi otlgti is hereby given that application will be made ui ihe next session ol parli ament for an act 10 incorporate a company for construction a rail road from the cny of toronto to the shore ut luke huron in the london district iv new goods ihe the subscribers are now receiving by inst arrivals from london liverpool and glisgow extensive assortments of ihe various kinds oi staple aod fancy dry goods laces small wares fltc fee that they are in the habit of importing robert armour sf co montreal may 26 1336 looz bank of brit north a cipital 1000000 stxrlino jjt 30000 shanes op 50 cach thrgc- fourths of which hav bken subscrib ed iff knolatfd and thg aemaikder arc aucbved for the colonics with fowfir to ijfcrcas the capital london directors georor dr rosco attwood es edward blount esi robrrt brown es sir robert cahpbll bart robert carter est william robert chapman james john comifins es james dowir esu- oliver parker esq alexandrr gillespie jun william mrdlevi esq william prmberon esq george richard robinson esq m p esq esq w ft it i kft if john waldaon wright esq the rapidity with which tbe british north american colonies have advanced in prosperity and commercial importance the vast increase of their papulation the high rate of interest the fluctuation of exchange tue in adequacy of the capital already employed for jbojafcijg cperauaftsf b4 ike ir fact- ly of intercourse with the mother country siiot out the different settlements of british unh america as affording a secure held for tbe profitable employment of capital for which purpose and with a view of promoting tbe mercantile aod agricultural interests of the colonies the present company his been established the management of ihe companys afliirs is rested in the london court of directors rod the banks in the colonies are to be con ducted by local boards appointed by them a general meeting of the proprietors is to be held yearly io london to whom a statement of the companys affairs will be submitted power has been reserved to the directors to apply for and accept on behalf of tbe estab lishment a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a deposit of 10 sterling per share to be paid within a period to be named in the letter of allotment at the rate of exchange therein fixed and the deed of settlement to be signed at the time of payment after paymeot of the deposit the remainder of the capital will be required by instalments not exceeding j210 sterling per share at such intervals of not less thaa three months as the directors may find oecessary to carry the ob jects of the bank into operation of which due notice will be given the undersigned commissioned to represent the court of directors in america and to visit the several colooies for the purpose of putting the affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that he will be ready to receive aod consider applications from persons resi dent in the province of upper canada who may be desirous of becoming shareholders in the capital stock of the company addressed to him at the post office at montreal on or before the 10th day of august next robert carter new york 14ih july 1836 william it capt lqjvsojv uiuaard propelled by a low pressure engine of 100 horse power the only boal that run between prescoit oml to ronto without crossing ihe lake 10 or irom oswego ll on the opening of the navigation commence her regular weekly trips ruoning as follows viz upwards will leave prescoit for niagara every satur day evening after ihe arrival of the montreal stages or steamboats touch ing at brockville and gananoquc kingston sunday morning cobourg aod porthope sunday even ing- city of toronto monday morning hamilton monday afternoon and ar rive at niagara on ihe same eveoiog downwards will leave niagara for prescoit every tues day afternoon at 7 oclock city of toronto wednesday morning at 10 oclock cobourg and porthope wednesday eveoiog kingston thursday morning touching at gananoque and brockville aod ar rive at prescou to the afiernuon passengers leaving niagara on tuesday evening and the city of toronto wednesday forenoon by the william iv will arrive in montreal on friday evening passing the islands in the day tiiue this boat so favorably known to the travelling public as a first rate sea boat and combining the indispensable requisites of speed punctuality and comlortable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors irusi receive a very liberal support for freight or passage apply at ihe post office at prescoit or brockville b phillips kingston h e nichols cobourg harbor co port hope j brown toronto d c gunn and a land hamilton j niven 8t co niagara win- dnffanh lvfc ffwo tueenston or to ihe captain on board 00- jill freight payable on delivery to con signees and alt parcels and luggage at the risk of the owners f unless given in charge of the parser and booked prescoit april 8 1836 96z lake ontario1836 the steam boat oswego captain iv s malcolm will ply on lake ontario and the si lawrence river between ogdensburgh and niagara as follows commencing april 29lh 1836 upwards leaves ogdeosburgh on friday evening kingston u c saturday morning sacketts harbor w nooo oswego evening rochester sunday morning toronto uc for niagara and lewis- ton monday tnornins where she arrives early giving passengers all the day tn visit the falls of niagara and return by the boat downwards leaves lewiston on monday evening rochester tuesday morning oswego afternoon sacketts harbor night kingston u 0 wednesday mornig and arrives at ogdensburgh the same evening touching at french creek mofristown alex andria and brockville do parties intending visiting the falls of niagara buffalo or the different ports on lake via oswego or and most expos ing privileges be granted to the company w otice hereby given that application will b made 10 the legislatura at its next semtoo for a charter for a company to be entitled the upper canada life insur ance and trust company with potter to loan money ou real estate and with a capital of ooe milliod the caledonia mineral springs company william parker tvotice is hereby riven ihai thfl inh itants jf the townships of gloue- notice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature at its next sitting for a charter ta authorize the construction of a rail road from si catha- vitfi- vb vm vifcgfcra hvir at or near tbe town of niagara notice the inhabitant of ihe district of niagan will renow ihir application at tho ensuing session of the lepialature for ao net to auihniso ihn removal of ihtf site of the district tiwn and public buildidgs to a more central aul eligible situation witbiusaid district iv li tter osgoode cumberland russel nrpean ginil- houroe march huntley torbolton fiuruy pakenham macnab hortou rnsa west- meath and pembroke of ihe ottawa and ha thurst districts will petition tho legulmtire at iu next session to form them ioto a new lu- otice is hereby given that the luhabii- aris of the eastern part of the loudon district aud of ihe towttjhip of walpole acd kamhunf in ihe niagara district will peti tion tbe legislature at us uexi sfsion tolurm them ititu u new district imylug suucoe fur ns district towo- m otice applicat ilic l trici having hytown for iiscapi iutii iwu i ouniioa- i and uldo i uii will ic made to l iiure at its next silting lor flq act lutfwl a d im ttcwsi 1i1 river rtiaiiu in l lie tovvntiip ul jhiuatn in tue wesieru district fmlake m petiti sioq for tht itibscriber will at the next sea- erecting a mill dam notice the on tte legislature privilege of across the branth of the river st lawrence between sheekt island and the main laud at the rapid of miuliootte 7votice im hereby given that ao stpplica- tion vitl te made to the next session of the legislature uf this province for an act to establish a baui io the towo of amherttburgh in the western district with certatu branch banks 10 belong thereto and with a capital of 250000 mjotice is hereby given that tho inhabit lli anu of ihe first concession of tho township of darliugtoo iu the district of newcastle will petiiioo tin legislature at the next ses sion for ao act to correct the survey of the concession line between the first and second concession of tie said township tvotice the inhabitants of the district l of prince edward will petiiioo tho leg islature at tis nexi siitiug for an act to iocor- porate a rank iu the said district with a cap ital of 100000 otice- the inhabitants of darlington will petition the legislature at ihe next session for ao act io incorporate a company authorising the construction a wharf aud harbour at the mouth of bauers creek in said township of darlington lo ihe newcas tle district w otice applicatiou will ue nihile ai tho ensuing session of parliament fur ao act to erect the couuty of hastings ia the midland district ioto a separate district j otice cation is hereby given toi will be made it it an applica- thc provincial parliament at its nexi session for a grant of a sum of money lo improve tie harbor of the port of windsor in the township of whitby 1votice is hereby given and occupiers of lands iv otice the inha rough willl petition session to make null of the new survey bitaris of loughbo- ihe legislature next three lifcs of concession as ihe interfere and agree not with ihe old sury or to have commissioners appointed to silc the disputed lines ivtotigb 1 will notice ants of is hereby giveo that ilio lohabit- tlid townships io the rear part of the newcastle district will petitimi tho logis laturd at its oext sitting to crert the said townships ioto a separate district with peter borouzb as chief iowq is hereby given that application made to the legislature at its next sitting fur a charter tronstrucr a ca nal for ship navigation from f erie to some point on the niagarajiiver blow the rapids hat the legis- ione at ihe eosuiog q euablish the side t tice is hereby givenj 1 lature will be petitions session to pass ao act lines of lots in ihe second concession west of green point in the township of sophias- burgh from number fiftyeig to the town ship line to run the same course tbe side lines in tbe said concession tip to number fiftyeight mrotice the undersigned hereby gives i notice that application will be made to parliament for au act to enable hiot to erect a tollbridge over ihe river thames from the town of chatham to the north bauk of the said river with a privilege of demaodiog and receiviog tolls therefor duriog such period as the legislature may determine j wood j1jotice the inhabitant of cramah aj haldimand and adjoin townships will apply 10 ihe legislature at its next sit ting to charter a company to loiisiruct a har- hari ahrdnnmluif uub i orewl iiuai borne newcastle disirict that the ouoers n the first con cession ef the township of nepean in the balhursl district will apply to ihe legislature at its oext session for an art to correct the concession lioebetweeu tho first aod second concessions reserving to the owners of lands in ihe second concession reasonable remu neration for any improvements which they may have made prior to the publication of this notice aud also to correct the side does u 1 lv oth and ship ofoxlor pjtuiou for an the towu- loih cuuctsiuus ol in ihe johqsiowii district will the parlumeol at its oew session ct to establish ihe eastern boundary ut overmog bound4- thesaid concessions as the n otice application will be made to the lefislatuie ai its uexi stfssiou for au act authorising the ereciioa ot across ihe north branch ot bear creek upper forks iu the township the western district of milldum t its sooibra in be made 10 the n otice is hcroby given that application will be made at the oext session of par liameot for an act to define the liram of co bourg aod 10 establish a police therein ill he notice application will he m next meeting of ihe provincial 1 idoat tho parlia ment for an act to authorise the resurvey of the coocesmuo line iu front of the third concession cf iho towuship tf winchester in county of duodas tvotice application wil i legislature at ii nexi meeting by the inhabiiauts of the townships of malahide yarmouih westminster and loudon for au act toiocorporaie a joint slock company to construct 0 luilroad from the town of lon- dou to davenporl to intersect the navigable waters of cutliih river and to construct a ilirboul at the mouth of said river taotick applii 1 legislature at wo 1 next sessioo will be made to the lee foi hereby given that application tgislature at their ir an act to bo passed appoint ing another trustee or trustees in ihe room of the late honorable peter russell deceased for the purpose of carrying into effect the wil ot the late john white enquire formerly at- toroey general of this province by which ccr- i tain lands in the province of upper canada i iilion will be made to llie us next sifting for an act 10 establish ihe roads and bridge as they now are across the twenty mile creek in the tiiwnship of ltinsbnrougli and also io establish the aide lines of the 5ih c liih coo- cessions of said township accord log o the i survey origin is otice application will e next sitting of the leg i charter 10 firm a cumpanv iu n hour at the imuih o the twelve io bronte gore district be mule a slaiure for ike a hir mile creek were devised iodic said honorable peter sell to be sold by him for the payment of debts of the said john white esq rus- the n y otice is hereby givuu lhal iu sppl ivoticfi appliratiou -a- iho ensuing sfssloo of ifoi notice the inhabitants of th of hallowell and picton will oetiton village otice the tin legislature at its next sittiog for au act to unite the said villages into one town under a new name to define tbe limits of tbe said town aud to establish a police therein wotice the hamilton and port dove rail road company will at the next sessioo of ihe provincial legislature apply for an act to alter and amend an act passed in ihe fifth year of his majestys reigo enti tled act to incorporate sucdry persons under the style aud tide of the hamilton aod port dover kail road company jtotice is hereby tven that application j- will be made 10 the provincial parlia- jtotice is hereby given that application will be made at the eoauiog session of parlianicot for ihe improvement of tho navi- gaiiou at tbe whitefish creek io the township of south crosby johnstotvo district the otice is hereby given tion will be made eosuiog session of that nti applic- 0 the legislature at parliament by ihe stockholders of tbe baok of upper canada for ao act lo increase the capital stock of that institution and canal 10 the town of ni- r an act authorizing the con- meat at lis next session by iohabitaots of the niagafa district for an act authorising the construction of a canal for ship navigation from ihe well agara also fo struciion of a canal from the tovn of niaga ra to the chippewa or welland river at or below port uobiosou for boat navigation passing through or near st davids also for an act authorising the construction of a rail road between niagara and st ciharines will be made at oo ol parliament for a tflhttttit lotrfiuximt tluiillttaiftfcf ihuliftl river detroit in the towosbip of maiden to ojii the saodtvich and bertie rait- oatl ca tion will he mnde at the ensuing esion ol parliament by the president directors aud others interested in the port dover joint stork hirhuur company for a loan uf money 10 tiu uh said harbour w o tice is hereby g will be made durin k otice applicaiiorr wil the inhahiiauis ot dunda be made by iu the goro district 10 the legislature at its next session for an act to incorporate the said towu aod de6ne the limits thereof also for an act 10 es tablish a rank in said town of duodas wilb a capital of 100000 ven that application g the ensuing session of the provincial parliament for an amend ment of the grand river navigation compa nys charter the ssris being an act made ft lid passed in the second year of his prrseot ma jesty and entitled an act to incorporate a joiol slock companv to improve the uav ol the grand river a lieu 71jotice a pplication i tbe ensoing session of 1 will be ntadeat parliament for a charter for a back in the western district with a capital of 200000 stotlce application will be made at the nexi session 10 obtain a charter iu make n otice the former applicaiioo will be renewed by pottiion at the eosuing mom of parliament for forming the county ofsimcoeinto a separate district with bar- rieas its capital ontario will find the route ce form of application to roaeat cartse esq post ofh montreal sia i request that you will allot to me shares iq the bank op bainsh north america aod 1 hereby engage to pay the de posit of 10 sterling each upon so many of such shares as you may allot to me at ihe time place and rate of exchange to be speci fied ia your letter ofallotment and at th e same time to execute the deed of settlement i am sir your obedient servanr sinaturf at lengthy place of abode ddle all lcrxsu uuft b post paid rochester to be the cheapest ditious k3 passengers leaving niagara in this boat on monday evening will arrive at mon treal on thursday evening passing thernost ng part of the st mjotice application the ensuiog se charter for a bank of 2110000 will be made at ssion of parliament for a at niagara with a capital application will bo made at the next sessioo of the provincial parliament for granting or loaning a sum of also for ao act money to build a new gaol and courthouse in a more central part of the town of niagara or authorising the magistrates of aid district to burrow a sufficient sum on the credit of the district alo for nn act to inrorporaie the trustees of the niagara market fteservc and to loan 10 them or authorize therr 10 borrow a sum of money 10 erect a new markethouse thereon notice is hereby given that application will agaiu be made at the oext sessiou navigable the bed of the twelve mi la creek from st catharines welland canal lo the fool of muuoiain at perrys mil a with a cap of 35000 the chronicle gazette btefhhi b merrill printeil id in advance id at the cud of parliameot fur at st catherines an act to establish a th iu the niagara district hk tvoticrapplicatiou a the ensuing session the cxveosion of tbe capital of the cial bank midland district to the 500000 commer- extqqt of notice is hereby given will be made to the i 10 teres t day light lawrence river fcy filz maps for sale at the chronicle and gazette office majpa of tbe midland and prince edward dis tricts v c comprehending a tract of coun ty of from 80 to 90 miles in length being froiui near ganaooque in the county of leeds ao brighton in the county of northumberland shewing at one view the different townships concessions and lois both sides of the interes ting and picturesque bay of quidte and lao4s not surpassed in the province kingston september 1836 24 tust received and for sale at the comrr cf king aod brock street ready reckon ers and lennies grammar kingsion jan 16 1836 that application legislature at its next session for the improvement of ihe riv er trent according to ihe plans aod estimates made by n h baird esq by aid of the pro vincial government or failing in such aid that further application will be made for an act to incorporate a company to carry ibat improvement ioto effect wl meat at otice is hereby given that application i be made to the provincial parlia- is oext sessioo for an act to eoable ihe magistrates of ihe home district 10 im pose a rate of one halfpenny in im pouud for six years on all rateable prupert throughout the said district for the purpose of raising a fund for the erection uf a uew gaol for the same will be made hi of parljameot to amend the charier for the loudoo and gore rail road to conttuue tbe same to the de troit and niagara rivers with leave to extend its capital stock to 500000 privileges aod for bankiog tvot1ce is hereby givoo il itaots io the third coneesi iotice application will be made l the ensuing session of parliament for a charter for a bank at chatham upper cana- nada with a capital of 50000 mtotice is hereby given that application 1 will be made by john straoga eeq aod others to the legislature at its oext session to foioi a company for ihe construction of a turnpike road from the town of kingston to the village of napaoee io ihe township of riehmoud in tho midland district kingston 30th july 1830 9z the upper canada czrltc will nktn copy it lice mjotice is hereby giveo lbs the inhabi- x tauiei of the towusbips of torbolton tiizroy pakeoham macnab hwrton ross westuieaih and pembroke iu th district of bathurat inteod to make application oext ses- aioo of parliament to have ihe id town ships formed into a separate cou that the luliah- oocessiou io iho towo sbip of norwich between ihe front line and the first quarter line intend to petition tho ensuing sessioo of the legislature for an act 10 make ao equal division of the lots between iho front line of said township and the first quarter line io the third concession of said lownship of norwich- ttcvms twanty shillings per annum if or within ihe firt two inumlis if of the year twcnlyfive shillings dvfte of albert im en ts six lines and under sssd first insertion and 7a each 5ubunoeiu insertion ten lines ami under o 4d first insertion and lod each subsequent iiicriiuji abevc ten linesj 4d per line for the liil insertion and id per lino for every subsequent miiion adverticmcnti without hriuciidicetiui inserted liwortiv and charged accordingly a iibcial discount made i merchants nau w who advcrli fr three months and opwatd no adverticuicnt received after tux oclock 011 the mornings of publication any person procuring sx subscribers to the paper and paying annually lor the fame shall be emitted to a seventh copy mrfra jcp cuniry projitco received in payment al the market piic 2cnt3 john cigncli esq thers w otice ao application to the legislature at its for the establishment of n bank is do with a capital of 5110000 to be tyed johustowd district bauk tojii be made je t sessioo a brockville tho tt 1 iv otice sessiuo is horohy giveo of the v roviucis pnliameot the nhabiiaots of the newcastle district intend to ly for a charier for a bank iin the new to be located at cobourg bank of upper canada wjublic notice is berehv giveo that a general meeting of the stockholders of this bank is requested to be held at iho bank on wednesday the 24ih day of august next a oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of electing a director to serve during the re niainder of the present term in the place of ihe hun pfcttr kobimsort who has resigned and for business which will be then communica- ted by order of ihe board thos g ridout bank of upper canada cash iter to ronto 13th july 1836 ap casilp ditric the editors of newspapers who litihed for the bank of upper canada will be to ic thii coticcone insertion sy baveusuahy pub pleased david chihohn iu andrew portcous kaq william mcintosh esq ceortjc browse eq alphuus jones esq henry jones esq jodiah taylor esq h whilmsrsb esq j k hartwell eq messrs c- j mcdonald john dean esq allan mcpherson esq m win koike esq tho mcmuhou esq thomas denorcst en t d appleby esq thomas parker esq w robertson esq charles hi- t eq joseph a kceler esq kenneth mackentic esq dnvid smart esq john ballard m luud clench esq quebec three rivers montreal lancaster matilda prescoit brockville perth richmond bastard ganaooque bath nspanee hallowell ameliaburgh sojjluatbtirli shnnonvillc p- belleville river trent murray colborno coboury ptirt iiopt tfiraalvi niagara oi