lej rmoj at the tabic but forijnately iw ef- fret of ibis arc n pcraancnt like c other habi tlie mmtiilhc rooet j- gustm- put of tuo thing rifiaim lhat is left including article ikw touched aid other tcarrcty to i tumbled tnio hie basket kept at the doer for the purpose ano tvuirh present a mai hornd appe 0m fttfitierly than was much mot the appeal f a genteel i-aej- the number w fewer anj nine wa pui upon the nwi but ihc own ucj to jet drunk nnj aa the fellow vverc prenl ii w med like ccnsnlenaneiipg ow vw the fm m of religion aro much alien- rlrsl to anj church attendance cipclfy furred behold the cwccuencc al oxford where ihc moling chapel i ccronuljciry it it the common pcaciuv to come i a nightgown and iuo to bed ojpiji the iwcmcnl the service is over iii i i i i it cambridge hut lhttj tend freaicr part of the auditory are otway half chois dwk erinjfheyjipemjfficicftrietfyike mott orthodox preacher the appearance thin however irreverent t nothing to the rne in ilic evening after half ihc ual uartice is to wire 10 tome paily large nr mal and here use the enriihrna in- ivjeiice itwnpng over his cau and wine the lat cirrufaies preliy freely jertrf nj ytiwio not remarkable fr their moral tendency fly about tun a ulecuv viajty at it height when all al onre the clock snkes wji jump the men in the rnnm violent hurry throw on their pwfji and dan in the chapel lh the pieier pie ha mmr ni ifj a dfn u f eali nf the cb- ri n iviit new- t he m n beef- teak he known how to rnjhinil hi own horerailth suttee he inuillo com pany mo talk fully ue tcar he tiiou j be thought fool he pulu ix in the college boat- ht write a letter hi the midt of the party the only way to pleaae him a to call htm a rowinf man another ron in- rharartcr ykc him- tf not gynu m vlli near him hi has a nav faet as ifhfl wbed every momine in train nil he sjvenkj as if he w re ltsf asleep he wear a very rafjji1 jjmvfi ami a cap willi ibe txa o1 llefn drunk opon hee- lie wrtkr kofbcd tpmlfi 10 ks father lie i tdwrys uneasy at lo own uhavirnir heonnks invauv he w ion lay ti rail reao lieeuik he im laaty milrmt he is alwavs jarful tnl rtit turn i ki ep thk hcleod apfatr ginrjjor shwiij feivr iif roiy yiii 49vdtm r n feavtjii sttatboknew vuk jbfvtilirvj ljftwtm atwnyfevteiaie ml sf i bttl the honar ta mkaotfilr the rrcriiit of o lellrr l li lmh mmmt with which was rinisnvitte a enjif of 4 trcenf ta- rrjnf it t wren hie dmriarftl f ulc m lli luiaic mj mv jjinixef to the uniw sulrt rrmiatthf c of akaa- theie the fufne je mcleof a tuttbli jbjeet wh wf r tlw rnitl t itr in a idki i pir m mr i lhat biniram i hf for fltsj moff it is n le iibettnrs1lnafy mie sa t rme mher ntiritftfc iian to tfine on this sij of itic franhi rmitemeut xnd infinatin ci- rrfjinnjin with sdca a hf itrtlannic m jvt miniite ttmmmlf a ekntio in cibad so fit as iiraiy butrnded loaipv state i am utt t say tht no sikji ir mnv dviiren fof ikr 1ijcmy sub- jcu en c cxneel the porl of thi ute tlrterntjned lo bt iii uy jul have trm uittrot reinamlrancei lfnoiit nftl witlioqt ympthv losne f tst frllow tiiucoi who fjurm ivyli it ot tli scene of thr esij to thu ntptiaityi jtin aiaen fiitlirr ia the s sssffxis 5u wu 1h n frmpm- recently justified hon kyi haft bf hioltflteaail kh of the pri ly nev tithe i hi iwtr f ft- yr by which the its mirtlstrrs rmaned lb iiaeoailitionsl re uthcr innorviil or gtul r ho authority of this luu ml pr tlie tifliinee of aff au rajje nh siiwcts l atl vieht o ivm s rrimii suimich bal tlhliiiim the if ace ft inla ait vnhtj ti latssj aoilwi thr hmce pftviinnihlocrreiiem ivy h w i j iihm or acd te irlrjpj t ol ihrir ov- inicnt allttoith many of their fel- low rlin who have thin ofteodcd wci ttil irvt n4rtfns la tomu msueeto irak iofl in eilieis to haaiibfltfnl it nn nunj in tb- shith sea imdrr peiil lm ntnl bv eali dm uy rttv piie rtituut t nirvrn- ltenol ajiv an4 the fount of ihe rontaw hut ttie people of ihis mit rrt ihb siac inaturr of jmticc and mpect that they f4a rd i olhiu it i certainly a inallrr o l ffh that iv atresi fjeltmton ami tril wii ol hr mjfcy shvk chsfj uilb w i of a m raratiiitlvtt uitiaii ri irt skoiibl be tetijcd r hrr fll tj hffnrn- tliie s pwutpoa aal imatsliau foi racli pjcvfjini iie nesy for tir prrei ittn olti ttimic ncic arvj el the cyinit of lic autr w llie ntfcniit be otr ovrn it jjcett o thr tikject nfmli eouatri an ibe wmmary of the u as ihertfo w wiin- tjiin rhee is a pit of the cow upn lrliich h i ct4c otle iniy ha hater ofbrib iili4iif ir apri iriitoottjtm be iv nalqr md ivilb lv u rrrmttriilt it t owiftf li cos cocapbuit an tlr ptivriiile a aeit iv a fofcjake iinlaa wfti ton jniw uaan a el ja lb proree t aflrr a tfrtilcd a aitt xtllldav sjav49 jl uire the pi i sj bn ovcmwer in the 4i jy much less will the pflujc re hi ttbnivtoli icloro such to me whatrrrf raay liave nf the ppceedmn rrfrrred lo a irpetlmldfertnc to tin ool utn lhit cither tv ptn trvmtnl bu any jiiri c3ose of 1 tv ivittd states upon imrd by the tedrral torrin miftu at foil srhlowrr was a il tioutin of ihe uws of ihts t afvm anj aaurdcr arreted in 4y farm of ifx oi having been coocernti ik was pteperly commit lifliiiiaty eaihiodtioft tb evidence hjo nwit t1 h lj rnifn ii eija x u eoa mr ihttni4 tll he pfjt- i r otteal to a to sp at lare- the vils9t r v lbe sliotim be fji- ditniauf1iaelsajlat 110 accwedtjnottoj a nj py bn-v- a wttej to bi xi- national honor mimca by lh- roprei malice of her hew slionu s itivalm ttvr with alt thub in ihe fort aaiillkiti under ind of lieot monro uajinc from ihc ureckvioe hie in jii harte has brought hi npr in ntnutli anj another put hi gown on rf wine pniiively umttheair one man veiird at leniooia novciabrr m mrilflssiiji aafc jnfui almoin wtilii tse arioi al scmi lew t aromt wl iy that the pritovwr mae htaftow detjitic4 at lkpt on a charge of lh haunt bernenaed in the capture ami trurtion of the iwairboat cjioliiie in ihe jejr 1337 yon will please make known ta ihe pint lent ihjt at a rccm term of the eeneral ses- wins q ihe peace held tn and for the roiaaty of niagara atcaamler mclco vkun h the b- wm way rflc rather drunk uy way of btkvlfl that they are ctih sober ami at llieir eat put themselvea in a tlradlinf siiion u the full extent of tjcir jep j uthera more drunk get ibcmtelec in the form of the letter s with llieir ahnnloers ajaint ject ofthe cottesjonjence was injittn for ihir the upjicf tmm he war ofkrepin their e f jrmkl oinmittrd in the lranaaion to anlance and lhausih the mainrity mav be i t 1 necr enohyet the iprfarent dnswe jjls lw v iut milpf- lrir it l ofihe uhpw whtch wis irily an l led othe orpeaapa mjpl batnodomis tntajruked ibal it j wai sufficient to joitify the findin of a true their countenance ihe aaaumed titleaness mth tinich ilnry aiamjthc eternal vaw in which lijr t1e way the dant ilienwlvea are in the tmt of oimn alt bu nj creaic n very edtfyinp impreson on trie mind of n airanr who wutat irs tec how the youth ofuin couiuy are laupht to tvor ship the creator here i a sun jay breakfast parte a utiftf forbidavn and therefore it peat iwl- en the trw hfin to drop in by 4ow each tfitria a compaint f tle iftsflb of tlie itinrninp aervee aome natural eyprmont of jevmion which an hour and a halfpcnt upon onc knees before break- ft on afrcjy rtinnung ii ealeubtesl t prnjure eue wuh ome tate iifthe it- vettiiigeuiitnc lot salvrjav nght no- mm for iu escapaow tha occiws the- tirot till the cooiirg it over ami the party asscmwcj then horn an attack bill nal withstand in th leal piesumplioq aaiiit hat peionrr it is nnrrstood that he ataeil ceahifcntly bis mnof fnce tt any aenv it the eaaturc tnj jemmrtifln of the caroline a jsh regard or the honor of the slat at well a a im onideration of ihe imparlance rf the case lo the iiitotici anil the nostitilp intfiirnc of the result of the proceed upon the cla- liont evisliit between ihli etintry and freal itiitsia in emcd to me in require thai v acrvted shoum bate a f iir anj nuitttual fral thai ifbc pirtt- j trj it iv inceadtaie murdrrmit tran4rlion uilh whirb liisvnae haslhu been ernnrctcj hestinuld solpf the penalty ji itws prrscrie and iliat on ihe other hantl if hr be in tie in inmcent lite loriic of onr country oabt to manifrtt slsrlf iibisarriuitil nl iihtanjint tbe iniblic ia- adohted thai utoftl wasommitl wlhirlv jlrriiory of the jouj 8uttp which w a frknjiv power li it is coninttej ihjl iv uiiitcd stat hern ihimifi oer- bear i n pitatiral viounce ofltkusofitiprr aulliofity oftt that potiton of tv tfnt and ilia aided that theanthontietofxcw vnifc had net even been ametn pfceem the artillen ff thr stamfrrvfl beinramed ott pnhe at midday to he used at n- rf vvat ut majesty subjects the people of this state hare seen ril to eslablitb a ivuem of fov- etrment in which no amed mihury fof re maintained in time of peace tad its millta ibe only force authorized by its cestitntlon and llwti cannot be called into actiee service wilb- iq upoo the eatable worthy a cily fettira and rconveraatioo imagine twenty youths i ted the actseitfy tirnra talkinje in a language of which half tvltosecuiion thr trial will cfinatn which the rtineljid to hla chr mantif eaiw iarth iiiaiirnced by thoe tiewi 1 bad previon to tbe receipt 01 your commnniralion deemed it nay duty to rennire iht chief justice of thr supreme contlof juiieatote of this stale to preside ai tbe uial of ihe causr il had ji- in conduct tho be brouzht al npptftt m toe ordnance nouns aubslantvvtt tlr next court ofoyeranj inminrr to be helj tvmselvrtofcveiywurcc ofniawa on the fourth men- 7 r i d m kj- ha pruftner shall n lien i be ccun ivllii tii t in wti eh roum c bt vl d m a that r t m ttjll trn m ir tfaiig and avaiunf every resource toaupeartm bjaapberny s and indecency iftii reasons for m clujejj lbw topic of every kind and dc- hiint to demand the senpiion dispatched in a few tenieneet toont of the court of oyer make ronm fue the next inatne ihir with nnnncr of that five and easy kin which lake cvcrrlhini in gnnd par and allow nfpefwftahue to the fulloi extent and you have brrakfatl parte at camlenfa tvt tjssottiofl whether the uniniiate would umwhndil halfofthcsentencesemphw- cd without a gooarr cvpeeially if die theme he a rohetje one presently ihe varmth nf ibe party bein to onns tbe wua think they have done enough the inmleei bejftt to be preei with tbe weight of perinnl pe and the men hetin in rrrtine nn ihrr ev t fr- r anodiouacnixlure they call eiio eompoun dod orapiesi and eioer ia handed round to every om lipt anj the freater part light their can that they may not bo otfiged bi suppoatnf oureve present now that every dm tt quid let u take tbe company and notice some or it most proeoarnt charactert observe that man corputent and fresh rfoeed tvho it lolfme i furl length jo the h place in the ronm fro i an expectant fdttisv ho m nut all night after a uittermi parte vaiher than be knnwn to enter coleseaficr eleven clock he drinka ale in hall he eel irunk n port nn sundav cveninji because there ore nn lecture the next mnrnine- he attend his tutor sundae religion par it he i quemions tbereai about the efficacy of divine ihtng he pick up hnnwieig as psafrtansj do pen not iroii- uej with any u preference of lit jm n he read im w jot w ill in the beat fruf for delay or nrail himtclfn rcrfiovalof the cau and terminer with a n a ia e nf venire to some oilier the indutinipl wa ure tbe jreirm tipnn mp nmhin ibllrxiir iiwcsam lath- cos imecimsjcnl uith the vu 1 bare ixf4tsqil tlic views of tv jimident i ealueed i ibe coevlmc hefie me arc fully innr- ta4ln hi actio isaecoidanee tiil 1 1 views wilj h- duly ufrtod by tlie pumic an- thctiiict of this slate to autboiitiri j uw that 11 ihe amicawe rrhiioosnf the couniry- mr he rntinoed ail ihey are etstrc salty f lieilou for the preriittn of the lnrmcv which haipmiy rn h mt lie trtt lit it m nmfcoji oic of wlioie pieivinces i u our nirt them borders neserthctithepupic utlui- itic of the slate as well a the whole paje art oblijcd by proper enseoftho national honor undcrery onite ratio artccimc lj krnrrj sccuiity intrant ihe iranaaclion in which ihe prisoner i nherd lobave paitici- purvey nf paled a an onjntinht ineaxen in lisne of out special iceislatien except tutcclion or icpel invasion bonnv lathe ttale like its other properly tbns left in time ofpraee n its accuitomed riefeaitorir without the rt6l i lion of an armrd force it would be out of ptaee here lo pca of the wiulom of sncti eonsiitution hut it i pertinent to ihe pietent purpose to ourrve thai tike proviaiona cf jaw for thj lire- rmtion et ih ecinancc ofthe ttate have hith- ei in hern found adequate for all cni resulting fiflh any domestic cjuhf vin however an invurreetion unliaiipily occuirej m an aiain province and llritijhmihrcueoin- flamtn of oiirf 4ion on tbeirside ul the iron lief iletl ta hii ule cal ihemselvcs npaii the i npilahlv of the po- anprajej lo their ten- iri- u f r if i rnlllte a mii mfij t v v v cawr frprrenkd o thru a ukecauuf livity anjjushee nwius unfatrsren nnrrency ocurtd for a hrirf priiod j i unlit iimi lemienfy oti th itlcmiou of th tcdeial roveinennuwilhinwboieptorinceit itelonvd oneel tho ordiirt- or the tiate was seized and trnnspotcj lo lh firnlier bv the cjiijcmii atotoh aid their ai b1 ihe rceul corcramnt was prompt in atierliiiand io- rout in enforrin nktiiratily d it ci annl but he crmembrred hv cr itiitinni mijstvs msnbcr that lh- pumic authoriliei of am uate and it mlilii rdrrcl to garcrumeat th r rfeeifuf aiu tfvicnt eoiprratian th i fib ii 1 rntrv of hv f trl trivrn nirt ait i el li cr rniurnl ni lb aie in the enr tcncy wjrv iri jetiored ly anv ij trmieini it r mnct h mlea imht therefore i su thit tie cv c oi th aiillritf el tin wattm have en itnned tan a at n4 jtitkr it it in- unt hty ntcer li minfin ihc ire rt dr mnnd f h r m yi miniitrii fnund necessary lo justify tbe original aecrr- tin out of which ihouwnuentditliultira bate allien lihibllrcrtvs rvr iu p ta contribato all ibe infotmatioa i pi and to tender bim all the aid an i havi a tej dtliiefance if innocent and may hpinithedanrcin to his derit if esuuy tbe prwontr imi ivflried no prrsonal trtohtwe either ham lb- jlie authontici or from any aet n thecilirii of thu twt under these ircumiuncet it it renn i supiosed that the ilethtcat wjilnot dci himiclf caltrd upon lo amwer um apfdicaiiest m llrr majestys iltnister at 1rjt unlit tlse biitiib fvernmrnl shall have aatwrred the demand of ilc federal tforerninent artd render propel mtiffaction for the original oirence nrvcrthttr drsire you to assure ihc pteiidrnt of my entire wilhncnrs to imtitule any inquiry on uk subject which may be deem ed eisenvtv may rteei support in mv power in proieeutin such mea sure as hr sjiall derm ju t and pcoprr u itb a view either to ntainlain tbo diniiv and honor of le utiilcd tfblej or to preaerve tcjatioos of p ie and amity villi uresl bwtain tuc oceajon seenis lo lender it pi ope r that i siould sucrst to lie i j while ihe uansaetn refriiel o and others deeply affecting the pumie inlrretts indicate a poisi- ide ditlurltancc ol ihos ichtions both ihe at lantic and lb notlbero frnolier of iht lale are wilboulanysutaienl worbsof publie defence i lscrefre tvtfwtftiliy btj eave lo uhnsil to bis eifiideralirt the rxiedtency of auch pre- pualion for ihe treiiuty of the prople of ibis stal as t hit belter juhmnt conc uriw the pioluliifilto of w r mjy h deemed jwceitaiy i ivr llir bettor to be wj ikrbt rpert rui ovjuit eivaut wlfliam ii snwatm fbr o r rensvrn srcreurref male gov w mob mr wewtbn rhsi list prantvt vilunc alarchilf 1811 atunev heaeral ol ibil state finmmat thetiialof aloxau- vmiui not ljc pace at locknotl tent steet a was supjosd did imuklioim sent la hi- at ihit o tny inter of ihe loth invlant itmiosi had been innilled to r kifwver will he uia la- imt afici iv y letsn miv pc ftitisti ttorcfiimcnt unlit now rvi poe te ed with can iid lhl in imary tle- was a i laal shp t hivitt heei ter akio dining te not receive t place wmtj you wrie i ei n it a iptert te- rrlbrt mi trie lit if niaotm n ll iunr hnnvne4 b threat ihitat date of my to the honor oi mat ai uniii shy ffkuaiibrsitv imfl a ue r w i he is netvr mfflesl except at dinner limo he naiu mt hntir n ilav tn veennd lh livala nnly cliaore nf 0tim him crimp paprm by leexhne hii in srter ittpih he wfll make- a excellent ckrev mn iitlbs- rhureh of kitfjanj il man of a pale an jmrie inunynnnce ik it now in the rmvlittfnirefmmthe cflecta nfhis f ir he ha- mitaie for vape and pranks jil yet he h dsvayp talking nfihem he hits iiera maklns- ic raiioir all the tttssc when h- wiurhl mueh rather hate been i- knl wan- he ihink it hi dn tn make toitutfiwttrv lln uavr hi nrtfhsour in fan luniun the face he never toy a cev thin but when ho mean lo iv fi- rl- he plait at whrnt fn nathm it ma cawihsj man ivof uf ftrit hup- iiji h rtmmn lbe he m wfltis li rruutv rt le dream to lum- tp at cvnminatron ant wa4m fmv be rnrtvj to mi litem h i he may rthips he fritmv en1 lf v a pt nn in iharaeter if lie rnsjll 1lse lie has a cji ili fy- rallnktir on fit uhle 0vrr neit a cuei rfa inn jeprt hrimal j wtnttnent tvith n ra hihuikai lim that he lo j tmi vrinu and then th i he hn lwr mbm ntjka tentirnni as fit vwre a r and a je u if it wre a i- m hu if- hifti irhijr h- n vry nrfutn hrrqt4tnfl hoiiih niur hrr in uv ri ari t m tttvt in il fyikri4 atrasmla nn maphj if iitrvtilv impaltrntol us feat rff i ill idit liui peace tf a jiorlioa of ihe territory of lb vnitd states by a band of armed ntn rcfultm in the destrulion of american pieocrty and the mqfder of one or mote ciuxent of ini mate the crime commitlrd in the aereian w vou have well obferved fall within the juris durinn oi ihe aulhnritio of ul italc and ihok ulhfitic unet the provision- of thr consti tution act in ret to thace crimes indrpcnd ently oftbo federal cotnrticnl if the nai- ti- rn ar d in ihcm coud hare been d at ihe lc of the jeiin tftcv weul- hate bee amenable to lhc hm tlny lul vinul- alrinrrmclnl i itmvojtimji4tyci within ihe nvliiih iut itu vlat ani utnt heie h under the irecrti tai of ili law it it not prreiccd haw il can be mids a select of romfiuintny hi4 tmvrinrei ibt he wv ar- irsteif tv vmif pnnfiji- cjjiue h it been htocrota i rejtiij to i n helore ibe i ie ltviti fraj iwd otnee in lb s manner thl ritiens nf tin mat- av ebarc if detainej and lrn im to insiice for riimr ii ihe mtn ibstiptinn wtth that of which be is aeeanei xitire tlr liws of tle iviled ucr nn ittwu 1 f thi tu wnriu heimil the i jnl ii ti i ttji iii th- le- luifr r it t tii uj v fir iftlq rha 01 tle jrftr amlihe kmow iu rftiankli rir ti1inj iijt iicsi jii iineijtotfi0n en hi iiil if il verr 4liv v- pnclsv euu m fislitodntwlly t i i- 111 n ilhlim-ili- i iiri afoli i i tho cojiiiay li atlllinrilic tl i drin the ituj y a fijiu iitin lci jltnuptmle pinim bll vt- i vr j u u itilhnlv hn itvcj of lh phiijdli i nfr h ii ivm ji r mj-y- iri lilhillll d 4rtil -re- ii ln renwvj u quid- urtli i akl-o- jvi unt ad mil led loluil by of the jadwulaiitboii1irof this siale wiasin rnve plison nuid replaced in couiinmrrit in loefcil il in obedience to a liwles a i oi popular iii1rnre no r lii auit4 baee ieen received sy the fecutive of is stsle roiteinin the lnnactin thus complained of from ihe inf mat inn which has reached thi dcptitmcnt il is quite certain that yon arc cor rect in ajfumtft that the conception of ihe miauls i on that subject are erroneoui so far from iu bem ii ue ai eems to be supposed by him that the kironet mcleod aflrr bein iu mined to bail by order of the judicial aulbori- lieof tbe slate of new york was aam prisoner an4 waa replaced in connnement in leckpon iul i ufat iii i n ohcdicnc ton fwleo act of pepulat fioleiwe i am ifoimd that tb pti- soner has not at any time been felievrd fiom mptionmeni if iie accounts whib have aind turreary itc hue at ih ptoime are judeeof tic cnmlofccmmon pi a hsj taken inln cnaidt itiin an amiicalita nile on fre haltof thr pit before liie itttn of the itn i tiiy iht he ahoum be a jilted to bail and lrd n r aa mrlef that he vmhj b deli wred ta roitam pntons w reioni ane iu tte unsl tnrm wilh a rendi tion interinctilleruie th p appearance ii an iniklwit should 4 fuij mm itim trut before theotdn wa varrntetj ihe hl urtn tthetiovvu init t permiiird to cancel ibe rccoenicane mt tbe order w thrupn noted an i uiinalj thrse tuecm tbe inbnmt itt in eultoy tlie litlr otdi i wh a red linlv witlun hie il wttr he treoi ikrt hit i peonle and tae pthoner lo linif i j nl ceut of oi vi auij tvr- t refill v m that im- spr of th ttt- en thi ftovvmraeo an i that ef ts milnjtiy rkwjr j ainct the 1 of the nh of fcuttary lasl t jihn foryi secretary thm ibr govvrnenvnt of r liil- bas fomahy assumed the re- bo detiiiielmofthtiofeii 4itl lrtnanlcl tl tii i f aleaandrr mc ltsl il eems pmfwr ibere fore lot mo rrsdttfullv lo slate for i te im-v- nifin ofthe niidvsjig that ihe views eou- tamed in my letter lo mr foityvb bive ui u iae n rhaner ihat m aecosdance jwiih tseoputior prrvsoinly utnmatrd in the letter of mr fowih m mr- fox lh question of tie reponihiy of mr mclrod mdivid ualty lor wbtt i now miintiinrd by tle hrit ih tverofwent hare been a public duty is one exclusively r judicial cognizance andean be dvtenninco bto other department either in ihe fcdctal gacrnment or thai of hit uate and toal in the resent condition of the pro- credinr aratniiaal perton it mutt be deci ded bytheeooitavlns efcarge of the indict- meil atpinst him t cannot consitrntly with a proper regard fur the limsof t slater omit ihe opportuni ty ofienewin t expression of my anxiety that ibe most prvipl nd drcidcit measures sautd itc taken t- tji from the urimb got rrnmrnt smtali- e paction foi ttjc otllclfiei romiltel ir ill iimni 4 the caroline ant ihe deaibo n imolhnjin ciliien the ipen4tility of ich that rovrfnsnarl bas llhli il ii t i i i j itn u te a iw k il lttd i uwful iijm rt ti temlijili ibry litl ai n ij u- aarnits tfcfcc is indeed rtuon j in bhetv tbat the eettiircivie were attiiej iir manifrsta- mal p lir kil il ecntrd a oaw a1cn upon if i bexbare tnasiio th ceifcviaof this shi ilv ted lo alfard ever rfjn to the fsicami essrtfin1 nd mat every m tsity to sccurmc trial i have the boswi a b very wftcttfiilly vo i servant vimiamuskivaro tttt heooram i t uiic iceeljtu i ir vp- ftr vuiti rivi ii i j y lltci itll i in it hit jei an4it ivj n ii ii rfiil r li inrisuleiatrtiii i whravln lat- ifil rnuc- iii iux e ji i nf ttii i t p m m i i i 4ni qui felsillii a tti r p v hi i momi v ai ii4 ti ii ait vii dli4i kif sun ib t i i wtil d urn 7 11014 iri t i i iii ioi tlal u j rrruii ml in i i0id iil ii git inintmi lile ia luv inrm ii i i ti ii ti f pretijeiit ia the mriivularly inirtu mm acciiramodat villi bit tt ruvtode ilr wilt beatrmdrd rvv hiw a fan aul impailia toit vl iif rxiilemeiil hl in ttie ah- teiiro of 4ntuiic cvidriwe t thould nit uil- liriy iiit that tin iinifrilioii hd illi ik ujtm i- in etealin iko ifil uimn trie biil tiioxlum no wjulev nm in lhc ifetl ft il nlones ti ih ftdfitil ihtrf il wufthr j pt oi liii iren1d t th tiaih i ifustt that it tih inpnr psil far ibe iutfna1imi til ihe i a th uecevjnin l the jtjilf u it ii were immii b wi in u- lity to th vv pnn i it ixn tini i r tiun hutiniili pimi-h- lvj ai thr 1 1 l t joimh ujih mifitr4tet lieieaamll j iheie and in all fofrtena eouun whtre jinrty hnnwn oit 4sf liil rn- lathaceii ftt ttal wttn a view u n or harim m lviiflw fie inert i the raamiti ut tb t- hern ifl iv i il iu lei bep 11 avr i m r i ralv f ituh t fi4 vr atittmla v mititrnt ii m j r4ptuhte i j m ii i u il- r wj i eaw ar 1 vn ai o h i n a i it li h imny lf t tml hapu 1111 th htm i i ujpn 11hmx ii i fai in 31 1 i l ii ii f 4 ihlljlt i lpilr i wux iml iindim i ii i i lli tu i lie i iu b iite llii pv it bv a iiuiikiii m ik i in th erutivr iir intir lrvm rrt that wtlh of lhc mtfal m ptfuwtttmi inatorcd i were ail- uv uiiktutn pntlivsit t tittle the j will fll hfmlv i t ill refcicnr- l lb antltatiti tutcinrnciil nr those f thi p- pil ih t h i i i ni i hi i m l i llif i -lb- fl m lie i ti ii i i ii j mite and belore any of a ctan1 jury fr lb roir ty hid if aflrr ilic j i ww luv tfe ilre hal thoraht hinuejf hound to admit a piiiouer to boil in capital rae upon wlueli mavimih t aj iftown that il hl ken in it piliftinirv nilo i iij 1 1 i j tiplwmtic i h me lc luct ftri hiiuuin mjjo1y miintfrib jjii1 lui keibal isrtttnflptr ii wai nt mtmitti juicjifi ojlok iutfrjtxrllay we bore h pimilted to rei le a rurm anrcdolt of mijlv at oneo tretnely ehafaetrriitii t m iiitiiiivc ol a tuini onii4 a vciy ditliii cuibhtm tri irtnast lid ie haeint hid ih linui oi drsuf wilh ih km pl tlial urserreriiiifimiif miinwr ii uhirh h ir- ii l ti withijrai hiirll tmcr lln iratnoavn 4 titr lwiflhiolimlrhn a h ti v uverii riuals u maly ur ro ji nkl thai he ta tt ojiiv nnrrin ify itvirpe tit lo tatl n uir o i ii nnrnbal mil ruhn 1 os utljioil tllr k 4f ti mvihi t mim tulr ivlp1iu ev iitncil wiliij wijllplxida ii- i lit vi ijuii hiaiisiihil what i a dioittil in apr ilj miy lipjtn an whit has cleaned l aftiia m ri it i lit rtniu r i 4t tthpnibo km l t aiitfc xlniiiil-i- an but kni arr ji tlirre p noxiin wli j am iv iivn hcoli in im i outv monaril an tosiitltn i i i r i i was hu ll m i iv htt1 it iyihkiiii tlii cvtyrqurn ni iht iipwit sun ttti i it iv lliiw oul flfmiu h tl in nils eiit h m thl l i llln lt ll il i rin ili l ni i ni pji ii yf itfn m i7s tri i um eencrii whi lhe4ltflciutite ofrhilo ilc vkr tll ltl b iii l ijtii in jiirti evi is l i almiim na hihim wihin tine 11 l rli i vli i ij i ktllht ft i i i l l iv in- ii t i hi ld tli r ofrupi minaf lb ii ddle cj pavrd i with the krpfrl way wrr bill of lti rlveh wo h iiire iinu uillmirjf lln ittnucji lt j itlllv iim lli ii ij mirmijii t l hjrfc h r t 1 i lax b b k ii i 1 irail i we i ew bnlv ii i i 1i1 arrival of his excel lency the governor general at the seat of government at 25 minutes before 1 oclock yesterday the hrkrt and trairtur apptared in sijhl wblrh was announced by tbo firinr of thr 32 pounder from tbo advanced uattrry at henry by ihe ktmjtiow the icmparaiy com pre vitus to lordship wa wilcj open by nil wonhip tbe mayor and the resdeau of the different so cirtjcs and ibe bfembrrs for the town and caunty ttie mav or prcentcd an addres lo hb excellency from ihe inhabitant of king ston which with ilia lordship answer will b found in thi day paper lib esevllcaey landed tithe cnmncrcial whaif at the foot of stare street wheic he wa ireeitcd by acuit4of honour ofthe chh fle- eimen wbrn the uiutt talule was fired ly tbe lioyal artillery the street wai ttsiefvilly lined with two row of pine and eterrreens with a triumphal arch decorated with colors n4 flat under which his ccellcocy and suite proceeded on hort back within the evergreens ihc mvmters of ihe different so cicties ihe coalmen count il an 1 inhabitant generally were diawn up who rctriveii his lotdatiip with evident fcctinja of eaihtuiasm n rspct the houies were aso decorated with evcitiecns anj flai aman- which w pailicularly noticed ihe commtrcial bank toe ladies appeared in rjeal force and beauty in ibe upper window of all the buildings wt- ttio aijht of the procession lord sydtft ham looked remaikably well nolwithrtandinr bis recent illness and bowed aflbly and conde scendingly to the people a be ptcd lion the diflrfcnl societies looked briltianl their flas and vaiiou decorations were ituty splen did the tariepted precf collar and other dceocations of our friendi of ihe emerald isle were very beautiful white ihe maitil cae lum eftb ltd ofthe phcllthee willrihc mailiat ilrains of their native mutif added not altltietothe interest of the day the sons of sictofg looked as they always do lespecta- we and tbe mechanic and the frr conpi- ny appealed to real advaae tht chief mawhal of the day capuia jackson as well as ibe matihalt of ihe varioui locietie per- formed their respective duties with activity and zeal hijhjy rreditame to them tti- ftltouint aie ihe prni amine of the or- rf e vx hc f tae chief mjrihrd r jarkson en his uxcclkncy tlic governor uttxs hal am suite on lloivr luck- spial contahlrs his warsiip the mayor common couril1wn ind iwo mcmut for ir town a- minshan rv memlrcr for the county ii smith jr ks- mambcrsof the nr iwoind two st rvndrbws societv mr rvi hatoial j i irtihij hi j nuniun ii s knyal standfltitoi seotlnd borne by dmkiy knelbhmcn in tvt stoijjeit pjvsed mcmheis oj the soeicly tvrn and tvro unu1n flau uomoby mr j kodtll steward with wand steward with wand mechanics institution 4fpoiler societys banner f suoporlcr wilh moved j botrir by j wjft frinird iilk ron mr sutbrrland silk apron mr a halltfttine ja malcrbe vis picsidents metsnt- miton ji j vin cent crimson cushion with llitir and implements of an on rat ire mechanic rlornr by the librariinmrltavcocl treatnrrrmu j w iwul mcsii a macalislrr 5i jas a ifanicrson secretaries commiltc iwo ami two mrmhrrsiwo and two mechanic in town pioposrd a or intendin to become members of ihi imlitudcntwnan i two the union fug borne by mr j hope fire companys hannkr borne by mr member of company iwoand two the inhabitants of the town nol members of sottvtirt or insiiiutioi two and iwo lln evcellency an- sail accompaitied by rommodoic sandom sevcial ofthe iteads of departments and the stieiih of the proc reeled to alwinjton snpculer in kill wits clajmoie uppnst r in kilt with cuj more r 0 u- riimmitt itiiilrt in kills mcmvji in kilt twtian two oie haf u itn mi iitoi iwo and iwe ilivii ian o the niejv- iu kill hirprr and j a mdatd gqm tuoltt pwe diriit house followed by ae general proceaion which wi hy this lime produce fly swrlled in nmber licie bein at a low cemput itisn nl less than lhkt souls present on reaching its lyiruups iidvnce lh proccision was aiunrd in lh form of a crescent and tbe guard of honour ef ibe alth which had been drawn npon the lawn havin- reiired the shriiltpescntcd an address to hb excellency from the inhabitant ofthe dis trict which with his lotjihipn antfftr will be found below the maribal thru advanced to the centre of ibe ground and the banner of the societies being towerrd three hearty cheer nod one cbrrr more were eiren ir hesor of his eieeheacy the governor gcurral tbe baanert bcinj rantd and tbe societic rrfm cd ihey matched past in slow lione and were severally inlojuccd hy the muhil- as the presvtenis eame iufioit hi lonshlp cor dially shoo hand with reh of litem as wci a with ihe mai of maishal he cpresh hi entire mtufaction with lh ptncccdi ot the day tbe processton then returned to town and ihe people retired ouictty lo their rrcprc- ti home the wolhrr wai dhjhtfut etery thin was mttstocm with the utnot rlt corum and projrieiyanil wc venture to viv highly to ihe satisfaction of rveiy one present all tic rrsteu in foit wvre tauefully deco- raird wilh ihvir 0a jce nul ivc wefc plcmed vcsfvtt 1 most cofttjiicuouj kingston aodhess to iu rttlf ronomre t ftfetvi l- raim of syupihuw i ik fmmfn n au tfnrfi ivrvorn cvftt 9mftcr jrv rys mti hwmmc privy tbrfieii r7- icrinv gvnerof e jhth xrt jaccvicu vc 4y mar it rrxibc vovn evictrcxcrt we thr luhauits ol the tuwoof kindlon hr prus4on lo omt res4 tftilly otf i lo vnnr kscillrnry our sincere ennirwulitan n yitu arrival al thv satoi lli4winmra icnitid canasta we have learned wt feehn of rttrenar sorrow bat your crllney luftrrj infr a painful torlwpflritsm jm4 it was niih auviou itciude we daily awmiud u antininceni nl jorrlepmhe vl icnrcr ef lritril caar1a and in u ihe ue tanjafatn ofiiui p openly nnd f ielfiem and we m tmfew that the aecomplnhmtol of to doiialik an end at ae the source of l ik eseavr satieiioi tht vour kieellsncy can eapctieuce the selection of xinpdon for the seat rf goveinmcnt while it cannot fil of zeatly aatvancin our immediate nribborhoj wilf ure liuvt he found from the coromandin poi tion of to tnwo the most conceniept and ad vantaeotis for the ewneial prosperity of the united province we he t assure trour excellrnry of our raon coeperoirtin in all tiee measures whieh ynui ilcellrncy ha in view for sccor- ihicolrsiy ilr- permanent aceoterhy ofbrilith iitlitutionf and biilish connrvion and we tiul thai vour kacelrnevs adminis tration wilt meet with iv unqujliued apptoba- lion oour mnsl crariftus sorercinii sijtncdj john s cahtivfllght isaac fraser henky lashkr allan macphehwh hfnjam1n ham w j fckficld j uawley his excellencys reply g t tlikxtlt i thank nu smerirly for yonr addrssr tod fw ihe an ranee of cooiidenee and sup pott which you tender in the name of tbe in habitants of thr midland district i unit- with yon ta the earnest hope that ihe future may he productive of incrcmed hapni- net and prnsperitv to the province f canada atut my elfoti wilt ever be unceuinly direct ed to hut object tlie iulercslin jays of dr slration nf the navy alcntts between the garlic and the greek and litin lxnuar were itid be- foie ihe committee oi lhc director ef the in corporated highland sacirlyof london on tbe th of april last and a resolution wa pasaed express of the aatisf action lhc dueclonhad derived fnoi ts of them tod from their gndin that one of thr main objects of the corporation lhc preseivtijonof tbe g1ic lan- i had attracted lhc consideration and at tention of a gcnlltinan so wr v x j j i- i to pro rooft it tlie committee directed the ess to be deposited amongst the aichivcs of tbe socicty and the sccntary john maconal hit- uras directed to commonicatr thte reao- hitioof to di slrallon through a mrmler of ihe poeiely resident in canada and formerly on ofthe dircclo of i our imtoirot htti puiti taled with out fi ml the lrovlnrfar wl itnte nnfeone thoe j itours u ikii enuld scnc human cniittjiuiioa it is needlta ljr ns tc in thr i vpi j j iw subjects through j- rnrrat brneftt oi knutal 6 bodily la ly i ill lo i oi itn ci ri wr ihil jt his your fcelhn- i mj pjr t i it rtiih 1 havcoi srsmuiu iviiil claymore rjelavmore chantage com milter two ami two urmiiinthair th member two an j two steward with wand stewed wilh wand membeis of the society two and two sotch men ttrancers in town or prorrj steivaid with wand steward uitji wartd union flag borne by mr d mcintosh steward wilbwand stewardwilb wanj st patrick society zl ivfanbl president mi benson jamci sampan eo ancient red cioso treit banner ok ireland borne by mr harrlnrten mr sinpcler with large spear mr murph suoporier with larjje spear j lindsay vtcorvdeflw mccunniffc em- trasurer mi jaa biker mr ja s fuaaan sirwaid wilh urod steward with wand secretary mivvdin tommiitectuo and iwo luttteaxc t mmiiii of ireland baltteave j ihajin ibvuehymrmosivn ford one btj of tbv member- two and two c f lilmksbannkloc rommitte of iianaemrul two and iwo amicw mtmlo t mccaity steward with wand steward wilh wand ivmainjrij halt oi ihe member iwo and two committee of cluiity iwo and two jt mrlcin pbj ncian nf lh sni iely piler i lunncr nf st iatrii k suppoit mi v jltoinc v wi mumov j mr w ssrteay 1- j llrvlin alt iliannoiibnute mr w j m htm slewjd witn wand istvivatd with ujii lrrhmrii n towh ttranr and nut mcuifer of th aws iwn and two supports j mr john s fraiiawn ir tfoilr siijssw jiiki mrtm j itoiuc by carmlron cntmeo ei- cniun flu itorne by mr anhrii mr c links mr t i stwat4 with witnl steward m i wai lt imafshtll mr iwwil stiknhiks soclctyi mnha a mr j tirstdem lon j kirhr hvltvwcns rei cross ban f nijt f mnglasd j koir uy mr maine uiutma wm kvitan htjfc vice prrnlfiit tnkajrer becfttaiy mt ward wilh wand ktewttd with wn4 out iihiji ilio mrmlters nvo ami jwn sapoiii fieuitrttae lb i mental t isnid wiihjhoff colnrit itirnehy mr mupui ktnainin imh i ihe mender we anl live stosvaif wilh waini mcwam with wand i itufd m ft-illi-r- luci jull t v ippuilii a r r iufrfrml sc wiuiuhff j ii i rnsistri i w lib ipr f wat witiiprr wtl bv i a tn afui hmhll lutrtia mi mlliiut nn liiil iril i milll j at i t lion so fa you 0 lo be t ilectcjby thoe most competent to decide this momentous 4ueiit0u for the locatjnn of the government of ihit ex tensive province but while tl behold with humble erilintiori this imporfaot change in our conslition we cannot but feci sensible that eomidriahle personal ineonvenirnce mul for the present be experienced by many who will necessarily accmtojr this mevrmeat and ii becomes our duly a il will be onr endeavour a fi at lies in our power to render those incon venience as little prcssioe as possible on those exposed to tben with rcsprct lo youi excellency personally we take this oceasion to declare that we should he wanting in every ftcttn of gratitude and duly were we to fail in ministeiin by all ibe mcrvj within osir power to your excellency s comfort and trwjhci and we fervently hope lhat nolwilrtiadin the disadvania of tem porary accommodation your etcrtlency may enjoy uniiitenilplvd hcahs ainj happinrx on hcbsm of the inbauianh ftened j counter voyw his excellency reply mn mavoa ip ccmfwi 1 accept with tal pleuure ibr wvleowe which yes otrf roe on my ansffll at kinston hat in felt il to be nay duty with irfcicnce to the encial mlercstr confided to my ctie aft j due conti delation io n ujioa youi cily as the place where th lint iejrjiuture of ihc province of canada should meet i learn from you with satiafac lion that the inhabitants are determined lo uic their beil rflorttlo contribute to tlie comfort ni convenience of lhec whom the jiumie business muil necessarily awrmblr llkie tt it vnqnestionably iui intcrt in do so- on my own put i thank you r epre lion nf vour synipalhy fu the sntfriint wilh whiih1 have hevn a1ilrd the intrt which lake in ihe wcfarr of ihh pcoviuce ami my deep cows ie lion thai the present i b ctisii n its lair will i trmt uivlrr provnfcnre sujipiil me in tbe lata which yrl remains to he performed and rnakr me c under the ji dvaniae ol latlmr health and strength to di eharce my duly to my sovceiit ami lo thi people m canail wlio have leiirdrd me to muny maik of h ir roiuitcikc and re jarl district addresk to fav riju onoroe ftusrri iforott ttfi- rnaot t4sssxuth tt tht s sj n toronoin i itnney or iy re rtsss- mnl himqtour fnnj founcif f rcrvr crttroi tv infu tfwth jjaercnv nrbvsvc mi ir pljtatf yopa kvccilmtrv we he msjesly dutiful tad loyal tubecu ihe fnhabiiant of the midland district hejj leave hi avail onrwet of tli present eppom njty f bavoaiu youi kicejjeney of tsui i- laefimeni lo her majestys royal petsss anj ttovcinment andto ctprec nut ffrolincalion at your kxreinrv t ircoveiy lm v j- liou in since niir reilinrya im m u thu liilimimijia thatr- vwuhpnria ur prmniil i iii ion larfairh wi liul nnuvl ibrsvalehrulenol the lb i joirninrit vsiniruf titv iilvlniratlutnui heatl i- rip t rnnmiii- inn u w i sitlh ituv mr i-iejlnni- ju kvvih 1ihj i ii tn halismenhkriuiar i a letter from england of ihe lit of may by the last packet say tn lw we expect considerable changes as tm vill see by ihe pipers two nore vice chicellor not br ihey are w anted ami a remodtljiov of the misters officer where in fsct after all lhc delay really cmsu wrstnmster hall it e peeled will he ahanijoned by the law for wmh anew huili mhncine i u i fiy o h m cohw inn n aceomndalion which will be iaicfultv aeceptrdhv tbe rjl undthe profes ioii b ii ef ally 7nin faejrmy on avnftry if fr1 cerdin huttthy earthy of puslic opinion and hj a tiraenh conlfmpl for it channel- tbe frs mint yet fel iho fntlowiu kren icprw pnelm erea lih hi rol of piie general ortdeil ho gttvjt aprfl wi tii- ltutittn of the- jiiwmi romiujidiu- inl i h hren 1 to tie iiuihnenl of a sojeief of th i iti htas t 1lie ki lin rhouie at hounalowicf sui day ihe i ithof apil ft it well hnuwa lhat it if oat th pot her of this country to ctny lie penal entmrs of the lwilaexesutinncni the totdt day niinr is it lh practocr of tbe ornvi wbtlliei emnloy ed abijl or at home tlie tjt if rat commaiidininchirf is fore surprised that an oijrcr in the flilualinn ot liuiruanichitiel rnimnarhlin- arecimeiif should bnvc carried such aseniencc into eccu- llou nn unda r- j j is- 1 it riv i cloaily un lritkf lhl the sen tence of misltiy coutv ae not to be earned into execution on the loidtsiy except in itr caies of trident nrctecilv lhc nature of which it cannot be neceaiarj frr hiw lo frfinc by command of imc hflm hcnoorame fseneiatloki hill comtdinmcbie kms macdonald adjnlanlcnpial comfruriwy cj crat fiofaift tr nam- brr of elector on the various re filters of great britain for the year l3lmi was a follow vtt rutland total number of tbe count voters dw5 toial number of boroajh ierll9l89 w a i county ut bcnouli votrit ips39 crnt total number ct electors in enfand and wlc 9lili in otutdlhc total rvoirlbcr of county voter wa 57002 and lht nf horowh voteit 2filf making ttv w6i9 thus the sro-coa- sliluncy of ureal britain amounted in lfmt tn atai stmrsflli the eros total constituen cy vf ireland wa in ltffi 13ic37 cvjual to moe tliaa cneiilh put tf ibr eootitunry ef tret urn tn inclnjm- eu urosj wales ard scotund thr fvnjirfirccs og btitain ce rtaiiof it appears from ocial reports on the turret now brfme us that be mmie funded jrwof ureal fh ita in exclusive 4ftb capaiali iraiiifened to lh commissioner amounted on ihe illhof january sid ioxl2ei9694 1 5d and that of liean lo 33 s i id oiikinj allocetbcr xw 517553 17t4d the toul annual charju upon which including irehftd amounted to ottw9i cujivof ihe annual eharye on capita u mandinjt in ibe names of the commisniourrr tbe eueiiuerbila ouulanding and uapron ded for on the 5th of january lio amounted to mpp50 soenc benevalenl individuals senl last weel anonymouily x50oloward6iiildini ihe new chinch at lmton deihysbin- livriuv itrvmflitai an insolvent court in hirrordwct a few itais 50 a peiiuoniac pumrrans schedule contained an entry ofxauv for tii uniiird 6y rat and mice iu ittlivts vuwiv por in knowiedr scnlly riato owrrcd that lhc mindsof chit- dren were like hollies with icy nirrow mouths if youoltemnl to till them iao rapidly miuh hnowicd was wasted and httle teceivrd whrrea with a small stream they wore easily ailed tbost who would nuke souu poii- pies acl ai wlaely uthey who would pcur nail ol water into a pint metanre fibtj our ir- j i lofiimily of falsi fun our ote i at leatl as old as cietns w hearmt eno of hit cotnlemroetrief tttempliog to maka himself ten yean younger iban he ntitj w duly obtctved then at the lime jst and i waioal school tose titer yon wtrt ntt bom mf ffivneson taott err av fnivnisen- ll uvtl itat n ynnkeodown in tbo old bay lite bi iuveiitrd a kind of inuiral rltcl lh it hi bi jllacheil to a crdr bun en jiivots llir ihijn4iii rotktthe erateana iho inuw- tal ipilineni mup- ibr kbi ti wp ttw v n 1 i iui iviti in l binr il i ibiiht imhlvrs miuy wwi bwbit to lorehhet ulihje- iif iriituttupu jvii t vtimihil