Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), April 14, 1841, p. 2

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fcfifl jnimiuit the ravc bmchambe ttic earth iti uptfda your father ami he mniher and your ier x 0 s1ikv from it sprin mccu- haw lomiimq ii lor ediioeouf nctvs- paj era to please ill parties when they nrc declined to find ouch difference of tate ivn have loo many iqvc tforic in jour papjr cne one give u a little iwv htj matter moral and inilruciivc cricantrthcr renjiora1 extract will bett fuii the uiic of the tfmrfct lay a iltirj i wi m whum give mc funny anecdotes mr e bhar write a young friend cant foil treat c to aomcihing hqumt on the go-vr- jiori policy t a politician annthcriw- rcoii aoox if yni pleae cne a wat voia would let iiit your atnoti readers hyjivlf c- rclecuon accaonalv far another ieh by the power wont you be after bel li tig 11 ame more jruli alorics like shane kaavm weeding my an emeraljcr ean you touch up hit yankee a little enquire one yoti are too inhere upon the american ejaculate hi flctghhpr- you thuiild borrow more fron lite now yort albion mom mmd a friend in the abajnro of any lhnj wrv in communicate o uhrri1nr wrte jou dfn etc ut enough of the ptr of the jay we thou j like it tnniv nmimj ilniu iju fathion exclainu a lady of the hnj ttntr let o know how the rn iuy mvrtel enc at home ar an om rimefetamf inirt in your paper the urt treat nnl fiararfra pare f rain observe a fjrner an j of holler and chcee im eri1imfr half anjtvl u the cbcap- 11 rlore 10 buy cahrne aaviru jaut- ur antlwocvevrv tannine hem plough and ve jidlmilf lc un 4 atvjand an auctioneer tvinl im hi raiaiiuv iaii oilici i g i itumcrou lo men iim- a htrc lime ar vve rereiietl a wjr ml c vmpiij un a iliatice el twit hnn- ej m ftyeftftlhlm lillle almirt llm lw4tgj a weue the al of ihe rnveje t eii airl ih i t ms a remiiianre ls ut oie ottr il t- i rtftiiit f i vn er on iio tir2 hi an ihwo irfttwl na piih fifty vete of ftry uv u vv be ifi vre an n tanijte of ihe whule t hj ik mn sn tifl 10hftlh g fc lift hi r mr th to lfi uu in tomli mo for inlikb it ill toy yfiojrwlwn jvg votner up in ihi pleee iflhi tie not a lax am tje mffrlmi we ihmk no one will doubi thai it i upon the focbd of an editor tint tpr they arc pilifif up the fa- eihte an ue of tke heel noi at fai thai in a hi time will exceed all thai wa fvef khj of the mulherry or of india rubber a mr ryan haobiiined a pateni in en- onj uf the manufacture of paper from refieof the hvet roo after hi ugar la beea culracled the courel kind of woppifif paper ntity have been auempltl thut far but imtc douhl is eniertimd of compete ueeea m trie minofaciure i the finet letter li- i maiuie from which we draw ihe fie- rtnrvtt that if it he iruc that eurupe man- ufat ture 10000000 rvun n of uvt wjar tocrv wr be no lack ofihe mauhal itfoxpe- the island of paxo ti- lanil f xo in lite lonin a ba hven mak an object of much inflepnt oie whi pax by t i f njht time witl bj vnime l here in ihe wonj of the old annotatuf on spenccrv ralmai in mtv about the lime thl utu l1fl utteral hiamom bilter pam certain prjti saihnj frm fuy to cypru at ntb heard a s l r ml tlfultt thainu whoivine ear to the rrv wn hdeik for de hat the cmoi of the vpo nd r bff eame near o pamas l k bal tc i ceil p a was tlead trliich l uuami loooyi for that when he come i ifttih there wath a calm f ij thai ihe p iod tr in ihe tfa wtitmnfei hj wjfevl lurry ahmd tnai pan wa deaul uhrrvwitrnl lien wm ih pilowtv mnertcftaaj ilrejfut 1inrkiit a luit i hrn li f bv which pan tif hm to leflotfcl the 5eat satbana wliw im- 4lim ws at ibal timo by c1iht nuvpieti and ihe shf rf hell hroken upt lluit tii all oraele ccitfl nd imiisu li i r tpit nty another uniicill leir j vrritn ufl ftfti hathnp fitil yhi oin ral pntry ihn vu will wcc i m ie i- pnllift in your vtlha j ratxfvt ijrf kaiely uvlctd tar w hm to jty tiiitiil in the tout of om profvoioo awr vcw iiiif momin- ny iik nriom of ih ls ailicha in tbc mfini upr u havu itviwn mf mitchvtlat a membet of cnniv and lirreonjfted him at an amiable man nt l tfrt fore lul 01 nod character n4 frfjieaf- oa tulay f thu wk the jjt of bt httr lo ihe ciici and eowcer we him amn hii poaikal ffiroiu altte atot lljne aid aw notliin- intual in hi j iumtmciib ltl thi tncan iriut even then hate been gutwin at lot a7imv roijtiri thi lion ch t mitehfllj of uarnm anl a rfmmftuuv o ihe niau uttielin lh- 1mrconrc ha bern tayn at llt atw lhite for omo dav t left ei wedn watitii for phiuilel- pbia ontiievlay b w tin waltul4uj tiavinf poctirti himlf to b mt induced to aeftrj brake pavd nfaa ivm nihy cherk nciptii j nwi tfte hm l owdh at agfa 01 iv ftal m mft i alh mtt tiiv we al irne pavowt o tie llm cat v miiettnh ororn anl ly hint n- eoej the ainnnl wwa fraln vti aeeitined11l tu chrcu bavin vrn nlup to atny omind rtijvy irtrn- ina fiariw- ai i mwfiaan ftweiasa mfit lhibjvipsintjiy hclll ef th ikuiii of uto on ft m euiv unk of im ityektj umiuhrll lmliob inpv- tevtedii lh binlc ilwlared to be lafjt- ri- thimnmt nvtiunl fat sjsw- tbeeack tlmt unho rdlmti irfokr iu ltiihlpil oa uviv tu whole ajfjirm tnb twit tfa ftf enbty itlbarfti td and l- liav been cirij tvi llh oit wil wl xeilinj llic iji iijfieioa on part of anv of l vinliri hid ilrijl4 ei we jo it1 e tia caijne wtn fdrd inmnall i t it joliitlam to evil fnfirlan- tieeiehi omb tdmlcj- batkbauttei nveury eonw sn iit wlneh inriej baiaf of the nantw tlmy wew et mo- ibe orl u oot ioji ihe p intvnvinrt tl wilh lln naiae of thr ramt ml klmonj vrhn ii iiotvertr wiw ta kn imliy miranj import wcfvftwij in lb 11vrtntme nun famvr in a ndliri iojicalin- thtt ti jpiiln wa hmii i br police are f rwt ii hl imikiiil- ijrtjinalnf cedntrrcv the fiottin mkr mni oon tn th ytof i wtll tm clilt i out fo a ewton otiiuifiy ati ealcauldon a vtr bivu inl trilh tfo aheati0n in the poiatmim hmfiitj ji jw a4te4 hmld lvrerrd k mr- slitvlrdllifirwln lo the latal rfp ftdtn bit y m ut n mc4 of mn tiiid t hit chaiaet cveiy jlflc- nilirvxib auirbaik ih1l iftu w tmtf rttf tliii r fr il iinotmr fana wil tmhi uvi ihe rvli tatii i vrill jieo iiv 1 1 tlj i d m coja- tin uiiepil m litle a siit nfcbl opinion njmtui ium k im ul eboue- ltalffayhabeeii the eae an a soon a pybtie rrproaeb the name of an inhwdual uho ha ed repertahle betorr i fabutouuv pvntr4 out la ifaw that he ajtn aolniivwl ni ti on or rvtrim inr- cvfc tliepkkcian who believe thai mmj and matter ait thiniroti will rvrmrmtjci ihw thai wy relelimied frat man on a cot lam oeeavon erej tlte ic that com- ptauil wa- iery prevalent in hi ncidiom- u- and ii r had treated it wi1t ridiireni oece when hi ieble ctncviitionnftiv- united anvr of mind and mailer ugjeie the rdiwiii treatment he drire- alnnii ii uien iiiik n hje til if tte ace came t alnji be hnr of lite tihnihai i come tii ikimat ten nvwk iliey were ahwn mm the mine room nnd alier a bllle wiilb were iulonned hi the dmior w4 uwv and woum wait uyon ihcm o mmii a pomitihs at tbetine the attendant aiulrl thci1 he place j a numlier of iron in ihe fire ivhnh he rnefvmj b einidehe ta after ilia ttevomi hour tle nvtnt oatiin loitered the nm nitie 1 ajii n iw tlu tlirtirt afinee uiid turned and iaid jea iiinimn u ihe iron ihat wi re ii uw of ihv uaiooih innuired ihv tite rf tb iiik aid wa tnlwmed thai thee i lieiiij ibr ifie purpiwe of jh nvrt m si ihe pat ni rtho had the aue tik w- om w hewed feoiu ibo me to the ntber tlie huh ha heft the room ihe ilm lor eain n1 tnttomafjuid nior- uvk ilir atieniioi direeted ivwffda ihe muv cedlmt iton surmih jjitj tittfijeashmf had i fron lo pae jmn ihe laldml bwni wwo fm iln uh of tin nipihenu every one ft4t lln eoiiinj crii ofli uivh fsvi th tonk td they walked annit tti- rmi ihet wre pantifl everv im vf them in a videiii iwrf ie all ihe imii irat i a atnl tte doi came net id rli and tlu atmetit came nut ni to hi hpiiki ii fouidnlt ttelt and inne had pjd and mt one had upiin ilhnmifiiii li eumtttaint and r iri si- tnvnint laiilh o nemtkt of tociety i ttmim bojie to in any it w attach i oeea deem tiurkfatr ojm and in bit previom history ha been an unxvoithv amim boie to sr an i tcrii n ihi plvlin u3c and i dart i lat thro vtillb follll pkntr 0 piott teady tt aweau laal i iia4 aluay oeen a vrv roof eiame jiml now i otn that up la tli jv never in tse wlole cre of av life have em an act with tue intmiion ut iojo- nnany hnntirihrin- arof wiontmf wj man tgt f no eiil i hve ronnilt nm tery rralerraruliy atv on pully ttimtih iithr hut meter btv today a ctime ihjiv kant pton lavc been tnnstlt j ly my iirfi it i not fur mr m iy ftill i taking tl nt mto anmbee ruotn one hy one with ciitv and eanlsua and omo uiibn nkdi iii h d rmirnl ihem ayin- that in imped they wmd i ivsover without imvm recourse in any violent ivtiwtljr in inadl alatmn had cmmed tlmt nprehen wsiib complelely etirl ibeniof thric ilii order 1 qthktfu lfjv frraj jobo deiie tthmo be aokind n titp lo oie oi ihol itiiul men in the tksh called atiir- heyn a i inm i an tnuumeitt wtlh a al ibereumkv hy weatw ivberenflw may ovritf the nuivat i tnlrfrttrofgiw jreeit and lrinj him lek llif lnmhkp rrien irflyotmimuu and ieiih imii l uv u itevuiddbe bmeby utinn of vw ai limmy i my bv ttlin miii ipkir t the whole iopi mnt mi my lilridn ml li i t to imd lehirttt tilhi alit ofcl i mt hfutoit liijieit ij alt i t l rhtl ctmil i lt i i filvl il ii ta i hn 1 t ii krtr i f nit liiiw a htnm iil h4 i oenm i ml um it f v hooaiity i tn mi nv iout iiaii ia nei4ful hi tu uink lint i who in- it utj loeiniuirwlrntaylnnjmt llivw i o uinj amt ri bt t iafjt afli my arival in fictlvit l a ll y nlltite 1i l ftesanl uiwiir-lwinln- itlif lmnrpial vaiitvt mui i hceii fl hi tbedilit a inn nv ri tv r t- lii 1irelnaj mhsvl 4 l fw frewi- a pnihman via h j i 40 lj h4 in cancaturei in the wimbnv of a print shop when on i tighten he fell ootite one oil hj pocket a ihere waa utile tne per- ion landing near hint lie miantlv turned round itpun looi and tmimr him in ihe face frofd vt band air wa in my poekelt wa il r the other very cilnlf vpvd 1 r ally inn your ar dmiru wah but ibc twlkf i o wet cnld one j yrw tv put ojec ataj i-ay- rraee tttc iiiy rifir ivr ipmle thr wfovrloj fran ibr 11 freire- enjlaod btt nltd tvfi i- hilt ink am idea termed oi irn ifilmn jtmi dm i j- hdihem tij um mhi t bojy nil iiiviiup mdefeoonl ef tfcr torkih ivnninw a r ncn il frt the apmniiit mvit i a thritidii rmermr al jeruatrjn ha bftil hell kiid ji ijtiiopl 4 and il i noiv certain ht th e eaii power are ahoal toi1 a ii4lilim with lh pel te en in vnhjeet id ito ihivnee uh france tti in a i if thf di ant 1 roipotatej uv the to fmnih ment of 1 fiirh man a i jl- r ihp it ii thinvtmenl fe rune of if i- rp lii i t the iveat them im cbarteird and in- in the colonic it ocfiiltcd i claue lh srminaiy i leuireal a full 1ear and ctaitnl lal ir ievenu tl jpc nature ii and form and with nkh atteu n 3 a the ioeccoo thai teid of iv imnwaiy paamen b r ihe i nme iiidntance anal the etened potvei ot th jav- cat cetiiicj the orjmuice u at vp rmm ittpiirh ii filiiht nn rithm anil m e perni i vonr b ihe ahe- llrdinanjrr i to bun mart txiih iwiir ii lot year n that nf i isit eondiu l ii vlfii w in a jeitn h llie rbtn i bate indt mr iv nance ped i i n in lh inc nuf nf all nvii maw firmly enjoining von and every of voij ajm all other in thin behalf inleeert- ej that 111 the aid twentysixtm day of mav nest al our township op kingston personally yoo be and appear for ihe despatch of busi ness lo treat do act and roncuide ufion ihe thin- which in our laid provincial y the common council of our aid province may by ihe favour of cod be ordained in te5tim0nv iviiereof we wil perceive that tnvie oi baveeaucd ibeeour l-etter- to be made allecl ihe kineiile of ihe patent and the great seal of our aid pit iitbat their overland tradency v of canada to bo iweeunio nffixed n oeh a pv wilnctn our slit irtiy anl tvrfl bclnt ed ihe rbt honourable charles ii a ron svdlnham of syden ham in the county of kent and tor no to in canada one of our uvtt honourable privv conned giern- or genera of butmh korih ameri ca and caplatn genctal u go vernor in chief in and over our province flf canada novo sroiio new dtvmwrcltp and ibe ifnnd of prince edward and vice admira of the same- at one government ifone in our city of 3tniivab in our aid ponvinec of canada the si xth day of a v ri l in ibe year of our lord one thou sand ewh hundred and fortyone and in the fourth year of our retgn thomas am10t vitrkoflht cvtwwt iji taonccry ln artcfiocnl mad satim the or 1 iubtrjiy fjilcj to cairy inlo etft ovitioai of thai atermrnt and m imposed en the seminary vrerr i than they honm urc hen to mccwith hi llp-wt- thi ov iv ten comdrllr ninivej lv straliieejby ihecijicooneil rr rcko lobe lie te hat not with 1 1 ii ir lit- i hy a few in jivij iiy lbtvit4mflhi pro ii tptrorfd hy the mojrik men itfil iheic aifii it in the pocici but ia mmvi wh votei ihe ad my de i ond atlhc uc tt 11 palcb n v jtuliojt hlavjaj i mi tt orjon in kvet 1 rm of niot ivil an nn olhj tvvihf tr i ami ni in unt4 a j tlii accordingly it nm i io i bt be puli for year nab ihe loud l e intt luve bm maile by the in imtjut- j maiurilj an i more opecitlfy by 1ip pfnn who i ncil fbtm irawndtted id hate ioce ciil aa aeat u y lieclincd n mtafl to an un cotiauuicatjoa whuh 1 mvie to them nit atrratioo or modi nation of i oat rofime to deny that ik reennt vilb the sinarir ai- tiooi to ih eentiiairrf and neh sinieuf nilhm th province crown nt an mjirdoal tvoali rv l l lh- rriti tmmuoilv ottfi nltend fenth by the ainaiv tlie u y mid t rnoneit ini of tniw i in a n aiurywhiehih- tenure nottrmd ift rr tent i lion weie reprled rdorr ibe lttlatnrc or the gov- favnr ifitolto cinpe1 a ltle- i i matter an i ivr tlmrnt ii il f uptn term ttr mre ftoorable nvn wmnlv cnitinfet and hi pno nert ihlu tmt um yeu iodinj lo- lhv and i ptrftmlv ner the soiinary ite hein antifiple1 a lo nlock uu uullrr rporl rwmlt iv rewo l tt pali who t on which a i live jnd in- te u iltlmfnl at o boa to aat sriioy allerin i ii li lit v rwo- r ml he contdeti rnttreh ntr4od lwi-f-r- hmt aiilhntitin- ihe rmalitmni l of a f4ialii lor h iiiiiiii with nh n f ptilv lift t uion thiinavo oly to rrmark ihtt ii the tftfl nnl madrrflami l talioft t torn t i i tltmeilt ihjt thai ity ao ike yeei i th y t alt hili ti v bno 1 fil themttt ftcniitt aitllti viuttvv tubtt mti fro the n v com atiteriittr april 8 arhivaboftilr acadia fvfttfi days later from etfguso tlic uat aealia arrived yetleiday at itom at klfpi oclock she hat a very mion paae from liverool to htlifac froav ihe letter jot the fan in 37j bout to hlttl tli columbia 1amer ffhieh aitrd from beapn on the eveniaj of the il of m jrch and totn hajifi ontheib arrived at lvecpool dn i nnrioit of tlie ihlh matin the pitta fc fntr itihton in bllle mote lhan 1 1 day and in a littt over eleven dat front luhfav u havr rivj our regular file m boa n aid livcrpiet mpv to the lftt of march mbioee rnitrlval nlis- naeittlip knhnd on iv imhot mn h aftdthtt ot lhl foltirviia nn lit l4s rviv h tsultfttmt cair am pjeket ihe alarm and a ihe repitof tin t eminarybea baj one the to tht crown and i ho faith inr ptedfed to the seminary iivty or etrnly lhr rnjnrc to inwaldla n tiuiu ii immlnteil a le hl d ii imiil id ihi fvl t iipt ri ive i viv ij iiit at jli i tw i m ttoft to lul habmtm ivajo- mi i uy nl ilii day and date piii of ilii ih rtir fhi il keiiii lo cm nm hoilhyi ir it vhv ii f o i it i n mm f i- tu tn i iijn il t i r i i a hiutrowand f thiri lh ii hi ie lout 1n vt r a- fit i t vv lal nam umit t ddude mi frt indl their peace e ttiif- in asi h stdlon or to flu erf iih or on the naiwj tl in sfj n a l iv ffnmd n tiurj im i of jr i j t1 1 2 rvsfjf l- pi- nniitv uf ilii r ivr a bo a ovec ihi pi r in v o i i in ijv dirnlof o bi by i loflll iole pi ll r ltljtl i 111 j c- ill mi a ttt el ilimv lr i tkt uill t t nur m we r li iifl i i itaj i hit t l jl it i iii h- f mill i iirte m lfl f nt dv fc l i hi il li 1 t- i if i it t hn i li i iomifhr ntm i till tvir tvtt iim i i i ui ui f in if umilt irni i im f i hii i li tip i l i i i u i 1 ilh n 1 i til i 1 t i f u h i ill lb d tjll ia ii t nkspvrcii kium tijk mmi hhmiaamk on f4 fymfrrw fe rue rrwiiaanrin rrrw r ew a ff i iritrutn ni la miti i jslh june tlt mi bon nv rvfa4eb l fte itrh i ui h n i iimii- ti lil it v lwtf mn tmnef im j sndirr and vnaihn for s ihijl r- lin i ni t if i n vrttvtmia their trdim ifltti tta imtear t4md t jti km tliun- ml lh mn il hit tto c h n t r e lettte m r ilva- tf v r urn tl t rjtem ctinn nb i j jli h iiir ii ivn it i m hh nit t i ni up eta air i r r that i j t ti i ih l il i i ill rft in t iv ridttim iftrntl h f i rif itih oil 1 to it ii i li 1 hi n tin tilth l i n jnemiod niry hi llnlb ti1ii ihi l cbmhili uf sl ll i port i tie ccntiuiro foi the ristl of ii r il tlr i1tlii if ljjtohnttiihervirdittil f rtnivtvw a ptniipamt i i oi pir- tiite lhan ni li it a ie f omiteclin tin xlin po tiean li llej p i in i iiti iif pjn ona a e i i f ir in n t 1 itm ut aiqpisff and eonimeml rtrftti i i titv lt ri- irlaih tbr pracliri 1 o p in hoh lia u n ntt i fi r p irt ibal t- lii i prlenh but i cwervil nt rl im 1 if ot maoj- hilhryf i on brftet l iibirum i 1 uv pirn up lit- tni i i jr the ttwn i4r i- ily v iihv fnoii i io imi e n to fifttja ifimvl iii lh pit oul ittttt phtrif lip pfhtlrl i ipnv ih rinltnr ip- i em frtfftllrm pptmrw t ih 1 kill iihrtilnif in n i li vbnij of irh tl rmii hate ie o 0io t r nn pol ihe imel t b km t mud pn t to i i h i ui ii ofltn ttiw i l i mil i i rea n nrttt t- t- i him k it pfitiu ki h i- ii t i ihr ii i nil brlhi tfilnmih hil nd i i loir i i i m in lltim ri io it 1 1 i t i i i j i i l r itfn if r til ihi t hen i i i n to b i 41 if pv i i i btl ifjn i mm h it t nt i w eiul i i ii pi i 1 li i jl1 ittein oil- i iiiiday t i it it i l 1 i in i haveji hi bh h vllo i l l r- i i i i n r i i j utl evf i i t ajwia nlmw iii tut in l x ft in- i a itt n tv- my iownt t ttiiblt a til nianl li laiald tmyoan fhivi i o 1 1 ig i t i i ii i j i my run ii d ifi i j ii ll i tie ie fy s triovi i irfi i t i- i i i ilkiiil loieln ulr y ei i liiji n tsi m w h tir it ili o i i i i l it i thutm dll i iai ill t li h ili rlnmt m the jif mnl lltname it ii i ni icfatl title v piopcrtv be i oftltc crow- by rrp1d 4h fot ihe bit year at i lriemtly lwn m thr ratminen it wmild not he potimc foe the minilr l ti ciovvo to reini the pio- ptily oi ant loaavart vhih mtoold de prive the senaary of it ttilliont a fjr and lnuhlr e omental ion le than what it now ivrn 1 rm tvoril i not pfoamv he roa- iideivd ifrwtnt for li pnrjok ant thui 1lie only ctfclinw ffnine lorjiify lhrr con- uaet uoiiid e o fn at mere pecuniary con- mder4jnn a imrlrrbj ni to to idtanlite i iie smiary inil ijpute the cloven in lh ilintnf irnror r-mnpefni- inau ii i iboiimir biiot tili thr liln jui or ry dilrrnl and l idvail tioi rm ivmriiutpitioi itit in a ii immnre tf t oteroit all vtm a ih i i lolin ial hull r the th brilln mti tv ii i l mi w ti i l i lvllinetan i to receive 1ejl fr tepf entaliiv in broil np all hire th- nciio- fli et m iinwn beo w sirh li lh ira ahii m fill th uiiod lh col nv i h mt to ihe ofomn hiiiii in an fo ijici th too- ii i tv ridoitdt fre from iv e uliral tmitl of r i fmniie woni r year nieiito if t iiln t thiamin lo- mii rain tsn n b w beret a aapn ftvlil nd bt i tl m tv lm iim ihe met inm themill itv mmvireft v liht tl om j illjv f 1 id i ei o tofottiticatien and othef pfeiaaraliona at wa no ami of ihe maine leiilamre on ihe ob- bet of the boundary aeaonj the new hy the laltr wa the letter ol anjn mcltm v demv- in hi arolhet preeoec a i the affair or the lime which the rabid journal of eoorj bata poi ai the ttholc rn lie c d mm rjtiol hv tdby mefl i ef lit t i i tji raiminrhial lettlem after all ilii wpost ni te r after all lint up- in- tomet few inhv4doaft now it ha iho ptv i anl t ii it fie ifii in ml uu nt ihe romihty of llie liwnvnt o the mamre aimofeel in el navndt i lh mintry hud rn jf to l t np i li rondtrrxi- i a i- it my pnbtiit l jtto ormn tio of thr nilxnance lv i i vr ho h jvttp i i imtobi vr l l s 1 1 i a n my t uilti ni- it i th li mil mata the p ininary i a mo tlftotfreillv i- i i troutd tvillin ai l- vra imtui tltcfw j tlsv hi kt tonf lliitre it at a un it mi i- n i il i t iv tit ifl roiihi nd il i ivntrliili iki11 iv allh-i- i 5i- i fvl liiy an pwji it adtontin e4 th lr vm uhii th riremmtie o dhlrlhqlimm 1 warli iji rvwftf ll i vihiil inr i rip nvt ail iirn c t v fnn r io imhtr me til tm i onrt lij hold of a doeuion taking lb av of mclrod away fiotti the tribunal and mahinf it impeialivc on the court and the government to order hi im- mekate ii barer jnect ttolioniof law thce jonmalim em to hive um below the acalia left england iwo new nhjvt or newspaper conliovery bad r pro n p anl wrir in the fall tide of dicotoij lbrc oeivihe aeiion il lh- cmdam tovntiitnl m iiii to th- tathjltc srinotuy of x ti ir and the diviicn nnton the tlfird i- viiun kmrhlnt tint 1men ttnelo 1b- ti vthrh em to lineal n eery miiih rnmcmieitte nrt w1v lo the tniviily hut in ihe anlcan flmieb ilelf iv rtniiinrsr bi thr llmiw of rikbtfrnn on the 1 1 lit nt mivb i sl4n avenoiiltuthe h j- in i i c vrvth lo i if l th pii v i mlrlth fiii ntlnii i41l nnd lhal n hwved pull ltfrilk4iv ltiu nt o rf i i rle ih ip ltlii- k ll 1 i i on the lth in iw hmttvm lrjt the jcitj of momileaihcl ave nnlce that won after ihe ktr r flrctf he hmam mnv for ft com miller lt hinmlr into lbreiflnf ioelkra and to cm w il could not e pnl a iloji lo h vij the him refine a rommitlcc be nmm move a repeal of ihe aet t viciojia yinhkf ttlich iwd i wa 1ried wa iiilo rimcnvi o allow tltv law to remain aj it eaw li4 in lh unmm rrf cemtpafm lrd p1meron wt r 4vj wlh tpie4nns sir rowtt peel i lrl rraneii i jiton an i nthitpjelotivolo the fitin impod lnllw si in on the pacha nt impwvtlr lio biiti v 11 h- iv- thir d it bad te ired ibe aitcinn thitjl u vit ii wat in arford- e nit hlrwtf i m l hlhr ll hiith iiiitiim t i t th 1olh am-m- i it octant id hett it wa itt lo i f l t1 rjnmlen evvll y ir pli m1 ttd jm- lhidooofreiilin tii liu that ep3iihit inh mibl belitl p nen j a ibavif rr inlv iiih lmi4ihe rihap vlrii mr h r t j 1 wtlh i kiev in il i ii li i hi nut i k i n u io i i r ii i ri ih b ttih mi nti i i iii niii ii 1 ii t it i i i in in tiultiilffi bolitupt i atli tifilh s mill pi i p ii h i i i h o tj- j ml ti t i i n i w rdfit a i i h it t 4at i r- il i iiv i r tn n thm miti sffctlfcl p ilfttl itll i mvrl i i ii fiii i xr ii n h it t mj i huil u who nrrr onnrti i mti i t i 1 tn in r- t dl tl l l ir itt ih ih hrjh i ihitn r tl rttuli t 1 ii i 4i i m i ui n im ll iv ll 111 p- hi li ill t ji w i eii iimi i alii f if rffl i mti irr htwei ih 1 1 4 i i i h r it the uii i m it tmmaty itii- hvard 11 i oid il lh i tbn o in hi i tntit t lh to t v 1 i 1 1 a ti dbretriri t lvef- lheoet rrfnredhare ilnt t i h- ii v i j tl t i tn i- ly i- l to tae itf a ean fai i enrvr t l vrj hive avitv m it ti lt ink inn e me th i lr si th i il t- i t mil i lh i i i f pirrrrtu ih tnlii t i hi bit mim ih i i- ind i u im tiri iih i i pmtin1 iv i tviib elltl h th rt tii d lr an il irw ft kh t i itiil t i r ir tftttfw k llee i nl in i i ityvt it l4i it i t lo- i i4 l i i xi ij a t t i llo i wunl ii lib 1 i i i it i is tl i i ih i n i m i 1 i lh ii mil i i hf i im i iifn i in i i i4i4iv ll ih i i b i- ii ii i ih il ik in t ivji m in ii tt i ol of- ii i i 1 1 lln nit rt imi i hfii o i i i oil m i- r in lh r rt iiiii li 1 t i i ii i rrtyli i 1 li i i 1 ti in iivo m h f i i- i t inel i i hi lb- i inn i i i mi ih 1 1 i i 111 b olulfl iii i b n ftiinl i lh i ft i h i r tt t jfcy n iip ih i i ntwnl uf ian ill t 1 i i pttrtijtxcbctr iv 1 i irtnntl w f nift- l n a f fo tiimr ivvu 1i lilv ihimt ll tbi nn i th- h uul kl w a- iht i lnl rut ivm r f rw r fivtw avrrvai a mtwir i ittlilnl ll 111 neo tit hi inllni ja i hflf i i ll b ri- if ma- i ilii laiti imtiitrjmti i proaii i 1iv hi k r in- t i- i rl t r ft it i l i t i t i h lj 1t lh- 1 lei- vtljit i ui md i iir nvlti 1 i 41 i tt i v 1 i flflf h rrmvn iray- ri hlmnre h- ninf rmhi s moult uf sl- iiv ffftv rati tettfram ht ili tut arntii lh- itivr1 ttilfreiiif nlt ihe mm tij mi pih iiil ftanjp m r j ti ir it jrt ii1na1k san rriirniiiii nv ihe lb of fvnitti ibtnm fh lb i i ij m i 1th iwilnm 1 bnkth iny i i nrf i ml it ir ir i t- it iii n mtitr ir h m t in imri l illie i ilnrtrvl ii i iua t in m ii i tiitnl tn- hi ui or ilrmi n mu i iflmtfa jolfl nflibilj sir 7hivf ficnrtnee rjle fy ifcmc lf lajnwat ptje the hey jn wa iiwmw from tvlbiltoeld iit o teayhe ii of march hi term of ioipncnment a a 4 anj va bavin cxnlreib 111 filbtr j wai then ent for and jooe wtftm tntnhi cliareej wilh lrkl direction that he fhonm lbe every oilde carv of him and ivauh bi aetiomi l the am time 0e am to tend ihe rmy aliroaj wa renewed d we underltnj it wa otfrrrd im hie irl mitance me week incct tn boy father ana metier alibouh ifaev did not mtjeet to ihe tr ake1 fm a week or two in order lo eel liiim ready which of conor wa jjranlrji althoah they were up braided fu nm leltin- him wilhout dla on manjvy he tva at home durin- the but ahont eifhl oclock he wa mied anj notion mrc heam of him until vtitciuy mamin avhrn bi father and inolhr vtm nroroaej i appear at bow ilrcct the ud fjthrr av allho hi em has often hern u- can of uncrtfs to him lie nrver knew him iitty of ny jiihonr action bat that hi cu- tjotily an manv xcaiom ha hcn moil t tiarkabtr and the urchin hioitelf till cimi m deeurmtr that bit only ohjtl in jn m hi r j co wa to heat the coavrrvolion nf he majemy and prince albert in outer lo writ a book which he ay mn be rea1 with freal inlerett he ha fioaa lo infanry been fond of reading hi father akml bjm ever lime how he had omanrl ajmition th ontr eenly be wa ovor able to owain wa oh hy the 5o or window immediately aflrr ihe tmy wa mcovered in the palate ihiee month iincc two extra policemen wr appointed who tly il ii atlrrmu mzhk to watch all the ataircatc apiiroache and intt rior of the builtin and in eoneyinencr of tbi arranjrmrnt jooe wh a n iliteovetcij ill mjipoied shoitty afler he bad effeclej hi entrance it appear from what we have heirj thit hortty after one ovioek in the morning ibe terjeani of police on duty m ihe palace ima nej a be was sotnalon thr rand hall i he taw tome one peeping through the itlaa door which turned out to he the ce tor on hi approaching jonet ran ayraint mel and of cmiir wa immediately tccrcd and at once ent off in cntlojy it wa afterward ih covered lhat the hay badprrviratly vniled her ii r larder a at the lime h wai rfittr- bed he wa fcamin- iiimvrlf wilh cold meat and potato whith he had conveyed dp flair in a white handkerchief when artod how he ovuincd an entrance hi reply waa ihe umr way a before and ibal he could at any time he pleated ohliin an ettrance into the palace jone wa conveyed to ibe home ofirr and underwent a innj evammation the any wii comniilled to ibe lloowof corrrclion tothjh nrtonth jom ray he had no fconioat inlention that omeonehal told him if he ol into the tiaucrandcmiltlhrar the men and women talk he inihl write a book artd make hi fortune he ji be vrxt in a room where there wt a tfhairl and oi ny jwel which he bmmmn lhat br at npn lite throne in the throne roon t p timilvj ichirh hnm it tan flvm- and miui out the place- wmcr they are placed on the shelve he lay aho that in one of the room two men came in one moj in in hht lh are lhat throne began to whittle and the other aaidi jack yoa know that it against the nilei to which he replied there arc many more rule than that broheo in lh itouar jnforcfic emamm ipfatftjif it may he recollected that ihe crehat and terror dit corely fthip iiitrd from knrlnj about meolli aio under the command of captain jame cliik rota r n anl commamfei rioair ibeir main and mitmht 0f1 bei to aiceitain the true portion of ihe south me- n lole and ihe elerattnn of the anttrrtzt noat of whlha eery imofifecl know 4r im hithilo ben obtained nul a erieoruij tie njirivalioo tavie ao directed lob ind at diltrrnl tniwt on ihi i totit and the lird nfitftc uinat mnleriilhey rmt in there- ind oppedeveml du tlience they prxetrd to si helena an i lh vy of cad llfw i vrldrh phtm thov wtrj np nltteivatari and 1tltfieei nf tnli inl kkmiiic aituiienienl hi tfhitnlnl tvm krntlen ltn wv i v iteil prl ihcv im ifd whereao at smfri lmd farther nb- vtioa on ihe malwt ttfrfc mia an j thev it aft it itvvt tvu van k m ipaptiin ro met hnoid friend isr ido fink- hn the jovetnar froit whoai he receiv ttwy ptitile attention ind atilance ni vrton b arrv pr tarrcli a our tva iny a itlh apr m 9u al iiiaih c- iny itaiuvr mten- iraranro nt h urvta hj fw larrl at a rojue and taabond foe lhr liavin iiai urlar llnr ihcv and very nviif amjrican f lotwr rnaic k we have a loa letter fom mrr paii cor repvnjeot hut tbr htrt of whirh il ireal 410 k i i ainflt nf minor interclao4 wc tsifer it ittimicatioii lo mac loom fr other inailr the anticipation of wn hilvren great nit- aln and lh unilotl m v 0clle much flim in pari mo of the yuma pk thlni i hr drpret h hr nn lrtu while mvl tth or aeha ir- eoovrn- tho in fit a a w and amoii them lt ft ciuil toh live ornn of corral md ive utterance bfelin- ot cx ullalien little crvilaiile lo ihcir judoi- their moral cne the hanlcoaitilion imposed or hrtnt hy the saltan were uo inmh ciinil- a report wa ciiirnt lhal a lion hvl ben oeed ome hy th diphmaaltm jrttvmlir in f ondem for renlalht ihe foloic poe ii oftmkei jc m which piamcc ivouhl lo nr a parly an imprrninm prevail ed lhat th sultan would not be untamed in the eerilr oflnt reaction mitbit soult hai iji ordera fohndditt- offieeft oftheanny lo write political arlih foe the neonipr and alto torbiddinj private soldier lo read nempaner either ihe barrack or in ihe rnard hoitte the chimvrof prera wa abont to report on lh firtiiicitie lull and il wn believed thai the rrjmit would be advene lo the tw- linned ramparitj jiiujlintbe work lo the de tached for u- tlie intelli wa favorable the araht were vheved to hr heartily tired of the war and general bucaud wat preparing to amtmatwi limil cxpdiiion aaintt abdel kader in which he would penetrate lo the veiy lieail of that cbiejliina country tho duck daumale one of the km- son wai to go with him frnrnt in live tiie london hlomin pol of the igth ultp ha the following para- jpap a letter fmm hrr dated itlh int- that when tne cjlp tiarni from sonihamp too arrived ibi mnrnitti onr cnay wa throng ed with merchant amiou for new a gen tleman writ known here came lo the tlmi of ihe teel w hr ww rounding into her heilh and war wa declint between ihe uniled slate and knfrland tliu wa repeated by ancber papten r wbo i a redent nkiehint hero- com in fvoin known authority i le re war no itonm enlerlaimd and every one look lo hi bn k to matie the nvnt nf hi inform alion tlir mtjlutflof every hind ofprfrturt have ofantel nplt oitian a re quoted higher than ilry hjvr ben in llwt ond nce nno oclock they hav- rkm five cenlinae the torment i evtraontinary thoar who have al- tvajn uiibrd it tho idea ofn war with amer ica now uule lh ir heidr 1 fpeak dotabt- jwrsaft kj nrm marihi matin- lhat ibe ciy of rerf io in calahna tva nearly tjvjirnycj by an earth quake on the l fob tin itock were fifteon in nitiitir the tfrvvl fthc marine vasroiivtrtvil intnivic heap of ruin mint of tc limie neix thrown down anil the ert were n damapm a lo in alugebcc utiinhaliiialdc ihe palace of the pfnor the irifninal the pnnn the laarmck of sl- aiiinirv the rathhrvt cvertthcr chiareh- e- no vneintm other puhlie iniildinyj tvcrc entiriy thiryej the inlohitanu liao mhi refii- parity ai meinaml parity at aj attlm- h njiflnd iteirrrcrr iit fir tiir ixrrnmi5t tin i vvc enriippxt th- armv ivtvml rrilid lh k alui um ir ir oriicr i lvhmto april 6 isff j maj filw i i mini itiiinl trln temiti mii1 sim nd in lh m liaiirj i nerl hmmr ro ije pni iljuitrinn i iiixen vn i mi0n lale preiiknt tflhe cniie i tii h j thrj and the mapw afikltaof ihe du fin thnrcil ir rtfrrtf ftuni to the iihoi ami m h iav hah j- il there aho having ereeieundilted up an ioi law laael i tne i muni maiw vrvjioiv the y pme eeled on ihir voyage avoot recl tlie ijiv mg order ol arrrngment the i r l ol oetovr 1hit ban the date thtii la1 idler at whirh lime trwy were nn ihe cteof their ihpi hire captun ron ibe neohew of sir john ro n ihe me olbeei who in jinte sil plmtl the hritih f oa th krnlh alametic pole anl hav in hri r rat voveeto lbe arctic ea mill hi unci and sii ivlward parry paed rihl wintrr and ii iinmrr in iheoe dreiry i n ibvt tfarardt0ia5ait itti4tantt1oly nj no havr bsn conhved m a more experienced e iltli ent oheer ll appears thai on their ar rival at llohatt town tlnv larne ihal-ine- ihev lett knlaod two eipdilinrr had wen ri ledout n bv the premh and fie nihr by the i tiii tir lh- ijiiri 1 jtiipo of tieipitipt the nhjt of thwnre i in lltee kas t iil ihr thiv bavin hnifi ill miiir1 to nry lh ieelor and their commander nevr it i biivtil haunx en any lefnr they tave tip ihe ptirtuil i t areiuphrbed it i tn he hpiil lv oar nm inlrpii eoantrymrm it i ltivii ta br rjtjin ko intention in co ii1 t hi- snillll id w1oihhrieri ffimcdnililionnmtv hrfa ht iwi knla in itnd nlnmttp1 i hlude letsm lonriuj- i tl md ili in vol tf nvidr irei the l jtjie ii ii i itreatarm r limr eott k j utimt fiyn jwo vtm 16 i ininrl rf win l imabj ihnrr ami cat- fpim r lniil nrnl iiaitvav inee t i it itvhnve ln ton mo litateemoni niil lh ismand in- lnen eipiallv o iiikhij lb il r jwr nn i in nit p ir roiinin iiurlli ami a1llmti o itei1 ty ono h i 1 lltf iinitn vh til i irvliovt hio it nr rvition tinre acotihoai him in the rii p ii r rmv iin p bib ai li iiv oil irm immtrti ii m mrvl n i s m in i hl it l- r uv i n him iu ii mil i n i r m- i iv i nt i ii ner i t w v i u 1 j ill li i 1 ittn i m if i i i n i r kri h it- it hi n ii i 111 m v tll t i ol ihir win h r o ml i o i iilo i o iimvlh i vi ii i irnt i ri i iv i i nr- in ll h i 1 1 i mb ii i i i i 1 i h i ivtm i i t i i ui i i i it um m il ine ii f ii 1 li- w in i mm mi in r mat v ii it it i i hi rivl ii i tu ih hi t ii 4 jill i l h villi ia i t itii- i pale m m ni ta tti im i- t p i h- iii f i i ii ll i r ir t immi a iosle 1vi- in itbfh i ti r ipf it m r- it i i i nvtan i 1 r irri tpi ivy luiae liivt inn itaiih- not th 1om iiil t ll taao ri itrnil i mitil slibei ifrl in lh- m ili htoil vtr i it huh ho- un llnv knli ll ii itjlkli jri a iil irtl m i infill ioi 1 anlm 2 ar ift4rd 0im i nalt nahi at iutly mir la atd in hh inhuiv ill a nialf ody i1inr in lb ilnir mi fiioo i m ifiiffc j is t l tedi i j mi niir a lillrt inrn m onirn of rmne jfmtoy tzwf ajor jvn maeornh cmnmanding-in-chief- a dl ie camp maim ctfm walter jumv com nonjing ihe mditia amthcnmp nivfior if inilej stado lehl artillery spnirfi nf vnluntivr cvalrv ruitabioi oit srjlei imatine dattaih- owih infantry qrfictt of ili artnv nave an j marine oep on lvit oilirer iif tin mil jo nnl volunteer corp of th difrict cf coltnnbia nn itanr oificer tif the mimra nnd ittitccr coepa of lhimore he fv4 proceujon liiihsl sle- marshall for ihe di5tnet of cinmlna 1 cca ni the st chirl the mavof of vafiioion and avan rieivif the dwlnci v columbia mipcvoie ceirojiotm tall pah mi ut i ant d i i v pall liorcnr tal dearvf ii tin in iviirh if ii in nav i ibrw h h rtf il i tlli iii n it nt i it it ttthilh lloroin ifju im i a u 1 lour from tl mt4lttt if ant o l nridv serh i ik icvl i im i ii ti hih p p l- i hm in in i i r i u m itvfrm iai i t l 11 1 ii ii f t thvl i br nt lltanvtl tiidlmi i ilh i utipi i- i lirp1 iit iv it- l 1 1 r mif ni i ih il in v iti ip i t l o i lu ll it v n vr 1 iii i- ta tloh lit bii liii l j u r ir iii j n iipo i r vll u s4tl t ll ilk i ii- ann in i t- vit b hll s tin im pnltv nvini i ti i i i im uv i lit v 1 1 umi t- i inru ll n 4n ilt vh ltii ir tr jih iir tu i itiiel of ho i tin niii fnm o iitv an i be hs mtibmu ot iov i i li i mv tlie rnili ami relarion id the late pe-t- dvni ftil ihe jim of depart iikm with thir chief clerk tl vice rnnhnt of the iltite siate tl es pivhitlein the thief jnmice and atieiale jntiee idthi snnrine court and irjfjrivl iiultten of the isilteil lale iv lrtiitm ufttk siitalero trmtort a nil socretrjv- smtirt jrii ohtc fit die senate rwiri mmivt ami hiik iiil itiii jv ahvvn an roiiiiiinticia ir il aijiiiiii of rhiimn tnnhyihe ron- aeiilin wiih mrto atiiouitifit riou f rvflvenrativet in1 nftrii coverno f sinle nml temtcrie ami miiidhr 4 sias- l-i-fioir- lire of ihe pilncl of mrtolyr- fthe f nrihi rnnii v ltninuii itnh tin t r iopi lhlrvf tb f ii riimm oltin on l i tnl f ihri t f io mm li i i hi i b- f 11 l ftiie r vtdoe meia nol ilhiii mtlmoh hrai ootio oilih i 41 in- n 1 iiiii- p mil i n r lh riun itml staler rnamifv aniiitiv ami itiior- i ttliivm 1 um trtil iimunt llnr lite war who il i llwiauv rnuolinl of u ijnotip tt4 d it taiiihn kin tj mot tvuh isn i- alai

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