Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 31, 1836, p. 3

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montreal houses oolykkc them if a person has 6re promissory engagements pressing on him and an institution comes into operation ihai rtlieves him of four of them would he be so simple to reject that partial relief i 1 think not u for the montreal houses not ta- king the notes of this establishment i do not believe it especially when pari of my system is to efiectually cancel my obligation in mon treal by redeeming my notes with produce al lowing there be any delivered in that city the motneot they are presented let their negotia tion be ever so recent after hiving fouud the fanner the means of raising his crops and purchasing his land i would provide him with the best market for his produce thus let him bring aoy quantity of wheat pork c dfposit it to one of the companys ware houses at the time of depositing i would ad vance him in the companys notes at is toon lbs after date two thirds the probable mount bis produce would realize in montreal tod as soon as the produce was sold would py him over the fusl balance of proceeds in our own notes merely minus charges the ad raoige this plan would be to agriculturalists sod the institution is too evident to make it necessary to point out to the agriculturalist it provides a certain market and the highest possible price fur his produce this produce fs a solid fund to meet our notes in montreal let their date he what it may and must con sequently tend to establish the credit of the company as i have in my former letter ob served this produce system alfords the institu tion either a creative or redeeming fund thus if the produce sells for cash or notes of other biobs then it is a creative fund for the pro ceeds arising from it will eoable us to meet the notes given for tho produce and if sotd for our own notes it at once redeems them that produce will be brought to this establishment on terms now mentioned know it to be a fact that many have ruoawny with the erroneous idea not that i have any objection to ir that 1 am going to mix trade and bank ing let it be clearly understood i do not mean for the bank to participate in the profit or loss on the produce transaction it goes to montreal at the risk of the owner we only advance two- thirds of the probable amount it will realize thus sjppfse for argument wheat sells in montreal lor cs per bushel we will advance 4s upon delivery at our warehouse and supposing the attendant ex- pences to be is 3 j per bushel we immediate ly qpffll account sales arriving pay over the re maining 91 per bushel m the farmer he is liable to all lluctuaiioris in price pro or con some storekeepers have complain of this pin of my system as ibttrrferidj wiih their imrclrtse of produce true ilusmay be thecase hut it i injure the few i briictii the many and iiiokil toe counterbalancing advantag enjoy by not incurring without the mo xme neglert a single bad debt in twelve months this assertion requires proof you will irut and thus i prove it the institution j ro bnng into operation will discount on eooj security to any amount required and that at all times therefore if a mn h any ctiacacicr he cais procure uod enil i fur a peroi would not mind endorsing fur a friend when he knows the only risk lie would run would be paying the interest ot the note en dorsed and the trouble of renewing and i think a man that could not pay the interest of the money hi friend was the means of pro- rurin for htui would not be a lit person to cnjy general credit so ihat none but bad or duubthil characters could be without the cur rency i want to etimtlub therefor in fact this nisitcutiuu will form a standard of credit hitherto unknown to bo continued prices current in kingston market a 40 17 7t es they ft cul- thc following pathetic appeil we copy from the ciiloni13 of a contemporary journal we take the liberty of rccoimnendtng it to the csprcijl perusal of ihatchss of subscribers tp tht chronicle who hive paid nothing on account of the paper during the last ten eirs 11 we have many subscribers who have taken our paper for four years and have paid us nothing do such persons think we live on liirch hirk like a coacks horse or erow fit hf inhaling the west wind do ihey think that paper types ink fuel and many other costly and necessary articles are sent to us by unknown and invisible hands whatever dr faustus might have dune the black art of modem printers has no magic in it when hungry wc have no time to fish and hunt aod it would be impious to expect a sheet full of tfood things to be miraculously let down from heaven by the four corners as n he rase of ravens it is more nkely the raveus will feed scantily upon us unless yjc get more money shortly peter- and as to be fed by we regret that an error has occurred in the advertisement of mr nickalls the clerk of the peace- the special adjourned session be holden on thursday the 5th of vi january instead of ted by mistake friday as p rctyjuus ly lift mr neilsona communication and various other mailers are unavoidably postponed our friends in glenburnie and others in the habit of supplying us with firewood we re- iptctfulty reminded that good sleighing is come and that at this season printers fingers wilt frttze without a good fire fine flour per bbh 11 per cwt barley per bushel a oats do do i rye do do peas do do 4 potatoes do do 1 beef per owt 17 pork do do s5 butter per lb 0 mutton do 0 veal do 0 pork fresh do 0 hams pork do 0 candles moulds 0 do dips 0 soap 0 eggs per doz 0 fowls per couple 1 cheese per cwt 40 hay per load wl unknown 17 6 wood per cord 8 0 wheat per bush 5 6 pork mess per bbl 100 0 do do prime mess 0 0 do prime 75 0 do carjro 00 0 do perlb 06 indian corn do do 4 0 indian meal do do 4 0 d 0 0 0 8 3 0 10 6 0 10 3 5 6 7 9 3 4 10 0 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 4 a a a a a a a a ff 0 90 2 2 0 4 2 25 42 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 42 25 10 6 0 85 0 0 0 0 4 d 0 0 6 2 0 2 0 0 6 0 4 6 0 3 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 b i i notice is hereby given that such of the awardsfrom no i to 150 for compensation for land damaged by the construction of the ride an conn has have not been paid are ready for settlement a person from this office will attend at mr mcdonalds hotel fbritish american kings ton on thursday the 2tk january next and txoo following days to pay the claims of such eersons as reside above the narrows rideau ake those who do not attend within the time appointed will have to come to bytowo lor payment note iq all cases where the parties can not attend in person it will be necessary be fore the money be paid that certigcates of any known ana respectable person be produced that the veodors of the land were living at the time the powers of attorney were given also that the power be executed to tho pre sence and bear the attestation of known char acters as the mayor or chief magistrate jf a town two justices or the like in cases of bar of dower the wife must sign the power of attorney as well as the husband and the magist rates certi6cateas to the wifes assent must also he produced signed c l rudyerd paymaster rideau 8c ottawa canals office of ordnance i bytown 93d dec 1836 53di for sale about 7000 acres of land situated in various parts of upper canada cheap for will be sold in lots to apply to c hatch land agent or to j linton auctioneer kingston august 13 1s36 isz notice to chelsea and other pensioners who are paid by the commissariat the assistant commissary general here by notifies the above description of per sons that they must make personal applica tion at the beginning of each quarter to the nearest commissariat office for their pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from a commissariat office which might ren der it inconvenient or expensive to the pen sioners to apply at the beginning of each rjvjartcr or if from sickness or other good cause application cannot be made personally even once in the vear an officer will be sent annually to visit tiose stations to identify and ready money on suit purchasers army wood contract commissariat kifcgsiou u c 3d december 1836 kalko tenders will be received at this osce until tuesday at noon the d day cf january next for supriying his majesty s troops staff aod departments c at kingston points henry and frederick with sucb quantities of fuel wood as may be reqitfed from the 15th day of april 1837 to thesoth day of september 1833 both days inclusixe the woedl is to consist of fair and just pro portions of hard maple hickory black or yel low birch fcon wood and beech and of no other kind whatever each stick to be four feet long from calf to point and none less in dia meter thnnetlljee aod a half inches aod every cord of worf delivered to the troops c shall got cdtfain less than one hundred and tweotyeighicubic feet namely four feet high four feet witfi and eight feet jong no rot ten or croobej wood is on any account to be issued to the troops nor permitted into the kinds w00u yards- the codpictor will be required to have al ways at learft four months of wood at each of the wood yards which shall have been cut aod piled tw months at least previous to be ing placed iothe yard the tentbr to express the rate in words at length for which each cord will be issued to the troopsc in halifax currency and pay ment will be made monthly for the quantity issued by aobeck on the bank of upper can ada thecondiion of the contract and any fur ther informdion may be obtained on applica tion at this0ifice two goolland sufficient sureties required for the due arformance of the contract whose names must be inserted at length in the ten ders 45bwi scobelis inspection store kscobffill general inspector of pol ash beef and pork presents his cor dial thanks o the merchants and other inhab itants of kngston and the vicinity for the liberal patroiage they have extended to him during the pwt year and he begs leave to in form them tint ne has removed his inspection business fron the hon j kirbys store to the lare anil convenient store and wharf of mrs iorsyflv lately occupied by mr a mc- donell whei he will be always ready to in spect such arhcles as may be consigned to him for that purpise and he hopes from his long experience pinctuality aod strict attention to business stil to merit the approbation and support of ill public kb fmsale 5000 lbs reigbt of smoked hams 3000 do cheese 2000 do tpper canada butter 2 tons oflard in kegs for family use 300 barrck salt a scobeuu kingston april 14th 1835 572 present pos- their pay those who cannot for these causes themselves at a commissariat station the pensioners are enjoined to keep session of their instruction papers as pensions will be paid only to them in person on their being identi6ed thereby it is funher notified that the government will not under any circumstance recognize agents or the claim of any individual for debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat kingston 15th march 1336 75z 1 the mutual fire insurance company ot the mioland district jeing now legally organized the board of mw directors are ready to receiveappiications for assurance addressed to the secretary at his office in urock sireei kingston where the rate of premiums bylaws and form of ap plication my be seen by order of the directors v dawe secry kingston 20th september 1836 hz removal oren strong itjerefty lenders his grateful acknow- mm ledgitteots to a generous public for the very flattering support he has received while keeping tlu steam boat hotel in this place and begs iv acquaint his numerous customers that he has bis day opened his most splendid establishment the north american hotel 1 cobourg situate near the steam boat landing where h will thankfully receive and promptly adend the call of his customers af fording theft accomodations which shall not be surpassed by those of any establishment in the proving 8m9lm wdll fce horni to af ford very great accommodation to persons ar riving at and taking their passage from this place in tbie several steam boats that touch notice is hereby given that a special ad journed quarter sessions of the peace of the midland district will bo holden at the court house of the town of kingston 00 thursday the fifth day of january next at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of graniing aod renewing innkeep ers licences throughout the midland dis trict for the year ensuinij james nickalls j clerk of the peace m d kingston 17ih december 1s3c 49ui mr r y e 0 professor of dancing kespectfully begs to announce his inieniion of remaining in kingston for f at lh wharf the wiuier season to give lessons in the new- j the proprietor of the above est and most fashionable style of dancing- mr y is nt present giving lessons iu mr tveatherstane school fioom where he has suf ficient room for any number of young ladies who may honor him with their attendance classes meet on wednesday and saturday af ternoon at half past three schools and private families attended on the roost reasonable terms kingston oct l 1836 27z kingston cabinet ware house store street opposite the commercial hotel e cone august 1 1835- io2 establishment continues ma line of stages to the rice lake and from whence to peterborough which is well furnished with good covered carriages first rate frftnrses and careful drivers seats mqiy be taken at this house in the kingston aund toronto mail stage horses and carriages are constantly in read iness to comvey passengers sl luggage to any part of the country cobourft u c may 1st 18s6 looz wanted 1vanted a skujmou as govirnisa i a ft f in a or private family by a lady who has been many years accustomed to the instruction of youth she undertakes to teach the french and eholish lahouagm a ai kdds of faoc work letters address uw p0 paid c8rc of mr tlom smith hatter kingston will meet immediate attention kingston dec 231836 sly t ordnance green wich pensioners residing in or near beverly brockville prescott and cornwall mtotice is hereby given that an ir v of the commissariat will bou the following towns on the days opposite each for the purpose of identifying aod paying pen sioners who are unable to attend at a com missariat office vi2 11th january 1837 wednesday at brockvihe 12l thursday at prescott jj saturday at cornwall l6xix monday at cornwall all pensioners io the neighborhood of the aforesaid places are hereby ioformed that un less they attend on the days above expressed do other opportunity of receiving iheir pen sions away from a commissariat office will offer until next summer pensioners at beverly and its vicinity can be paid at brockvihe charles a clarke a c g commissariat kingston 16th dec 1830 49 government contract fisealed tenders will be received at this office until noon on jhonday the oth january 1837 for excavation required 10 be performed between brewers lower mills and kiogston mills payments will be made as the work pro gresses hut only for such parts as are excava ted to the required depth bottomed up and completed to the satisfaction of the senior roval engineer the tender to state the rate per cubic yard in halifax currency any additional information that may be re quired can be obtained on application at the hoyal engineer office bytowo or from mr thomas burrows clerk of works kingston mills 6 commissariat bytown i4tb december 18s sftira to let that commodious hoceimd store lately occupied by mr thorns wilson in brock street for further particulars ap- to millers the sthicrjber begs leave to inform mil lers aqd the trade generally that having furchiaed tha stock in trade of mr lewis ostwick burr mill stonc manufacturer he will continue the husinesa of making frenqh burr mill stones of the first quality hqring 00 band four pair of stone finished and a large lot of burr blocks which he will make up to aider on the shortest notice all orders for the above to be address ed to a clark at the kingston foundry whom he has made his aoeut for bis stone suildtng business geo mcorabby kingston august 16tb 1836 tiz the cobourg star will please copy this advertim mu one month and scad their account to tho office ofthit paper t ply to kingston dec 13 1836 binley 48z just received and for sale at the chronicle st gazette office a town ship manual neatly bouod comprising all the laws now in force relating to the town ships among which are the highway and assessment acts new towhsihip meeting act the laws respecting boundaries line fen ces and water courses inokeepers the law and office of constable the laiw of landlord and tenant distress for rent court of re quests act summary punislwnent act jury law the laws relative to mills and mill dams flour pot aod pearl ashes statute labour travellers weights measures c and on many other interesting subjects by the author of tho provincial justice io- price ooe dollar kingston december 5 18s5 64 superfine cloths he subscriber is just receiving in addi tion to his spring and summer importa tions qo exteotve assortment of winter goods among which will be found black blue and olive green superfine cloths of the tery best west of england fabrics black and mixtures cassimerea petefthams pilotcloths flushings and other suitable goods for winter wear all which will be disposed of 00 rea sonable terms for cash or approved endorsed notes at ninety days john oliphant merchant tailor wanted immediately three or four journeymen kingston october95ih 18s6 s7z an excellent farm for sale being lot no 16 second concession military tiact within two miles of the village of hallowell county of prince ed ward on the road to west lake containing about 210 acres ooe hundred acres cleared and in good fence a good orchard io full bear ing a good barn and a two story dwelling house lately huilt 40 feet by thirty besides a large cellar it is well watered by a good spring creek sufficient for sawing cardiog or fulling be sides other springs a clear deed can be giv en the subscriber on the premises will show the property and treat with a purchaser samuel baker hallowell 7th of 11th month 1836 ssowi new publications at the chrojfwlb fy gazette officb fob hals careys library in weekly numbers at 25s paid in advance the family magazine in monthly oym- bers at 7d each both very eotertaioiog and interesting works also a sermon prefthed by the rev hen ry esson for the st andrews society at montreal on st andrew day 1835 with ootatioos c price 2s kingston october 5 1836 church of england psalms if hymns with and without music sold at the chrooice gazette office kingstoo may 17 1836 glorious com for 1837 sylvester offers to his frienfl tvj correspondents a handsome nkwyeaan present in the following brilliant lift of schemes tg be drawn in the month of janftim- j7 o f oumb of large ap- 1 1 als are rarely offered io ooe month md they are all well deserving of attention 9 prizes of 980000 dollars rich 4 h 20000 u 2 u 05000 all to be drawn in the rooatb of jan uary let there be no delay in addnuuir your orders to s j sylvester 130 broadway newyork grand consolidated lottery extra class number i for 185 to b drawn at wilmington del wednesday s c h 000 i ws7 im1 920000 05000 83000 ft 1230 10 of 91000 l0ofso0 20 of 9300 20 of 9200 8c tickets only 5 dollar a certificate of a package of 92 whole tick ets will be sent for 65 dollars package of shares in proportion virginia the the subscriber beg leave to the public that he has lieaged the for sale kegs of the best printing very low for cash chronicle gazette office kingston january 7th 1936 30 ink to let the stone house on queen streec wiih or without the adjoining shop and premises corner of quarry street apply to 1 thomas askew- kingston dec 13 1836 43z mrs weatherstones school will reopen on monday jany 9 mrs weatherstone having engaged an as sistant will be enabled io pursue in every re spect the system now so successfully adopted in english schools and her establishment she hopes will be found to want nothing lend ing to facilitate the improvement of her pupils kingston dec sis 1836 53u t to let the house and shop in brock street lately occupied by mr h w benson the premises have lately undergone a thorough repair and the situation is favorable for busi ness apply at the office of tbos kirkpatrick eiq kingston dece 30 1836 3n wet n urse wants a situation a young healthy woman as wet nurse jo a re spectable family apply io mr daniel black near bath or at the chronicle apd gazette office kingston dec 30 1836 53oi mutual insurance company or the midland district he board of directors are now prepared to issue policies printed forms of proposals may be procured at the compa nys office opposite the court house no let ters received unless post paid by order w dawe sec kingstoo s7ih oct 1ss6 35z 100 stoves stoves of various siaes just re ceived aod for sale bv charles wtllard agent kiogston 21st november 1836 42 h sharp begs leave io inform the lohabitaais of kingstoo thai he has opened his boot and shoe shop io ihe oew building on ibe corner of king and brock street where he will keep on baod and manufacture on the shortest notice all kinds of work in his line at ibp most reasonable kingston sept 14 lssfi to millers just received direct from the maoufac- turera in europe whb whom arrange ments hav been made for a constant supply of articles of he best quality viz real dutch bolting cloths assorted blackmore patent do do french burr stones for sale by larocque bernard co july 29 i8z notice the subscribers to the kingston dock company are requested to p3y into the hands of tbe treasurer the following pay ments viz 10 per cent ihe second payment on 1st mon day in january 1837 i0pcrcent the third payment on 1st february 1837 10 percent the fourth payment on 1st monday in marcfo 1837 10 per cen the fifth payment on 1st monday in april 1837- 10 per cem th sixth payment on 1st monday io may 1837 10 percent the seventh payment on 1st mon day in june 1837 lopercenr the eighth payment on 1st mon day io july 1837 10 per cent the ninth payment on 1st mon day in auguit 1837 receiving storing forwarding anp commission business leave to inform exten sive storehouse ae wharf one of the largest in upper canada lately erected at port hamilton by an mcnab esq siiutated directly in front of tbe splendid new suum iioul aod is tkwv rrpptmrt to mieml lo tfre rnwv business io all its branches and trusts from ibis long experience together with punctuality nd at tention to merit the patronage of the public the upper stories are fitted up io a superior manner for the receiving and shipping of grain and from the great extent of ilbe store house and wharf every facility to merchants and others ensaged in the purchase of pro duce sec will be given as well as the receiv ing and forwarding of merchandize of any and every description to all parts of the pro vinces or neighboring states with tlue great est care and despatch the charges will be as low as aoy uthcr re spectable establishment george f corbsett hamilton gore district up canada nov 23 1836 c 48 u 41 4ft 22116 blanks a great variety for sale t chronicle and gazette office the 10 per cet ihe tenth payment on 1st moo day in september 1837 j counter treasurer kingstqfi 5th december 1836 46 t eatijer sole and upperof various jli tam calf skins kips c c for saje by larocque beftnard co who will feeep a assortment constantly on hand may 18 8z tli travellers guide visiting the falls of niagara with a neat map of the fnll and islands plan of the vilie of the falls handsomely the chronicle and commercial bank m- d t1jotice is hereby given that the remain- a ing instalments on the new sitock are called in as follows 10 per cent on the 2d january tt837 10 1st march 10 1st may jo 1st july 10 1st sept payable at the bank its offices and agencies by order of the board f ft hah per cashier kingston oct 26 1836 jcu ncwapmper accustomed to advmtiue for the commercial bank will please copy thu and send their accounts to the bank commercial hotel store street kingston u c braham truax respeciflully in forms his friends and the unravelling community that tbe commercial hlotel will be reopened on monday next dec 26rft thtsspaciousand well known hotel having been entirely new furnished painted aind deco rated and several conveniencies addled there to the proprietor hopes that the jpatrooagc formerly bestowed upon the establishimeot will be renewed tbe table d hote will be kept im the very best style and the liar supplied wiiih choice wines and spirits of roost superior qual- ity- arrangements have been made forr the mon treal stage to put up at the commercial hotel extras supplied on the shortest notice to any part of the district an extensive addition having iheen made to the yard and stables impue accom- modotion can now be afforded for anpy number of horses carriages slellghs and childrens friend society kingston comiutth at a meeting in kingston on monday the 20th instant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects of this insti tution called at the request of capt orrok agent to the society in canada for tbe pur- ese of establishing a branch committee at ngston for the reception and distribution of children io the midland district the fol lowing gentlemen were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power to add to their number via vexerahle archdeacon stuart l l d rev r d cartwimght a m honorable john kirbt honorable john macaolat thomas maryland es- j p james sampson esq j p- william logic kw- j p- jahes macfarlavb es j p john maris es j p thomas scorell eso d a c g the latter gntleman being also appointed corresponding secretary of the said commit tee the committee give notice that they are ready to receive applications for children through the secretary who is prepared to give every information on the subject no com munication will be attended to unless the postage be paid kingston june 22d 1836 baik or british north america established in london capitalone million sterling provisional committee condocttnq the affairs of the quebec state lottery fo benefit of the moqongalta academr class number i for 1837 to be drawn a alexandria va saturday january 7 1837 capitals 855000 7000 4000 f 4500 4200 1 4b6 25 prizes of 1000 dollars tkkettonly 10 xtotfori a certificate of a package of 22 ticketjl besent for 100 dollars halves 4uastciaaud eighths in proportion wlook at thisij 400 prizes of 1000 dolls virginia state lottery cbn no 1 for tbe benefit of the mechanical benevoleot society of norfolk to de dim at alexandria va saturday jan 14 issl rich and splendid scheme 850000 8000 40001 3000 dollars 9 500 dollars 100 of 1000 dollars 10 of 500 dollars tickets tc dollars certificate of a package of 25 tickets wilt be sent for iso dollars ha ires quarteia ant eighths in proportion 05 grand scheme tq thirty thousand dollars 6q prises of 1000 dollars i virginia start lottery class 1 to be drawn ml alexandria vft oiurtfajri jnihit 81 iffbf capitals 8300001 16000 6000 s140t 3000 2 2000 50 of 1000 20 of 500 tickets ten dollars a certificate of m package of 25 whole tick ets will be sent for 130 dollars packages of halves quarters aod eighths in proportion i i i nearly as many prizes as blanks 14 drawn ballots in each 35 ticket capital thirty thousand dollars virgin a state lottery 01asino 1 for the benefit of tbe petersburg be nevolent mechanic association to b drawn at alexandria va saturday jan 23 1837 capjtals30000 15000 6000 500q dollars 4000 dollars 3000 2000 10 prizes of 1 000 dollars 15 prizes of 600 dollars 20 prizes pf 500 dollars 20 of 400 30of300 5pof200 c c ticket 10 shares in proportion a certificate of a package of 25 whole tick- eta will cost only iso dollars halves anr quarters to proportion s j sylvester 130 broadway n y fruit trees garden seeds tfi reynolds bateham proprietors of the rochester seed store hor ticultural garden and jyarscry offer at wholesale or retail a large and superior assortment of fkuit aitd ourv mektal tlefcs gardeh flcld ahd plqwmi seeds geeemiousc and haedt plants c the kruit trees are all grafted from bearw ing trees of the very best kinds and the seed are raised io the most careful manner ot im ported from the most respectable sources sq that we are confident that with regard to k i nd quality or price the articles sold at tbiaestba ushment will give general satisfaction orders from a distance will be promptly am tended to and packages forwarded according tffe catalogues may be obtained of n pahnnt druggist kingston reynolds bateham- ro the affairs baaifch jaues deaff ksqiiri johit malcolm fraseh esqcia pierre pelleticr esquire george pfmberton esquire willrim phillips esoire the shares reserved for this district hav ing beta allotted aod the deposit of 10 sterling each paid upon them the necessary arrangements are now in progress for the com mencement of business in quebec as early as possible all communications on the business of this branch are requested to be made to the pro visional committee by letter addressed to the office of mr william de leary notary pub lie no s3 st peter street robert carter commissioner from the court of directors quebec 18th august 1836 17z rochester n- ynov 1856 36z bouud for s at office kingsto may fi f 1936 waggons jaomoty th montawl g- jritc th toronto cor 5 t th rthulvjto the hnhli of gazeiioi montreal may 36 1836 90 i requested io give thealjvi and chares the advertiser three insertions each 19 notice wright ingersoll have beer for sale at mr florence donoghues to vern kingston in barrels and smaller quanti ties to suit purchasers 57 fredericksburg 10th january l83i strayed or stolen rom the premises of the subscriber bput two miles from the town on the bath road a red heifer with a short tail about a year and a half old- whoever will re turn said heiferorwill give information where she may be found shall receive a reward of three dollars edward noble kiogston november 22 1336 412 new goods the subscriber are now receiving by the last arrivals from lodok liverpool and glasgow extensive assortment ot the various kinds ot staple and fancy dry goods laces small wares mnortioc k co iwta incbrmation wanted of win harrison ao englishman supposed to be in belleville u c o geneva i s auy information of bim will be thankfully received bvhis brother john harrison front street kitigsttm 6th august 1836 editors will confer a particular fyor by copying ihe above notice the present members of the kington vow uoteer fire company 16 in qqinber on ly i injustice to themselves take lilts ctppotitvt nity of informing the inhabitants of vhe town that from their diminished force they dp aqt deem themselves adequate io the performance of those duties that the public may expect oftbem it therefore behoves the inhabitant to meet and take such measures for the publio safety as the exigency qf tbe pae may ffri quire the members will however in ca of fire until some further arrangement is mada to place the fire establishment on mart ef fective footing attend with the small engine and render such aid as may be in their power by order james nickalls jun cpm r r d kingatonnov 21836 the holders of caps and belts which be loqg to the town wttl retqrn them forthwith to thecaptnio at the court house 37z for sale ly the subscriber mrfhihlk lbs american cotton yarns ju w nos 5 6 7 8 9 10 500 lbs batting and 200 lbs- cndlewick 200 large and small looking glasses a larce assortment of travelling basket b wat wilson kingston oct 1b 1836 slgi new testament for schools at the corner of king aid broth sfre just published and now for sale a hand some edition of this book also an elegant edition of murrays eng lish reader

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