tiik cmroicle e gazette br huh jin rivfi u fllmhoi it tiii orncf roaau i m ml statcf wtwtok avtm oj rut arrkrvpoxs or wednesday saturday imtfc- tsraarfv sniuiam rta attj i tvirr cljconide mcttc and kingston commercial advertiser every description of latter press printing mitiy n u0t bxfvhiitniv ixecitzd at thc cumhtuc ca fcttt oiriu and on nino tihihs vol xxii nee mm e wtf popul sect tjitosjoa kingston canada satcudav may n c 95 ntltish ahii kohtii amkrican royal mail ste amsh i ps of tfiso ton burthen and 440 horse fuwer voder eentrcet vith the ird ome jlaiirauy ac ihaj commandc d bv e raitasma h calcpokm m colcnsia c ii i i- i ov will uil from boitonand livcrjoolaji ifij at hahfav as follow g ntubl colu caledonia briiantia m acadia 1841 fr tfaaton pa j ia match lit mafcb3d ch 16tb match 1mb tit april 3d apiil idlb may 3d may isth caltoiria apn columbia ataxia afiu 17li britannia columbia may lit caledonia uriumiia may 16tb acadia caledonia june tat cohimbia acadia jgar 16th britannia columbia jul tl f 1 i pnunma julr 1 ui acadia caledonia aogiam 1st auiul 3d columbia acadia aujuil itilhauwl llh aa a5 sir rims from june 3d june islh lor 3d jiu itybj j lirrr matt lib mm 19th april jill april 9m mmirt may 19th j hoc 1b june ifth f i july wiu aujutmib ftiitsnnia pm money uverpaol from holon lo liverpool 125 from hlifv lo hoilon ja these slur catty eneinred nttop halifax i8h ctafi ontario cjikmfflilt 4 gazfcttt stationkhv warkhofeb irw flf wtiii hhmffmhh where i krjit tnitrhr h vm 4- clitlfcf of wjutinu papem noui supflf liayil to ntltpml arry arcda ii ibv tfutlmrt itftfu blank nj0k schose hooks b ik off ai iinirt o luci- in ll hi braaclm 0ft al 4 uptiiot mtau macbiot ublillipirl mill full pcttmo bywhkb li4 l lfookaa b idled to any patum and n a rt nhtioi lo ftona 7lf cobrtww pnintsng office hook uiwikhy aid stitjosfht ivahmfouse jh tu towia4fni ikj il a dtiirj tvptrioritf in ootnl o arromaio- iftrfttffi onj dtjtrh cbmitfa ratitt oftc kintcn apil fh tbe vbkoiu vlin bclwrib ijf r tit rcqtfchn with ilauft scuxardco it g b symfis qurbcc t4 s s lkwisisomon fid ax royal mail lvr ontxrto 3jl4 river t- lim iv tiiblic ov tttwlwil am in m- scaooo lake ontario- rttttrtn ktnttcn ttntt tcronfa sttiiorcr cpt sulhfrhril city of 10- rontocapidick rion kin cstos atlilfpax 7vloik evininlsuiulajoftj thunjay ili st grtrgf m 8 oclock eitninj tuoaby and fri- dar llc vimnm at 8 ovtftffc evening wvoncbr saiwjay ibc crty of toronto ml arrive ai toronto cart ncxi lay tli fthon seamen iwdl ini arrival of tlic mmimiiimiqm knpuu r hon toko x to ai 12 ovock noon monday anj tbtirajay ihe a iogora at 12 oclock noon tuvwlav ano friday itie city of toronto at 2 oclock noon wmwafttd salur- lay t1 5 6mm anj arrive at kintwn ndf fcxi morning the above boats call ai cobonrg anil port hope each woy anj the cvro of toronto inll lavc toronto for niagara am uiiloi every mfmhy morning ni s oviock ami return lo toronto in the aftctnoori- biveb st lawrence brtvtm kingiton a dirkimorfs ismding brockville capi maxwell foin king4lon ai 9 oclock morningsuo- fhf avejucaday and ffijay frnn dtckin4ort landing at 4 oclock mornint- of on the amvslttrlt mail from montreal tnj3y thursday aod saturday h c1ldersleeve capl botven from kingston alo oclock morning toct- the steak coat hvcu richardson master will ply between toronto jtotatt ttr and kingston during the pre cm sirorij as ibllowa cotnranclng on sunday 2th april sundaj at 7 p m toronto to rocheater direct monday al 6 p m- rochceter lo kington direct tuevjay at 4 p m ktngiton lo rocliester touclnng at bath wcilncadar at p m roc4ealer lo king ston direct thursday at 4 p m kingston to roclic- ler touching at bath friday at 6 p m rochester lo toronto direct saturday and sunday remain at toronto by ihia arrangement traveller will have a day at any of the above porta to devote to cosine or ptesnure and may reiurn either ran rococtteror kingston in ulo evening v 4oimpj lawbj ui wage mutk booled and paid for all good carried on deck at the rhk of ihe owner thereof f lots or damngo and bill or lading will only be agncd villi ibis condition interred hugh kicharoson owner actwts al kingston mcasm hooker hen derron co- at bath m ai heiier hram e f smw btco notice the steam boat kingston w cakt harrison ill commence her regufar tup on thursday next the 22d inal betivecn kingston and the head of the bay of quintc aa fohotvs urw a rdf leaves k i i on turadny thunkjara nd saiordaya at oclock a m leaves ihe river trent on mondays wednesday and fridara michinal am- herat i j and the intermediate place on her way up and domi kingston 2lrf april iei 8 1841 titvr xorwanlins line w the uxin the rdloivin ftbirh rr inbunj iih thr r- frfit pr foelj the aalbw it mla coal aftj hope thai hef ud facbodias will not w ful- fltcj ff maur avav jean what tound uai tn aqnimer rnell in the affataoriacnmkrindalfhiaf tfc cfcitt bmeir conci lac icrranful dtrjf thai raia oer ta jcaa aad ut dyo the wpka icatt ii rovtpfj on uw path hkk iscj lautj ihfedrd tt oik of the fct u toi in iobv the u4trn hau filkn and fdcd an tkal t bok on bvt aaoar a ipj hearty to ihi4 ifcat ike ipfafj aa ooo hi depart yd nhr ihould ib 7 other iuiamr rill eom joj bkc ihe pul m orinjnt ifaia witl ik tc u r iu blsthinx fnli ajjin will ifaf btrdv b iiopru j the torcji nin pal tatth iu town aain the re w ai awr n t breaihm tae woodbine wtfl elimb roood the ullcc fae ai and nth m ui m l r the hira will hive txwr the beuwitthtm other dowore wih fn- oihcr avmatri wtll rocaef ther wml ihey will but ah who can lelt walier 1 naj ttn on uh ineir comint tlui apirit waj ilp too ondle then to wako wjifc the warbtin oe huav wwfev ftrto jtw w when the ppvjbm r iv neat i towing tv clieriihipg rmri wia jild wilh lfm tle fin an w rmtf lorf t the rih raaj w tad bwl worn oad tjoea mijdncll wih otr in ike adefit tomb and few wotfd weep in ihe wmwiful world for the faiaelraa owe who had left il few would ftvataawat the form ml of and aovn ihe auoke thai cleft a mjtj mhi irp my tte on- uwif ip rkotad vrde thai nime defrhlinf mj foil o twf oint itonr would lire a ihrmt fa iikjt ewld apbrudin oh whit a ehanje in my tfuhi den mar thec be rn ike atimer ton neat ihatl bean r qmrc dav thuradar and saiurd av from rckifltcttva landtnf ar qvudi momiof or on if arrival of th mad from montreal wedncaday friday and sunday from anatiecment which have licen made with the unper canada siar and sieam boat company of montreal faasen- gera between montreal and kinon arrive at ihoao placet on the afternoon of the aecood day the above boat call at caftanac brock vilte ma ill and preacott 0denahurh matilda and wiuiarmhuroh each aj bagoar ond parcels ot the risk of tht oamcr trnvcxj booked and settled for of freieat late and river steam boat onve kinfaion 1m may 1l i w itivtr st jaaaavtncvj to amd mom montreal br0ckv1llf kingston ann tnc iattnirniati mvgr r0s5 matthie ft co of jlonfrrci ivstunkosst at ifroektute ktntlon ith new and improved barver will be prrpf red at the opening tf the navipitlon to give paasage to emt- ernnta and to iranapofi properly of nil dea- criptiomi witlt increased aafcty anddiapatcb frd au wtoarif caar or ly wei gut at rott rtdtsctd ocov tae tariff prictstxecttd for years pott the sobacriben from the facilitrca whicli they poftvcia and their deienutnaiioci 10 do the btifinci inlnaated to them aatiafactorily trval that they will command and merit a hare of public aopport siencd matthie eastoa sc co james ross henry eastok january i 1811- wfj st kan boat excellent investment farm for sale dmirablyaiioaiednn wolf wand at a very abort diatancc from fle fer ry eooaitin of 100 acrea 40 of which are cleared and under cultivation with an ex cellent dwelling hoc bam and every neccanary onl building thereon alto a coo- itant aoypty of ood water tc etc tbta property poawcaaea many local advantage arid from the fact of land in the immediate neighborhood having recently aold at greatly increaaed price it cannot fail to be a al- inactive lo the speculator aa the arkwliur- tat for further particular apply to thomas jones kngilonjlsth mny im1 wll at ihe opening of otc navifa- plion commence plying on the bay of quinte betwixt kj5ctttlf and belle vi ut dou of soiting from kingston monday wedticadaw i friday u bcuevdletoclay thuraday ct saturday a each morning at 9 oviock precitcjv macpherson ft crane- kingairnd march lwl 70 100 vols books for sale including a cornplcbs rt of the london encydoptiio tlie work of suakapearc scoti and other aland ard writeri- aa alao a aupepor london made riso and a cock gun the whoie of which may be aeen on application lo the aubacriber thomas jones kington 18th may 1s41 for sale of land i mile from on ihe bath road with a jiving tpring auitabae for a brewer or dia tiller alao a bcaulifot building pot ap plication to be made at thu olbce or lo the mjbacriber thomas ward kingston may 12 1841 90z proclamation against vice olc tle following h ihe proclamation which oitr gracious queen signed among ihe brat acta ot her reign ia accordance with fifewla liahed euatom 11 by the queen li jl proclamation for ike encouragement of piety on4 virtue and for thg prevent in end punishing of vici of oneness and immorality vlctoma r we moat acioofly and religiously con tillering that it ia an indispcnabto duty ttr tt to be careful above al other things to preserve and advance the honour and aer vice of almighty cod and lo discourage and tupprcaa vice prtifancncfta debauchee awt ix iaftf ili din- pleasing to god so great a reproach to our religion and povcrmncnt and by meant of the frequent itl ex am pies of ihe practice thereof have no fatal a tendency to the corrupt on of many of our loving euujccio othenvise religvouaty and virtuoqily dupo- aedfc and which if not uasely remedied may juatly draw down the divine ven geance on ua and our kingdom we alio humbly a eknow edging that ivc cannot ex pect the uewngt and goodnesa of almighty god by whom kings and queens reign and on whicli we entirely rely to make our re happy and prosperous to ourselves and our people without a religious obser vance of cods hotylawt to the intent therefore that religion piety and jood manners may according lo our most hear ty desire itourish and increase under our administration and government ive have thought fit by the advice of our pnvy coun cil lo issue this our royal proclamation and do bcrebt declare our royal purpose and resolution lo ducountcnance and pun ish all manner of vice rfaneneaa and im morality in all peraona of whatsoever de gree or quality within our realm and par- lieularly in such aa are employed near our royal person and thai for ihe encourage- meot of religion and mordity w will upon alt occasions distinguish persons of piety and virtue by marks of our royal fn row and we do expect and require thar all perao08 0fhonororin place of authori ty will give good example by at own virtue and piety nod to ilieir uimost con tribute lothcdifcountcnancing persons of dissolute and debauched bras l l being reduced by that means lo shame and contempt frr heir loose and evd actions and behaviour may be ihcrcby alo enfor ced the sooner to reform their ill habits and arrdev llcn and ciry of them dcrcno arij reverently 0 attend the worship oicj on ciity lords day on pain of our biatdunleaaurc and of being proceeded ae moiosl rigour that may w aw and for the more cneclual refof all such person who by reason of i l lives and con- wrvation at- tcandal to our kingdom our further pl an wtj do liereh strictly vbargi commanj all our judges mayors sjicrfft aafb ces ofuic peace and all oilier our tirrrs and miniaters both ecleaiaatical oil civil and all other our sub jects whom ifuar concern ui be very vi gilant andslril m ihe dikoverj- and llac effectual pros and punirhmcnl of aj persons who k guiity of excessive drinking blap profane shearing anj cursing lewdft proianation of de lords day or other ttfsuluie immoral or disn dcrly practkea 0f ahaj lake care also cfvuialrf ppress all pubhc gaming bouses and pltfcs and other evd and dis orderly houtcj and to put in execution the statute made lhe twentyninth year of the ktypi jvi rfiovh w javitn i cfathm an act f e aetter ojscrvaiin of the lrt day tommoidy called sun day and alaorr anact uf par- foment made in xhc i year of ilw reign ofilae laic k h am the third emuled an acs iw rc eftvetual auresiion of flcmjr and fwano nees as asnow rgfcc and m oiim bwa nortin fore w llic pnniahing and oppressing any ot vr aforesaid and also to suppre ij pret b gaming whatsoever in pu or pvalc houai on ilc lonts day ikeniae that they lake effectual car lo p all pcrsoru keeping tnvems iiofolate houses coffee homes or other f0 uouc wlvatsocver from selling wino the english are nvi leas remarkatile in tlie bcginnin sept ibho england had 27 vessels of the line in a manner though inefficicndr commsaioned of llietc j iverc in the mederruncnu under admiral siiipfwrd 3 were anj are still on ihe indian station 4 were in the english ports wail tngiobe called on to wad having all their aliires on boaid but without their full com pliment of men and 5 were and are in port serving as depots school for naval gunne ry ccc al live end of march lrll eng land had 3 commisston the fleet in the medilcrrancan which had arnt home two esicls and had rcceiicj a re inforcement of 4 of which two were ihrce- deckers now consols of 17 vesoela of the line nothing had been changed in ihe number of the indian squadron nor in the vessels which serve as depots at home hut the nunoer of vesatltieui ready fr sea has ijeen increased hv 9 ofwluch 4 are three deckers besides england has in creased her frrgatcs which in sepl were only 3 to 10 thus in the short apace of seven rnonthr the english admiralty has led i let o rmrrurv lox the quick gll ms chocolate corjce olc iecr or other lii fcvetving or per mirtio- guests to n remain in such tlwir liouie in the liir of divine serice on llfcc lord day aj wy vrill abvet it to a mighty god and vpon pain of our holiest drpcdturc ann foe lite more effectual proceeding herein we dn hereby direct and command allvur judge of aize and justices of the peace to give strut charge at their rerpcciuo axe and aeroons for the due proseuhnn and punishment of all persona that nfl presume to offend in any of uie kinds aforesaid and also of all persons that oottfirj to tlieir duly shall be remiss or ncpernt in putting fist said lawa into execoon anil ibat the v do at iiierr tevpcetvi as7 hwrtht of the peace cwswu our royal prtnla- maliontobe ssaucfcly ad i t court immediately befo hc ch3r n given and we do hercb- arwl cob rnand every dahff m patwu church or chafe l0 to le read this our pw w ruf times ineverj- after d vine service an to incise and i hr respeciive auditors to the frkm ufpictyttj virtue and the avowing iromrality and pro fanrncw and h cftd that all vice and debauchery wti pvontcj and re- ligon and virtue f all oftxcens privole acjders runners and iihere wtto are emptovctfi cnice by sea and land we do hereof tjy and com mand all oor crmandcr and ofiicers whatsoever that l d u care lo avoid all prolancneaa rachery and other im moralities ami tl b xhci own good and virtuous livea isfcfrmwraaliliaui they do set good examples to 1 uh a are timler their care and airfhceily- and likrmte take care of and inrpeci tbc scltavinur of such aa are endcr uicm and pioish all those who shall be gudty ofany onlic uhencca alurcaida ihey wtll be anairrable for ihe em conse- ciuctices of ihc ncjlccl honm given at our court at saint jamess tfcil t a fcn of junfr one thousand cahl hundred and tiirty seven mfh acres ssaltlf kinpton practices food men towards tbem may as far aa it u possible supply what the laws cannot prob ably altogether prevent and art do here- bv atrieily enjoin and prohilht u sf tovtnj siibiecls of what degree or finality aocver from psaytng on the lords uf cards or any other game whatsoew fillicr in public or private horn or flsfccf pi or plnccs wliatiocver god sate the qirc rn the diitishkavv tlie sallowing bl most honourable and on the part of oui french ncighlmurs n somewhnl unusual testimony of llic cnefgy and pottcrfui moircesof the british nation in warlike mattew ft appeared hi tlie journal dts dehau of saturday last sicoe sept- hat the iavy arnal of brad that tlsc viaabk displeasure ot creai britain havj dtsplayed an activity and e do hereby and an inimeauif of resources of even kind which are tvilw prajtiou muc hss itcen boateil i history ofthntnrt tf the ycneianfi wih in order to prve to henry iii of ywt of hat cxcrli lley werccapobs consisted in budding fitiirr up andaftting a galley during the day on which he vted ihciarrenal j hut the escrtwnis ant resource mspayed hy frigates oflwj guns tack the crews of oineofihcc vesels ahtie remain incom ptele through motives ot econumr and what is not lesa atontjiing m that all lliese asl expenses cwu have btw inrur- red niihout the aid of sitpj4cmenlary crrd i by aiiajaf eniptoving ihe usual rvsour ies granted or the navy nor ia ihs alk this marvellous activity has not hindered a number of light efls or nieamboat from being armed and lilted out a line it steam teste to ttmcli ai canada and the united states has been organized ainee lau autumn lo communicate with south america and lite gulf of mexico and will anon be in full activity the construction of tlie vessels already comnvnred has no been urged on with exlruordinnry vigour for instance in the yard where the royal george was launched in oct inm may now be seen tlie aboutirof fk guns on the stocks with her compass limbers al ready laid down al devenport a large steamhoat of 00 hnra power which was commenced in oct last has jut kcon launched and tt is announced thai four other veasels ofcqusl potter are o speedily follow ivcr sukdsawn portraits tio following quoted fram the ptlyfeea nic jovrnnt foe april is mr godjanps ex planation of this interesting pence the elenee ofopiic oflr tpn ftrnlm by which mageot nhjecis may u o-jtam- of 1 hy reflection through a lens ami 2 hy reflection from a mrwv tlie process of dngncrre is comprised in the former ami thai of mr wolcolt in the lalter mr ood- dard rlien brufly dvacrihed the camera of diguerre trplher with the res i of the ap paratus the plrtcs employed are gener ally conruclrd of copper uniformly coatrd with a surface of pure silver and the enect produced depends in a very great dearer on the perieel polish the plate i capoue of auslainirift n also hie umfmmily or llatnr of it surface thee plates afier len phihed tec aresuhjeced lo diluted nitric acid one part ofacid to sixteen of vatcr applied be moistening a piece of clean cnt- len wool and rubbing ihe surface with ir this is then wined off and dried bv usin several pieces of cntinn ii is m the next place carefully polished hy means of pounce whicli s shaken oivr its surface from a linen bag and applied with cotton thvs dagiserre recommends to be pcrfiemcj three or four limca after the above pro- ecsacr have been accomplished carefully and wub crtry attention ib cleaninc the plate is then cnposed in a box in the vapour of iodine a very volatile sulisianre which uniting tvith the silver fiirms a coating of a pale yellow or gulden tiftfc nfiojm ofril ver and if after this process ha been dulr performed in a fit state lo be introduced into the camera obcura of course every re otrsito attention having been during the operation paid lo the necessity of keeping the date in the dark an ingenioua con nivance has been constructed to rnccl this consisting of a frame or narrow box into which ihe prepared plate is placed and havina itvdor saps that can be rcadi ly opened in the interior ofihe camera a i the desue of tlie mannulaur the inatru- inent basing been prrviouslr arljuated tlie iloor are orienedt and tlu rays of hght from tlie dcci l be copied are brought lo a dc- lieme iicil on the plale after it has re in aincd in hshtuatioi for a given time dc pending on the slate nf the atmosphere hour of the dav and many other minulix amu h raciical experience can alone de- eiilcj iiis removed in the dark and suhinil- ver fiacing iwaied to alfout 690 dig ftfotl e next step w to fivilie image on the plale and ibis is done ly ivasliing it w nh a ueav r atutinn nf i e hypovlriliaio ofawjij h inch disolvesoltljwj iodide of tkter the ra- tienalo of ihe process mr cinhlard consid erj to be still in mas- doubt the aei n of the bgm etiuvnily decompojcs the suais of silver ft ihe vapouns of mercury pro bably penetrate between the reyrtali o iodme furming an andagam of ioilmc nf mercury whieh furms the while or bgm parts nf the picture thefiillowing isihetheon- of ile action of light on the plale of lit baguwreolvpc aa sute i by mr j ritfccrt in the london edinburgh and dublin kiilofophual ma ga7ine fnr april i need not adduce example of the in- ilucnco of tight on errata i ixa lion fur ihe fact b allowed by all scientific men let us then supjme thai in uve ebpaer- rcotype proccsa ihe cleansed silver plale ir epo n in the dark to the vapnnr of iodine this deposit itself in a tlocculent or now- peculiarly sbakd iidie cryaals frm ihe alnnte of light itut yet all other rvnjinvt- bing priscni it maybe consdefedifi an ineiweni state of rirstat i nation or uanchcd 0 finely that llc admiouon of the excitant light instantly throw- it into platcfurn e i jodie crtntau hti only m those parts wlierc the jghl a ittijktngrdj and here ii perfeeiiun of or continuity of erysullixatiuo i merely n proportion to ihe intensity of light mating nw tlie iodated plate removed irom lite camera ubscura wlicre it has un dergone a aurfac cry stall itf boo more or loa perfect in we parts where the lights and shades hare fallen we submit it to the mercurial rapnur ihe atoms reticles or gnbulcs oftil lrtug verv minute attach tbetnvelves to all the minute inequalities of face in ihe iodine on those parts w hich are fully cnstalhed the vapour is preepiiatcd on the flat tabular surface of ihe crystals and here olering a continuous and equal angle ot reflection to ihe eye it a pr white and resplendem on tlie ou-crya- lafhced surface of the iodine which being in a mcsisuc powdery and oficring no de terminate angle of rejection to the eye the mercurial vapour adheres but in no flat sur face or continuous determinate angle capa ble of reflecting a maw of light it may be aid it r here unpolished again- may not the angc under which it is necessarr in view a dagueneotype pic ture lie lurrt nf ihe facet of tlae lolic crvtal an i tins be i tnller cppusrjuatmlr iiy theory f tlie mercurial vapour coxers tlie whole of the iodine ami thus proteri it from lite further action of light the greatest natural ccr1- 0tv we find in one of the latest numbers of ihe louisville journal the following very curiosn account of what l m one sense af lral tlie grtattst natural cuiioaiiy ever known in man the msoattss this gifntic wonder of the animal creation has at lengib arrltvd inourciiy and will be exhibited at the ivashintvn hull zt o as ihe boncj which are contained in fmirtceobrgc boxes can be pul together in the mean lime we endear from the data furnished m in a v al the skeleton to gvc our readera some idea of this inigfuy won der of creation as such it may well be re garded for in comparison with tlie blia vouriuin rnaitinxith matjons and all other inthrrto discovered moistcra arc bt asatfjl affairs tae tktttton mcaivres thiftyttco fet in length artdffleen in height the mea sure from the tip of the nose iu tlie spine of ihe nock tcei from i e edge of the upper hp measuring along lie roof of the mouth to ihe sociltt of tlie eye is 3 feel from the loiter edge of the upper lip to ihe finj edgo of the front tooth 20 inches each jaw has s teeth and the upper jaw has besides two enormous tuaks the teeth arc each 4 inches broad tho nose pro- jccia 13 inches over the snwcr jaw- tito links are 10 feel long excjuaire of 1 foot and 3 inchr a which form he roin arnl is buried in the afcudi the right tusk was found firm in the bead and remained cxed in its socket during ils excavsiion and iu transportation to st loiiiv which fortunate cirrtiitutanrc enables us to know the exact pryiion nnl situation wliich the links oe- cupiid in tlsc head of the animal dining t lite tlcy were carried hy him nlmot hohontally bending ponicwhat down and tlun coming with ihnir points up arain mnkmg a weep from extremity memmni- ly in a airaighl line aero ihe head of 15 fee the longest rib measure 5 feel 6 1 inclies in length ihe shortest 2 feet 3 inches tlie scapula or flhouldcrbftrleis 3 feci i inch in jengh im 2 cet 7 incho in breadth pic length of fast humerus or fore arm es 3 sect 5 12 inele ard it greatest circumference 3 feet 2 inches- the femur or ftighhoric is 4 fc t and s rnlf inch long and s j inches in diameter tlie feet of the animal appear to bare beerr webbed the fore foot bat fotr toei and a thumb the lungcst toe meaaire i fno s incites he shottrsl i fool ond the thumb 7 inches all the bone of ihe animal arty stnasj and contain no marrow tle cavity of lle brain is quite large the pttiprielor koch in hi printed description of ihe ammal makes the fid lwng retcrarka on his auppored ha- u ind n tire the animamias been witrtoot dnoblr n inhabitant of statcreurses auch as largo rreraand hkes which is proved by too arnalion of the bone 1st his feet were webbed 2d all h bostt were solid and without marrow ij the aunalic animal of mall spd sleimlcr iirremst li many rres ssjam asd bruise they would be subject so n land 4lb hi h gs are lirt and thick hllj hi tail is flat and brood fith and bn hid lua are sbtswed in the bead ibat ii ivt ul i utterly impossibk for him to exwt in a limliorcd country mis fiod consoled tt much of vegetable aa flesh although he undoubtedly consumed a great abun- dsnee of tlie latter and was capauo of feeding himself with his fore foot after the manner of ihe beaver or vcr and rjcsa ed ilaiike thehipp0oamwihe tacotcy of walking on lle bottom of waters and roae nccasonalty to tak air the sjnguur position of the loskw haw been very wisely arhptcd by the creator fir the protection of ihe body from iho inanv injuries to which it would be expo ed vvhile svimnjng or waising under waie andj in addition to this it appear ibat the animal has been covered with fte aansa armor aa the alligator or perhaps the me gathcrium college lipe at cambridge the public hat always had a pretty j general notion ol the goingson al the uni rerattoflhe fuhtes vices and dissipa tion of all kinds vc b prcrtfsi in ihnati aboues f ieaminfturnmg them from their original purpose of educating tlie people into a mrc means of amutiog ibe youthful fan cies of our arisieracy h is a miffcscot gliio wltfttc utmb out ihey have large means tho way in which iltesc are expended is still rnore de grading lo tlieir chararter a ivritcr in the last oumberof ihe westminster atvetrhas given a rrv vivid pkturo of univeraiiy manners and we ahall borrow a few of ms wef drawn sketcsea here ia a casnwwfo dinner f the operation of dining is one which nor freahman ts n t likew to forget theogh jse rmvy be aorely ptrttled bow m set about ir if he happen to belong to tlie great ccjtegey the hall eciw perhaps contain twelve long tables raerr of thero capable of boming some thirty persons on these are arranged rows of hoi joints pota toes and a great pewler bowl of melted but ter that is on the tables of the pensieera who furm the great lulls of the students full of school ijfar our friend may per ham wait fr tome 10 eoent nund arul carve be may wail liytg enough for hero every one carves or himself there af numerous waiters flitting about om wo men skinny and illfavoured witli hens and there n man in a ragged jacket equally illfavoured each of tbem vs loaded wilh six or seven orders al once to fetch a many different joints for as many people and he tnuathavt some liid of good ft win no who manngea togel what he want in ll midsl of tlie confvaioa on saints days ihe plainness of ihe entertainment ia enli vened hy two or thtee roast gecae and tvre ia a positive acrantbte all over the hall and ihn ttledky of orders snd coon- lerordera from two or ihree luindretl tongues at once has a very drotl eflccu ii a e-in- mon enough to sec a man carve mv biw own plale wrex single morse lie think worth having without the slightest regard lo decency or other people all ihe appen- dage tollic dinner rt sent to ihe kitchen and charred extra- three corned niccea of pic and sauce nr pickle in a htlle round platter jug like a oopdih in a roai c public- ho use the cook foe all thts looks odd enough a piece of pudding 3d italics of 1uim -d- it would be easy ni adawn tc estabhsh a little more de-