Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 24, 1836, p. 1

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i r inrotticju and kingston commercial advertiser dmtte pufctljhl fvrry widiutliiy uld snturtlfty ft t j tfcr office corner of kik id brook strwt nec rege nec populo sed utroque i twenty shilling p a ntmm if pld 4m dvmc 1 at lli ma ot the y far tw u iityflfo 4kliji j vol- xvi ho ruxgstobt uppi9r canada saturday december 24 1836 no ftl the mansion house kingston u c the subscrihor respectfully begs loave to notify to ho travelling public tbat ho coaliooet to occupy this extensive and well kosvrn hotel thc mansion house i pieasaotly situated in store street beiog ihe priocipal aod cen tral street ia kiogstoo is convenient to all the saaoi bout wharves and do establishment ofils kisd io tfie vpper provioce cao surpass iijo the excellence aod comfort of tu apart- meow boih parlors aod bedrooms thirtyfour jo quuibor all of which are furoished io the wry best style the hotel has lately uodorgone a ihorougb repaid aod is at present io most excellent or der mod coudilioo for the accommodation uf the pohlic- the subscriber hawog kept a hotel for maoy yean has acquired experieoce to that line sod ihereforo trusts that with unremitting at- mtioo to the comfort of his guests he will coiiiique to merit public patronage inlhcrtar of tlte mansion house there is a large yard and extensive stabling sod where a lirery stable is cnuttatily kept jtlie s 1 1 1 i r i i iii curriago and por ters nill always be io readiness to coovcy pas senders auj lugggo to aod frutu the different titeam boats s carmino kingston june 22d 1836 1u3 a for sal t the store of mr thomas brings junr jq store siret kingston a lew copies of supplementary volume to treatise on the theory and practice of ag- raumirc adapted to the cultivation and ecou- 1 of the animal and vegetable produciioos sericulture in canada uy william evan bwrriary to the montreal agricultural socie jfrnton ioth october tast so just ihiished aod for sale at the rook- store on the corner of king ami brock street a large assortment of account hunks of best materials and workmanship for sale at montreal prices k blank books or paper well and correct ly ruled to any pattern at short notice kfqshm june i iss5 information wanted otavkuv swan by trade a barber beleli waienuwn n- y about the open- iag of the navigation last spring should he an this he will iei lua disconsolate wife know where he is anv person that knows where he it will be i- an act of churn y to inform bis said lvifeei vitrrtowo september so ig john clancy or david clancy whn emigrated ftom the county cork mmefuur years past are informed that the in- fant children of jolm whelao and ellen cla ncy their sifter aro now io kingston under charge of miry daly their mother having died m the panagc out- the children are desti tute and the uncles are requested to come speedily to their assistance further information way be had on applica tion to mr manahan kingston ibih july 183g sz wants a situation in a respectable dry goods or ghock- ky store a youth from the country tf respectable connexions whocan be well re commended he is 16 years of ace- apply s this oflire or by letter addressed a b pwh pom office nov 12 1836 40 unclaimed books lying in the binderv here for years a quarto bible by henry 2 vols the performance on the hrp in the highlands 1 vol by juhn gunn yv of ioglaud by m evans i vol 8ino sketches in switzerland and italy j scull i vol smo farmers magazine 5ibed i vol smo 7 copies ot byron a works in 8 vols phi ladelphia vd if not claimed and paid for in two months fiom this date they will be sold for the ei- poses of binding cliroltcle gazelle olfire kingston 24tli august 1936 16 a card mrs twigg be leave to intimate that ihe wishes to receive pupils for instruc tion on the piano forte and from her experi ence aod the number of years that she has aoght in kiagsioo aha fvels encouraged to hope fur a share of public patronage highly respectable references cao be given f required terms may be known oq application to mrs tviggt at her residence in clarence street wl door to mr kvcritts store kiopstod 2d nov is36 s6z just rkceiveo and for sale at the chronicle gazette office a town ship manual neatly bound comprising h the laws now in force rehting to t he town- ips among which are the highway and iwessmem acts new towhship meeting act the ta respecting boundaries line fen ces and water courses innkeepers the law tadofficeof constable the law of laodlord i tenant distress for reot court of re- wiuact summary punishment ait jury the laws relative to mills and mill dams flour pot aod pearl ashes statute labour travellers weights measures sic and many other interesting subjects by the author of thc m provincial justice co- price one dollar billon december 5 1s3s 64 fresh arrivals armstrong greek in addition to their fall stock of groceries tfjvd dry goods have received by the lately arrived barges of the ottawa and rideau comnany a further extensive supply which they have now open for the inspection of the public and which will be sold at very low prices for cash superfine middling acid common broad- cloths west of england cassimeres in great variety pilot cloths flushings aod kerseys canadian cloths petershams and satinetts point whitney and mackinaw blankets eng lish and welsh flannels very fine tccture serges baizes and milled scotch flannels factory and steam loom cottons printed calicos challies and twilled london chintzea merinos tartan plaids and camlets gentle mens fur caps india rubber cloaks and fisning frocks lambs wool shirts and drawers irish linens lacona and french cambrics ladies muffs boas and tippets worsted woolen aod silk hosiery silk and cotton velvets and velveteen osnaburghs and sheeting sail canvass no 26 north west buffalo robes c c groceries young aod old hyson twankay and souchongtea best mocha coffee muscovado and refined sugars tobacco maccoboy and rappee snuff pcinciffe cigars mustard in kegs jars and bottles english wax wick candles and soap indigo and fig blue pep per and alspice almonds raisins and zaote currants sago epsom salts and salt petre jamaica spirits holland gin and cognac brandy sherry madeira and teneriffe wines very fine old port to wood and bottles sau- terne jolys sparkling champaige scotch ale in bottles crockfcfik glassware tft c frc store street kinetoo 452 25th nov j936 armour and ramsay wholesale akd kctall booxsfcl- leu s and stationers si francis xmvitr strttt jifontrtal beg to intimate to their friends and the public that their stock of books and stationery is now very extensive among the former will be found the choicest works in theolojry science and belles lettres to which ajditions of every new book of merit are made shortly after publication their assortment of pot post foolscap aod other writing papers mercantile books and every article of plain and faocy stationery is very complete and they can with confidence recommend it to the notice of upper canada merchants both oq account ofqualityand moderation in price a large stock is always kept on haod of itfej common prayer and psalm books to gether with all the school books in ordinary use io upper canada orders for boobs from england the cooli nent of europe and the united states execu ted with expedition and on moderate terms montreal 22d nov 1ss6 42z to let a good tavern stand in tbetown of kingston known as the colborjve arms hotel tvrt is a room 64 feci long in the house ith folding partitions application to be made to david leahy on a premises or h smith jan esq kogsion 24th sept i the montreal gazette commercial political and literary journal is published by the subscribers three times a week on the afternoons of tues days thursdays and saturdays and contains the latest news received by the mails it is despatched by the first post after publication to country subscribers aod the aonual charge to tbcn is only twentyfive millings includ ing postage the same price as that of the semiweekly newspapers the montrtal gazette is one of the oldest journals published in british america it posesses a very large circulation particularly in upper canada and in consequence h offers peculiar advantages to advertisers armour 6t ramsay montreal 22d nov 1s36 4si montreal transcript wanted well recommended respon sihle persons to act as agents for the montreal transcript in low- en and uppks canada to whom the most liberal encouragement will be given letters ipost paid addressed to the subscribers st rancitxavitr street will be punctually at tended to the transcript is published three times a week aod delivered to town subscrib ers at ten sbillings per annum payable in all cases six months in advance for country subscribers the terms will be fifteen sbillings per annum including postage likewise pjid half yearly io advance f4o religious or political discussions are ad missible into thc transcript rates of advertising thc same as the other montreal papers every description of book and job work done npatly expeditiously and on reasonable terms the subscribers have ao assortment of ty pe inferior to none in thecanadas lovell mdonald montreal november 24 1836 45ii new fall goods just received the subscriber would inform the public that he has a eived per late vessels from liverpool and scotland a very extensivesup- fall and winter goods consisting of his usual general assortment ontfa fancy and btaplg which be will dispose of oo ihe must reasonable terms for cash or short approved credit country merchants can be supplied with ev ery article in his lino on the most advaotage- oqb terms william wilson kingsto 15th nov 1836 40bi to let from the first day of november next that oommodious house and store lately occupied by messrs j d bryce t co situat ed on the west side of store street in thc town of kingston near the commercial hotel these premises are exceedingly well adapted for commercial purposes beiog situat ed in that part of the town best calculated for all kinds of business if neceary possession will be given on the 1st of june next for further particulars application may be made either to james nickails jun esq kingston or to robert maxwell esq montreal bank quebec kingston 9th may i9ss z new grocery wines spltts teas sugars brc fpont street wholesale retail cognac brandy holland o wood and bottlea madeira shwy port wioea jamaica spfhis demerara rum scotch aod eodi whiskey loaf moscow sod east india sugars old hyson tfoungdo twankay gunpow der and souchong teas superior miff wwmi valeotia do currants fi almond spanish nuts rice barley awl oatmeal mocha coffefe rio do pepper all mace aod cloves pickles mutfl olive oil maccoboy aii scotch snuff london aod american sperm candles soap and ctfwll- also 100 jjrrrfi jv 1 herrings iiv quahtixr or stationery a mcnabb kingston dumber 7 1836 46z provincial parliament for sale by the subscriber at his wholesale warehouse front street muscovapo re6oed and bengal sugar hyson twankay hyson bkin and bohea tmt very superior mderia wines blackburn brand common best sherry do common sherry very superior fort common do teneriffe do do do do do do the clkkot kesaava sale bill wednesday 14th reported by mr dalton jr on tueiday treeing the houae went iato coaratteo oo una bill when it waa objected ijv many bon member that tbey should thto proceed with the bill aa the h j gemleimq from toronto mr draper had not yat adb- mined bit roiolouooa on wednoday 4 committee returned when mr draper rmo and aaid that he waa mm prepared to radeem ibo pledge which ho bid gtvin to the house laai oveniog with ao- gard to the clergy reserve themaelvea ub bad al way been of opinion that the aoomr tbey weredispoaed of the better for the pome and bappiooai of the province though uo queitioo of tho manner of their disposal vat a matter which iovolvcd maoy consideration and with regard to the first point be tboujit that they should be sold io the same way as all otborlanda belonging to the crowo tta neat proposition which ho wotjld submit an the committee was that it was not expedient to leave the religious instruction of the peoplo to chance alone but tbat a provision for its ministers could be provided by the law of upper caoada the clergy reserves afibrtud the meaoi of making such proviaioo the ap propriation of them would oot be contrary to tba spirit of the 31st george iii tim mat proposition was tbat in ihej presont stato of tho country aod ha would out now stop ro enquire by what cause it was produced it aetanfilf i wai qo p or beneficial to the cooatryto tppwinm bfcm to lha support of one particu lar church ho bad no doubt that io sin portiog this rosolution be should differ trim maoy of bis boo frieods and iodficd he u newton gor- bruce and other braods cognac and bordeaux sraody hhds 8c pipes bmmf p h owo opinion frm n very superior brandy in cases of 1 doz schedam gin in case and hhds jamaica rum champagne jollys bnnd scotch hisky isle cambletoo u c do bordeaux vinegar london porter molasses nuts aod almonds raisins and currants rice and coffee kappeeand maccoboy snuff cavendish and plug tobacco soap and candles london mould candle warn wick cocoa not candles spernij tie wax du t d pipes starch and blue pepper and pimento nutmegs and cloves salipeire and epsom salta shot nos 34 5 wrought and cut naiw tin plates ix ic carron stoves 20 24 47 90 it 96 inch olive oil boiled and raw linseed oil best london white ltd green paint window glass 7jx81 to 18x34 north shore herrings so l oat meal and barley si na salt 400 bbls sjleratus c 6cc 450 a much more extensive z complete assrifl- mentofdry goods than any foinm er stock he has ever stored in this marfcet which will be found vctll worth the none of the trade t macnidrft- kingston 11th noveuiiber itktb tfi wholesale warehouse 11he subscriber offem for sale at the new building opposite tthe residence of d j smith so front sttreet a complete as sortmeot of imported direct from britain superfine saxony black beat do superlative do wool blue drab olive brown fashnble roman mixed dark do oxford do black slate drab fashmmable mixed fashionable lavender mixed victoria mixed dark mixed saitineiis brown invisible greenland olive petershams stout twilled point wiiaey end extra medium blankets red white and yejlow flannels green baize white blue and scarlet tanioo serge merinos moreeos camjblets and sballootas drab and browo bevenoteos prints shirtings domestics irish linen russia duck luilts couoterpanes ifecc 6tc a mcn auk kingston december 77 1836 4z card james linton n returning thaoki io the inhabitants ol hcingston and the pub lic in general begs to iolform them tbat ho has removed bis auction commission businifsss to the extensive prentiises formerly called the old kings head l in kino stbcet haviog sppacious rooms aid is ready io receive goods o consignment of all descriptions evcwihc aucxtoks tuesdays thursday and saturdays n b money advakccd on goods kingston november 7f 1836 s8i the montreal herald n puase io advarua x tvice week for one montl and thafga ihtaoflj cloths cassimeres a 6rm conviction tbat io no other mode was it possible to settle tho qnastiuo to the satii- i faction of the peoplo of upper caoada bo would at tho same timo leave the disposition of tho reserve to the control of those church es to which they might bo givtjo with oijy ed except to the advancement of religion to tho education or support of their ministry or to somo other religious purpose nor would be by any means allow tho executive to con trol those churches those were bis geoeral views of the suhjeet and sbnuld these resolu tions meet tho approbation of the house be should propoia another that a committee should be appointed to arrango the details of a meaaoro to bo founded on them and to re port among what sects it would be most juit and prudent to roako a division or to request a conference with tho legitlativo council tbat tbey might know whether their views ware similar to those ootertaloed by that housa aod whether it would be utaful for tbem to legislate upon the iubjoct maoy paopla wero of opinion that tho roioveslmeul of the reserves io the crowo- would bo tho best mode of settling this long disputed ques tioo be would allow tbat it would be tho oasieat wy hut ft mm mora oasuant with their character as representatives of the peo ple to take tho responsibility upon themselves however great it might bo than to throw it upon tho kings guveromeot it was their duty to aodeavot to settle it amgug themselves and oue tbat ha would not shrink from to re invest tbem io his majesty might answer at a last resort at some future time he woold advance his resolutions aod should then go more fully into tho subject aod support them y iib such argumeots at bo might be enabled to bring forward mr draper then read the resolutions mr rune til aaid tbat it was now about twenty years since this question had been first discussed and sinco that period it had con stantly been made a stalking horse for elec tioneering purposes he was decidedly of opinion that if the senso of the pocplo of up per canada were taken upon the subjocr that tba grat mail would bo in favour of appro priating those reserves to religious instruc tion however noxious tbey might ba that they should oot all remain iu the possession of tho church of england with regard to tho pro visions of this bill now under consideration bo bad always heeo opposed to them and ho pod that the committee would negative tha preamble dr ralph hero ioterrupied the hon gon- tlomao the motion now before the com mittee was to rise and report progress but as the hon gentleman from toronto had advan ced bis resolution tbo chief reason for doing so was removed aod be would therefore with draw bis motion mr norton- sioce the boo gentleman from norfolk had withdrawn his motion he would oow move the adoption of tho preamble of tho bill he beliovod tbat tho hoo gentleman from torooto in introducing his resolutions had been actuated by honest motives aod a sincere belief tbat in so doing he was acting for the benefit of the country and ha hoped tbat that hon gentleman would concede tho samo purity in intent to those who took a dif ferent viow of the question ho mr nortou bad always bcon opposed to disposiog of the clergy reserves for religious purposes and for bis own part would much rather they re maioed in tbo church of england than that thoy should ba divided among tho different acts bo had over beco of opioioo that true religion needed not the support of human laws and believed that that was the opinion of a largo msjoriiy uf the peoplo of upper ca nada ho bad oot tho honour of beiog tho author of the bill which ho had introduced but had brought it furward from ao honest sense of duty it was a bill which had many times received thesaoetioo of the house and upoo which greater unaoimity prevailed throughout tho country than on any other ques tion they bad a perfect right to legislate upon thequestioo oud be had always been io favour of disposing of tho reserves fur tbo purpose of general education and in easa it wero so settled tbo ministers of tbo various denominations would bo much better support- ad hy contributions from their flocks than if paid by tho staio somehoo gentleman iiad remarked oo a former occasion that tboro wore expressions in tho bill which were insulting to tha church of eogland tbey had all ho be lieved been struck out aod if any bad been overlooked ho bad oo wish to retaio tham a similar bill appropriating clergy reserves to education had been passed in ono of the sister colonies aud bad received the royal asiont they had therefore a precedent to go upon mr n than moved tba adoption of tbo pre amble mr linrxrdl observed that although wo might legislate upon tho subject oo measure agreed to hy our legislature could become a law without the coosoot of tho imperial go vernment and ho thought that tbey could ne ver sanction auy arraogemeut that should ap propriate tho reserves to aoy other object tbao the support of a protestant clergy it was oot likely that eogland who had become groat by hor encouragement of morality aod religioa shonld consent to it wero ha to voto for tho resolutions offered by ttfo boo geutla- man from torooto it would he a yielding to necessity but he was fully dotermioed nevor to give his voto fur auy measure which would appropriate tbo clergy reserves to aoy other than religious purposes mr ti the bill now before the house went to deprive tho clorgy of thoso funds which had been set apart for their sup port he believed that tho bon geoilemau mr norton io introducing tbo bill had boon kujatvulyuroojulwvtaiiuliflthro41rovu tbat it would most tend to the advaotago f the country tbat the clergy reserves should bo applied to the purpose of education ho mr prince however differed from that bon member because ho conceived that they cuuld not conscientiously pass a bill to divert ihoso lauds from the purpose for which they wore originally inteoded ha had been at one time of opiuioo that a part of ihem might with propriety be applied for geoeral educa tion ho had howover sioce referred to the constitutional act aod had deliberately come to the cooclusinn that ihey might just as well apply them to lighting the city of toronto with gas or to constructing rail roads throughout the country as to apply them to iha purposes of education and iu forming that opioioo he had adopted the most liberal coo- struction of its provisions which could bo giveu to ao act of such importance by the con stitution certain lands were allowed to ha set apart fur tba clargf which wnasfiorwcirdi ac cordingly done there is a aeotiuo in tbat act that at first sight might appear to giva us the power to repeal that part of it but to come to a conclusion it was necessary to look to tho geueral spirit and meaning of tho whole act from which it is apparent that the solo object of this appropriation was to grant support to a clergy io upper canada aod they wore not justified in applying thoso laods to aoy other purposes there was notbiog ia tho act which gave them the power tosoll those lands and if tbey were to sell them they would ba bound to apply tha proceeds to tho support of religion upon which denominations of chris tians ba was oot prepared to say hut he thought tbat tho clergy reserves should uot bo appropriated to the support of otao church ooly mr parke said that the question had heon loog before tho public and ho believed tbat now tho english government was willing to alter tha disposition of tho clergy reserves so as to meet tho views of the peoplo of upper caoada as for tho imperial parliament giv ing for tho support of ooe particular church at a timo when canada had scarcely a nama an amount of property equal to all tho public pro perty io the country it was a most absurd ibiog there were maoy laid great stress up- on an act of parliameut which gave thorn tha power to hold thoso resertes but ho would have oo more respect for thorn ifutft bo would bavo fur a band of robbers or the rccoivcrs of stolon goods if the imperial parliament i could give nivay oooseveoth of tho laud for tho support of one church what was to pre vent its giving ail hie property iu the country any roan who had respect for an act of par liament of tbat kind koow nothing of consti tutional priuciples it was to allow a gang of swiodlers to pluoder this country of its just righiit was merely a bundle of rules fram ed by a number of interested persons in atrve panicolar purposes a to giving public mo ney fur tho support of religion bo believed that religion had never prospered in connec tion with any government aod covaromeois were oover rot actuated hy pure motives in joining any religion to the state with imsfl views ho was decidedly opposed io having re ligion corrupted by jiiniog it with the slate whenever religiou had beeo connected with government tho government had corrupted religion and religion had corrupted tho gov tioo of ihe priesthood by the government it was a moat unholy ooioo was it not often the case tbat tho king of england ihe baad of tha church oo matter who or what h was would not be admitted hy asiy latlglous commuoity great ooofusion and loud criea of order order tae hon the spcmhr was called to tba chair when after a good deal of debate on tba point of order ho decided that if tha expres sion made u of by mr parka were inteoded to apply to his present majesty it was oot ia order mr parke denied aoy allusion to hla present majesty tha committee haviog re turned mr parke contioued snob appropriations were wrong and produced bad edicts hqth upon religion and upon tbo government and history would show tbat io every instance where they had beeo joinad together they bad beeo corrupted aod ha believed that do gov ernment could loog remain id upper canada connected with a church if tha clorgy he aarves were given to ooe denomination il would ba absurd aod unjust on every ground f and if they wore divided among three or foer denominations woold tba people be satisfied with such ao arrangement were there any four danomioatious of christians which would embrace one half of the people of upper oan- adaf no not one tenth and would the other nine tenths be satisfied t if those hon gen tlemen who contemplated such s measure thought that it would restore peace to tba country he would tell tbem tbat it would be throwing a firebrand among tbe community and tbey might bid farewoll to peace in upper caoada wbao tbey divided tbe clergy re serves among any four denominations it would tear thoso churches co tbe very ceotre who received them for they bad all within them men who would nevor ba satisfied with aoy such thing among tbe melhodisis il would immediately produce dissensions and their ministers could live io oo way except in tho auctions of their flock aod tbat body would ho toro to its centre when tbalr minis ters took any part of those reserves had they tho ijt mv uv whac ehumjias thaaa reserves should be given who bad eonstu tuted them the judgos to say whether they wero tho right aod true church tbat they should give it to aoy sect io particular and might they not after all turn out to be tha wrong churches but admitting that they bad tho right so to dispose of them ihey were pro ceeding upon wrong grounds for tbe peace of the country could never be established by do iog so the people were lookiog aniiously for the settlement of this questioo aod if they settled it in any manoer for religious purposes the peoplo would oot be satisfied with it their opinions were too firmly filed to admit of be iog rooted out they could see with ao ea glo eya the effect of joioiog chureh and state and io such ao event every independeut man would withdraw from those churches and leave tbem to their corruption if they were applied to education it would be beneficial and satisfactory to tha whole country tha benefit would bo neither partial oor owlwirt bill would fall tiic the dews of heaveo upon all aod he believed that such ao arrangement woold not bo dissatisfactory to members of ibo chureh of eogland upoo the grounds eveo of benefitting the clergy themselves and io every light io which tho subject could be view ed tha clergy reserves should ba given for ibo purpose of education it would ba tha means uf doing tho greatest good and prevent iog the greatest evil mr cajneron aaid this was indeed an im- portant qoettioo but ho for ooe had oo desire to shy it be was oot afraid to express his sen timents although it was pretty evident boo gentlemen thought to frighten aod browbeat membors by telliog them that no honest mao could vote for the adoption of tha preamble they andeavored thos to awaken conscientious fcolings but he did not fear those gaotlemeo nor would he shrink from expressing bis opio 100 of the legality of sucb conduct although aware he was to be opposed aud oo doub violently handled by every legal gentleman iq the mouse by a hand of ciceros whose busi ness was oratory and whoso profit aod whose pleasure were debate ho would in tbo first place meat tho objection to the language iu the preamble that the exclusive claims of the church of bngland ware only pretended be cause he believed the church of scotland ever had as good a right io the retervei as the church of eoglaod here mr c quoted the opinions of christ robiuson k gifford aud g s copley he then couteoded that this colony haviog heeu obtained after tho treaty of uuion by the joint arms or england and scotland it was a violation of the right of the church of scot land aud of every scotchman in canada to say that they bad not a perfect right to ao equal share of tha allotmeot rut baviog said this much he did uot moan to contend for the right hohelievodit would be equally inexpe dient and injurious to the peace and happiuss of the country to give it to the two as to ooe of theso denominations but before going further to explaio his views he would go oa as he commenced to show his authority for altering the allotment which he allowad waa mode for a protestant clergy h rvas ilia dial of the 31st of the king which he read- mr c io cootiouatioo said the whole matter roholved itself ittto tho question what is tbo meaumg of ihe word repeal i n eromeot aod there was uo more powerful mil rccal or abrogate if thoy bad a right tf handle to oppress the poop than the corrup- abrogate tbe law then surely its provisiooa

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