tm i ailv4 lh lm la a s 4iiant j us l iiimii l fiifl 11 l j fl ilwh ii i m vi lj i v irinttvriv n j il- ii u i in ihi 1 iv ilarahiy ovnm will jmlt l l and i llil i in ibe rmuifit ictl fviinlivnl i tit- 1 tint vnic4l miu 11 iw tfr hrd it if c4e d vtrm- in lie i i istl h lw rn uhtq ilea utij 9ki rl u tin i the ihmkbiv lelvd alii tvtvviwi it lim lucil n llt fchlf iirimuv w ill sh i upon lhr mhtiiuuily auj m abkh ilu i iojh will lw adniimirly rewardr we ate qmlr acnrime that audi an laiidrru kin 1144 in roudtkkd wufi tkc immi ran ltri i hut houid bo et clonic than ployed lit iiiidivitltijl v v ihiosvin upo if a jrrcatei number el kaiiiui convoyed iiiatiyotio yeor if llic ran f ifcero w no pic laity ewi iciih will bo rnel diiaalroui to ibr thhllihj mo titricrrmr o him ailily lu il 4 i in tut will ii i tnr a j itlirt iw llitfil ii wiiritrtwyi ibraclmi tj rnshjv j ttuiltiptf wh mit itnhn thai hi prutiiitel rvgiltur uvill rh ii iuu iriliulr lhr priitnhui of itaii pftfwnne v knit pralioa wbielt iflhf tv lw huiur by jit vuun isie tv fond eyjmi m h piin h it rrpijitcmly lion iled m h4 hm thinii vhirh have me iuc en hi- mitht iif l- jjlntii a snpuhlion dependent mfl iheni fuf n mil of jinlhl ol hy prrmdettl lb lbiic bbl b ifitvm vh hjv sftuli lhtirat l lfr ihr h jm llic tic btin fclimll n 1 lil lhr j mwy wa tw rimilt wttl imiif tijin liil tirvttiiii 1 lhr jjrtiinrii r ibr uf cmi fion il ifn lnatr lb lire ltiviit vjtjlv j llic ibju tbi phtt 1 utmlphmt irljrii 01 lint ufctt tbc a tor fc irti tii ii- nlflhklht hui swk jnck t iim vitv pn ytiu j f iw tif lit l- lmn ll ijmiii lu 4j by ibr sfflau li lhii itifrtl frrtiintlt rim ilu nniimi tin oif in v llif itmbhlv t til llj ff i lir in kil4fmp ttilu vufi rnt fvi tvc kutur fltiij ttiih llic fumil w jti ww rln b p f- ll wi wttliiiu juivs ijlihil- lli jftrwa irf laijuif vl itir lul cijmt4 hmi i lw miooimr suohact ptiniim tir hi il il ircm lrmhj j b hrl vo mi l wi l m fr i luliitiii 114 ji iii lj kl sj nmiki l i jl hi hi llpi iiiai1 rbaiiculic1iil llibl hi t ffini4l k tukianiju j on mwtiijt l 7k moini m 2 oth tb rrltiwi r iti be pnffi t acmnlmte ifl ibr ump if ibp etinfu rhtrrli in wbicb b4rcli id jinl mt imt hiffil ill boif ti br bc fmiii iii lvri di qib jlinia 10 ii lmtff buh iirtiuj avrjj k n ntrfiliu 9m4 vil ivtih rl iltvitfj in w k twrtl tlir imlr1ii iitinnn nlj 1- li nutf ilu j rlhti mjh itiiirnl mitiuiuk bi i wi fi c nmi m cbkfclk amftu r ttnlit nnrl manr otfnl wilttfl jur- hiw unhid oftrf- ditttktufcvlaiiibia haojtfrr mrtfkp w tio rnhnm im lh nm now ia lb cil j io hvc lb dnciivii r if pi ril rrnfam4 tbp mjixhalcihc dfuimobir lw lv iii ii i- ci if yr i ti amucl bi lie mi on of tvitftifueiim nrorvrfown an alrtrujn llic cbfi u i be hfmpjccim vtlbr initaf lkmf itkb if t r citiv a llit ilift w ti in tilllaihrif 4m jtm fjoucy aoims i prcitamof lli lm- ld naic ncbrf ot cooler l ibe rilfo i nfitufltl nu ibv 0kbrr l iii iliili4r4i tjvh rl ii ii vvalimri nitj a jttrc4 ftutfiftldvul auj fiiifl 5ifcnii af imitftj 4 l anl ii it rrr if cymmnjfl in h in ftt4 uvirnumhi tt the tbc uvual if i lc rf hvwahi pamil ukintrn svhi rvflteif ijiii r r t c-m- t ham lmc amti i tftnu1 report w the dr i- ii f i li ili i lllvftltfl ihvmcians baptii nb rr mth b iut ibr il fc cfnllirn vf tn rvftuill vhy lntrit i a rrpoct ntj l ly ji lb cn1inf lhr ficnn lui ihn lhr pujiiiuji ifil 141 ldj vn nnvrilb iif nnrjv4l ivmil tiio mimki an rvima tvlbc jlvn d iv i hitr s4iai imitc f ihtl 1 lit ffm tth ijh on amntar mrtb 7j rin mlir tiuij irj t h m- iml truli i arj ai rtrr the brkl tilt i ivi ol it bver aii1 hjii ifftt rni liar- if v ji n iil i 1 rm i41a4t ttf thfnu ilb oflrc- ryiiml i ilb uirih4ch anil hjviut nufcifiifm aal jtmih t ihc ini i la tl thff fj- it h fb uii itr wilt tvrj vpi him uitwitftj nl ajfo- pfiit intrrml irrnijur wmnrt ti i fcfrai isctoir fcr ificnff b lii ul jtif but lhr hmacb ai ind iiri ifij mm ai htlmtt conjilji litu oh ibe uot afil at 3 o rtl i n ituhn j ib 4i tdrr vhib i a rn f l mtiulrt iw j uclol on ibr mrntiftc tlc nt lhc lb vi urr- ij bf llw profrnf brqjil b u wfihiisl ni 1bi-r- sr i with o io mhutua hr fiit pnuihf ittkr rtlwf jii tun difcou rasing tofihuro t talioti in lb rrmlion urotlitccj nl homr by ircounu of lb miicty nikj puffltng mm moum bat bn in mj c4f ndtifcd w i hq anifibk that i u t- i ickhi to cc yy ihc einirinuto lit nrat wt in lb t ojonif t an thrr b tiv tbft iinai jrd further guidanrcor aiunc bit ibn ma ttuch a pocc4iim vrould b b ihtow into tanchl outi rim of hfhm fo whom ao jiuc rmplo innt oulj be lhw jroi nt j nd w ho woum cihihqunln be f4d to lit coaitniird evih of hunger jcj anj idlt n whthl inlhcajc f efttjlon io ca- lajjj the rrjlct iuii the nw eijterjtii ffiimlill would ultlf hll ciktllhivjmktrt mafctf ihtit way into be umird sulr a lb rci i ii t j vrhkh tbii coiltd j rmjwy- nirnf av ar thrrrfor oopidion hut in ny itlra of cmijtion cowfld by ibt tjie it ii of ihe nlmoii imptmlait thai lhr mirinl yearly cnout wiw nh rccil tich timbtf aieanobuin tfeiliitt midov- ifot on tbeff ruflralj and hill h itwuld be onrcyat noce io ibo jail of the nroi til which lrwir liibotir ii rjitrd- wt bjhve lakcn nains toactfum what nni t of kmiraitut anoiitd be received vritboul mconvmienco by the ptovifk ol iiiitith north amrrica dutin the penl j w4 wt eannol eitiinat the number at let ihan lylboutan4altbe tonealeotrtpuulion t bn4t of the emipffalioa to ibe olhei proeiocr il britiifa north ametica aboiil twentythree hiouiand eoaiftaiiti landed ll lower canada luring lail year of ibew a nall number enl o the united slates but more than an ojiial number went from the united slain to kill in canada from all ihc account which bate bten received ii apnean rtat the koii- raaiu have expetieiej no jiianpoi fitment loowb a urje neopor lion were olthit etau bo were depeftdant po labour for thcif infi we bare out heard thai the iuply ol utatar exeeedrd the demand bul on he con- traiy there n reaoq tobetierc that a mueb vi number might bare found employment the siicccf of the emlf ration of lail year will immy induce many petaonv to emigrate du- tiz tbo prevent year who are awe to defray heir own evpentei but a the inlrpoiuon of ute aujjtatice mar poiiiuy induce tome per mm to icek uch anialance wbp wontj other ivoc hive rin enabled io entigrate by the eoqttibution of their frienda we may eatimate ei nnnaber of emicjnu who wl f 0 upon which eould be abaorbed by the prorineea of biiliih north america fa whom pioriiion will rpttulre to be made in the mancier hereioajler the preaenl ia a movent pecniml ltour ble o an cstriuire emierafion the harvest of laat year waj moit abundant in north amer ica and conaequenlty proviiiona are u the present moment both cheap ao plentiful the advajitae of emijaiion haa never been o urofilr fch by the intelbent inbatitanla of llipae cotonin in veral diticta panic jariy io dm canada auociatona hare bren totmcd for ibe piiriiotc of faeiljtalin the reeep tin of lvmiranla from the i iited kindom willi i view io encourage the icltlement of kmitranta in canarea mwtll ltded prnprie- mm nave linihed their wihinfreaa to place at the difpotal of theae aatttietim cteniire lacu of land they bare a bo depuled dr rou aa their agent to tbie country for the pitrpoe of atiinul jtine kmigraiion and in hia ippoinlment the colonial exccile hw con curred ihc tail act of he lefjjture of upper canada dteriouc o ita nnal dilution waa adoption of an addrcta tn the crown pray j that ir lie tatn for promo i emigration tipcei a laie icalc to the cn najian proriueet under alt ibeie eircum tiitttioh and thru rijnuluii lu lb baa prcetvrj ibf tnatttm of omt wwimb j cwitrihtnr4 io ihi biiih in hie chi 4re it u afaarml ibil in ilihwi votlh amertli ibe wfiole ol th ikikitv u infromlhe uk of the publtc lanh lull liv pjdiod loihe promoiiou of ftefafjelateji wn do not think it uccrry to fmt the aiircnu by wbiell ihn iitiaivipta f cultmifaliiiri i an taiiicd wo enou ejtvlwi tii ifj timph atlion im up atii eonhiiivralinitt wbiib bare eetwci jot f tb ih l i fund of the otlwr iuvnk budj i apjt6inm led 10 lb nuts- itf tbtibt of ur a with i il uue u tl raent the north m v- ian cjlteiafii l tjuel uritrin andbor limd atallalj ftr lh iit ill monolin kihif wt and an ipfinfapifiyin knicralk4 wuuht wiv from hn t i ol a ta upon ii3l puyblo eillrt m lanlv li4 ui p i of the xx part of 1 kabu to fraliial iiu iii i ailf nonry 1 1 place at tbo dthal of land in dili jviru if vu viik wdl tkooic dfiiltralil i ii ttl j f a yii atnicjidir aetion of lind ou the pail oftb thinlt it thrir inlrt to pay eve rm in fvit i t tlli lur milutk m d ahinlinphv- rrrn may m u w won hhsctoxj m i i clf tu m d anftwi a manueh m u ctoitihhi pit meiaa we hire much plejturr l before or icad era a biahlj impor mh mraoful b ihe nurlh ai fir 4i chtuui rjiaaeoatllnii of lois to lord j ruhyii ffincipil sceiurr of uu wbml hill u fnj utfow arc iodebd for th iteretn tafranrn i jvbn hoi fw hw acliic nj dvvnt jlmieam anlfor life port of rufetou nkwr ire awarr upt up a cfhnl reivnc nrh lt ftelpb jtfee hi jtriotc fjf eeuml funjthi kim irib wcb ul ard rtwral infarmaitoii ot neclcd nitb lie cuw ttmiraiion at l dr t nrvmmkoij tobtwol nkfol to k u arc af thai mr i- hat fur aoiae tunc patt van uiflh a rivbr orroondenec ftith omr r i leaoiiit journal i i ik- ferth of aeolian i r anordp ihuwtiififi miiihmj nhftfllopahkinlead in io eafiieaie le canada tt the right hflnourarlg lord johx rusfeix pjtinclpat 5ecke taryforfhkcolomes 7a iraaoriofoae wiliervoa coionroi coomif f re of lomftai 5nwrjt that the north amnican colonial con mitlee cooaitlinc viumn miocialci for the jurroe of piomoliiiff the colooiiliati of lb bfithh froc in america have te aurd after mature root idr ration to auwi to ourlotdihip the folloiwn malimrni ol then viewa with leaptel to ilu inifobmt ov jeel we aaaame that in the ejitdanda vin jlandv aj well a n flje of la miftuf icfurinr towna ofscotbnd thit in panic uur employ taenia and pariirular jiituu of england that throuhont jtrnot everj- part of itciauj nun thouiande of our itluwcoonliymen are ool only unabk to obtain ibioutbout ihe year voch ufjn wilj ahord lhm thofe meana of com for tabic mibvitcik which ereay induatrioua man may fairly npet in exchange fo r labour hat arent- rrjueej to the etremc pnvaliona of the n0t al1ticiincdeiiiuton w atturnc okhtt thai in the hntith 1 we arc jiutine4 in believin that when the canadian lejrulatere till ataemble there mil be no indi spot ion to eotrlain favourably any proportion for ibe tacmfetfrorol ofemi utioa which ahall be fouoded upon an ejuit- imc baaiflt and cuarded by peodeiit caution we reapeclfully rubmit that the lime ba eone when wlr t trtrr me h tit ijc with aoariut by lb lecuore uoi rrnmenl and at we are ewired ihn your lordthip cannot be imliilcrent io ibe opinion of a tnjdy of fpntlrmen who were much intereat- r in ibe colonication of britiah ameiica we bey to 0tt aa the baiac if ueh a peopoaition ihi following apportionment of ihe expense of emigration between the dirfcrenl parties inter e4e9 t that ihe emigrant aliould and himaclf the mean o eonreyauee to lb poet of em- tuikation hia outfit and proonj for the voy- p- 9 that ihe gorcrmnent should provide a iffe palace x trial ihe colony fhonldtake charge of tbc labourer on hit antral aid umkrtavo hu ii eeyanec to the district in which he co be einploytd uch a diriiaon of the epemea would an near to be moil natural sf welt at bet auited the mean of the rcipectire parttee and wbaby it would bo found in the tetult that jeacti would tbue mcar about equal portion of 4 ihe total coat tbia neelion ii fbonded upon he aupfo llvn that several distinct inlercata are concern jelin the emigraiioej of the unemployed poor of the united kingdom j in the lint place ii i a matter of concern io ibe britub nation at large that an rndirid- iui who it compelled by cicumvtancet ovr whch he baa no control to remain idle at home lxutd be transferred to a nld in which hii rlie vigour anj productire indnairy become elemenu of the political and commercial great- n of the british inpite in reference 10 ic peculiar circomatancet of canada your ilrijhip will feel that there w eonii deration i it will fcrcliuth iwi b neat i 1 1 lilit if tt uiii- seurnenl upon tbent will fen t in tlimmii tin evil which biiip bren bil b rut finm ii fue and unproiijrnt tnfl of i rv luil ni leirilory to mjiijui ba h ivc laaaravm nrithcr the inti uur itciinaliim io fr i ibrm under cultivation jt on lb oilier biful the li be xencraity paid in money u wilt be aevp that even a very lulling asewment will ilonce create a fund urailablt tor the promotion ol public work a j rendition a tax of one balfneony per f le tvj tijrei all the lands in ifrifivh north america whuh have been ilready granted would pral ia waida ofatsnhtl per annum and ihi fnu4 woiitd continually inert in mporiirtii a ibe pubbc laud now unisftftcd of sbll be appro priated by individuali upon lhi revenue akjve million slerlin could beat oocc tditedf or aueh lat uin a may from lime to lime be reuite1 for lh tt pmvemeit and aclilenent of be diurielc fmn which the lax may he levied we have rea aon to believe thai if the provincial hsiuaiare thoutd consent to ibe imposition of sock a ux there will be nodilucnlty inraiwi ameeif the capttalitu in the city ol london who are eonneeled with be provinces whatever amount may be required priprtiouale in he secprlr o atfbrded on ihe strict condition lawltiii lund shall be aptdied io the purpmrt jboiv tnc- clflieli in i uln your f- p to recommcnj to the provincial legitldturct wnae surh prioal at that which we have ventured to juoi ii hie iven n frl krakfn tn elhftrt llnl ih proposition much rocmble llut wbirh h4areen already sabmilted by ihe com mi talon en ef land and keiiraion in tlivir repptt datd ihe 25lh ol april isio we imd ihal ihey ad- vised that 50000 ibo utd be applied out of the general revenue in aid ui emigration to uiiims north america tbcy rccomnaend ibal half ibe tcnt fl hpastaeof ihe kmiranb bould he j im ed by the gorcmmen the other hjlf beinf borne by the kmiant them wives or by the patliet recall r interested in the it removal whether landed proprietor or jtoorl iw waptrt j that the einirnu tbu id make their way io the pott of embark at ion al their own cost and ibatj upon their lamling in the colony ihey should be immediately placed under ibe eui dance of the colonial fcnijritos atnu whoie duly it would be to cony them to i paits of the colony in which certain mnloyment awaits them w do not concur wilh he com mission r ia thinking thai ihe emigrant should be called upon to contribute any porlion of ihe paaae mnetey because many emirantj would be found unable to provide such contribution and we deem it of ihe utmost importance that emi- rrants should have at their tlaposaj on ian sin in the colony any fiins which they may be able to command but wo hink that the ex peosei of out6l provisieos and conveyance to the port of embarkation rn ay fairly be thrown iruiii ui ihi iii irrrf al hilf i l4 m iimlit in tbul tsu ir ii lur oilijitiu 4if ihn hhsjnin mtaviivhj i- lh l thlv lb blnj i w may aru1 u anl thai he in v whl u lain iftrnulv lli r nfiiniin in ll iir i aivit 11111 wmd l ilihni hi i l 1 p h p bi diii and nii pfiirj tii eronitiit ikiii i imk h iiiin idol il flhv rij lv uiij ert n bv pxs i nnr i o il i ikt a mils i itrtiiiitt ii- i mi tin ftneviuvitt nv vijimin imk liisjwsej iii nil way lfijfuntl r ratine- ilml nil aiiunki ll hl hi m lln l bn hft invi etini lln nuila ipveh lli at mr si nlor llarrivii hat f ll intni slifajfl in naj lh ilia leniilnr i arlhiar tin- nnt s 4dt iii ex kiivr mwiir ir- ilbnif y sr in fni iif l kvtv triln tej tti mtutfoml injarrw ni irirowlfy i ihi t one initvf w- judil hi at ram hi w fbhiin miihi in prtuts ajnvr taw jaiaiiwi ienwnl uy eonnd ilial hi liiifi lb iiruriann nf ho vnrvttnt nmlirv fur ijisil at- l enniidaint nnd e na uu him krtnii tluj ilu tlninil stiiosi ii- nf lntaiil fn ho st iik cniliki ctetfll nntl pvcfv hiiik jv fv m ifiinty il ijivfaat the lllnliim m ihn cnihity ii ijjii j lb- iu nniirf irlluirwl tm slmi rtniini latf in the rellifi 4 air m it- lid flw nimivei tept j a utrijiriity il ten hr uunlop hi m etlrj il t r ihi srry j- jioiiif ncmul tr- hliim vwiillptnhobh tvme lojc tenokits rf lit curb wood tenders mil lm rvienttt ai rh ol- ii i- m rlw tvt inrttt enfenfiffif until i dvlriiv iu mvtujtiu vu 44 if j nt jkfav rtf irmii fiucli nfa4na ne miy a tiling in lurmah tftki 1411 joi iin ilav tttfevm iif il tlw t hp ui lueriwlioii 411 1 ivr it ne wirr find tlfible ief44l 1 31 inthlt ffljar it wum uo tf vrv moincrii lb 1 irianj alrli ii nev i riv niinlfi inllntxr tali xlbin tan lv i nur fvlrpl ciavkflll- i die kiuvin nlatinn tl ltlluwrt riintiv imi mtr jitrtnunl hint rnrnino ver4 an nt iif vatinn aniteuaiiiihtit npr tb tirfrt i nt ii m happy io hod tbat lb sirws vf i uiijn era are almost entirely in accordance uith boc of your comenittee it ought to be observed hut by placin the stream of emigration under be jmiiaaiil ence of a rescknsitc board mueb of the tuil-r- 15 and dan io whicb he emigrant it now exposed from the pmltplpl praclicct of some 4r the shipownen and matln rncaed in ihe conveyance of entrants at well aa from ihe employment of unsafe vessel would be otii- ted and thus the emigrant weuw be puced under a proiectine care from the port ot embar kation to tbc place of hia ultimate location we have only dd in conrlusaon thai in solicilint auislanc m tbc patt of the m m aid of emieration to brjun notth america il is very far from our wish to deprecau samilarj aisislancc towardi nromolin- trie tettlement of ihe other colonies of great urihin we reejet to be compelled to believe that there are in the united kingdom number of induttrints men ofeiod character unable to find cmpiojincni at home suhcicnt to supply the utmosl demand for labour that can for several years exist m the various colonies of great rrilarn we there fore claim no partialilv for bitith nth amef iea but in riewinc this snjct wilh reference lotbe interetlsof ibe mother country it can inhtwlklt nei utduf liu imiui i r llijn ttilii uiril m i fivti-u- 1 iril m ivlhn itu i iin- 1 in -riil- tji mm nnyitin nn it ly iimism iijifcii 6l enrtuiitl all mltnr splpm i state ww rtwril in iv rancc fcssiici v xntinfc hjj oreal itrnain rhfliov i ihw wftw tint net fa isainj if inijbivo f winch ie wj nte re pimeiuei then iifiilillyi it wxintit have uvn lb duly of ris slat to hnvo appro hen kl anj miirl tucm prbfnetft tlicy rnrlj u ft njrl n dij nn paarh ihtne stic iniglncd mmb unjcf vamrt pjw tin allcdlii mrirt w coriimitlcj ami uc ullt u li rur ml it m my net nnd i htiix iw- csidanv eeparativn or apotu- ev bi make tniier llicsv cirtlancct rlfl1t upon iiin ui try ami cxccirbj l utlty hifwhat ivbv imler tlse iwitcr pf iik llriiifu goerww ami ifali ul u thua pmiijicfj iy iroy use c-iifa- ilian piuuoeiiier per tlic prcptiloiii isc c rwnl scott irihyiitltl ever vipl cimdrt anj by and cxe irt ili if fourul giiilly of hnvinbccniifa the bailie f the tattma or luj w there u in one opin rs no eltvfatce utween puniliing any pvlilicf ofilie viie ftrtny wlirt luurc nnimt u during lr t war nndlhia slab iunwjnn mcui and we repeat every itay llial tti ui i- tpmai nnw ihat the enih1i ifvernmefh hat aumed lji itpunlrilty ef use vjevtructiun of tlie candine in trfu n o wot afaina mp but this it nnt all h it disrepulablc tlnw fracefiil iu ihit cvunlrv io reinin tht mr alexander iblevj in prison when hit oyvernfnni putt itecll forwaro an j says this it my art arl et reparation for tt umi voir mnv cntild we have mmi mirwav lle aanevof ntcleojt pnnn vhiii bsve been throivn npci ein the nurit anil then tftve are ni ir r jriin and england svill not mtraiji ami uv bun f luund tujh o war kjrtir on ruriit iniumltir ldjofcaft hun- 0 m nli- in le ttneuf mr julm sine nf 4 shi ml eh albii eehtenre iwun th fllalurs hal ja- ftfty morn 4inr a 1ii hoi jiifl mpfsa mr jxnf kir kfj 1 in thi ft il nl arih iifcv ff lite ilwri ur repvrllllj t j 11 nn4 hi likfjl tfthrtk l 1 fci i li nhtfivtt iiiirw at famarh i lmt rmt 4fjvnta iiify ivr4it- ttl tituti 1 1 r 1 run r d j mi iniii4l hill tit lm itnh sii1 i 1 1 ovitnlk if tfn liar fruirtr iil ariiefvr in i 1 i 4 r hi ind iipiftaiji i af ilktkd u aninj i leadpecniihn tfaeemwihat ml ptm to ovltfeh tln fnemtf xt hii iran onl hm ipaw lbs kftpall pap vi apv if rsief m r i i 1 m auction sale of dry tuods nno tie sutl n tucsjay ilse 2m april u intl at hj dry tioinlt stnrc of mr john umih ant lh slrttt ailn irsu it it tiiihutin erttdthinenl the wlwile uf hi- s us ik- uilhh 1 if jej lyitlnj rne e 1111 iiipiikhnni i i 4iii laf hidr ttttvjfc jliiih piitl litltl wowl ami thr wlsukff hat llanl lyi mtil 1im vil ifv mh b- bn finrr fr in lifgrh ilinn pfnni eininif tin- lysml may le ifclevyvh emrjvf np ait ivmlriilftirv wuifnr i t 1 jrl n mas einl the eihm hhm e iff the cunirut lur one holfjf ilse pktvi wettpl tnut w ile- tivercd uefire tbu firat jay tf aifui mapli nml lite rviiirjiitf iw tln ft rut jay uf ovl iter lolluw mnl wnml i t u firrnrajied nt lie ralr ol otht i imlnl ipti vr month irons ihe lirsl ul if mny nl wilh epreli tnw lw naim- if t survtiea uiuei lv jnen ttlty ri ivijimjr in ittvisttft ihuiui 1 nil the itiui tir m ibe um ofllinv i irvil trtilpuv sw fhr w u itfptjrh tfjjfttittij riauy w eniernl inif lvuvfrniil jvtitiiiflirirc serve ii dartjjff aiieinmevr cfur partieulnr kv handlfiltt kindlon loili april lsi hlni extkjwsive credit s1les by auction n syewhy2ut inlsill be sreu o make it force it j and at ihi peniier momeni ivnr nrrainst ber ntead of warring one of her aubjcck our national uot be forgotten ibal in lotince4 of amcrka lmre exists a deman for bbour which has not yh been frilly talis lied hut the industrious itbourrr can there uilarn eood waaud the means of cemfori iime tubs4senci lh there bei mary liona ofacretoflbe tnoal fertile land still un- cultivated land is so cheap that the rcree of industry and frurhty enables ihe labourer o pufcbste a tmall estate in fee after a tbotl resided l proioeet anit thus to be come pplojrer of labour so that the de- mafid for additional bancs instead of decieat- in5 w tn jtl 1 ndersoet a constant aug mentation perdirt upon these two aatumiiiiont which cannoi be mibmit thai it is rontrovertrd we respectlully ibe duly 0 the utenon of great biiltin to aflord the mother country anil m the coloetiet the aid which ibey retpectirely jiltical expediency involving pefbapt lh very conaexion of these colooiep vrth ibe parent state which make it advisable to pro mote ihe immediate settlement in those piov- itieet of a population warmly attached to be rmuliortt and irrtertttj of great dribin flienj ccenidcrationa alone would justify the cation of a portion o ihc general revenue io the promotion of emigration to dritisb north america z it iamot ncccpuiy to point out th benefit which routd result to ihe emtryant himset from has transfer to jbe colonies becsute the whole of our mfnttwb bated upon tbc as umption that this change of home would great y improre his condilion toere is ne member jofour association srho would advocate emi- jtioa upon any other suppotition when ivc aureest tbat the emigrant should l called upon to contribute some portion of he eapen- mf of the emirvation of hat family we are fully aware that iu miny arm the labourer i j re uraabu to ma tribute out of hit ow lunds rocb proportion but we think that few ases ovist ia which he would ftnd birnself nn- ibte te tmafce np ibis amoont by the aid of bit riciufe employert or landlord aod ir such as it would se competent for the eaiafdiani or any untoo to make the required contribution f the poor rttet the adratitaxo wbkh i retail 0 the diatiicl io which an ssnem- d family belong from their removal w 1 j and immediate because to ion at tney nabla to earn their own subsstence they be relieved either by public or b private toe colony to which the tahoaftt- vmj- nearer vicinity of the american colonies a contrilution on the part of the stale which would only facilitate the conveyance of ban drcorihe orwrnployrd poor to more ditlant tcttlemenis would aicf the emieraljtm of thou sands to british north america we have now laid before your lesuip h as brief a form at we could adopt without omit line pvrticutart which we deem it important to mention a dntinct proposal for the eon due i of emigration to british north america haa not been adopted hastily but is ibe teul much consideration and we let ve it in your lordships hands wilh a feeling ef perfect con- ndencc that at a british atatesmao you are deeply seasiale of the value of colooiealion at a meant of tacreasane the power and resoarcet of the treat empire whose colonial interest hare been intrutted to your char rehire by transferrin e the iupeabmjm pop j wetvplto elenlv inleeesmd in this transfer tion of ir lnited hinom to llio slhey will be wekomcjas producer 1 wcoouwte producers utcd of being repelled at a burdv ita tbare of the expente to uy that 1 i it of no value without labour is the following excellent atiejc it from the courier and enquirer of nesv yorlf the mny lone of it ia nl i to bse editor we ce of jfeleou tit cae hat teee ably arsruexl by the treat of tiie coun try and it would appear after all that the public miml it quite bs unaetticu nos at it wat at the ommcnceiiveni in regard to what should be the action of our govrn nvent in ihe pretniiies wo havw rsynj near ly all the etsayt which 1tae appeared on the occasion and it it clear that poena law yers here aliempted to rcnovr dllbrult and perplexing ono of the rilainett queallont which ever awretaed itteif to ilie common tenae of a peopfe when we firat publitbcd the debate in the british parliament srherein lord pal- meraton ueelared that the ilctlrtaction of ihe carotin wan a notional act tho retponti- bilily of which evaawat folly attumeu by enrand sveai once dec fa red that in one opinion all the rights and injurtce of now 1 il v l red m the righu ano inju ries of the united sutetj artd thot our ive viuii prepare ourolftocn declare agflintt lwnor ami national diemt alike reouirc thai thit course sjiotim be rurtued and we ttill in ilulsjc the hope tha new york will give thit ehildrsli protecitiou which dot n- hc- comc her and looi tn the action of ihc na tional uoseenmentw the redrew which h alone may dcmanilur can enforce an idea appearvtn have omalncd curfen- rency ihnt to riiv up jtrloa it to iue- cumb to grimt bnain thit u rntictilout l mith lime n ttsrlanrr nitifiitteil hrr re- dftiillhu fire lhr l ft rrlll jihi j jkt tii it we fliiii tifircivil aainki ihe irdi hlual ireeaunr twiat eulsee a national offence or anacl dpiracv and muruvr by intlivtdualr lvltiehrleilcd to rmr taivn the livetofall conrcovd in it ifcreat in- tma had itihatritvl of course tltc pre ritiuin ajtiinit we i woutd have proefet- sl anl if ii ieath ijinuld and would hasv hven his itaan liit the contrary be- nf ihc caaennvi britain having taij- tliiii it my ail h10u myteli r fe anl am inisard in julify il il iloet nut lieeoine a tjrest taiiun io heiiii in the renirte to be adopted every ronidc rai tvhitli can or abnih inltuenec tse aetmn of nainui iltnsandt our handt ihe rxdeate of meljfrj intrant and n rigid enfirce ment tif our rgst t repiratiijn irvin creal britain we nre well jvire that m tprdg these ojiinion we e runninj counter io the public tetitimitii beeaisac the public have imbibed he vee mistaken nntusn that we may not with hppor turrender mrlwd let utuippcife 0 caats suppotc amlcrxd hit tervant 1u maltntt if dog and b bv ing caughi the aemnt in the act it atxwtt to inflict chatlitcoioit upon him when a infiiemt b that it vprt done liy liu order could b in honor jincced agiititt tlie er- vant of a on thi norrtitry would he im immediately tet tlw rsont nt lirvrty and hold the matter reipmtible for the act ihu ntaumed by itirn iltl certainly he ivoiaul and ihft it precipe iliv tute oi tie spilnv tmn between great lliitnin and the united slates we cannot without a naeriricc f natsonal honor ami ilignity continue the peoaccuton ngaint stltm when ihe eng- lith govermncnt havt tuinrd ihc ectpoi- pibilily of his condue our only ce4jne l to comw eoand bjo utyumfrve or qui etly withdraw ourdcnnnj repajratiofi al he sirvitf miim it il fc t rae kmnt street ihe sjupsaf their vplti able stoebnt 10j1y os compripjug a eiai variety iff staple ami fit- iter dry i iuitalfc fir lb u spring and summer sdpptpjra tttm fo ami maje known at the time jf sale on thtirnlftf me 2it mtwt and ifilinwiitr tin vs wilt ite u at the suiisfsw of tlie subaenlat on tw cimm ti i wharf a vecv fenertt ami iumplete nhaortrnent of liquora wince groceries teaa ittmlle ttrssckery asad glaasrvaxe alto several connipomcntt of seaaonnlitc dry goods alt of svhielt arc rsewitively in be uvpoifrl of without reserve for partivufar te caialiiaet the gouw at metvrt r ii k t rnc ami ai luutc at the slnrctnf tlw suhkrih- er can be ietvii on munday and tuesday previous to the sale tt under xc cmk over iocjo 3 mnntht over zq io xloo half at 3 ami ikilf at 1 monilit over j00 nnethird at 3 oeiethinl al and onellnfd at ft mnntht by liimhiti ajv- pruved ersdoraed xolct payaldv in full at oialufitc sale to eommene each day at 1 1 oclotkj am m the tamt um trilt oe rsofst 25000 feet seasoned black walnut ceieitiptiii ol i in duardt h i j i j 2 and ui in plank wt pitch apjl rrsii f 3 ziix kingvi autfitf 7uroneee m 10th april isj1 lj british sadimfiky warehouse alexander dixov reapeclfully inform ihc military and gentry of kingston ihathe it making the nol exfiediluiii arrangement o v lekv warehouse rn kington m eonnenin with jut ettabwimeni in rorcei to svhieh svill he supplied wilh ever arti cle of owtivry ojiof irritet lhai an con- aiilifte a fiml rale entli etapllimcnl toronto wellington lluddirut april tiih isii s si i to let tiie emenaive brick how w siora cniere1 with tin eiluatej cmricr ol front anj brtsfl si reel in tlsc rtouriidi- in tottl of imleiillc that well known tiand at nfiem occupied by billa flint ji oiithmsie slalje etc imilt of wilh all other convenience toiic w eft whrdetale and relarl merehantt poawct- rion ln june next application to john a mai ervnald evr barrivler sic kirgj ion or to ihe proprietor in momreat william bradbury monfnrat fjlh april isil 81 t5i the toeonio idtrlot and rvllcille intetligenrv arc iffaftlfs o copy the above till itl jurx end td in heir accounts to john a macdonatj t kioption j meeting of pwfrtmrnt a quehec okcial gaxeitc exttaordinaey oftlse ftih intt containt the prselamation calling the legitlature o meet if he towruaip of xinxitoniontaclliiuisay of may next for the detpatrh or uftincsjt the proc lamation wiflarsrsear n our next number wo repel to learn that hit excellency lord sydenham hat lately been alarmingly ill by ihelptett aie however hit loojthipa health wi materially unproved we bet to cm the llu qow cofv meccal readerr to uv adswimem pub htortreol oienng to i qktfu lithment now oceupam bv fffjta p- e lho lfo toivt vfbmnttt aoy merchant 6c m tommc butiiepon byhquinewoum find iliamcdairblc scottish national meudies graham considcrt it proper tn take this moifc ofinfoimine the sub- tcribcet in canada to hit work above named that nutwilhtlandin his utmort ex ertion it rould not be completed at the time epecw m eoritequertce of oviayt of tlie publisher to remedy thit ihe work has been iul inlo ihe hand of otter ifrhn have entered mm arrancementt to have it entire ly completed by the month of augum nexl the author deeply regrets ihnt any delay thoum have bken place and that he cannot obtain a contract to bavi the work finished sooner but at he helievetthe iitrnott reliance can be placed in those who have underta ken it the tubtcrihert may there fore expect it by the lime above atatcd believing ihit explanation will le conbidrrrd ttuafactney he licfw he will he favoured wilh theindul- genre of hia friendt in canada who have kindly palromed the work and to whom he rvtpccilutly returns hit tincere thankt the moosrent horavj toronto huh colonial quetxe mercuryt kingston creoadetcat caictte will sjaaasi copy the above hereas nh ami rxi i i 9m at tlie ahiiimi meviiis l ilie sinra iutldin nf the knn ibnne hail- vcfiy itcutil lltjat noire llti iikv lln rsr tmrb tarndeincrf were elected dciiirs fin ilie enuiu ymr six ffenry tfdnfth tr ron artttriat v tgttts ivrftm jonn cffnij olu t if jtkin a sjnietiiini of the paujt yratt to havmp bofl fubimllel u ihe sncwiiumerti i was fouml wif ailactury and ilumcd a tteatlf and pridilmlc incrsar nf hutiih from he r4iiinncitvniuii j and it apirearrne evident hat ihe ammsnl of caoifnt hiihertif deemed uflii rent etat rn lonvr ndvriitaic in rarry out the viiwt of flee etmipany mi n extended a eeate aa the ftrvent flirurithin er ndition of ihe wnrk would tvarrani it ivftp unariiiruiuelv rctouedi ilsart to order bi ijive sreaue facility to their operatsonit ami io enable t hern to place ihe cinh1ulirncnt m a tilatc to inctewrv exigency ihe capi tal slock of die cmripnnr wl exteoded in ihc fult anvmnl jimiied bv the clurcer and that sdock liookt tn opened in the office alvr the sixth d frf may next fr the puroote of niiljacrilnnsj he names of ihotc uniting to lrrrrc purchasers where every information can he obtained at a enreiiof ef the directors held tmmo iiiaielr aflenhe vfi ttmry firiiratcrv ffto rva reelic pretiuvrii and qjlr c w jenkmt eleifed serrebry te treaturer c wjenkins secy anj treasurer k m r iv may 5 si sooi o fin poii sale oh to ukt n u iwf un nt it whou sale ktflhki pnsfruvvj p liy that f ik sat l issja murklatkl en tme laf ihi itvh rurntr i itirii fu inrthklar app m ihia m- tssfavntrle h ijjrlle utfie- 9 meuui mpresj 31 ihi 7h ii k iv kowsell slnliuitrrn ft hook n here or nroxro ktiniiirntnlh41rilialanu uf klw ritt ihatihf bfcctkr ihe prnj t in brrvk mrrci lately f- r tjt s miguttan ivir sslicrc nt tor4i a ihf rltvtastpss epen lhr j rvili reersvst p taese ami sshl aeemich ipt acgwkt hooks and itritinii paver of eery itwrriplinn plain pfsj fancy sta- tiunkkv n fjew varsvts of ekglt51f wnjcks on ll- turfttjl of ihe earticit t near it frni eneta and dnfio lhr acamhi ihey will tm m refvii ur freh itrwbsffp and fmrn slse adsanff tl 4 tiutviin is itli lln iiml itottirilif rovlri b4 mnmilhiivr- iii littrfp lofiin enrlamt rriim thorn liny imfkrt iliru ftoiifiliev bibcsv tliaiar rvftanln varrc- ttipjality nnd elliivp tlsrlr spmi will i e i rn t i jli lopns cunada n- jl order reeiscd ltt bofkt r ans aee ffrtiele innecud uilh llteir liiiin hi lc imported ssfw lxmlnf ti eurv ibeir arrival here during the irecui year onlert alimild la gen sarly in june bookhlndiko in all ilt tainrbc march iwi- 9fe y uea fnun lltcir itfltbupnj firm f i stuiniia ami ac id wanted immediately apartftlentsimmedialelr rerjulred wuli board would he preferred fur a tieiillcnaii and hia wife a tibtrni rent till le paid adtlre to il j k at thwttslice dironee oaaofliee april 7161 1 so for sale a neat cwiuge wilh verandah ttf miuabilin darrie street near the neiv houc of parliament now rcninied by mr captituttsl band matter of ihe 2th mff fur particulars apply ai ihit oflice chrofi km office 7ih april ls4h oa ship blocks and pumpa the snlipcriljer itr leave l tnftirtn ibe puldie thai he ha rommcac d hujnrs in the above iip al mr cpnwrjhtt wharf where he svill uppy all sho mtj favor him tvitu iher cutrrtui with any iiun tuy ami rize of snip btork tew eyu jf- hfnlspiktt oar iv tiavsriai- i f s for wella nd ve- slj pll svanarnexl ruod and will be told at nmderote prveet orslcrv trianfcfufly rceeltej laaj punctu ally puendrd io aikx skinner- kinenton 2lih march 1841 76k to journeymen saddlers wanted immediately at ihe saddle and harriett warehoiner of tic sureribcr firti rale saddle hand iu w hom liuerpl wigr and i orrttajd f mjrjrrt mcntwjh be pven john harvey store slrctt kflrtnn march 2a 1841 7sa for sale per floihiifioman po tatoesal mpjtstct pxarvs mothi phut early dutton corn the fo- loving ia an extract from ihe ccncteo ftr user entttmm ttia cerit hate succeeded wilh the button corrf admirably srriirt a du- chts corrrtpohdeau and have planted it ihi year cxclftfivefv i planted latt yeaf fooj dif ferent varretiv ibe dulton early carted eed freen prnsrleeptie eejbi rose ed white and corn sa id to be etplhrji rtfcm losred the dutoniipenedtwowefcsbefdeel ami yielded belter tbe cob it eery larre and that wxiold b obetorublc did it not uke a good deal of com to cover it it it utch io re mark that after raitta 1v1 com eisieen years ibe seed havinr been obtained fraet foe jea- tlepnaa whose nansewe rctre it arc eo not pet ccive any diminution tn its early y rf fee- r- v whkh we aocrrv io the lacli that ere are a tarty s selected be eirticpt riiued eart w ww crow hat left me cause or provocation and haa from me and hie family these huabaiid john without atv been absent wven weeks past i am induced to give thi public notice and would be hapoy io receive hitcllrgcncr of hut resilience and place of abode by the same beinf made known at the chronicle k ca telle otnce esther crow kinplon 5th april 1811 vr rcion marched ltt 7 sit vat son a a to be sold averysupckeortmallneitofster lin silver spoonsand forks kinca piitirn new 10 per vent under sterling real to le teen at gh- hardys fc ifrrfcassmfer moar l sp i jrthi wheat manijfisctlrel the sutiribcr in prepared in itaiuht- ravlure 10 b 13000 itiithelp wheal if deliverrd at the mills by ihe lt may or earlier if ihe navigation will admit of it ff icrma aplv to james harvey vonge mil 1st april 1841 7ffi the laawiest h cheapest attoatuttt ar new tvo raifiionatu smw bonnets erer ubittj to public inspection im it ik c nj ti i- tineprl nirri peion ami vanuirt fancfr manuracture the latest shle in embroilcred indiana and bordered f liitael shnnh si tthmitl liutidk motulint be ltfe vetiit and chintz cambric brntlostrs london wttcnmejut beaver hats vhrie and rlark jo- fcf rnerat ue al low piieet meha and doyt ctcah capt military ami naval ov are now open ed out and readv for sale al dcykc cot spacious nesv wio3etalc and retiil storet eoitmcn or xtr am store stmckts klngstosv rmt ctfjacetry rncf no second met april is41 notice is hereby given lhai the copa rtnerahip carrictl on foporno lime pal m ihia place by the undcrtifincd under the firm nf grecntitic i u- co wat this day dip solved hi roniual conaeni archibald creensh1elds roderick ross kingstoii april o 181 parties indebtei to ihc concern are re iisested lo pay jhetr accountt to the under ufncii who alone it aiithorizevj to gram ac- quittance and ihose io whom the corcerb ia indebted will alto present their cjaient lo him tor adjuttrneut on or before tho 25lh instant archibalt greenshields kinpton 6th april 1841 80ii kingston mechanics insttfuiton lectures dr hallowell will deliver hie i second lecture on animal afeea ite and physiology before the mrmhera of pkirteiarace fulablo foe a prtr- faniirj thit losbtution in the rear street ctapel the estate ss mil wateredsuwtngaaflw wanted by a vol ng man clerk in a dry goods store rrar boot keeper in a counnng hnuae retc- rencetatto character and opacity fcn apply to e 0 l at thu office chron cav ohaeo kineonjanco 1841 f 8uw at a mcetirr of ile trutleet of ihe public school of the midland diainct held on the 3ui instant to ronriuvr what mcps rhould be taken to provide a matter ltrthe said school in tlkcepioo to tlie rev r v rigger v hu recent on lit may it icoj 7rweej that in the opinion of die trunteet the interctitof education will be bem promoted by rsrociirinfc fnsrri one of llic uitivernliet in oreat britain at hend maaler a gentleman of tthdaiahip ami ex perience in leaching in erder hotverer m alfird time for molting due eraqtilrr at well at lo prevent tbc iirvrascnee which tvoutd result in the mean while were he school lefi unprovided till a teacher could he exriexted from europe the trratteee deeru it right to appoint a mttler to the temporary charse of tho school foe one year from iti may 184l in neconjartce wilh thrj nuive tveolttion notice is hcrebv given that application in writ ine accompanied br tesiimoniats addret cd to the ven the archdeacon of kingston will be received until the 21st inat from auch candijatet at mav desire to undertake tire change of the school for the above period vzrrom 1st may 1841 lo 1st mae lmfc kingston d april 1841 79gi piano fortes tuned k repaired alex smith pbuofcetemt er of tisroeito hega to mcetaasl tho inhdbitantt of kineton that he use o-i- moaeed butjika tn tbo above i i no paul hope that by ariel aitentson to n rs ni a tno- roufh knosvledp of hit rrfctewron to merit thai fii ini -ip- he bat raoe pt ibamlj toured with for the latt arc ytnitp itrroa- in mr smiths abshlifat aa a tisraer ears bo known by enquirinij of mr j w hi where all ruvr left prih be uicaded iv meulic ptatea pal saaa 100 fartca bbat will not keep in tuae kiriton april av 1841 79x finkvarm to let a valuable farm eaaly w milea froaa the tspmaf kinpton eontaiaint one huotsaaej acrea all in tho beat stale of edbtf psm there in an ex cellent brck hooasp anj all tho othec ap- on the evening of friday lie iffft iwiul atroclock precitely free admiatton to the publie by order jasa henderson the market of tbo metropolis is well woo- 1 1 the attention of tbe eoieprituac lareoee f immodipielj thomas a- coiibett- kinrton april 7 l8tk 80