to mhicrs nphe subscriber begs leave 10 inform mil- i lers aol ilm tiadu bvdcmlif ihol having nurcbasd ilie bmek in tmileof mr lewis bosiwick burr mill stone mnniiliuiuwr dc will continue tlie bdsiiwm oi making french butlu mill stonks of ihefirsiqualitv iwvtog on ban j fmir piirs of sione finished and a large taotburr blocks which be will ill it e up to order on ilie shorlesl noiice all orders for ilie above iu be amlr- ed 10 a clark at tlie kingston foundry whom lie has made his agent fur his stone building business geo mccrabby kingston august 16th 1836 14a the coboutg star ill plensevpv thtdvortl ment one month and tend their account to the office of tin paper glorious commencement for i s3 i s3 sv lvestbr offers 10 li correspondent n lianiinc superfine cloths thk subscriber is just receiving iwi- lioq to his spring nod summer importa tions an extensive assortment of winter goods amonr which wilt he found bliek ouc nnd olive green i soper6ne cloths of the vorv best west of enrjlund fghrirft olok and mixtures cassimeres petershams pilotclotiis flushings and other suitable goods r winter wear all which will wdiftpowu of on re- sonnble terms for cash or approved endorsed notes at nrnety days john oliphant merchant tailor wanted immediately three or four journeymen kingston october fisib ib30 s7z an excellent farm toy sale bring lot no 16 second concession military tiact tviiliin two miles of the viluge of hallowell county of prince ed ward on the road lo west lake containing about 210 acres one hundred nrres cleared and in good fence a eood orchard in full hear- n a good barn and a two story dwelling house lately built 40 feet by thirty besides a large cellar it is well watered bv a good spring creek sufficient for sawing card in or fulling he- aldm other springs- a dear deedcn be gif- ett the subscriber on the premises wtu show the property and treat with a purchaser samuel bakbk hallowell 7th of llih month 1836- 38nwi new testament for schools at the corner ff king and brock asfrref just published and now for sate a hand some edition of this book also ad elegant edition of murrays eng lish reader new publications at tub chronicle fr gazette office for sale carefs library in weekly numbers at 25s 9 paid in advance the family magazine io monthly num bers at 7d each both very entertaining and interesting works also a seqmoit preached hy the rev hen ry esson for the st andrews society at montreal oo st andrews day 1835 with notations c price 2s kingston october 5 1836 churcit of england psalms fy hymjvs ith and without music sold at the cliruoico atgazciie office kingston may 17 1636 g childrens friend society kingston committee at a meeting in kingston on monday the 20th instant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects of this insti tution called at the request of capt orrok agent to the society in canada for tlie pur- hose of establishing a branch committee at kingston for the reception and distribution of children io the midland district the fol lowing geoilemeo were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power to add to their number viz vexerible aackoeacojr stoart l l d rev i d citftwjught a m honorable john kibby honoiiaslk johtf macaolav thomas mm f and esu j p jii ikwaw fc ip william logic esr j p james ma tarahe esq j p john marks esq j p thomas scobcll esq d a c the latter gentleman bein also corresponding secretory of the said tee the committee give ootice that they are ready to receive applications for children through the secretary who is prepared to give every information on the subject no com munication will be attended to unless the postage be paid kingston june s2d 1836 childrens friend society the subscriber begs leave to acquaint the public ttiat he has been disappointed in receiving the number of children which he expected only 15 bavin been sent out but the remainder vt2 85 boys and girls will arrive in the course of the present season and 4he applications hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok secretary for the canada bank or british northamerica established is london- j capitalone million sterling provisional committee cojfddctlffff thg afpairs of the quebec urarcif james deait ksqotre t joeic malcolm frtasitii esqcire- pierre pbltier esaotke george prmberton esqujre f wlllram phillin esquike ehe shares reserved for this district hav- hog been allotted and the deposit of 10 iageach paid upon them the necessary arrangements are now in prosrefs for the com- ement of business in quebec as early as ible i ccmunnnicattbns on the business of this ocli are requested to be made io the pro- aiommtuee by letter addressed io ihe jsi william deleary notary pub- lkflb5t peicr street y aoilbrt carter gommtmwberfrom the court of directors lebec 18th auiat it6 172 g ippointed commit- notice bright ingersoll have beer ibrsate at mr florence dtnogttut ta- kinrtqji in barrels and tmaller qutinti- 1 suit purchasers 57z j jtud jaooary is36 friends and kfcw v la its prnt in iliomlvwinji brilliant list ol scheme io lo jtawn u the limhitli ol jantwry 1j7 ru jwi numhtt of l rgk cap itals a u rawly oflvrid m one month and they im all whi detiervjo of uneuron s prizes of ssooro dollars each 4 lt 00 10 2 25000 all to he drawn in the momh tf jnn- uary let there be no delay iu addrexidg your orders iu s j sylvester 130 brojdwuy newyork list of letters kemaining in the post office at bath 5lll december i83 avlswonh bods iuliicain richard van assiutlne win antiiittfpt francis avlrswortii buwvfl j huunk mrs blaficliard ephralffl uoiijjinin khjih l buuhion t orsoo lffitjiiimn ebenezer hrjinard alonoo k i thomas william i grand consolidated lottkry- ixtra clas number i for ls7 tube drawn at wilmington del wednesday jan 41837 scheme 20000 5000 3000 q2 000 1230 loofsl000 t0of500 20 of 9300 20 of 500 c tick is onh h poffari a certificate of a pftckeof8d whole tirh- ets v 1 1 1 be sent for g5 dollars packages ol shares in proportion virginia state lottery for the benefit ol the mooonsalia academy class number i for 1s37 to he drawn at alexandria va saturday january 7 137 capitals 25000 7000 i 4000 2500 s42g0 1486 95 prizes of 1000 dolla r tiekttsouty 10 dolnrs a certificate ofa pctclcaeof 22tickets will lir mill lor 100 dollars h lives quarters and eighths in proportion xt co look at this 100 prizes of 1000 dolls virginia state lottery clnss no 1 for the benefii of the mechanical benevolent society of norfolk to de drawn at alexandria w saturday jan 14 1847 rich and splendid scheme 830000 s00t 4000 80 0 dollar 2- 500 dullars 1 00 of 1000 dollars loof 500 dollar tiefctt tat dotton certificate if pekjgc f qs tirkvla will be sent for 130 dollars hjues quarters and eighths in proportion e7 grand scheme 0 thirty thousand dollars 50 frizes uf 1000 dollars virginia state lottery clas 1 to hi drawn t alexandria va saturday jnuhry 21 1837 capitals s30000 10000 f000 81401 83000 2500 2000 50 of l 000 20 of 500 tickets ten dollars a certificate of a paefcage of 25 whole tick ets will be sent for iso dollars packages of halves quarters and eighth in proponion nearly as many prizes as ulanks 14 drawn ilaltttt in inch 25 tickets capital th hit y thousand dollars yirgina state lottery class no 1 for thebenctilof the petersburg be nevolent mechanic association to he drawn at alexandria va saturday jan s3 1837 capitals 30000 15000 fi000 i 5000 dollar 4000 dollars 3000 2000 10 prize of 1 000 dollar 15 prizes of ww dollars t 21 prizes of 500 dollar 20 of 400 30of3005lof2q0 ac kc tickets 10 shares in proportion a certificate of a package offis whole tick ets will cost voly iso dollars hllfm and quarters in proportion s j sylvester 130 broadway n y cooper close joha clark matthew comer jaob comer hrnry cottier lrwis ciunir h william confer william dick ge m durty samuel down w jolm fountain mr kralick jvhn c eraser daniel j krallckj ricaftali eraliuk benjamin frahck jlrtin enlick john p- flinn richard kralick l j- g rial wold jouinu gunnon william grady john gordineer h- rtl cilehiis duncan gilchrist peirr hoffie lflhistian haih alilo henry hi nry irvin will jjrcb killer zicnricth luke john lowrey wm link john lot kaehael mrs lake daniel p madden james imccinnell john milligan daiw 2 macintosh angus miller henry moynaugh john madden johu miller peter madden wc macjuff thomas nelson samuel vtmtlis mr rochar edmnnd 2 roderick george siorms john shory miles jr sortns hhelrttfs 3 shibley divij smith george jr 9ih william shinty patnrk tammonds william taylor john vroman samuel voshury anna williams richard 3 ward alirgarci ltttersfor jtmhtrst we uary samuel brown james hitchins kiehard henderson john huiion archibald juhaston joho list of letters remaining in the p office at king ston 00 5tli deceflbvr i3jy rautl with british postage asselsiincll larniviny mary asseliitne michael liddltv joaepli atkinson mrs ljiiiiimuis joseph armslrooi mrs j ilinh sanh autlev osum lllutne michael allenllydenessrsmelimire cap john w johnston such of he above letiers as are no deemed wflbin six weeks will be sent to dead lettf office quebec w j mrkay p h re- uie n list of letters ematning i the post ofg p on fjii december j83ti anderson thomas auasanr tijinuel oonih joy hurnham williata barile m bower etagltsolt caswell muel conoly pi casmey jimuel garland jhn e clerk jrij chamherliin cliirl conger peter b cimphrll archibald davie alia llemumt james drtbir lsaora draper chirk embury georgo eaoo nimucl s einpey flelchrr etnpey john seor fnrshce j j fnrshea alex h forheo john frcttz lohn fool did grooms zepheoiah godlone h oanihitfvi michael hays j aes liulay john johasloai jmes kiiiimerjy henry knuey john knight doctor lucas georgo it nap- lappin jnme lalor john lewi j it xediiuald charles llecomtell jnlm 2 mecflflltar charles wiues peter godfray miller george nouihu michael oliver clmrle pruqdenn pietm jiiriieroy ijhtiici rpakin gemie ipayeira maniu qiiaebiotiush jas 2ruw0ll henry 2 riihertftti alexander lltifxhi titos vail 3 rice z smiih samuel jr shainahoru asa snider solomon sager john w spencer j i 1 sponccr jfimca s spencer henry s sponcer rufiu smith jicoh somes gil d sill william varly hiram winduver peter 4 woruer charles wall valentine wimlnver john watson john a f2 fruit trees garden seeds c reynolds bateham pruprittors of th rochester sertttore hor tuntturat garden and jyttrsery 4 h at wholesale or retail a larse and superior assonment of fruit and orna mental trees garden fjlu and flo we it seos gceenhoose and hardy cluh sc c the fruit trees are all grafted from bear iog trees of the very best kinds and the seeds are ril n llw mnn carrful nunner ur im- ported from the most respectable sources so thai we are confident that with regard to kind qualny or price ihe articles sold at this estab lishment will give general satisfaction orders from a distance will be promptly at tended 10 and packages forwarded according to order catalogues may be obtained of n pa druggist kingston reynolds bateham rochester n y nov 1836 s6z information wanted of win harrison an enalishman supposed to he in belleville u c or geneva u s any id formation of him will be thankfully received hy his brother john harrison front street kingston 6th august 1830 will confer a particular favor bycopying whheron fratftil a macpiierson p h n b- such of the nhovo mentioned let ter as nn 001 ictiied within sii weeks from this date will ho returned ru ihc general pwl office nt quebec as dead letters british bfut and shoe estab lishment btdnrd atrs saral balch mr barrett j- f beaudory john b bartram suhrao barwise esther bradley george bryan john boici caleb or abra m benoet alva bltckwood thos binlsall itichud byamrev john biickner peier campbell thus cheley m cassidy uiniei cunnell mary cadv h n caldwell john cleaior john connelly thos carhury joho counter george cowan alex creague william clancv john ciinifle mrs edwd cotillon georce clements charles clark charles deuny gregory drummoodcapt david chrlea dvts orange dullnha joseph da wney alexr dissetritos- duiioghuff path oenoncour francois derby lewis r donoghue i hos dovr john douglas huffh dovelm h y dadey william donelly mary davenfrort tiichd dnrnan ellen everine mercy kllit n e ey elizabeth edgar james eganpatk everdcn israel evan hush ertritie ghailm fleming john foster jafttee fair edward k fineffon hugh foxion luy fnuhavinp rev firrjuho b puller bailee ford peer fiizjiatrick thos graves george grander james graton joseph green wilham gage freeman grant john grimes jitmes horn john harrison elizabeth hamilton joseph hatch ivier hardy thos hudson john hudson richard htckson k s hanlev ptfik hallc horning george hewett charles hiper anne ii irvey john mccarthy thos- mcdvgal owen mcfaaia allan megann thomas mtdanold jane mclean john mcdonem angus mcdcrmoi james mcrej dr john mcdonell ronald b me donald wm mcrory w mc da v lined hugh mccarty dennis mccullough robert mcconnell james mmurray andrew mcnaughton mary mroougal alex 2 mdonell murdville mcfadec hugh mckidley alexr mclaughlan john mclough peter vlcdoiiell donald sen hcgrtlh wm masterson ann maxwell mrs mthion john scott martini william melondge mrs merrill- john million mrs millm john mosur jitinea norton widow piiizr medals rfflhe natural history society j- of mokthealomrtllkle iuize me dals lor the three lw essays that ntay be presenif oo the iblluwios fubjccts 1 on the connection between the language and tin character ol a people q on mie physical history of nvera id general and of the st lawrcncr in particular 3 on the circumsanecs which affect ch- mate in general and the climate of lower canada in particular 4 on ihe comparative adaptation of prairie and forest to the settlement of a new country 5 the changes that have taken place 10 the habits of exotic plants cultivated in ihe northern pans of america particularly as re irds the chances induced on their agnculiu a vtn william john jo inon mr editors ihe ahnv for sale about 7000 acres of land situated in various pans of upper canada cheap fur ready money only will he sold in lois to suit purchasers apply to c hatch land agent or to j- linton auctioneer kinsston august is 1886 i3z notice hphe present members of the kingston vol- u nicer fire company 16 in number on ly in justice to themselves take this opportu nity of informing the inhabitants of ihe tojto that from iheir diminished force they do not deem themselves adequate to the performance of those dunes ihat the public may expect of them it therefore behoves the inhabitant to meet and take such measures for ihe public safety as the exigency of the case mpy re quire the members will however in case of fire until some further arrangement is made to place the fire establishment on a more ef fective footing anend with thtf smafl engine and render such aid as may be in their power by order james nickalls jun captain at v f c kingston nov 2 1836 the holders of caps and belts which he- ions to the town will return them forthwith to thecaptain at the court house 37z for sale by the subscriber g bjtdfc lbs- american cotton yams vuw nos 5 6 7 8 9 10 500 lbs bainne and 200 lb candlewick 200 large and smmi looking glasses a large assonment of travelling baskets wm wilson kingston oct 19 1836 93gj nphe subscriber respeciliilly in timates 10 the ln- ahahitams of belle ville and ihe neigh bourhood that be ms opened the above establishment next door 10 dr walrons office and having laid in a stock of the best english and american leather lastings c and engaged omeof the best workmen from i lie states anil in canada he will be enabled at r all times to serve the 1ublic at extaaorditfart low pricks with any article id the above line which can not he surpassed in any city oo this side of the atlantic from the experience the subscriber has had in ihe business having been tor years boot maker to many of the first nubility of en itind and scotland he fljuers himself that those favouring him with their orders will be con vinced of the superiority of the articles- c reid belleville froaf st oct- 23 l3c ssz n b sir workmen warned for ihe above establishment and none but first rate need ap ply also two apprentices who can bring proper lesiirrjunials ol characier new works for sale at the chronicle gazette office a brief account together with ob servaiions made during a visit in the west indie and a tour through the united states of america in parts of the year is32 3 together wimi a statistical account of upper canada hy da thomas uolph the worfcs of jom dstdeh in verse and prose with a life by the rev john muford in 2 vols lord rofdan a romance by allan cun ningham sheppurd lee a novel written by himself the diary of a desenmjte the doctor japhet in tearch of a father complete rnttliit th reefer hy captain marryat midshipman easy by the same the parrfcidc a novel by the author ot tftwmfukjrfv george badconibe a novel memoirs off mrs hemans by h f chorley also an cicellentt assortment of silver pencils kingston jvov 4 836 37 just received and for sale at the corner if kinr a brock street ready reckon ers ami lemoies grammar kingston jan 16 1836 netdlitini thos nugent fredk r otiu joseph oriely ieier o loule jane odonl michael 0 john odoiteueh mary pimou juhn presiotu porter piiekinfibani james peamal jams pierce philw vrry mrs pfovantfhfr michael ivndef- alexr fillip- henry puts efvmirtft uuiglev offden it hi john ider pascal hoe samuel low esther ross l ttowe annuel soriilirut eleanor spencer srah ann small latricli stephen george oit sitnuel ilon jihn srimes richard istewar samuel jsinith cornelius sparba adoljihus pooner iteuheo nouk tunis elevens mf- stewards george siernn lewis si alichael clnrles ralboya- george ivoticr j jthwiit john tlionip lohn ivtt iih pavlur rhomi william ine wra- vrns micrva vniceni simuel w 1 11 15 wfly ward william wright urinl wdm s a rii and horticultural properties the conditions are 1st the essavs shall be presented on or before ihe 20th of february l36 2j the essay uay be io french or en glish 3d the names and residences of the auth ors must be concealed to ensure which each essay shall have a motto and shall be accom panied by a sealed note superscribed with the same motto and cuniaioiug the name and rcs- dience of the author this noie shall only he opened in the rase of ihe essay being derhired worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be des troyed 4ih the successful essays shall remain the property of the society 5h the society reserves to iielf the fisht 10 withhold the pri2c should no one of the es- snyson any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are to be addressed to j- s mcoitn eq corresponding secretary of the society andrew h armour recording hccrrttxry the editor of all public pnpr in ili bnwh paviflcea mil confer a favr on tie soei ly by piv iuffbm in lion io ih nhove or hy noricintf h tdloriftl voluoias of iheir icspeciivejtunmlti hie bank of brit is h north amerioiu stablisucd in lotfdojt capital one million sterling piiwsvf couwittef- tor conducting ut arfalr of thk montreal dflanch willtam cunningham psq austin civillier jcsl- al t furniss s robert gillespie jon esq james millah tsq the shares reserved f ihidistrict having been allotted ind the deposit of 10 sterling each pid upon them the necessary ar- ratigemcnla are now in progress for the com- mencemedt of busltten in momreal as early as possible alt commutiicationson thebustoess of this branch are requcs ed to be made to ihe provisional committee by letter addressed 10 the office of mr ktienneguv notary public autre uamt street robert carter commissioner f mm the court of directors montreal aujost 27 isg notice rpjtlie subscriber would inform the inhabit -i- ants of kingston thai he has placed al mr mivos inn a valuame feather renovator where he rtpicifully invites th genllema and lodiea who with to h ivc aod nnd dur 1- ble hels to eall aid er the ituorovinenl he 15 now makittif on feathr tow wuij he ha rconimeridntiou8 r in diffrrmii mttfrie in the unitul strtte ili from ihr lit clas in brorkville the su will he ac- couinahle fur all reds iruiel 10 his care that ihev shall be done in good manner nod not damaged jason smith kindlon br issfl scz i tllm jorditu jarites jolinsott jihn jnkm hnr lueri 1 mary irvine john luson juda kelly william kinsella mary kilpalrick john j kirk james kilpairrck thontpsnt little robert or jauie lindsay william wilson john lampkin john yotirex jnhn lmle robert htmiwa charity rated with cnittj states pottage john v00d h aliroit john vhiie rlranor vittonr mary vftcgooer mffi e atlls thomas vehb thomas tvaiia amos vpeit canada mutual insurance fire toa mmt at a mcetinc of the freeholders of the mid land district duly convened by pum c ad- vitiisement pursuant loan aci passed in i yenr of ihe reifiit of vvffl- iv entitled w art touthoriz- the establishment of mttltial in soranee companies in the sevenl district ftf this province held at the court house m he lown of kingston on monday the sill tlv of juiu instant at 12 oclock at noon ftfr ihe purpose uf considering whether it bexpeuient lomtablish in such otstrict a fire insurance company on the principle of mutual lusu- the above mentioned act ami upwards ol 10 members being preset i ai the said meeting hnry casalv eq hnving been called to the chair and mr w djwc appointed se reiary it was resolved that the freeholder pre iiini li ihi- niectiiii deem it expedient to lurni n fire insurance company upon the principle of mutual insurance within ihe midi and dis trict purutnt to the statute lately passed resolved thai h cassady wm garratl antl thomas ktrkpatrtck fsrs he a conimtt- lev to open a httok and receive subscriptions for stuck and where the freeholders then pre sent befog forty or more and the sums lor which they bound themselves to filed wso- raflce amounted togeiftertu 10000 currency and upwards and sir thereby ordamed con- stiiuied and declared by the said nc to be t bo dy corporate and politic in laet by and under ihe name and style of the muiufll firelusu ranee compiny of for thv midland district now we the undersigned ten freeholders pro- seftt at the said meeting ami bound ioiheet- insurance with the said company and betfltf nitoliers thereof do hereby ive notice thai we call ti meeting of the said company to lie held at the court hou in the lown of king ston aforesaid on monday the lsih day ol ju- i ly next at 12 oviuvk it noon for the purpose of elecnn seven directors to manage and rondnri the property altnrs and cum erts uf f the siitl compaiiv pursuant to the provisions of the said act daviu john smith john mowat wm thiiikrul john pi ant bowtn jocih bkucl is3b 9t i it k0b sale thk iintthsnthjultr ft tlebl house mil lt in kmssinti muv nccupivri by mr arthur pwier ajtplicrtiii i lw nude iu tlimiicit kirkjwiruk i iiiii4pn ur iu 1 lie until reigned i iltr ittvcr iveni adwi 11 meyers trrni 2j nwr ijjs 44i just iseceivtfid and for sale by thk subscribe it iiutltfls no i no till shore hcr- r ii o nlcs rimo cni pirfi lfl i l own coj k 10 1u1i s 10 fiftlo jo john mowat kinsion deer 3 1mb 15 berber and hu lresser rafixm sumie kinusroir is qraiefiit for the liberal patronage he h is received from the public he hopes to merit a cor of it colttors honk0 and dkrssbd 1 mmirv iss odiec nftbca nftipe hr jr cioujiai f kingiiion v c july s8 i5jg twotice- at a meeitni uf ihe doreemrs i of ihe gifamqirl briduc cumpanv held bis d iv a dtfflfruil of 3 pr ivnl vvas decli- etl on ihe capital of the brulce stock for tho hill yeir endtn mib june l wuieb 13 now payable itt the compan oibce 97 j mauivs treasurer o t wauirrt ii2itiiikscy iwo juuneynitil cabmh mikers and an active yotuifl man in appvihiee ro snnc huincs liheril wira will heiivin none but persons of cood habile nf ed pply k conk kinjtoi d c mnv ith hs hat ii casaiiv tltos lilrkrxtnick wm gakkatt jamm mkaouclt hicniiv smith jn kingston 7ih juiu wool w nntrf sii inil for eban wodl ipility in the torv ipnniiiiiioiwt slay 17 idou of a cnd fl ccc at ihv wuoiicu r i hi 1 anderson george blvthe william barklv mr hrawlev thomas col lard abraham cone charles cromby widow chanier ofrin corrathers jitmes dcune oliver dean jos p doro andrew dewiit erent davy thomas krvio samuel kfttoo leornard raton runnm a kinney patrick grant john heylnd john heflvran margaret hersev daniel hamilton james hopkins major s holland susnn mrs hawkins david lammooj isaac lindsay wilham lucas dennis mclean hervey vicblnirti clark mrnmara john mcgunotele james mclean edward micunifte charles moyers david mayerhofler a g mitchell hugh motion mr oxillaghao michael purdy mcajnh phillips norman itanson samuel hog john kussell mr smith col ahijih mith james shea james shore joseph small ii trick webb ctpi kdwards ward pbcebfl warwick mark you rex john robert deacon acting p such of the above mentioned letters as are not retired within six weeks from this jie will he returned 10 he general post of fice at quebec hs raf letters n b m for sale at the ciommercial wharf kingston foot of stotre street whiskey salt piaster of paris waterlime by the subscribers truax 8c phillips kingston 2sd may i8s- pz just iteccived 4 nd for sale at the chronicle ga- f zeite office corner of kin an brock street i urge quantity of excellent wrap ping paper un moderate terms july ii 130 4z t fashionable saddlery warehouse robrbt chanonhouse saddler and harness miinuhtciurer respectfully inrorms the ffentry n public of kingston and ms vicinity that be h commenced business opposite ihe chronicle gillette office kin olreei where he wih be constantly supplied wiih n general assortment of evrrv article comprised in theahox business and which he offers lor ale on ihtr most reasonable terms tst saddles enli5h rniateriils carriage harness silver aod brass mounted 3 nu landom ilo sleigh and wacon hirness black mounted ladies and genilcmems riding and driving whips in great varttei ooao apprentice wanted kiogstoo llth oct t856 so2 notice to kusits thk underwent ioned govennneni a 211 is will on application afford emigrants inlorioiiiion retit iv 10 te crown lnaw lor sile iti their respeciive districts and the con ditions upon which ihev may be obtained mr u j scott imigrani agent ires coit johnstown d strict jun john jmcjvaughtoiu agent to the cm- miiiioner for crown lttnds bytown blb- urst district ylr anthony mnnnhan emigrant agent kingston midlantl dttricr mr alexander mcdonell a sent tn the commissioner for crown lands pelcrhiro newcastle district mr john b ashin agent for the com missioner for crown lands london london district mr henry j jones agfeftt to the com missioner forcrowo lands chatham wes tern district they will also give information as to the routes distances and rates of conveyance to those pans of the province to which h mi grants may he desirous of proceeding and di rect those in want of work to places where ihev can obtain it the undermentioned genilemen have been furnished with mps of the townships oen for location and will glm emigiams in lor- maiiun relative to the lands for sju in their respective neighborhoods mr pringle cornwall u eraser brockville mckeozle bath baldwin belleville fairfield hallowed brown cohourff kintsmil port hope l elhor sandwich m bostwick port stanley ironside amhcrsiburgh emigrants in want of information or effi- ploynient on their arrival 01 toronto aredi- rcid to apply at the emigrant office io ihe poblic buildings a1 a b hawke chief emigrant agent for u canada emigrant office toronto may 24 i3s6 nyiloo the edir of th k chronicle montreal gazette caimui- str and the liidnn times arc requited t mert tl u nmic in thtir rw l the uni 3ut maps for sale at the chronicle ami gtizcue oflkr mps of the midland nta prlne edward dih- trieiff u c coniprebiidina a irat of conn ly of from 80 to 00 miles 10 length bene ivinu bval uviwiwt m ihe ctittilljl tf ledk v brichluo in ibe rouftiy of norliumherbod vlicwn2 it orc viw the diflridl lownlmp coueemoh wld l015 both fidvt dfltoliliwf- lint and ptettfrtsfiue bay of uiolnnd lauds not nrpft3setl in ihe province kinton september is3s 21 nottce s hehebv given that a sperbl ad journed iurier sftfiivnsof the ivice of i ihe imidlmd district will bt hdilen at 1 he court hnu- ol he town of kingston on i krnhiy the fifth diy tif jtniiary dmi at he j boor tit tei oclock in ihe forenoon for the i purpose of granting nd renewine ionkeep- i ers licences throughout ihe midlnnd u- trier for the year ensuing jamks mckails jk clerk of the peace m d kinsioo 17th december is3u 49uj tiie chronicle c gazette stfnien 8 merrill rftlntes twrtiitv shimig betm per annum if pnirl in advnrco or within lte fint two months if puid kt the end of the year twtfnlyfive shilling jjtlcc of aabcilfstatcnw six lines and tinder 2s 6d fii si inscrtiokn and 74 each stibicquenl insertion ten lines and under 3 4d tir9tinciuoitand 10d each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the pit pnettion and id per lute for every stthseuuejt tikttian adveitiscmentft without torifrenaiitrctiuiia inserted till forbid and charyeo accordmclv a liberal dhtcouht rnnde to increhiirtts nod 01 here wlwj flftvertrc for three month and upward no advertisement rccevcd after tkh oclock dq the loon on of uhhcoiit any person prktiiiijf tx tfubpciibera loibcpper and payiojt miitirify lor tiie tanie shall be entitled to o seven h copy gratis icf country produce received in payment at the inatkei price annus john difrncll e0- to sell or to kent a uii a nnioudwelliku j u pleasmly siiumcd in ilie vl- inae of nmiwnre the house comnins efarhl rooms ad 0 convenience and aceomnio- dyions buuable for a familv apply io a to of na or id kingston kingston 9ih april 1836 82z b l a great variety for sale iht lfironicle and gazette office david chisholm esq andrew portcoos k90 uilllani mcintosh esq jenrge browse ksq- alpheus j mi esq m henry jone fcq jniinfl tsylor eq h u i marsh esq j k hanudl i messrs c fit j mcdonld john denn esq allan mcpherson esq win rotke esq thnf mcmohon eq m m l l 1 oemnrevi tq t d appleby n thnmm parker eq w koberison esq m charles bicor eo joseph a uecler esq kenneth mockenzie esq dnvrd snurr esq john flnllord eri alf clench et quebec three kivero montreal lancaster smmiida pregcolt brock ville perth richmond bosmrd gnnnnoque bath nnpaneo hallowcjl amehatbargv siphiacbufyh shonnonndp0 belleville river ivoot murray- colborne coboory- tnkb