institutions of rnlaud over t lii immense continent and gr c them a durotiuu which may exceed their duration in iho old country all these tilings are now realities the country of heir tirsi trials and exertions in deed the whole of the atlantic coasi is but a small pan of the conquests of their industry and enterprizc and is declining in compara tive importance thecounlrtesuii the wuiers of the mississippi od the si luwfence will joon cnntaiu a population greater than all ihc rest of the american union and where the population is intelligent industrious nd mur al there will be power and that pover will be used for the common advantage the st lawrence and the mississippi rise pearly at the same spot several thousand mites from the ocean and carry the waters from the rocky mountains and ihe highlands extending from the gulfofst- lawrence to take win nipeg to the ocean leaving the cistern slopes of the alleghanies and the while mountain ranges but a comparatively small space en the man- the trade of the countries 00 their wa ters will be carried to and from the ocean by these great rivers- the t lawrence will liar the advantage in the trade wills the western coast of europe the mississippi who the west indies and south america it is ea sy to foresee which will eventually predomi nate mao can avail himself of natural facil ities but he cannot make them he can nei ther equal them nor destroy them although he may neglect to turn them to the best ad vantage others will when the time comes the giness of the western poriioo of the val ley of the st lawrence for agricultural pro ductions the facilities of transportation aflbrd- ed by the great lakes and the almost uoioter rupted navigation of the st lawrence itself the timber on its waters the abundant fisher ies in the gulf and on the banks of newfound land the coal and gypsum mines of nova sco tia afford the means and facilities for an im mense internal and external trade ihc whole in a climate renowned for its healthiness even ignorance jealousy or illwill cannot prevent the growing greatness of the countries 00 the waters of the st lawrencct or finally arrest its progress- in a few years the vessels of nova scotia of the banks of newfound land and the lower st lawrence will pene trate into lukes superior and michigan and the shipping from those lakes will be met with on the atlantic while railroads will let off the superabundance of the great stream of trade on the st lawrence 1010 the adjacent parts of the atlantic coast to the southward and form an additional outlet to the ocean at all seasons of the year a little eoergy and a little intelligence will hasten this result but come it must and we have proof that it will ukci with no obstacle from theooly government which has the pow er of retardiog the trade of the st lawrence we wish that government had its improve ment entirely in its own hands neilsons orthography the following very perspic uous entry appear in tf book kept at a rail road office for the remarks and observations ot passengers by evident cumin on the railway the sparks from the ingeo burnt 2 humbcrelos liability f tltguteft tfvj a lecal qnes- limi of no small importance is in train for de cision by the superior court and probably by he court uf krmrs hi question will come op 00 a case mude after a verdict of jj0o0 by consent against ym i clerk of the supreme court julin manning and philip these gentlemen purchased real esute having first obta clerk of the supreme court a certificate thdt hut two judgments existed as liens upon the same nevertheless there was another upon which execution was levied subsequent to their pur chase and they brought their action atfmnst the clerk for the damages sustained by his negligence the only defence offered was that he had used ordinary care and diligence in mflkinn the searchthat the omission 10 note the third judgment was purely acciden tal and that he therefore was not liable we should suppose ihere could be no doubt of his liability for if there is we caouot ate what i the ue of docketing at all hallvt buf u the sou of n hnflinnu- m 1831 some ned from be canadian affairs the river tvenj the debate in the provincial parliament of upper canada on tbe report ofthe committee on the subject of improving the trent and ihe report itself are of high interests to this state and particularly so to the citizens of this country if the navigation ofthe trent is improved con necting the cbaio of lakes and that river by canals with lake siaicoe and lake huron so as to admit of the running of steamboats as is proposed kingston will become the most im portant commercial place in upper canada and from tbence to the new york market communications must necessarily be bad thro oswego or the cape vincent and watenown and the watertowo and rome rait road the latter is the shortest and mostoatural route the proximity of cape viocenc to kingston but 13 miles brings tbe termination of the road as it were in the latter place and con sequently there if ill be less risk and delay than by the lake navigation to oswego a glance at tbe map will show that from new york to huron the most direct route is through this country to tbe proposed improvements in can ada and tbe 01st oee between the two places atom 600 miles less than the route usually irareued the question arises will our canadian neighbors make the proposed improvements in te navigation of the trent judging from the feeling which seems 10 prevail both to and out of parliament the favorable report of the com mittee and the data upon which that report is based the improvements will be speedily commenced the canadians are alive 10 their own iatereets and they wisely contrast their own eomlitioo with that of the people of this mail and aaa stupulaied by the comparison to bimtbiiteirmrtfsamiseiruvi kta bts nehcial results watertowo eagle a mammoth heifer mr ball a practical and enterprising agriculturist and importer of foreign breeds at hoosack palls baa now on his farm a durham heifer twenty months old weighing 1064 pounds obtained without any extra feeding more banks two more new banks are to be chartered in the new state of arkansas ooe with a capital of 1000000 apd the oth er with a capita or 2000000 all in land the governor of missouri recommends the in corporation of a state bank and thtf governor of virgioia ts calling loudly for tuore banks in ihe ancient dominion the bachelors of chester county are about forming anti-tight-iactng-ailk-stucking-pruoel- la-shoes-in- wintersociety loss of the bonnets o blue steamboat jtbe steamboat bonnets o blue capt jones ran foul of a snag in the alabama river while on her passage from montgomery 10 mobile and sunk with several hundred passengers on board all saved- breach of marriage promise nancy mc- clennao recovered 8500 of israel ayres jun at the late sussex common pleas in this state for a breach of promise of marriage the de linquent appears to hare beguiled his victim ioto an unreserved surrender of herself and after nearly iwo years intercourse and when abe whs led to preparations for a wedding de serted ber- the newton register says the girl was industrious and prudent in her hab- jts of a reputable family and respectable con nexions maple sugar but fw persons are aware of tbe eitent 10 which this native manufac ture is carried 00 especially iu new england and the western states in the former of which the falls river fmas monitor says there will this year db produced no less than a 00000 pounds fqil accident oo thursday week while cutting eh am hers on tire first section ofthe beading and philadelphia kailroad the bank caved in and buried three of the workmen un der if two of them were saved and the third was taken out dreadfully mangled and lifeless tbe uofortunate man who lost his lrfe was aq irishman named john drumm the other two are on the recovery ft road the detroit and st joseph ran road will it is believed be completed as ftaaypailanti by july 4th of tbe next year the ricuvauey of wjyhunau anj the shores of hurpd viulhert be brought inio immedi ate comadt with the capital of michigan gurphs steven a bill was brought into the legislature of dew jersey by he coun- ijl before the adjournment to be acted on in janoary making provision forthedistrlbution of the surplus revenue 0 tbf several towns of state provincial parliament cltrgv iixervc bill solicitor ocneravs speech continued he never could be brought to believe that the gospel was as likely to be preached in its purity if left to voluntary contributions for iis support as if that support were ceriahi and secure a man whose subsistence depends upon tbe capricious favor of the multitude will be likely to preach according to the no tions and fancies of the multitude he will be deterred from exposing individual vices and from hold 1 if g up to view the enormity of sin he was fully convinced that the inde pendence uf its ministers was one of the most important ajvanhces l could be conferred upon the cause of religion and despoiling be church of that property so necessary to her support he looked upon ii as being the most certain precursor of the destruction of the re ligion of christ might he not refer to the wesleyan methodists of this day though they do not agree on the subject of church go vernment on all point 9i yet they do not hold the opinion that it would be a benefit to reli gion to put down church establishment he would ask his hon and learned friend what it is which induces young men 10 resort to the universities it was because they held con siderable livings and when educated they are insured provision for their support hundreds of young men who have made themselves dis tinguished for learning had gone 10 the uni versity in the first instance merely because they knew they would be able 10 acquire a permanent provision fur the rest of their lives and if this provision were withdrawn he would ask his hon and learned friend whit would he the consequence would uut those classic halls be left desolate no longer the nursery of geuius no longer the seat where the important truths of the gospel are taught he could fancy his hon and learned friend re turning sorue day to those seats of learning which he once so highly adorned and viewing them lonely aod deserted should he then have toreflectthat the argument be had made us of this day had contributed to bring about this result would he not curse the hour in which he had perverted his talents to such unworthy purposes hear hear he must be pos sessed of an unfeeling heart who would stand up in that house the bead of a party and en deavor to deprive his country of the invaluable benefits of religious instruction when the last day of that mans life shall come he can not but cast away the feelings of triumph which attended his successful exertions and look back with feelings of regret and remorse if there be one subject on earth which would worthily employ the eloquence of the most ac complished of orators it is the defence of the rights of the church he would leave it to the hon and learned doctor to show in what respect it would be beneficial to the interests of religion or man kind in general to take away those reserves from the church but he could not help declar ing that his heart and his mind were so settled against aoy possible conviction that it would be right to do it that he would only lament as he said before that the hon and learned gentleman should so far pervert his talents but he would now discard this matter and come 10 the consideration of the question be fore them the hon and learned doctor ar gued that the reserves ought to be alienated and the proceeds applied to the purposes of education because by retaining them in their present stare you maintain what you ought not an established church lie would ask whether in case you turn them to the sup- sort of education thechurchol england would e lefs an established church the hon and learned gentleman said he was no lawyer had he not heard hiui heretofore discuss questions of law most ably he would give him credit for sincerity in making the assertion the hon nnd learned member whether he were a lawyer or not would find by examin ing the 1st elrz and 31st geo s and even if he come down to our own statute book he would find that almost by every one the esta blished church is if not expressly at least lac- itly recognized the established church would remam but shorn of its means of subsistence if the hon and learned member imagined that when the reserves were taken the church would no longer exist he was mistaken the law recognizes the existence of an established o i by the country jj people were conscious of the difficulties w their representatives had to eoeoutittf- orl they will easily exhoti oruie them hi nil shadow of blame even if they consider have zone somewhat wido til the mark jjy etilins ibequesiion in such form that flolttfog would be lei 1 lor future con troversy they would accomplish a work wor thy the name 0 patriots the country must know that tin j can have no other object in view than gw 0 people at large but as yoti d ihe good of your country as you regard ihe blessings of religious instruc tion do out uke the reserves away from the service oft halroifihty lie sol general had at one time been in favor of referring the question to his majestys juvernoicnt but he had changed ins miud and for this rson that he believed that house could settle the question in a more satisfactory manner than could be done by his majestys government it home hear hear to talk about withdrawing these reserves from the purposes to which they were appropriated and devoting them 10 secular uses implied somc thing somonwmus that it surpassed the com prehension of his mind to find out on what ground hon gentlemen could reconcile them selves to consent to it he would now con elude after thanking the committee for th attention with which they had heard him and he certainly did think that nothing could jus tify him iu detaining them so ion but the from the manchester guarihdif pjgv 9 state ul tttauk the feeling in the market ye we be what manuci ihey would decide supposing they knew nothing of the wishes of their con- sinuenisand ihey might depend opon it if they came to i consideration ihey would be upheld hove wa rather beuer than k tuesday particularly as r sard although certainly not higher somewhat better to sell fhis ihe previous jams which price rtmarl were how- ter offers some sensible remarks on the subject of protecting the shipping to our harbour at certain seasons of the year he states that we have at present more vessels in port than can be accommodated with safety it being necessary to have some of them moored on the outside of the wharves and very justly in quires what are we to do when our shipping increases it must certainly be admitted that to afford the shipping ample room and safety would be the surest way to encrease it also the recent gales and the damage done to the vessels have clearly shewn that our harbour appears to hive taken place weu protected by nature and we con- lndav nexms tend that feware more so would still require of thing that will relieve the country from it present distresses or advance its tuture pros perity- having waited poriani qtiestious to ascertain- ihoe first ihe legality ever applies chiefly 10 mute vims throstle twist was dull- printing cloli renuins de pressed the demand partly oj to the sea son nnd partly w the very diinitfclied purcha sers for the amtrican market ihjftgat present much redurid however then certainly was a better tone observable aod bofe confidence expressed on change no amendment in the affiiirs of the martinmas day when it is pecicd many manufactories will close it is b be hoped for a short lime only trance m thiers had reiuroed pushaste to pa ris from venice where he revived a letter from the french capital wiilni three hours after the arrival of which he wis on the road on his arrival at paris be had a long inter view with marshal gerard aior which the marshal waited upon ihe king there was on attempt at usurreciion at sirasborg on the 30th of ochber which at first looked serious but was sum put down the officers of some regimentsstiuioncd there were the actors in the plot bit the soldiers refused to join them and even resisted in their arrest prince louis bonapant son we be- newcastle district accommodation into effect so long since ibis subject was before vast importance of the subject which he trust ed every hon member felt ns aoxiously as he did all who profess gods holy name should agree in the truth of his holy word chronicle gazette- saturday december 31 1836 sixteen days later from england by the 3rrital at newyork of the packet ship sheffield from liverpool london date to the 10ih ibid liverpool to the llih of no vember have been received for the ibltow ing extracts we are indebted to the commer cial advertiser great bkitaln the jtfwkj market the pressure upon the money market in london was considered to be soimwhu diminishing the bank wa discounting lberally all 6ona fide commercial bills upoo satisfactory security the state of th ihe exchange no longer offered inducements for the exportation of gold to the united stales and but little was lowing to the continent on the whole the aspect of business was im proving some of the loridon papers think the newyork pus ja inafietrfi ti uouti- rantable degree of anger toward ihe bank of england because of iis refusal 10 discount bills of good american houses we think the re- sentineai was vary natural and just new- york pipers to the 18th of october had reach ed loojon one of the journals speaks thus of the taslncss portion of their contents the tate of the money markets in the unit ed staes as detailed in the newyork and other pipers shows that the effects of our measures bein to be felt severely there coosidttatioti that we have now embarked in serious struggle with a powerful commercial rival oa fi point of vital interest to both na tions steins to have thrown a damp upon our money uirtrket a most unnecessary struggle as it ap pears 10 us equally injurious and uncalled for where the commercial connexions of two countries are so intricately connected nnd their respective interests so identified instead of a struggle to cause injury there should only be a rivalry for mutual good the barings write under dare of the 5th that the rate of discount continues at live per cent and that money was t little more plenti ful the london times of thcsrh says that the money market is very tight pntishns ihe rapid increase in ihe pric of provion was viewed with no small degree of apprehension not only had the harvest been deficient but ihe weather hod been such as greatly to interrupt the ripening and proper housing of the latter harvest already were shipments of grain called for 10 ireland which is reversiog the usual ordered thiugs and the large shipments of breadstuffs to the united states were increasing the apprehension it was feared that one ofthe consequences would be a renew of ihe agitation for a repeal of the corn laws death cf mrs 0timirfft the wlft of daniel o- connell tlnd at derrynsflo ml the 3lst of oetohcr- the dnmin mali an opponent of mr oconncll in politics speaks of the deceased as a udy whose character amoas lines acquainted with her ouali- tie was thai of preat excellence and aminbiliiv it is ltd that mr mnuneo ccotuicu tin mem ber for troleej and the eldest sin of mr oconnclh if in pa precarious a staicof health that his recorcry is scarcity to be expected fin in iht bunk oj england the banking hour of this ntirution was discovered 10 he mi fircon th slat or ibet foriunaialyti wmexlidgtdshed with iui hat t jrn much damage the pcal vaiixball baloon left the garden on ihc 7lh of november a i half past ofl intending m cros mil- channel at 4 nvlork the bloon wufl over cn tarimm about half a mile high the passengers three in number threw out a note to the mayor which appeared in the london morning papers of the 9th mr forrest appears to continue fucccwfid he played leaf for the third time on ihe night of the 81b and ihe manager in announcing his appearance church i is therefore ft pari ofthe law of the iwjnifhr pkeof hist triumphant career c the ihauliful f pi nf ihe ooncatitcr church has been struck with lightning the electric fluid np- i pears ir have struck 01 the distance uf about one- third frm ihe summit which sustained a cobc of iilass the upptr part was in consenieiicc precipi tated fpm that height through the roof of ihe interi or of lit building patt of the ruins lodged inside 1 ho organ bwsbfi 0 n steam engine boiler an en here of lucien was the principal mover in the attempt he was deceivedby representa tions made to htm 10 the effom that france was weary of her king and thit the name of sonaparte would ensure for itsowner a trium phant march upon the cnpiialtnd immediate proclamation as emperor he was arrested with almost all the hotheadd young men who were enlisted in hisfoolishschcme sev eral other persons had been aested at paris and other places suspected of arttcipation in the plot it was known to tie government several months before the expttnon on the same day that lou bonaparte made his abortive attempt upm the garrison at smsburg another effort ata mutiny was tnade at vendome by a corponl odd 20 pri vates ofthe duke of orleans regiment of muzzars supposed to have bteo a ramifica tion of the plot at strasburg it failed utter ly and the movers were avested these events excited some uneasiiess at paris where they were looked upon as evidence of mischief exisiing to a consuerable extent among the soldiery a letter from paris in the loodon times dated nov 7 announces theiiresence in that city of the duchesse de st ieu mother of louts bonaparte and that she had some in terviews with count mole no doubt respect ing the imprisonment and fate of her unwise son one nf iho pui journal alle w that serious nuti uurtu 6 puuf iidvi inkci place between 1 lie duchesse de bern and ihe family of charles x the ducbvse com of being i thc s n kept at a distance nnd not all to ace iter son she has appealed it is aij t the em peror of austria as a mediate spain the intelligence from spaii coming down to ihe 1st of november from jadridand to the 3d from bilboa is more favourable to j i the queens cause than any tt have received j for months tv cst geftrtl gomez stead of being defeated anu twptlci 1c was at the head of an increase re some improvement to render it secure espe cially during the prevalence of heavy souther ly gales jl well wisher to kingston proposes to make i hi lort the best harbour in the province by constructing a wharf or breakwater extend ing from mississauti point sufficiently far to shelter the bay from tbe south and south west gales thai the wharf should run south east from misissagua point not less than 400 feel then east in the direction of point frederick 1000 feet which would com pletely shelter the by and that 50 vessels might easily and safely be laid up during the wioter along the proposed wharf the writer with some justice remarks that independent of other considerations in this position vessels would be out of all danger of lire and thinks for instance that the great britain commo dore barrie and other craft situated as they now are but too much within the reach of that most destructive element we would beg leave to recommend this sub ject to the attention of the kingston dock company who are about constructing a break war at the mississagua point drowned in desert of bedford in the the deceased in persons was cros melancholy jlccident we regret to learn u on saturday the 17th instant jarflestup per a lumberman was lake in the township rear of loughborough company with two other inj the lake which was partially covered with ice and differing in opinion with his friends as to the best route to the shanty where they were proceeding he parted com nany with them fearing that some acci dent might happen they io a short time fol lowed his track hut on coming up they fuund 1 ii a 1 the unfortunate man had broken through ihe ice and disappeared the body was found on the following tuesday and interred near was found the deceased was a native of this province and it is be lieved has friends residing in ihe neighborhood of brockville iwo im- aod therv the efficacy of the farmer s bank i am at li berty to renew my exertioos to briog my owjj scheme into operation ibis explanation i trust will satisfy those concerned that i hau no intention of abandoning the idea of carry ing the company it being the public you must allow me to restate to motives that first induced me to bring it for ward the plan of operation and the anticipat ed results though this company be termed an ac- couimodation company it bears a pretty close allinity to a banking company aod as you are now writing an elaborate and t doubt not a very able treatise on the subject of banking of all persons you are the best qualified to detect any fallacy in my arguments any im practicability in my arrangements or any ex aggeration in my anticipations that ycu fill endeavor to do so let me request as a lavor it is what the public may demand from you as a right- when i first came to this country now six teen years since i observed its capabilities were such as niiht satisfy the most sanguine a salubrious cltrnnie fertile soil civil and religious liberty to its fullest extent no oppres sive burden on its inhabitants and in fact a place of oil others which a nvtn especially n family man might choose for his residence where it presented every thing conducive uh thc present happiness and future prosperity f his family- but my ion residence and con sequent intimate acquaintance with the coun try have thrown a dark shade over the bright picture my imagination hnd painted notwith standing we still vojoy all the blessings and advantages i have enumerated the awful want of a circulating medium the impossi- sibility of a mails realizing his outlay the eonvulsious property and credit were liable to hy ihe total suspension of issues from the banks for months has altered my opinion whether this suspension originated in necessi ty or from other motives 1 know not but 1 do know ilia t the public would not he linble to such aeaiamrophe character availed a man nothing now really 10 most countries these are available quililkanmis and wiih not further recapitulating ur pecuniary priev- natcs or ihtir elvei will proceed lo intru- dure a system of finance which i presume is not an improper term that will eitalile men of character or property to derive advantage froi these qualifivaiinn 10 the fullest extent at ihe riae iiinc remuneration 10 t cftgafffd in wurkiuu the system that is equalled in proportion to the ouihy by iosijiuiioa m existence my plan of a company to discount nnt hand nnd to make advances on real and liose not any perty with of pro- in- n 1 y force nnd con tinuing his triumphant mar through the kingdom unchecked hy nny if tbe queens generals he possessed hiuv be town of almaden in la mancha mous for its mines of quicksilver ou iheltthu obftlftf- although 11 wis stoutly defenced by a garrison of nearly 2000 some accounts say that gomes destroyed the works a ihe mines and if this be true it ts a heavy mow to the go vernment which derives a lare revenue from their products- the news va5 received at madrid on alarm a secret session of ihc co- which the ministers were pn the sutli and produced great s was held at cnt nnd an ex position of the state of alhiirv is said lo have been made which not a i111u astonished and confounded some of thc deputes all the blame is thrown by the madrid papers upon the generals especially rodd and alaix who are openly accused of treachery like most of their predecessors the truth of the matter is that ioirn is popular nnd the queens cnerals are not the soldiers of ihe inner desert and many of them 50 6 swell ihe ranks of the former add to y sppcrtof tact and activity ol the gai and perhaps the had state of discipline attiodg the royalist troops and the inefficient g the queens generals is amply accounted f the f gomez had iocreased to shout 14000 he set out from nam lt w 4000 the carlists were iflrouly besiejing nnd ihe queeus feneral espartero been able either to raise the siege or effect an entrance into the p the efforts ofthe besieged were relaxed however on the approach of espartero thc question of the regency i under discussion hy the codes hut had not been decided st ihe latest 1 was thought not imprhfliu that a dictator ppoinlmj if an rtlicinr and trustworthy we have great pleasure in giving publicity to the following correspondence entertaining much personal respect for all the parties james macfarlanf es jj drar sir i prefix the copy of n letter addressed hy the honble peter mgill 10 bishop mcdonell dated 5th nov last wiih win 1 his lordship has kindly favoured me and 1 am glad of tins favourable opportunity of doing that justice his due to the honorable in an unpleasant controversy which arose in 1335 on the subject of the cat hot ic church at the marmora iron works i was led to identify mr mgill therewith and to impugn his motives too rashly and i attributed to him ihe possession or a surplus fund of 126 which i i on reference to ihe book a of the works which i had previously surrendered was expended after the building was com plied chiefly in tailins in the burying ground and in levelling the church riot ii is but poor retribution to state this faci and to add that i was entirely mistaken as 10 the part i was had taken in that tion 10 myself thus to stale that i hate known that gentleman for the last 12 years more honourable generous highmind notes male ptyable twelve nmnih alter date has been too often before the piihtic 1 10 be anv novelty hut a ntmy as have never heard of the proposal and others have never 1 given it any serious consideration it is news- i sary for me now to explain the first and rnt i important position which i have to establish this is the possibility of noie of such a de- scripuon pasting current upon this fret hangs till my argument and all my supposi- nnd ii have spare piin ia esiabl 1100 v 1 it by procuring the tiiriturc wliifh you have seen of more ilnn five hun ire freeholders uf this disinyt lo the folluwinj resolution t u xftf the undcignej having heard read liic principles on which the newcastle district accommodation cotttpnoy is about lo be brought operation di give it our unquali fied approval and promise to mipport if much 3s jis in our power hy freely receiving its notes for land good stock stc c or in liquidation of debts doc 10 us upon exactly tbe same tinus a the bote of other cioks made payable otmlemintl there are nanies to ibis document thnt rank firi in the coun try in point of intellect chamettr and proper ty therefore you miki ndmii as a fact niy ha vine at all e rents succeeded in es abkshng a local currency winch being done nothing can prevent my views from being realized my lao is for a company eoiuiitiod of two llundered and fifty members to isue ed to suppose mr- mgmi i notcs l paymn of which all their affair but it is a graiifica- property is liable payable twelve months alior date and to discount notes uf hand wiih ap proved endorsers payable at six months nfier daie nnd at ihe expirotion of six months providing the securities remained good ihe quaiotcd with make public this as tbe readi- 1 j u renew im u tbjattmeift ct reparation i can make for the error i com- i b reiving he banks own notes hc the an j ed hn- i never had the pleasure of being sic- under when bilhoa had not it would be m perton couli land aod consequently protected by ihi au thority of the law the clergymen of the church of scotland will not pietend to deny that the church of england is the established church but some of them affirm that the church of scotland is also an established church this he would pointedly deny be- yond the limits of scotland it was no more an established church than the church of knglanj in russia ho would say unequivocally it was oo more an established church than the wesleyao methodists were it had been said that the people of this coun try require the alienaiion of these reserves and the application of them to other purposes this some hon gentlemen had all along as sumed to be the case but he required some bet ter evidence he would atlirmthai this peo ple had never exhibited that desire in a man ner to justify him in believing that it was so general as hoo members seemed to suppose it had been said that tbe church of england ought to be a dominant cfiurch the church of rome as it existed before h reformation was a dominant church since that period there had not been one it was said tobedominant because it receives support from the state and others did not but where was the difference between a gift or arrant from the king and a gift from sn individual it was merely plac ing them upon tho same fuming with a con sistent church by affording ihem a certain fund in lieu of lyihes to which they would otherwise have been entitled to and lo rob them of those rights would he thought be not only an art of wickedness but absolutely de structive to religion lie would conclude by calling nn the house jo consider the position in which they were placed he would ell them it wai their duty to settle ihc question and that ihey must do il fearlessly hear piear let hon mmhers ask themselves in be found for the occasion a despatch wfls received at madrid on thc 28th of october from general alva announcing ilit he had overtaken and rouied the carlist general sani in the ausirias on the2li by orders from madrid all il p4fc ond jewel in tho churches nndchipcts in thi port of the kingdom threatened hy goftt have betfi seircd and sent to the capital for safety aficr his capture at amadc gomez marched in the direction of vrnxdio 10 kiramadura on the high road from madrid lo lisbon atnrztftlap the dispute with france set t have lott atl in- icrcst and importance m ihc u and french jaumiuiftla it wop confident v expected result of the discussion in ihij extrflordin would be an answer to the juk c montebello which would ho perfecilysatisfcdftrv to france and that the conclusion would be adopted nnd enforced boiler oittbmn 40 neree power employed in turoing the ntlempt of louis bonapnrtr at slrasbue was machinery in ihc manufactory nf messrs thorp supposed to have mened the meync london exploded on the 8th ult twoper suns ware kdlcd end six others severely scalded muted and believe me yours truly a manahan montreal 5th nov 1s3g my dear sir the belter day the better dred this is the anniversary of the gunpow- der plot but i am not coing to blow you up no i wish to perform an act of charity if no of justice and nut of destruction i forgot entirely 10 speak to you when here i about ihe marmora chorch about which 1 ihtfre was so much discussion inst year in i your district papers and in which my name was most improperly introduced i have now merely to say that 1 am ready to give your i lordship a deed for the uses of the catholic church of the groudd 00 which the chapel is built extending the same in anyway to the quantity of an acre so as that however it will not encroach on the water privileges or the free passage of the bridge i am with much regard my dear sir yours very trulv p mgill the right revd bishop mcdonptr- hat ihe rv diet 1511 iizm pr4etetnt association- the liverpool standard ofthe llih november is almost en tirely tilled with the proceedings at ihe cele bration ofthe first anniversary of the protes tant association some eloquent speeches were delivered on the occasion one of these a satire upon the system of bible instruction attempted to be introduced in the common schools especially in ireland is full of wit and humor- we must fiod a place for it if we can- paper jlmey inenghndthe amount of pnper circulation in knland and wales be tween 5th june and 24ih jepiember was private banks 7764824 joint stock hanks 3069121 a sum total of 42008715 80 the shoe trade h m brigantine ly 2nrd lieut- campbell sailed from fernando po on a crui2e the 14th july- she had just made iier ninth capture eight of theiu with slaves amounting in all to 3058 and the oth with cargo bound for bonny and detained un der ihc new treaty snow fell in great quantities in derbyshire on the 5th ult- thc roids to several places in the neighborhood of heath were completely blocked up the derbyshire courier says that a bull bame completely set in ihe snow and tvai with difficulty released by being cut out prohabilicyof this rc- lulf as it was very well tinrict lhat sundry po litical refugees in switzerland were concerned in it rouxcgal advices from lisbon are lo the 1st of november nothing of importance ha occurred the govern ment wa rmborrasscd lor u llt 0 fund and a change of mmivtry wu expect the portuguese ministers at london pons and brunei had refut ed to take the oalh ot allegiance to ihc constitution of 1522 ns hud afco ihc charge at copenhagen and itome the curies is to meet on the 1 8th of janu ary the government has published a decree pro- claming ihe terms and conditions upon which foreigners may be naturalized they arc fa vorable to immigration the british squadron of whose sailing we had advices by the last arrival had arrived in the togus thc force in that river at the latest date was seven sail or the lioe english three french and the tbe st russia german papers brin an extract from petersburg journal which confirms the report that tho kmperor nicholas has been hi by announcing a tumultuous joy at his recovery we should feol obliged to d uett wisher to 1 aringaton to favor us with a nil when we i shall explain to him thc reason why ins leiter i ppear in its present shape the wri- 1 cannot the following letter on banking we pub at the request of some of our friends to thomas dalton esq dear sir u is now more than six months sioce i ad dressed you on the subject of an institution that was going to be established in this dis trict under the denomination of the newcas tie district accommodation company and in justification of myself to those who paid their subscription and to those who signed their acquiescence to becooie partners in the estab lishment i must request the favour of your in serting this letter as being explanatory of my apparently abandoning the project theooly cause of my not persisting 10 bringing the un dertaking into operation was the adice of some ol those most interested namely lo wait the result of the farmers bank commencing business for if ihat institution were establish ed it would be a precedent for the legality of ours by proving that a number of persons ex- ceedid six might be engaged in a copartner ship of this naiure a fact of which i had myself no doubt but i was informed by others thai doubts were entertained on the subject i hose doubts are now entirely removed and i trust that my plan will have the benefit of that fjuwali others suggested the probability of the rarmcrsbank superseding the necessity ofourestablishing the company proposed but ihe operations of the farmers bank so far have convinced mftof of its total ineffi- i cientty in alleviating all the pecuniary wants of this district a bank that discounts very t partially and limits those discounts to biln of i no more than zh in amount is not the sort some ljte or prior daie to incurring ihe ob ligation and giving iu exchange new notei of the present date ihus suppose a discounts with b- and c as endorsers fur 100 in jan uary in july his noie becomes due then he takes to the bank its notes dated in january l and if he chooses renews by receiving new notes dated in july is there any thing falla cious or impracticable irt ibis plan has not the borrower been as effectually accommodated as fflwbad received note payable on demand has rot the institution gained as much as if it canceled s notes with gold and are its notes not aseflvciuilly canceled as if it had paid them m gold by being in its own possession some have observed suppose vour notes are not brought in but kepi up tilt due then how du you provide for them are you prepared with cash to meet them lam and have been six motilbs prior to their being presented for payment thus i will say four persons discout- ed 1000 each at the expiration of their obli ligation three of them pay the bank with its ownjnotes to tbe full amount of their engage ments but the fourth can only pay 39 of the companys notes for this obvious rea son it only issued 333 in all therefore the last must make his obligation either in nole of other binks or cash this proves the profit of the establishment is equal to that of any back aad superior as by its system it saves the in terest of money necessary to be kept id all banks to meet a probable immediate demand if the parties renew it is upon the name terms therefore the same results mus fallow viz superior profit to the bank aod provision 0 its issue six months before due and if parties discounting do dot bring the ootps of date required they must bring casu or notes of oiher banks which form a fund to meet our owo notes when due if presented mark the superior accommodation this system is to thc borrower he is only bound to pay the interest on sums advanced and effect ex changes and this plm enables the company to discount to any required amount it pro vides for the issue of millions with the same facility as for the issue of units give good se curity and any advance can be made 1 would also advance on real estate thus let a person bring a well authenticated deed value 5q0 let bim have 250 ot our notes 00 it taking at the same time a note of hand from the party bringing the deed to the amouot advaoced at six months after date without endorsers in order that he may be compelled to support the system of the bank by effecting exchanges up on the principle of common discounting this is indispensable wc draw pn time and time must be attended 10 many say tbe system is valueless because the other banks tbe gov ernment officers and the montreal merchant wont tak their notes allow all this for met ier of argument but if i can feed and clothe my family by means of these notes ifl can buv land and bring that land into profitable culture through the medium of these note are they w be deemed valueless because for sooth the other bapk the fiovcrnm i