ii appears to the dreror lo be a mat lef t great importance to tlie incu of t 0 c mpanyj at i lime when he ailvanla- gu unending emtgrauna to ibc guernica are o ilrptigu and injefatieimy dtjvli upon ric jiujjc by parties interested in the suc re of other colonies thai the proprietor f llir canada compnny end those intcrct cs in ihe welfare of thin important part of the dominant ofthe bnlith crown should ik a inckfaiahlc in availing tlmmselve of all possible occasions of brininf under l so notice of their coontrc men the rtcar ami uacujcalionable criikncea furnished by ibe vi gf iho company of ihe sueccm whwh ntendi emigration to canada h aire important to point out the facility and moderate expense with which envim tion in ihe colony can bo accasmpliahcd setiitr in canada are not drsccmnccted with their nails bnj lui n concouiacc of he regular and rapid communication now kept up by the establithmenl of ateam- hoat every species of iniwmatioa u at earn acquired aad mailers of i overeat rumic or private are as wet known in ca nada and in at abort a lime at they would have been formerly in dirtanr parts of the hriiis isle the tame facilities cnawe the inkabitanu of canada lo avail them cttta at turn of the advance aftsrded by the an inventions and meraiitre of thr iifir civitrxed cuimrrr to readily ai f ihee were dwelling in il tlm publication of the obere allikw to will be found on the table and proprieties imoreticd in the aucreav nf ihe h company eirinni dn better rlian in impreasupon nfl their friends and connexion 1 he facta there in made known for if thm company ex- peel la obtain their fair shaic of aovrera tiey inuit not ipire ihe name exertions wbieh aro now pnmc in all garter to call jatjj mientinn to the rcapeeiivu mcrila of he afferent colonies and in doing to her miy have me taafaciion of eclii ibit iriotoi attemptio- 10 eaaratc the inern nf canada or lo deprecate those nf other cdonies tbey may all materially aid in lie dcve1ipepnl ofllie ml rewvurce ttekl by the colon im iwilnion of the enpur upon wlnrh it wealth add future iwwe may be held n much to drprml nircr pm fh hrw yol cowicr ana li fs ji eaw hlmi pevbapt llsc rrmal ititcerv rrenu f the prevent epoch in the atootatfc traaion by thin a to england f a rapacoua tapurt vullii her domm mui nnj ts natural ennacuvnee hie ctab- luhrneiit on isc c mi fines f china of an aigltsaxon colony rie with indusirr and crterphae accni in introdtke to u cmjttre which before culd tcarccly be eon ijiiol ftmbfh9 rlrfffliftml irf nationa but wfirch conlaira a population more ftumeroua than any thc au and commodities ofcitilrted life lakinf from them in return the superfluous products of thejr beelike labour and thus promiiinl ta eo large the eircjc of commercial exchangea in a decree of which ne can acarccte trutt ouoeltcsio imagine the extent judpng flora the othnioni expressed by the foreign reskkau m china theae do not fljitter tliemaelves that iuch happy retolu wih flmv from the cession to england of h- ni i or indeed look at the late treaty uitji a favoueabto ero in nay reaped lav nig aa they have dcoc amonga servile pu- alanjmous race and aeeiftj them put forth ihe mn4 arrrtgqnt peetensiona to aoperiofirt with ihe moat odenalve vanity we are not aitonihcd thai they should nvc looked forward to a moment of actual cnlliaton a fl which ahoulj jiipetl the illusions of tlie cnlncae and cstabdah in a striking manner their own cnunirra aupcrioriiy koihin fhurt nfabjerl lufmniuioq dy tlie chiner of uneqmvoea abandonmem of nil prelentitffli to posecr would have ti-i- fed die foren ncuder under their i n ate tea man rho ocanncd the tccne from afar who sought lo obtain btjher and bet ter obccj than ihe gratiftcatioft of wotin- ded n j probably preferred and wiaely a more morate course ooa wnjch pve all that co4ihl he reaonably desired and re- euredltloo under inalructians drawn up in ihts apfril we believe the british nego tiator acted far we hare aecn mm move forward la his goal amid the clamours and reproaches of h counirvmen and the prcaa which in tlie i irnum upace to which they were all cotigned must have met hi ear at evrry step unhcfilaiinsjly and peeie- with a confidence which nothins but lite contciousnesa that bt wa 1 n in obedience to his orders could hare in spired the drittth have given lite chines ruler nntfoiitited proofs of ther nviiary aopcritrrtr have stiewn that when thee civjovo lo put tjrward llirsr otrenajih it is rreiau4e hy any fnrre ttte chinese con z to meet lu tliey have obtained hfti a pnutimt where will soon be s r- 1 rii tibow ret f innclcirti 4ij f itiuv fro pfnred a large military naval anj fleam pvwer reahly and awe in a tew hours 10 linng the chines to their fret if ihcr should agatn prove restive a pwtien otlering a saw harbor capaetoua enourh for anv na irnftsl or menanlite navy iviih territory enftitvot fit all the puipovc of the moil cmaivc rafte we may perha be ra liter xtaionary btit to our mind it appar hhrirv pmaaue that ahtf laavtm island will in a few yean itc ktudjed rriih balti- laiion factnnca and ware houaea rontam a population made up of peiitc of all com merrtal nanom the chinese thcmselvea crftwmiri the 1alorioua occirpatiniia one rom pcrhapr enraged in traile her rrt filled with the bae of varimia peoite nnd our iiripea and atara not the least conrpicu- 00 among them what more could fi 1 obtain hail rhe piamied a more rfcesive rourset 7ar awlsl ilv uuh afski cttc4iia m ir ais ivrile u n irh atij kd 4impiimi lut lbtnpliccmiih iks prlrl mj ltrrtili ctifr tttmtt an iw nrf vert i f 1 n rv tf d t r ausenavj ptrtha cmrl f iho cljda- w41 cikuenthohtifjalwcil uxj if inp- tne tuirbtac h inur wita mtf mh prch m t tm imj f tonjen n bcdipcd la tfce cucdanta wn tndat anil f4lhalawnui at 10 ortrt she ss ee fraaa ttt 1 fr hsjaavs i ihfih im up ta l aiu i11j aeenwanlfthc prhlvt al loev of sr r srrltal of uui isjsjtl herrofc aw oeulj jifi daed at tm h intf f tal h til rtflieilisniaitrfl frtoy of th cvd l rf tcjn owr ut new york arf aalasiiuj dpliujiqii ffoto df nl aj mifcri uireilr iqmi mvj kr cwfclw4 the faiue of ut lant tain iict aiihln 4 trufc fr htr fcs ik 1 id jrjj l flnurj ntal f flea the tut tahfrakit piduffil h fjflamte ad satn tardrr a somftjnfr a no maucr ran or marc ibtef tta w nil two mian nll rulea la itraftkvi4liun ant balas l rtflrel h jju sj ill mmcthna lo fiif apiniofit oftd drifr driluc tan xrr munl tlan 17 nndrt nti0j lliii crafj boitpn both afsb fc is9iw iinrr bj mrr curtin and vs tvir dntfifxit and tonnite ic4n tfce the fjr i ih 4en wine tlm ca feat lr wl hiiintjadrrk 1 ihb he rtttftmi llierifrinfinrhiuyii wptf rnifd ai tliufmliflrm thu ikt lutrrhaioitty a pattrr of j0 f mfordint a aceoviiu sw hotat tot rca 4 he frciideal msdav r mtl fkuo af livj- p4t ihw of ihr fjoua qca by mcttra ridcft naf tt and co- 0 ti o and bath w rprrei h aibauttfjpirorwlimerr ii 11 erisvoj iu1 in ihtae to etli tht ua eat j ivri r poitf fa laaotrc t it u rttaikvt lhi r- lhotici boln fct rnit icdiwi pfuifn ow pfcii- fknt ahc mm tjafatiufliu of he io ad a ht klv nv york oi the llikutt had only ici ki4 paucacna uoard tnr lihi pfaildej h mr cvratd fai ihe llnl ifji lint nhic hiri mjc nd fonoiut i milt lie p- jii1t built 4 ihe orjvsj 1r mmi dune1 uettrs stnk of nd mo j wood tj c tvnos or port ijisjejm oih dvmbitaoi tfcfy an ill wt b if ncirlr ihr ik diftntiofi lad aloul mtoton with roaco ecfo 1 j c w mlt ihcto dvhcutifa in vrdn thio ni friend out be ihe tikf late odn tvir ftrtttf for dtilram hitiiuod i4lc eirn tnin rite ihrrr mutl be omr rule oftrona fot- fa tanc irfkirinr it v rtt to- be vij on 1 hit nodrl which hill annly with he rfcr froiiowr or vmcr whkh it ttl ui he fortf tf clri rorv ihr- brun ird awiican cftpi- ni vrhh ilh mr cunfiti ttc ippcan a try rcat dirwirfor the cl f -r- u ha it itlstsj lo h- rctn pnethfj ntc td hi ih re of the twirn rjen marly dovblr lkeboi- ptntr r 0 foptl thr hhu u 0n int i as lw twr aa it eoh o areovnl for lhr rr r te0 lod ccittinly of r emiiibi the tojar in vglvr hri thtf othert mould b omirj uondjn their fou or umuf to male hd fahtst iak canp tfk lv atto the ij- sfrtijc of hvvnj ht ef oitrfi putfirietit to u s neat art m- ihct 14 f foin hn2 avtri- ri1 coiwir iprvd e rftftfeer trm ut ficeta if lie tciertei fr nwe it run qtkc i utiutftj tn my a r f rr motiih hal tn dngoi rcjulri ahich rt moral thmind paunji iflrr ntnning r on tcoton sifi hue ihceainined nor auird vntuv and will like our vrttel of war eroetrwetod with ataal triitm aiprored prieipin probably rsnlinuc to run for nan brfon the imh renuiwe reatif i alfi in to- ui hi tfutlt nf about 20 frrl 4 and 100 tout irth mbrm aowtr ore the brit esleotittd fa- ruiri namtfet arroaa ha aeean freaa ma lo point ad uul when uieir dnwnini ntend beiond thu an jntrtahd ratio 0 paw inuil he aiptndfd a atlaio whieh woold h noal eienaiiei bcaidoi that the aachinery tad fd wnild rwpt neartr al the apeee in uo naact the eonttueiioo of iher tarje titmt mta ek- gnj on ihr arve of eronoraj on to atturaptio ml ih tin tuvif tu- a hull inerraio srssjbwaaatwsal atlaaanaj would rwfcve to work a wa act of do o iht tic rut thui mar be an riror al all etem the eirrfrenee to i vrd froca ihe o4pj of the ftniun qwrm and frtmderri dou oot wfrront ui aurie ww opfcrtfl we rcrorded in tbcae pea whrn grtt ttait were iloianed 7u stmiki prtfa hows bare been awakmrd ht the fry wrl by the innemnee of ihe hnnrxed paragraph m ihe i j c palriel at tuesday avhhv a irtlei hat trn rccrired hy mi ilasvell of cuaaherlsn mlt nbotr father vrat on boad ibp prrrjenl from a rrlatin of hka who reaidc at awthamfton cngurnl attting the fad oflhe arrivatof the alramtriip at hf jujkadrth luin vx1i rfai it im mrs poorer the wifr or mr tyrone power iht aclorwbo waasptssrnerrbadaferjtttta- liorud at pcanu wberehrorfnationoflhe tlesm- asip woolj likaljrhe recriaed and from one of thos agents ihe ne h tapreu a letter on the 19th mm in sh a rrstrl fj id arrived there from madeira waiihnfweled that at ht vtaa leaving the latter poit the ivatirol was 50m tn and spoke thi teller was received by mrs power on ihe iwh iiu the rtfslion of mr hawaii who m tl ihe moment was received he inmedialely tat doam and wrolt the leltti uk to above he dt- pkikmns national innvmt- t fae twiiimi of if lfiittj sifitr vaaj awavsswfif ru fror rravaalt iniaifjtfe crtjii i enf awt j me eajrjssvt mrsfnj vo aw lrnly icftmk- thai vnrjy lramtek armiaf maytievt li the tim mr ihs ctnveolion in the eil tf fiw york hjt ihr conajrtaiion of ibe pnpiity aj nominative at fiat lime eamhflakt for prrtolj ifflj an vfce rresidvnt of the umled stmtf tu he mpwtrd at the irjvntil onos aut it it hoprd thl al iaft of nur romonj ctttttttrff wilt be lhncouh rrprtrtlcd on hut 1 err me 1 it r detiiahjr that aaohvlrtra j ltar ahocldb pn iit as srral imjotttnt political ftiralion will tobajy eoote up jotp contiir ration the ptovidnce of ltoil in one little winnih 100 from ibe iniu urtitmi of cnrtal katutltait in the smamibte arm at death livr man feai fnl errtoiihe perdtrtioiu of many of nut ai wfc fnrrbstd the fari aecnmilrahrd hjreale lhal the preteii led fi tu of lii sje iaj4 rtrjtja vrrtcenc ofthe l- by lhi tote tvboowftcd and domlneird oier hfottt floh and nude mrrchandi oi rteinilt hound iuk i it romibte thai these amjiienim whou votes have atdrd i nwei the ciut ami the heirlleat rja feel owtm btt the nui lut aotiow otly tltinkof se mirhtv rswri tsciedtn ihr rmdenlial life tvliicb by he fno alm foi r i from ltina tpm fount v rrrdiri c4 tarlton rooxbed in wrre rtumrd mtinl sr john har- fjjtliy and mite or recrnt jesnisc anylli hilk l the ntvv t ai u tvrwlij mittilar ut on mmaliythe vey rnbatked with sl john where he bid a levee on he auc eredmf day anal that reacerded to lvmfsf and ili ius letsinift the cnmmid of tht tic4 unlit th nriiatl rua military tuects- nr the frdewrfffrrriil4wat we hetidly trilette ihe numrreas coed of 1 wluicf thai have aoxd in upon ilia evcel- tery from allntilrtaiaee jiu retiynatioa of th- ovrmmrnt af lhjvotinre wa ateetlajn ed an1 in otic nrt nmhr intrnd review in ua admtittnuon ad abalt bsve but little ilifocalty in ahoaieaat if has been ne of a lihrl aid romped ve rhjiacter highly hrnficial m ihr pfottce bnavwtai as wa praeiieablr ronlircir to its pfrmaneni ad- tiptmtnl tui i pofje with ivssktftbl th civil nweewor of sir j vtn lttfvrr w mat r the fcdsouin- eliacl fiem ts vf jrjk f writs 5ir uill1aai cokne ii a mm of family mtyandaitt teaia of age hasaeen mmk service ulh 1 ihihal htililary and 11 ivfjtcawtfal at bn5 wllenalinedby hi bi- miks habit and ma toe ihe duties or the ornee in which he ut avfnahvm lie baf iir sew wjtsrt ut tii keea lay cote- tnooke and family i ot hfoflihny h yx- reilcnev hat covec flecidatioit ami jntire pbee of leainin 1111 avvoiinei in rnftinin nd it diaivine foitb ivjujmli nf poetiioat funeral oe attam and euloi a and tia alimped the ib ly literal are of a rrat pfojd with ihe selomn alteration nf wo thit fublitne and mighty potr eruhrined in tlie otftte of pretivtoi of the u u now demonatfnted foe the first lime in the life of the rpiimic ii devolved en a wohtcr an awner grower huvet and seller of men wo men and children alas that lurh n robber afhiinaaniiems so arrajanhvwjiil by abolitionist aa in solemn mockery of all air ho tare brew placed u their tetes i ihthichesl plee of hunan honor power and glory let thos who have voted for thit mi ctjmc hmn lteh monrer for president to our capita and heboid in ihr palace john tvleit erourhinc honjmen and women itiltin and tnovin with noiwlest wrp and downcatt rye oer state priieen open their sties tor the aoraefiii the pretidenlial palare is oiieneil by the brinj nbn 1001 a man of l of ihe sorirty fot ihr arl we obrv that iv made hy that truly at ft to be cnioved hit triind proneit y 1 lawari wife and rhtl- dren of temporal aaj heraal rtimctire dar nal itnr hand of the alrmtmy plainly ajai t if lit men wid we have other ojeclt of more importance la vote for fhan the liberie of mil irom uet instead of iinlhee other thina they have suvety placed before them and on idea jn in anost odwwf and hagcard tnrm the rewnnl for totin fje other things than li berty the slate trader tw man pirate ihr bihlatctuigator of roorul fleih do can all come and nrtle doun in the prisiierilial neat aildb warmrd ehrrt honored and rcmfnelcd hy john tyler elected lo do ii by akehtian voir xhotf 4f u rhw rtffoint wmt j fiiends of htikamly atwmhce anl aay allan stfavart can eoje f vi concvnfioa of mj flv the annual h propagjlioa or the nm the crania crc mmiiricent sorirty f hat been juccd theditnotalofthe itip moalreal a imibrhimattbalef toronto ivjlifctbcca vote d kfifaoiilafld cath dral xi50 to c dundas u c anj 100 lo that 0 miv- c the rev w agar andenon h been appointed to the miwnit at amherrt iw ne ona10 and haa saiteo for hit jtat t uty has plared tevertt hi7i on then hit dif ferent cvu ma m lhc rf v h c conner hi armatrong and t torranccrmonw rrtu mrwnfttforicaf ffw bvjs s7 rwt in iefciine wwpofemua end ferrns tn lohc r fitve ompinr i ihe p acrkwated omerll who now may be dtnominate j fmuj ac- firnutl on we s w eee the follow n deans lb intel frarolhe adreri of lu ll ers the work will eef lunvrs and yril he rhelwl with a bre ii it the title nf work vrbieh n ahoui ptimiihrdin f iwfajn by met umber af ipunavfakgi the art rin tvle of trctieiv pul flirn tar mvurral uittllr we learn fteen ihe vejwtow rt nt ine that on the jth ultimo hi exeellenry sir john llavey held his farewell levee which was numerously attended after the presentations and tbe reception of several addrcae from va tiotit parts of ihe province ilia ktcrlleotr cordially took leave of the gentlemen wo waited upon bim mott of whom he introduced tosirmtuiri fkbrooke who was present to ihe ntihl oflhiai at iftuh their excellencies tbrti pro 1 wood eaeru tod in the vftlainine viewa ol the eilies wrt ana pla- ceavihted and descii aiii 1 httem vawursofthe arclt riw rt uiti he aim uumfffjs rr the sjjtbar fiom a hm mimaltire tan ml hfor hit imiliife from btosj mjed naiaiat mttaw will ueet 10 make thh new mtv ameftea worthy of iubhc patronacc and e soprotatiofl thr nitre wr may w be xu z and no pavnent will ht jtttium anhacriben unlil ihe w0kh dertrtd- fib re hk east natural advantage within tbe town- try riacaset over oar neifhaort la seturo thr eommeke of this imaarnia region we mutt eared ofeotutr that ii mil find an oailrt ltrjh other rhflwnels it r ihe wrrrairy eon- hquenrcefinjc the lotsof iljboweveijoahl not lobvaitrihulrd to mr avabodthcrea bill bat to ourown supintoait and want of enn wc hare no dumal focebodins like ihe editor of the oajettr hnworar upon ibi bead we believe that lord sydenham i fully alive to the diiaiirou eoftvrouenc es that waalj result lo ihe commerce of canada should its irtdo be direited through newyork and that the im provement of our internal communicatrtn up on a scale comnaniuraio with the increasing imnortinetof the colony will be sr-n- the 6m and mast splrndijacli of hit admimslra- tiaa we have ome proof of lhtt among oihert in one ofthe most temibtc peaelical and s ilesmanuke doeumrnts that has ever met ihe pohlic eyt his lordthips despatch 00 kaaigrtion published in oar iat no nrrdlrufrar oucht to be entertained oe created upon hit subject for in ih rrt plarr tl can be demonstrated ihil with eaitt- ingduiirtf if ihe contrsnplated impiovcmrnts of the si lawrence to montreal should be com plrledoui millers can by direct shipment not only eacladt american flour from the tower provinces and the west indie bul compile with ih new york millers in theirown mar kets andby the sarne facilities inalend of our receiving supplies by the way of the united sulci shippers in lirirpr could deliver a ton of merchandise at any port on lake ontsim at about the same expense ibat il woem cost to ttiaspoil the ssme fiom newyork to oswe br ilsjj in the second ntac il ai not reiy like ly thai ihe united states confess routd be fr if unoti by any inducements wbatcver to remove tht duties on the isaporutieas of canadian prodace for ihe cooaeqoencc wonld he that tbey must cither violate a solem treaty enlarod into with russia of permit wheal from the bskic to enier lae parts of the united states duty frerthr formet would be an unjustifiable breach of national faith and the utter the destroctto of their agricultural in crrtliand as neither oflhrf witl be reey likely to receive ike sanction of the american uovrnment all apprehension as to he rtirf mr lahnuehe res bill will receive from this rjtrsrler ctn only be reeaided as a mere chim- rra of thr brain- st- catherines journal heretofore llw farwardln en 1 t r tjrert the oluwa and itnlcati and iheir canals baa been a moooeolythe lock at st anne rjp iihhriognmvin tbt hamtf ofarivmr tatsstfa- nr but before the opening of the navigation in the sprin another lock vrill be completed al lie public eapow the fowarffng basinet will he ihus thrown open to public enterprise krtrctt oei urd ydrnndws dejnocn on ariieydfion the snonooly on the hi i aw a and aluaed in ay his lordship haa been ue tnicrpaces which thry prsume iwdratt foan eircunvuncrt which aoa uvi at the 4rsraj m aking i hem in hral ivsr ol vottr oadust as reluminj ttker isnlil ihi whole fafifl fc brn deeidrdon by a r nmit c of ihe hoswo or asecmhly tire oiity itmaujll fit or camper 10 diutiralr thereon n the ear sotimc e help amittng at ihe rouod aaart t t eeultrecotrcron piaceil mr iurntonin tic 41 rhh r wtinwhrnil wasno- mmi hat n holders who were tiiltcp h wr bctey as from htmaejf and without any iclrience whatever to the rxceulite with s0uilieno- a jrinani far their voles actually did vote lor mr har rison- and i am yel to learn haw lrd vdn ham n be charged with having used ktceu- cojrcie beraus the tow master of to who il himself independent of hit ec celsaahta who lived for many years in this diatiici wr was vm muter hne was ml mitclv connected with the voters and whose brother farm- rtfttitmua kent should have acted sa hibly criminal as to wnle score of ta or letters hit friends amon- wbont ihrie bfftllm to he half a down oihce howrrl so- licitin- thtlr fesatl and tntereit in faroe of ni ffltndtmr secretary baamm urheve mr my dear sir years very faiihfullv john ritlnce crntrt wajr forte esq shchfl waasaffii distrkt chatham the idrjuia acvnc m y have avstaaf so uve roriia wlshiii to vifw the pliin evrry facitiu ut ioine sav 1 u hhnitt venture la solicit the attendance nf ih tmrog the distjitullhit iwassa lassstng blaee allan itfemklttla jmcr ff u h kmston may 13 icul th altention of tnlendii pnrutrrt of real tuie it dliettrd to mr- j linton sj of town lnta which h adertirrd to uke place on tntay neat these lots are very plcaasnlly litsistedenljijve ri c md cot borne strerl on ihe tidt known as fcinauin hrihts cosnnunji a sjdesajsd rietf of ihe town hotsw ire ost ajvcitifement marltl prirca our inaikel roe the uh fere days bas been poetty sppriedour faisntrs hring j actively employed getting in their spein- cawsatj prices iwve consjiirily mttt en some arlicler ikef it sold in the shammea at fxlj la 6j ier 10 mutton edlod veal 3l td par lb uutter ltd to la per hv egs bd lo7d perdoz ham id potatee 2s to is w per bushel many of which are very infrrio in quality qju about r2s 31 41b ht 6j irjronufl luxftif and it reached the ia lime to be brought on by eft knglfnj an ihe joth ult patched it hy the pml atetmihn briiaan that vessel which th patriot containing this statement w kindly hroujht la ut yetwrday imt after our psper bad cone lo press by mr lyon f thi eily who had that nvomrnt arrised from luit more we of corns- also pd the mrsr btit a very brirfeximinalion unhappily solaced to piove that no comfoiiac hope conu be founded ipon tbe iotclltjertce werrmembercdfcadinln the london paptrt thai on tbe itiht of the opening nfthc mavmar keltlieatrr at which mr power was to pec forma ifort was cifcuttied anted toe auji rnce thtl mrs pawrt hal ircctrd information af hr husbands safety- that lite president hij put in at madrim bl thit the report had sae- ved unloumle j on of thcjoumals espeeuiy slated thai mrs power lad been ken and in- naiired of rlative la lb matiri andthat she had received no intrhvene the london pipers of ih 17th and hh 1o stated that on men lay lutacrucl h waj stayed oatoa w tie deeply intcrestrd m the late olh ireasdetil the monday referrt to was the i2lh the ifivtnarvei theatre eprned on the same nigh there can he na doovt there foe thai the is the power not on monday the im but on mon day ihe lih of april aain w may ha very sure that ifaulhen tienewsof thr prcvatssafety hal reichrd mo powrron the lwb ia time for ihe ncj it woiitu have brrn knonn to other parlie tvw enouhta be rrwcisrd ialiveipool fat nmaifmrm dcsiralte anrt it mitl havelarcn jthe itutannsa and we may he lure aro ihw itenikd wuh a aaerifire of human life i- j dmst would live heru so capreaaed in n lir1rtnf wholesale murdrr when wrnr- 1 to piohawy than the dlitarace from lraie1 rm a poop iawivnyas at varianeo with ihe parti no latr now comin lo us from rattimoie same that was o truhy p timed off o irahta a emtrve rr iic te and which would have itmwn trvnvn upon her unmiiaatcl reproach if not riprtmitfori frm rival nations aa antorican we con contempati those istaravraxfft vvrlli comphrenry the fira nei erf ihe llrtrah nrreoe iattjf itayin rtacn 3h i lode- larv 1 1 ii m hf rapeslaiwn to pin no exclusive na lilrcft r mmtncrral advantage that her eifw anpiifitfaa wan opea in ihe cternrl 4f our ihffl r t i r i or il tva to lir puw fat4fs hal the name port wkm nir ahhier dj llr tna ltth in lle ramo rrma in y com ait vfrawst- satknn i i 1wa rntsaaa llav i hi nal tnm p thr nonrnf voirry tnrrr iireneif liaron uupatel of parte haa presented la the acidrmy ofmlicina ttormnft ten rara of a had iln red by a ifiifimic prorr tin aradsmy an- arntly itinnld a enai minn toinrntrr in in ihe truth nf a farl vrhirh thrjitiii to otcr iiiia all previoisannlis of actnicc tlieit re- port i i fa anvius nte ltit inn itii llon aohmilled lo hi profs a dr2lwnl- nf the acrhnve jreafh a entifiraienf aoifmhrnrth ar ad- my el mej rin psorea ttalthoskilj wm imh it at anl duaah fmin its loili lhe mimcitlvs prer v kftiwnmwnrk ihr end h ihin llisret ih ehdd hrnd smd moated ciaaj wnrd rareetajiihsce- ihe lumn mtri iu i h titin 1nt piw iy hi ccejed to ihe province lluildin escorted by the york uratooris where they were received by a guard of honor from the 36th ftriment and under a salute from a detachment of the royal artillery and bavin ariired at ihe fyhnmbrr whtrr the lleafs vf lv- paitmrntt civil and mttitaiy ami a number al the inhabitants had aticmldcd si william colibtooke presented his com mission which hasits been reml his kxcrllrney ook the otiaaj oaiha prescribed fnr such an occasion uader a salute and returtved to tiovrfoment llontr accompanied hy major general ir john hateey receiving the cutlomjryaahiiii and ia tbe afternoon isrucd the fottontu prfrrtirflvtiaa ilas ilixdjnacv jjtutttwnl ffoacf sir k waejra- gnrg cofrocae k h- liruttnani goremar and coaeoagiutrr-in- chiefs ike prrintt oacio iff vninrjr m g c loftootc a proclamation her majesty hatingbcen pleased hy jler royal comsnifsina this day published to con stituta and aftoial mc ta be lieutenant iovrr- w a fins new bire rnlty laanchtd and svheoq is to be furnish it the fjicsoa pro- tellers is now lyint f it ulennvd for ihe h md will be emuloy- cd hy messrs sander- murray on lhal whatever ilouiny breaterlainedaa ritron fot sea natia jon hvre is ve belies wssftsssj piwtical men iiorpiestian astoils adaptation br canajs rib on monday last th mwwnj f teas riulr tt r 1 trt wclc id ir- 51 20 10 10 10 btt tvahif do 4tdoyhy do imprul do uabra do pekoe do coaj4u ii jiioi 5t a ts te lb jslih1 it 7d jl hi a 2s 2a lid 3s 3j ea da htin a reduction of c t p 1 upon the news per ji al ihr same salt vur pmiio kico suw wei rt tut rmantrcrl m contequrfit and loobncraof eeat40sa tcj nor ofthn province of new beumwiek the admimslraiin of the tsovcrnmrot of srhtch i have this day assumed do therefore puuiih this proctanutioo of which all persona con cerned are irnmred 10 take eue riotiec and eovern ibe mac ires accordiuly civtn under my hand and stat at freocr- this twenty seventh day of apsi tnr monotony or thursday aieamy manuyeof mr monrral life wai of iversfrrd hy ihe pumic debartchatbe beautiful aod accompluhed miss selby at irn orjork the cathtdial coauined not let than avr theutinj spectators an4 the ccrcuvty was performrc accordina to the impotinj asu subiiaac tilualof ridcau ahamc lul at increasine upward and ttawnwaij fieimto and from montrrsf seventyare pes eent which che governor general and othea anticipate will be abolished in future hy the watltjieiiui tftatptsitr inih ahraniifvnai sdt vet such we buve ufill net prove ta be the case although comptlition in theorraord- m busiaeas upon those riven and canals may produce some mojijicnto in the cxotbiurit ratrs heretofore demanded still as far as ihe people are coneerned il anu continue lo be a monopoly nevertheless the reason is nb- tiomv the ridrau canal being constructed wiihoot a towi a pjth there aroo ftcilitiet ot which ihe csvwmercial pumic can avail iltetf foe passine veatls ihrouh it if there were all monotpoty would bi destroyed at once aa it mffet lo be but as vessels cannot aas through the rivers and canals above menuoned without briny tawed by it earners the conte- nuence will belht unless these are provided ny gavernment fgr ihe exclusive benrhtof the public the forwarding com aanic- he thtec one ot h vriti eonlmue to itsanophtjxe all ihe immfiortmion f nrrthrtitiae and pgttue thioueh thai intaud water for instjiicc if oar millers in st catkrrinra wrahed o ihio fluui in ihrir wn veavel dime t to morleal with a relurn raro of merchandise how are they tocoro iiiuii lit ftirliau and thuwa liverat thry mtttj either n4otl tn the char ei imisoaed upon lm b the farwardin- companies foilowintb srvpsuwhif h won j he equal no doum ia the cost of tratripmral at kindlon or fir the uisefits and advan i which ivr iivfeah tswitaaom uthluiv4b canal r lb aar- m our readers will no doubt remember the do treasine ciicomaianeea which came before he pumiclast summer relatirr lo ihe eloperaeot of the lidy of cant harris i 1 with nla jor david of the montreal vohtmecr cavalry ofthe kowan catholic fom- the bride was an action for damarrt hw been lately tried al sllended hy twelve jtftva aomteux and the montreal the resutl ofwbieh wt1 be found in beidefiroomvy an equal aunbrr of eroan rflthc foltoieine exlracu f ron the icioo this twenty seventh in ihe year of our lord one thousand eiht hundred and forty -one- and in the roodhyrarof her msjcity s rcl rti hy hi lxtcllcncyt command wat f odelu orders were thee immediately itetjcd hy the lieutenuat tpoveiivar tlireclin that unlif the departure of major general bie john harvey ihe cuttoviirv bonoini should be paid to him i allolticerc4iland mihlaiy thioujhoul tan province alfred kade esq who accompanied sir william cntcfcreehe from httw was ap- pointed civil secretary to the lieutenant gov rrnor and pamic attention called ta the print ed refutations iu regard la emrctaevtcfrner lies excellency reqnclio thai all comma meadows addtesref tohim mivht be written in a larjre and distinct hand and withdark ink to ibe adwrcsa of tlie mscislratm uesaskal of th leiilative council and assembly mer chants and other inhanlaoti of vredrrrcton rcarcltin his depirture and retirement fmm the a dim lustration of the tfoverumen of new brunswick sir john harvey made ihe fellow- inc reply tvi to have received ihe con rrraiulatiousof so highly rctpeclahle a body of her majestys lubjeeu a the malrttea and othrr innbilanu of ibe county of york and town nf fudcricton upon my aruvaj in new nrunivicb nearly four years t to and now to have received an inch as ia eonrev- ed in the pictrut addresa of their regret al the terminauon of my adminntntran of ihe gov crnmmt and their appreentien aftbo mannrr in which it has bee conjucicl are eircmn- suorci coaoected wiih my public life which will ajwjy eoealitute to me a source of wide and lalitlkthf lloi triitlemen the words piide and al- iifaeiici however correctly ihey mayerurss th mnlimnis wilt eh your sldrfrru haa eteited m retards myielf ar feeble terms hy wliteh loatleinpl lo drciihr thr frrtiui which have triwa hi my breas front the manuri hi whir h son imvr been pirated lo tpeak of lad harvy tinllfmrn hy yonr nkt apjuc tn rflvjy llattey elarrtr son have roufnrri i pet utttpl ohliainni of th drrrm kmd iifm every aaembcr et r family vhcn tvnh vut tn tv nonaetr tca was the mat tplrndh wedding whichever occurred oi mettreat or we may say on thit contiornt and wtf attenjed bv all the laahionables in ihe cilv the fiui 4 non urur were appropriately droird in white with a wreathed white roses araitid theii heads and aa ample lace veil reach irr rem tbeir head ta thrir heels while the bcoutlul uidethe jlar of fasioo the mould of fomi ad the obarreed of observers waa attired is mautcenl dress of white 0awc red silm sth a inanificent specuele ef a similar detcritiioa cot before been wilneaud in thi ejtallletald the majestic ottawa is leermni wilh life and animation her bfoam uid glassy suifacc is dotted with rafts of timhr fr the quebec markel the steamboats rr busy in ihetr vo cation one otd friend llwnnon undn the msnaeement of ctptjin lihhall hs resumed her trip a pretty lllt boil the alcou owned by the new compam came tol on thursday and is inteni to make rrcutu tups brlrtnn oilown mii she un welcomed by a late and rrpecuble turn out ef of our villarers who tve lur tbrrr aircenj inahnutt of conevatulatint the company were then politely invited board by the captain and ibearty wetvoneeivca to them below un her return up it ihe evenine we paid her a visirv and wemvaliemrly pleased with her appearance she like a dock nn ihe water and on leavii the wharf thr hltje water jtofdew briskly upped it ocr ihr wildcat with a eclecity unpeclrd fnm her miniature dinar aiiom wr pophrsy she will be a favorite weespcclthe dragon eafl won make her apeararice like lite alhv the is intended fot passengers only rspri mercury may niatuets ted iv unl fcl fr rati rti be i dss ijetv en may ii irar fid toi tlie lo a r r our coi nittai loir and adcrlinn s is lhal mliu ilanrr if as it ijrcl u ou be fw v kindly rjmhrti ii her nattae m nvn ami ihtrnf all i tliaiik ysi for youi cod wishes vu o kb v tbtt lhr raul trum hfeisan qjnf a eirat part of our mx trt supprica wo ihink tvillcomelty way ofihi cniw sutei rhtrtly bv the rhamnlaintlwrcoand kric ea- naif and the acricithural d other nrriphrt from fur the west iwdie a last wilt tuoboblv po liy thr same efcrmwrst th ints on the lakes pmtirntarly unifik itacheitpr will acquire udjtticj nttpat- and tlwe t atiee k wf shauhl nil ho ettrprimtjirilic ttniln sutrx cmicreas at the rtlianedmary mm mm laavherr th impnrtt draw amn nhirh i to mcrt on ihe ihnliu t the o4iatian of mr ml hy remm ie the dutir nn ttatoda urojiici or atlonme lit iiiottaltrn feuu i lora tflbtf tvo4ooeriiivii of a ksanv hre ttoww hemuchiuoeerilcrlually atsd ndau f y niwh iurriv irm uirimlims oflfn liwrenr enehafvtiitj t ofstiis ml jerchuij and hlier sstiquvai itisai taaiasu u hw wi 1 j rirsst nniilit sit wdlntd ll4i 1 oalrcal her cem herald montreal may 1311 before mr jastire gale and a special jury il w harris evquiee vs ed david fsi acfton for crim con damaeea al lo thc risinlist captain in the mth fuoiaaenl drfendani late a ituristcrallaw and major of the montreal cavalry the trial excited the estates interesl and thtouhoui the day the couri was crowded mr smith opened the case in one of ibe meat effecting and elo- ltjau speeches we liavi ever heard and when reading iho letlet left by the unfortunate wifo of ihe puintitttoihe bereaved husbaad on the niihl of her elopement wa o affected thai the learned gcmlcman was hanfr a to proceed the aie was moi folly raic oji anj ibe eon crattucut of ihe interonirsr from the hutumd clearly proved and although the saiicilor ge neral endeavoured by a mcol nhlr and in reninus defence to mitigate ihe amooot of eumaees ihe jut charred at sonu lenih by th ilenora ide jotte and afire an ahsruee of about flfieen mimitrij returned a verdiel for the riaintiff awsin- the itamajtes n x750tl currency counsel for pfamtiet mebrs fisher and simth l h lafontaine fsq acid a p hot esq counsel foe defendant the solicitor gen eral w uadjley eq assd t j jdah eaq the kent election aeffer rom u jvinve fo ce ht toaf jerlurne qffiur for keul the paik farm sandwich i4th iprif wlti mvdear nri have pare tod the pritert which hire eeeri puhhshen by mr grant rel alive to thr late election aichatbwnard which reflect pon you i ra very meaturcd trtaaa at re i m nine umcer yon ask my advice at a friend and aa your ceunsrl i will rfve it ta you fty no means ronaidet these pcmlui m m m ifi loyon they aie directed n sinst ynar in j6tjf public capacity of fletuminx ollirer fte krnl aim ty rto rnran lake any leajal nulice of them i iloitotuiinkttrrinacttonahlctandifthey vrere i would not adnse ow to ao to law iipew he mnytl hevatue it ia net nolb votir wlule tnsta ss i am in wtvssinn oi all the me and no doubt y lo rne at our int wepacoav av to ii ws j11 i mnrorr rv i i its his dwedaeaacye scthu it is with rat pleasure we copy toe felbw- 105 paragraph from the montreal courier el monday last iebulhiiln of his exeelleucyt medical mtendanta yesterday aaereroan was aa tollows s sfjil excellency the governor general baa spent a comom day sadfa belter this after- ims hisexcclnt mrlclly fortnden by the medkal men from aecinj say on or giriat hit alteniion iu busiuess ta t court af oyer and tsnsanrr aiia4w4liiut ad gencal oaol sxkrert in aad for lw mieoaad difet siaa opened in una place yraisroaj at noo- lj it honor mr jatke meteao tw laetl wf ehijed ihe grand jury ifjl vry ctortw adjnw touohin u a hafff ntluat v0i our rckol paliikal cuadition and tc htfuv resulls whkh mj fri he eapeeud from th alt union of the protrtcoa and lotnlinf a the pioprrv of stoad mco iivin heir aupport ta ihe avcatntadmiiiiition in furminx a c en up on a luawfr and teoad oaaas the l j litr cuttemen wee swom in at or and juors laaasj hswtraatt fja- rorenvsc ssaa aijwatll thasaa akw allan macah u john mscawcrtoo h ii ach siaedonam siaiorj clark william j- mekiy feterv oarfaad jaases mathswiea colin mrkenaie arehibu m ihres1 janalhm auan fjijah tuaeh micsael ataeisriae hlailvr twatlaavj m jsamean rkhh wdliata clmreh the hon w il draper attorney general hrivcd thvs rnwnin ftm toronto to attend th aasim c olueet 7e teuton continues backward the cem easterly winds which have of lave prevailed being unfavorable to the procrctj cf reela talk editor of the chronics it gaietla 4r ilavins learned from a pirate source on which i can place the most implicit reliance lhal the governor general may b now tlmot daily expected ta aeriee if kbsrston and not hat my heard of any definite arranenents fee i hit reception 1 have taken the liberty af ad dreading you upon the subject irustin that if i you are n possesskn of any information yoo will make tbe same tubtic ta your next i i am induced from anotbrr motive la troubl jou 1 relumed on sunday inotmnt from a viail ta toronto and while in that famouacity wai considerably annoyed al the remarks in event mans mouth about ihe tnaffet tonians aad the paltry reception we to fjm his eceilency 1 sincerely hope uat the kingstofi people will show ihetr i on the occasion ad turn out en noiir i ibe man who has done to much foe them i remain c a klngstoniait our uotlhy corrrspoudeut may rest utitm that the preparaiions made both by tbe tom and district for the reception of her mseayh representative arc such aa will five eneraj satisfaction i kinp- inlendvd bop oat i aytrir to rcccivst sirallakmenal qvaarc lltt taheriierofihaalbioi ia xa f- a hsbr at ji jb pw sat aha h h there it ausapa m on sir aan mcnsb which was atratsc i eesatssssuja ifoprvasaobofa speech mad i the tuaiiiiiadurntbejaultnmitorth rired from a ealomnioua reptft la ih thar had not herw csr jok- a tm who waa piscnt and hranj ine tasssta lhal it was manly itnih furwa 0 0 in fd thit tffj gentlcoian hhu corded to it his lhest apob jtw uiktee theae cicumstancci then i ittti reas ideasare in ehsetaimin ihe offmie auenask u matnc the ommde due ta 5ir aiau sknjfc ml i horfl thai thit porcditre wju hie tie saje tlif- lory aa beifi altogether solunury on te pin of milk at ftikl to on fa r hm n sttv dp tmsweaj ciaobi f aa aad ban- hfanf p r i i- roelf n kjirfmrjts nf fie ccf ogwnhcnfcot uultock adjutant ii unreal of mhlia ihe hon john macaulav litspectat georal anlhony it ijswke esq kmintl ajetl arrived iu town yesterday fsssslf lsuc4 an i red bsltreek and has been since actively enpcd int col foster comraandia the farces and col mckentie fraaer deputy assistant fjrm- tcr master genera hare taken up tbeir quar ters al this post some time since we issued the following corrrscmdcftce ic lalirele the reception of his eicelleoey the goicrnor gentsi t eattioa monday in order thai our country friend mtcfct be early made acquajftltd with the amagetoenfs will be seen that our cajiant shtrittii prepared to embrace every air auitiary which tritr add to ihe life aad beauty of the occasion ovruatafoafrctf e noenrcwt haj ihe w- lowiit account of a alrante artasriii ihe leo don globe of ibe i2lh of march whieh if irsw rgmuhrd cnotber sfilkine itluatralroo rf tae uncertainty of circomattittjlvid f andtu lerot tuqaiae all ot which i n caa cosceivc that rnvieon the mater- r rctca doomed a a public execution- a fmieh aper called the swiraev cc taint a uttr from a private eorrrapcj jil jitol gibraltar the 2th ult which at if lhal ta oputeit ilmiah mcichanl named jst itoxwell long resident ihi re bad been tried and eoaiirt eiioflbeaajifvlrt oflib dauiiutrsa ri utn mcaovtcrtaw id the ciowtfastaarr ker0ta maei named john keali who hadbt eair jyaciiveln collectin evidence amit hie the convkteiretd a desire teii n pear ma aa th ttsttesl racny e svtooid tie sea with all mankind aad lopard whom be had considered bis when the convict reached t executioner w preparing tocawctite th rnccofthc law when a tmrce ttaj heiedia ibe crowd exclaminrw it ia 1 that am euiuy and not ihe conviel thb iichi made hy john keats he cenf i- was he who had carried off james jjmn r tveltsdauhler that he had cat bv hrircir- iac hertleep and stolen one af her drtssrs i ttbkh he ttetped ia blood and that ihr eenet- oui pardon granted to irim by fata victim hsi caused him tu relleet on ihe etsataaity af ksa crime the exeeutioner immedaalrly wiut- drew the rojvc from the coovicts nek and ike t i acts i have no tint kil pecial tlnrnyam ho only rlmii ten 1mb of the u stttfd ihein corrrctlc rvtcw taat week i these ksutoa in civinj my ojunri iiy ihtoii liutil and llint the mkc waa pr- wrrr adimf t you could make ttndrrtho ruinr rnm yo ofthe rase i wodd j oiniiaiynu in lake na olvf nolire i odinskvr pumteminn- ban lo addtras n ihr tlfttocaol ratsadaand f tlie iwfiiv of ktnl in pail rful if itimuu mr ijot he vt- ititft iufnihui iiipui that jati hjsr trad iho md tbi raw ilesiy m infrjho to aiiuft jfrjaxwff fouire cntotf of fac jblhasswal inirscf niij we request you will be pleastd to call a meettnr of tae innauuiils of the district to ifo ceive ilia evcellcncy he garernot general on his arrival at the seat of government ai kine ttoo and that the following reullemen be a committee l draft an address for th appiortl at ihe person present and then to be prcacutcd to him by the sheriff or the district tu jqaw s cartwkight esu m i i isaac fhaser eq hknky msikri tso allan melherson eg 1ienjamn am esq w j faikfleld esq j hawlv em with pother to add to their number bath 4th may 1641 etetaa coltrr msiknaist j f w j mcesv h i ujtfeat ihhxj p w j faiinttiklaf ii skvmovh j k il latita j ciiuacn j p j aliak p v doaraap j p sawtsi- demean j p s crana j p w m- bttli j hnwrovon r klkmv w h cujut almu mr prrpjtack j j loawoop d c sanni in rap from bis face when il waa diwevrred isl ac stoj 4 ac yo i the atrociaus john kcala was cmsoaeld to pite artiasl the execrations of the tstrjuuccj uke wished to tear htaa loptccrav irittli f i k- i a ihn ullfu kim 1 ri tl innuu wvil j imtardki compliance wilh ihe afcn reqnuitiotu no with he loott ainrereaaliifaeiion call ma ihe luliahiianta of the midland diliiet to aa sirwldc on the open s on the western tide nl kinsion purpose of rrci with n waily welcome u eacclletky the govcr the uy tor hh kxcetleney a arrival unol ye t b en nnally delerniincd nion hut a aooi a it cm be drlcrirmej jhc notice thefcor vsill be pven lowlmh notice ihe sheriff reapeelfulis leqiirete a piioeiu 1 alleailance on the pail of ii ivnpk u ofdei i0 tlialde mm in make the nry arrac atvatc ivrc will bv a viih- t apce ol framj left fisj f ntlmejra j 11 heiptlmaae hot litrttier tort of quebec auuvcd may lotbdria emerarj ireuoj u aterl cadrr ltvey ac co baltast bark mersey hamilton 29tb moicb urn pool for montreal general cargo may mth ship eringo i a fislh march liseipool fot monlrrat racaal mj velocity darrell 3d anril covs j h heath a co sura hark tay lanrwell i2lb april aird 6t co bauaal dri southampton richardson 3d april cuba leave i rum sad sura may ijti ship auruata johnwn m march newcastle heath co eoli asaf glist i uri5 wffl wallace willi eaanal wilt ma newcartle wa chapnaan at co- lailll sche la tiqae landry 30 days llabiats for montreal sues r ship dclke ada mrsuner l co rf meenaj l r iv 11 balfaac an may mircl i3th bart blagnel how 2i liverpaol for montreal itearrjl tatj jurk twrrd trrvethsn 7lb al t moulh ieaycraft cc co ballast uik jamaica martin 4tb april littrtsua for montreal tcenera1 caren r ehrtic iiiend godier 20th viuftatdr cnaleur m emuine lith 5 paaaco birth attiejmoar til en good fritut caftai laujdn oft daujklrr died al s i 1 on in into iu iritte satcaaaaasaveanai tn i san taar s taauhim hwrlc ip eldvat so 1 oflmiimr taemowlnunriearel bvh wtidknewaaa at frsirrra tr u isbiuiif toll r otuwr l ol tlu cooi4ijhbi lh