Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), May 29, 1841, p. 3

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4 uititii irjcsjral mitj at 11 wo h lh vc nl ihi plw if lrvo0liufl tj 1 uifrtay last u n rstarf rt c- asawiiraitm is him for ia ivvfhtioiiillhr nr mhjiii mfu 4 ittt- rowbatik jt nj ttiviviiip thru inteithttie ci hovei tor an imunt till taifri i thnibrrikinv mhi light one of lh tare and 1 ot ftw hwh are tour ic i i ih w the liolmce ibe iilv w r nl tsfrfoialrdmihcicntly to admit lum the r 1111 hroeght a wn ia ike spot who captured th wd am lie u hut m con- frrnmt nar hit itilrriird victim a ifu ufft tin a phrnianl in ill flight went inraueh ilw jw hut he ws killed bjlvafcmk totieivtllvlt istl mivl is 10 may jl r trivet t amuvsts f nil ivns ov qi knee 1 vwlkjiv oil 7ku1 uriier 5131 9u plus this vrr 133 ivm v fi pied 1hr fti instant mtftliiiii d u mr ilauvtias- hf x apr ni thuwt sale of military aydvavy articles jist atved from england and will lie om y auction it ibe nubsrrihecs auction rninr on monday rattr tho 3ll instant a plendid assortment of mitttarc and naval trimming coiismm of the fol- lowing vix t prs lieut cols silver ejuuvur prs major do pr subaltern jo ards sivcelacc do 6 20 100 so kayflwtf 12 sdvcrsvofvlknots 10 gold 30 lht infantry sijc soiling belt 12 gross mditiabultorta 0 dp jo do miilt 6 do n7 do 2 do do do do 12 pn plated shells 6 cavalry sabre dashes belts sic ptvtij xvisjunp to supple themselves for the approaching militia muster of 4th june text will do wi to attend jlintonabkc m kingston may 28ih 1841 95 to be sold by auction at the hoove of mr douglas premi storchircet on tusfajt rt tinf oqdfttiiy of tforseuold fuxxi rtlteiw nfoperty of mr murray swi rcl cnitnf of malitny loo dri ftd olhcr twe soia oitiches chair corpcia vrnliiv curtain bed tirade fcallifrbcil mat raffl din tm ftd break- h wan tl3ti1lc lsmn fcniler and pcp meat ronttinf of ride oj other a cahu collins haines ug to return ttth sioofro ihtnks to tbir fpr j i iho public pjcnenllf foriha vct fwr fwm which hm leen rendered ihem dur ing ihe pt f jrcm as dry goods mcr etiattl they io boo recofnmond to ww favourawo meatr j r llulton morchanu fan mn f k lantlp who have lepicj ihc preoilafs oicy lately occupied in ho laroblon ltuildinfj st0fs4tnaal atul wbo purpoao tarrying on ue same buuea c 6l h feel confkkm from thervsorcla- hihiy niul raperior ailvanlagci potaetsed by ho afeaara hbttoni togciher with iheir dcterminaiioit loaell low and for csb iliai they will pvc atidaction kindlon 27ih may 1841 z kingston marine railway ciitivrtnro it act of tamummuf in cooscquenee fthe increaao of busi ie at thi eowiahmem the com pany have revolved to emjlo- more eapttal notice is hereby given that the books of the littjtujifon will be on ft subseription m u tte 15rh june nem should the amount rvtutrc4t fol bo taken previoun it that date chas- vv jenkins kindlon ma27lh 1s4l vjxm pastukage pile grouous ujoiainc qvcess collccc will be let ibrauf naojtdts faun lt june ending for rartkular en junsofmrp john mowot kingston s9uimy isk 9mi lands for sale ih midlad k victoria district the canada company have landii fur sale in the mel detarabk paru of erart iwaimp the midland and victoria districts and in the other district of the province i il of which may at every port office store and t a vera m each tcntnahip the cocftpaaya term of sale arc onefifth of the purcbaac money in cash and the balance in ftve yearly intfalottdu forther particulars with any of the printed uata of land on sale can be obtained by applying to bichenj birdsall eat asphodel or to the company office at toronto the canada company take this opportunity to give notice u mrjaaj who haveporcbasej land from ihcm and who maybe dcsiroui selling the same that frith ihc object of giving thoae part every facility and aecommotution ihey will igisterat imr osce in toronto ail t royal pavilion iic pronrieinr of tlte abuv tatamajfai mem beg lvo to niurn hi mncrrv thonkstutho ejajxamof toronto and tfuj putriio in general rm thetr liberal upkrt ince ive bu openod ht and to arcjuaint ihvtn that so- i ready ovefy uay from ii to 3 and all other re freim meant m the rhori- eal notice in addition he hai hued up aeveml ar- bourn for summer accommodation r1tena thoy can at all rimabe fumilied with the varieties ofthe seaaon vixi faurrs pas- taica chta mixt s sucrftv coatcas soda ivatta gixcta dua lcaiow tlie suhacnber keeps always on hnd vyinca and lquora ofu superior quality anil pledge himaelf that every exeriiou atiall be made lo render the royal pavilion every way worthy nfpuuie patronaev- willf am l stewart proprietor toronto may 20 1841 n b btlliaid rroomsare altarhcd u the eatablivhmrnl oluf wanted by the subscriber en good house joiners liberal v and eoiifiant merit will be given thomas overend shrt strth kington thfs3 imi lii woods sadbleprepeciruu ly inform the saddlers and publif that he ha received from englnj 25 caat hiperior articles of saddlery fever de acriiriioiioriprrrihg tuanufactured and un manufactured which je will offer low for cah- the trade and public will find it to lhir advantage to purchase at no 7p notre dame street montreal ojgi t r daguerreotvpe messrs ramsay 5t ford would respectfully inform the ladiea aod gentlemen of kingston thai they are in no- icartton of an elegant and accurate dji qobrxeotype appab4tvs inr taking minicture portrait they will be ready lo receive vwilora andtnexeeote orders on fritlayt m 5m itt ilk iht court hovtt yard where a coromodt04tf marquee will be died up for the purpose- the discovery of lh aatonirfiing and fmost beautiful art waa made by m da- anl 1 t prelmn stove ami stove saftf a lemlin lilran amut 11 vol wih a va nselgat alw tn reucrt 1rj lbr f hatikv im avt the saw l conivacfiec al 1 1 7wj m and the lloraebml cajtrisoo will pfletcd fir sale ai 1 oeitk prvcirfyt r allan ktafsaadi swi mit i6il wii hj h undt which the preeni holdcn rr o to de sold my auction x tbtrsjae loili june at te home occopictl le mtitor siuito hh re pmeni in giovcireei oppuw lri stnret a iantiy of foiehnld funntoro oniiing of dinner ln anl rrowfa tabks bvuland kiddermimt r carjvl hcanh ku curtain shop cmirlie and eaaj ciiawi faaier drawing r oil ami can- ilbcr stoxvs neweat pattern all lamp a handfome iramparent french chiming clock bdteaih a inpcrior premium cooling surte and a variety of other article alao a london built phaeton hrith head note shaft and moveable dtrbey scat in perfert oedeti single atd doumc hrnvi ha nduome sleigh built by thornton mon treal robe f bear buffalo and lamb ain a valuable family horse perfectly trained for saddle and harnc and to stand r allan n b jifl penrotu having nntehleil ac count with major sluyre arc requested to fumiahihcm on the iilh june kingioiiehhmayisal 93ni by auction a n etficllcnl two sofy bfwk drd jm linu hooae with suble yard and oarden athclied and a spring well in the safidrorkinihe kileheti- the lot cnntaina ane 6lih of an acre and being tlie imtaat cund wmin ihw town is particularly ilthy sale to take place on satunby ihc isihday of june at is ommk rtom conditions made known at the tinwr of sale- par any partirulan apple t george acumming k may i8 9jni notice acexeral ucring of the trustee of st axoalws citacn vill be mdatthe church on wcdncjay the 9th diy of june nexl at 12 oftolatk noon on pccialhuitncss licacxpcttcd tlial mem in their attendance h ree dirovi of disposinf of the compary will thos have an eicnivc opportunity of affording information ro penont who may i seeking improved lands either r t ihemsela or lhc friemh and of a-tf- lliol ukf hi chhmm ol llicir liu- ivcd parma free of all charge co in m winner however tlfln not utvtcrtake any agency whatever conncclcd wlh tbr biuinef iteynnd that of affording civry infurmation lo intending purchnarr full and precise partietilar dating price ivrm imnfoverocnisstcjobeknt in rhc commissioner at toronto all let ters post paid- canada companys office toronto 2 1st may isis wtf dr pucol fiiom daallnctox poiat strict 0 church street yrty oafwirc ac carjwaly advice to the poor gratis from 9 10 10 every morning except sti to builders etc n wi be ceeeiml until the 10th june from experienced buud- en for the buying of two large stone houses in store street ac- governmi itmfikh w fmm otick ia lhyjt thai srafn fendera ff rrceij nt ijn sturekeenera mr kin p v twracfan to mty r wl cootruct to ww w the to cntrr into a uridcrmcfltluncd timser and asjlma vi no w n 14 id mo fkv a t ft 8in al45l 30 mecei v timber lo square tftsift leagutrrom 35to5fti 30 191 1 ft bin n length from 3010 45 69 taken timber to aquae r lf i length from 45 it 50 ft 18 piece pf0ok tmbev u mn i ft i in lneth frnm ii lo 5 ft 10 niece a oak timber to njunre 1 ft 0 in 45 to 55 0 13 piece r elm lowjtwrc i 0 4in h ffom 4ji to 55 vlut ojv w i ft a clear of kin hi nog i ft ti m a pr mould no j ash to a in 0 nmultl i it 6 irs in lcwj n f u l- wwaw fik to i lfun 01 sir ltih 18 la to r in e r l v 10 feet at mouui no 10 to 1 of itjn r oak to at in vlearnrrap moum3l- at the aft rt m p moulj wo 1 mutual fire insurance com pany or the midland dis trict otiie hereby gitn that the annu nl meuimg am aarf ciiupany for tlio ptirjuae of kk- ong by ballot a hotrd tic diret ioit w the eivun g vcar t ill le hiid at the court hume in ihu tuwn ol king hahj ta munjay 7th duy of june next at lilork ivoon authuntie lu rote hy proay faaat he jo writing by order uf me president aaal direetori w- twigc seerwarv kiagvlon may 1st irtil sohi postopfice notice ommencing with hie openmg of the navigate her majeatya matla will beciovevcd between montreal and quebec daily excepting svndav lr- the steamers lord syilcnham and lady c of buntfi thcac wala will hart rcperrively from minimal at six nnj quebec at five p m and will much at srjtel rurl s to enable il mails in fran- f fusl 10 mould s fit p 16 17 oak to saj per mould 9 fo jeuf natural gntwlh b in oak xu length boat 10 to 45 feet breadth from 9 to 10 inrhc fpoffcct 1500- 5 in oak m fh to 3 feet eadih from to 10 in noufjcci 4 0 in fcogth from 75 tu 45 feet ireadth from l to 10 in no of feci w0 3 n oafc 0 r to40fect cadth fromlo 10 in no ofjw iw 3 in oakank in length or 3g ft breadth ofsinchea clear of tap no of pie 80 8 inch ro p ml from 3i tr feel ueailtli from 2 guerre of france it cooabta in throwing the image of the aiiier by a camera obscu ra upon a pt a re of silver cittted with o dine where by ibe chemical action of tight it is retained and fixed thua produrmg a hkencas whoso accuracy rho artiu and engraver can never hope to imitate far hpaj exeh to have o portrait taken the applican i required to ait from one to lhne minuter accord ng lo ho intensity of tle anna rayn a w smiv fv we m sop narr chemical proeem and cannot be fully de tailed here but the scientific tl the cun- out are rer pcetfumy laniited lo ami and ce it cttccts hours of attendance from 9 oclock a m to 4 oclock i m 0 lo 13 mr he- no of feci voo 7 inch ri elm ptonk in length from3s toi fee bfsmth from j2 to 13 daeto no or feec i mo inch ro elm plank in lengrli 1uog rljjc rordutgtp plana and speisc out by mr browne architect each party tendering w required to give the eamea of their a irt writing- john mowat- kingaton 25ib may 181- 94n rifle fcr sale at maahufetacabirict maker a first rate enfliah made rifle with case flask mould and all appointments i x kingston may 26 1s4i wdi kingston lth may ism fj w information wanted- illiam henrv atkins from i i i county cork ireland vho emigrated to uie province of upper canada many yearjincr ihr former having actlletl in imwdlc ati ihe latlcr n kingston and were iving in ihose rtltect- ivtoivnain i s3 7 will tiear ofaomethmj lo llicir advanagc on application to james ji kerr quebec st louie height cit and thm river master teehaaa imi piniia in pmafr sason tlw following rrgijlalnsnith ro- prd to the piling uf letters mreooed u go by the siatncrh hii lie otacrvej at the montwt qjk tciies ux quebec witi iii henry ikiuwr rvrl sr franein ami throe rwirw wu ho hkcn iimif halffast five owk let- ictb fur oiih place naal k pnannil by five ta 15 11 sh may 1 jtli tfw editor aft he rlr ihu above t iii au riiht to h colour sur 9u ruom u rcuctld to ct i ek nj fth i j4 khr ii fresh arrivals grcatshitlds fy jlfiftr kixe tracer ave received acvcral dales carpet- ng whwi they are selling low gmon 15th may l4h 91a jd m kfiieu viilesub 4sp retail clwfecnomr patoai arontkbai ost respectfully in forvaa the pumk m commercial bank m d tktot1ce i hereby givca that a iivi- x dend of four per cent- oa tbo capi tal stock has ibis jay been dccured pay able on and after the jlnl ay of july a at the bank its oawm and agencies the tranalcr dl be closed on satordac the 19th june and re opened on tliuraday tho lat july during whtch period no stock can bo transferred bv order of the board 7 a harper caaaier kinplon2mhmaylwl s4hi artiew auo an tvwaikdily riae fifi trv kji m l iu essi li 1 aad tin lliira rei for lc at and i 1 car a- o lent t rv inrulifc timr nheeai anhtf e v fce ewniiieaavai ii ovwt 1 and lorrm c ovli rk panrnaiv k allan king4niu 2wi uae istl sfti to he soli nv aoctiox t tlitirhtay 10th juiv j ibd htmaa ueeuitfcvl hy mafur siitc 2 lib re gmcot in unveattvtl oppt montrval mreet a qnanliiy of hawtiiatd raejuure eoaalslirt nl diiiiht ihm anl hkc tawi llfukl ami kiditermifilcrcar hcaiih rmn tnrtaiaa sofan courhci and eaaj caim fancy drawio rihtu and other stoics newcal partem od and can- he lamp a handfjme transparent french cliimmg clock bedstead a cupcrtor premium cuujiin- stuve and a varaty of babcr article- also a london built pliacton wilmiead pole- shaft andmoenhle ofrkey stslil perfrrtorjer ungleand dntihle harnvs a handoc bieigli built be thornton mon treal ribei of bear buflvlo and lamb btatj a valuable family horve perivctlv trained for aadde and barney and to stand lire r- allan n b ah pe mora having untcltkil ac count with msjtkr sitiytct are requested to fumihli them on the lth june kingbolt 2wi mayls4k 95ni by auction an excellent two story brwk dwel ling house with stable yard and careen attached and a spring well in the solid rofk in the kitchen the lot contain one fifth of an acre and being the highest ground wjilnn this town is particularly healthy safe to take place on salunby ihe itfth day of june at 2ovlotk noon maleknown at the time of sale for any particulars apply to george a gumming kingston 37ft may is4i 9uni h iii riji who mar umimsoart vvani7rp auccding inntrmation to persons bo seeking improved lands either iw tliemaefvcm or ller frieodv end iifa- injrlicr scttlerv in djppovirg of their m- prwetl farm- vrkr of ll charge tiio coin in ts oner hnwever loen not tinilcrtake any agency whatever connected with this businessi beyond that of aflonjing cfery infnmarion lo inrending purchasers full and prtcic particuar mating price terms imrvovcrbcnuc tobocnrto the commissioner at toronto all let ters post paid canaja comoanrs orttce tliat be has taken that hop lately occupied b mr john shaw baker brock street where he will keep on hand a con stant supply of all the articles generally ocd in the above line and with the determina tion to please togjether wilh leaf price hopes to gain i share of public patronage wholesale country onfcr punctually at tended to tea buns and bbceeel frcli every ilay soda water and cirgcr buff froo the fountain kingston may 15 for salij two hundred pieces of stout rus sian duck for makingpkimmertfchv- wilson mav6 ivl en fcifigsiaa to have kotice general mecti ng of the trustees tfst amviv cnuacjj will tie held at the church on wedoojay tlie 9th diy of juoe next at i j ochck neon on npeehl hunneas it is expected that meni bers will be punctual in rheiratlendancc by order r if rose trtarjf io the jiix ue of imlaavfaaav kiion1ztrh may ihst notice r tririieea of the l at j- kingston are hereby required in meet at st amjbcw church in rk town of kingston on wednesday the ilnrticili day of june next tt 10 u clock in ihc forenoon to takcmh cons idcratuvfi various matters im- pofiant tolheintemtbtif the institution wmorris raotrnaji boofuf trksfrrs v at a- ivvht jfab may 1 81 mu 1lr tsala cosnt d motrct fjsrcnc wilt hirtllot ndkrul tutt kttmnl iv t sew grocery store- he subseriliera ug to inform their fronds ajij uie public in general ol kmgstja aad iu vicinity that they have commenced businct in that store neat door to air bamfuro hotel store street where bey atfl comtandy keep on hand a choice aaaoruaeni of croceriea teas winer aad liquors c whtch they will sell sk iqw aa any other establishment in tow m they beg also to oflcr onondaga salt paster of tans watertime and whisky by th brl at very reduced prices for cash a share ofpuuic patronage is respectfullv olfciied daniel itconnku co kingsion max sft isff a9a tomato slt may 1841 j u dr nicol mom oafttlftcton point street off church street jreavtj aapasile far fab r carf vrjgaf advice to the foot gratis from j to 10 every moming except si hlir to builders c enders will bo received until the 10th juno from experienced build- for tho buifding of two large stone houses in store street ao- cordiortp pjanaand speiscations made t et uut by mr browne architect each party rendering is required to give ihc namee of iheir sureties lit writing john mo wat kingston 25ih may jbmi din rifle for sale at mas hieaa cabinet msker a 6rt rate english coada rifle wilh flask moum snd all appomtmenta rase pncexy kingston may 26 1841 94d commercial bank m d ltttotlce ia hereby given that a divi- x dend of fur per cent oa the capi tal stock has rliis day been declared pay able on and after the first day of july a at ihe bank is ofticeeancj agencies tho transfer book will bo dosed on saturday rhc 19th june and re opened on itiuraday tho 1st july during which period no stock can beirartfferred b j order of the board f a harper caaaftn kingston 25th may 1841 whi t straw wanted he subscriber will pay three pounds per ton for any quantity of good straw fit for hore bedding to be delivered at ibe govarameot forafce yard john strachan kingston may 22 1841 s3ui to merchant farmers milur distil itrsf bttwxrs tfnn a public ia gentral thb sobacribera beg leave respectful ly to inlorrt the inhabitant of krug- tton and its neighbourhood together with the mercantile community of montreal and tiucbec that in connection with iheir land agency and general registry office they have ceeamenced aa auctioneers commis sion merchants and brokera and hope from their well known respectability and a strict attenrion to business and aa mtercfla of their em ptoyera hey may receive a ahare of the public patrooagc they particularly begio call tbo attention of the merchants of the upper aad lower parts of tho united 1 ro vi nf thai their premise foroierly oc cupied by lata h greer esq which are apaciooabeiagbltrj8aoually ofstooe afford a aval dapostory for ihe reception of all kinds of mercjaadie nb aucuon busjncrs punctually at- 1 tended to order in tbe country tac but ofrtftrtnft glee- j c- godwin np f- h hall kington 9ma may 1841 oi irons 3a lo p feci breadlli irom 9 to it inches no ofteei 1 91 a inch rok elm plank in length from 35 aw foci brcamh from 9 to ii inches no of feet 4000 14 2 4 inch ro elm plank in lciih fmm 33iot feet breadih from 0 t ii larhea nnotswl 4000- 3 inch fiw 4itie tfcvjln film ip 5 earlspt wide in irnjth from 5o0sw nta of apajj 0000 tit nntv vetlmv pine to rquate i ft 2 in tngih 30 to40 feet 25 40 pwr- vetluv pine to square i a 6 in igth vj lo 50 foet 20 besl oak white to saav clear of sap 10 inclca in lengib of ii fed apermoiii no si best oak white to side clear of jap fnm i to ii inclies to mould to 10 inem in length rocn 10 to i feet as f mould no 8k bei oak white to side clear of sop from 9 10 inches to mould 10 inches in imglli from 10 to 1 1 enfli as per moult no 60 bem oak white reside clear of aap from 70 s inches to mould 7 to sinche in length from 9 to 10 foci aa peroould no 40 beat oak white to side 1 1 inches clear of tap mould 13 to 15 inches in icntfh liwn 7 lo s feci as per mould no the whole to in delivered at kingston dock vanj drawn up in soeti convenient places as shall be pun tod out on or before the 1st of july ner with the exception of rhc crooked tiaaier for the delivery of which i5oavlonpc will be given all of which timher anj anaterialn muvt ha been cut during tot pact winter aod of buund ond nerfecletiiji i i subject to the mttection ofthe superm tending uudder tin tenjers to cxprcu in words at irngth the rate per ivt in habfax cwrrenvy unexceptionable sority will be required nuliject to the approvsl of the commanding naval omcer on uv lakea and the name- of two persona wilhag to enter into a bond for ihe faithful performance of the contriot muht he iven n tho teixle tho moulds fr ne the crooked timber may be aeen at tli dock yard and such cihec information a iu be required no tender will be received after o clock at noon on the day mentioned kingston dork yard canada 13th aw 1941 9tb al had qurur ojicr letters fk- mon treal ivihalm meniy bcvtutr poif sr francis and tlirec river will be taken until halfpast four oclock let- ten for ifllicr pljeev iiicuding lper ca nada rive united stares and she eiftrrn township must be rarawd bv foiro- tlock but t utttrs for every domination will be received on hoanl oh packer by the post olave conjucjoriii charge otuae mails tintil the moment tlto vcaad leaves the port a iftotmmt nprnseajsm a twa to lea qttcttc and jfonfrref repertivey iluringilte suminemn j tautfoys and 4lra at four vlotk p ji and m arrive in moniys ttortjt anil saturday j eight oviocir a m will serve tlsoe omccs on the nnrili slioref wtuili cannot tx arrummoilateii hy the steamboat mrangcment it is tiic duty of tbe density pol master general further to inform the public that her majestys govemmeni having now ai a heavy cpenvrenteresl into engagement lor fufharding tle mails fn m thrice in tlie western extremity of the province hy ihc mntji expeditious means which the coun iry atfnrit lie hn lcn insintcteij rigully to nsnrre llie law against all persons who snail hereafter attempt to send or carry let- lere ilcilly the act ofthe 1st vie cap innm a fsimaltr of jca upon the send- akkaidu b ii u w rowsell s1atjoneks and booksellers of torojfto ic retrvlfullv to onnue 1 uio in hjbitniin f kingvtiin ond rho pul l grnerally thm they have opened on e- lali altlheajl ut tbe ahive line ih llrotk street on the prennwii jitcly uccopiod bv mr sjasuct mc cowan grdccr their fvrcsent stock was imported during lite ltt autumn and ou ihe arrival of the crat spring veoseli mm london and frequently during the season irtcy will v n receipt of new autpben their near connection with ihe old efciiuistied srmof samc rowsfll ol son statioxeas 31 cjjcxpioclo hon give ibcni advantages in the purchase ufthcif stock whub few mnev and en ares ihcm a supply of the tr lt anielev and at the wm asodcratc prc orjir received lic any article rormertej widi ihc lysines tu he inijioricd frum england ri from the cnitoj siatca tu oiisure the ar rival jsirirg the prcnnt enn nf any nn elc requirril ffiiin enund rhcrlrjiuld lie give during ihc prieiil mili morlgrn deei anti mcnoajjn fsle tbpfliflme egtri a pstz us pu p irtmcr ffuox r7y 5r ntfitty txnttttd sale ruatuc llrat i iii prfparaitot i naly fvrttiu tnei asstivn fti pfittsed a c and w llic catatirse cao 1st ariar- and auhfi jiih opened- hge anrlmcrl j new musi from londnn rnnisi n dueir quaitnlret wattw cu ktnaaam blh may 1sii siibhifi imitifrfitt ihtmdfk i r u ro wir 1 wm f far lfju her msfnlya 4y of queens jlvnch and lo dottied agumti ik land aj ienvnetaof jolin m loabs m the oust ol robert suuton i bs riicd and taken in ervul belongs to the as id jfjlni mclean luu number 10 ii wct side ft the lirrt cataract tovnvbm of kotstoo and il3 4h 2tfb in tjic towii of kingston whib i v expose for ssk at the court hnc in ik aid tnvn of kngston on vrdnevja vt j i- march neat hi the al ij o cjotfc noon any person or p having uio the above deaeibe rnrtt arrretv t mike the ssmc lmirwtt to me ut ss fete the tune nf saie a midonfll aaerrjaj u shetilts oatiees kmgmini f dth lxccmler 1ss0 lm tim alawa alc m istponed 11 j lhordo hc fan day of april next sliorilta olfieei kotiuo 9a march w4l the above si i further ptpciwd mai the aotb may nest kinn ainl j itssi the above sal is further putjpitt j hm i kin june ajxl kitsahoiii mav 2 ib41 on hilton st tsalrd qnvavl 1acrrs a talseafsvsvas plfttc i ahutji uriitn i eg leave o inform tlie inhahitanu of kiiironand vivmrty rhatihey pur- nil tlie opening vfihc navigation to lonimcocc operations in their line of hui- n in thai new 4ice now building oi llie coiner f clarcmc and quarry srrcvt ssliere iiiov will keep constantly on hand and make in their line ofthe sherl visuvlrsf jisje ro wit i i if out farias rs sale v vinm of writ of frt her majeaaj court n pea lu ilc every art nit very ihi dcdcripton hope by and on roaonalilt their adherence to a tli re of public pa 7 cov 37 cii ill 30 portrait taken the afiptican i required to sit from one to three minutes accord n to intensity of the suns raj- at rho lime tho whole is an intricate chemical pnccr and cannot lie fully de railed here but the scientific and the run otn arc respectfully iuvlcj lo call and sec its euceis hotifm of atlondancc from 0 oclock amro4oeiock fh kingston 19ih mar j81 3 w nfurmation wanted illiam o henry atkins from i m lt county cnrk ireland who emigrated to ilie province of upper canada many ycarssince the fornvr having settled n dchcvillc aro the lartcr in kniffiton and were ivng in rhosc rosier- ive towns in iss7 will bear csoroctbing tt rlcir advanage on appjirarinn to james mkerr quebec st louis hcighlct may 13ih 1s4i i 93m tv miter of ihe cobou sur blaaafhl to tore tii sasarasa ancc s i n- atcrr forarbtqul the urwersgi new and e cient means hjvr made preparaiiens to cirry on the foffwardit bus i wiviai ssi uisi 12 4 inch rock f h tn let from 3 to 4fl breahb from j la 11 inchta rffti w 2s 3 inch rtav rno pi 7 ran4 ivfch ln trn h 4io wsver tvs w0- botsiecvs v- pr v ii2inhvih30lo40fcci 40 nieecs v vn to lft6ia best oak sap 10 inch as per moov ilesl oak yv sap fmm 10 to in fength ironi 44a fresh arrivals grccnshields tif milla have received several bales carped pa which they are selling low kingston 15th may 181- 91 d 31 keixek vrholeollb in betalli cosfecnojet ithoi atofftlllcl resoectfully infonna the public m lately brocl ost that hanaa taken tjat shop occupied b mr juhn shaw baker alreetf where he will keep on hand a con- aunt supply of all the aitkk generally used in the above line and with die oelcrmine rion to pleased ioether wilh low pricea hopes to rata a share of public patitaafc wholeale country order punctually at- tenkj to tea buns and biscuits frfh every day soda water and ginger beer front the fountain kingston may 13 1841 9lyy for salk- two hundred pieces of stout ru aiaa duck lor making summer trow era also topsail duck kingston may 6 wm 181 wilson ft apissftitivtarti ofwrj itm iu4 cxempicil in that act conetcd i ilierwisc than by the government mad in addition to a hundred pounds a week whiut they shall continue the practice similar penalties arc imjned df lite co fiction oflctress general pot orfiee monrreaftsili april 1m fiyp public notice is hereby given thai a meeting will be held al ihe barb academy on satin- day the icth day of june next for the pur pose of choosing a resident secretary and three trustccst for the ensuing year aa the art directs colin mackxnz1e patsjdcnr balh may g luu to let vyossession given the 1st june next m the napanec hotel al ivresent oren- piedliy h b wickhani enquire if by ihier post paid to the subscriber at napa nec alex campbell kapae3rl may 1641 gi j nwalker machinal and print in e pros mnntjtt turtr jfotrt dome strttt opposite the recolut chvrca respectfully arqoalnu the trade thai lw is prepared tn execute orders fur presses of tlie most apjwovej pa tent on as moderate terms as those al which they c n be tnanufaaured in new york jiving lo ihe purchaser here ihe ad vantage of receiving them free of duty penuini desirous nf encouraging the in dostn of residents in the country and at the as me time supplying themselves wiih unexceptionable articles bv calling nt the printing office of mt amf in st ki cholns street mav examine a prew aena in use made by james nelson walker attentioo is respectfully solicited to the following certificate onrro ciid april 1m1 we th- undersigned printer certify that we have examined a printing press now in use manufactured by mr j n walker of montreal which we believe to he equal in workmanship to flnv imported front new terms and these rtlc arclire triage kmrton march 10 1 8ft i for sale by private tract situated n one of ihe mt deairahle 1 0as of kingston ttw bvltl0 lots forming a comer frontage to store street rnmediaielv opposite the resilience nf a paaasbm r-nq- hrfving anothor in ihe rear to grave street with the rriovnre of colraines and thorough joed uire- onsml containing onefifth of an acre each admirably adapted for the building silel of ms nrnra wv f pv w wws eideiita at the beat of govtrnmenf it tvojrre an practited eve to ducovcr the lrcsent as bvmg one of rlie ltet rfsccularions bforv the pubhi- much less to observe that from ihc loca advantjpes with which it i rfurroumvcd and tho particular epoch of its being oflrrefl fr sale tt cannot fad rfljidu to inrrcase in value thene luis arc well worthy the attention of peseons ilmuf ro build aa such an opportunity will not reon aguin nenr a ajna may bfl aeenanj term knnwn on application at the auction rmn of ilse snbferiber lto doors aourb of hie bank ol shepeefavj kmc street fjtkcna bench ad to me direcld ar ai tbe lands anl teneoienis u far ivaaaanvs john huttnun and eige bmwnson u ihc sstrt of tlie prcideni directors arsl con pany ofthe bankf upper canada i ha seixed md taken m execufin as bcionen to the iaid petc wirsdover altnc aaati ituoed eah half of lot number tv teen on the naiaaeo river aad in the sxth concession of fredccicksburgh in th midland district tjwcoi i wil expose fi ale at llu court rows fa th toan o kirlgmiiu in jrvlay tbc twenlietlt jjy u atigmt next at the honret y oclock aaad any person or persons having han ou tlr ahove described fnapeily are r quisled lo make ihe smc katnvn to me at or befure the time of safe a mcdonelu skttffsld kingston i34l wm siscritts office iso mav thomas jones- kmptn hhmay ichl 9u st j7 to vidi clmrof in length oc ii lev n s4 tu clea of 10 to p trikn 9 to loiachv n tvskiaia c8 bsr oak wg wd ap from 9 tn i f inches in lent from 10 to 1 1 feet asnermould-m- cl bern oak w aap from 7 s aches lo mould 7 to s inches v rrom s feet aspernv 30 best oak ftwps uoutd 40 to tide to 10 inches 13 to 15 feet inches as per clear of aap in length frcn to s iaoud no f ihe whole lo be jehvercd at kingston dock yard drawa ip convent places aa shall be pt or the lat of july nest w excepton of tbc crooked tirabjf f he delivecy of which s days longi ww t which timber ri atonala must have been cut during trp p winter arid of iound and pertect c subject to the inspection of lie sta dudder the tenders to express in words at length ihe rate frlv homjk currency unexceptsonabie setj m be rcntnrcl tubjeer to the apfirooi ofth commanding naval officer on ibe lo d ihe names of two pcesona willfrg to enter into a pond for thn laithful perfovaaance of ihe contract mur be given in the tenders the moulds fur iko the crooked timber may be area at the dock yard and other information as y be respired no teller will so received after 12 oclock at noon on the day mentioaed kingston dock yard canada 13th ma 1841 j 9lbt for warmyg- 1841- iwfonoersgned with new ai j ehv t m rmwesobacribcrsbeg i x it d s goldey drnrisx ropect- fulty in forma the mhabiianta of kingston dial he has arrived in town and will be found at the lamb- lost house kingston may 5 1841 notice that ibey have taken those premises for merly occupied by messrs w ii man- ninpoi co 210 st paul st a few doora eaat from st niebousst i which thry will tarry on business as 2tncralan4 con- mission i tnev invito iho attention of buy era to their stock of dry goods which wll be found suitable lor the canala market blackadkr co montreal may 1841 u situation wanted person who can bo well recom- mended and wntea a od hand svitbes a nuaiion as ctcrk of bookkecocr n a mercantile oe forwarding i cient means have made preparations to csrry on the forwarding bu9i- jfbss betwixt kmtton preaeott intcr- mediare places and monrreali by way of the st thvreyce under the firms uf ferguson k mglbmon motr- muibbon fhrtlson kixcsvoy freight of goods tipwar charged auo gctlser according lo weight and at rates a reasonable a those of any others in the trade alex- fergcsor john m gibbon montreal april 26th 1841 91 wanted student tothe architectural pro fession applv to mr browne arcmed a ive will le required kinetn april 1841 rlierehv dividend of notice given that a thinl and 6na fi cd ia ihe pound on h tmi estate of mr archibald mcdonell late forwarding merchant al knpinn tin day drrlared payable on tho ltd day 9 june next- apply al the ofoee of mr t gtsaatffts store street cppoaita ihe comner rial bank kinjrhm 15th may ibm 9j 2vi sheriffs sale- oend dislnti i by virtoe to wit mm writ of fii facos issued out ol her majesty distritf court of the midland ditrict and lo me d retted against die lands and tenemen which tverc of joseph mosierj deceased 1 1 the lime of his drih ft the hands of ba liara mcyrr ilniinhialri ofad aad t guir ttm u taljf and iredn- which were of joaejh aaeaatfj deceased the bmc iff fiu death in be admioutercd ihc suit of horace yeornuns i have seiae and lakeo in execution s lelonging lo ih iaid joeps m deceased al ihe time in death lot nimber seven in the sccon concenon of iho township of loborouv in use said midland district nhicli f wii expose foe sale on monday the twenty inortl day of may nest at the court house in the ton n of kina lhc hour of 2 iraaaet noon any rscrsrut o persons having claims on ihc above draenbe property are rfuestc lo make the same known to me at or beftro rise time of sate amedoxelts sairijf jkf a sheriltis oflice kingnon 72d february 18 l j wg shetf fv sale midland district t2y vniuora wi to iwlr i 1j offrert facias i sued out of her majestys cntin of queen bench and to bas directed igaioas the ttsh andtetaenteauoijaiise ciiambetiain ai1 jame fraser t rhc aotof thomas i- andersym and william walker i hac seized and laken n eaecuikm as belong m u ilse said james cliambcrlain and jaror- eraser part ol lota number luenty ml itventy one nnd the we half of lot noft her twenty three in the fifth conceaairm tl the ttfwnahip of frtecickaburgb in ih steam boat notice tht c a ft a if pattcbsos ill until further notice ply be tween the fojlomng porta prrt roll kingsron oswegnj wellington co- isurg foci hope bond head hartor port darlineton whitby toronto hamilton niagara uwsato w isl ii rh tairi fiv v nerm uiall heeeaftef mtcinpt to send or carry tel lers utctlly tlie an of rho 1st vie cap 3b impose a penally of 5 upon rhc send ernr receiver ofevtry letter iw cliallv cxernjiced in ihu act coaveved afteawiae than by the government mml in addition io a hundred pounds a week ithiut they shall continue ihe practice similar penalties arc imposed far the rot ctonof ictlcts general post olnvr montreal usrh april 184 public notice be ur- day ihc tuth day of june nrxt for rhc pur fn of choosing a presiifenr serrctaryand three trustees for ihc cfliuin jeor os ihe a rt direcu colin mackenzie pncsidcmt bath may fi 1s4i 69 and qucenlon upwaatw leases prescoll every sunday evening at g u cjork broekvillc aame evening kincstoi monday isoyjeek noon qsnvfia mondav mlil lrtoilack i it uolftitliies a nnl rah rough pooil there asjprftstl containing oncfifth of an acre each adrrnrawy adapted for the budding site of pajesi gcmlemen ti may he nlmut lo beenme residents at tho scat of government li rviiiiirea no practiced etc to discover tlie itrcrcni as uing one of the let ppecolations stsjrj is hereby given that a meeting wil held al the bath academy vn sat i lo mr joha h c or ai dia apply aanas kingston isllimay 181 1 vlt for sat at the thfonicle u itva omie a choice asaorrmenl ol pociet bi- bl notice the onikrsigned bavinf entered triro co partnership under the firm of maxfieldsheitakn 8 to onvr their services as general agent ana commission merchants in ibe city of quebec they are provided with a urge store and wharf and will bo happy to rv cewe consign rocnu offrj- lutke and other produce irt which liberal advan ce twll immediately be made on fiirnh- in- tho fonvarderv rvxeipt to j counter k kingston wtritmain maxftkldshepparp trrrenrej counter eao kirpwn qu may 1st go for sale by tie subcrtrer ssak boeapip aawf mbnai ppcr canwla wlutaey r hit rae to let possession given the 1st june nexr ml iho napanec hotel ai present orett pied by h b wickham enquire if by letter post paid to the subscriber al napa nee alex campbell napaee3rd may 1841 s in walker machinist and printing press uanvae- turrr aofre dorse strut opposite the rteouct cairra respectfully acquaint the trade that he ia prepared to execute order for presses ofthe most approved pa tent on as moderate terms as those at which ihe c n he manufactured in new york giving to the porrhaser here the ad vantage of receiving ihem free of duty persons cferirousof encouraging tho in duitry of resident in the country and at the same lime supplying themaeiet with unexceptionable articles bv calling at the printing office of aft lotvf in si ni cholas sired may examine a pnps9 now in uae made by james nelson walker attention is respectfully spirited ro the following cenineaic montreal atssul april 141 we the undersignefl printers certify that we have examined a priming press now in use manufacturer by mr j n walker of montreal which we believe lo be eflual in workmanship to any imnortcxl irom tjew york ami ns well adapted for the general purpose of ihe trade as any of thrwe pres ses now generally ised in the province mmrt starkc johs lovrtin louts tcarailt joiik r akcxrr jcel pcrravxt john cision tiiomas kvas j e i nilfcr ectca caax jj wiliums l c lartthicr donalo nacoonaln john aikmav h rraxirs list of pa1ckv samc iv 1 1 rxpoe tr ir midland distrirt which i sate at the court house at kingsioo aid midland dirfrict on monday die alt day nf july next at tbe hoar of 12 vlorl novn any rvraoa or person having cbimano ihe above itocribed prispctty are whirried in make the same known tmc al orbefun rhe time of sale aucdonfll siftfjtd sltenfta oftce kingston 3rd april 141 mini sheruffs babfi aftdaaef duxitf i rg of t wtti mjm ttritof mtttc uicnt wned enjl etf her majefya srir court of ihe soid dihirict and to me direru ngainst the estate real and penpal of jo florae lrascka an alsscondingiv conceal hfcc llie ptaalte much lea to observe thai fronl the local advantjges with which ii i 1- r i nnd iho particular epoch of it briageaawtj foeaale it cannoi fad rapuu toirtrreasein value thetic lot are well worthy the attention of peiauns nhoul to build as ut an opportunity nitl not soon again oreur a pun may 1 seen and teem known on nppticaiion at the aocrioo ritomn of tbe tvbcriber fi doors south of the rank ol ihc people kioksireet thomas jonksfarlv kmgum hhmay 1841 9r wanted student tothe akhitcctunl pro fession apply to mr browne satrcautff a ee will in required kinjesion itsi april i8rl 85 notice liervhv giveh that a third and finrf ividend of itf d in the pound nn the tml estate of mr archibald mcdonell laic forwarding merchant al kingston i lhi day declared payabv on the 1st day o june nexr apply at the nsce of mr t geaiip storcstreet orspoaite the coroner na bank km a may i 41 91 li steam boat notice imperial dd do do super rnyi medium v ar a p no nn no no l4 as ntw york oooo 2jo00 240 00 m0 0o 30 00 copying presses printing aamiai nnd t printers and binjeis toots on tt hnrtet notice theauhsciucr will receive and cute orders either for england eanj or scotland by charging a conimissioo wm wilson kington mav lllli is4i oxc- ire moderato will until further notice ply be tween the following porta prrt coir kingston 0wce- wellington co- burg port hone bond head hartor port darlington whitby toronto hamilton niagara lcwitton and qucenatoa crwaaos leaves preseott every sunday evening ai 6 odock bfockville same evening kings1oi monday isnelnek nnon oswego monday night toovlock and oil tuodavcall al wellington co hnrg port hope bond hed harbor port darlington whitby sndnrrive at toronto on he amc night leave toronto on wed aeaday mornings at 7 oclock hamilton at 2 oclock afternoon and arrive nl niagara qoeenstonand lciyiatonnc evening downward leaves iewisron and qucenston evciv thursday moniingat 7 oclock niagara do 8 nvlncat tr itj on thurailay aficrnoon 2 ovlock calling at wjiiiby port dariington pood head harbour port hope cobourg wei mmiirtira j liwjs aw ir i wlnclr were of jnaeph mnsieri deceased i the ime of hi death in ihe lurid uf ba bara motscr ildnnnislratrix of all and sin gular the coou cballela and cntdiii which tvere of joaed monrer dreeased f iho linrfc fn hm death la be administered 1 ihc suit of horace ycmnun 1 arise nnd taken in execution as liclonging to lb said joseph mosier declared atibotmo id hi death lot number seven in the sccoo cuncesssion of the township of loborou in the ssiaj mrdland dirtnct which i aril ejoc for sale on monday the twenty lourlf day of may net at ilse court llotne ir tviouf kn47an titthcliourof 11 uowt noon any person or persons having claims on llic above drerribeil property are lecruesict lo make the same known ro mc atorbctors the lime of aalc a mcdonell siwrsjf m d shcrilt orttce kingston md february 1641 tbim ff s sale by virtue of a sher midland district 1v vikueofa v to mt i of fien factas sned out of her majeaty court of queen bench and tu me drjcled ainst the laon i and tenements of james chamberlain av james fraseri at the suit of thomaa pj aodervon and william walker 1 lias- sciicd and lakcn in execution as belongin in the said ja i oca chamberlain and atnc eraser part of lot number twenty avl tisenty one ntid the west half of lot n6fi- her twenty three in the fifth conceaairm fl the totaahtp of kicxlerickabutgh in it mkleand diairirt uhich i wilt exfsoso tvf safe ai the cort house at kingston ia t aid midland district on monday die ath day of july steal at the hour of 12 ovtoc any prvn or persons having claims on ihe above r i prefierty are reueaul to make ihe same known to me at or before ihe time of sale a mcdonell sheriff m d sbcrrrts oftce kingtloa 3rd a pnl is4i soim lingtonand arriie al oswego otl frid t noon feavc on ie p in tin afternoon and kingston at 10 oclock on saturday forenoon an i arrive at preseott the name evening pt alt baggage and parcels at iho risk of the owners untea booked as freight steam boat office kington 10th may imi the turf a meeting of tho kingston turf club will he iield at rhe british american hotel on tuesday next lt june nsr at 8 ocloek pm to elect office fscwt or iho approaching meeting which taloeome of in llie end of july by order wm monro atrv jem kingston may 1 1sii ldi sheriffs ale miawt district ww -tr- to tvrr mm wrilof atiaci- ment iaaoed rjdi of her majetys ffcatnvi court ofthe anid district and fo me directed against rbeetate ceaj and personal of josci- gcorge lnucka an absconding nr conceale debtor nl die ttt of levi iv nicjirffitlyth sum of twentyfive pound i have seixevt all the eslak real as well as persona l of th said joseph gaorge xoucks aelmlir k west hair of lot number twelve in ih tenth contention of richmond and r- i the aid jecph ceihge loucksrelum wirhli tho jurisdiction of theaiid court and put i i bail to the aclon within tbrco caleudr montlii or raose the said claim lo le dr charged all lb real and personal estate o the said joseph george loucka nr so mori thereof as may be necessary will be hell liabk for the paymeol bcncth and satijat lion of ihc said claim a mcdonell sheriff m d sheriffs omce kingston 12th april ihis j s2im to gatlpmv farmers fqrsal a real canadian stvd horsb rising 6 years old war roniedscundi color daric bay of ihn fine shape and verr auperior acuon alas n lomloibii staxitope gcgrv as new ivith an excellent ti of no bros mounted harnea loreiucr within- capital waggons made lo order suil- able for farmers or leamalor wilh a caj- italsetofdutible harne complete ap ple lo thomas jones kinptan may 13ij isil t

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