yitl ftott mecompnid wiih a hetivy gilt of wind from ihe westward washiug away almost all rtni snow from our streets this morning we btfs sharp frost with high winds and snow falling since writing the above we learn that some houses situated in the upper pans of the town were unroofed during the storm of last night ud several fences thrown down and also that the shipping in the harbor suffered some dam age we publish from tlic patriot a lebato which took place in the house of assembly on the bitl appoint- higtht umts and placet for holding the quarter stt- fffium which debate it appears thut the reporter has roitreprettnud mr carlwrijhpj speech ontho occasion in justice to that giitltman we with plcawc publish the following explanatory loiter toronto i7ih dcfr 1836 dear sir in thopittnniil thp u december i am made to say on the subject of removing the court houu from adalphusiown u folluwa mr cart wright had always thoucht thai there was a necessity of altering the place for holding the co irt and owiidmd 1i10 nupancc mills as a much l better situation than adolphiisowu 1 beg raol ditmcily to say that he abovo is not correct and that i did nut vote on the question at all as 1 might havct been supposed to have been influ enced by private motives 1 was called upon by one or two member to state my views when i stated that according to my npioino ih holding the cfurt at kingston would aflvd more accoinnioda- tion to a majoniyof my cnstiucnt than u remain ing at adnlpbihcown that many were anxious that it ahould lie removed to napanee mills but in conse quence of my interest being in thtt puce i did hot wish to say a word that under nil circumstances i thought it mogt advisable to let it remain at adol- phustown until the county of hasting should be sot off when thu question could be decided should you cupy ihe debate please give the cor reel ion yoors truly j s cartw right the communication of our scientific and highly valued correspondent a i is unavoid ably postponed till saturday later from bfmk we have received mjligst papers to the 26th october our latest acoums from spain were received by the way of england and as our dales from that country are not later than those we now have from malaga the latter might bavealded much to thi information we possess uf the state of that country but such is the character of sptfluh papers that we canglcan but little additiucul intelligence from them from ibclt contents however ii appears certain ihm the carlist general gomes haa made no further advances in the southern pro vince ou the llih october be was at pa zoblanco and it was expected he would en deavor to retreat across the sierra moreoa bji it is added thai general kodil c unmaod erinchief of ihe qucena lorces bad fore seen this movement and was prepared to in terccpt him it is alded in the malaga papers of the 41st october on the auihoruy of a letter a dressed io the alcalde of alamede from the coinmmder of the forces of benameji that goinz had been totally defeated by gen ii- dil and that gomez ond his troiher ud been tafcirn prisoner and cabrera another carlist chief killed this hatile is said to have tv- en place at vilunuevfidc jin but the follow ms papers m ke no allusion io it whatever and w therefore strongly doubt thecorrecto of this account qnrfrirttdx in glenbnrnie and others in the habit of supplying us with firctcntd ore re- sptetfnluj reminded that good sleighing is come and that at ihi seasmi printers jingers w3t fretzc without a goadjirt married on tin i y k the 2flh current by the vcocrublc the archdeacon of kitsion mr rnr mica mtckx km i l iii of ifttaorotny lale of ske scittanil ta ml atv a smith only d4hur f csjriain genre sojitb of this towo died atqucbre ntjthe i2tll init- atd 73 mrs cathv rine kiizt imont iridmv uf the le thomas fittij- aioni esq ca fit a in ju ihe royal cornwall volunteer auj formerly cjptaio in the tib rrt fmilaert at fmhtt n bon the uib not fat mr jam mann codrd funotrly of the h ucpartmeat mnotrel at the advanced age of to year at montreal hi ih ltiuiiit mtrr a short and severe tlliieefi bor ic with chriimiiti firiru e and rc- iciaifon mr aletandit on ivy f the firm of maihtwioitffc oijuy tl oaefct in hltflldt- pree thae prnicitle uml fodiius a rehdct iati a blveie twaoa whivh ulufatue htm to be ton remembered hvihos with hm he waf acqumicd at mnntrwl on the 16ili hat mr joseph p rovhiw manlware m erehailt of the firm of meaar vf l- coil and co agj 39 at prcscou on the 9th irtf am john yonnfiest mn of the i ne mutihrw meredith i t bary more qucen coiniy ireland government contract sraled tenders will be received at this office until noon on monday the oth january 1s37 for excavation required to he performed between brewers lower mills and kingston wilis payiner15 will he tmd as the work pro- grvsses hut only for sucli parts as are excava ted to the required ilepi h bot toned up and rompletcd to iho satistaction of the senior itoval engineer the tender to 61 ate the rate per cubic yard in halif x currency any additional information that may he re quired chu be obtained on application at the koyal ennioeer office byiownor from mr thomas burrows clerk of works kingston mills commissarint bytowo uib december 1836 s 5diwi notice wanted at th provincial penitentiary a p capable of fulfilling the duties of keeper it is indispensably necessary the person ap plying for such situation should possess a thorough knowledge of the boot and shoe w icing trade and be able to produce testimonials of unexceptionable character application to be made to the undersigned n h smith warden provincial penitentiary 30ih dec 1836 5 50 notice is hereby given that a special ad journed quarter sessions of the peace of the midland district will be holden at the court house of the town of kiogatoo on friday the fifth day of january next at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of graotiogand renewinp lonkeep its licences throughout the midland dts- rict for tbe year ensuing james mckallsjr clerk of the peace m d kingston 17th december 1836 49ni lanks a great variety for talc at the chronicle and gazette office m glorious comsffeeent sj- sylvester offers to bis friends and correspondents a handsome ntw yiaks present in the following brilliant listvof schemes to b jniwn in the mopih of january 1837 soreata number of large cap itals are rarely offered io one month and tbey arpsll well deserving of attention 3 prizes of 30000 dollars each 4 20000 25000 all to be drawn in the month of jan uary let there be 00 delay in addressing your orders to s j sylvester 130 broadway newyork grand consolidated lottery yjixtra class number lfor 1837 to be drawo at wilmington del wednesdav jan 4 1837 scheme 830000 5000 93000 82- 000 91930 i0ofl000 10ofs500 20 of s300 20 of 200 c tidetts only 5 dollars a certificate 0 a package of 22 whole tick- eta will be sent for 65 dollars packages of shares in proportion akce green- ch wsnsionersr resfows in o near beverly brogville prescott d cornwall mrotice ls hereby given that an l officer 0 the commissariat will beat the following tows on the days opposite each for the purpuse 6f identifying and paying pen sioners who ave unable to attend at a com missariat office viz llth january 1837 wednesday nt brockrille 12th thursday at prescott 14th saturdny at cornwall 16tb monday at cornwall all pensiora io the neighborhood of the aforesaid plaffaare hereby informed that un less tbey attend on the days above expressed 00 other optkhunity of receiving their pen sions away fcm a commissariat office will oflvr until ir- summer jeosionerf at beverly and hs vicinity can be paid at bkville charles a clarke a c g corrlffissariat kingston iith dec 1836 49 virginia state lotlery for the bene6t of tbe monongalia academy class number 1 for 1837 to be drawn at alexandria va saturday january 7 1837 cafjtaw 55000 7000 4000 2500 4200 1 486 25 prizes of 1 000 dollars tuketmly 10 dot for a certificate of a package of 22 tickets will be sect for 100 dollars halves quarters and eighths in proportion 0glook at thlsly 100 prizes of 1000 dolls irginia state lottery class w no 1 for the benefit of the mechanical benevolent society of norfolk to de drawn at alexandria va saturday jan 14 1837 rich and splendid scheme 30000 8000 4000 9000 dollars 2- 500 dollars 100 of 1000 dollars 10 of 50q dollars tvcftefs ten dollars certificate of a package of 25 tickets will be sent for 130 dollars halves quarters and eighths in proportion c grand scheme j thirty thousand dollars 50 priaes or 1000 dollars i virginia slate lotterj clasa l tobedrnwo at aloxandria va saturday january 21 187 caf1tu4 30000 10000 6000 5140 3000 2500 2000 50 of 1000 20 of 500 tickets ten doltars a certificate of a packaee of 25 whole tick els will be sent for 130 dollar packages of halvesquaners aod eighths in proportion nearly as many prizes as blanks 4 drown ballots in ach 25 tickets capital th i rty thousand dollars virgina state lottery class no 1 for the benefit of the petersburg vm nevolent jvirbnntc assnciatiun to bt drawn at alexaudria va saturday jan 28 1837 cafitals30 000 15000 600015000 dollars 4000 dollar 3 2000 10 prizes of 1 000 dollars 15 prizes or 600 italian 20 prizes of 500 dnllnrs 20 of 400 30 of 30050 of 200 c c tttftes 3 1 0 shares in proportion a certificate of a package of 25 w hole tick ets will cost cioly 130 dollars halves and quarters iu proportion s j sylvester 130 broadway n y to let the st0ne house on queen street with of without the adjoining shop and premises coffler ofquarry street apply to thomas askew kingston pec is 1836 48z to let that c6ffmodious house and store lately dtteupied by mr thomas wilson in brock stftpt for further particulars ap ply to ecbinley kingston pec 13 1836 48a commercial hotel store street kingston v c abraham truax respectfully in forms his friends and the travelling community that the commercial hotel wll be reopened on mnnday next dee 26ra this spacious and well known hotel having ben entirely now furntstml painted and deco rated ind several cftftveuieacim added there in the proprietor hopes that the patronage formerly bestowed upon the establishment will be woewed the table d hote will bekept in the very heat sivle and the rtr supplied with choice wines and spirits of most superior qual- iiy arrangements have been made for the mon treal stage to put up at the commercial hotel exiras supplied 00 the shortest notice to any pnrt of the district an extensive addition having been made to the yard and stables ample accom modation can now bftvaflorded for any number ofhdrses carriages sleighs and waggons the montreal gazette the toronto correspondent and albion and the woleriown n rh american are iqnestcj to give the above three insertions each and charge the advertiser 49 fruit trees garden seeds c reynolds bateham prpriftors of the rochester seed store hor ticultural garden and nursery offer at wholesale or retail a large and superior assortment of froit and orna mental trees garden field and klowek seeds geeekhouse and hardt plants c c the fruit trees are all grafted from hear ing trees of the very best kinds and the seeds arc raised in the most careful manner or im ported from the most respectable sources so that we are confident that wjj regard to bind quality or price the article sold at this estab lishment will give geueral satisfaction orders from a distance will be promptly at- lendej 10 and packages forwarded according to order catalogues may be obtained of n palmer druggist kingston reynolds bateham rochester n y nov 1836- 36z information wanted of win harrison an englishman supposed to be in belltville u c or geneva u s any information of bim will be thankfully received by his brother john harrison front street kingston 6th august 1836 editors will confer a particular favor by copying ihe above army contract for lumber sealed tenders will be received at this office until friday at noon the 30th dccciubcty instant for supplying such quanti ties of lumber as may be required by the com manding royal engineer at this station for a period oflhree years commencing the 1st day of january 1837 specifications to be seen on application at the officesof the commanding royal engineer and coromitiflftriat the namefloftwo persons to be inserted in tbe tenders who may be willing to become sureties tor the performance of such contract as may be entered into commissariat office kingston u c dec 14 i 936 48iwi receiving storing forwarding and commission business the scbscriber begs leave to inform the publict that he has leased the exten sive storehouse jafi wharf one of the largest in upper canada lately erected at pout hamilton by an mfrnab esq situated directly in front of the sjleodid new stone hotel and is now prepared no attend to tht above business in all its branches and trusts from his long experience together with punctuality and at tention to metpit the patronage of the public the upper stories are fitted up in a superior manner for ulie receiving and shipping of grain and frtjim the great extent of the stor house aod n jharf every facility to merchant and others encaged in tbe purchase of pro ducec witii be given as well as the keceiv ing and forw of merchandize of any and every description to all parts of the pro vinces or neighboring states with the great est care and 4 the charge v i be as low as any other re spectable establishment george f corbett hamilton gore district up canada nov 23 1836 43 ban k qf british northamerica tsbllshed im lotfdoh pok b fob salk- about 7000 acres of land situated in carious parts of upper canada cheap for ready money only will besold io lots to suit purchasers apply toc haich land a j tlnton auoionm kingston august is ibs6 19z capitalonb million sterling provlsionatcommirtee cokdccttftq t affairs of tbfi tvtt0 branch- james dcan esquire jl malcolm fraser esrcire i l p esaulre qtmihfc pfmberton esquire villra5 philups escirk the share reserved for this district hav- iog been allotted and the deposit of0 sterling ech piid upon them the necessary arrangements af rm i progress for the com mencement of ibgsiness io quebec as early as possible all communifcations on the business of this branch are requested to he made to the pro visional coniiijjiieeby letter addressed to the office of mr ui deleary notary pub- lie no ss st ipeter street robert carter comtmsiqtatr from the court of directors quebec i8tl august 1836 hz childrens friend society kinqgjhui committee 4 a in kingston 00 monday f lllwl instant of persons desirous of funliering the benevolent objects of this losti- tuiion called the request of capt orrok a sent to the sj cftnadm for the pur pose of effqblkhing a branch committee at kmsroo for te reception and distribution of children in th midland district the fol lowing gentlenhco were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power to add to their nurubet v yhi w xnchdeacon stoart i- l- d rev r d jartwbioht a m honorable j kirbv honorable j macaolav thomas mai j p jamcs sampx s j p william lq j p james laoi es j p john marr k j p thomas sco es q a c g the latter get beiog also appointed correspomjtog secretary of the said commit tee the commit g notice that they are ready to rccen applications for children through the s w is prepared to give every tnfortnata m t subject no com mumcanoo m be attended to unless the postage be patuj kingston jnj t clilldveihs friend society j1he subsct bes5 10 acquaint the ruhlic th hc ha begn disappoioted in receiving the i of children which be expected only i haviag becn sent 00l but the remainder vi2 85 bys an gm will arrive in the co 0 tbe present season and the application hitherto received will be ut- tcjidu to a r my wood cojijtract comwiaariat kmgstou if cm sd dereraber 1836- cjealed tenders will be received at k3j tbis oibce until tuesday at woon the third day of january nrcf for supplying hia majestys troops stall and departments c at kingston points henry and frederick with such quantities uf fuel wood as may be required from the 15th day of april 1837 to thesoth day of september 163s both days inclusive the wood 1 to coosi of fair and just pro portions of hard maple hickory black or yel low birch iron wood and beech and of no other kind whatever earth stick to be four feel long from calf 10 point and none less io dia meter thnn thro and a half inches aud every cord of wood delivered to the troops c shall not contain tliuu one hundred imd iweoiyeighi cubic feet namely four feet high four feet wide and eight iet long no rot- teo or crooked wood is on any account 10 be issued to tbe troops oar permitted into the kinds wood yards tbe contractor will he required to have al ways at least four month t wood at each of the wood yards which shall have been cut aod piled two months at uast prevfous to be iop placed io the yard the tender to expres the rate in words at length for which each cord will be issued to the troops c io halifax currency and pay ment will be made monthly for ihe quantity issued by a check on lb bank of upper can ada the condition of the contract aod any fur ther information may be obtained on applica tion at this office two good and sufficient sureties required for the due performanceqf the contract whose names must be inserie at length in the ten ders 45bwi scobklis inspection store kscobell central inspector of pot ash btref and pork presents his cor dial thanks to tht merchants aod other inhab itants of kingston and the vicinity for the liberal patronage they have extended to him during tbe past year and he begs leave to in form them that he has removed his inspection business from the hoq j kirbys store to the large and convenient sion- and wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr a mc- donell where be will be always ready to in spect such articles as may be consigned to him for that purpose and be hope from his long experience punctuality and strict attention to business still to merit the approbation and support of the public n b for sale 5000 lbs wight of smoked hama 3000 do cheese 2000 do upper canada butter 3 tons of lard io kegs for family use 900 barrels salt r scobell kingston april 14th 1835 07t prices current in kingston the mutual fire insurance company or the midland dktrjct being now legally organized the board of directors are ready to receive applications for assurance addressed 10 iliesetreary at hts office io brock street kingston where the rate of premiums bylaws and form of ap plication may be seen by order of ihe directors w w dawe secry kingston 20th september 183 mz removal oren strong hereby tenders his gratrful acknow ledgments to a generous public bw h very flattering support he has received while keeping the steam boat hotel i this place aod begs 10 acquaint his numerous customers that he has this day opened his iuost splendid establishment the north american hotel cobourg situated near the steam boat landing where he will thankfully receive and promptly attend the call of his customers af fording them accomodations which shall not be surpassed by those of any establishment in tbe province taid stand will be found to af ford very great accommodation to persons ar- riving at and taking their passage from this place io tbe several steam boat that touch daily at the wharf the proprietor of the above establishment continues his line of stages to the rice lak and from thence to peterborough which i well furnished with good cohered carriages first rate horses and careful drivers seats may be taken at this house in the kiogston and toronto mail stage horses and carriages are constantly in read iness 10 convey passengers luggage to any part of the country cobourg u c may 1st 836 100z to millers just received direct from the manufac turers in europe with whom arrange ments have been made for a constant supply of articles of the best quality viz real dutch bolting cloths assorted blackmores patent do do french burr stones for mc by larocque bernard co july es is t notice he subscriurrs io ihe kingston dock company art- requested io pay into ihe hands of the treasurer be followiog pay- mems viz 10 per ceot ihe second payment oo lsi mon day in january 1837 loperceot he third payment on lsi february 1837- 10 percent the fourth payment on 1st monday in march 1837 10 per cent ihe fifth payment on 1st monday in april 1837 10 percent thcsiitb payment on 1st monday in may 1837 10 per cent ihe seventh payment on 1st mon day in june 1837 10 per cent the eiehih payment on ui moo- day in july 1837 10 per cent the ninth payment on 1st mon day in auguat 1837 10 per cent the tenth payment on 1st mon day in september 1837 j counter treasurer kingston 5th december 13s6 46 leather sole arid i ppcr of various tannacescalf skins kips c c for sale by larocque bfrnahd st co who will keep a large assortment constantly on hand may 18 i8z fine flour per bbl perewf barley per bushel oats do do v rye do jo peas do do potatoes do ds beef per cwt pork do do butter per lb mutton do veal do pork fresh do hams pork do candles moulds do dips soap eff2i per doz fowls per couple cheese per cwt may per load tvi un wood per cord wheat per bush pork mess per bbl do do prime mess do prime do cargo do perlb indian com do do indian meal do do 40 d i 17 0 a o 18 3 3 40 1 10 17 6 s5 0 0 10 0 3 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 9 0 3 0 4 0 10 10 40 0 known j7 6 8 0 5 6 100 0 ft o 75 o 00 o 0 6 4 0 40 a a s a 3 d 0 0 f 2 2 ft 0 o 4 9 a 2 0 a 25 0 a 42 6 a 1 0 4 6 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 4 0 4 6 0 0 3 0 i 1 a 42 a 25 a 10 a 6 a 0 a 85 0 a 0 o a 0 a 0 a 0 a 4 0 3 for sale aquaomy of excellent writing iok at the chroo sl ga2ette office coroer of king aod brock streets 89z ruling machine for sale cheap for cash applv at the office of the chronicle gazette notice to chelsea and other peosiooera who are paid by the commissariat the assistant commissary general here by qotifies the above description of per sons that they must make personal applica tion at the beginning of each quarter to the nearest commissariat office for their pensions- in cases when pensioners reside a distance from a commissariat office which might ren der it inconvenient or expensie to the pen sioners to apply at the beginning of each ipwj if fr quarter or if from sickness ur other good cause application cannot be made personally- even once in the year an officer will be sent annually to viit those stations to identify and pay those who canoot for these causes present themselves at commissariat station the pensioners are enjoined to keep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions willbe paid only to them in person on their being identi6ed thereby it is further notiged tbat the government will not under any circumstance recognize agents or the claim of any individual for debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat t kineqinn ih mwh is36 1 76x mr ii y e o professor of dancing respectfully begs to announce his intention of remaining to kingston for the winter season to give lesions in the new est and most fashionable style of dancing mr y is at present giving lessons to mrs weather stone school tloom where he has suf ficient room for any number of young ladies who may honor him with their attendance classes meet on wednesday and saturday af ternoon at hair past three schools and private families attended on tbe most reasonable terms kiogston oc i 1836 97z kingston cabinet ware house store street oppositk tbc commercial hotel e cone august 1 1835 loz for sale oakegsof the best printing ink ov very low for cash chronicle gazette office kingston january 7th 1336 for sale a number of copies upper canada sta tutes provincial justice towrjship ma- nual c at the chronicle gazette of fice corner of king and brock streets kingston i ul july 1836 to aimers ihe sobicrtber but fean to intern mil let aod tbe trade generally ttatbawfta sutcliased the stock m trade of mr iwi ouwick burr mill stone mbnuftaotr will continue the business of tnskiog french burr mill stowes ofttlj first quality having on baod four pair orarone finished aod a large lot of burr bjocka which h will make up to order on the ahurtesi notice ah orders for the above io be addrea- ed i 10 a- clark ai ibe kioston foundry whom mali made hit agent for his stone huirdiog buaioeu geo mccrabbr kingston aflfcaat llhh 185ft 141 the cobourg stir vill plene enpy ihis advertiaet mem one month and cnd their account to ho j office of thin paper n commercial bank m jx otlck ts hereby giveo that ihe remain ing imialowui oo ihe m swck ire called in a fuilnw 10 per cent 0d the 3d jioonr 18jt 10 1st march 1 10 ut may m 10 lit igfi h 1 io 1st sep payable at the bank its offices and apeucirs by prder of the board f- a harper n cathief s kingston ocu 26 1830 cp ncwepijhji tccaetmod to dj eniiefcr tba 1 commerciml btnk will ploae copy tbk and acud ihciraccounlsto ihe bank supekfine cloths thk subscriber ii just rcceivtof io addu tion to bis spring and sunqtt impona- tioos extensive assortment of winter goods among which will be found black blue and olive green superfine cloths of tbe very bett west of england fabrics black and mixtures csssimerea petersbaots piloiclotlia flushings and other suitable goods for wioter wear all which will be disposed of on rea sonable terms for cash or approved endorsed notes at ninety days john oliphant vvereoii tailor- wanted immediately three ot four journeymen kingston octobersslh 1836 97z bring lot no military tiact f mutual insurance company of the midland district he board op directors are now prepared io issue policies- primed forms of proposals may be procured at the compa nys office opposite the court house no let ters received unless post paid by order w dawe sec- kiogston q7th oct- 1936 ss an excellent farm for sale 18 second concession mbio to miles of the village of hallowell couoty of frince ed ward on the road to west lake containing about 210 acres one hundred acres cleared and in good fence a good orchard in full bear ing a good barn and a two story dwelling house lately built 40 feet hy thirty besides large cellar- it hi well watered by cpotf rim pjje soibctecr for sfewfogti carnfttty or roflnbr sides other spnogs a clear deed can be git en the subscriber on tbe premises will show tbe property and treat with a purchaser samuel bakkk hallowelu 7th of 11 lb month 1836 ssnwi t 100 stoves stoves of various sizesi just re ceived and for sale bv charles willard agent kingston 21st november 1836 42z i cash cash five dollars is cash per paid for kawhidesaimr st pork store kiorsion 21si ociobcr 183g 100 iba ii s beef 33z h sharp begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston that he has opened his boot and shoe shop in the new buildin on the corner of kiog and brock street where he will keep on hand and manufacture on ihe shortest notice all kinds of work in hia line at the most reasonable kotice the present members ofthp kingston vol v fire company 16 io number on ijr in iustioe to themselves lake this opponti niiy otinformiog the inhabitants of ibe tnwn that from their diminished force they do not deem tbemseltes adequate to the performance of those duties that tbe public may expect of them it thcrcforebehores the inhabitants to meet and take such measures for the public safety as the exigency of the cas nuy re quire the members will however in cast of fire until soiiie ftmher arrangement is mad to place the fire establishment on a more ef fective footing attend with the small engtaa and render saeh aid as may he in their power by order james nickalls jutoa captain jt v f c kingston nov 2 1836 the holders of caps and blts which be- long to the town will return them forthwith to thecaptaio at the court house 37a for sale by the subscriber j wh i american cotton yarns jllfw nos 56789 10 500 lbs batting and 300 lb cjadlewick 200 large aod small looking glasses a large assortment of travelling baskets wm wilson kingston oeu 10 163 ss fashionable saddlery warehouse robert chanonhouse saddle aod harness manufacturer respectfully informs the gentry and public of kingston and its vicinity i that he has commenced businesa opposite the chronicle gazette office king street where he will be moataolly supplied with a general assortment of every articla comprised in the above business and which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms best saddles english materials carriage harness silver and brass mounted gz and tandom do sleigh and waggon harness black mounted ladies and gentlemens riding and driving whips in great variety toan apprentice wanted kingston llth oct 1336 tot just received aud for sale at the cornet cfkiug aud brock street ready ttecku ers and lentiies grammar kingston jan 16 1836 prices kingston sept malssfi kilt strayed or stolen from the premises of the subscriber about two miles from the town on the bath road a red heifer with a short tail about a year and a halfold whoever will re turn said heifer or will etv information where she may bt found shall receive a rtward of three dollars edward noble kingston november 2 1336 44 rphe subscribers a john orrok tfceretrnj for the canada the travellers liitli visiting the falls of niagara with a neat map of the fall and islands plan of the village of the falls handsomwy bound for sale at the chronicle aod gaatette office kingston may 6 1836 00 new goods now receiving by the last arrival from lukdon liverpool and glasgow cxtcosivc assortments of the various kinds ot staple and fancy dry goods laces small wares sec c that they an in ihthabil of importing robert armour st co montreal may 26 1836 i00z f ou salk v kiogstod foot of store sireei whiskey salt piaster of paris water lime by ii stibscribert at ihe commercial kingston 2sd truax may 1936 phillips 95z new testament for schools jit the comer of king and brock street just published and now for sale a hand iume edilioo of his book also aa elegant edition of murrays eng lish header c notice iave beer at mr florence uonoglitte ta wright 1ngkrsoll torsale vern kiiikston in barrels and smaller ijuaniu lies io suii purcliasers 57 fredericksburg loiri january 1836 new publications at the chronicle fr gazette office for sale areys library iu weekly number al 25s paid in adsaoce the familt maoazihk io monihly num bers at 7jd oach boib very enieriainiof and iriieresting works i also a sgrmok preached by ihe rev h x ry eson for the st andrews society montreal oo st andrews day 1835 with notations 8tc price 2s kingston ociober 5 183c church of england psalms fy hymns with and without mpt m at the chtooico fcosmm office- kingaioo may 17