Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), June 16, 1841, p. 4

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new hlmliilf coiduaiioil v 6trcronecaitfg establisotiibnt 1ulin haines hereby isv1 d mnee to ihcir friends and the public pnnerjije that thev ion commenced in the nuweiinc a prepare to receive cuiisig cms and act as agents c their j rc house now in course of eftfe- lia wilt tic targe c a nnnjiotii and secure it 11 situated oi water street nmoaa to met wm dirfcenmn co forward tnj stfawmml nj a row door sh of mr jno tat m chmdtfry start from ibor welt known character ami bo ines habit toeiher with their ion land ing in thetowii hainc hope to ubiaw a conluiuanrc of that favor and support which they have hitherto enjoyed as a fivan in the dy food bitiicaii they also embrace this opportunity of ex prying ihrir gratitude lo iho fricnda who have up to the present lime so liberally up- portcd them collin fc hmxes are allowed to give i v name of the following gemlemen a referee whose well known respectability they have o doubt prove highly ta tsfa ctocy jnhn conner esq- kin dofa premiss esq- rachardscouelleq william wilson esq edward h hardy esq he john mwat co qfecofhtr ahjaitft obj agent jsr i qvekc hili april 1841 w auction sale of vauablereal estate ill he vm at flblic alc ion it vance bkwell rj tfca d ham esq osjran phelps eq abrham tma j mc edm clark gore smderson esq mrwrs rom armour ft mi- s foster co mm scott tyre co h b c h beg io n j cobotlf toronto st catherine- rochester 0wego ofijcriibnre brock vlle co montreal montreal h rxnvinj their h friends that although their own store it not quite finlnhcdl thev are roe rradv to re ceie con inments act an agents or other mrjse fulfil the duries of ther new calling having in ihe meantime procured store room in other premise kjupiaft april iftii 1841 82 moffat ufr pjuv a0 frttxmx hltlera nirpftrik4trienrs uctlbt irf3imnt uf aim rtvt vprt4u ta fc r tluffatsllfk meol- ctxs iiiiw liftr 9 iiir o4tnit a frbr- wwtrnf jt j6i itjfctc it mnfjnttj pro owilpctfrtt no nh uff iwrly e ibifffj cu h cin to rr 0t1ce contractor of romc tt ami other trms in waul of artificer oe lalijrcr are requeued tu irnmt to ihn ullte a slatcnwnt of wc nifitiberreqitirejttlie met of svn to paid prolawe pend wanted with pnee provisions and iu term ofhoafdnj and ojcmg in the vieintly also pcrwwliav- n lands or farms r sate are mhitnted thai they may transmit lo tins office fcxihr free iitspfclkmi and wiicnial onofemfant arriving froei ttk united kiogdom the parti- rutar of urh land or faroi t it rrques led the decriplon may be as particular a pnnue and if in print tl e rrmrc ilesirabv wilh name f ihe ft past otfice and place oflandinp a c buchanan cuttii chtcf afent otcen milter mills coach builders from london eg lean to inform the inhabitant of kingston fcnd the puhlic jroerallr thai they have opeed a branch of their e lablishnient in this lown in store street a little above the scotch church and hope by strict attention to huainess o merit a eon timonee of that liberal and disiingmthcil patronage which has been hereiofure be- siowed wpon them for the last seven year at tswito- n b for sale an antortmentof brits- kass1ngleand double phae tons light wagons sec c- of the latest farhion and bet material and workmanship i tios blbttt m thi ioinfoy uic f twelve ovhicfc ah carriages ranted twelve month ksssplm my 8 j84i- hsiilt io order v r sri wnww o mr t sit sripfjtaac mfli wh ibc pnr fluted prnnim rot 1 fi by hir rirltflslji4hout umfr lt mftcm wc cifitm in ot rhrtr uii hn cide4 lw- vtmd tt nfr ay ipwir ofdel nirndtjiii u m snd trttjuvhifii wnmirw coahdrner latrfno fill ifcr ur vf nir mdnnftio biv liltvw- vtoti ikr lifc mctxcint am pufrtrvege- tabli prrpiraiinpi truy mm ntj jum n ihnr t rim4 nd n isr sun nirviniojt titagrpimv unnilirtjriiocir lm 7 m rrte vftl u htf- ad n- uitu rtf wtlsi d panlvtof ujt mnd fir slm rr- ill trtlf i cmm of ii lh tllv m9s ll pu ltf m me par fumr kinnt hr ftttoftp- 4 fcrdip l rhejrttiithn frtf rr f fj i 0rp4a8d un t leaf hum diji the fcmj pji t ihe chrsl fliiustrh impoi fl aprut n4in rtrn asfsm intf m aft jvny f l4e htaod iltrjrrc1aehriirar atrh uar f lhn mnttrtr m alay p ubni4iihrtuarrt9 o n fttiwr all mr m fli vr hi piftau t to rf iiir iniah ihrm anrlv nolfte rft in faeitanl it i not uy a nvwtpijwr nntr rhi ht luj lhl its aktnrf nw it ttxfrii kt k fcap tft tsia cfd lit jla in ih itir itiil i uir rvhdr atntm imt tthtmli4nttftrvrv i uftpr 4iiasi4i jj usstnvv4i i io mr moftij iprui in hi plcr rnd rvocnrr a iv mf n drmard a a 0 fflricgwdr i hmiiii mnlhm ratimaurfy u wilt ihrr nd f no nrnlrd tw ftv rsiraer tuawy r a i r tonts tiaciu miur r hta nwn v m j oftcc ih frw i m slibmadinir tv aoate no6jr cdirno ere sola oy x plfr iftto m eiijn fo 0 wry grwoj oyivvliijmijaflj rrfi cinj fcrrpi a genera aul crrrn cwmenr kiiriior february fii s4i wanted immediately four ouwyavsi ossusd voars good and steady workmen will find constant employment on applying to adam main kmpton april 2sih isil so to canada merchants ephen k george storm have removed frotrt 27 ccmics sim to i no 46 water strer fr dime eat of coentes slip and otfpr for sale on liberal terms the ivdowin goods vis 500 half chests luw priced young hyson teas 3m cheats fo prrsne young hyson d r chesia do prime hyson do 200 cany boxes y hyson and hyson do 120 haifcheatsgunpowdtrstlrapcrial do 75 catty boxea do do do 500 man cassia 20 kegs various qualities plut tobacco 120 half b0t 32 hand do 10 boxes lump tobacco 12 st ibhand 350 jars caleb williams celebrated kta- boy and bergamot snuff barrel cut tobacco hhdi muscovjo sugar bbu do do low price hhcs mob uw price bags laqmra coffee print do st domingo do do rio do do jura do boxrsgfound i 1 lio ss 10 30 h0 200 50 0 50 i ml 20 50 200 120 v 100 30 20 25 50 150 200 50 50 20 a commercial bank wtotii is hereby given m d that an p p- puration will be made to ihc legis latorc at rm net session by tlie president drcctor and company of tlie commercial raoltof the mlarj pistrki fr an actio cueease ue capital of the institution by order p a harper cciattr kgston 29ih april 1841 7 for sale the imported durham bolt heart of osk heart of oak ww brgnpm frni1 tgand m the spnnj f m7 hv cat steward of younge 5tw nvae ts fnw purrhaw from him iit j d mataa c of bamefied near kmon on tlie istw april 183- hean of oak s now six years otd ijrr l very ladj v j waslmiht jt xdgisq scotland he john gov eo of moflhvuberlaisd england pgc from ih- herds bonk rv arvhibiw dam ollamme he allhrjn t3ldau uyola by irth bft p d ismr h- nvihr f 7y i co j- iy srrftmj vh i j g g g d lr hy 5- f- ff d udv bird hy pimrh koe of archibald is aa usm roan jw m hy lnrl althroi by frrhy 100j dam thetwi o do pepper do do ginger do do autpic keg round gmgcr pure tierce prme rice bxe low prred raisina jo imnch mukatel rln liwm do r r bags pimento aq pepner do race gingr r bbla spirits turpentine bokh srcrm candka iv rt do lemony do oranee do siarh barrels mlentus do madder do company nutmeg 50 jr casks low priced port wine 50 do do madeira 60 barrels boston rom 20 pijses hollands gin imitation 100 boxes windsor 200 do bar soap 50 do variegated do hhd imiiaikift jamaica rum at the imi of pivxur town of hamilton on fth day if jvty nei at unon a vcrv valuable farm situated about i til rml from the town of hamilton in the ge dtrsct m the strife road icadingiywn hamilton io nia- goraeooiainng230 aero 130 of which areina hijfli siau of cultivation and being rvnpocdo1 ll no 30 andlmiherd concession of the township of salirittt tliere ore upon this farm several nftd dtvetlinghoures and outhimscs j onef the fiott orihords in the district ii is al vraysi welt watered with a durable sirvam of water running ihtwgh it capable of turn inga milt a mnei favourable oppnriwntty is here presented to the enierprmng farmer iw farm being sluatcd in the midl of a neti ayneultural district unsurpansed iry ttj m the provide ir ihcriehises and projective new of ilrjt and tyingnearilie to 0 hamilton a ready and convenient market for all article of pnducc tiftmt oiwthird of the pnrchae money to lie paid down onethird in atx month and tlie other onethrrd in twelve months fiom the day of alc apply at ihe office of mom maenab oi hail xn hamilton lames b- ewart eq agent commercial bank dundaa james loekhan esq afrnt commercial bant niagara mef suarhan boms gat rier nd john cameron eq catihier offirc commercial bank toronto robert henry en cashiec office coinnereia1 bank cobourg john turnhull eq- belle villc i david smith esq picton francis a harper ej cashier cmmercia bank kingaion james morris eaq cashier commercial bank brocieille jom ste vetiion eq agent commercial bank bv- town thomas wilson esq ayot com inercial bank montreal allan nmacnatl tomnlo 2th april 1s41 ssfils the torblii pairiol tfpfino loul kfilo- cokwi ganitf and moniravj w wiltpkik smrl ihs show enil the aty k ahj l4c lah dr ad ibcir acrvuuj u mmit 4mrtila nd bufft fuljii solfbyvl buca tcrlun iwcil prnknisr y oiyoscd nfry rvtwfl d atisurleys 1innhamilto on tte fijtk dey cfjuty ntxt abeauflful farm being composed of part o lut abssfcr eleven n mc soktn front con south cf dtinrfaj tret in the core district containing a tffe tk orc hundred jicre of vatca six art civved here are uoon thi farm an rxee leni jg house oc barn k an oicli aid ifrml trees if a superior dfseripitmi it is well watered and wilhm a short drisneeof the vdbges ami shipping ports of llttlingtqx oureand oaawrrr lowhirh paces it ts comatunicateil with by gonj roads and where the siramrr bvuven hamdton and toronto touch daiiythu isering an easy and speedy conveyance of all kinds of produce to numerous and excel km alaricfs tcrhx one ha cash and for the other half a credit of 12 monihn will i given isrtt niv s toavn i cpplraron b jsm cmsi i d a t l f lamj up it i tut mvi vr tflu pin ha tsujtfmtv aa4v jatrssli fxrtctoras tn wmr iritiady rttrefir mr jantnjitrrijn dnfirt crura tfct hr hwi am niif irr d cir frrilrd mlojwg iyi hi oouk cnoir iisfiiv r h tsrli oi llatlnn alreiyfceri- lw anj brc-e- cjinj jii mttou 1- eprttavlnrsk jac wliwh avrnih thj nn thflajwid u h vr iiidr i n name l ii tlwaiaeriiei by o iwal i lm tftiiivr itlnmclio sic cotll itui luifctir lnirmwrj- llnlswoaamtaanlkeie frver ml pltucur htatiar od snniaova wad- iihkilv 1 ihrikin arhch jkiir vihfmdiot ibfwjml itir iuh en utltvie- tli i nimdi ipp ine c- st ixcvldrro in ia imp it amimdtsf nr w m sf cassiknni iih 4tj ito lr laren irisns armirabti vilh rt iraloird pctfci sfemass4avbswy hflnssb jci w scd iy apriialp crn f dtfrd at a- i ntrr itir cp r hkw iiros u ijfc br tfoktftc l- 4pftlufo ptm rti n- c fi i- p frrpijeniof cn r0a lwalathjuiitf tm- kf rttralhif erfalthir ftp iamimi dmf f imwliat uo frrriilr rur4 v urg vaprr mrs fltlfcrs of iasrss j mhfjn r vr-nc- br ii a it rtrorir h 9ilri nai rqrsd f lb sia i bs tt hatu a arig urfr ala t ro vna wwwd by lir rfiod i h wits coo om4i vaa perkylt f- t 11 dr haatlot5u aj cfln a f rrnty ftnl ti irprskund amrafltui kinf- a4 milrtlhinkdcir wjm c hrl i bwj vif w iia4fc- lrbu ifrat mrrrl wara f bwt lhrrf- jump a smak i ujiie rrtwt the mvowtn entinite n lis a praclmo phrsicmi and a much rnpeclrd deqrjnsl of the hioi society dated mo den town dr jivti drar sr i have been unnp yoit exktorant extemivelv in sny ptacticr ht ihr w three months snd for all attscks of cohsi olraalofl nfthr luner connptioo ailhiq nin and wesknrsi of the breast it i cccnthy the best medicine j hare ever tried vry reiprclfrdlv vour h wwilliams hd umu other eestilicjtesimihi be adder bit the arc consijeirdiolsciesilerdeftrr of it etl aeftilrrt ptcpjrd ontr hy d d jayne ao 70 nfuiih trd slieel philadelphia fke it vw b- em- luff general acmt mekrt ilatxr iv4 by wm mackin tosh sywnkh liatle osm kington w information wakted illiam henry atkins from dromannnray county cork vho emigraled lo the province of jnr canada inanv yearssince lle former havhsl settled m belleville tini the latier in kirron and wvre jiving in those respeet- ivevwnsin 1s7 wdl hear of something ro tr advanago on appcaijon to james mkerr qic st lowa heights mav 13th is j km to let large room onihe ground floor in tc hmje nf ivisitn comcr r and quarrv streets wdl make an qrjttltoslmi possession immediately ap transportatjon to and from newyork by the lake and river line via oswego without stop or transfer at albany this line is com peod of first ciaa lake boats travelling day and mghi performing their voyages with the ut- uwrt ivulaniy ivrson ah irmmg by this lm may nrss arnured that pw pains will i sparil to forward all property wih the greatest despatch and steam boats wilt be employed 0 hen praciable t all cae for goods deitmed to poita on lake onta rio a fiiflirwnt number of vessels are con nected with this lnc to ensure a tncedy transmitsioii of goods to the upper lake and the agent at cleveland will be prepared io give every facility in the for warding of merchandize destined for tlie quo cana charles smyth jr ifsmyth 1 1 9 broad street n y c demoiing c co cieveland ohio rrfertntet charles smyth nathaniel bavis wmkm buckley smyth metric co a b allen c- j mcdonald kco igt j- cameron j rleeharty co thome a very h wdur o psark cs wnite jt hooker sanderson murray huth cnluer jmnilelierc4co hollrster bolt albany do sacfcetsh clayton ogdenahurgh gananorjue toronto huron o- ulica syracure cape vmcent momslnwa brock ville kingston st caiherines sanduskey o leather j murray uaa for sale sole t harness leather calf kip and morocco ainu linings and bindings wholesale ot rrlail caih paid for htdes and skins tuiwthy and flnx seed kingston dcr 19 isio clovtr seed imlll e kme fresh seed for j vt- brent dm ctt aiuc stmt ktrgston fehniarj- 3 lml 09 anguon 6th may wm is1 wilson 0 the i ym iirctai jtiakmi v rri rv hesimcntrwill reeeive and exe- nie order either for eland ire int or scotland by charging a moderate r wm wilson crpvajttmvv iwi 1si gsml ihavmg soap 20 bbl new yba io mav o do 181- m t r r ru pi archj sr 4 bulk rvw c vorliiircman g d vr matciew huiton cleau inedl john mm u 4th april b37 fnvvf pnrtr frm lit jpphraiito rmarks i rem nivnr brriefiem mat 1 i c r tt i by craw kit u rr tilt subflilmi ha on lomj iij riin n priren tyxceucstjsqbtvesi iuala sad fumy on in ihs nrwmrr adfinmg ftu w kr sfnrrx m of njwy nnil u 11 i new goodri he sousenber arc now receiving hy reiwi arrival furni london ltrr- rot and fiywostt therspnng mpnlv f staple zo ftxcy my goods comprising atao r thing ustially wanted in that lin amongt whivh are the foiiiimpf i fine and stipe cichoi cameres fancy cm meres and tiowcting vcsiutg in feat v chminrs gamhrrnnnd sumnvcrmuf while ami brown lnen dnlle k imt cnitun lining tailnn trimmings nf every description umnemc ctiorir tvlne shirting twilled shirting stripes c4uhi cheleorul ginghamt mofcstpts ruaveruvn and vetveis gmdri- sniuviis 3tand 64 treks insftusmfi lawn and hamlken hief biaik ei cototircd suwlars and cnban rrown hritaiuj and holtassd shirtrngs printed mltfltrhiid catime hnmhaze n mermn nd saxonv cloths ijntn anl ffirred oileim curtltss ham and prnted mmrini le lainca d do ire a metal owntof smi riuon ut ctrf ifaifr 6fct oierrfdsar- ry and wf icorrs atn of the pdck1ce fro hiles i a 7j in grrv kh t cr so d water tucoiinn yarn io d- sirpertssr imperial and rrvssyh ratpttx iuuiert armoi rcccn mntrtreal msrj 1 sn r j r l it e1ir cven thai ihe an- st altiknkical mketinfi h iie stur rh bank ill mklahj 0 wl ic at the honk irmnrday ihr vienih dai uf june rtrl mt w nvlm k ihr luspom nf ikt nriitiiii nme twelve nimillih hi nissvrrflvllsmll t a iiarplut t tu k w m i iv vj its oierjand ipntie in toronto dunjas niagara cohourg brotkville bytown nd montreal or to mcsm strachan l b rns sivctfer atias slretff toronto toronto 24lh april lenrl sjsils q th toronto f4triot 11 iii on iijiir kmrifri cvjprfl b o jjriir and mvtiirral h- u ftittfwtmimriiltciivi until ikditofs cdoo or vefb that dj od their atoini mctir slf jcfrbil td lilmi i ii ioffa l ast rlrtinl nil irqtned in s vlkati eiuxmx btl ill lltrm siih ilnjjiimtffie hlmr i l tv pita tens n i l mdic m ai dibits i mrlnrti ft ltif i tl uw- dd rm 1km kw ar th iv a i vb tiirimli 1 ii jr r- t- i iui rrty intv k- awn kv sll4ff llll iditfil fr ibrtl nf ihr atrdiiftm llc tlcrttrenrm b w afei lwr astra- am1m r fr senw pjfl rktniitw fotrnnrh atur obnjir htu- iaiiitomir oi ilw rim lhitirr al- prii lhrsjhritlviir ih- ij net i i m ii ptmhtroui lhi hralci evr kiitd trosiiat rf hi lvtnr ureais a4 in allfvivll 0n ntfit ilohlt oi xts cfliaaiatt rny u wed a irfsm uoiafso r rdr t- euir hfsmi heal rsiiniim c iii iim- ai ce irt ll uler on lur pt k i p til ltjir hi t lattfisaipeirthira i iie i o itoi ctn lfpct i id n b i k ir ir j lb- is 4 ml wllut 0 m ilseh ind vlu rtlsivl unirtiihf bivsihorac bfflharmfm ftfuied d a h d miirkar nrdual ysiii is it nnrarr r- lamsv nf idm vfnr p roil unttcllols tusriiiettionan mt hit initlil eiliitt at mi ial ma t daaghh lmneiic h hamt nm aorntoi in rsa tf hie asl ptisriataal il ail ihtmtiap prmltamr4tal wm- moffk i ar iv aetsu kiftl feeniter 50h lands for sale ot no 1 eatt half 7th concesjon north of ka line in the township ol udf itland eontaininj on hunorid acnre lit no 21 in hth concession of town ship if pwtfandf containing two hundred aeirs ld no 3 in 8ih cciftcewon moth uf liort tine in township m wolf isarj rotitttatiis 0s huded ames iv particulars uppw to edward noble knpton 7th nov 1b40 40 for sale w ot no 224 in the town of kingston hj itnated in barrack street with a roomodmitit hnue suited to arcomimxhie iwriamhes aivd at present leaded toller minmyft government jjtno five no the west mde of the grid kiver cataracmi io the towtlliip of k jiion on the mtuitreal rnad within htiui ihin p i n u v o u u ilto psmatw efrcetoot is n itlwrnt rxespcsm i v jjujhlr jh m nutev wak nfthetiwn vi kninn ahich will be divided mio lot to ctm users auo vts no ten and eleven en ice miv ofihevid rwer cataraqui m jrnl township nf kmrtton with atoui acris of itnpnived land with a civki e and bim t hereon ervried there v l well of water npin the premwc h pee stuaw ahoiit three and a hill at- and puo 1 itei ihe f hi aey whn imefrim the town o kingston on the sltrcal road r torseulan apply to lle sobscriber vh will poiitl out the premicc john mrlean kiswalon idth march ism 76 henry bartlikf auctioneer if j uiaiioniit u ii ro- cnitiiriw a mild sud irvume disasv llsl siiotivhi it durjimn iroir uijcoie half awl unduee s eettsin nj spenfy rtcot rrv krotihall ida irj hkii will f uinlv ciiir flnavr io inlaiit jml sntinclntteii lal bsh ii ihmii to an hui tie live vt hm dnnbcfeurjrea dl 1 save amimltv hj tuvita krrpnlt on liaitd sdy fssrevetj em1 wtslan rt ite al tfo al nth leal stm phiujrltiii mi an by wm martlum ibionirlehfhleomire kisiloai1 i w pcnl io r foftslfa imp l jhr vesvhnriie store oluls worms wthtils to r- kitn li marh 1b4l iuve ibv titdiri nj ttrint j ttnfthr rtrarii swl uktu wlw hikln ti hk1 ami cmmmission mkrchant kis leave rejptifuter ut anrnmnre in the rlri lhtfhjvmff left mr rlvtnn eirimihmmt ie lias ehi im utait nn irs own acrouni in tlie olive iticiiirv ami hnpe r tr jet atlentiin nml itmhtv to met it a nhre ofp ic pn t adjmn am for the w mil altai i a e4ln i irmttn miniil iiiin isamth ti hswaeri kr j tnlt hjh the rillh lr javm 4cimll mi i the refill hill lk ii t tun fitfalio wnrw vi mbii wihiihi w4il mi jik civ iiiid ilrtilitr il tniwels ami iiitfnef itl u um ii hltttmli tbrvi i intse i pi e in htf the ii rte a iribrr hiatal uihiimi til ikx sm re t tt isimufniila f kirath rtirer ltihitir in liar rti ht m l hwhiiah rmnwwi fh ihs plraf hr kti t r 1 oo ftitvlall in kl veasrm ibr- ihiii iturroiii r lun 4 tirih iereed upmi lv tear- u s ill n limt iir i i mil for ih mi smith nli otitvn bv rsajplal ll rbr w ihi itatih tn 1 i t mkilli vu kmth pnttemnl- 1 i ariifnmi iim n thai ii ha- riirii aliiwe fine and lnpfc vs mder urn a thu i prir t mrrt illv fa tiifmi r r n ifri cash for pro0uce fwhe sutrkiiher will pay the highest m martel pnre for clean merehsm- alde wheat pease oats delivered at his storei on the commercial wharf at the foot of store street hugh calder kinfuon januarr imi tez 6000 wanted to borrow fwa term if years to is agreed upt secunty far the piyment tlthc prinripil will lie jiven on unuieittiilreridrnriy in the town of king- sum apiis at mt otlive uhhin 0a7 oaee j kington loth feh ism j hi william jouxson despectfrlly immateiohis ineruu ami the piihlie iwl he iih ie movcj to li cramsilip buildliie srnnd jmf l4m theeinf i btinl slurt niili side ofi market sjoawlaerc he will tie happy to wjk upon all who call upon him knfftnn sept 9 laio british saddlehy warehouse alexander dixon respectfully infirm the military and gentry of kingston that he is making the moal cnpeihtim arranremenis to open a sad- lerv warehouse ii kingston in rtmnexion iviih his esialilishment in twon to tvbieh will lie aopplied with every lllt- rie nf sduery and homnt that can con- titute a firt rate english etahlihrtienl toronto wellington buildin- vil 6ih tsl 1 815 wanted by a young man a situation as ctert n a dry goods store or as bh keeper in a counting house rofc renresatu character nnd capacity given apvv in e- d l ni this oltice chronga70stire ktnvton jan0 ll- 5snw r h ttrae or dr1t151i rorciqn drv good1 kingston mr jones aiads mnurclf of the ear lieu opportunity in infom his friends and tx pihltc in general thai be is pcepa rl torvecyve at hin rooms in kin strcei hi pvuii or pnvtiu wc every descnp tmn of ncat on rtnsuxal nnoricntv and like the imcrly of miesiig to thse tiavm siili in lipue of the advaniapi to ik derived at ihc fretnl trme from the ra jiidly im rcaairp iiiinrtatce and pojitilation uf dim inwfi appointed agent for l ha tmvnnsn i lumber brass founder etc ke mtnufoeliwr r nuie pumju xytttr vfauh tlfitand cjt larh bat inriitri ilxi av ac triitlemen hmlihii r rtuirin uriirlr nf tlie nhflve iejiiptioo will pirate msul ftpcrifiraiiriin of ilteame focwhich temlers will ie immeihaielv prnferrril either in tlhtma jrine km2 sticei kmton or lo l h twviisnh mimical k hij streri rf starr slioel mhv4 imi sa arr ac ir royal pavilion- the popncior of the above ertawish- nkcnt hefcs leave to reiin hi sincere thanks to the cmxen of toronto and the pumic in fcncral for their liberal tupporv since he liaa opened it toacooaint them that sot r are ready every day from ii io 3 and all other refresh mcvnt at the short cm notice 1 0 addition he has 6 tied ufi several ar- borjfl fr sumrer acroiumodatton srbcrt they can at all timesc furnished with the varieties of the season vta fnuns pas tsiies jsllics icc cams romav polf- ck mibtf jtlcpst sucnsiy colr- soda watch ginceb bttr lemon- apajfaftcrv- tlie subscriber keeps alivayi on hand wmea and liquors of j jperkr quahly and pledqea himself that everyexfitinn sjiall be mode to render the royal pavilion every way worth v of puhhc patronape william l stewart propricior- toronio may 20 181 n b buliaid rrooms are attached lo ihe eiamihmnt- 9im excellent investment fa km for sale admirably situated nn wolf island at a very short distance from the fer ry conttttinj of 100 acres 40 of which are cleared and under cultivation with an ex cellent dwelling house barn and every neeejrarj out buildmg thereon also a eon ant ftuupiy of jrood water c c- this property postewes many local advantages and from the fact of land in the immediate neighborhood having reeentlr sold at greatly increaaed pricis it cannot fall to bo as at tractive in ihe peculatcir as the aoricultur- ma for further particulars bppw to thomas jones kingston jsih may lsl bss to lease mior a trim of years three ils in the town uf kingston situated tn grave street apply o thomas a corrett aprils isu st to let alarce house shop and hark aiores with n rapacious vard and out house silirate in si ore street triebvnld ie r hiefail lh rvrf ef1ril nm inir- part ot the tfrwr- nnj are well adapted eithec for a wholesale esuihlrah- mentor anextensaw reail hujines apj4y at the chrnn g ouscr kingston 2nd march lsl 70a doctor jaynfs faxhly medi clntls ttirse tnrdieines ai recom- mrnjedand evtrnsitet usd hy the nosi irj- trltiernt person in the united jthm uy no- mrroui prefesmirs atij prewdrnts of comm phystcisnsnf ihr atmy and navy and oci hnj- piuk am almahows wd hy annie than thiee- hunilred clerymrn of vion rlrnorni nation i they air eprely prapsred fa frnily ih and h4ve acquired sn nnrclnif totjiu throiilioul the united suirft ami thy air amirjmy ratrnuted lo preserve health anl cure tsvcae im ufluly sboulj tvrt be without lhm tlir pioprirlor of lhw vatule ptepirslmns teerurd hi eihication t one at tbe het medi cal college ni uir uoilrd sutes md un ufi ween yri expttirnce in an exteeive an diveninol praftkr l which he ha hidamidr ofkirtonittrsoficqmiinaprticlllrnvtteiiee ot ihrasmfi and nf tfcc leawdirl test cjuuulrd to reffflvr ttiem thre rteojl1iuw roiitt of jayne expectorant a viliime iemety for canhcok conuupptiqe jwm tlfii f fch i i iii tieif frlt tlitltij trai uil1jaliuu a hi lnra or thro difficulty of btr silting aod all diseases o ine pulwinjrt organ si amjayxes hair tonic hr the preservation i owl h and hrwity of the hair and which will positively nun f new hiron hold heads and prevent its falling otl or tnrnine jtey- price 1 mynes tonic vermlfege ffcar- unt sjc and certain pietitinn lot ihr jr caovsi of worms dysrpis oorlttnr fever and aeui want of apeiit l n alt of drnililv especially of ihe moanch and lioael and orsns of digestion prict 50 el jaynbscar minativ balsam a r it ii n cure fa bowel mid iinmer rompumh riirihsr wurchatircr4mp sirk hed ahr out stauvitli rhoun irnthn sn i al drianemrnt of lav lomh and owrm n rou nr1rcucnsc pncesocu javnes sanativk pills for fecntr riiseasn lirer comidaints tivene fevfo in0amations omriiriiftnttirwjsi ihr slin ov casct where an apjomid ai- trrraiiveot purgative medicine i required price 25 ct prepared only hy dr 1jyne no 30 srjlh3dsaaneel rhilalelpansandmaybe had 0felhtffonrljrnt srkru har bor and win marktntdh cbionicle x j jetteu7ice kimstonl c for sale or to let the shop dwcin llrnic and bake ry iiliuv lately occurred by mr tsholl at napanee apply to a macpherson naporsce 1 3th fell ism ii7 book binding in all lis various branches neatly and expeditious exerutc1 at live cnbox- ierc gxitte orncn rornerof king ami broeli street a nuporor ruling machine in roniant operation for salr5t from ten to kifiernacrciof lind aunil two nnte from tmvn on tle bath rid p1cany tiiatcd adpiinioj mr cvtwrigtifs farm it will he old to one r matt hits in nut pure ha scry apply to edward noble king sihapr jm s6x for salk i iat r n n tin rnirj w ii im lie tkr h tll i i the s4itaenter tvitl krep connnl1 mt hand diminj iw mmmt nf nun bllhtlfta lrer uttu 9 lb i dd tinnanallv im 6f j ih huirl naiismrtl h dll in i ii ruh i xumu mi i in imi i nitikj all k willi n notice now wlinlcsnta wnithous the sidcrikr lngs in aequaint his l iihuer rnil the putdie generally ihni with a new of extending bus htwipstaw he hns leal fmrn ihitdjolm smith fsq- ihe prenis m front sircet formerly neu- peil lis mr alexander mvnabli he will irreivo pv lrt arrival from europe a very general nonmenl nf utitnttsjviatreisynrit ihorkuies crotkery 111 lunliu- rpiifihawi nre nnwill he t1iifiin rmw him id sailf nit wh mav favor hnn with their onr loth a ie aneuv pnre ansl rpiniiu hnpl jtisrrii it ma ph alu ii u w rowsell stationer and bookseller of toronto beg respectfully to annnuce to use in liahitants uf ktrgaiun and the pub k generally thai they have opened on est- abhuimeot in tlie above hue in brock street on the prcmifc latew oeeupwd by mr samuel mcgowan grocer tbetr prrtent slock imoricddurina the last autumn and on the mtfrll of ihe find spring yeielsfmm london and frequently during the season they will he receipt of nev supplien- their near connection with the old established firm of saml rowscll sox station tut 31 chcamioc los- 00 gives them advantage in the purchase of their stock which few pomssl and en sures them a supply of the very lcl articlea and at the most moderate price orders received for any article connected wilh the misinc to be imported from england or from the united states to ensure the ar rival during the proent season of any arti cle required from england the orders flbotm be given during the present month mortgage deeds and memorial for sile copperplate engraving cv printing let ttr ptss printings book bindtng fiv ntaily cxicvire a circulating li bra re it in preparation and will be ready for circulation as aoon as the catalogue can be arranged and pvrntcd aio just opened a hryc assortment of n ew music troin lorulon consisting of songs disetts quadrillet walue etc etc kingston sth may 1841- wt wanted student to the arrhilectural pro- fcasioo apple to mr browne arcahed a fee will lc recjiiirvd kingstonlsi apnl istl bh 0 let nod yard sheib and staue in store street enquire at thus oaee kingston june d js4i wz lands fob ale ix mjtlla d vtetoria districts mmm wxiw witotitt itsw jl irand fur sale in the nest uvsirabie parrs of every township in ihe midland and victoria diitriris and in the other diitncls of the province lil of which etiae be seen at every pj ottiee store and tavern in each township tr companys terms of sate are onefilth of the pirvhaa moner in cash and ihe balance in five teirlv lnttalrrtenn further particulars wilh any of the printed lists of land- on sale can he obtained hy applying in ruhard rinisall es asphodel or to the companys office at hwonio the canada company take this opportunity tn give notice to ncrvn n ho have purchased land vnm them and who mav i dennj of selling ihe unie that wiih ihe object of gvioc ihnn partes everv fariliij- and accinnniofutonjthry mil register at their osec toriah all enri 1andjt whith the pcvenl hotdcrs are iwirous of dirmitif ot toe cntsipari will thus hate an cktenivst iipiwhimiy of acteding infnrmtiora m thrvits who mn be seeking improved lands either ut themselves or ihetr fricitlv and ifaai- in their stiller- in diiyuung of llicsr im priivislfarmfrefofallchabgr tl i alaarafasjiatafsi jnivemf dnts h undertake any aevner whatever ronneitrd ailh this bimnc heymd ihat t ainjjat everv information io intendrg porrhsien full and preentf parttruar mating prior terms imnroitmeolfce to he arm in the com m isomer t toronto all let ters post paid canada conpnta office toromo slri may isti- 9mc tjic chronicle a uzollr i5 puahihrd rvcrv wrjnriuv and sstqi- ajay attv oice coiner of king and start street kiotnn e c jlll t ukiumtoa rvfrr ccrnis twenty shidin pet annum if paid io as vanceor within the lirst two months if paid at the end of lie yiftf tutnulive hiluc thrift of rfaftst ffaraw ip m six liars anf under sgdiiihipieiliaawi 7 earhqnnucriiiiujertioai l c ijuacdun- der j- id frst inrtion and i f luasc- recent insertion above irn linr 4d per u lor ihe nt insertion and mrwaaatantvr- eiy vibtajiaiitiuitton advertirinrniwilliojlurfirrrjirertioniia scttrd httormi and charted artordiaty il it reayetted that au mvrtit inert tt aaidrd ia an or prcisoasro tufdcycnd fri day errniirf noie received aiu r tm oclock onthe aioinin of publication- liberal disronnl mic 10 inerrlianlsand ola- er ivho adveiuve er three months and upmd any person procuring m tuwribris totae paper and payin- bunuetfir for ihe same shsji br eslitlrd to a seventh copy rotj saconnuy produce received in pay market price agents the mcmiho l wjatrjureh ttioanas parker eiq ilemv jones kiq u tt ltakcr rjq saoiiii curke eq f ii 1uie- joseph a krrlri eq tliornaslletnoifsi esq jnhn andersnn fsq memrckjmcesum josntulor ea wrn hoike eas william msrinlosh tq ctfitt rmusr esq andrew poitrstu- eq rhailei1iear eq- albnafrpheriifq alex darilsma kq iosiju tvl david smnit f-q- atphrm issarf rq- josn iticnrlk kq wa rjcith esq tieiire lvmi esq join mrfteiie i q j h hhckeifq jiorshavr eq iv tlioidni isq- jehnlttllmd fvq neil stoail kq atrhiwld mifanl f p mi sidoe d imi i prwtaule p m nei- ir waineit eq i auavftatlaiij hi urn i ivrriltel p amrliassurrl bah ii he rifle brock ville jt i town ciradm eist civtowc cotborne dcfftorrstrille frrdrticktburf f hauimsnd picton i ane asl er m mi ida meiitrrat mm isy njpanee niagara tetih pert ilrpe prewoil g kner trent kicknuaw il ajalirstt shariiiillr smilh fs ifwee ri- ollerk ir s1ineieo wallianislevn wiltnn iwitvisv- fislle w1 ic nam m i vim

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