7per canada mutual insuhancfc fire cosi- at a meeting of the freeholders of the mid- laod district july conveaed by public ad vertisement pursuant to an act passed in the 6th year of the reign of wm iv entitled u act to authorize the establishment of mutual in- auraoce companies in ihe spveril dtirieis of this province held at the court house in the town of kingston on monday the 6th day of june iostani at 12 oclock at noon for the purpose of considering whether it be expedient to establish io such district a kire insurance company on the principle of mutual insu rance in conformity with the provisions or ihe above mentioned act and upwards of 40 members being present at the said meeting henrv cassady esq- having been called to the chair and mr- w- dawe appointed 5ec- ii was resolved that the freeholders pre sent at this meeting deem it expedient to form a fire insurance company upon the principle of muiual insurance within the midland dis trict pursuant to the statute lately passed resolved that h cassady wmgarratt and thomas kirkpatrick esqrs be a commit tee to open a book and receive subscriptions for stock and whereas the freeholders then pre sent being forty or more and the sums for which they bound themselves to effect insu rance amounted together to 10000 currency nod upwards and are thereby ordained con stituted and declared by the said aci to be a bo dy corporate and politic in fact by and under ihe name and style of the mutual kire insu rance company of for the midland district now we thi undersigned ten freeholders pre sent at the said meeting and bound to effect insurance with the said company and being members thereof do hereby give notice thai we call a meeting of the said company to be held at the court house in the town of king fio aforesaid on monday the 18th day of ju ftoext at 12 oclock at noon for the purpose of reeling seven directors to manage and pfultjuct the property affairs and concerns of iut- s company pursuant to the provisions iheuid act jassadt hos kinkpatrick wigarratt jjjujts maghr hknky smith jr david john smith joh mo wat wm thirkell john plant bower joseph baircc kiogston 7th june j836 99 s m ii fc u m it belleville hallowed cobourg port hope sandwich port stanley amherstburch- notice to emigrants the undermentioned government agents will on application afford emigrants information relative to the crown lands for sale in their respective districts and the con ditions upon which they may be obtained mr w j scott emigrant agent pres- cott johnstown district mr john mcjyaughton agent to the com missioner for crown lands bytowo baih- urst district mr anthony manahan emigrant agent kingston midland district mr alexander mcdonell agent to the commissioner for crown lands peierboro newcastle district mr john b askin agent for the com missioner for crown lands london london jmgffrl- b hk tienry x jones agent to the com missioner for crown lands chatham wes tern district tbefiwiu vlso give information as to the joules distances and rates of conveyance to those parts of the province to jvhich emi grants may be desirous of proceeding aod di rect those in want of work to places where they can obtain it the undermentioned gentlemen have been furnished with maps of the townships open for location and wiu gite emigrants infor mation relative to the lands for sale in their respective neighborhoods mr pringle cornwall frasfcr brockville mckeozie bath baldwin fairfield brown kingsmill elliot b05twick m m m ironside kmigraots in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at toronto are di rected to apply at tbe emigrant office in the public buildings a b hawke chief emigrant agent for u canada emigrant office toronto may 24 1ss6 nyiloo the editor of the kiogtton chronicle montreal gaxettc coboorg star and the london jimes are rcqaeated to insert tbe above notice in tbeir rcspect- ire papert and to continue the 6ame until tbt 31st of october next to sell or to rent a large and commodious dwelling house pleasantly situated in the vil lage of napanefi the house coutaios eight rooms sod oiher conveniences and accommo dations suitable for a family apply to a macphersoo esq napanee or in kingston to dr drehl kingston- 9tb april 18s6 82z new works for sale at the chronicle gazette office ajbrief account together with ob servations made during a visit in the west indies end a tour through the united states of america in parts of the year 1ss2 s together with a statistical account of upper canada by dm thomas rolph the worksof joh ditden in verse and prose with a life by the rev john mitford in 2 vols lord rnltfan a romance by allan cun- nibgham sheppard lee a novel written by himself the diary of a desenuyen the doctor jttphtt in torch of a father complete rattlinhe reefer by captain marryat midshipman easy by the same the parricide a novel by the author ol george balcombe a novel memoirs of mrs hemans h fcborley also an excellent assortment of silver pencils kingston nov 4 1836 37 notice the present members of the kingston vol unteer fire company 16 in number on ly injustice io themselves take this opportu nity io forming the inhabitants of the town that from their diminished force they do not dm themselves adequate to the performance ahflhm duties that tbe public may expect i t uiera it therefore behoves the inhabitants m meet and take such measures for the public safety as the exigency of the case may re quire the members will however in case of fire until some further arrangement is made to place the fire establishment on a more ef fective footing attend with the small engine and render such aid as may be in their power by order james nickalls juo captain k v p c kingston nov 21836 phe holders of caps and belts which be long to the town will return them forthwith to the captain at tbe court house sz to millers the subscriber begs leave to inform mil lers and the trade generally that having purchased the stock in trade of mr lewis bostwick burr mill stone manufacturer br will continue the business of making french burr mill stones of the lirst quality having or hand four pairs of stoue finished and a large lot of burr block which he will make up to order on the shortest notice all orders for the above to be address ed to a clark ai the kingston foundry whom he has made his agent fur his stone building business geo- mccrabby kingston august igth 1836 i4z tlie cnbouig star will please cpv thi adverts meat one month and sund their account to the office of this papnr ivev goods the subscriber are now receiving by the last arrivals from london liverpool and glasgow extensive assortments of riie various kinds ot staple and fancy dry goods laces small wares c c that they are in the habit of importing robert armour fy co montreal may s6 1336 iqoz prize medals the natural history society of montreal offer three prize me dals for the three best essays that may be presented on the following subjecis 1 on the connection between the language and the character of a people 2 on the physical history of rivers in general and of the st lawrence in particular 3 on the circumstances which affect cli mate in general and the climate of lower canada in particular 4 on the comparative aoaptation of prairie aod forest to the settlement of a new country 5 the changes that have taken place in the habits of exotic plants cultivated in the northern parts of america particularly as re gards the changes induced on their agricultu ral and horticultural properties the condiiions are 1st the essays shall be presented on or before the 20th of february 1s36 2d the essjy may be in french or en glish 3d the names and residences of the auth ors must be concealed to ensure which each essay shall have a motto and shall be accom panied by a sealed note superscribed with the same motto and containing the name and res- dience of the author this note shall only be opened in the case of the essay being declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be des troyed 4ih the successful essays shall remain the property of ihe society 5th the society reserves to itself the richt to withhold the prize should no one of the ks- snyson any particular subject appear deserving of it- the essays are to be addressed to j s mcord esq- corresponding secretary of the society andrew h armour recording secretary the editor of nil ruhllc papers n thfl rrlish provinces will umier a fkinx on the society hy pi- ing an inscruon to ihe above or by noticing it in tic editorial columns of iheir resprchve journals for sale by the subscriber g rffcijdsj r american cotton yarn of church hymns with and without at the chronica gazette office kingston may 17 183g england psalms s music sold 03 wanted immediately rwlwo journeymen cabinet makers and apprentice will as 10 an the active young man same business liberal wages will be given none but persons of good habits need apply e cone kingston u c may 2nth 1836 94z c ash wool wanted paii forcleao wool ot1ce- an application will he made the next sessiou of tbe legislature at of this province for an act to establish a hauk in the town of piescoli io the district of johnstown with a capital of 100000- wtotice- appltcaiion will be made to 1 the legislature at its next session for an act of incorporation to construct a rail or turnpike road from windsor harbour to the main or york road and from thence to schu- gog lake in reach notice is herebi of a good quality in the fieece at the woollen fac tory ganannqut may 171836 p3ui barber and he ii dresser markt square kingston is grateful for the liberal patronage he his rernivpet from the public he hopes mroticfc is uereny gi 1 tion will be made to the that an appltca- legislature at the ensuing session of parliament io establish the concession line between gore b and the first concession southwest of green point township of sophiasburgh in prince edward district woticb is hereby given that all sioc 11 subscribed io the grand river naviga te company on which the tmenis due 1 d upon or before the first monday will be declared forfeited an not paid upon in november next ant the at mie ho ofiire for the benefit of the company lav directs n sold by public aacnon on iliat day hour of twelve oclock noon al inis s ihe iq- teotlce is hereby given hat certain 10- ll habiiants of ihe disirici of nagara will peuionihe provincial parliament at its next seaion for an aroeodroem of tbe mutual in- allow two companies to sumice aci so as thesaid district public notice is hereby given application will be made at the meeting of the legislature foran act to corporate a company for the purpose of it viog the harbour al goderich on lake ron j jg ttotice application will be made ar 11 ensuing session of parliament for continuance of an act authorizing the mi trates of the london district lo continue levying of onethird of a penny in the for a limited period to defray the expense building a new gaol with suitable yardj the said district the undersigned inhabit kin lo received from the mprit a continuance of it corazors honed and dressed january 97 1835 office of thccataaqui bridge company kingston u c july 23 1836 tvotice at a meeting of the directors h of the cataraqui bridge company held his day a dividend of 5 per cent was declar ed on the capital of the bridge stock for the half year ending 30th june 1836 which is now pavable at the companys office 9z j marks treasurer h sharp begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston that he has opened his boot and shoe shop in the new building on the corner of king and brock street where he will keep on hand and manufacture on the shortest notice all kinds of work io his line at the most reasonable prices kingston sept t4 issfi 22il6 notice is hereby given thai the inhabit ants of the fourth concession of the town ship of frederickshurgh original in the mid land district intend to petition the legislature at its next fliiliog to have the boundary be tween lot no- twentyfive aod the gore of frederickshurgh established as a governing boundary for the fourth fifth sixth and seventh concessions of ihe said township from number tweniyfivflto number seveoteeo ioclusivc notice is hereby given ants of the township johnstowo district wi tu at its next silting ern bouodary line that the inhabit- of leeds in the petitioo the legisla- tn establish the west- ofsaid township notice is hereby given that a petition will he presented to the house of assem bly ai the next session by the inhabitants of the township of seymour newcastle dis trict praying for an act to establish the new survey of the said township made by dppu- ty surveyor alex campbell in the year 1833 s notice ofthclownof ston i the midland dimrici hereby notice ihat they intend to apply to the prwiocial legislature at lis mxi sunns tur iluenactment of a law authorizing torein- ersto possess real estate in free and common subcase io this provioce under such stipula tion as may be found necessary to guard agiinst political interference or undue specu- laion tending to monopoly notice is will be made hereby given that application at the next session of parlia- mcni for a charter for a bank to be entitled the freeholders bnk of the home district wiih a capital of one million sterling jotlce is hereby given thai application will be made at tbe next session of the parliament fnr the extension of provincial parliament inr the extension ihe capital stuck of the gore bank hp t m otice the subscriber intends apply ing at the next silting of the provincial parliament for an act to enable him to col lect tolls on timber passing the slides erecied by him on the first and second shutes of the river bonne c litre f in the township of hor- n otice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature of this province at its next session for the amend mentofthe charier of the marmora foundry company requiring an increase of its capital to 35kooo and praying that express bank ing privileges be granted to the companv it otice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature at its fur a charter for a company to ifc insur- ton bathurst district c j bell public notice application will be made by the subscriber at the ensuing session of the legislature for an act to incor porate a joint stock company io be styled the caledonia mineral springs company william parker i l li next session he entitled rince and t loan monev on of one million vjotice ll will be the upper canada 1 rust company with real estate and power io with a capital mrotice the l of niagara no 5 g7 80 i0 500 lbs baiting and 300 lb cindlewick 200 large and small looking glasses a large assortment of travelling baskets wm wilson kingston oct 19 1636 33gi fash ion a bl e saddlery warehouse robert chanonhouse saddler and harness manufacturer respectfully informs the gentry and public of kingston aaj its vicinity that lie has commenced busings opposite the chronicle gazelle office kir street where he will be constantly supplied with a general assortment of every artifie comprised in the above business and which he offers for sale on the most reasonable tern best saddles english materials carriage harness silver and brass mouotoj gig and tandom do sleigh and waggon harness black mounted ladies and gentlemens riding and driving whips in great variety k5an apprentice wanted kingston uihoct 1836 soz uhahirants of the district will renew their application at the eoaotu session of iho lejriilaturo for an act to authorise the removal ot ihe site of the district town and public buildings to a more central and eligible situation withiu said levtrtnui 1ake notice the subscriber will petition the legislature at the next ses sioo for the privilege of erecting a mill dam across the branch of the river st lawrence hetweeo sheeks island and the main land at the rapid of moulioette is hereby given that application made to the legislature at us next sititng for a charter to authorize ihe construction of a rail road from si- catha rines to ihe niagara river at or near the town of fttiajrar notice he undersigned inhabitants of the coun- y of hastings in the midland district heuby give notice that they intend to apply tofie provincial legislature oi us first sit tings for the enactment of a law authoris ing foreigners to possess real estate in this pnvince under such stipulations as may be fouid necessary to guard against political in terference or undue speculation lending to mmopoly wjotice the inhabitant of the eastern parts of the newcastle district and the wat era part of the midland district intend petitioning the legislature at their for the formation of a new 1 cointy town at the mouth otili otice is hereby given that application will he mae at the next session of par liament for a loan for the huroo fishery company on lake huron and also that the said company nwy be incorporated by char ier notice is hereby given that application will be made at the next session of the provincial parliament for a chart r for a joint stock company to construct a harbour at the mouth of the river bayfield lake hu ron iu the district of london cl id next session strict with the s trent notice is hereby given will be mado io the l that application egitflatufe at the rihjf ensuing session of parliament by certain inhabitants of the township of king to repeal au act passed in the 1st session of the lilh parliament entitled an act i authorise a new survey of the township of king tojotice is hereby given that application 1 will be made io the next session of the provincial parliament for a lusn to complete iiil- luuth llarbuur mtoticti is hereby given that application il will be made at the next session of parli ament for an act to for constructing a it tor into i the shore lot hm district incorporate a company il road from the city of of lake hurja in the 1votice is hereby riven i- iiaotd of tbe townhii that the l s of iouctcr n session otice the inhabiiantsof dahiogion will petition the legislature at ihe next for an act to incorporate a company authorising the construction of a wharf and harbour at the mouih of barber creek in said township of darlington in the newcas- ite dijift osgnode cumberland russet nepean hourue march huntley torbulton fczmy pakenham macnab b art no rosa wcat- meath and pembroke of the ottawa and ll t hurst districts ill petition ihe leglithuure at its next session tu form them into a uen 1h- tiicr having byrowu fur its capital nud uuu r twu counties gnul- t nyotice is hereby given that the inhabit- i- ants of the eastern part of the london district and of the township of walpole and rainham in the niagara district will peti tion the legislature at its next session tolonn them into a new district having simcoe for isirjci town- notice application will be made to the leui uure at its next sitting for an act toerel a dim across the kiver tllmmii in the tuwnshin ul chuiam in ihe western dlmricl k otice a p the ensuing st actio erect the m miami district application will bo niailo rit sion of piifliaiilodt for no ius in the dutrlct r n county of i la into a scparato n is hereby iven thatan applica- will be node to the provincial n otice is hereby giveo tion will be made io th that no applica- 9 oext session of the legislature of this province for an act to establish a bank in thetowo of amherslhurch in the western district with certain branch banks to heloog thoreto and with a capital of 250000 notice is hereby given that the inhahtt- a ants of the first concession of the township of darlington in the district of newcastle will petition the legislature at the next ses sion for an act to correct the survey of the concession line between the first and second concession of the said township otice cation parliament at its nextession for a grant of a sum of money to imjrove rte harbor of the port of windsor in ttuiowoshipof whiiby ttotice tbe iniobitanis oflghbo- rough will petiiitn the legislature next session in make null luee lines of concession of the new survey as they interfere and agree not with the ow survey or to have commissioners appointed to settle tbe disputed lines iv otice is hcreb given that application n otice the inhabitants of the di of prince edward will perition ihe strict leg islature at its next sittiog for no act to incor porate a bank in the said district with a cap ital of 100000 will be made to the legislature ext sitting for a charter to construe nal for ship navigation iron fort erie to some point on the niagara iiver below the rapids at us a ca- lotice is hereby givn that iho owners and occupiers of lauds in lh pilvt con- tessiou okilltr itbivnuh n upuin m tilu bathurst district will apply to tlie legislature at its next session for an act tn correct the concession line between the first aod second concessions reserving to the owners of lauds iu the secood concession reasonable remu neration for any improvements which they m3y have made prior to the publication of this notice and also to correct the side lines otice the inhabitants of the tlhsth 9ih and 10th concessions of the town ship of oxford in the johnstown district will pvtmon the parliament at its next session for an act to establish the eastern boundary thesaid concessions as the governing bounds nr- rtipr an- wihhm legislature at us uext session for aq act authorising the erectioa of a milldam across the north branch of bear creek at its upper forks in the township of sombra ia the western district m hat apphcanon session of par- totice is hereby given tl x will be made at the next liament forau act to define the limits of co bourg nod to establish n plice therein notice application oext meetiuir of the leg s- ng totice l ants of the townships commercial bank m d otice is hereby given that the remain ing instalments on the new slock are called in as follows 10 per cent on the 3d inmmry 10 1st march k is hereby giveo that the inhabit- in the rear pari of 1 iho newcastle district will petition the legis latum at its next sitting to erect the said townships into a separate district with peter as chief towo notice is hereby tven that the laiure will be pttitioned at the ensu session to pass an at to establish the side lines of lois in the srcond concession west of green point in the township of sophias burgh from number fiftyeight to the town ship line to run the same course the side lines in the said concession up to number fiftyeight inent for ao act the concession concession of tl the county of duntlas will be made at the provincial pnrlia- so the resurvey of j otice application will be made to the i legislature at its next meeting by the inhabitants of ihe towosbips of malahide yarmouihwesiminster and london for an act to incbrporaic a joint stock company to construct a railroad from the town of lon don io davenport tq1nierseci the waters of catfish river 3nd to construct harbour at the mouih of said kiver to author line in front nf the third e towushipcf winchester in navigable tvotice application a legislature at its n borough 1r37 it it if 10 f 1st may 10 1st july 10 1st sept payable at the bank its offices and agencies by order of the board f a harper casluer kingston t oct- 26 1ss6 so newspapers accustomed to advertise for the commercial bank will please copy this and send their accounts to the bank notice wright ingersoll have beer forsale at mr florence donoghue ta vern kingston in barrels and smaller quanti ties to suit purchasers 57a fredericksburg 10th january 1s36 stam boat sir james kempt capt francis baker wm shaw sailing master will on the opening of the navigation commence her regular trips as usual will leave kingston for the bay on tuesday and friday mornings will leave the head of the bay forkingston and prescott on wednesday ant saturday mornings will leave prescott for kingston and the bay on monday and thursday evenings im mediately after the arrival of the boats from below kingston 24th march issg 78z supehfine cloths the subscriber is just receiving in addi tion to his spring and summer importa tions an extensive assortment of winter goods among which will be found black blue and olive green superfine cloths of the very best west of england fabrirs black and mixtures cassimeres petershams pifotclotbs flushings and other suitable goods for winter wear all which will be disposed of on rea sonable terms for cash or approved endorsed notes at nicety days john ol1phant merchant tailor wanted immediately three or four journeymen kingston is36 37z jvotice the undersigned hereby gives loiico that application will be made to parliament for au act to enable him to erect a tolbridge over the river thames from the tnwn of chatham to the north hank of the id river with a privilege of demnoding eceiviog tolls therefor during such period icethe inhabj tmrotlck the inhabitants of cramah l haldimand and adjoining townships vvill jpply to ihe legislature at its next sil ting to charter a com piny to construct a har bor at the mouth of krelers creek near col- borne newcastle disnct tjotice is hereby givp that application l will be made to ihe legislature at their uexi session for ao act ti be passed appoint ing another trustee or trustees in tbe room of the late hooorable peter russell deceased for the purpose of carrying into effect the will ot the late john white eqnire formerly at torney geocral oflflb province by which cer tain lands in the province of upper canada were devised lo the said honorable peter rus sell to be sold by him for debts of the said john wli will be made to the ext sitting for an act to establish the roads and bridses as they now are across the twenty mile creek in the township of gainsborough and also to establish ihe side lines of cessions of said townsh original survey the 5th 6ih con ip according o tbe tit otice applicai a the nexi silting of tion will be made at the legislature for a charier to form a company i runke a har bour at the mouth of the twelve mile creek in bronte gore district iie payment of the re esq w s hereby civen thai an appliea- be mad ai the enuin session tvotice the hamilton and j rail road company w aod sessi for a in th od or ihe 9 logislaiuro may determine j wood 11jotice tha inhabitaois c of hallowetl and i- in nire at its uni the said villages new oarae to define town and to establish illage f the v piciod will petition th next sitttag for au act to into one loiu under a the limits of the said a police ihcreio tvotice is hereby given that application x will be made at the ensuio session of parliament for the improvement of the navi- raii at the uhitefish creek io the township of soih crosby johnstowu district lwtk is hereby giveu that an applica- tion will bo mide to iho legislature al the eosuing session of parliament by the stockholders of the bank of upper canada for an act to iucreaao the capital stock of that institution port dover at the proving legislature a actio alter and amend an act pa fitih year of his majestys reicn enti- tlvd an act to incorporate sundry persons under tie style and lit of ihe hamilton and port dover rail road company mioticb application the ensuing srssioo ol charier iil be mado at i parliament fur a to construct a kail- road from the river detroit in the township of maiden to otice tion wi ol parliament by the president directors and other interested in the port dover joint stock 11 i r jili r conii uiy foi a loan of iiiouey to rin ish sud liarhnur joiu the saodwich and hetie rail road jvotice application will be mado li ly tho inhabitants ot dundas in the qui o ilcb i hereby given will be inade duriit th of iho provincial pari tame ii miotic e application will be mado at the ensuing session of parliament for a charter for a bank at niagara with a capital of 200000 fpl1cation will be made at the next session of the provincial parliament for he extension of the capital of the commer cial bauk midland district to the extent of 5f000 notice it hereby givenvhai application will be made to tbe provincial parlia ment at its next session by lohabitants of the niagara district for an act authorising the construction of a canal for ship navigation from the weuand canal to the town of ni agara also for an act authorizing the con struction of a caoal from tie town of niaga ra to the chippewa or welland river at or below port robinson for boat navigation passing through or near st davids also for an act authorising the construction of a rail road between niagara and st catharines also for an act granting or joining a sum of money to butld a new gaol and courthouse in a more central pan of the town of niagara or authorising the magistrates of said district to borrow a sufficient sum on the credit of the district also for on act to incorporate the trustees of the niagara market reserve and to loan to them or authorize them to borrow a sum of money to erect a oew markethouse thereon iy disirici to the legislature at it next session for an act to locorpnrate iho said town ami define the ijmitfl thereof iuo fnr an act to es- tahlith a bank in said towu of dundas with thai application he ensuing srssion t for an amend ment fif the gnuid river navigation compa ny charier the same being an act mndeand passed in the second yenr of his present ma- jeety nnd enriiled an act to ineorporafe a joiorsioek companv to improve the navigation ul the grand kiver- ft tv otice applicatioo will ihe ensuing sess charter for a bank i with a capital of 800000 he made at ion of parliament r for a ll tho western district t6j0t1ck application wil next session to obtain a totice the former hpplic he i rmw i by pcti session of parliament for of sioicoe ioto a separate rie as its capital od v ho ansnini the couuiy ion at fonnin district wiih be mdeat the charier to make navizable the bed of the twelve mile creek from st catharines welland canal to the fool of mountain at capital of 25000 perry s biiks with a bar notice is hereby given that applicatiou will again be made at the next session of parliament for ao act to establish a hank at st catherines iu the niagara district the chronicle gazette stephen b merrill printer paid in advance paid at the end 1wotice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature at its oext session for the improvement of ihe riv er trent according to the plans and estimates mad by n h baird esq by aid of ihe pro vincial government or failing io such aid that further application will be made for an actio incorporate a company to carry that movement in io effect t otice application will be made a i- the ensuing session of parliament for charier for a bank at chatham upper cana nada wiih a capital of 50000 ot ti mtotice is hereby given that application 1m will be made to the provincial parlia ment at its next session for an act to eoable the magistrates of the home disirict to im pose a rate of one halfpenny in the pound for six years on all rateable property throughout the said district for the purpose of raising a fund for the erection of a new gaol for the same to tot is x tanta of otice w hereby given that the lohabi the towuships of torboltoo fiizroy pafteoham macnab horlon ross westmeath and pembroke io the district of bathurst intcod to make application oext ses sion of parliament to have the said town ships formed into a separata county miotice- an application will he made 1 to iho legislature at its oext session mjotice application will he made at the eosuing session of parliament to amend the charter for the loudoo aod gore railroad to continue tho same to the de troit and niagara rivers with leave to extend ns capital etock to 500000 and for baukioc privileges mtotice is hereby given that th a- naots io the third coocessino io ll inhah e towo ship of norwich between the front line and the first quarter liae intend to petition the eosuing session of the legislature tor an act to make ao equal division of the lots hetweeo t lioe of said township and the first ne io the third concession of said township of norwich ihe quarter li ice ia hereby riven that application ii be made by john strang eq and f the establishment of a others to the legislature at its next sessino to fom a company for the coostrnetiuo of a turcpike uoarl from the town of kingsioo to baok at brockvillc with a capital of 200000 to be atyled m the johnstown district bank tho ullage richmond kiogmon of napanee in tho township of j in ill 1tllanj uilrtr n the midland district 30th july 1836 z th upper canada gazette will nleac eonf this do tice- o i ice is hereby given ihat at the next sossiou of tho provincial parliameor ihe inhabitants of the newcastle district intend to apply for a charter for a bank io the ne to he located at cohourg caatlp district w- a f for sale r yr an gazette office maps of ihe midland and prince edward dis tricts u c comprehending a tract of coun ty of from 80 to 90 miles in icnstli being from neargananoque in the county of leeds to brighton in the county of northumberland shewing at one view the different townships concessions and lots both ides of ihe interes ting and picturesque bay of quiote and lands not surpassed in the province kingston september l 24 just received and fur sale at the chronicle ga- zette office corner of kiog and brock si reel f a large quantity of excellent wrap ping paper on moderate terms july ii 1336 4z ccnnx twenty shillings per annum if or within the first two dlontht if of ihe year twmtyfive shillings jjvfce of afcbtrtfsements six linesand under 2s cd fust insertion and 7id each subsequent insertion ten linesand under 35 4d first insertion arid 1 0d each subsequent insert ion above ten lines 4d per lint for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent tuition advertisements without toritu n aiicctions inserted tilt forbid and charged accordingly a libetal discount made to merchants and others who advertise for three months and upward no advertisement received after tex oclock on the mornings of publication any person procuring six subscribers lo the paper and paying annually or tlicame shall be entitled to a seventh copy gratis icj country pittance received in payment at the market price 0fltns john bicncll esq david chisholm esq andrew portcons esq william mcintosh esq george browse esq alpheus junes esq henry jones esq jodiah taylor eq h whilmarsh esq j k liuriwcll esq mcssm c j mcdonald john dran esq allan mcphcrson esq win rmkc esq tho mcmahon esq thomas diinorest esq t d appleby esq thomos parker esq w rnbortson esq charles bipcor esq joseph a ikeeler lsq kenneth mackenzie esq david smart esq john ballardp esq rolfo clench esq quebec three rivers montreal lancaster matilda prcsrott brockville penh richmond bastard gnnonoque bnth nnponce hallowell amcliasburfjh sophiasburgh shannonvtllo p o brltrville river trent murray cnlliorne cnbnurp port hope toronto niagara