pize medals vlhhr natuhal history societt toraloiftkbaictferthrkepkizeme- ial ipf he tlireo besi js3ay that may be pre denied ot irte following subjects 1 ol the coaeciion between the language an i tlw csai icier of a people 9 on the physical biwory of rivrs in general an of iiist lawrence in particular s on the circumstances which affect cli- a iqftte in general and the climate of lower cadn in particular 4 on iie comparative nopcaiion of prairie ard forest lo the settlement of a new country 5 the changes that bm taken place in tb habits of exotic plants cultivated in the nifern pans of america particularly as re gards ihe chances induced on their agriculiu- ral and horticultural properties the renditions are i3k tie essavs shall be presented on or before rbe 30th of february 1886 3il the essay may be in french or en glish 3ji the names and residences of the auth ors raust be concealed to ensure which each esy stal have a rmmo and shall be amww- piinieii b sealed note superscribed wnh the same motto and remaining the name and re- dieoserflhc author this note shall only he opened in the case of the etony betnsr declared won hy of a ivizo otherwise it shall be des troyed 4th the suceful essays shall remain the prnnrnyof the society 5h th society reserves to itself the right to withhold the prize should no one of the rst- riysofl any particular subject appear deemng ofit 11 esavsare lo be addressed to j 8 m esq corresponding secretary of the society anduew h armour recording secretary the editor of all rowic piprs in tli brtish pttiyihcen will cififer a favr o te soon ty hy giv ing on incmon o lie alwve or by noticing it in the oitcijl eohiiins of hir tesp cuve journal for sale by the subscriber titffidl american cotton yarns ilwmf no 56789 10 500 iss b 1 1 1 lnr and 200 lbs c mduraick 200 larje and small looking glasses a large assortment of travelling baskets wk wilson kingston oct 19 1856 uper c4nad4 mutual insurance fiee com pant t n meeting of the freeholders of the mid land district duly convened by public ad vertisement pursuant loan act parsed in tliegih year uf the rein uf wra iv entitled an act to authorize the establishment of mutual in surance companies in the sevenl districts of this province held at the court house in the town of kingston on monday the 6ilt day of june instant at 12 acloek at noon for the purpose of considering whether it beexpedieut to establish in such district a kire insurance company on the principle of mutual insu rance in conformity with the provisions of the above mentioned act and upwards ot 40 j members being present at the said meeting henrv cassadv esq having been called to the chair and mr yv dawe appointed sec- it was resolved that the freeholders pre sent at this meeting deem it expedient to form a fire insurance company upoo the principle of mutual insurance within the midland dis trict pursuant to the statute lately passed resolved that h cassady wra garralt and thomas ktrkpatrick esqrs be a commit tee to open a hook and receive subscriptions for stock and whereas the freeholders then pre sent being forty or more and the sums for which they bound themselves to effect insu rance amounted together lo 10000 currency and upwards and are thereby ordained con stituted and declared by the said act to be a bo dy corporate and politic in fart by and under the oamtraod style of the mutual fire insu rance company of for the midland district now we the undersigned ten freeholders pre sent at the said meeting aud bound to effect insurance with the said company and being meitltera thereof do hereby sve notice that we call a meeting of the said company to be held at the court house in the town of king ston aforesaid on monday the 18th day of ju ly next at 12 oclock at noon for the purpose of electing seven directors to manage and conduct the property affairs and concerns ol the said company pursuant to the provisions uf the said act church of england psalm fy hymns witli mid wiihoui iousic at ihe clirooice gazette office kington- may 17 1836 3 t wanted immediately avo journeymen cabinet makers im an active young man as apprentice lo the same business liberal vages will he given none bill persons of good habits need ftpplv r conc kingston u c may gaifc 1ssg 9f wool w anted cash paid forclran wool of a cod quality in the fleece at the vvoulleu fac tory tiwnsmnque max 17 1836 93ni oticb- an application will be made at the next session uf tha legislature of thispruvioce for ao act 10 establish a lnuk in the town uf piesrolt in the district of johufitnwd with a capita of int000 1votice- application will be made to 1 the legislature at its next session for an act of incorporation to construct a had or turnpike road from windsor hrbourtoihe main or york road and from thence to schu- gog lake in reach n barber and h i dresser market square kingston is grateful for the liberal patronage be his received from the public he hopes to merit a cooinuance of it qcpruora honed and dressed january iflso otice s hereby given that an appltca- tion wtll b qiade to the legislature at the ensuing session of parliament to establish the concession line between gore b and the 6rst concession southwest of green point township of sophiasbucgh ia prince edward district- w if oibce of the caaraqui bidee company kingston u- c july 28 1836 j otice at a meeting of the directors of the cataraqui lirdo coinpmv held his jav a dividend of 5 per cent was declar ed on the capital of the bridge stock for the li im yar ending 30th june 136 which is now payable at the companys office 9 j marks treasurer just received and for sale by the subscriber barrels no 1 north shore her- ii cassadt thos- ktfticpatnicx wm garratt jamfs mcaoher llttv smith jr david john smith john mowat wm thirkll john plant bower joseph lirucn 50 kiugsion7ih june 183ti 09 b fashionable saddlery warehouse iobrut chanonhouse sadiler tt- hif llarness mnnufacturr respecifully informa ihe gentry and public of kingson and irs virtntiy that he has commenced business opposite ihe chronicle gaztte oflice kin sire where he will he conmmly supplied with a general assortment of every article cortlir in the above business ami which be olffrs for sale on the most reasonable terms best saddles english materials carnage haroes silver and brass mounted gig and tafidocn do sleigh 3n j wacon harness black mounted ladies and gentlemens riding and driving whips in great variety dc an apprentice wanted kingston luh oct 1836- soz commercial bank 31 d notice is hereby given that the remain in instalments on the new stock are called in as follows- 10 per cent ou the 2d january 1837 10 1st march 10 1st may 10 1st july 10 t 1st sept payable at the bank its offices and agencies liy ofder or ue hoard f a hakher cashier kingston oct 26 1836 cp newspapers nrcumomcd to odvrrtiae for the coinmorcini sftnk will pteae copy this and send their accounts to the bank cc m ii beer notice wright ingersoll have for sale at mr florence donomes ta vern kinzscon io barrels aod smaller quanti ties to suit purchasers 57z fredericksburg 10th january 1936 superfine cloths thr subscriber is just receiving in addi tion to his spring and summer importa tions ao extensive assortment of winter goods among which will be found black blue and olire green superfine cloths of the very besr west of england fabrics black and mixtures cassimeres petershams piloicloihs flushings and other suitable goods for winter wear all which will be disposed of on rea sonable terms for cash or approved endorsed dotes at ninety days john ouphant merchant tailor wanted immediately three or four journeymen kingston october25ih 1836 37z b ung mitt an excellent farm for salc lot no 16 second cnncession fiihin two miles of the lallowell county of prince ed ward on the road 10 west lake containing about 210 acres one hundred arres cleared and in good fence a good orchard in full bear ing r good barn and a two story dwelling htmjse lately built 40 feet hy thirty besides a lare cellar it is well watered bv a jrootl spring creek sufficient for sawing canlin or fiillinir he- sides- other springs a clear deed can br giv en the subscriber on the premises will show the propertjland trear wnh a purhnser samuel iiakrk hallowell 7ih nf lih month 1836 33nwi notice to emigrants the undermentioned government agents will on application afford emigrants information relative to the crowd lunds fur sale in their respective districts and the cou- ditioos upon which they may be obtained mr if j scott emigrant agent prt con johnstown dsirict nlr- john jljaughton agent to the com missioner tor crown lands bytown bath- urst district mr jiuthony manahan emigrant agent kingston midland district mr jiuzander mcdoneu agent to the commissioner for crown lands pcterboro newcastle district mr john b mfo agent for the com missioner for crown lands london london district mr henry j jon agent to the com missioner for crown lands chatham wes tern district they will also ive information as to the routes distances and rates of conveyance to those parts of the province to which k mi grants may be desirous of proceeding and di rect those in want of work to places where they can obtaio it the undermentioned gentlemen have been furnished with mps of the townships open for location and will give emigrants infor mation relative to ihe lands for sale in their respective neiahborhoods mr fnogle cornwall fraser urockville mckenzie baih baldwin belleville fairfield hjllowell brown cobour kingsmilli port hope elliot sandwich bostwick port stanley ironside amherstburgh emigrants in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at toronto are di rected to apply at the emigrant office in like public buildings a b hawke chief emigrant a gent for u canada emigrant office toronto may 24 is36 nyiloo the editor of tho kingston chronicle montreal gazette cobourg stir and the london fumt re requested to insert the above notice tn their respect- ivu papers and to continue the tamo unil tbe 3wt of october next cc cc f c a to sell or to kent large and commodious dwelling house pleasaotly situated in the vil lage of napanee the house contains eight rooms and other conveniences and accommo dations suitable for a family apply to a marpherson esq napanee or iq kingston to dr dieh kingston 9th april 1836 82z new publications at the chrontcle ic gazette office for sale furrvs library in weekly numbers at q5s paid in advance the family magazine in monrhlv num bers at 7jd eaeh both very entertaining and interesting works also a scrmozc preached hy th rev hen rv esson for the st andrev socieiv at montreal on s andrtw diy 1835 with notations c price 3s kingston october 5 1836 new works for sale at the chronicle gazette office a brief account together with ob servations made during a visit in the west indies and a tour through ihe united states of america in parts of the year 1332 3 together wnh a statistical account of upper canada by dr thomas rolph the works of john dryoek in verse and prose with a life by the rev john mitford in 2 vols lord rotdan a romance by allan cun ningham sheppird lee a novel written by himself the diary ff a bescnuytc the doctor japhet in rarch of a father complete ratlin the reefer hy captain marryat midshipman easy by the same the parricide a novel by the author ol miserunu grorgc batcnmbe a novel memoir of mrs htnmnsby h- fchorley also an excellent assortment of silver pencils kinffston nov 4 1836 37 for sale at the commercial wharf kingston foot of store street whiskey salt plaster of paris st water lime by the subscribers truax phillips kingston 23d may 1ss6 95z new testament for schools at the corner of king and brock street just published and now for sale a hand tome edition of this book also art elesraht edition of murrays eng lish reader notice the present members of the kingston vol unteer fire company 16 in number on ly injustice to themselves lake this opportu nity of informing the inhabitants of the towo ifmt from their diminished force they do not deem themselves adequate to the performance of those dutten that the public may expect ul hit m it therefore behoves the inhabitants to meet and take such measures for the public srfetyasthe exigency of the case may re quire the members will however in case of fire until some further arrangement is made to place the fire establishment on a more ef- fecmive footing attend with the small engine and reoder such aid as may be in their power by order james nickalls jun captain k r f c kingston nov 2 1836 the holders of caps and belts which be- long io the town will returo them forthwith lo tht coptain at the court house s7z 0 10 rngi casks table cod fish fish mils green cod 10 dbl stoves 10 single do john how at khinmcww3j9afe 4w ttotice is hereby given thit application wtll be made to the legislature of this otic ft is hereby given that the inhabit ant of the fourth concession of the town ship nf frederickshurfth irikinal in the mid- la ml district intend to petition the legislature at its next uiiug to imve the boundary be tween lot no twenty five and the gore of frederickhburgh e4iahlihed as a governing boundary for the fourth fifth sixth and seventh conressinos ot l 8h township from number twentyfive lo number seventeen inclusive notice is hereby riven that the inhabit ants of the township of ieed iu the johnstown district will ptftififto the legisla ture at its next sittiur tn establish the west crn boundary line of said township notice is hereby given that a petition will be presentee to the house of assem bly at the next session hy the inhabitants of the township of seymour newcastle dis trict praying for an act to establish the new survey of tiie said township made by depu ty surveyor alex campbell in the year ih33 t170tice- the subscriber intends apply- j- ing at the next rilling of ihe provincial parliament for an act to enable him to col lect tolls on timber passin the slides erected by him on the first and second shutes of the township ol hor- ton bathurst district c j bell notice is hereby given that all siock subscribed in the grand river navijza- t company on which the instalments due are 0 p p of hcioje lhe montjrt in novemr next will h declared forfeited and then sold by public auction on that day at ihe hour of twelve oclock noon at this office for the benefit of the company as the law directs t otice is hereby siven that certain in- w habitants of the district of niagara wilt petition the provincial parliament at us next session fur an amendment uf the mm oft i in surance act so as to allow two companies to the said district public notice is hereby given application will be made at ih that next meeting of the leffislatove for an act lo in corporate a company for the purpose of impro ving the harbour at goderich on lake hu ron itotice application will he made at the 1 ensuing session of parliament fur ibt comintktnceof ho act authorizing the magis trates of the london district to continue ibf ittyins of onethird of a penny in the pound for ff limited period to defray the expense cl building n new gaul with suitable yards ftr ihe said district notice t he uodersianed inhabitant of i htnwn of kingston in the midland disirin hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the provincial legislature at its next sitings lor ihe enactment of a law authorizing forrtan- 10 possess real estate in free and common m iice is hereby given thni applicaiior will lie rnde at the next session of ririi- menl for a hirter for a hank to be entiled the freeholders bok it the home dtstrict with a capital of one m hion sterling ers sorcage tions u 111 ttotkk hereby given thai applicttioo 1 mii lie made at the next season uf the prov u ll iriaj parli in tht may provtnre he found under such siipula- i capital stock neressary to guard t uhm fur thp exteosiun of the gore kink of a political ioierlerence or undue pecu- l tjotice is hereby given that application will be moe at the next session of par- latioo tending to monopoly t notice he undersigned inhabitant nf the coun ty of hastings in the midland district hereby give notice that they intend in apply to the provincial legislature at its first sit tings for the enactment of a law authoris ing foreigners to posses real estate in this province under such stipulations a may be found necessary ta guard against poliriral in- terferenee or undue speculation tending to monopoly i i liament for a loan lor the huron fishery company on lake huron and also that the said company may be incorporated by char ter w ill be province at its next session for the amend ment of lhe charier of the marmora foundry company requiring an increase of its capital session of the legislature or an act to incor- public nottceipplicanoo wi made by the subsclber at the ensuing n otice the liihuliiiantkof the eastern piris nf tho ncwrastte di and the western part nf the midhmd district intend petitioning the ipgilatur6 at ihrif next ssiou for the formation of a iiw disrirt with the otick is hereby given thai applirntion will be made at the session of the provincial parlinment lur a chant r for a joint stock companv io construct a harbour at ihe moiih of ihe river biybeld lake hu ron in llif disiriri of london n county town at the mouth of the trent ioj225o000 and praying that express bank ing privileges be granted to the company 7vtot1ce it hereby giveo ihar application 1 will he made io ids lcgildtvr at its next section for a charier for a companv to he comtled lhe lpp canada life insor- nce and tnisi company uiih power to loan oioncy on rdul estate and uith u capital of ooo milioo poratea joioi stock cortfny io be styled tha caledooia mineratspnaa company wllam parker n totice s hereby gl hat a cation will be made to dexl siting for a ch construction of a rail rioefi to the niagara n town uf niagua ltislaiurc a c xfisiaiure at its r to authorise the jid from si cvtha- u it or near the the district apjilieaiion notice the inhbitant of nf nicar renew thpir at the eneuioc seaion uf the legislature for ao act to authorise the removal of the site of the district towo and public buildings ton more central and eligible situation witbiu said district wake notice the subscriber will m- petition the legislature at the oext ses sion for the privilege of erecting a mill dam across the branch of the river st lawrence between shoeks island aod the maio laod at the rapid of moulinette otici ig hereby riveo tinn will be made to tht ir otioe the inlmitants of darlington will petition the l4fllaiurfi session for ao act to ioorporate a company authorising the coosrructon of a wharf and harbour at the mouth ol barbers creek in said township of darlitstoo in the newcas tle district tf otice i hereby given that appliration will lie nvole to the lekmmlure at the next enduing session of parliament hvcennin inhabitants of ihe township t kin to repeat an act passed in the 1st session of lhe 12lh pnrliatnent eoriilcil an act i nuihorie a new survey of the township of king mrotice is hereby riven that the in hah- in itmi i the townships of gloucester 0soirle cumberland rtiftel nepcan gfttil bourne mnrc huntley turhohon fiizroy pakeubam maenab hortod rims vnt meath and pembroke of tho oriawm and lia- rhnrst distric t will periiinnthe legislature at its net sewion to form ihom inioa new oie- trie havinc itytowu for its capital aod also i tn iwo cnuottes- o rici- is hereby sfiven that application will he m ide io the next session of ihe provincial parliament for a loin to complete the louth harbour no pic is hereby ijiven thl application will be made at the next session of parli ament for an act to incorporate a compiny for constructing a rul roid from the city of toronto tn the shore of luke huron to the london district that ikotice is hereby given l ants of thp eastern prt of dlstricti nnd of t re rbe inbabit- ihe london township of walpole and rainham in i hi niajara dtstrioii will peti tion the legislature at iis uvxi session to lonn them iuion new district hiving simcoe fpr its district town tw otice appliraii i- the lfgil iiure ai on will he made to its next sitting for an act to meet a dtm nross the river thames in the towaftbp of chatam in ihe hesterit district m o tlce is hereby gien that an applica cation will be untie to the provincial parliament at its next sion for a grant of a sum of money io improve the harbor of the port of windsor io the ownship of whitby notice the inhabitants of loughbo rough will petit io the legislature next that ao applica- next session of the lejislaiure of this province for ao act to establish a rank in the town of amherstburgh in the western district with certain branch banks in belong thoreto aod with a capital of j commissioners appointed senle the disputed 250000 1 hoes notice application will he made at the ensuiiit srssion of parltnment for an acr to erect the couuty of hastings in the midland district into a separate district iv otice is hereby civeo that the otvoers m and occupiers of lands in the eirt con cession of the toivnshtp f nepean io the bathurst district will apply iq ihe legislature at its next session for an art to correct hn concession line between the first and second concessions reserving to the owners of laods ia the second concession reasonable remu neration for any improvements which they may have made prior to the publication o this noiicc also incorrect the side lhks session to make nul of the new survey agree not with the ih we lines of concession a they interfere and old survey or to have n otice is hereby given ihat iho inhabit ant of the first coucession of the township of darliustnn in tho district of newcastle will peiition the legislature at tho next ses sion for an act to correct the survey of the concession line hetwecn the 6rst and second roocesion of the said township mr otic h 1 will be n otice the inhabitants of the district of prince edward will petifiou the leg islature at its next stttiug far an act tn incor porate a bnk in the said district with a cap ital of 100000 i hereby iven that application m to ip legislature at its next sitting for a h lo construct a ca nal for sh p mwjon tiool fort erie to some point on the nir rhef be je rapl notice is terrby ven lature wi be pettoni tin tvotice is hereby given that the inhabit- 1 anis nf th- townships in the rear part of tho newcastle district will petitiou the legis lature at its next silting to erect the said townships into a separate district with peter borough as chief towo notice tho undersigned hereby gives notice that application will bo made io parliamenr for ao act to enable him to erect a tilibridge ovr the river thames from the town of chatham to the oorth bank of the said riyer with a privilege of demanding and receiving toms thorefor during such period as the legislature may determine j wood t the legis- oned at ihe ensuing session to pass an act to establish the side lines of lots tr the second concession west or green point m he township of sophias- burgh from nunber fifi yeiht to the town ship line to rtp the mc coyrs the id lines in the aid concession up to number fiftyeight wtotice is hereby riven that application will he made at the next session of par liament for ao act to define the limits uf co bnurg aud to establish a police therein notice application wi next meeting uf the p he mada at the nog ui me irovincial parlia ment for an act to nuihorite the resurvey of the cnoredsiun line in front of ihe third concession of rbe township cf wiucheiter in the couuty of dumias k otice the lohabitams or the 7ihsih 9th and 1 0th concessions of the town ship of oxford in the juhosiown district will nrtiltoa the parlianvenivftl iu nx i spssionu for an act to establish the eastern boundary uf the said concessions as ik governing bound- t miotice application will be made io ihe i leisature at its next session fur an act authorising the erecitoi of a milldam across the north branch of bear creek at its upper forks in the township of sombra i ihe western district notice application will be made tothe legislature at its next meetinc hy tbe inhabitants of the townships of malahide yarmouth westminsier and london for an act to incorporate a joint stock companv la construct a railro3d from the town of lon don io davenport to intersect the navigable waters of cattish river md to construct a harbour at ihe moqth of said river ttotice is hereby gi i will next 3esi ing anothf of ihe late llomirable perer fur lhe purpose of carrying i tmtotice the inhabitants of cramah6 haldimanl and adjuiniog townships vyill pply io lie legislature at its next su- tin tn clartfr company to construct a har bor at ihe moufi of keelers creek near col- borne newcase district vpo that application be made to the lgilaiure at their on for on act tn he passed appoint or trustee or trustee in ihe roum russell dpcaseil oto eftct ihe wil ot the late john white enquire formerly at- mrny knoral htikh ovnre ly whnh cer tain lands in the province nf l canada were devised to the said honorable pei sell to be sold by him for the payineci debts of iho said johu white esq notice appliration wij legislature at its next i b made to tho sitting for an act lo establish the roads and bribes they now are across the twenty mile creik in the township of itinshomusll and bltti to establish tbe side lines ofilie 5th cth con cessions of siiid township according to the original survey tvotice applicninn will be made at the next sitims of ibe leisumre for a charier to bour at ill hltltnitw llttfta rrm a coronanv in ninke iniijih of ihe twelve mde a har- creek fon er kits t of the it w mi otice the inhabitants of tho village i of halljwetl aod picion will petition the legislature at its next silting for an act tu unite the said villages into one town under ft new name to define the limits of the said town mid to establish a police therein iv otice is hereby given that application will be made at the enduing session nf parliament for ihe improvement of ihe navi nation at the whitefisb creek iu the township of south crosby johnstown district jotice phe hamilton and port dover it nl roal company will at lhe next session of the provincial legislature apply for an acl to alter and amend an act passed in the fifth year of his majestys reign enti tled fc4 act to incorporate sundry persons under the styleind tide of the hamilton aud port dover kail road company n notice ap the ns charter for wirh a capir icarmn will lie made at ling session of parliament for a a rank in the western district i of 200000 an appli woticr is hereby given that 1 tion will be made tn the legislature nl the ensuing session of parliament by tbe stockholder of the bank of upper canada for ao act to increase the capital siock of that institution otice is hereby civen that application will be made to the provincial parlia ment at its next session hy inhabiiants of the niagara disirict for an act authorising the construction of a canal lor ship navigation from the wellnnd canal to the town of ni agara also for an act authorizing the con struction of a coal from the town of niaga ra io the chippewa or welhnd river ai or below port robinson for boat naviffation passing through or near st davids also for an act authorising the construction of a rail j t vpi r road between niasara and st catharines iv as v e tb a also for an act granting or lomin a sum of j 1 again be made at the next session money to build a new gaol and counhouse rlijiiwnt or ao acl to establish a atk in a more central part of the town of niagara at su cathenues in ihe nia district nr authorisinff the magistrates of said district tvotice anpl ration will bo made at ensuing session of parliament for a charter tn construct a rail road from ihe river detroit in the tnnhip of maiden to join lb sandujch and iterrie railria otice is hereby ffiveo thai an applica non will be madv ai the ensuingf session ol parliament by tht president dirrctor and others interested in lhe port dover joint srnrlc harbour company fur a loan of money to gn ish said harbour jmiotice application wil rho inhabiranis nf dmum he marie hy das in the gore dislricr in ihe legislature ai its next session for an aci to incorporate the mild town and define the limits thereof auo for an act to es tablish a rank in said town of duudns with n capital of 100000 n o i ice is hereby etven that application will be made durinc the ensuing session of ibe provincial parliament for an amend rnent of the grind river navigation compa nys charter the same bein ai art mde and passed in ihe second year of his prtent ma jesty and emitlfd an ant to incorporate a joint stock companv to improve the navigation ol the grand river ti notice application will he made at the next session lo obtain a charter to make navisable ihe bed of the st catharines w from ijotice- the former applicarinn will 1 be renewed hy petition at the ensuing seinn uf parliament fur forming ihe county nf simcoe into n separate district with bar- rs capital ne as miotic e application will ho made t i the ensuing settioii f parliament for a charier fif a bank at niagara with a capital uf 210000 application will he made at the nex session of ihe proviocial parliament for the ettension of the capital of the commer cial bank midland district to the extent of 5011000 to borrow a sufficient sum on the credit of the disirictalo for an art lo incorporate thp trustees of the niagara market reserve and io loan tn them or authorize them io borrow a sum of money to erect a new market- house thereon i mrotice i will be is hereby given ihat application made io tbe legislature at it next session for the improvement of the riv er trent according to the plans and estimates made by n h baird esq by aid of the pro vincial government or failing in such aid that further application will be made for an act lo incorporate a company to carry that improvement intoefteci ttotice application will be made at i tbe ensuing session of parliament for a charter for a bank ai chatham upper cana- nada with a capital of 50000 otick is hereby given that application will be made to the provincial parlia ment at its next session fur an act to enable the magistrates uf the home district io im pose a rate of one halfpenny in the pound for six years on all rateable property throughout the said district for ihe purpose of raising a fund for ihe erection of a new gaol fnr the nttwi ttotice is hereby given that the inhabi 1 tanth of tho townships of torbolton fitzroy pakeohfim macnah horrnn ross westmeaih and pembroke in the divtrirt o bathurst intend make applcatioo next ses sion of parliament to have iho said town ship formed iur a separate county tjoticeapplicatiin nill be made at a rbe eosuing session of parliamenr to hinend tbe charier for the london and gore railroad to continue the same tn the de- iroit and niagara rivrrs with leave to extend is capital fltock to 500000 and for banking privjhg four of mountain at capital of j235000 1 twelve mil vi land canal ferry m creek to the vi with a the chronicle gazette stephen b- merrill printer notice is hereby given that the luhah- rrants in the third coucessioo in the town ship nf nnrwich between the from line nnd the firit quarter line iu tend to petition the ensuing session uf the legislature for an act to make an equal division of the lots between ihe front line of said towoship and the first quarter lioe iu ihe third concession of said township of norwich notice is hereby given that application will be made by john strauxe erq nod others to lhe legislature at its next session to foim a company for the construction of a turnpike road from the town of kiogsrun to the village of nappnee in the township of rirhmoud in the midland district kingston 3dih july 1836 9z the upj canada omuttt will pkasa eopy this do- he notice an application wi to ihe legislature at its next sessi made no fur theeatahlishrnt of n bank at brotkville with a capital c4 200000 to be styled tbe johnstown diatrkct rank totice is htfroby given ihat at the next seuioo of ithe proviocial parliament the inhabitant of th newcastle district intend to apply for chart for a bank in the new castle district to b loetedt cobonrj maps for sale r the chronicle and gazette office maps of ihe midland and prince edward dts- tncis u c comprehendinca tract of coun ty of from 80 io90 miles in length being from near gaoanoque in the county of leeds to brighton to the county of northumberland shewing at one view ihe different townships concessions and lots both sides of ihe interes ting and picturesque bay of quinte and lands not surpassed in the province king september 1836 24 m just received and for sale at the chronicle ga- f zette office corner of king an i brock plss pipr wrap- rintj paplr 00 moderate terms july 11 1896 4 ccvnis twenty shillings per annum if paid in advance nr withm the first iwn months if puid at the end of the year twentyfive shillings uvfcc of smwvtistments six lines and under 2a 6d fiisi insertion and 7d each subsequent insertion ten lines and under n 4d first insrtionjand i0d- each subsequent insertion abeve ten lines 4d per lint for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without 10 rilten directions inserted fiar6id and charged accordmplv a liberal discount made to incrchanrs and others who wivenim fr ihree immflta and npwvdf- no advenisctnent nceved after tkn oclck oa tbe uioniin0 elf publication any piraoii procuring six subscribers to the pp r and paying annuoity inr the same shall be entitled lo a sevon b copy grafts locuntry produce received in payment at the market pricfi- iflentl john bi0nell esq david chishohn esq andrew pnrteous esq william mcintosh esq genrge broivse esq alpheus jones eq henry jonea esq jnaiah taylor eq h whiimnrsh esq j k flartwell eiaq meisra c j mcdona john dan esq allan mepheron esq wm roke esq tho- mcmahon eq thomas drinnrest eq t d appleby esq thomas parker psq w robertson esq charles btfltfi esq joseph a keeler esq kenneth mackenxie eq david smart esq john ballardf eq rshe clench eoq quebec three rivers montreal loncnmer molitda prrscott bmekville perth richmond bastard id gananoquo bath napanee hallowell amehasburgh siphiafburfli shonnonvillo typ belleville river trent murray colhorne cbourf port hope toronto niagara