Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 28, 1836, p. 2

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those remarks it nppenred sotto hon memhert thought lie spake hjpiiusi the romn cathie lr hit ire suid not mm wlj hr4ii ibcnt he vxd lilvm much and if h- did ni infill ii n thrtr venemh piirmrch uri patriot as tit- hod been jmilj nllel ii was because v ve itw hat ht service w ibis court were too griiirmlly known stud aekutvlcijed itt rquire any commed iiion fiwiti hint he said further that roman cnthidks wauu who lift another branch tf the legislature they would he isarid til ng mst of ihctf iomhctlllfll priv ilege brtiftf bui i hem tftul i should pa cy uml even i iiit setn n h v ha cuii4itiimtf nnntw nvuitr and flit hiniattl i nvfi ill i ii 11 r rnrucj u in hi with the stitr were in nil ftscs prrjthhcia 10 i tt imprests of religion bji when ihc hon f h nvu siciilemua endettured lu elab- ih iln fact ihat hit iium of rdtiimi wih m- ifijliv liii appropriation of lands for ihe nufi tiw o meet tgeiher sun ictim t 1 then fi lirjti cniimtfy iiit oi studi proposil wtinu w htoi r iy after sundav for i vis wil ehris- hbit tl diwmi makf but house deprived and such in his soul one t item e iint theu a puor return to oisienters sisied them in iheir struggle fur emancipation io the old country if ihey enrae lot try and by ibeir votes in ida litem of equal rights and prieilcses no aspersion be said had not spark of the genius cf his country rnev had been old thai ibtf would gt a share of the i clcfir keserve bu thev would never ret i one acre it was only a bail hew out t m t and it would h like ibr frur on hit idfres of the dead sen which limbed pleasant in iheye but turned io nfhes whenever ibe behiildef nt templed io plurfc 11 mr solicitor grnrrnl imsdefttmtt1 nontion sbonlj nui ihiru lencsi of the hour would if it sholltd in m ihc assent of lislxctiuturi i i uutrrrnof woum how bt iii tlhcd ji in a frit- nd of reltjtmhi lter hear would hv wherefore pas such a bill the speaker took the cbair and tbc house adjouroed friday dec 16 mr prince continued his ipeerb which had beeo abruptly broken off last nighl b ihc ad jhirnment of the house the clvray he erv as ihey were familiarly termed milht he looked up as a simple fitl irimi in lie iii to the ivnes- was not to iushe puu id itji bo so ii irri 11 tt rritrihti clvraj j11 f i uuv it tin lieihthec he smmd cit j by nattftfl inftt uti5 inni the ii fwetm not allow il the the hitn to upon retrml mtjesiy geo ire mot llmrrh his tibjeoi the cburifl tiomiimth it tnirfft7tice of the secular w wit ia i tie giw- trnnicqi and dt5ciplined ihetr ciiurrhes aud stieriphed to show thut from the mmei c m- sianiimv adopted the christian reltffiqn uiid rook it under ins protection that frum llial momerot it deteriorated ii did ocur to luni j and h was very clad thedebaie had bern ad- jnurnedl as it afforded him an opportunity of refer rr r to the authorities ihat ihe hon and leardnl doctor hm adverted tothat which whs not hi a favorable io his argument lonrz ariienrr to ihe time when coiwholine became roverid in ihe chrisuatl relicion there were bisbom and pnems lelonemsr to the christian woo v as h reit ibiles d i is jin uifrioaeineth m v berty bai ihe ljtrtluri uttediy ol tlieseirii shouj krpi i sia hern diseusstd tins very city th tl v constitutional should riouire that to i ty and rtd from a witness a court of jostice rrply io the very able and flibojute speech nf ihe lion and learned nvinbt for norfolk every hon member who had beard hwuwclii must admit tht they had heard most leau- ttttil disctiurse upon ecclesiastical subjects hut with regard toils benniupon thequemiun before them lie would acknowledge he had heard no argument which could not be prompt ly met and compleiely answered- the sub ject had been discussed by other and abler uods ilmn himself m able as the lion and uaroed doctor from norfolk and he had not i en able io discover thai his learned friend the doctor had throwo anv new light upon it jtfr prince then rose and obserted that he rerjrencd exceedingly he had ml been in the house at the time the lion and learned mem ber commenced his speerh as the hon and learned solicitor genenl intended io rake time to reply he mr p- ihousbt he could not do tatter than occupy the remaining quarter of an hour before the hour of adjourn ineot bv making a few obsereatioos it was agreed on all hands thai the hon and lfaroed member had delivered his sentimeriis in an eloquent and gentleminly mincer and in one which had done him infinite credit he mr prince would confess thai he had been jdeased and instructed by it but at the same time with nil that instruction and edification he had not been able to glean sufficient from the learned gentlemans speech to induce him to fall into his views upon the question befor there the hon and learned ijenileman had told them a aood deal about socrates lxh how lie lived and how he died hut he mr prince could not st c what the life or death of socrates had to do with ihe question ofdispesing of the clersy reserves the hon and learned doctor had told them a great deal about the connection between church and stale and the consequent uphold ing of a dominant church he mr prince was nor aware thai the appropriation of the oifgf aibipwvcp w j ey poiited out in ihe constitutional act woufd hare the effect much depricated by ihe hoo- and member this province was so essentially different from the old country then he did not approve of what they called lory ism and his gicat objection to it was that it lends to sup port ac union of church and state hear hear- but when a gift was made for the sup port of relisious teachers for the purpose of keeping up an equilibrium between our own and the catholic church which potsese more wealth ht could see no danger to be ap prehended from it if he could discover a pro bability if its leadinj loan undue coalition as hon members seemed tn dread he would at once vote against it hear hear tin hon and learned doctor stated that thmtnio- ity bad never been attached to a state wiih out being corrupted by it when he heard suh a sentiment ml from thai hon and learned gentleman he really doubled ibat he was listening to the unguageof acounirymin of his own vphai would that hon and learned penlleman affirm that since ihe connexion of church and state in engltnd there has not existed many very many pious and learned roeo who bad jaid down their lives in the cause of religion bishop burnett the almost divine heber the admirable tilloiun and many others he could name were illustrious examples an allusion had ben made by the hoft ond learned rntleman to the siaie o ireland no one was more ready to admit thai the scene which disgraced thai eoamry horrible io the extreme nothinr was mure abhorrent to the feelings of the roman c-tth- rairu than ihe payment or lyihe bui buw did that apply lo ihe present question wis not ihe present rcservanon ofclergv irtqds in tended to do away with the ibonnname system of vvthes unquestionably it was he would now put it lo the cviffirttiitee whether the position uf the hen and tatfned gentleman was not altogether wron and ihe ihm would le found a very piuuersle provision indeed fur the pfotgstaui chuwh of this roon try when it ettfiifri lo be esiiudlsbed as be hoped it would he ere long in its pristine bri and slender as the provision wag he hoped i would be secured io ibem he cooudered inmstlf very unfotlubhk liiol he did not hap pen it bv present at the conitiienrcuient of the hon and letroed dwcior addtess yesterday hot thou2h he hid not the opportunity of heat- hi exordium he had heard sufficient to ena ble hlfll to say that a more elotuertt nd gen tlemanly address has seldom br heard wnh- in the walls of ihat house bui while he ac corded lo the hon gentleman ihe credit oft possessing aspiring talents ami a silvery tonsue he lamented from the bottom of his heart that he did noi display thai at u ly lor ihe rli2ion of his forefa liters which was io he looked fur from a gentleman of his knowledge and discernment if a man were destitute ol a irue nod ep regard for religion his tone may be melodious and his address eloquen ad eatiiandum nay he may talk willi voice of ansel yei is he ihiibing more souoding brss a tinkling cymhul he honeil and believed thai the house would not be lej away by the eloquence of ihe boo and learned dr engaged as a was tn a bad cause he fedeved the committee would concur in re jecting the preamble if the bill were carried il would be signing ibedeaih warrant of the protestant clergy he trusted ihat every bon member of ihat house would stand op in defence of liie church and nui allow her io be despoiled of her rights the moment had ar rived when she must either stand or fall ami heconfilently hoped that by iheir vote tha diy ibey would enable after aes to uuk back upon the page ol history and say that it was the thirteenth parliament which supported and secured 0 them ihe protestant religion mr jlcjviifr said he rose with considerable eraharrassiient io speak upon ibis gretfl ques tion arising front imtbdiiy io jo justice u ii rut be thought ii was due to the i uiistituencv which placed him ill that seal ihat lie should make known bis enitiieiiua well upon this subject as upon all others on which he woolj be called upon 10 voir aa 0r i he was chi ccrnedj he whs undrx u pledge or prottnsc earned j if others were so of course they would voir accordingly he thought they ought not 10 consider wheilier such and such a mea sure were popular or otherwise they should extrcie the judgment and discretion which providence had bestowed upon ihem and nis- rharae their duty conscienrioubly and fear lessly to ihe bill before the committee be oever would cive his assent he neve would agrre ihat the ministers of religion should he deprived of their subsidence und compelled toiravel from houe io house he was decid edly in favor of keeping the lteseri s tor reli gious purposes bui he did not wish io confine them to one particular denomination of chris lians he was in favor uf allowing even hand ed justice to be done io all he sincerely ed ihc bill would no pass jvc cook bun mciulkrs nigbt talk about robbing the cnurch but wimi dd our saviour say when he was lettlpivd by ihc devil did be fall down and worehili him in order io ob tain ptissessioo of the kingdom of ihe earth which the tempter offered ivm no get the- cburrsi and ihey had lallen inio practices not 0 ly frlbhorreni io ihe feelings of religion but ofbumlsn nature itself and if the hon and learned centlentan had gone a little farther in his research he would have discovered ihat from flhe period of constaolines conversion and of his taking reliffion under his speial proteeton from thai moment ii flourished and exinrfed iilf widely and ii was also owing io i rifcumstance that religion was enabletl io emetoe from ihe obscurity in which it whs previous enveloped to show that lie the solicitor general was not mistakeo in ihe inane he would read a few pasases from ihe w from which the hon nod learned docicar hnf quoted they would find that af- let the ecclesiastical order had undergone cer tain ehanes il is staled here ihe so- liriioir general read front n work he held they knew ii was a matter of history whether true r otherwise thai cutistantine declared lie t ij a tf heavens in the form tf a intimaiing ihat if he desired io rcmqtmh he must advance against his ene mies idr thai siiin there was no doubt thai in his army at that litne there were creat numbers who were favorable io cbrisiianiiy and iii bent to hi cause he declared him self a convert to ihe christian religion the sol general here quoted several authorities sliowl- beneficial consequences of the con- nectitj m r ghurch and stele under con- sianll this was a mailer of history which was familiar to every one that at the time consmtirine look the christian religion under bis pfpteclton it was in such n state ihat its influence would doubtless hav been chcrked for ceolories hear hear when they talked of ih connection r chuch and state il wns in ihff 9sf9pf clrjsiatmy and induing so they aluim fin- ihfil u tirjs to those individ uals who were described a ptmpcred priests were ihev indebted for all the information they pom ii upon scripluw liitiorv he would iisk the hon member io say whcilurthey were not indebted for ihc tcformaiion itself to the circumstance tf religion in ing connicied with ihe stale duiiog ihc period he bad referred io the kings of the earth were not t lie head ol hie church ihey were never admitted io he so it was ihe komnti pontiff who was ai ihe head of the church so thai in point of fact it must headmiited lhai ihe church received ihe state under iis protection instead of being receivtcl by ii it was of very utile moment io enquire whrtl were ihe motives which led henry ihe kifjlnh to throw tfflhe nwer of ihe romish church if lhai power bail not bren tyranni cal v excreistd as a matter of course the king would not have interfered whai was the course pursued hy ihe king he declared to 1 the then sovereign pontiff i will adhere to ihe religion of christ bui i will not suffer you to dtcintc to me the course 1 shall porsue henry the eighth was ihe instrument in the hands of ihe almighty and it was h maner of ill consequence in inquire what wen ills ifliuiedi ate rnotiv- s for throwing c ff the vokt whether he did so mi account of ins religious feelings nr from motive if person il ttsgrniuu ment or fnm ihc worst of evil pdsious he declared himself head of ihe cliurch within ihe king dom and in all ihe dependencies which should i hereafter belong io ktibiod but it was un- th r kdwurd rhe sixth llisi the proiesiani reli- behind ttte saian wns hi rrply i disiuse horn gmn was acknowledged io he the established yotl and your gifis and o uugbt the ministers religion and from thai priud to ihe present cor r op lgt seveti ihat an oath should be n cilbd to give tesnmouy because takiogan onth intlies slit thepersoo helieves in n supreme b and a future siate of rewards and puoishme lht discussion acioally took place at jwhesier no such thing would he tolerated where religion was recognized in england j was veell known ihat at tempts to bhspbeift had been punished tuba con chronicle wednesday decftmber 28 1836 to the editor ftse chronicle nnd ga lufebec 33tl decrmber i8s6 c take ttc liberie of srultng you ihe annexed copy f ihe stock of lumber on os por for publkation if you ibfnh it will be acceptable to your subscnbtrs we ar sir ketfperl yourubt serris wood gray we have nothing laterfrom england it appears ihere are m thnn eight eu ropean packets now doj at the port ol new york our new york dales ore io the glsi inst inclusive the luiest dinesfrotn washington give ruber an unfacorahe account or ihe pre sidents health important frcm awgoffwe learn from a private source ffa motion was re cently made in ihe howe of representatives to repeal ihe duiv on bread smfiv coal sal and iron and that ii w verv probable thai the duties on these arlides would be taken off during the present sessitn of congress sjttta tffiina- generll housian the presi dent of texas has not eoly liberaied his priso ner santa anna but despatched him on an embassy to washington we arc bo py to learn jai ihe cusnal and tcrri- tral revenue is o he frflwith sumodeicd fa ib prvioce on ihe c nliti- nff t permanftii and suita ble civdlist being granted sy he ligihaiuro io hit mv grtntfor the imprurernnt oj roath mirf britffs the rcfoution nf the howe of assembly granting 500000 for th puipose perhaps one nf the most itttcrcfitng metfiircs that his engaged the at- irnionnf the present besfbw a goad macadnm- hd rad from one end of the province h the mher whmu eoatribme in a ini if enhance the vnlns of ppoperff and to rw the chanctei f the counrry erfienl it may he asked hrw htrje an amount of mo- nry is oi he raiaed wodltwofi ihat evni pan nf the present statute labor twnmo erf together with a poition of the rasird und rniioial revenue would e amply nfticicnt for iht porgofie anl the inuo dud ton of a judirhms ktcnut levying tolle upon the proposed eii iborouyifare wond nnt only sc core iho interest of mwumejr upmded hut much ntnre rendering the tttv iiueni findly n source of profit t the province tie yoncefttrcei road ha pencil ihe eyes of n any md we hope vet 1m ace be day wbenvll prejudice esino th levying nf ouappear counlry tolls 10 ihc hielmitf w ii i tally are ahslniilv oeccary tea nen on the mthj ct of ltail nkine w ihipj ihc fob inui t atiielc fn ma iccrimootntot the einiprat and i reltmie is o phicd in the i iiruni- snncc thrren met iiomhiveo uacads0i may mmn pi out of fassio fiiaeorenin in itnt notbiti a irl wh i- whether his reasoning w nut full of so phiiry and intended 10 blind the e of ihe commiuee as long ss ihew r evisi there could be no lythes hut if iliev wt re i rtcea away from the church tythes rtttl b iidlr t ed and he cated not how sln hear har let us be laxei an hundred fold rwher rhin let our ministers of religion dep nd upon the voluntary conirthuiions of the puhhi l i them not be plitred in such a pitort ifi crjneived thai the remarks of the ttti v d le incd doctor wa altogether bes je no qir itttu when he recollecied th ai the quesiiut be fore ihe comrniitee wti intk vjeiiir the reserves should be sold ii wmid be ujli dent for him io endeavour to show umi ih ilertfv and not edtkolton oughi io 1e rcirde in dis posing of these rervs unin would le ihe pledsc of the sincerity of hon members in the disposition of these lands the object of ihe bill before them was to strip the lutoisters of the church of kngland of their support to de prive ihem of that which the beneficent inten tions of their uie revered monarch george ihe knunh secorrd them it was contended that educaiion required the assistance of public en dowments rather than religion he would ask what was education unless founded upon reli gion he mr prince cared nnt what a mans education might be he cared not if he were ten times more learned and eloquent than the hon and learned doctor himself uole that learning were founded upon prop r religi ous principles ii would go for nothing bear hear he might be able to astonish and amuse he might strike us with wonder and wiih awe but destitute of religion and iis pow erful influence it would be of little worth lei us then place our children under the tuition uf those who will imbue them with a vurrect and proper sense of religion or let them be unedu cated altogether let them rather beseifs of the soil than be learned by irreligion hear k he mr p had hodoubt hon mem- ber were sincere in staling thai thev desired jo see the question at rest but was this bill cal culated to effect the permanent settlemenr of lhistnuch vexed and agitated question was noi this bill word for word the same as that which passed the late house and was rejected by the legislative council wa that linn boly differently organized this year if not was it at all probable ihat the hon and learned gtoitcmimi who compote that assembly had changed their minds ipibey were io pass the loll what would be the fair presumption of coune ihat it would auiie back to them and remain for another year unsettled he was a war that he wajiper n h of religion io ireat those who would thein in like manner- and as fur the scheme of division ho would like 10 know how ihey were k0w to bring ihe for churches into union with eaeh other ha not the rroiea- lant church declared thai the church of rome it amichrfstf ihat she i the scarlet whore ol bibvlon heir hear hues ihe church of rome acknowledge rhe king lo be ihe head of ihe church near hear iltaes he uhutth of en land uknuulede tin- power of rhe pope hear hear hear- dv tint the man cxthohc b heve in intiimihanuuiiitiuuii aid iloe ihe episeopliao hear lo tin methuiliss believe nt it hw ibrfl were ihey 10 be farmed into one btrly eon iposetl tf material so ennrelv dls4iniilne a il if ihev gure he deserves if the lour ciiurehe would they not be doing mjurv toothers equilly de- j mrvmci iviiold ihev not he brieid atmmj them ye n be easily qoeiielad in they would still more the minds of the people and crcaie suli an excitement as would not he easily iivd- he was determined 10 vote for ihe b ii because he believed lhai if thev a turd d t iri per nsishnce to the children of ihe pour u receive rduestion they would le repured til a more ad mm tgenoa stinaiutu tlnn 11 their nrnisiir were kepi in airljetice aul ihem- ives uaraliii af4l jllr jutfsmthatt tyntibl nbs rve wiih rfer- eocv to the epenth of ite bon laemwr ihm notlitog ul aeulnnn animosities ouhl 10 he introduced imo the discussion of thi quemioi neither ss rcgrds r he dogmas uf their religion northe principles by which thev are governed but on it own menis only ought ihe question of ihe clergy ueerves 10 lie fjeb ned mr soliat r urrl snl he was sure f there was a subject which required more ihan anoiher the careful deliberation uf 1 tie legis lature legislature constituted for ihe purjmise of discussing subjects of humm happine n eras the one before them and it became them to meet it wiih all possible decorum and iu tlivest iheir minds ol all rancorous feeling he had so frequently a idressed the houe of assembly and ihe country at large upon this lopie iht if some of ihe arguments which he was about 10 make use of were somewhai irlle he must only crave ihe in ihat hoo house in liiening to ihib reieiiiion it was very important ihat in considering this question ihry should determine to act with moderation nod cuinties indeetl it was ihc onlv means by which thev could liojie 10 come to a satisfactory conclusion the hon and learned doctor from norfolk in address ing he house had given litem lhai display of ehquence and erudition which was expected from him and which was so neressary io or der to givea shadow of propriety 10 the side headvncaied but he altogether failed to ad duce any new argument in addition to what had been already advanced tn favor uf divert ing the lands which have be 11 ei apan foe the support of religion to oihrr purposes he she solicitor geuenl had not cenaioly been isnppoinred in ihe speech of his hon ami learned friend as far as bis powers of language and his howcr of oratory were concerned bui he waa he would coafes most grievously disappointed so rir as his reasoning and argu ments were concerned the lion and learned gcmleman had attempted to pruve if he right ly understood the tenor of his argumetiia thai v eatablishmcots when in connexion ihe rnglisb dominion have reinaimd under thai religion hid ibis nm iftfceo placi would hwx hfeokulrf eoordrvmoi ok irxwtwqi ait this date it wouhl have wen in that siate which wnthotjsd bigoted and sanguinary ma rt iu bn ll the sinke those holy and pious men wh mrrftnd all they bad tn earth ami anughl i rceompitc and rrwitrd in heaven i his wfriil 1 have been ai ibis day the condition y- mei hrisman religion had ii noi been for ihe cdiin- xun nf chor h antl stnte as esialdihed hv be alanine of the first klizibeh the world oij more in the connexion of church rr emahhthiig ihe puriiv of the clirilmn r hgion than to any oior cnuvp mild ihe loin and lea rued urntor affirm ittlt there wotllil he anv noprovimeni in iho erudition of the world if the minister f 011- 011 were j h 10 voluntary enntribuion f rhe throwing a fire- acquiretnem of lhai irning which vvmib u lone which would them for the discharge f iikk high a uly ey would divide j duties ii wan neeewary for eeelesiasins tu drink dieplv frooi the fount of religithiiiisirilc- j lion wlorh ii was impisime romippte every j man con 1 ilevitie hiuise 10 ihe an itnateni itu j and would hul hiclasc friend admit ihat the 1 exp 1 tis mm 1 1 the mi no and raittig 11 abtive ihe lev i uf liiw ami eroeclltog thoughts was ingh- raw be- i pl n ad oppnaata ihe fur rmid ntakng which en i induced on ihe i 1301 creienip wbcie ll nf i alre with patf ci entl d hioiininnua a lime ned mhei ill rr 1 ihe nature ol ihe tinffic nrttinabi which nw fenin intn a hnntngent it ma hv heat in pnh1e ftrtttces employed on 1 in rorf oul rhen in 1115 na t o iti elm eh of a nw tumcrnl was nunt twelve monih- yaoxhiitl wvhl and liiiii baa snetained ciery vaii success the eomncsilio v ami farmed of it tunic lain protnilinn atipo il 1 19 01 1 13 z qi 2 k 2 x v an ro n lrp fluid hlit he mix rc 1 pmrrd of front three reihf ieehe nn1 ivbeii rjrv preaitaa enoipact s d ttnrabls mxj sfrwajlj f olfri ad ntolt tismawmr u com mittee of ihc houe n common nn ti aut tionpike tawts which n ai n ih- itcpors clerk cf tic sevrl disiricis on which 11 ha employed vm hiifmv iamsfactiry rihe heen 0 the nifiln of the 4th insiant llie sttte tf adam huhbs ksq of hallowill wa rei on fire j is sujipescd hi an ircediarv and we are happy loobflive bv ihe lasi odi oazeite ihat his excellency ihe lieut govern or has offered a reward t f ioo to any person giving such information as may lead to the apprehension of the person or persons concern ed in the said oovnce ister of ihe church of hv snivel ly neeissaey in n mill rbrist avhy were txk published w were lnrnef discussions sent forth by learned men it wis those wu had acquired learning might impart it 10 other how was il that tic was able to roifute the argument of ihe hon ind learned doctor as he hoped he had been hear hear nee a use able and lenrtied men had written for ins learning did he stjicnor genenl prsses the stlverv khics hie chisica anoinmeols nd ihe ability of his hon and learned friend he might dwell up on ibis fuhject hot he would merely ask him how is it iii establishments which he denom inates coalition of church and state were inju rious i religion was learning an injury to religion was it not of greater importance to osscss learning in matters of religion than any other whatever the church possessing ample tme mis of subsistence afturds an opportu nity n men 10 mm their aiteniion enclusively 10 me acquirement of ihat knowledge so esen- lui io the holy office of priesthood go to hhreuce of ihuse who have lalioretl for ihe benefit of the souls twt others and ask ihem whether they would desire to see the consttuiinn bv which they hind acquired iheir insirotion 10 be over throw it was heyoud the extern uf the cre dulity ht the human mind to suppose ilru ihey would for an inst nce consent iu any such sa- crilega- hear hear he would make no re- fleciium upon those who would throw a nation into ctnnfustnn on the subject of religion hot he woiuld ask his hon friend if he believed thai ilhe almighty would look down with sa- liffaciuon upon such proceedings what did they swe practised in ibe united states there were mo established churches hear he would say i ham was no religion at all hear bear hut dull ihey not see the verv sahhath disgrac ed by 11 be holding of meetings in the public hall hw avowed infidel where ihe truths of christianity are openly despised he had heard ill isked though he had listened more in pity ilium in anger what harm will such dis- cussioms do ihey will only lend loelicil iruih and elhrisianiiy most necessarily triumph he soil general heartily wished he could be lieve tthem if it ivere lound 10 have only this on our firt pige will be found ihe ecport of the select committee of the house rf as semble 10 which was referred ihat ptrt ithis exrelleney speechi at ihc opening of tie ses sion which telaies to the court ofoytr and tt noincr c it will he observed lint the committee has rrported that ihe time bits now arrived in which provision should be mule for holding the courts of assizennd nisi prius and oyer and terminer twice in each year in many if not in all ihe districts a wood oireuii hasten long and loudly callcdforiu the rrovinte the coram litre sl0 recommend the etal- lislnng of u court of common pleas within ihe province destructive fire at washington on the 15ih instant about 3 oclock in the morning a ire broke out in the public buildings at washington and totally destroyed the general post oflice the city posi office and the pa- icut office an inquiry was immediately in stituted in both mi of conr 35 as to the causes and origin of the catastrophe and com mittees appointed lo invettaie the matter it now appears thai it was occasioned by de positing ibe ashes of ihe various fires in the huilding in the ct liar and which being 3 per quisite of some of the minoi officials these ashes were allowed 10 accumulate in the cel lar till called for by purchasers v h thu national inti ii eence the books ol ihe general p051 office were all or nearly all saved exeriious having been made for iheir safety from nearly the first mo- men 1 of the 1 inn hut a mass of paper la 1 and tens a rent ntenhcr n iiihc nf aacinly we arc happy t learn that h- company bill puiuhcd by us 1 1 ihe chrriiclc iia pimd the i and ft on wethday inftt ai nt lip n ihe eemv hilivp courteil for the coniufenee of that mooon- ble hfnsi nml there ia no doubt etot rlained of il becoming a liv we arcfiitlhcr happy in announce that lite re ceiver general mr dunn is already ntitbnrtaej puheritie half a mitlton of the cap hil slock ol company fis- tlteoi men 1101 ji hsrd the facilities ol tin atpl we of the our esteem ve ate inform 1 wi lt would taeae rmphshed if they hud pus lion experience md nioeicd iireseni d m vour ivovikc like out- no rmiude 1 ul i ib die trina to think ion this orei work loonenfuur own eiiiens i j ij vi tied and k on liie borlcr uf owe iherh a beftvy ibbl nf sew- virler i feel proud a ehiehy oivmi mean ihe lne ies iaq whoe gigantic mind plan- ucccastumv undertook to accomplish wnh private mem whnl newyorks mosi ceebratd sidesmen shrank from as hnut itlljvwikr will iiiihx mijift lir ptml state ol new vork at their roiutnsnd taking it fur granted rhni your provincial government will not only make the wellind tatial us owu hut complete it gradu illv on a eorrespt ndmg wiih ihe improvement now in progress on the st lawrcnec i wouh afzaio suggest ihm the toks be in detf wood the frost the jpeottn we have had very sharp rsi twodays and the bay and kiver i in front of iho town is now frozen over j some loot passengers crossed to long inland t this morning and in a few davs we may ex pect an uitiiiierruped communication with ihe american shore a imle more snow woold reader the sleighing excellent we have much pleasure in publishing the following extract from a letter received by us a fw days since from a highly respectable and intelligent gentleman residing io the state of new york the circolar showing ihe com parative merits of the buffalo route and thai of oswego via ihe welland canal to which he refers will be found on ihe first page of tins days pajier oswego 18th dec i33g james macfarlane e q kingston my dcaft sir on nty return last eveniog from utiea i lound your agreeable tavors of the gth and 12th inst with ihe chronicle con taining rhe kcfiuri ol the seleci committee ul tour house of parliament on ihe affairs of the welland canal also the chronicle of the hih inst wiih ihe bill for establishing a loan a mascot papers aml trusl ca within your province belonging 10 ihe office were desiruycil not you say thai the report of ihe welland ca- any ibinir was saved from ihe pateni office or nal committee is a spirited document and ex- ihe ciiv pint office the volume of the smoke press your desire 10 have my opinion of il and preventing any body from penetrating the lai- uch suggestions as may occur to me on the ter so as to save anv ihing subject tae city post qffuxt have m nrlioned as 0 he spiriiednrss of the report i per- in the preceding article the destruction nf all fpcl agree with you it is such as i should the contents of ihe coy pus- office ah the pt from ihe energetic character and ihe mails of ihe night and mornios including let- rn ol the chairman ihe only ooe of rer received bv other mails for distribuimin by lhe commniee wiih whom i have oy ac- those niain excepi the warrenton v j and qoainiancc but i could have desired ihat they port tobacco md mails had been srm off e ended stall greater liherality 10 the pri- hefore the fire occurred all the mails eeeiv- todeca and other tnrif 200 feel in to co est weighinj wnh he exception nf iho ahutnenls whil out hi lobetif stone to sustain ibewuod work i would employ 011 each ide as many cas irou oprtghu nr rips let into ibe bntttiffl nils ns may be rcquisiie to sustain ihe pressure iht limber under water would last for ever anil that nreeessarily exptised and therefore iiablt y niigh at any time be easily removed kts put in their place 3 lock rl cugih would probably require ii u so css iron rips s or 10 of a side eacl hour r ioq i shoold suppose tha by reviving ihe marmora works such caaiins could be furnished at 50 per ton this wuuh make the cost of the iron for each lock not ex ceed siooo and i calculate that a saving c more than 910100 would thereby be efltelrl on each lock nd rhe repairs at ihc expintim of six or seven vears would he hot initios when compared wnh the amount of imere aved it would besides produce the addition remfii of bringing ihose rich iron mines aai into successful operation and thereby open ao other source of wealth for your province with regard to ihe proposed loan and trus company as reported 10 the house it can hav no other ihan the must beneficial effects an- ctnnoi fail nf greatly couiribuiing to the prog pertly of our province and willi ihe exampl of ibis siate hefot e vou ought 10 obtain id sanction of your parliament banking inn unions are ant ought to he generally restrict ed 10 loans at short date to aid ihecommercii entcrprize of country the farmer can the fore derive little benefit from ihem over as above what it gives him indirectly through active commerce brought into existence b their loans to ihe merchant which eawt him to purchase the farmers produce andsj ry it ro the best market but it requires lotsm ed ihe preceding evening and in the night for delivery ai this place were destroyed delud ing of course all the leiters for members of congress different officers of the government and ediiors the transmission of mails from this place will nor we understand be for a moment interrupted by this catastrophe to carretpmut7itjl wru cisber to kingston will be attended to the leiters uf ihe honorable peter mgill and anthony manahan esq are unavoidably effect utow was ii that such multitudes aonti- poitpontd till saturday vaie stockholders by recommending m that on ihe transfer of iheir stock to the government debentures for the full amount it cost them with the interest added thereto should be issued 10 them bearing immediate interest of six or seven per cent per annum for whatever mismanagement may be justly laid to their charge eiwhed we consider ihe limited in formation which existed at the time when ihese high spirited and enterprising men un- denook thai for private men siupendous work and then refieci what ihey have actual ly performed and accomplished at a sum noi greatly exceeding ii40000o we arc involun tarily struck with admiration sod cannot re- n longdate ro enable ihe farmer to clear b land and stock it properly what baits the slates so prosperous hut the credit syt i know a nqily in one of our oldest tth counties who inherited a very large farm b partially cleared and cultivated the firm worked bard and was economical but bn adverse to jomg j debt he was bare to raise sufficient to bring up his ouiorro amtly and give them a decent education h ns sons grew up to manhood they pen him to raise a sufficient sum of money 000 and mortgage on his farm to enable ibm clear more land stock it 8te the taw quence was that io a few years he only enabled to pay off his debt but to i each of his sons a good farm and is nually laying up money which he leadilf neighbors at a moderate interest at the time the erie canal was co there was perhaps not a farmer 1 whole lioe out ofdibt now there sands who art not only free of dvbt

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